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del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
Esta publicación científica en formato digital
es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
de la
Año 12 N° 35
Noviembre - 2021
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle
Natalia V. Belozertseva*
Olga I. Vaganova**
Irina V. Akimova***
Anna V. Lapshova****
Roman A. Stepanov*****
The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for results processing in Moodle
electronic system. Methodology: the authors presented formulas for calculating the
reliability of the tests used to verify students' training, the description of what is required for
monitoring, the actions of the teacher to perform a quality assessment system. The process
of calculating the final grade for the course is presented, which will provide the necessary
conditions for conducting student knowledge control. Results: in the process of study, it was
concluded that modern methods of processing the data used during the control measures in
higher education institutions within the framework of the Moodle system contribute to
improving the graduates training.
KEYWORDS: Moodle; gradebook; electronic system; student; assessment; control.
*Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics, Moscow, Russia. ORCID: E-mail:
**Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. ORCID: E-mail:
***Penza State University, Penza, Russia. ORCID:
****Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. ORCID:
*****Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
ORCID: E-mail:
Recibido: 29/06/2021 Aceptado: 01/09/2021
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
Procedimiento de seguimiento y evaluación dentro de LMS
El propósito del artículo es desarrollar recomendaciones para el procesamiento de resultados
en el sistema electrónico Moodle. Metodología: los autores presentaron fórmulas para el
cálculo de la confiabilidad de las pruebas utilizadas para verificar la preparación de los
estudiantes, una descripción de las acciones del docente necesarias para la implementación
del control para que el sistema realice un procedimiento de evaluación cualitativa. Se
presenta el proceso de cálculo de la nota final de la asignatura, que proporcionará las
condiciones necesarias para el control de los conocimientos del alumno. Resultados: en el
proceso de trabajo llegamos a la conclusión de que los métodos modernos de procesamiento
de datos utilizados durante las actividades de control en la educación superior en el marco
del sistema Moodle contribuyen a la mejora de la formación de los egresados.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Moodle; diario de evaluación; sistema electrónico; estudiante;
evaluación; control.
Monitoring and evaluating educational output is a system of planned activities that
help to identify the level of knowledge and the formation of students' competencies. Control
should be carried out both at the level of individual tasks and exercises, and after doing some
module, according to the results of the semester, year. Control must meet the requirements
of reliability and practicality. Reliability means obtaining logical results, their stability,
reproducibility and independence from the subjective opinion of the reviewers.
The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for results processing in
Moodle electronic system.
Functionality is expressed in the maximum reduction of time for organizing and
processing results. The basic requirements for control are: objectivity, regularity, clarity and
accuracy of the tasks statement. Monitoring activity peculiarity consists not only in
knowledge and skills development, but also in feedback implementation, which makes it
possible for the teacher to receive information on the progress of the educational process, on
the results of all students and each individual (Bulaeva, et al., 2018). To implement the data
collection procedure, there are various platforms for organizing training and monitoring. The
use of electronic resources occupies an important place in the educational process. Electronic
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
tools allow you to activate the student's cognitive activity, motivate him to fill in the
knowledge gaps on time, as the assessment results appear automatically and the student can
take appropriate measures to improve their own knowledge (Vaganova et al., 2019).
Currently, electronic educational systems provide ample opportunities for training students.
Moodle allows you to carry out an operational knowledge test, evaluate in a short time a large
mass of students' work, carry out verification of theoretical materials, ensure objectivity of
One of the most popular electronic platforms in the modern educational system is
Moodle, which provides tools for monitoring and evaluating the educational results of
students that are adequate to innovative development.
With the growing popularity of electronic resources in the education system, distance
learning, the requirements for Moodle are growing. The control of knowledge is becoming an
increasingly complex procedure, therefore, a thorough in modern conditions analysis of the
results processing process in the Moodle system is necessary.
Moodle Platform; includes: wiki; forums, blogs that allow you to make the assessment
process faster, more objective, adequate to the tasks.
All grades that are set by the teacher in the framework of Moodle or are determined
by the system itself are included in the gradebook, called Gradebook. It is available to
students, but at the same time they cannot change it, do not have the ability to correct grades
inside it, because they do not have access to this function.
In the journal, students' grades are calculated both for individual answers and for a
semester. This system simplifies the assessment procedure, makes it more operational.
Student activity on an electronic course is checked using the following accounting
capabilities - activity completion, which means completion of an action and logs - journals
that give the teacher the opportunity to obtain timely information about the student's work.
Theoretical framework
In the quality management system of e-learning, one of the most important indicators
are indicators of the education content quality, educational technologies and its results. E-
learning quality assurance is achieved through international management standards, which
require regular self-assessment and external audit (Yarygin et al., 2019). These processes are
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
inextricably linked with the implementation of control in a separate electronic course. In
pedagogical practice, great importance is given to the electronic environment, which creates
optimal conditions for assessing knowledge (Kiseleva et al., 2019).
The assessment process aims not only to test the student’s knowledge, skills,
competencies, develop self-control skills, critical thinking of students, but also test the
effectiveness of teaching (Pichugina & Bondarchuk, 2019). Consequently, assessment tools
should check not only the level of students' mastering the teaching material, but also the level
of teaching (Kidina, 2020). Therefore, nowadays scientists have identified two types of
assessment: cumulative and formative (Bogdanova & Fedorova, 2020). The essence of the
first is the accumulation of points by the student to obtain the final grade and accumulate
achievements (Shcerbakova & Shcerbakova, 2019). The second is a mechanism that allows
the teacher to gather information to improve teaching.
To make students accumulate points the teacher must develop a specific set of tasks
(Demidov et al., 2016b). Points are cumulative (Demidov et al., 2016a). To complete the
assignment, students must reach a predetermined level and receive an appropriate grade
(Kharytonov et al., 2019). The following types of accumulative systems are distinguished:
simple (all points are summed up, while the sum of points that must be achieved in order to
obtain one or another assessment is known in advance) (Demidov et al., 2016b); accumulative
system with weighted values (here different tasks have different weights and are accordingly
evaluated differently (Ivanova & Korostelev, 2019); accumulative system (Vaganova et al.,
2020), with weight factors and rating (the student’s total of points is not comparable with
different study periods (Nagovitsyn et al., 2020); allows (at the end of the reporting period)
to compare the final estimates with each other for different periods (Tsarapkina et al., 2021).
Using Moodle provides a variety of ways to measure student learning, competency
building. Evaluation is the result of the evaluation (Misakov et al, 2019). In Moodle, a teacher
can not only evaluate students themselves, but also offer them self-assessment. The term
Rating” means rank, position in a row (Ponachugin & Lapygin, 2019). Ratings as the number
of places in the scale is a reference set of options for the qualitative assessment of a given task
(Rakhmangulova & Petrova, 2021). The Mark score is a numerical expression of the degree
to which student achievement matches the benchmark. The scale is a reference gradation of
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
the measured characteristics. Calculation of the assessment is carried out related to various
elements of the assessment (Pavlovych & Bilous, 2019).
One of the most common control methods is testing, which LMS Moodle allows to
implement at a high level. Verification is carried out with the help of many tools that are
improving every year. Testing in the electronic system allows you to see the results not only
for teachers, but also for the students themselves.
The article reveals the process of monitoring and evaluating students in LMS Moodle,
and its capabilities are determined. The test is defined as one of the most frequently used tool
in the students’ educational activities control. Formulas for calculating the reliability of tests
used to test student preparation are given. To carry out the assessment procedure, several
formulas are used. Among them, we identified, firstly, the formula for calculating the average
score of the subjects, and secondly, the formula for calculating the standard error. To obtain
indicators for each course located on Moodle, special reports are developed. Work with the
report is based on Microsoft Excel. The category of electronic courses in LMS Moodle is
selected, the data is exported to Microsoft Excel. The problem is that all the comments that
were noticed during the work and drawn up in the report, the teacher is not able to convey.
And each time there should be a re-examination of electronic courses again. To correct this
remark, as a type of module (plug-in) it is necessary to select a “block”, which is a widget that
is built into the page of the Moodle learning management system. In this case, re-checking of
the courses is no longer relevant.
Results and discussion
The Moodle system has a modular architecture. The core of the system is surrounded
by a large number of different plugins (blocks, reports, course modules). The electronic
course in the system is presented as several sections containing text and a specific set of
course elements (files, forums, tasks, tests, hyperlinks). The course of the educational process
is fixed due to two pre-installed modules: task and test. The role of tasks is to organize review
work, course projects, essays, where the answer is formed in the form of a file, followed by
the assessment and review of the teacher. The testing module allows you to control
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
knowledge in the form of tests with various kinds of questions. To obtain indicators for each
course, special reports are developed. Work with the report is presented as follows. The
category of electronic courses in LMS Moodle is selected, the data is exported to Microsoft
Excel. Next, Excel automatically detects comments. All additions to automatically detected
comments are saved in Microsoft Excel. This system has an obvious flaw. All available add-
ons are stored only in Excel, so the teacher does not have the ability to transfer this report
and every time electronic courses must be re-checked again. To correct this remark, as a type
of module (plug-in) it is necessary to select a “block”, which is a widget that is built into the
page of the Moodle learning management system (Aniskin et al., 2020). You can evaluate
using the “rate” hyperlink. Icons are highlighted on the page with which you can understand
whether the teacher made an assessment. This will allow you to save comments and more
quickly correct them (Dobudko et al., 2019).
One of the most common forms of control in an electronic environment is a test.
Moodle provides several types of questions: multiple choice; true/false; matching; short
answers; numerical answers; calculated answers; embedded answers essay.
In order to carry out test control, the teacher fills in the fields in specially created
forms for this, depending on the type of question used in the task. In order to enter a question,
it is necessary to fill in the fields: the name of the question, its contents (to do this the use of
an internal editor is provided, which allows you to format the text, insert lists, tables,
necessary figures, provided that they are uploaded to the server), a picture for display (you
can use any picture stored on the server), default score for the question, penalty (deduction
of a certain number of points for incorrect answers), general comment (the teacher can
provide an explanation for any question to make the students pass the test).
Note that Moodle makes it possible to create non-numeric rating scales. A student
can get a grade not in the range from 1 to 100, but in the form of a word or phrase.
The most important advantage of the Moodle system is that Moodle provides built-in
tools for processing test data. These tools are constantly evolving, undergoing changes, and
the possibilities of monitoring and evaluation are increasing.
The first group includes the entire test, and the second contains separate questions or
a group of questions. The average grade of the subjects is the arithmetic average of the grades
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Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
of all students who completed the test. Ts is the grade for the test of the S-th student, the
median is the median value of the marks of the subjects Ts.
A median is a grade in the middle of a list of grades sorted in ascending or descending order
that are set for the test. The possibilities of the median is that it allows you to compare
students and highlight the “strong” and “weak”.
A generally accepted measure of variation in student grades per test (for a particular
group of students) is the standard deviation of grades for the test. Its purpose is to
characterize the differentiating ability of the test (this deviation shows the ability of the test
to divide the subjects in terms of training.
The standard deviation indicates “strong” and “weak” students, if the test is high, then
the deviation is not more than 30%.
Kurtosis asymmetry coefficients are measures that show the difference in the
distribution form of test scores received by students from the normal distribution.
The reliability coefficient of the test in Moodle can be identified by determining the
scatter of the results of each student who performed the test when answering questions. The
smaller the given scatter of the results of each individual student with respect to the scatter
of the total grades for the test, the questions are considered more consistent (Eremina &
Pimukova, 2014). The calculation of the standard error is made according to the formula:
Calculation of standard error allows you to evaluate the factor of luck and set the
margin of error for the student's grades for the test (Eremina & Pimukova, 2014).
If the standard error was 10% and the student received 60% of the maximum mark, in
this case, his true mark will range between 50% and 70%.
The randomness indicator shows whether the student performed the test, being
aware of his own activity, determines his preparedness, whether the student has real
knowledge, or the fact of a good choice prevails in his work.
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Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
Moodle supports automatic processing of test results. To enter its statistics, you
should go to the “Navigation” block, open the course section tab where the test is located,
open the test tab, the results and select the “Statistics” item.
Grade calculations in Moodle are done according to the formula / function templates
of popular spreadsheet programs. The creation of formulae should begin by assigning special
identifiers to the valuation elements. Let A1 be the identifier of the evaluation element. [[A1]]
is the value of the assessment element in the calculations in the final grade for the course
(Sergienko, 2015). A1 is the maximum score for the evaluation element A1. The formula is
written in the calculation” field of the window and starts with an equal sign (=) and uses
general mathematical operations and functions to form a single numerical result. This result
can be edited. Only identifiers, standard arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, ()), as well as
standard functions built into the Moodle system should be used in formulae. Among the most
frequently used functions, we single out: sum ([[tl]]; [[t2]]; ...) the sum of the values of the
arguments; average ([[tl]]; [[t2]]; ...) the average value of the arguments; max ([[[tl]]; [[t2]];
...) the maximum value of the arguments; min ([[[tl]]; [[t2]]; ...) the minimum value of the
arguments; round (number, count) this function allows you to round a number to the
specified accuracy.
The standard calculation formulae have limited use and do not reflect the logical
relationships of the valuation elements. Imagine that an electronic course contains three
active elements (the maximum and minimum passing points are known). The final grade for
the course in Moodle is calculated as the sum of the points, but with the condition that all
the grade points are completed for a specific grade. In more complex conditions, evaluation
in Moodle is done by creating subcategories (combining several active rating elements into
one category). In this case, a generalized calculated value is used.
In the Grade Journal in editing mode, users with the appropriate authority have the
ability to edit grades. The journal records the results of current student performance. Its
elements can be created both manually and automatically. Manually, they are created on the
"Grade Log Settings" page. As soon as the estimated interactive action is added to the journal,
a space is created automatically for the marks that will be put down after the students
complete the tasks, manually or by the system. Figure 1 shows a fragment of the log settings.
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Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
Fig. 1. Setting up the Moodle Course Grade Log
Creation of the desired gradebook structure on the course is performed using the item
“gradebook setup” located in the “settings”, course control” block.
The journal reflects the three constructed blocks of the assessment journal
“assessment element”, category”, “assessment”. An assessment element is an interactive
action (section of a course) in which its participants receive assessments.
Rating categories are called tables, united by meaningful meaning.
Grade Journal allows you to distribute the list of students by last name, view grades
of individual students (their names are links), export grades to an Excel spreadsheet file or
text file, and distribute the list in ascending or descending order. To make the system
evaluate the student's work correctly, it is important to set parameters.
To view the detailed table with grades for each element of the course, you must follow
the link without category”, which leads to a summary table. On the “Settings” tab, you can
work on the formation of the rating log, set the appropriate parameters. The function "Hide
advanced settings" makes it possible to reset the set parameters (for example, weight or
category). Weight is the importance used in calculating the score. Just a weighted value is
the weight of an individual assessment, which is taken as equal to the maximum score for a
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
certain type of work. Using the “Advanced Settings” tab, additional settings are turned on or
off, which reflect scores and the final rating without categories. The Show External Amounts
tab allows you to determine whether external estimates will be shown.
If the course contains a large number of evaluated elements, you need to group them
for each individual topic on the "set categories" page.
Moodle provides an opportunity to evaluate not only the teachers, but also the
students themselves. However, this action is performed using the Seminar” module, which
allows students to evaluate and organize the quality of correspondence of forums entered in
the glossary and recording database.
To set the final grade, you need to configure the formula for its calculation. It is
important to set the identifier in the "ID value" section in the "Category total" field of the
"Usp" performance category (the name of the variable may be different, but using valid
characters (Latin letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores). After clicking "Add ID"
identifier will appear on the page.
We would like to note that LMS Moodle provides built-in elements that allow you to
monitor the results of the educational process. However, it is worth saying that obtaining
reliable and up-to-date data on the effectiveness of e-learning use at the level of one teacher
or student using standard Moodle functions is difficult. To do this, you need a set of tools
that extends the standard functionality of Moodle, which includes additional services for
obtaining operational information.
The monitoring complex should consist of several services, access to which is
determined by the functions of the user in the system. Services allow you to monitor the
"activity" of users. The number of active users is based on the minimum number of actions
existing in the report settings. The share of active users is the ratio of the registered users
number in the system to the number of active users.
To generate a report, the service downloads data from the activity log: the name of the
electronic educational complex; surname, name, patronymic of the participant; number of
participants in the course; number of active students; the number of student activities for
viewing content; the number of students' content creation activities; the number of students'
completing assignments activities.
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Natalia V. Belozertseva et al. /// Monitoring and evaluation procedure with LMS Moodle, 290-302
LMS Moodle greatly simplifies the process of evaluating student performance. Testing
in Moodle today allows you to evaluate the students’ knowledge in an unbiased manner. The
formulae presented in the article explain the credibility of the results processing procedure.
The tools provided by Moodle allow you to evaluate the results at a high level, which ensures
that students fill the gaps in their own knowledge on time. The above calculations for
evaluating the students’ work with Moodle show the assessment procedure, its main aspects.
The data highlighted by us can be used by teachers to understand the essence of the Moodle
system work in the assessment procedure and to build their own training courses to work
with students more effectively.
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