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del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
Esta publicación científica en formato digital
es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
y Arte
Año 14 41
Septiembre - Diciembre 2023
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 14, N° 41, 2023
Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital
Competence of Future Music Art Teachers
Yevheniia Provorova*
Liudmyla Arystova**
Oksana Gorozhankina***
Ruslana Lotsman****
Dmytro Lievit*****
The aim of the work is to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of STEAM
technologies for building the digital competence of future music art teachers. This aim was
achieved through a sociological survey, effectiveness calculations, variation, statistical error.
It was established that most students' digital competence level was low (47%) before the
study, which affected their level of knowledge. Only 12% of the students had a high level of
digital competence. The obtained data contributed to developing approaches to training
future music art teachers using STEAM technologies and digital opportunities. It was found
that the use of the Vocal Range Vocaberry application has a greater impact on students’
digital competence, as the results are related to the detailed study of approaches to voice
development. This approach to learning contributed to the acquisition of high-level
knowledge by a greater proportion of students (71%). The practical significance of the work
is related to the possibility of improving the system of training music art teachers with the
use of digital technologies. Further research may focus on establishing the effectiveness of
various vocal training programmes for future teachers.
creative thinking, digital technology, teaching, music education, pedagogical
*Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vocal Department, Anatolii Avdiievsky Faculty of Arts, Mykhailo
Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID ID:, E-mail:
**PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Musical Art, Faculty of Pedagogy, V.O.
Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, ORCID ID:
7450, E-mail:
***PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Music and Instrumental Training, Faculty of Music
and Choreography Education, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University Named after K.D. Ushynsky, Odesa,
Ukraine, ORCID ID:, E-mail:
****PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctoral Student of Anatolij Avdievskyi faculty of Arts, Mykhailo Dragomanov State
University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,, E-mail:
*****PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Аssociate Professor, Department of Academic and Pop Vocal, Faculty of Musical
Art and Choreography, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID ID:
6427. E-mail:
Recibido: 18/05/2023 Aceptado: 25/07/2023
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 14, N° 41, 2023
Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
Implementación de tecnologías STEAM para desarrollar la
competencia digital de futuros profesores de Arte Musical
El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la efectividad de la implementacn de tecnologías
STEAM para la construccn de la competencia digital de los futuros profesores de arte
musical. Este objetivo se logró a través de una encuesta sociológica, cálculos de efectividad,
variación, error estadístico. Se estableció que el nivel de competencia digital de la mayoa de
los estudiantes era bajo (47%) antes del estudio, lo que afec su nivel de conocimiento. Solo
el 12% de los estudiantes poseía un alto nivel de competencia digital. Los datos obtenidos
contribuyeron a desarrollar enfoques para capacitar a futuros profesores de arte musical
utilizando tecnologías STEAM y oportunidades digitales. Se encontró que el uso de la
aplicacn Vocal Range Vocaberry tiene un mayor impacto en la competencia digital de los
estudiantes, ya que los resultados están relacionados con el estudio detallado de los enfoques
del desarrollo de la voz. Este enfoque de aprendizaje contribuyó a la adquisición de
conocimientos de alto nivel por parte de una mayor proporción de estudiantes (71%). El
significado práctico del trabajo está relacionado con la posibilidad de mejorar el sistema de
formacn de profesores de arte musical con el uso de tecnologías digitales. La investigación
adicional puede enfocarse en establecer la efectividad de varios programas de entrenamiento
vocal para futuros maestros.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Imaginación creativa, tecnología digital, enseñanza, educación musical,
investigacn pedagógica.
The dynamic digitization processes had an impact on the learning process, which
contributes to socialization and the possibility of expanding academic knowledge. Digital
technologies affect the perception of information, reveal the potential, develop creative
abilities, ensure communication (Kiktenko & Drobotiuk, 2021). Information technologies in
music education can also contribute to increasing the effectiveness of education and
influence the achievement of the necessary level of musical skills.
Training future music art teachers should involve the development of theoretical and
practical knowledge that forms the competence of future teachers. The use of non-standard
approaches to learning contributes to the development of creative thinking, which is
reflected in the quality of obtaining basic knowledge (Marín-Suelves et al., 2022). One of
these approaches is the implementation of STEAM technologies in education. STEAM
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 14, N° 41, 2023
Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
technologies represent a process of integrated education that contributes to its
modernization, increasing the competitiveness of future specialists in accordance with the
needs of society (Watson, 2015). STEAM technologies promote practical implementation of
acquired knowledge as a result of orientation to different positions, values that contribute to
the application of scientific, mathematical, technical, and engineering knowledge. STEAM
technologies contribute to the modernization of education, which is manifested in the
delivery of material, the possibility of variation in approaches to the development of practical
skills, the development of creativity, cognitive flexibility (Calderón-Garrido et al., 2020).
STEAM technologies imply a primary enhancement of students motivation,
development of research knowledge, in-depth study of the material, and development of
professional skills during training. In music education, the use of STEAM technologies
contributes to the diversification of knowledge, the ability to provide free access to musical
works of different periods (Zhang, 2022). STEAM technologies can be implemented by using
digitalization, which contributes to the dynamic combination of knowledge, the
development of skills for further successful teaching. Improving musical education
contributes not only to the assimilation of musical knowledge, but also to the development
of creative potential.
The process of training future music teachers can be implemented with the help of
SinophonicOnline, Musicca14, E-Book Maestro and other technologies (Bannerman &
O’Leary, 2021). For example, the Sibelius application facilitates the study of sheet music,
enabling the division of a piece of music for easier comprehension. The Sound Forge
application is used for the creation of sound remixes, providing the ability to adapt the
composition according to the students’ capabilities. The SunVox music designer promotes
the development of creative skills through the transformation of compositions. Digital
technologies are aimed at the constant improvement of basic knowledge, which affects the
introduction of new forms of learning and the expansion of musical horizons. This helps to
eliminate the limitation of educational resources and affects the process of consistent,
thorough, high-quality teaching of the material (García-Gil et al., 2022).
The implementation of STEAM technologies in music education is not wide-spread.
The studies analyse on the possibility of improving the educational process with the help of
digital technologies only. The aim of the work is to study the peculiarities of the
implementation of STEAM technologies in music education for building digital competence
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 14, N° 41, 2023
Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
of future teachers.
The aim involved the fulfilment of the following research objectives:
- Determine the initial level of students’ digital competence before the study, taking into
account the effectiveness of the acquired knowledge before the study;
- Develop approaches to the STEAM-based training of future music teachers, which
contributes to the development of students’ digital competence;
- Identify the element of STEAM technologies that had the greatest impact on the
development of students’ digital competence using the coefficient of variation;
- Determine the effectiveness of the developed approaches to learning as a result of the
identified levels of acquired knowledge and digital competence.
1. Literature review
STEAM education contributes to the expansion of approaches to the study of subjects
through the formation of a universal approach. Digitization of education through the use of
STEAM technologies can be aimed at developing skills for learning with musical
instruments. This approach facilitates the organization of the educational process, which
facilitates the combination of attendance data, homework checks, student assessment (Hödl
et al., 2022b). The iMuSciCA Workbench programme is designed to teach music using
STEAM technologies. The programme promotes the development of musical knowledge
based on technology, science, engineering, art and mathematics, as well as fosters creativity.
This approach contributes to a deeper understanding of musical material as a result of the
implementation of an innovative musical environment (Kritsis et al., 2020).
The STEAM approach in education provides an opportunity to develop teamwork
skills. Digitization of learning can be achieved through the use of Scratch Music, earSketch,
UPISketch and iMuSciCA programmes. It was established that digital applications used in
STEAM education contribute to the development of students’ creative skills, improve
memorization of information. Effectiveness is related to evoking interest in learning as a
result of using non-standard approaches zer & Demirbatır, 2023). Music education is
associated with the use of artistic and technical elements, which contributes to a more
detailed study of the presented material. Artistic approaches are related to the formation and
development of emotionality and expressiveness during the interpretation of the melody.
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Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
Technical approaches involve the use of a variety of digital elements that enhance practical
skills (Ramsey, 2022). The interactive integration of multisensory technologies in the process
of music education provides the possibility of detailed study of musical culture. In Taiwan,
an advanced approach is the creation of virtual reality technologies through the interaction
between the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and the Industrial Technology Research
Institute. Virtual reality contributes to the development of creative learning methods as a
result of combining science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (Ho et al., 2023).
In Korea, STEAM technologies are currently a traditional tool for learning music.
Students believe that the use of STEAM technologies helps to solve educational problems
and promotes competence development. This approach promotes the development of
creative musical abilities through the interaction of science, technology and art (Kim & Chae,
2016). Modern technologies in music education promote building professional competencies.
This provides diversity, improvement of the educational process, creation of alternative
approaches to education. The use of digital technologies contributes to the development of
practical skills with the help of specialized programmes, the study of theoretical information
through a game. This approach is reflected in the memorization process (Wan, 2022). Music
art is aimed at the formation of aesthetic interests, thereby promoting the development of
musical talent and cultural qualities. Digital VR multimedia technology is used for the
transformation of higher music education, which is connected with the creation of new
educational ideas. This technology helps to develop vocal skills as a result of learning lessons
of different complexity (Xiao, 2022).
The literature review revealed that STEAM technologies are used for the development
of creative skills as a result of combining traditional education and digital technologies.
2. Methods
2.1. Research design
The first stage of the research provided for identifying the level of students’ digital
competence before the study. The results were obtained directly from the respondents,
which also made it possible to identify the level of students’ knowledge before the study
through calculations. Approaches to learning were implemented in the second stage of the
study, which involved studying the features of STEAM technologies and the possibility of
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Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
involving digital applications. Modern technologies were chosen for training in terms of the
possibility of their use for the development of certain professional skills. The process also
affects the possibility of developing students digital competence. The approach was
implemented as a result of studying the features of more than 180 applications designed to
develop music knowledge. When choosing computer technologies, their theoretical and
practical potential for conducting classes was taken into account. Training in accordance
with the developed approaches was conducted in 2022 (October 2022 - December 2022).
The third stage of the research involved the identification of the effectiveness of
building digital competence from the proposed elements of STEAM technologies, which
became the basis for the development of educational approaches. The results were based on
receiving information from students after completing the training. The elements of STEAM
technologies were based on the study of musical laws, the development of practical
knowledge, and experimental skills. Elements of developing logical thinking and ensuring
social relationships were also included. The third stage of the research also provided for
identifying students’ acquired knowledge according to the gradation of a high, sufficient,
medium, and low level. The level of acquired knowledge in musical subjects is checked in
order to obtain the effectiveness of training. The possibility of correct use of digital
applications, which became the basis of the educational process, was taken into account in
the general data. Students were asked to develop a lesson programme according to the chosen
topic using digital technologies, which was reflected in the obtained grades.
2.2. Sampling
The study involved 135 students of Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv
and National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. The limitation regarding the
participants in the survey was the selection of first-year students who studied at the Music
Department and Vocal Department. Restrictions on the choice of students are related to the
possibility of developing scientific knowledge among students who have not had sufficient
musical knowledge. This knowledge can be developed during additional classes aimed at
developing students’ digital competence. All students were in equal conditions, which
required a preliminary study of the functions of technologies that were involved in the
development of learning approaches.
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2.3. Methods
The level of students’ digital competence before the study was tested using theoretical
and experimental methods. First, a sociological survey (Appendix A) was conducted, which
revealed the level of students’ digital competence according to their understanding. The
level of students’ digital competence was checked based on the possibility of listing the
technologies used, explaining the possibility of understanding their use in the learning
process. Next, the level of students’ knowledge of music art was checked, which practically
confirmed the obtained data. The effectiveness ratio was used for this purpose:
, (1)
grades for acquired musical knowledge, level of digital competence, level of
vocal abilities, respectively;
probable general assessment of the effectiveness.
A high level equals 9-10 points; sufficient level 7 - 8.9 points; medium level 5 6.9
points; low level 5 points.
The development of approaches to learning was based on the use of well-known
methods, which made it possible to study of the peculiarities of STEAM technologies
through the analysis. STEAM technologies were chosen as the basis, as they contribute to
providing a comprehensive learning process. Among 180 modern programmes, My Voice
Coach, Music Theory Program, Vocal Range Vocaberry, Sound Forge were selected for
training. The need to develop approaches to education was caused by the need to ensure
uninterrupted learning of future music art teachers. Approaches were also aimed at the
development of students’ digital competence.
The elements of STEAM technologies, which became the basis of the developed
educational approaches, were identified by obtaining information from students through a
sociological survey (Appendix B). The obtained results of the sociological survey were used
to calculate the coefficient of variance in order to identify learning approaches that
contribute to the development of students’ digital competence (Faure-Carvallo et al., 2022):
, (2)
standard deviation of indicators;
a selective indicator for calculations.
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Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
loyalty coefficient, which ranges from 1 to 5 (1 favours the lowest value of
preference, 5 the highest value of preference).
The knowledge development coefficient was calculated to identify the effectiveness of
digital technologies, which were aimed at obtaining musical knowledge and developing
digital competence:
obtained results for theoretical knowledge;
obtained results for practical knowledge;
indicator for the level of digital competence (equals 0.3);
general effectiveness.
A high level of effectiveness is equal to 0.5 - 0.7; sufficient level - 0.35 - 0.49; medium
level - 0.25 - 0.34; low level <0.25
2.4. Data analysis
Data analysis provided for the statistical error calculations, which was aimed at
checking the calculations made. The statistical error was calculated at the third stage of the
study. The calculation was applied to determine the elements of STEAM technologies that
have a greater impact on the level of digital competence. Statistical error calculations were
used to determine the accuracy of the obtained effectiveness of students during training
(Aydin, 2019):
, (4)
X sample mean,
Student’s t-distribution,
a the average value for the general population,
s the sample root mean square deviation,
n the number of parameters for the study.
If the estimated value of the statistical error exceeds 95%, errors were made in the
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Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
2.5. Data collection
A sociological survey was used to collect data from students. A sociological survey was
used to determine the level of students’ digital competence before the study in order to
identify the approaches that contribute to the development of digital competence. The
sociological survey was carried out using electronic mailboxes to collect data from all
respondents. Data from students were collected within 10 hours upon receiving the
assignment. The mailboxes corresponded to the first and last names of the respondents,
which excluded the receipt of incorrect data.
2.6. Ethical criteria
Ethical criteria were complied with during the study to ensure quality research. Ethical
norms provided for the transparent conditions of conducting the research, which excluded
the involvement of respondents in additional sociological surveys. According to COPE
(2021), all respondents were introduced into the stages of the study, which facilitated the
distribution of study time.
3. Results
When using digital technologies to teach students, it is necessary to know their level of
digital competence. Determining this parameter helps to choose the most effective
technologies for training. It also enables determining the need for serious additional training
in understanding the tools provided by digital technologies (Table 1).
Table 1. Determining the level of students’ digital competence before the study
The level of students digital
The percentage ratio of
the competence level
A sociological survey of future music art teachers established that most of them do not
have digital competence. The reason is that most students studied according to the
traditional model before the survey, which excluded the possibility of using specialized
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programmes. The teachers developed constructive, organizational, communicative skills of
students with a low level of digital competence, excluding the possibility of using additional
tools. Students with a medium level of digital competence used modern applications in
combination with usual methodological knowledge. A high level of digital competence was
not widespread enough among students, but it contributed to obtaining the highest level of
knowledge. For this category of students, technologies were used which contribute to
deeper training of music art teachers and the possibility of simplified study of individual
topics. However, the performance of students who had a high level of digital competence
was higher than in other students. High performance is associated with the level of
theoretical knowledge, as well as an understanding of the technical component of vocal
voice development.
The students studying music art who used modern technologies in their studies
obtained a high level of knowledge. Therefore, approaches to training, which were based on
building digital competence of future teachers through the introduction of STEAM
technologies were developed in the work (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Developed STEAM-based approaches to learning for future music art teachers
I. The first approach provided for the study of music laws that contribute to the
expansion of theoretical knowledge in accordance with STEAM technologies. Modern
digital platforms (Music Theory Programme), as well as the My Voice Coach application
were used during the study of music laws. This approach made it possible to study the
peculiarities of musical culture of different periods, taking into account the specific
compositional approaches to song writing, and the peculiarities of their performance. The
I. Study of music laws(Music Theory Program,My Voice Coach )
II. Practical knowledge development (Vocal Range Vocaberry)
III. Development of experimental skills (Sound Forge )
IV. Development of logical thinking (SunVox)
V. Ensuring social relationships between students (Presentation Creator)
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Yevheniia Provorova et al // Implementation of Steam Technologies for Building Digital ... 300-318
study of theoretical aspects based on the use of digital technologies also contributes to the
development of students’ digital competence. It provides an understanding of the possibility
of using such technologies, and enables identifying their effectiveness for the assimilation of
relevant knowledge.
II. The second approach to learning provided for the development of practical
knowledge through the use of digital technologies. The Vocal Range Vocaberry application
was used to implement practical training. The application promotes the gradual voice
development eliminating its strain, as practical skills develop on the basis of voice abilities.
The application enables detecting the existing voice range, which helps to perform
assignments according to the vocalist’s capabilities. This approach also contributes to the
development of digital competence of future music art teachers, as it enables studying their
functions in the course of practical application;
III. A third approach to learning is based on the development of experimental skills that
can be achieved through improvisation. The Sound Forge application is used for editing a
musical composition and adapting it to the vocalist’s voice. This approach will enable future
music teachers to adapt the repertoire to the voice of the vocalists, as well as to conduct
additional analysis of the composition. The analysis of a musical piece identifies simple
(complex) places for vocal performance, which contributes to the development of
mechanisms for their further interpretation by students. The growth of practical skills is
connected not only with the development of vocal abilities, but also with the understanding
of note combinations, the study of musical scores, breathing, etc.;
IV. The fourth approach is related to the development of logical thinking, the possibility
of developing algorithms for learning. The SunVox application was used for this purpose,
which enables working with musical compositions, focus on the creation of a particular
type of music. The application ensures the creation of a new repertoire that develops
students’ logical thinking as a result of their active involvement in the educational process.
Working on musical fragments activates the acquisition of knowledge, which is reflected in
the detailed study of the material and the ability to work with digital technologies;
V. The fifth approach to learning was to provide social relationships between students.
For this purpose, students were divided into groups, which helped to ensure
communication between them to create a joint project. It was necessary to create lessons to
deliver the material. The Presentation Creator application was used for this purpose to
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present the material in digital format and to ensure the work of students in groups. The
work in the group was also related to the development of training programmes for future
Next, it was determined which of the presented elements of STEAM technologies most
contribute to the development of digital competence of future music art teachers. The
indicators were obtained and further used for the calculation of the coefficient of variance
and statistical error (Table 2).
Table 2. Determining the elements of learning approaches that had the greatest impact on
the development of students’ digital competence
An element of STEAM technologies
Statistical error
study of music laws (aspect of natural sciences)
0.2% 0.31%
development of practical knowledge (aspect of technical
0.47% 1.3%
development of experimental skills (aspect of engineering
1.1% 0.92%
development of logical thinking (aspect of mathematical
1.8% 1.7%
ensuring social relationships (aspect of artistic and human
0.93% 1.3%
The study established that the aspect of technical sciences, which is interconnected
with the development of practical knowledge, contributes the most to the development of
students’ digital competence. Vocal Range Vocaberry was used for the development of
practical knowledge in the learning process, which contributes to the gradual
understanding of approaches to the vocal voice training. The application helps future
teachers to identify peculiarities that should be taken into account when training students.
Working with the editor also contributes to the expansion of technological approaches to
their development.
The development of experimental skills is also of great importance, as it is aimed at
working with the repertoire. Working with the repertoire is important for the future
learning of students, which contributes to voice training. The use of Sound Forge will
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provide an analysis of a musical composition, which provides an understanding of working
with modern technologies. The development of logical thinking has a similar approach to
working with compositions, which promotes the development of digital competence
through the use of SunVox. But this element of STEAM technologies requires additional
professional musical knowledge, so it rans the last among all the elements of STEAM
technologies that are used.
Studying music laws ranks third in terms of the development of digital competence of
future music art teachers. This is related to the possibility of understanding the principles
of working with technologies that contribute to the visual display of theoretical material.
Ensuring social relationships ranks fourth for the development of digital competence skills,
as it requires interaction in a team. The Presentation Creator application was used for team
The coefficient of knowledge development was calculated in the research in order to
check the effectiveness of the obtained data of students who have been trained as future
music teachers. The results are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. The level of acquired knowledge and digital competence of students after the study
Level of acquired
ratio of
Quantified level of
Statistical error
1.5% 1.2%
0.38% 0.57%
1.4% 0.98%
1.23% 1.2%
The level of acquired knowledge of the majority of students became high, which is
connected with the detailed study of educational materials. A detailed study of information
became possible with the use of modern technologies, which also contributed to the
development of digital competence. More than 20% of students acquired a sufficient level
of knowledge, which is related to the understanding of approaches to training future
vocalists. These students have learned the functions of applications, thereby expanding
opportunities for the preparation of lessons in the future. Students who did not complete
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the assigned tasks had a low level of acquired knowledge.
4. Discussion
The level of creative thinking of future music teachers can be developed under the
influence of the programmes aimed at activating creative thinking. Creative thinking can be
developed under the influence of modern technologies that contribute to the development of
both individual and complex skills. This is determined by the fact that modern programmes
are aimed at independent comprehension of information, its search, the possibility of
application for solving particular problems. The approach promotes the development of
additional skills that are related to the development of digital competence. Conducting
Torrance’s creative thinking test among students of Suzhou University revealed that 52% of
students had high creativity level. The results show the effectiveness of the application of
digital technologies (Wan, 2023). In accordance with STEAM technologies, music education
was combined with physical sciences. This approach made it possible to emphasize the
mathematical structure of music, which promotes understandings of musical styles. Physics
contributes to the understanding of the interrelationships regarding the peculiarities of
sound formation when using musical instruments or the voice. Education consists of
conducting regular lectures, laboratory classes, which is connected with the inclusion of
non-standard elements of the educational process (Ramsey, 2020). The success of the
educational process is related to the enhancement of studentsmotivation to acquire musical
knowledge. The high quality of education is obtained through the application of a non-
standard approach to education, which can be implemented with the help of digital
technologies. The use of visualizations of these elements during training helps to find new
knowledge, which helps to perform assignments of different levels of complexity
(Demirbatır, 2020). The aspects of students’ motivation were not studied in this work.
However, the research is related to studying the possibilities of expanding digitalization
skills of future music art teachers.
Smartphones can be used during music lessons. The process can be reflected in the
organization of learning and the possibility of using digital programmes. The applications
can help to achieve success not only in the development of practical skills, but also in the
assimilation of theoretical material. This facilitates easier perception of educational
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information, which provides the possibility of simplifying solfeggio lessons. The ultrasonic
connection with a smartphone enables detecting the accuracy of task performance (Hödl et
al., 2020a). Our study focuses not only on finding music editors, but also on other innovative
technologies. Learning of theoretical and practical material, development of experimental
skills, and logical thinking were taken into account during their selection.
Information technologies are a common element for the training of music teachers in
higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The process involves the use of digital
applications that can facilitate independent study of the material or application during
distance learning. Information technology can facilitate the development of skills and
abilities, as well as the assessment of the performance level (Frytsiuk et al., 2022).
The study of the specifics of information in the published articles revealed that
students’ digital competence can be developed through the use of digital technologies.
Aspects of independent study of the material are also taken into account. In our research,
emphasis is placed on the possibility of using STEAM technologies to ensure the training of
future music art teachers. The development of teaching approaches was based on the use of
digital technologies (Music Theory Programme, My Voice Coach, Vocal Range Vocaberry,
Sound Forge, SunVox). The choice of technologies was connected with the possibility of
developing particular skills, which further contributes to teaching. The study also
established the effectiveness of the developed approaches to learning, which included the
level of musical training and the level digital competence.
The aim of the study was achieved, as the effectiveness of the developed approaches to
training of future music art teachers and the development of digital competence was
It was established that 47% of students had a low level of digital competence and only
12% of students had a high level at the beginning of the study. These results revealed that
those students who had digital skills had the highest (9.2) knowledge level. The results are
related to the possibility of providing independent learning and development of relevant
musical skills.
The presented indicators contributed to the development of approaches for training
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future teachers taking into account the possibilities of developing digital competencies. The
authors used the Music Theory Programme and My Voice Coach for studying musical laws
and theoretical material. Expanding practical knowledge became possible through the use of
the Vocal Range Vocaberry application, ensuring social relationships through
Presentation. The Sound Forge programme was aimed at the development of experimental
data due to the expanded possibilities of editing musical compositions. The SunVox
application made it possible to develop logical thinking, which was reflected in the creation
of music.
The authors found that the development of practical knowledge had the greatest
impact on the development of digital competence using educational STEAM technologies
among students. This element reflects the technical sciences aspect associated with the use
of Vocal Range Vocaberry application and promotes voice development. The work
established the effectiveness of the acquired knowledge on the basis of the introduced
approaches to education, which contribute to the development of digital competence. It was
found that 71% of students achieved a high level of knowledge, as they expanded practical
and theoretical knowledge, as well as improved the level of digital competence.
The practical significance is the possibility of improving the learning process through
the use of technologies that contribute to acquiring musical knowledge. The prospects for
further research are related to the comparison of the effectiveness of the used digital
technologies as a result of combining STEAM technologies for training of future teachers and
students. This approach will reveal the level of digital competence of future teachers and
students as a result of the application of self-study techniques.
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Appendix A
Sociological survey on determining the initial level of students’ digital competence
Answer options
Student’s answer
I have a high level of digital competence
I have a medium level of digital competence
I have a low level of digital competence
Appendix B
Students’ determination of STEAM-based approaches to learning that had the greatest
impact on the level of digital competence
Answer options
Student’s answer
Study of music laws (aspect of natural sciences)
Practical knowledge development (aspect of technical sciences)
Development of experimental skills (aspect of engineering sciences)
Development of logical thinking (aspect of mathematical sciences)
Ensuring social relationships between students (aspect of artistic and human