Publishing Guidelines
situArte is a semestral, peer-reviewed, indexed nationally and internationally journal, attached to
the Center for the Research of the Arts of the Experimental Faculty of Arts, and subsidized by the Council of
Scientic and Humanistic Development (CONDES) of the University of Zulia. Its theme areas are the following:
Art, Music, Performing Arts, Film, and all other disciplines related to art and cultural manifestations. With
exception of reviews all contributions are peer-reviewed.
Address ______________________________________________________________________
To send contributions or contact us, please keep in touch through the E-mail: revistasituarte@ Or to this postal address: Center for the Research of the Arts (CEIA), 1st oor of module IV of the
Experimental Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zulia. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Reviewing procedure ___________________________________________________________
The articles must be unedited and not proposed simultaneously to other journals. All articles shall
be reviewed by members of the Committee of National Reviewers, nationals or internationals, who have
renowned careers in their respective elds of research. Their report will not be of public knowledge. The
publishing of papers is subjected to the approval of, at least, three reviewers. The reviewers will consider the
following aspects in their evaluation: Originality, relevance, innovation, theoretical/methodological quality,
formal structure and content of the paper, grammatical competitions, style and comprehension of phrasing,
results, analysis, critiques, interpretations, and also the performance of the established publishing guidelines.
Presentation of originals ________________________________________________________
The papers can be presented in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese. The recommended
font is Arial 12, doubled-spaced. As to the extension of the papers, please see the sections of the magazine. The
author or authors must include at the bottom of the rst page his position or academic position or rank and
e-mail. Three authors per article maximum are going to be accepted. The papers must be sent to the e-mail of
the magazine.
Presentation of papers _________________________________________________________
Papers should adjust to the following rules: 1) Sheet of information: Title: concise, in bold font and
indirect reference to the studied subject. Up to 60 characters. Subtitles are accepted. First and last name of the
author, institution, city and country. Abstract: It should have a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 150 words.
It should also include goals, methodology, theoretic foundation, contributions and conclusions of the article.
Key words: They will be placed at the end of the abstract, in bold font, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum
of 5 words; they shall be descriptive to make easier the sorting of the articles. Abstracts and Keywords must
be written in English and Spanish. 2) Structure of contents: Introduction, development selected by titles,
intertitles, general conclusions or nal considerations, also updated and specialized bibliographical references.
Explanatory notes that contain comments, analysis and reections must be put as foot notes. Figures,
photographs, graphics and charts will all be mentioned as “Figures and they have to be indicated within the
text. The Editorial Committee reserves the right of distribution of the gures according to the possibilities and
design of the journal. The gures will be presented in a separate independent le. Images included must be
pertinent, be included on the text and marked with Arabic numbers according to the order of appearance and
not according to the page: (g. 1), (g. 2), (g. 3). It is highly recommended to put all images at the end of the
article. As a general rule, it will only be allowed a maximum of 4 images. Only as an exception, it will be allowed
to put up to ten images. This will be subjected to the criteria of the Editorial Committee. Text should be saved
in word format and images in conventional format (preferably JPG), maintaining a resolution not under 300 dpi
and quality of original for its reproduction.
Hemero- bibliographic quotations ________________________________________________
The quotation of sources will be made resorting to the modality author-date-page, based on the
APA Publication manual. If there are more than three authors, information will be put between parentheses
according to this model: (Author et al., publication date, page quoted). Quotes with less than three lines of
extension will integrate the text between quotation marks. Examples:
This leads us to think that art is a reection of life, is nature seen through a tem per (Ortega y
Gasset, 1999, p.66).
Quotations can be made also in the following way:
Ortega y Gasset (1999) supported that “it isn’t easy to exaggerate the inuence on future art has always
its past”. Quotes that have more than three lines will be separated from text by means of indentation
of ve spaces and will not be between quotation marks. Simple paragraph spacing will be used. If
a part of the text is omitted, three ellipses between parenthesis will be put: (…). When the quote
ends, the data in the modality of author- date and page will be put between parentheses. For indirect
quotations, they will be used the same structure applied to direct quotations, omitting the page of
General character references should be avoided, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. The list of
bibliographic references will be sorted alphabetically by the authors last name and will be put at the end of the
text. Only references mentioned in the text will be included according to the following models:
Books: Amícola, José (2000). Camp y posvanguardia. Manifestaciones culturales de un siglo fenecido.
Buenos Aires: Paidós.
Article or Chapter in an Edited Book: Duno-Dottberg, L. & Hylton, F. (2008). Huellas de lo Real:
testimonio y cine de delincuencia en Venezuela y Colombia. En Luis Duno-Dottberg (Ed.), Miradas al margen
(pp.247-285). Caracas: Fundación Cinemateca Nacional.
Journal articles: Rodero, Jesús (1999). Los mecanismos de lo fantástico en “Sobremesa de Julio
Cortázar. Hispanic Journal, 20, (2), 327- 340.
Sections of the journal _________________________________________________________
Regular appearance
ARTICLE: Is a scientic work that collects partial or nal results of a research, where interpretative,
reexive, critical argumentation about theoretical or practical problems stands out. The extension should not
be under 3,000 words or more than 7,000 words long.
ESSAY: Is an interpretation or analysis of original or personal character, that allows the author explain
without the formal rigor of an article, a theoretical posture about the current situation of themes related with
culture and artistic expressions. The extension should not be under 3,000 words or more than 4,700 long.
Eventual appearance
INTERVIEWS: Documents based in a reexive dialog with national and international experts about a
specic matter that contributes to the development of scientic research. The extension should not be under
1,500 words or more than 3,000 long.
PUBLICATION REVIEWS: Up-to-date writing about current bibliography. Principal results of
international and national research are put in the form of a collective or individual book. Reviews must have
critical character. The following data must be indicated: Title of the book, name of the author, publishing
house, city, year of publishing and number of pages. At the end of the review, the author must indicate his or
her name, institution where he/she belongs, and country of institution. The extension should not be under 550
words or more than 1,500 long.
MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES: They are documents that analyse the results of the process of research
that accompanies the creation of an artistic product, which involves techniques, materials, aesthetical or formal
aspects of the work of art, as well as its contextual relations. The extension should not be under 550 words or
more than 1,500 long.