de la
del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
Esta publicación científica en formato digital
es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
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Año 13 N° 38
Septiembre - Diciembre 2022
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Anton Borysenko et al/// Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state 180-188
Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state
and regional environmental policy as part of the strategy for
sustainable development of Ukraine
Anton Borysenko*
Yevgen Volko **
Olena Puskina***
Mykola Potip****
Yulia Leheza*****
The purpose of the scientific article is to identify the administrative and legal foundations of public
administration in the field of environmental policy, and to determine the directions of its
development at the present stage. Main content. The authors of the article established that the
principles of public administration in the implementation of state and autonomous environmental
policy must meet the requirements of: accessibility, timeliness and reliability of environmental
information; as well as ensure the accountability of executive bodies and bodies of local self-
government. The research used general and special scientific methods, the main of which are:
abstract-logical, deductive, inductive, historical, modeling and forecasting, systemic-structural,
systemic and functional, economic-statistical (grouping and comparison) methods of analysis. As a
conclusion, the authors argued that the priority areas of public administration reform, in the
implementation of state and regional environmental policy, include the feasibility of creating and
operating a special information service, the content of which is the implementation of human rights
to a safe environment, favorable environment and quality.
KEYWORDS: Environmental Law, environmental policy, national government, public
administration, referral services.
* PhD in Law, first deputy head of the Gubyn village council of the VIII convocation Ukraine.
ORCID: E-mail:
** Post Graduate Student of the Department of public administration and customs administration, University
of customs and finance, Ukraine. ORCID: Email:
*** Professor, Head of the Department of the Civil, Commercial and Environmental Law, Dnipro University of
Technology, Ukraine. ORCID: E-mail:
**** Professor, Head of the Department of the Civil, Commercial and Environmental Law, Dnipro University of
Technology, Ukraine. ORCID ID: E-mail:
***** Professor, Head of the Department of the Civil, Commercial and Environmental Law, Dnipro University of
Technology, Ukraine. ORCID ID: E-mail:
Recibido: 18/05/2022 Aceptado: 06/07/2022
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Anton Borysenko et al/// Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state 180-188
Principios regulatorios de la administración blica en el campo de
la política ambiental estatal y regional como parte de la estrategia
para el desarrollo sostenible de Ucrania
El propósito del artículo científico consiste en identificar los fundamentos administrativos y
legales de la administración pública en el campo de la política ambiental, y determinar las
direcciones de su desarrollo en la etapa actual. Contenido principal. Los autores del artículo
establecieron que los principios de la administración pública en la ejecución de la política
ambiental estatal y autonómica deben cumplir con los requisitos de: accesibilidad,
oportunidad y confiabilidad de la información ambiental; así como velar por la rendición de
cuentas de los órganos ejecutivos y de los órganos de autogobierno local. La investigación
utilizó métodos científicos generales y especiales, los principales de los cuales son: abstracto-
lógico, deductivo, inductivo, histórico, modelado y pronóstico, métodos de análisis sistémico-
estructural, sistémico y funcional, económico-estadístico (agrupación y comparación). Como
conclusión, los autores fundamentaron que las áreas prioritarias de la reforma de la
administración pública, en la implementación de la política ambiental estatal y regional,
incluyen la viabilidad de crear y operar un servicio de información especial, cuyo contenido
es la implementación de los Derechos Humanos a un medio ambiente seguro, entorno
favorable y de calidad.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Derecho ambiental, política ambiental, gobierno nacional,
administración pública, servicios de referencia.
The development of a modern state is impossible without ensuring the effectiveness
of environmental policy. The implementation of state and environmental policy in Ukraine
should be based on the principles of transformational transition from the policy of extensive
use of natural resources to the policy of introducing renewable development technologies as
an integral element of the Sustainable Development Strategy. Isolation as a separate
component of the Sustainable Development Strategy to ensure the effectiveness of state and
regional environmental policies determines the feasibility of finding ways to form effective
mechanisms of public administration in the use of natural resources, environmental policy
requirements, introduction of alternative energy sources. Despite the extreme importance of
the implementation of state and regional environmental policies, their regulatory
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Anton Borysenko et al/// Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state 180-188
uncertainty, the lack of implementation strategy is exacerbated by the ongoing state of
Russian aggression in Ukraine.
Public administration in the field of state and regional environmental policy has
repeatedly been the subject of research by representatives of various special and branch
sciences. Quite a lot of attention is paid to the study of the implementation of state and
regional environmental policies in the development of administrative law. It is worth
highlighting the research of such scientists as V.V. Kostytsky (Kostytsky, 2001), Yu.O.
Legeza, O.O. Surilova (Leheza & Surilova, 2019), B.G. Rozovsky (Shemshuchenko, 1978),
Yu.S. Shemshuchenko (Pogorilko, 1973) and others. Representatives of the science of
environmental law, in particular G.I. Balyuk (Balyuk, 2017), A.P. Hetman (Hetman, 2014) and
others. Within the framework of this publication, the attention will be focused on
establishing the essence and legal framework for public administration in the field of state
and regional environmental policy as part of the Sustainable Development Strategy of
The purpose of the scientific article is to implement the scientific and theoretical
justification of the administrative and legal foundations of public administration in the field
of environmental policy and determine the directions of their development at the present
stage using the obtained scientific results
1. Materials and methods
The research used general scientific and special methods, the main of which are:
abstract-logical, deductive, inductive, historical, modeling and forecasting, methods of
system-structural, systemic and functional analysis, economic-statistical (grouping,
comparison, etc.). The application of methods of systems analysis allowed to structure the
constituent elements of the system of legal framework for public administration in the field
of state and regional environmental policy.
2. Results and discussion
Approval and implementation of a comprehensive unified state environmental policy
in Ukraine takes place at the level of proclamation of targeted programs, strategic
development plans, the priority goals of which include the creation of an effective mechanism
of public administration in the field of environmental protection.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Anton Borysenko et al/// Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state 180-188
It should be noted that as of June 1, 2022, there are about 300 targeted state programs
and strategic plans for regional development in Ukraine. It should be noted that a number of
such national strategies have been approved since the 1990s and are still being implemented,
in particular, the Concept of Administrative Reform in Ukraine, adopted in 1998.
Among the national programs aimed at ensuring an effective state environmental
policy are: 1) National program for the formation of the national ecological network of
Ukraine for 2000-2015; 2) National program for biodiversity conservation for 2005-2025; 3)
Program for the use of production and consumption waste for the period up to 2005, which
subsequently led to the adoption of the basic principles of the state system of waste
management as a secondary resource; 4) Strategy of the state ecological policy of Ukraine for
the period till 2030.
The Strategy of State Environmental Policy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 (Law
of Ukraine, 2019) identifies a number of national and regional issues that need urgent
solution, among which one of the priorities is the need to reform the system of public
administration in the field of environmental protection and regulation use of natural
resources, in particular, inconsistency of actions of central and local executive bodies and
local self-government bodies, unsatisfactory state of the state environmental monitoring
system ”.
The provisions of the Strategy of State Environmental Policy of Ukraine define the
need to integrate environmental policy into sectoral policies, mandatory consideration of the
environmental component in drawing up strategies, plans and programs for Ukraine's
development, implementation of environmental management in enterprises, greening of
economic activity, which is implemented in Eastern, Western and Central Europe. The main
directions became an important political and legal document, which contained the
conceptual principles of environmental policy, which are mandatory for implementation by
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in three stages.
During the first stage, the urgency of implementing and completing urgent
measures to limit the negative impact on the environment was determined, which include: a)
ensuring the quality of the regulatory framework for environmental protection and
environmental safety requirements; b) revision of approaches to establishing the content and
essence of the environmental protection and economic mechanism (in particular, revision of
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Anton Borysenko et al/// Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state 180-188
approaches to understanding the procedure for allocating natural resource rents and the
introduction of the economic passport of Ukrainians); c) functioning of a perfect system of
state control over the state of the environment on the basis of objectivity and comprehensive
intersectional environmental monitoring; d) implementation of effective programs of
environmental education, legal education and environmental awareness (Leheza ect., 2020).
In the process of implementing the second phase, designed for 10-15 years, starting in
1998, it was planned to develop and implement comprehensive programs aimed at achieving
a balance between the levels of harmful effects on the environment and its ability to recover.
However, as in the first stage, this goal was not detailed in its main objectives, as they are
aimed at:
a) optimization of the structure of nature management;
b) ecologically oriented structural restructuring of the economy;
c) development and implementation in Ukraine of a system of state environmental
monitoring, creation of a system of analysis of the environmental situation, forecasting,
planning and implementation of precautionary measures against possible factors of harmful
effects (Khilko, 1999).
Priority areas for the implementation of state and regional environmental policy
should include: creating a climate that will reduce risks to human health and well-being, thus
determining the "quality" of the environment; ensuring a balance of private and public
interests that will contribute to the achievement of economic, environmental, social well-
being; introduction of ecological requirements to the processes of state and regional
planning; establishing social partnership and dialogue; elimination of consequences of
natural and man-made emergencies; ensuring environmental safety and maintaining
ecological balance in Ukraine; the effectiveness of the mechanism of legal liability for
violations of environmental legislation; introduction of the principles of prevention
(prevention) and priority of eliminating sources of environmental damage, "the polluter
The principles of public administration in the implementation of state and regional
environmental policy must meet the requirements of accessibility, timeliness and reliability
of environmental information; as well as ensuring the accountability of executive bodies and
local self-government bodies (Leheza ect., 2018).
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Anton Borysenko et al/// Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state 180-188
Implementation of public administration in the field of state and regional
environmental policy must meet the requirements of service. The concept of the "service
state" was formed in the 1980s. The modern interpretation of the category "service state" is
due to the need to integrate private and public interests, meet the needs of man and society
(social groups). The implementation of service approaches is obviously possible within the
framework of state and regional environmental policies, the subjects of implementation of
which are the public, international and national public funds, public associations. The
implementation of public administration in the field of state and regional environmental
policy should take place on the basis of decentralization of power, bringing its institutions
closer to the consumer of administrative procedures, where the priority is the proportionality
of management decisions.
Normative principles of public administration in the field of state and regional
environmental policy are determined primarily in accordance with the provisions of the
Aarhus Convention, approved on June 25, 1998, which set priorities for access to information,
public participation in environmental management decisions, access to justice on
environmental issues. The Aarhus Convention, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
was detailed in accordance with the provisions of the Association Agreement between
Ukraine and the EU and EU Directive 2003/4 / EU of 28 January 2003 (Law of Ukraine, 1998).
Achieving the implementation of the concept of "service state" as a component of state
and regional environmental policy is associated with the creation of effective mechanisms for
public participation in management decisions, in particular by exercising the right to
participate in strategic environmental assessment and public discussions. Ukraine, 2018).
Forms of implementation of the service-oriented state in the field of environmental policy
are: publication of reports of the central executive body in the field of environmental
protection; responding to public information requests about the state of the environment;
generalization of electronic appeals and their consideration in the planning and
implementation of environmental management policy; organization of public discussions,
including in the form of online surveys, questionnaires, systematization of public opinion
(electronic public consultations and public opinion polls); assessment of harmful effects on
the environment, which has become a substitute for public expertise (Leheza ect., 2021).
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Anton Borysenko et al/// Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state 180-188
In order to overcome the devastating impact on the environment resulting from the
Russian armed attack, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine acceded to the Convention on the
Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents. Ratification of the Convention on the
Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents will allow Ukraine to become a full
participant in the process of overcoming industrial accidents that may have a transboundary
impact; solve the problems of creating compatible accident alert systems and exchange of
information necessary to counter transboundary impact; provide opportunities to receive
assistance under the Convention to build capacity and share experiences in the prevention,
preparedness and response to accidents; will allow the use of the Convention as an additional
legal mechanism in the event that an accident that occurred in another country has provoked
consequences in our territory (Andreytsev, 2002).
Thus, the normative principles of public administration in the implementation of state
and regional environmental policy are provided by a significant array of laws and regulations
(Leheza ect., 2021).
Agreeing with OA Ulyutina, we believe that the administrative and legal regulation of
relations in the field of state and regional environmental policy can provide a strategy and
tactics for environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and implement the
basic tenets of sustainable development that meets international standards. legal standards
of human-nature relations: "administrative-legal regulation with the help of specially
authorized executive bodies allows to purposefully influence the course of human-nature
relations, stimulating positive trends, providing strategy and tactics of environmental
protection and nature management" (Ulyutina, 2011).
The structure of the public administration system in the field of natural resources use
is characterized by a differentiated approach to its organization. At the same time, ensuring
the strategy of sustainable development and integrated rational use of natural resources
becomes possible only if the interaction and interconnection within the complex branched
system of state executive power and local self-government. Ensuring an integrated approach
to solving the problems of sustainable development and rational use of natural resources is
seen in the reform of the system of public administration, which should take place by
implementing the principle of landscape approach to solving the problem of rational
integrated use of natural resources (Leheza ect., 2021).
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
Anton Borysenko et al/// Regulatory principles of public administration in the field of state 180-188
Thus, establishing the effectiveness of public administration in the implementation of
state and regional environmental policy should be based on the priority of public
participation in administrative acts, the effectiveness of information interaction between
society and the state, "digitalization" of public authorities and local governments. In general,
it should be noted that in Ukraine the implementation of public administration functions is
based on the service-oriented functioning of the subjects of power. In particular, such tools
of the service-oriented state can be identified public information resources - "Action",
"Prozorro", "Appeals in the field of state registration of civil status" and others. However, in
the field of environmental protection and implementation of state and regional
environmental policy, such public information services are absent, although they should have
functioned. Public information services in the field of environmental protection are an
effective guarantee of the effectiveness of the constitutional provision on the ownership of
the Ukrainian people for natural resources and the transparency of management decisions
on the use of natural resources and facilities of national and regional importance.
Thus, the priority areas of public administration reform in the implementation of state
and regional environmental policy include the feasibility of creating and operating a special
information service, the content of which is the implementation of human rights to a safe
environment, favorable and "quality" environment.
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