de la
del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
Esta publicación científica en formato digital
es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
y Arte
Año 13 N° 38
Septiembre - Diciembre 2022
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
The Role of Online Debates in the Formation of Future Philologists’
Professional Competences
Alla Latygina*
Iryna Zvarych**
Nataliia Latygina***
Olha Dubinina****
Liubov Kolot*****
Nataliya Strokan******
The purpose of the article was to test the effectiveness of the influence of pedagogical conditions for
online debates on the formation of future philologists’ professional competencies. Methods used:
pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, and students' self-assessment methods,
mathematical and statistical methods for research results processing (t-Student's criterion),
interviews, questionnaires. Dialogicality (communicative level) was estimated by L. Michelson test
and by the method of diagnostics of “General Communicative Tolerance” by V. V. Boyko. Results. In
an experiment, it was found that, after the secondary survey, 33.75% of respondents view online
debates as educational technology and 26.25% of respondents explain their participation in the
debates by the desire to improve communication skills. When analyzing the results of the secondary
survey, it was found that such qualities as determination, tolerance, and sociability are in the lead.
Comparing the design value and critical value of the Criterion t and T-Critical, we have taken that
T≤T-Critical, and therefore accepted the hypothesis of different average values in the two frames.
KEYWORDS: Educational debates, innovative education, modelling of skills, philological education.
Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Faculty of Trade and Marketing,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID: E-
Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Faculty of Trade and Marketing, Kyiv National
University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID: E-mail:
Professor of the Department of Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Faculty of Trade and Marketing,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID: E-
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Faculty of Trade and
Marketing, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID:
6806. E-mail:
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Faculty of Trade and
Marketing, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID:
9169. E-mail:
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Faculty of Trade and Marketing, Kyiv
National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID: E-mail:
Recibido: 09/06/2022 Aceptado: 30/07/2022
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
El papel de los debates en línea en la formación de las competencias
profesionales de los futuros filólogos
El propósito del artículo fue probar la efectividad de la influencia de las condiciones
pedagógicas para los debates en línea en la formación de competencias profesionales de los
futuros filólogos. Métodos utilizados: métodos de observación pedagógica, experimento
pedagógico y autoevaluación de los estudiantes, métodos matemáticos y estadísticos para el
procesamiento de resultados de investigación (criterio t-Student), entrevistas, cuestionarios.
La dialogicidad (nivel comunicativo) fue estimada por la prueba de L. Michelson y por el
método de diagnóstico de “Tolerancia Comunicativa General” de V. V. Boyko. Resultados. En
un experimento, se encontró que, después de la encuesta secundaria, el 33,75% de los
encuestados ven los debates en línea como tecnología educativa; y el 26,25% de los
encuestados explican su participación en los debates por el deseo de mejorar las habilidades
de comunicación. Al analizar los resultados de la encuesta secundaria, se encontró que
cualidades como la determinación, la tolerancia y la sociabilidad están a la cabeza.
Comparando el valor de diseño y el valor crítico del Criterio t y T-Critical, hemos tomado que
T≤T-Critical, y por lo tanto aceptamos la hipótesis de diferentes valores promedio en los dos
PALABRAS CLAVE: Debates educativos, educación innovadora, modelado de habilidades,
educación filológica.
The formation of students’ professional competences is extremely important due to the
radical change in the aims of the development of society in the process of socio-economic
reforms of recent decades. The process of modernization of education in Ukraine determines
the development of new concepts and approaches, change of the mission and functions of
higher education. Modernization of education determines the need to mobilize and develop
the social and personal potential of the subjects of the educational process. It becomes topical
to search for such pedagogical forms and technologies that would create a space for the
development of professional competences in the interactive engagement between students
(Aadland et al., 2017).
The professional sphere of a modern philologist is characterized by dynamic changes
and the major factor in the development of modern philological education is the transition
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
from traditional targets to targeting the formation of readiness to effectively solve
professional problems (Karpenko, 2019).
Thus, the sum of acquired competences is integrated into the concept of professional
competence as a personal quality of the graduate the future specialist (Holubieva, 2018).
Professional competence can be analyzed in two aspects:
1. As the purpose of education, the purpose of vocational training;
2. As an intermediate result that characterizes the state of the specialist who carries out
his professional activity (Almazova et al., 2021).
Professional competence is a kind of indicator, a qualitative and quantitative
characterization of the level of a specialist’s professionalism. The analysis of the definition of
“professional competencemakes it possible to identify the essential aspects of its content,
among which are the following:
optimal use of abilities, which determine effective professional activity;
independent and constant increase in the level of professional knowledge and skills,
necessary for the performance of professional functions;
manifestation of autonomy and mobility in solving professional problems (Khanykina
et al. 2021);
active interaction with colleagues in a professional environment based on partnership
and cooperation;
ability to mobilize and integrate knowledge and skills that ensure optimal
performance of professional activities in the modern work environment;
advanced capability for self-regulation, self-reflection, and self-esteem, which
provides a rapid, flexible, adaptive response to changing conditions (Forsberg et al., 2019).
In recent years, educational debates have become widespread in HEIs for the formation
of future philologists’ professional competence. The study of debating reflects the popularity
of this interactive form of learning and the efficiency of the group interaction technique (Al
Giffari et al., 2020).
Debates are an exchange of views at any meeting or assembly, based on free expression
of personal opinion, and exchange of views on the proposed topic. The participants argue,
prove, explain, inform, give examples or facts, and so on. As a rule, during the educational
debates, the topic itself is discussed, and not the personal attitude of the participants to it.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
Debates involve students in the culture of oral presentation, the ability to listen and hear
others, assess their capabilities, etc. (Amar-Gavrilman & Bentwich, 2022). Fig. 1 shows
possible forms of debates for the educational process in the HEI.
Figure 1. Forms of debates for the educational process in a HEI
Source: author's development
Active participation of students in the debates teaches them to look for arguments that
can be a worthy confirmation of their point of view. Educational debates create excellent
conditions for expressing opinions, positions, and attitudes on the topic. Although students
are not used to the debates, the latter is not only an interactive teaching method but also a
special technology. For many years, teachers of humanities rarely held educational
discussions, round tables, business games, trainings, etc. Therefore, when using active forms
and methods of learning, there are some difficulties in organizational and content plans
(Jagger, 2013).
Thus, online debates are a pedagogically organized team-role intellectual game in which
the players prove their position and refute the position of opponents in a strictly defined
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
format. Debate participants discuss the problem and solve the conflicts, using the techniques
of reasoning and consistent justification of their point of view, including based on the
statements of the opponent (Dehtiarova et al., 2021).
The purpose of online debates is to search for the “truth”, i.e. the conclusion reached by
all or most of the debate participants. Debates develop the skills, necessary for the effective
communication of future philologists. Achieving these goals and results is based on three
basic principles of debates: respect, honesty, and learning. The use of the debates for the
formation of philologists’ professional competences involves:
active involvement of the student in educational and cognitive activities;
organization of joint activities and partnership between students;
ensuring dialogic communication both between the teacher and the student and
between students.
-Little-studied issues
The problem of scientific substantiation of the development of philologists’
professional competence in the higher education system has not been sufficiently researched.
Therefore, the need for its scientific development and practical implementation is
determined by a number of the following issues:
1. Contradictions between the state and public order for forming the worldview of an
individual in accordance with moral standards and cultural characteristics of society, which
lie primarily in the environment of HEIs and insufficient efforts of pedagogical science to
implement scientific design and realization of philological vocational education systems.
2. Contradictions between the requests of different segments of the professional
educational community to philological education, taking into account the culturological
model and underdeveloped didactic support.
3. The contradiction between the growing needs of philologists themselves in the
development of professional competences required in modern conditions, and the inability
to meet these needs by a system of traditional educational programs. Thus, there is a need to
find new educational models for the training of future philologists.
The purpose of the study is to test the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of educational
debates in the formation of future philologists’ professional competences.
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Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
-Objectives / questions
1) To model the process of development of philologists’ professional competences in the
higher education system with the help of online debates.
2) To identify and justify a set of pedagogical conditions for the development of future
philologists’ professional competence in the higher education system.
1. Literature review
Bulvinska and Khanykina (2019) consider competency as a set of interconnected
knowledge and activities that relate to a certain range of subjects and processes, different
from competencies - personal qualities. The scientists understand competency as alienated,
predetermined requirement for educational training, necessary for quality productive
activities in a particular field, whereas competence is an available personal quality that
includes personal experience and attitude to the subject of activity in this area. Cariñanos-
Ayala et al. (2021) point out that competence is always an actual manifestation of
competency. Competence-based approach is characterized by strengthening the actual
pragmatic and humanistic orientation of the educational process. Based on several examples
of the use of the terms competency / competence as synonymous, Cariñanos-Ayala et al.
(2021) in some cases also allow for their interchangeability. Chala et al. (2021) include in the
concept of competence not only cognitive and operational-technological components but
also motivational, ethical, social, and behavioural ones, which equates competence to the
personal qualities of an individual. Demchenko (2017) considers pedagogical competence as
a set of knowledge and experience that allows for a professional, competent solution to the
issues of teaching and education. Ferrada and Del Pino (2020) examined professional
competence as a combination of theoretical and practical readiness of a person to carry out
any activities. Defining the “competence”, Umarova (2022) assumes that this concept has
several characteristics, such as independence, mental flexibility, abstract, systematic, and
experimental thinking, the ability to make responsible decisions, a creative approach to any
activity, the ability to bring the case to the end, and to study constantly. In psychology, there
is a generally accepted that “socio-personal competence” includes knowledge, skills, abilities,
and even ways of performing actions in certain social situations. Vorstman et al. (2020)
define professional competence as socio-personal competence. According to Warwas and
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
Helm (2017), the implementation of the competence-based approach should involve the
widespread use of active and interactive teaching methods in the educational process and
meetings with professionals.
Ijaz and Sergeant (2022), Joldasbaiuly (2022), and Poddany (2021) studied debates as
a teaching method. In the vocational education system, the student, to develop his/her socio-
personal competencies, learns how to resolve dilemmas through debates. The debates relate
to the development of society and the value of a culture, they develop the ability to
deliberately use this knowledge in practice and in real life, which leads to the development
of life skills, which the student relays into the social space.
2. Research Methods
2.1. Research procedure
The article summarizes the results of the study, which was conducted in three phases:
The first phase (2020) was aimed at analyzing the scientific literature, the initial
formulation of the research topic and problem of investigation, defining the purpose and
objectives of the study. The development of a scientific study of debates as a means of forming
students-philologists’ professional competencies was also carried out.
The second phase of the study (2021) included the generalization of the analysis of
the research literature, substantiation of the technology of developing students’ professional
competences using debates;
The third phase (2022) included an empirical study: the effectiveness of the formation
of students’ professional competences through debate was proven.
2.2. Sampling
The study involved 150 students studying at the Faculty of Foreign Philology and Andrii
Malyshko Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Literary Creativity of the National Pedagogical
Drahomanov University (Kyiv). Such a sample allows covering a sufficient number of
respondents to ensure a high level of reliability of the results. The participants of the
experiment were selected using a questionnaire in Google Forms.
2.3. Methods
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Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
Several methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics were selected in
accordance with the purpose and objectives of the study:
1. Pedagogical observation (Ellison, 2017).
2. Interviews, questionnaire. Dialogicality (communicative level) was estimated by L.
Michelson test and by the method of diagnostics of “General Communicative Tolerance” by
V. V. Boyko.
3. Students’ self-assessment, method of pedagogical experiment.
4. Mathematical and statistical methods for research results processing (t-Student's
The number of degrees of freedom is calculated as n + m 2 for two samples of sizes n
and m. For a significance level of 0.05, the criterion is 1.98. Two samples correspond to each
group and criterion: test results before and after the introduction of the pedagogical
conditions for online debates. Based on these samples, the value of T-statistics is calculated:
Here, X1 and X2 denote the samples, n1 is the number of listeners on the stage of input
control, n2 is the number of listeners on the stage of the final control, and s means the
standard error.
 (2)
Google Forms were used for the survey. Data entry and processing were performed
using “Microsoft Excel” and “SPSS Statistics 21.0”. All data are given in relative values (% of
the number of respondents).
The study was based on the principles of respect for the individual, gender equality,
anti-discrimination policy, validity, professionalism, and incontestability of conclusions. All
phases of the pedagogical experiment are consistent with the generally accepted academic
ethical principles of scientific research work. All respondents were instructed to answer the
questions of the test honestly and gave consent to the processing of personal data and the
publication of research results in scientific papers.
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Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
3. Results
The study was based on the analysis of questionnaires of the students participating in
educational debates. First, students were asked what, in their opinion, a debate is an
interesting game, a full-fledged educational technology, a form of cognitive or educational
activities, or organizational practice (Table 1).
Table 1. Respondents’ answers to the question “What is the debate in your opinion?”
Response options
Number of respondents, %
Initial survey
Secondary survey
An interesting game
Educational technology
Form of cognitive activity
The organizational practice of students
Source: Compiled by the authors based on the results of the study
The first survey found that students perceived debates more as a game than as an
educational and cognitive activity. However, after gaining some experience in debates, their
opinion changed: about a third of respondents began to perceive debates as educational
technology, and a quarter as a form of educational and cognitive activity. Next, the students
were asked the reasons for their decision to participate in the debates (Table 2).
Table 2. Respondents’ answers to the question “What are the implications of your interest
in the debates?”
Response options
Number of respondents, %
Initial survey
Secondary survey
I am having a lot of fun.
It’s an opportunity to gain new
Desire to improve communication skills
Desire to improve professional skills
Your response option
Source: Compiled by the authors based on the results of the study
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
Initially, the underlying motives were mainly the opportunity to have fun and meet
interesting people, i.e., the desire to have a good time. Later, students realized that debates
are not only an entertainment but also a means of developing socio-personal qualities and
competences, including the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and communication
skills, as well as the ability to adequately apply them (Table 3).
Table 3. Respondents’ answers to the question “What aspects of the debates are the most
attractive for you?”
Response options
Number of respondents, %
Initial survey
Secondary survey
Debate preparation
Debate performance
Analysis of opponents' speeches
Your response option
Source: Compiled by the authors based on the results of the study
Both the first and the second surveys showed that the most attractive aspect of the
debates is debate performance, which is quite logical and predictable because speaking at a
debate is a kind of result of all the preceding preparations, an opportunity to show yourself,
your position and public speaking skills. At the same time, the secondary survey showed that
the number of those who find it interesting to prepare for the debates and to analyze the
teams’ presentations has increased. In our view, this indicates that students have become
more aware of the importance not only of the debate performance itself but also of previous
research activities, as well as of the subsequent summing up of the work done. Then, the
students were asked to rank the development of their personal qualities and socio-personal
skills through debates. The results are presented in Fig. 2.
The first survey showed that preference was given to the categories of friendship,
tolerance, and respect. During the second survey, the students chose such qualities as
determination, tolerance, and sociability. The findings showed that before participating in
the debates, students had emphasized interpersonal communication inside the group, while
after it business qualities and the ability to have a productive dialogue with strangers (Fig.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
Figure 2. Ranking of the development of respondents’ personal qualities through debates
Source: Compiled by the authors based on the results of the study
Figure 3. Ranking of the development of respondents’ social and personal qualities using
online debates
Source: Compiled by the authors based on the results of the study
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
The first survey showed that the preference was given to such skills as critical research
and the ability to work in a team. In the second survey, critical thinking took the first place.
This result confirms the preliminary conclusions: if before the beginning of active
participation in debates students were more focused on self-development, then after some
time they refocused on the acquisition of socially significant competencies.
The values of the statistics were calculated according to formula (1), to which the
numerical values X1 and X2 were entered. Thus, the value of the Student's coefficient was
found. According to the obtained statistical indicators, the critical value of statistics with an
error probability α0.05 is T-Critical = -2.95. Comparing the design value and the critical
value of the Criterion T and T-Critical, we accept that T≤T-Сritical, and therefore accept the
hypothesis of different average values in the two frames. This confirms that at the end of the
formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the control and experimental groups of
students are at different levels in terms of formation of their professional competences.
Summing up this two-phase survey, we should note that the technology of “online
debates” had a significant impact on the development of students’ social and personal
qualities: stimulated the development of their cognitive and communicative competences,
contributed to the formation of research and self-presentation skills. During the debate,
students developed tolerance, politeness, friendliness, ability to work in a team, and business
communication skills. It can be assumed that the personal and significant competences
formed through debates will have a positive impact on the further life and professional
activity of young people.
4. Discussion
Pedagogical conditions, favorable for the formation of future philologists’ professional
competences using the “online debate” technology, include:
1) psychological and age characteristics of the speakers;
2) interaction of participants based on subject-subject relations;
3) differentiated approach, which takes into account the needs, characteristics, and
aptitudes of the participants;
4) implementation of the communication strategy;
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
5) the use of dialogue as a form of mutual activity of the debate participants, taking into
account their personalities, originality of views, and relations with the world;
6) application of methods of independent mastery of knowledge based on the student’s
active participation in the debates;
7) group work;
8) students’ mastering of research methods;
9) creation of success.
Derkach and Olender (2021) stress the importance of using dialogue as a form of
interaction between debate participants. The discussion of professional issues, according to
the researchers, contributes to the formation of professional competences during the debates.
In turn, Dehtiarova et al., (2021) emphasize the importance of debates in the process of
students’ independent learning. This form of organization of educational work helps to
increase students’ interest in studying new material. At the same time, Wati and Palimbong
(2021) and Zorwick and Wade (2016) could find no evidence of the effectiveness of debates
as a full-fledged learning tool.
The study identified functionalities of debates in the formation of professional
- debate technology is based on the real cases of educational, professional, and
ideological situations;
- debate technology is integrated into the university’s educational space as a platform
for students’ professional socialization;
- debate technology is implemented through interactive methods with the inclusion of
various expertise.
It is important to note that Hotsynets (2022), Radojevic et al. (2019), and Sysoieva
(2018) see the debates as the technology of problem-oriented education, as through debates
it is possible to form professional competencies aimed at solving complex professional
The logical structure of the technology “debates” contributes to the systematic
development of professional competences through problem statements. Debates, due to
integrity, personal orientation, and focus on students’ self-education, as a pedagogical
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
technology may be applicable in both full-time and distance education. An important role of
debates as a tool for distance education was examined by Poddany (2021).
As for professional competencies, it should be noted that instrumental competences are
undoubtedly more tied to separate disciplines and activities than professional and personal
competences. Professional competencies are integral, and their formation should not be
associated with any particular discipline, as stated by Mathrani et al. (2021) and Holdhus et
al. (2016). Only a group of highly specialized competences can be accurately localized in the
educational process. This means that the formation of professional competencies requires
various forms. That is why the technology Online Debates” can be used both in training
courses and in extracurricular activities.
The theoretical and practical importance of the study lies in the theoretical
substantiation of the impact of the debates on the formation of the students’ professional
competences. The article expands conceptual understanding of the essence of debates in the
educational process of high school. The methodical tools which can be included in the
activities of debate teams and teachers of philological disciplines of HEIs were checked,
generalized, and tested in practice.
The relevance of the study is due to the search for new ways of improving future
philologists’ professional competencies. Pedagogical conditions for online debates can create
an environment for the formation of a real specialist. Conclusions on the results obtained.
The implementation of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of future
philologists’ professional competences is one of the key factors in improving the effectiveness
of vocational training. The experiment was aimed at implementing the proposed model of
future philologists’ vocational training in the educational-information environment of the
HEI using online debates. At each phase, appropriate pedagogical conditions were
introduced to achieve the goal and the objectives of the phase. The content and forms of
students’ work during online debates were examined in detail. Thus, the described features
of the implementation of this model have increased the level of formation of future
philologists’ professional competences. The results of the study can be used by all
participants in the teaching and educational process during the preparation of online
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Alla Latygina et al./// The role of online debates in the formation of future philologists’… 626-642
educational debates. Thus, the described experience can be successfully implemented in the
training of future philologists. Further research may be focused on improving the described
techniques and tools for preparation of students-philologists for professional activities.
Future research may also be aimed at finding new methods of forming competences that take
into account the specifics of training students of different specialties.
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