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del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
Esta publicación científica en formato digital
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ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
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Año 13 N° 38
Septiembre - Diciembre 2022
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development
Olha Popelo*
Serhii Arefiev**
Oxana Rogulska***
Kateryna Rudnitska****
Denys Derevianko*****
The purpose of the article is to study higher education using a systemic approach as a
determinant of sustainable development. To achieve the goal, the scientists substantiated the
main features of higher education as a system; identified the main priority directions in the field
of higher education in a time frame; outlined the functions of education in the modern
development of society; highlighted the role and principles of higher education in economic
growth; substantiated the relationship and development trends of higher education with the
goals of sustainable development in the direction of solving global problems of humanity. The
methodological basis of this study is a systematic approach, which allows us to consider higher
education as an open social system with multi-vector and heterogeneous connections between
elements, which has an interdependent impact on sustainable development. Taking into account
changes in trends and priorities of the world economy, changes in the emphasis of higher
education are highlighted. It has been studied that higher education ensures the development of
the intellectual potential of the human community, contributes to the achievement of the goals
of sustainable development and the consolidation of certain moral principles.
KEYWORDS: Higher education, sustainable development, education, Economics.
*Associate Professor, Department of Management and Civil Service, Chernihiv Polytechnic National
University, Shevchenko Str., 95, Chernihiv, Ukraine. ORCID: https://orcid.or/0000-0002-4581-5129. Е-mail:
** Professor, Doctorate Department, Hochschule Rhein Main, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18, Wiesbaden,
Germany. ORCID: https://orcid.or/00000-0003-2184-458. Е-mail:
***Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Language Education and Intercultural Communication,
Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Institutskaya Str., Khmelnytsky, Ukraine. ORCID: Е-mail:
****Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Khmelnytskyi National University, 11
Institutskaya Str., Khmelnytsky, Ukraine. ORCID:
***** Senior Lecturer, Department of Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social, Bohdan
Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkassy, Shevchenko Boulevard, 81, Cherkasy, Ukraine. ORCID:
https://orcid.or/0000-0002-8086-951X. Е-mail:
Recibido: 03/06/2022 Aceptado: 22/07/2022
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
La educación superior como determinante del desarrollo sostenible
El propósito del artículo es estudiar la educación superior desde un enfoque sistémico como
determinante del desarrollo sostenible. Para lograr este objetivo, los científicos
fundamentaron las principales características de la educación superior como sistema; las
principales áreas de prioridad en el campo de la educación superior se destacan en un marco
de tiempo; se esbozan las funciones de la educación en el desarrollo moderno de la sociedad;
se destacan el papel y los principios de la educación superior en el crecimiento económico; se
fundamenta la relación y tendencias de la educación superior con las metas del desarrollo
sostenible en la dirección de la solución de los problemas globales de la humanidad. La base
metodológica de este estudio es un enfoque sistemático, que nos permite considerar la
educación superior como un sistema social abierto con conexiones multivectoriales y
heterogéneas entre los elementos, que tiene un impacto interdependiente en el desarrollo
sostenible. Teniendo en cuenta las tendencias y prioridades de la economía mundial, se
destacan los cambios en el énfasis de la educación superior. Se ha estudiado que la educación
superior asegura el desarrollo del potencial intelectual de la comunidad humana, contribuye
al logro de las metas del desarrollo sostenible y la consolidación de ciertos principios morales.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Educación superior, desarrollo sostenible, educación, Economía.
Globalization trends of world development testify to the growing global problems of
human development. The existence of humanity requires new views on the environment,
ecosystem, social relations and more. General world trends, threats and risks include social
production, cultural and spiritual development, scientific and educational sphere, etc.
Globalization challenges are becoming determinants of the way of life of mankind, determine
the directions of organization and management at the level of states and all other economic
These and other reasons continue to raise the profile of the paradigm of sustainable
development and the search for new vectors for resolving global crises. The paradigmatic
orientation of human existence for twenty years is aimed at achieving the goals of sustainable
development, which provides for the harmonious development of economic, environmental
and social components of society.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
Education is important for sustainable development, as it is crucial for the perception
of sustainable development, enabling humanity to solve existing problems through the
careful use of natural resources and improving the quality of life.
The aim of the article is to study higher education, using a systematic approach, as
determinants of sustainable development. To achieve this goal:
- the main features of higher education as a system are substantiated;
- the main directions of priority of the direction of higher education in the temporal
section are singled out;
- the functions of education in the modern development of society are outlined;
- the role and principles of higher education in economic growth are highlighted;
- the interrelation and tendencies of higher education with the goals of sustainable
development in the direction of solving global problems of mankind are substantiated.
1. Literature Review
Many scientists have devoted their research to the development of higher education
and increasing its competitiveness, including as determinants of sustainable development.
Among the leading scientists, it should be noted: Acosta Castellanos P. (2022); Cosmulese C.
(2019); Djakona A. (2020, 2021); Elmassah S. (2022); Griebeler J. (2022); Grosu V. (2021);
Janssens L. (2022); Kholiavko N; (2021); Popelo O. (2022); Lazarov A. (2022); Liu Y. (2022);
Martínez Casanovas M. (2022); Sánchez-Carracedo F. (2022); Severino-González P. (2022);
Veidemane A. (2022); Wright C. (2022); Zhavoronok A. (2021) and other.
The authors of the study (Janssens, 2022) argue that the transition to sustainable
development requires the involvement of university students in transformational learning.
Researchers believe that quality frameworks and processes should support deep approaches
to sustainable development in higher education. The article notes that although the
transformational learning approach to sustainable development is not explicitly mentioned
in most quality assurance systems, many contain opportunities to highlight it.
The article (Veidemane, 2022) analyzes that more and more higher education
institutions are trying to implement the principles of sustainable development in their
education. The authors found that it is becoming increasingly important to identify
indicators that can measure institutional contribution in a meaningful and internationally
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
comparable way. Researchers have explored opportunities and challenges for developing
internationally comparable indicators in the higher education sector.
The authors of the research (Severino-González, 2022) substantiated the need to
create a scale to measure students' perceptions of social responsibility developed by higher
education institutions in terms of sustainable development goals. Scientists believe that the
four-dimensional constructs can be used to develop strategies that contribute to the goals of
sustainable development.
The aim of the article (Sánchez-Carracedo, 2022) is to determine how much university
students believe that they have received a good education for sustainable development. The
authors propose a methodology that allows to quantify this perception.
Researchers (Martínez Casanovas, 2022) have researched which active learning
methodologies best contribute to the acquisition of competencies for sustainable
development in higher education. The authors used cluster analysis to identify models of
students' skills and their perceptions of the various active learning methodologies conducted
in the classroom to promote sustainable development. The authors of the research propose
to implement active learning methodologies in general and real experience, problem-based
learning and case studies, in particular, in education for sustainable development.
The purpose of the research (Griebeler, 2022) is to analyze the extent to which
sustainable development goals are considered in higher education institutions, as well as to
propose and test the possible adoption of a list of indicators to assess the contribution of
higher education institutions in achieving sustainable development goals.
The authors of the study (Liu, 2022) argue that assessing and prioritizing the quality
of higher education services is an important issue for the successful implementation of
education for sustainable development. To demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of
the proposed measures, the researchers used the example of five Chinese higher education
institutions in the field of maritime transport.
Researchers (Elmassah, 2022) believe that higher education institutions should play
a fundamental role in achieving the international sustainable development agenda by 2030.
The authors presented the results of an analysis of applied research on the role and successful
methods of higher education institutions in achieving sustainable development goals in three
countries, namely Germany, Japan and Egypt. Researchers have proposed a new framework
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
for analysis and evaluation that directs higher education institutions and their leaders to
support sustainable development goals.
The authors of the scientific work (Lazarov, 2022) analyze the barriers and challenges
that higher education institutions in Romania need to overcome in order to include
education for sustainable development. According to the study, the authors provide
recommendations on factors that can contribute to the sustainability of higher education in
Romania. Scholars believe that the approach is holistic and adds value to the literature in this
area, especially because so far research on sustainable development goals in Romanian higher
education has focused only on specific factors.
The article (Wright, 2022) proves that higher education institutions are not isolated
from the challenges facing the planet and are tasked with being key stakeholders in
sustainable development. The authors suggest that when higher education institutions align
their institutional capabilities with global efforts to achieve the 2030 Sustainable
Development Goals and promote deliberate collaboration, they will be better prepared to
address their own unique challenges.
However, despite the significant number of publications, the issue of higher education
as a dominant factor in sustainable development needs further research and practical
2. Methodology
The methodological basis of this study is a systematic approach, which allows higher
education to be considered as an open social system with multi-vector and heterogeneous
links between the elements, which has an interdependent impact with sustainable
development. The general features of the system of higher education include:
firstly, the multiplicity of multi-vector elements that have close interrelationships and
a single focus, which makes it possible to focus efforts on achieving sustainable development
secondly, integrity, which makes it possible to obtain a greater effect from the overall
system than the sum of its individual elements;
thirdly, the stability that is rebuilt as a result of constant reproduction after
bifurcation shifts caused by heterogeneous instability factors.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
3. Results
Education at any level influences the understanding of the importance and necessity
of the paradigm of sustainable development as a basic concept of development of the global
economy and the participation of each entity in it. Forms the opinion of the individual in the
direction of preserving the environment, meeting the needs of sufficient resources for future
generations, economic development not for the sake of growth, but to increase life and
overcome poverty, and shapes the actions of everyone in everyday life to achieve sustainable
development (Fig. 1).
Higher education plays a special role in achieving the goals of sustainable
development. Educational programs at all levels should include the principles of sustainable
development, its goals and the importance of achieving them. This leads to the formation of
education in the interests of sustainable development in the process of continuous and
continuous learning and training and competencies.
With the changing trends and priorities of the world economy, the emphasis of higher
education is changing. So, for the last half century it is possible to allocate the following
- 40-60s - the focus of education on specialists capable of working in the field of
armaments, ensuring military and technical leadership of countries;
- 70-90s - in addition to the previously mentioned goals of specialists who can ensure the
leading positions of countries in the military-technical sphere, emphasis is placed on training
specialists who can increase economic development, increase the competitiveness of key
areas of production. The development of education is aimed at improving the quality of
intellectual capital, the importance of which becomes dominant in relation to the
contribution of land capital, and labor costs in economic growth;
- the 90s and until today- changes in the formation of specialists in the direction of
training specialists capable of solving a range of socio-economic and environmental
problems. The priority of training specialists in scientific, innovative and technical spheres
is changing in the direction of ensuring the priority of sustainable development, development
of the information sphere, ensuring the environmental friendliness of production, etc.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
Figure 1. Methodological basis for the study of education as a determinant of sustainable
Source: built by the authors
The role of education is increasing with the growing influence of scientific, technical
and innovative factors on the development of countries. At the same time, human capital is
becoming a determinant of economic growth. In economic development, labor is replaced by
stability due to constant reproduction after
bifurcation shifts caused by heterogeneous
instability factors
Forms the opinion of the individual in the direction of preserving the environment, meeting the
needs of sufficient resources for future generations, economic development not for the sake of
growth, but to increase life and overcome poverty, and shapes the actions of everyone in
everyday life to achieve sustainable development
integrity, which makes it possible to obtain a
greater effect from the overall system than the
sum of its individual elements
the multiplicity of multi-vector elements that
have close relationships and a single focus,
which makes it possible to focus efforts on
achieving sustainable development goals
harmony of development of
economic, ecological and social
components of society, search of
new approaches to the solution of
existing problems of mankind,
behavior and daily life,
rethinking of the relation to
natural resources, their
preservation and use
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
knowledge, because knowledge is involved in the processing of resources and their
production and use, as a result of which knowledge, not labor, becomes a source of value.
With the change of forms of production there is an expansion of employee functions,
requirements for increasing its universality, acquiring competencies for the ability to
creatively analyze and synthesize large amounts of information, understand the essence of
the problem and make informed and creative decisions.
Higher education performs a number of functions which include:
- humanistic, because the acquisition of knowledge by a person is aimed at providing
higher education with certain knowledge that promotes self-realization, broadening
horizons, highlighting the need and directions of achieving sustainable development, forms
human spirituality and worldview, values and moral principles;
- axiological, ensuring the creation of value as a result of higher education as a person
and the creation of value for society, the separation of nature and varieties of values, which
include the values of environmental protection and other values of sustainable development;
- socio-cultural, in accordance with the cultural values of mankind, the acquisition of
knowledge about the culture of their meeting and its place in the culture of other peoples,
contributes to the socialization of the individual and the succession of generations;
- socio-adaptive, adaptation to professional activity and adaptation in society,
development and formation of the individual as a person, subject and individual;
- social and mobile, gaining a role in the structure of human interaction, including in
professional activities;
- innovative, formation of competencies for intellectual, creative, research and
innovation activities;
- social integration, integration in both educational and research activities, integration
of knowledge and practical activities, increases human potential for integration into world
economic processes, provides a mandate to world values, achievements of science and
- prognostic, ensure the professional growth of the individual, reveals the essence of
future specialization, promotes future professional growth.
Today, higher education is a global factor in human development, expanding its tasks
to train professionals capable and interested in active participation in socio-economic life,
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
able not only to critically and reasonably assess the situation, but also to adapt to social
change, think creatively, generate new ideas and implement them, produce the
transformation of socio-economic processes taking into account environmental orientation,
show creativity and initiative in cooperation with society.
Investing in education leads not only to economic growth, but also to the
rationalization of growth, taking into account the use of innovative means to achieve it,
taking into account the principles of sustainable development.
Higher education is an important social tool of social development, which creates:
- conditions for the formation of social ethical values and norms of socio-economic
- decent attitude to the environment and other individuals, respect for the views and
rights of others;
- basis for observance of the principles of democracy, justice, security of life;
- tolerance and mutual respect between ethnic, religious, cultural and other groups,
All this corresponds to the direction of sustainable development. Higher education
ensures the development of the intellectual potential of the human community, the
consolidation of certain moral principles in relation to (Fig. 2):
- joint careful use of natural resources and reserves of society;
- stimulating the search for the use of rational means of obtaining material goods;
- intensifying the participation of each member of society in solving global problems
of mankind, including poverty, illiteracy, hunger, etc.;
- reducing the asymmetry between developed and developing countries;
- environmental protection, etc.
Higher education is not a separate sphere of human life, but closely intersects with
everyday life. The problems considered in the process of education are in unison with the
problems of mankind. Among the tasks set before humanity is to ensure the well-being of
people, their security and the sustainable development of the human community in general
without harming future generations. Higher education is a means of solving global problems,
which is facilitated by the following trends in higher education:
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
Socially mobile
Social integration
global trend of changing the paradigm of education in the direction of solving global problems
of mankind
global trend of humanization of education
global trend of integration of education
return to traditional education and culture
the trend of universality of humanistic ideas
openness of higher education
flexibility and diversification of higher
trends in joining the global continuing
education project
Higher education ensures the development of the intellectual potential of the human
community, establishes moral principles in accordance with the paradigm of sustainable
in relation to:
stimulating the search for the use of rational means of obtaining material benefits
joint careful use of society's natural resources and reserves
enhancing the participation of every member of society in solving global problems of mankind
reducing the asymmetry between developed and developing countries
environmental protection, etc.
- global trend of changing the paradigm of education in the direction of solving global
problems of mankind through the use of new tools and technologies that contribute to the
rationalization and environmental use of resources;
Figure 2. Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, taking into account
trends in its development
Source: built by the authors
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
- global trend of humanization of education, which provides a two-dimensional goal,
which includes general professional development and professional self-education of
individual and personal qualities of the individual;
- global trend of integration of education, which involves the integration of knowledge
and professionals in compliance with the principles of sustainable development of mankind;
- return to traditional education and culture, in which the methodological principles
of unity of national and world culture and education are closely intertwined;
- the trend of universality of humanistic ideas, due to the application to all social
systems and individuals, despite the various national, economic, religious, ideological and
other differences;
- openness of higher education, which expands the boundaries of the interaction of
the value system through the dissemination of information and knowledge through the
creation of a global education system, including distance, which helps to communicate and
transfer knowledge with foreign partners;
- trends in joining the global project of continuing education, which contributes not
only to the acquisition of knowledge, but also taking into account the rapid renewal of
knowledge and information to be able to update knowledge in the continuous process of self-
education throughout active life;
- flexibility and diversification of higher education, which is facilitated by the ability
of educational programs, the flexibility of universities to respond quickly to the needs of
qualified personnel, changing the criteria for access to higher education.
Higher education is a determinant of sustainable development due to the possibility
of new thinking, which ensures the achievement of sustainable development and lays the
foundation for science development and innovation to ensure environmental production,
careful use of resources and improve the quality of life.
The scientific novelty of this study is the rationale for using a systematic approach to
the importance of higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, based on
changes in trends and priorities of the world economy and achieving sustainable
development goals, leading to changes in higher education. careful use of society's natural
resources and reserves; stimulating the search for the use of rational means of obtaining
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Olha Popelo et al./// Higher education as a determinant of sustainable development, 734-746
material goods; intensifying the participation of each member of society in solving global
problems of mankind, including poverty, illiteracy, hunger; reducing asymmetry between
developed and developing countries; environmental protection, etc.
Further research is required to develop curricula for their integration in the direction
of achieving sustainable development goals.
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