de la
del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
Ciencias del
y Tecnología
Año 13 N° 36
Enero - Abril 2022
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
Environmental security issues in mining areas
Svetlana E. Germanova *
Vadim G. Pliushchikov **
Tatiana V. Magdeeva ***
Tatiana A. Ryzhova ****
Nikolay V. Petukhov *****
In today's economy, it is necessary to explore the environmental impact of mining. Coal mining
greatly affects all environmental parameters of the environment: home, production, hydrodynamics.
The environmental situation in the area of the mining company can be changed if environmental
contamination is monitored and environmental protection plans and measures are developed. The
purpose of this work is the analysis of systems and models of these processes in the ecosystem. The
main systemic hypothesis of the research is that the variety of criteria and methods of risk assessment
is a necessary condition of order in the system. The main results of the work are the following: 1) a
systematic analysis of the problems of environmental security, geodynamics of the mining areas,
aspects of the balance of the sustainable process and the cause of the increase in danger was carried
out; 2) Proposed approaches (models) for the assessment of evolutionary ecological potential and
health risks, as well as adaptive situational modeling of the ecosystem. It is important to note, the
study results do not suggest complex environmental monitoring studies.
KEYWORDS: Environment; Environmental degradation; Coal mining; Environmental impact
*Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technosphere Security of the Agrarian and Technological Institute,
Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, ORCID: E-mail:
**Doctor of Agricultural science, Professor, Director of the Department of Technosphere Security of the
Agrarian and Technological Institute, Рeoples Friendship University of Russia. ORCID: E-mail:
***Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technosphere Security of the Agrarian and Technological Institute,
Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia. ORCID: E-mail: dremova-
****Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Institute of Physical Research
and Technology of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Рeoples’ Friendship
University of Russia. ORCID: E-mail:
*****Candidate of Agriculture Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Technosphere Security of
the Agrarian and Technological Institute, Рeoples Friendship University of Russia. ORCID: E-mail:
This paper has been supported by the RUDN University Strategic Academic Leadership Program.
Recibido: 04/10/2021 Aceptado: 01/12/2021
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
Problemas de seguridad ambiental en áreas mineras
En la economía actual, es necesario explorar el impacto ambiental de la minería. La minería
del carbón afecta en gran medida todos los parámetros ambientales del medio ambiente:
hogar, producción, hidrodinámica. La situación ambiental en el área de la empresa minera se
puede cambiar si se monitorea la contaminación ambiental y se desarrollan planes y medidas
de protección ambiental. El propósito de este trabajo es el análisis de sistemas y modelos de
estos procesos en el ecosistema. La principal hipótesis sistémica de la investigación es que la
variedad de criterios y métodos de evaluación del riesgo es una condición necesaria del orden
en el sistema. Los principales resultados del trabajo son los siguientes: 1) se realizó un análisis
sistemático de los problemas de seguridad ambiental, geodinámica de las áreas m ineras,
aspectos del equilibrio del proceso sostenible y la causa del aumento del peligro; 2) enfoques
propuestos (modelos) para la evaluación del potencial ecológico evolutivo y los riesgos para
la salud, así como el modelado situacional adaptativo del ecosistema. Es importante destacar
que los resultados del estudio no sugieren estudios complejos de monitoreo ambiental.
PALABRAS CLAVE: medio ambiente; deterioro ambiental; minería de carbón; evaluación del
impacto ambiental.
Environmental security problems (hereinafter referred to simply as "safety") in mining
areas are related both to changes in the biosphere and the noosphere. Everything should be
considered taking into account the biosphere and noosphere, forest losses, the disposal of
large pastures and arable land. Safety is growing with the growth of plowing of land in river
floodplains, indiscriminate construction of dams, forest fires, deforestation and mining, for
example, the production of limestones, dolomites, etc.
Mining, coal burning seriously affects the biosphere, the whole nature. The coal
industry and coal-fired thermal power plants cause the greatest environmental damage.
With the growth of construction and engineering work, negative processes of a
geodynamic nature attract the attention of scientists, for example, note Brussels, Pepper and
Gerba (2019:219), Sklarew (2018), Kolesnikova and Kovalchuk (2021). During rock
development, dust, gases are released into the atmosphere during drilling and blasting
operations, as well as during transportation, pollutants are discharged into wastewater.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
Geodynamics of mining areas is formed by karst depressions, tectonic disorders and
weakening of the earth's crust. In conditions of non-equilibrium physical and chemical
processes, mining areas themselves become unstable, the cause of negative geoprocesses of
increased danger.
Contamination of the mining area is dangerous not only for the biosphere, but also for
agricultural products falling on our table. Various impurities (pollution factors) come both
from natural-anthropogenic sources and from human life and production. These are dust
(desertification), salt (salinization), smoke-gas (forest and steppe fires), etc.
Anthropogenic pollutants from numerous sources of emissions pose a threat to health
and human life. The list of pollutants includes more than 4,000 impurities, specific, regional
and regional, near the point.
The safety of the area is based on the prediction and elimination of hazardous and risk
situations of various types to identify the unacceptable level of impact of environmental
pollution factors (Shafiquzzaman and Alharbi, 2020; Liang and Xiao, 2020). In Russia, the
share of coal production was more than 75% (Tarazanov and Gubanov, 2020) and there is a
stable balance in the mining region, which is a strategic advantage of economic and
environmental safety (Kulikova and Balovtsev, 2020).
In Russia, coal waste reserves are estimated at 80-120 billion tons (an annual increase
of about 7 billion tons), and only 5-10% of them are processed (State report, 2019:389). In the
world - the picture is similar. South, South-East and West Asia are the most polluted parts
of the world, especially cities (the countries of this Asia are located in the 30 most polluted
cities in the world). For example, according to (Statistical Review, 2021:47), you can
construct the histogram shown in Figure 1.
The use of fuel coal in thermal power plants seriously affects the environment, with
all its 278 different impacts, and this is the monthly cause (Kobylkin and Musina, 2019) of
more than 7 million premature deaths in the world: from lung cancer (29%), acute respiratory
infection (17%), stroke (24%), ischemia (25%), chronic lung disease (43%).
The purpose of this work is system analysis-synthesis and simulation-forecasting of
key processes affecting environmental safety and pollution risks in mining. A procedure for
assessing its evolutionary potential, "ecological debt", mathematical models and expert
heuristic procedures are also proposed. The application of Big Data, Smart Mining, AI,
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
situational modeling and other intelligent technologies in decision making is emphasized, for
example, remote control, production dispatching, compensation of "environmental debt"
Fig.1. Distribution of proved reserved in 2020 (R/P Reserves-to-Production)
1. Materials and methods
Structural factors affect tectonics, terrain, geological structure, and rock composition.
Water stiffness increases, mineralization changes, rock vulnerability decreases, safety
decreases. For example, karst features and hazards appear in the sulphate rocks of the
Western Urals (Gayev and Kilin, 2018). Mountains reduce negative geodynamic processes.
Scientists study processes using remote methods: topographic, hydrogeological and
geophysical observations.
Hydrogeochemical methods of forecasting safety in hydrodynamic areas allow
building maps of safety, tectonic movements, and increased stresses (depression) of the
earth's surface. It became possible to monitor the erosion-tectonic and stress dynamics and
introduce effective safety measures.
The rock array is a complex hierarchical structure, characterized by variability in
stresses and properties. In order for geology and hydrogeology data arrays to become active
Middle East &
S. & Cent.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
and be used for technical decisions, Big Data will be required with survey data, starting with
the operation of the deposit and completing the process of computer modeling of the state of
stresses. Such modeling allows taking into account the processes of mountain pressure,
stress, critical state of rocks. This allows you to prevent mountain strikes, follow the rules
and rules of development.
We use general (system) methods and private methods (experimental dependencies,
models, etc.).
2. Systems approach, trends and digital transformation in mining security
The development of mining projects is carried out through the opening of new
horizons, development, the use of new technologies, research. The development of
production is also a complication of mining. The natural trend is to increase the efficiency of
enterprises and mines.
There is a systemic problem - there is no single technological infrastructure,
environment of settlements and projects, and the one that is - morally, technologically
obsolete quickly, and the consequences of risks, dangers, poor security policies are
The reasons for the risks are as follows:
1) qualitative (quantitative) development of forms and structures of subsoil use and
development of subsoil;
2) development of deep, therefore complex and inaccessible deposits;
3) geodynamic (seismic) activity;
4) intensive technologies with uncertain parameters of mining and excavation of
structures, stress relaxation, large volumes of rocks;
5) synergistic processes and stable equilibrium states, increasing seismic activity.
Geodynamics and mechanics of mining processes complicate these causes, deterrent
factors. Their systemic analysis/synthesis aimed at improving technology and safety and
reducing environmental response time is needed. Systematization, regulation,
intellectualization and modeling will allow you to move to a new, systemic (high-quality)
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
Optimizing or, at a minimum, rationalizing the use of coal deposits can help preserve
natural resources from pollution and depletion, and people from social, economic,
environmental and even production problems. Many companies reduce emissions to the
atmosphere from the coal industry (Skopintseva, Balovtsev, 2021), use biotechnology and
renewable or low-waste raw materials. Moving and deformations of the earth's surface at
coal mining enterprises are being studied (Batugin, 2020).
Improving the environmental situation in the surrounding mining area is a systemic
problem that is being addressed at the state level. But the analysis we have done makes it
possible to note the priority problems on which the systemic solution of the problem in the
regions depends, namely:
1) create joint environmental programs of enterprises, private business and public
2) ensure the freedom of investors, turn it into an advantage of free cooperation in
conditions of ecological "non-freedom";
3) include the creation of a comfortable environment focused on quality of life, growth
drivers and optimal parameters;
4) take into account the characteristics of export-import;
5) implement relevant forms of cooperation with stakeholders;
6) forecast prospects of trade liberalization (reduction of tariffs, duties);
7) provide logistics flows and build transit capacity;
8) develop activities and expand niches in markets, including the national market;
9) ensure safety in all its important aspects;
10) assess consumer interests and corporate risks of greening;
11) record, classify and compare geological and production data, etc.
In forecasting pollution in mining areas, the following are important:
1) organized and verifiable monitoring;
2) carefully prepared mathematical (numerical) modeling;
3) presence of representative methods, models (systems), especially, not requiring
numerous and expensive, complex verification procedures.
From the point of view of the systemic approach to the problem, it should be taken
into account that depressive funnels arise in the mountain range, leading to deformation
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Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
processes, increased seismic hazard, the formation of stored waste ("tailings", dumps). All
this is a step towards irreversible bifurcations of environmental processes, the onset of global
environmental changes and crises.
3. Ecological potential of a sustainable mining area
Industrial mining regions, coal mining areas need technological progress. It helps to
combat the decline in environmental potential and disruption of equilibrium processes in the
environment. Especially, on processes that lead to pollution, the strengthening of factors that
dominate such processes (Kaledina, Kobylkin, 2016).
Mining, mining and mining in regions with ore reserves should be regulated by
monitoring the potential for sustainable development, regulating the so-called
"environmental debt". Environmental damage is limited to the relevant objective function, the
area is charged with natural restoration work or compensation for damage with fines,
depending on the intensity of pollution.
The maximum damage is determined according to regional policy, law and
environmental and economic standards. In the assessment of environmental debt, the
primary is not even the magnitude, but the dynamic increase in damage from economic
The state of stability of the area is based on the actualization of connections with the
environment, with the environment. Self-organization of production structures,
evolutionary potential and prediction of the evolutionary capabilities of the system are a
prerequisite for a systemic approach. As well as the need for situational modeling of
interactions with the environment.
Effective criteria, indices for assessing potential and sustainability are needed to
Pareto-optimize relations environment. This is important for long-term forecasting,
development planning (Batugin, Musina and Golovko, 2017) taking into account doses of key
pollutants (Figure 2).
It is necessary to decompose the production and processing system into subsystems.
This ensures structural activity and reduced complexity, increased manageability of the
system. It is important to have procedures that flexibly take into account the integral
connections of subsystems. For the subsystem, as part of the structure, a vector of basic
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
factors is specified (without which it is impossible to study the functioning of the
subsystem) and the functionality of the subsystem activity.
Fig. 2. Concentrations in the Russian Federation, μg/m³
For the whole system, the state vector x and the activity s(x) are identified. In natural
systems, speaking of management, we should talk not only about activity, but also about
fatigue of the entire system. Fatigue potentials inform the potential for sustainable
For example, if the environment resumes system resources, at the rate of view renewal:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜,
then the evolutionary potential of the system can be set by functionality:
where k(s) is the natural resource change factor.
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Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
Above the pace - above the potential. And vice versa. No matter how high resources
are at the beginning, they are depleted if the potential is less than one.
It is also important to consider that it is necessary to specify a certain set of factors
and a set of permissible controls in which there is an achievable optimal (rational according
to the selected criterion) value.
The efficiency, sustainability of the mining area depends on the priorities of goals
(production, environmental, economic, etc.), the interests of the region, innovation and
investment attractiveness.
We offer the following target factors:
1) rational use of land, water and raw materials;
2) recreational opportunities;
3) demographic parameters (fertility, mortality, age-sex structure, etc.);
4) requirements for qualifications, postgraduate education;
5) budgetary financing, increased regional funding;
6) investment opportunities, return on investment;
7) frequency and amplitude of environmental threats, emissions and pollution;
8) dynamism and expansion of production;
9) level of logistics, standardization and unification, production quality;
10) information openness, social activity, unemployment, etc.
An adequate numerical measure is comparable to most criteria. Based on these
indicators and their importance (objectivity of accounting), the potential and sustainability
of the mining area can be assessed integrally. This is important for the formation of
evolutionary functionalities.
In the polluted ecosystem, representatives of both flora and fauna and even
technospheres suffer. Everyone experiences an adaptation load in such a system. A systemic
sign of restoration of the environment after contamination is, for example, the density and
stability of the grass, permissible values of MPC.
These are important criteria for the self-regulation of the ecosystem.
4. Mining areas, geological structures, risks, assessments and their accounting
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
The forecast of risk in geological structures, systems is a problem that is relevant in
modern geological studies. It is necessary to analyze the instrumental support of systems,
communications with the habitat, build appropriate models, identification algorithms and
In particular, it is necessary to:
1) adaptation techniques, research and development tools;
2) models of accounting and assessment of geological risks in the environment of
development and assessment of sustainability of model solutions and forecasting of
development and risks;
3) algorithms for modeling and identification, testing, and derivation of causal
relationships during work.
The forecast of the business risks, the assessment of possible damage, and the
formation of accurate and calculated solutions is a feasible task. Here will help many-agent
models (Kaziev, Kazieva, 2019), maximum likelihood criteria (Mazalov, Nikitina, 2018)
discrete-event and computer modeling.
Risk - the probability of harm to health, life, environment, next generations and new
generations of structures. This is a socio-economic and environmental-economic problem
(Trusov, Zaitseva, 2012).
Preventive measures are necessary to adequately counter.
The category "risk-situation" is determined by quantitative indicators of danger, a
measure of damage. For example, in absolute (specific), direct (indirect) dimensions.
The infological "portrait" of the environment, the system is determined by the tasks:
1) geoinformational;
2) ecologic-systemic;
3) problem-oriented (concentration of pollutants), etc.
Individual (potential) and regional risks should be considered. Individual risks are
assessed by indicators of single pollution (for example, emissions). They are found by
experimental dependencies, for example, according to Onishchenko (2002):
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
where C is the average daily concentration, P is the pollutant MPC; - medium reserve of
"self-cleaning" (7.5, 6.0, 4.5 and 3.0 - respectively, at 1-4 hazard classes); b - coefficient (2.40,
1.31, 1.00 and 0.86); t - exposure time, for example, equal to average life expectancy, 76 years
(Deryabin and Unguryanu, 2019; Sorokin and Sedykh, et al., 2021).
Individual risk can even be affected by sound pressure during rock explosions
(asthenic syndrome, vegetative dysfunctions, etc.). Such risks can be considered integrally
by distribution:
 
L is the noise level (decibel).
The population risk of the i-th in the order of exposure for the j-th factor is found, for
example, by the formula:
where  is the individual risk, N is the population of the risk area.
Damage to health in the area can be determined multiplicatively:
 
 
 
where is the cost of damage for the i-th single impact, k is the point number on the
evolutionary trajectory of the ecosystem.
Especially important are the surroundings of bifurcation points (Muzica, 2011).
You can replace the multiplicative representation with an additive representation to
highlight time characteristics (highlight trends by region). In the time series of safety
observations (pollutants), seasonal cycles can be distinguished and extrapolated using the
maximum likelihood method.
To plan preventive measures, discounted income is found in risk areas:
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
 
 
where i is the serial number of the year, is the income for the year,  is the avoided
damage, r is the rate of profit, is the cost of sale.
Activities with NPV are less costly to consider, although they are important
sometimes in social aspects. For the NPV measures selected as they rise, we calculate the
IRR, find the measure with the maximum IRR, calculate the net income and form the action
Adaptive manageability and tracking evolutionary functionality change is the path to
effective decision-making.
The main thing is to analyze the parameters of the environment, take into account the
connections, and flexible selection of the optimal control mode. Relies on adaptive planning,
situation testing, and risk states (Figure 3).
Fig. 3. Levels of adaptive ecosystem analysis
Adaptive modeling allows you to iteratively adjust the strategy (trajectory) of the
geoecosystem behavior using control influences and learning the adaptive model in various
situations. The study of complex ecosystems is associated with multicriteria, uncertainty in
the environment, so manageability and sustainability are the most important and complex
Adaptive analysis of the environmental problem
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
In the development of adaptive mechanisms, the use of accurate (formalized) models
and procedures is difficult. Non-classical approaches are involved, in particular, expertise,
Expert and heuristic assessments of mining areas are important for assessments:
1) resource capacity of production;
2) negative impact and self-healing potential;
3) forecast of production volumes, etc.
Such areas are characterized by a variety of types of potential impacts, so system
analysis involves expert and heuristic tools, procedures. Dynamic characteristics will need
to be analyzed separately and with the effect of their integral effects (Korobov, 2008). But, in
our opinion, the methodology of integral estimates is practically absent or they are complex,
poorly structured.
Therefore, expert and heuristic assessments in mining areas are given great attention.
Researchers, especially practitioners, seek to learn full and relevant analytics about the
Data analytics are the basis of all new technologies that allow you to extract and
collect useful information from ore mining data sets and mining areas that would otherwise
be impossible to analyze.
The systematic analysis-synthesis will help change the environmental situation for the
mining enterprise. Only monitoring of environmental pollution, the availability of relevant
measures to improve production safety for the environment is important.
Applied system analysis is a theoretical basis for modeling (forecasting) not only
industrial, but also socio-domestic processes in the ecosystem. Analysis of problems of
system safety and geodynamics of mining areas, sustainable process equilibrium is applicable
in practical problems, for example, automation of drilling operations, dispatching of
production and situational modeling of risk situations.
The evolutionary approach to forecasting the risk situation, adaptability of
production to the effects of factors of the mining area provides new practical opportunities.
This is facilitated by the application of the results of the system analysis.
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Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
In Industry 4.0, Big Data, Data Mining, and other intelligent decision-making
technologies can be used effectively. This will help the proposed approaches to assessing
evolutionary potential and risks, the emphasized capabilities of expert and heuristic
The main information and logical support for predicting the stability of a
contaminated environment can be provided by technologies (methodologies): Big Data, Data
Mining, classifications, neuro-network, visualization and virtualization, cognitive and
geographic information (GIS).
In the management of pollution risks, such integrating and versatile technologies
enable rapid decision-making, such as the introduction of full-fledged Smart mining
processes into production. Such production, for example, is implemented by the Norilsk
Nickel group of companies under the Technological Breakthrough program.
Russian environmental standards are strict, exclude the maximum risks of pollution
entering the environment adjacent to the mining enterprise. Reclamation allows the
involvement in the economic circulation of land with restrictions on the regimes and
conditions of use (in the process of self-restoration). It is in this direction that our results are
especially interesting.
As a result of the system studies of processes, it can be concluded that the
development of risk situations is influenced by the inherited dynamics from large areas of
concentration of mine workings. Such processes also impede the socio-economic
development of the territory. It is important to use remote methods to assess situations and
developments, degradation of ecosystems and their evolutionary potential. This will help to
assess destructive actions, possible damage (environmental debt) and plan appropriate
practical measures.
The plan focuses on safety monitoring, long-term interactions, and promising areas of
environmental safety.
The variety of criteria and risk assessment methods is a necessary condition of order
in the system.
Further development of our research can take various ways. In our opinion, the
information-entropy approach is interesting, when the evolutionary potential (functional) is
based on the entropy of the system. If the entropy of the current state of the system is large,
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Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Environmental security problems in mining areas, 323-338
the pollution process is underway. If it is so large, then the given system may not become
cleanable at all.
Our approach and procedures are technological, simple and flexible. They do not
involve complex monitoring studies, they allow you to enter the regimes of self-organization
and self-purification of vegetation cover and land subsoil.
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