REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 14, N° 39, 2023
Reynier Israel Ramírez Molina et al/// Innovative Strategies in agricultural production… 119-138
Innovative Strategies in agricultural production units: Knowledge in
development of new services and value chains
Reynier Israel Ramírez Molina*
Manuela Valentina Pinzón Acosta**
Keren Daniela Viloria De la Hoz***
Juan David Ríos Pérez****
Nelson David Lay Raby*****
The world faces unavoidable challenges that force organizations to undertake actions that solve, mitigate
and reverse problems arising from the lack of social, economic and environmental sustainability, with climate
change being one of the most pressing. The implementation of new technologies would mean a costly
transition, but fundamental and necessary to trace paths that help preserve the planet and the institutions
of all kinds that exist in it. The research seeks to describe innovative strategies in agricultural production
units as part of the knowledge in the development of new services and value chains. The innovation and
adoption of new technologies in processes and consumption patterns will only be possible if companies
manage to develop markets that provide in their value offer, the component of environmental sustainability
in a transversal way in all their activities. The findings show that the adoption of innovative strategies in
agricultural production companies has been slow, so the accompaniment of government entities, civil society
organizations, academia, research centers and others is crucial to address these problems and generate
strategies to solve them.
KEY WORDS: Agribusiness prospective, business sustainability, innovative strategies, value added.
This article is the product of the research entitled “Task structuring, interdependencies and value chains in Agricultural Units of the
Department of Atlántico”, a research project framed in the Young Researchers and Innovators Program No. 812 of the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation. , articulated with the Social Administration Research Group, and student intervention within the framework
of classroom processes that strengthen the didactic strategies used by the main author professor to ensure learning, of the Business
Administration Program, Department of Business Sciences , with the Human Talent Management Research Seedbed (SIGTH), from the
University of the Coast, Atlántico - Barranquilla, Colombia.
* Full Time Professor and Researcher of the Universidad de la Costa, Atlántico – Colombia. Senior Researcher. Business
Studies Department. ORCID: E-mail:
**Student of the Business Management program and Member of the Human Talent Management Research Seedbed (SIGTH)
of the Universidad de la Costa, Atlántico – Colombia. Business Studies Department. ORCID:
3626-461X. E-mail:
*** Student of the Business Management program and Member of the Human Talent Management Research Seedbed
(SIGTH) of the Universidad de la Costa, Atlántico – Colombia. Business Studies Department. ORCID: E-mail:
****Professional in Finance and International Affairs and Member of the Administración Social Research Group and Human
Talent Management Research Seedbed (SIGTH) of the Universidad de la Costa, Atlántico – Colombia. Business Studies
Department. ORCID: E-mail:
***** Full Time Professor, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar - Chile. ORCID: E-mail:
Recibido: 21/09/2022 Aceptado: 15/11/2022