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ISSN 0041-8811
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Año 14 41
Septiembre - Diciembre 2023
Tercera Época
J.Vveinhardt & I.Jakucionyte// Challenges of Workplace Mobbing Prevention in General Education... 390-403
Challenges of Workplace Mobbing Prevention in General Education
Jolita Vveinhardt*
Ieva Jakucionyte**
Mobbing in general education schools goes beyond the organization, and not only the internal
environment of schools but also a wider social context must be evaluated in creating
prevention programs. Therefore, this study aims to review and highlight the specific challenges
of mobbing prevention in general education institutions. The research was conducted using a
semi-systematic review approach. First, a list of relevant terms, which were used to select
thematically related articles in scientific databases, was formed. This was followed by reading
abstracts and selecting articles for further analysis, which enabled to distinguish relevant
categories of prevention challenges. The study has shown that the main challenges arise due to
the used management models, inadequate responses of the school administration, the lack of
information about mobbing and procedures for solving this problem as well as personal
characteristics of the victim and the specific social context. A systematic approach is needed to
create prevention programs and conduct research in general education institutions, which
would allow not only to evaluate individual and organizational aspects but also to predict the
threats arising in the school’s social environment and the ways to minimize them.
KEYWORDS: Teacher administration relationship, interpersonal relations, behaviour,
violence, schools, management.
* Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Vytautas Magnus University,
K. Donelaicio 52, Kaunas, 44244, Lithuania. ORCID: Е-mail:
** MBA Student, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Vytautas Magnus
University, K. Donelaicio 52, Kaunas, 44244, Lithuania. ORCID: Е-
Recibido: 12/04/2023 Aceptado: 16/06/2023
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 14, 41, 2023
J.Vveinhardt & I.Jakucionyte// Challenges of Workplace Mobbing Prevention in General Education... 390-403
Desafíos de la prevención del acoso laboral en las escuelas de educación
El acoso laboral en las escuelas de educación general va más allá de la organización, y al crear
programas de prevención se debe evaluar no sólo el entorno interno de las escuelas sino
también un contexto social más amplio. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo revisar y
resaltar los desafíos específicos de la prevención del mobbing en las instituciones de educación
general. La investigación se realizó mediante un enfoque de revisión semisistemática. En
primer lugar, se formó una lista de términos relevantes, que se utilizaron para seleccionar
artículos temáticamente relacionados en bases de datos científicas. A esto le siguió la lectura de
resúmenes y la selección de artículos para un análisis más detallado, lo que permitió distinguir
categorías relevantes de desafíos de prevención. El estudio ha demostrado que los principales
desafíos surgen debido a los modelos de gestión utilizados, las respuestas inadecuadas de la
administración escolar, la falta de información sobre el mobbing y los procedimientos para
resolver este problema, así como las características personales de la víctima y el contexto social
específico. Se necesita un enfoque sistemático para crear programas de prevención y realizar
investigaciones en las instituciones de educación general, lo que permitiría no sólo evaluar los
aspectos individuales y organizacionales sino también predecir las amenazas que surgen en el
entorno social de la escuela y las formas de minimizarlas.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Relación docente administración, relaciones interpersonales,
comportamiento, violencia, escuelas, gestión.
Treating workplace mobbing as an analogy to a serious and often fatal disease,
prevention should become one of the most important concerns of the leader of any
organization. This is especially relevant in general education schools, where dynamic and
complex social relationships are formed and develop both among teachers themselves and
between teachers and representatives of the younger generation, who take over not only
knowledge but also ethical standards and models of social relationships. Therefore, in this
context, psychological violence manifesting itself in teacher interrelationships has deeper
moral consequences for the society, since ethical standards are also taught by a personal
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example (Wornham, 2003), while violent behaviour is primarily a “product” of the
environment that reinforced maladaptive coping strategies (Howard et al., 2020).
Victims of mobbing in general education institutions are usually attacked in the areas of
communication and social relationships (Droppa et al., 2018). As a result, they experience not
only negative physical and psychological consequences but also lose motivation and become
reluctant to contribute to the organization’s development, their own or their pupils’ academic
improvement (Akbasli et al., 2020; İnandi & Büyüközkan, 2022). Although toxic, violence-
prone personalities are present in many organizations, mobbing outbreaks manifest
themselves in far from all of them. Therefore, in recent decades, researchers focus on
organizational factors creating conditions for conflicts that grow into colleague persecution
(Cowan et al., 2021; Gulin, 2019; Shvardak et al., 2021). Creation of special preventive
programmes for building a positive work environment as well as constructive and efficient
methods of fighting such pathologies as mobbing can reduce the likelihood that mobbing will
occur (Gulin, 2019). However, the specifics of organizations differ, and in schools, mobbing
exists in the context of interactions between teachers, pupils and parents (Čech et al., 2020);
therefore, when creating prevention programmes for general education institutions, the
specific challenges arising in the complex ecosystem of schools must be understood. This study
aims to review and highlight the specific challenges of mobbing prevention in general
education institutions.
The research was conducted using a semi-systematic approach, which is also called a
narrative review. This approach is useful when it is aimed to provide an overview of a
particular problem or topic that distinguishes itself by different conceptualizations or to
summarize the state of knowledge and set the agenda for further research (Snyder, 2019). In
the first stage of the research, the list of relevant terms, which were used to select articles in
scientific databases, was formed. The second stage involved delving into the information given
in the abstracts of the articles while selecting and classifying empirical studies. In the third
stage, the categories describing the relevant challenges of workplace mobbing prevention were
distinguished and discussed.
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1. Results and discussion
1.1. The concept of mobbing and its manifestation in organizations
To describe violence causing particularly serious consequences, two terms emphasizing
the workplace are often used in the literature: “workplace mobbing” and “workplace bullying”.
The first, proposed by Leymann (1993), differentiates bullying of colleagues in the workplace
from the term “mobbing” used by researchers investigating animal behaviour. Meanwhile, the
second term separates specific conflicts taking place among employees from toxic
relationships between pupils. The latter were referred to by Olweus as bullying in the 1970s
(Olweus & Breivik, 2014). In order to avoid the confusion of terms, Leymann (1996) proposed
using the term “mobbing”, leaving “bullying exclusively to describe the interrelationships
among pupils. Nevertheless, both terms are often used synonymously, although in the
workplace context, they describe similar but not identical processes.
According to the definition proposed by Leymann (1996), it is maintained that mobbing
is destructive behaviour that the victim experiences for at least six months and at least once a
week, when the attack is performed by more than one person (Coskuner et al., 2018; Grzesiuk
et al., 2022; Vveinhardt et al., 2016). Meanwhile, the term bullying is used to describe
situations in the work environment where constant negative and aggressive behaviour of
colleagues or managers is encountered (Samsudin et al., 2018). In the latter case, it is not
necessarily indicated how often such behaviour recurs and how long it lasts, how many
persons are involved in the attack.
Leymann (1996) grouped mobbing actions according to five contexts of communication
in the work environment, when a person suffers in the areas of communication, social
relationships, reputation, work tasks and health. The causes of attacks can be the person’s
abilities, popularity, age and other factors (Kowal & Gwiazda-Sawicka, 2018; Petrescu &
Manghiuc, 2020). Meanwhile, aggressors often distinguish themselves by impulsivity and
narcissism etin & Danacı, 2021). The victim’s situation is aggravated by the fact that the
person is attacked not by one person but by a group of persons (Efilti et al., 2020; Minibas-
Poussard et al., 2018; Shvardak et al., 2021).
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The specifics of mobbing determine that it causes huge damage to psychological and
physical health, the quality of personal and family life and may lead to suicide (Karmanov et al.,
2022; Poirier et al., 2021; Leymann, 1996). At the same time, mobbing has a negative impact on
the entire organization, undermining operational efficiency and overall prestige (Coskuner et
al., 2018; Gembalska-Kwiecień, 2020; Minárová et al., 2020).
1.2. The specifics of mobbing in general education institutions
The phenomenon in question can be found in every organization, both in the public and
private sectors; however, studies show that in the education sector, destructive behaviour
attributed to mobbing is still particularly common (Efilti et al., 2020; Shvardak et al., 2021;
Vveinhardt, 2010). Although education is an important process in every person’s life, helping to
become a useful member of the society, it is observed that employees working in this sector
face many challenges affecting their job satisfaction and job quality, and one of them is
mobbing (Aras, 2019). In addition, it is observed that the quality of interrelationships between
employees has been deteriorating in recent decades (Droppa et al., 2018).
Research shows that mobbing is related to teacher burnout (İnandi & Büyüközkan,
2022) and generally increases overall employee turnover in the organization (Shvardak et al.,
2021). The most common victims of mobbing are teachers who suffer from school principals
(Cemaloğlu, 2008; Efilti et al., 2020). This happens due to power imbalance, as the person
occupying a higher position has more power (Tatar & Yüksel, 2019). Meanwhile, school
leaders themselves often suffer not from subordinates but from other persons such as parents,
representatives of national authorities, etc. (Cemaloğlu, 2008).
Analysing the sociodemographic criteria, it should be accentuated that, as in many
other areas of professional activity, the individual’s gender is not the criterion that makes him a
target of mobbing, unlike the position held and seniority. That is, lower positions and shorter
period of employment are associated with greater risk of attacks (Peker et al., 2018; Prevost &
Hunt, 2018). Other risk factors, whose management poses specific challenges, are presented in
Table 1.
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Table 1. Specific challenges of mobbing prevention in schools
Disciplinary supervision poses a high
risk of mobbing
Zafar et al.
The prevailing autocratic
management model influences
manifestation of mobbing
Peker et al.
Decisions applied by administration
affect teacher interrelationships
Uluöz & Yağci
The mobbing phenomenon can be
stopped by strengthening
communication between
administration and teachers on social
Yağci & Uluöz
Workplace bullying attacks where
more frequent when there was a
major role conflict and low perceived
organizational support
Harlos et al.
Unsatisfactory administrative
assistance was the most important
factor that has determined general
dissatisfaction with the workplace
Scheeler et al.
Often administration ignores its
subordinates and criticizes them
İnandi &
The problems teachers face in the
workplace are often ignored
Çetin & Danacı
Managers’ behaviour related to the
lack of understanding of the problem
prevents the fight against mobbing
Shvardak et al.
The spread of the mobbing
phenomenon is influenced by an
uncontrolled work environment
Yağci & Uluöz
The lack of managerial competence is
one of the factors promoting
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manifestation of mobbing
Lack of
Limited information about legal
procedures related to unethical
behaviour worsens the position of
teachers in the organization
Çetin & Danacı
A small share of managers is able to
identify mobbing and take
appropriate actions to deal with it
Shvardak et al.
Personality and
Teacher exhaustion was positively
related to pupils’ disruptive
behaviour and victimization due to
workplace bullying and negatively
related to social support from
Kollerováet al.
Teachers work in the environment
characterised by excessive
requirements, constantly increasing
workload, and a lack of supportive
resources. This environment
promotes stress, anger,
disappointment and aggression as
well as acts of bullying
Bernstein &
Emotional commitment promotes
teachers to stay in the organization
Vural & Peker
Having professional knowledge does
not guarantee high personal morals
and ethics
Patterns of relationships between
teachers, pupils and parents form a
specific climate
Čech et al.
Pupils and parents indirectly
contribute to mobbing by creating
negative opinion about the victim
Shvardak et al.
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Thus, four areas posing significant challenges can be distinguished, which should be
addressed when creating and developing mobbing prevention in general education
institutions. Each of them will be briefly discussed below.
1.3. Favourable conditions for manifestation of mobbing in general education
Management model. Management style is one of the key factors influencing behaviour
among employees (Uluöz & Yağci, 2018); thus, the choice of the management model can both
increase and decrease the risk of mobbing (Peker et al., 2018; Zafar et al., 2022). In addition to
that, it is necessary to take into account such risk factors as the organizational structure, long
working hours, poor distribution of work, unclear promotion opportunities, etc. (Uluöz &
Yağci, 2018).
Heads of general education institutions, applying the autocratic management model,
tend to follow strict rules and operate according to a strict hierarchy in their activities (Peker
et al., 2018), this way prioritizing not the teacher’s psychological state but the necessity of
performing assigned tasks, and in case of transgressions, a system of penalties is applied (Zafar
et al., 2022). Democratic management, distinguishing itself by flexible decision-making and a
more horizontal structure, is associated with a lower risk of mobbing (Yağci & Uluöz, 2018).
On the one hand, mobbing has a negative affect on the climate of the educational institution
(Akbasli et al., 2020), on the other hand, the better the leaders understand the school climate,
the less negative experiences of interpersonal relationships are recorded (Čech et al., 2020).
Administration responses. The response of the educational institution’s administration to
conflict situations determines further development of teachers’ interpersonal relationships.
Ignoring teachers’ complaints paves the way for the spread of destruction in interpersonal
relationships (Çetin & Danacı, 2021). This is one of the main actions of administration,
hindering avoidance of mobbing at various levels of the organization (İnandi & Büyüközkan,
2022; Shvardak et al., 2021). Such inadequate reactions are often determined by the lack of
knowledge and competence of the management (Shvardak et al., 2021; Vveinhardt, 2013).
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Lack of information. The lack of information about the phenomenon, coping opportunities and
special knowledge not only aggravates responses but also hinders preventive decision-making.
Managers who have sufficient knowledge of human relationships and their management can
exert more influence than those who rely only on their status and power (Akbasli et al., 2020).
In addition, due to limited access to information or scant opportunities for updating it in
various training courses, not only managers but also teachers do not know the laws protecting
them, legal documents regulating behaviour in interrelationships, which is why they cannot
apply them in practice (Çetin & Danacı, 2021). Therefore, managers cannot evaluate the
seriousness of the situation, while the situation is further complicated by reluctance to assume
responsibility for decisions (Shvardak et al., 2021).
Personality and social context. Often, important decision-making, reporting inappropriate
behaviour to management or leaving the organization are hindered by individual reasons.
Individuals who feel emotional commitment to the organization are more likely to stay in the
unfavourable work environment (Vural & Peker, 2018). In addition, enduring of colleagues’
attacks is promoted by responsibility for the family’s financial well-being (Zafar et al., 2022).
Another sensitive area is the morale of school employees. Research shows that values and
moral aspects of interpersonal relationships play a significant role in conflicts (Deikus, 2017;
2019); therefore, according to Wornham (2003), moral and ethical ideas and related issues
must become part of discussions about victimization at work. This would contribute to the
development of a clearly defined prevention policy.
Furthermore, a wider social context, whose important part is pupilsparents, must be
considered too (Čech et al., 2020; Tretiak, 2022). According to Tretiak (2022), there are
situations when parents submit a complaint to the school principal who, without taking a
deeper look at the situation, takes the side of parents and tries to force the teacher to resign.
Intertwining relationships between parents, pupils, teachers and administration show how
specific school environment is. In it, pupils and parents can contribute to the creation of a
negative opinion about a particular teacher, this way creating a favourable context for
mobbing (Shvardak et al., 2021).
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This study aimed to review and highlight challenges of mobbing prevention, arising in
the context of general education institutions, which are referred to as specific. The highlighted
problems draw the attention of practitioners to sensitive areas of educational organizations
and are also significant for further scientific research that would help develop mobbing
prevention programmes in educational organizations.
When creating the prevention system, four interrelated groups of problems must be
evaluated. The management style applied by managers in the organization can create
unfavourable conditions for mobbing to occur or, conversely, promote interpersonal conflicts.
The lack of conflict management competencies, which prevents adequate decision-making or
promotes ignoring the problem, contributes to that. The lack of knowledge of the phenomenon
itself and of the opportunities to deal with it is relevant both for school administration and
teachers, whose situation is aggravated by the commitment to the school and family members,
which promotes persecution to endure for a long time.
Solving the above-mentioned problems poses challenges not only in the education
sector; nevertheless, two topics warrant special attention. The unresolved moral constituent of
interpersonal relationships compromises education itself and may contribute to the spread of
workplace violence in the long term when present pupils become employees or managers
themselves. In addition, general education schools distinguish themselves from other
organizations by a specific ecosystem in which interpersonal relationships between pupils,
their parents, teachers and administration develop. Pupils and their parents are that group of
stakeholders which integrally participates in the life of the organization. Therefore, they
should be involved not only in the policy of informing about mobbing issues but also in the
discussions on ethical aspects of interpersonal relationships. Thus, a systematic approach must
be followed to create preventive programmes and conduct research in general education
institutions, enabling not only to evaluate individual and organizational aspects but also to
foresee the threats arising in the school’s social environment and the ways of minimising them.
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