REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 14, N° 40, 2023
Bulatnikova Irina Vyacheslavovna // Method of Mathematical Theory of Moments, 84-102
Algebraic properties of infinite matrices and infinite-dimensional linear or classical
groups are investigated in many papers and monographs. This is done from many points of
view, among which the theory of associative rings and modules, algebraic K-theory, theory
of Lie algebras and algebraic groups, theory of infinite groups, functional analysis (operator
rings, spectral analysis), elemental analysis (theory of functions, sequences and series),
theory of representations, theory of models, infinite combinatorial analysis and probability
theory can be highlighted.
Infinite matrices are summed up as ordinary matrices. But when multiplying infinite
matrices, their specific character is revealed. Namely, the multiplication of infinite matrices
is not always specified. In analysis, in which complex-valued and real-valued infinite
matrices are used, this situation is overcome by applying conditions of convergence of
coefficients in lines and columns to the matrices. Matrices with the coefficients from
arbitrary ring R with one are considered in algebra, thus, other finitude conditions, finite-
lineness and finite-columnness type are applied. Besides, multiplication can be specified
but, at the same time, be non-associative. Third, the invertibility of infinite matrices has its
specific character – for example, there are infinite matrices with infinite number of
Jacobi matrices can occur in different mathematical problems (continued fraction
theory, differential equations). Mathematical models of elemental processes, the physical
nature of which is known, are written down as formulas and dependencies known for these
processes. As a rule, static problems are expressed as algebraic expressions, dynamic – as
differential or finite-difference equations. At the same time, any differential equation has an
infinite number of solutions in partial derivatives.
The solution method often consists in transition to non-stationary problems, which
are approximated by the systems of finite-difference equations. In practice, the solutions
satisfying the additional conditions are of the most interest. As a rule, the problems
describing physical or chemical processes in the frameworks of differential equations in
partial derivatives comprise the boundary conditions.
Jacobi matrices are of interest since they are the simplest representatives of
symmetrical operators in infinite-dimensional space . They are used in interpolation
theory, quantum physics, moment problem.
The term “moment problem” was for the first time found in the paper of 1894-1895 by