REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 37, 2022
Mariia Bobrova et al. /// Features of changes in prooxidant-antioxidant balance … 362-382
Analyzing the results of the research of PAS of Liliopsida, it can be argued that the
initiation of germination causes an increase in the level of •О2- generation in the tissues of
Panicum miliaceum L. by 38,67%, in the tissues of Oryza sativa L. – by 88,97%, Zea mays L. –
42,14%, Avena sativa L. – 72,14%, Hordeum vulgare L. – 36,36%, Triticum durum Desf. – by 24,39%.
The largest increase in the level of ΔTBAap is characteristic of Triticum durum Desf. (26,11%),
the least - for Avena sativa L. (6,09%). Germination initiation increases the activity of
cytochrome oxidase in the tissues of Avena sativa L. by 46,02%, Panicum miliaceum L. by 6,99%,
in the tissues of Oryza sativa L. – by 61,80%, Zea mays L. – 11,42%, Hordeum vulgare L. – 22,16%,
Triticum durum Desf. – at 5,18%. Catalase activity is enhanced in experimental plants by the
following values: Avena sativa L. by 75,79%, Panicum miliaceum L. by 21,04%, in tissues of Oryza
sativa L. – by 105,13%, Zea mays L. – 29,99%, Hordeum vulgare L. – 42,62%, Triticum durum Desf. –
at 33,91%. By increasing the growth of SOD experimental plants can be placed in the
following order: Panicum miliaceum L. (15,11%), Zea mays L. (23,20%), Triticum durum Desf.
(30,40%), Hordeum vulgare L. (38,46%), Avena sativa L. (86,03%), Oryza sativa L. (91,07%).
Analyzing the content of low molecular weight antioxidants, it should be noted that the
concentration of ascorbate in the seed tissues of experimental Liliopsida plants is on average
1,96 times lower than in Magnoliopsida. Oats Avena sativa L., Oryza sativa L., and Zea mays L. have
the highest background level of AA, Panicum miliaceum L. has the lowest.
Activation of germination processes increases the amount of ascorbate in the tissues
of Avena sativa L. by 15,34 times, Hordeum vulgare L. by 9,86, Zea mays L. – by 8,15 times, Triticum
durum Desf. – 8,06 times, Oryza sativa L. – 5,23 times. The smallest increase in the concentration
of AA has Panicum miliaceum L., which is 2,74 times. The content of GSH has a similar tendency,
so the average concentration of GSH in the tissues of experimental Magnoliopsida is 1,49
times higher than in Liliopsida. The maximum value of the indicator for dormant seeds
recorded for Avena sativa L., the minimum – for Zea mays L. Activation of germination processes
increases the amount of GSH in the tissues of Avena sativa L. by 16,04%, Hordeum vulgare L. – by
14,29%, Zea mays L. – by 13,48%, Triticum durum Desf. – by 11,23%, Oryza sativa L. – 11,76%. The
smallest increase in the concentration of GSH has Panicum miliaceum L., which is 7,81%. As a
result of the analysis of changes in the amount of low molecular weight AO, it can be assumed
that when activating the processes of germination of AA seeds has a more protective value