de la
del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
Esta publicación científica en formato digital
es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
de la
Año 12 N° 35
Noviembre - 2021
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
Introduction of mobile education in the educational process in the
Svetlana E. Germanova *
Vladislav V. Plyushchikov **
Polina A. Petrovskaya***
Nataliya B. Sambros ****
Nikolay V. Petukhov *****
The goal is to consider the possibilities of a virtual educational ecosystem using mobile devices,
interactions of students and teachers, faculties and laboratories of the university, interactive
activation of educational material and monitoring of the student learning process. The research
methodology includes methods of system analysis, synthesis, decision-making, multi-agent
systems and situational modeling. Results of the work: 1) a systematic interpretation of the
category "mobile training" is proposed, its "pros" and "cons" are classified; 2) an informological
scheme and a methodological scheme of mobile training are proposed; 3) practical examples of
training (on the example of training managers in the field of tourism) using the organization of
modeling, independent work of students are considered; 4) shows examples of approaches to
making team business decisions and conducting situational modeling; 5) a systemically
significant conclusion was made that simple, auxiliary tasks and simple memorization of facts
students transfer to independent work, freeing up time for creative cooperation.
KEYWORDS: educational equipment; development; system analysis.
*Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technosphere Security of the Agrarian and Technological
Institute, Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, ORCID:
**Assistant lecturer of the Department of landscape design and sustainable ecosystems of the
Agrarian and Technological Institute, Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, ORCID: E-mail:
***Senior Lecturer of the Department of Landscape architecture and sustainable ecosystem of the
Agrarian and Technological Institute, Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, ORCID: E-mail:
****Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technosphere Security of the Agrarian and Technological
Institute, Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, ORCID:
*****Candidate of Agriculture Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Technosphere
Security of the Agrarian and Technological Institute, Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia,
ORCID: E-mail:
Recibido: 26/07/2021 Aceptado: 16/09/2021
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
Introducción de la educación móvil en el proceso educativo en la
El objetivo del artículo es considerar las posibilidades de un ecosistema educativo virtual
utilizando dispositivos móviles, interacciones de estudiantes y profesores, facultades y
laboratorios de la universidad, activación interactiva de material educativo y seguimiento del
proceso de aprendizaje estudiantil. La metodología de investigación incluye métodos de
análisis de sistemas, síntesis, toma de decisiones, sistemas multi-agentes y modelado
situacional. Resultados del trabajo: 1) se propone una interpretación sistemática de la
categoría «formación móvil», se clasifican sus «pros» y «contras»; 2) se propone un plan
informológico y un plan metodológico de formación móvil; 3) se consideran ejemplos
prácticos de formación (por ejemplo, de directivos de formación en el ámbito del turismo)
utilizando la organización del modelado, el trabajo independiente de los estudiantes; 4)
muestra ejemplos de enfoques para tomar decisiones empresariales en equipo y llevar a cabo
el modelado situacional; 5) se llegó a una conclusión sistémicamente significativa de que las
tareas simples y auxiliares y la simple memorización de los hechos los estudiantes lo
transfieren al trabajo independiente, liberando tiempo para la cooperación creativa.
PALABRAS CLAVE: equipo educativo; desarrollo; análisis de sistemas.
Modern learning technologies, especially digital ones, are the result of the
communicative and technological evolution of society, education and changes in consumer
preferences of students and the labor market.
"Mobile learning" is a relatively new concept in the modern world. This category
implies the use of mobile communication means (personal computer, mobile phone, laptop,
and tablet) in the educational process, for effective training.
According to UNESCO, since the beginning of the pandemic COVID-19 more than 1.37
billion students in 138 countries have been out of closed schools and universities, as well as
60 million teachers. I had to switch to online training, find funds for its development. It
required technical acceleration of training video streams, virtualization of storage of training
materials and adaptation of training methods to new conditions.
In Russia, according to Rosstat, they planned for education in 2021-2023 over 60
billion rubles. But the "pandemic adjusted" - 3 trillion rubles are planned (1062854 million
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
rubles by year, 2022 - almost 1035634 million rubles, 2023 - 1094133 million rubles). A
significant amount will go to the development of online educational resources.
Mobile training received an additional "boost" during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has
become relevant with the development of the capabilities of mobile devices, networks and
audiences of young fans of gadgets, for which the mobile device and Internet access from it
have become a familiar way to obtain information and training. Everyone likes portability,
agility and efficiency.
Mobile devices are not only a smartphone, tablet, netbook or laptop, but also all means
of mobile access to educational resources, a teacher (tutor), interactive forms of activating
educational material and control.
The prerequisites for mobile training include Seymour Peypert and his idea of using
the latest technologies to overcome differences in the quality of education (for example,
LOGO, 1969).
Tutor is an intermediary between students and educational resources and
technologies (Clarke, et al., 2008). Some consider the ancestor of m-Learning, mobile
learning, Rafael Ballagas and his team, which formulated the principle of
BringYourOwnDevice (BYOD). This is a methodology (a set of technologies) for encouraging
employees to use their personal gadget in the workplace.
There are versions of what to bring:
1) own device (BYOD);
2) its own technology (BYOT);
3) your phone (BYOP);
4) your computer or tablet (BYOPC).
Back in 2009, INTEL successfully connected employee devices to the Intranet.
However, until 2011, corporate and consumer interests were tested. BYOD is little dependent
on administrators, the technology only directs the use of devices into the right direction.
Corporate data works directly on the company without "spreading." Insider does not
increase. But some companies are in no hurry to accept and apply the concept.
Although BYOD should be kept under control, this concept is in demand. Its used to
retain young, talented, highly qualified specialists everywhere. Companies note an increase
in performance and comfort in the BYOD environment. It helps to become more productive,
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
improves convenience and corporate spirit. More than 45% of applicants consider it right if
the company supports the device.
Students are free to use their devices in the learning process. Graduates are suspicious
when the employer prohibits the use of his gadget - only equipment provided by the
company. It's not always better.
Conflicts arise, such as the planning and maintenance of the training process in the
network infrastructure, the supplier and the service provider, with the support of the quality
of the network educational service. It's dangerous that service management will "remember"
itself as an infrastructure seller. Fines, penalties, network degradation arise. Information,
resource becomes a tool of influence, manipulation of consciousness and in learning. A
traditional organization is replaced by a virtual one.
The introduction of mobile technologies was also facilitated by international
conferences that help:
1) rethink the principles of mobile training;
2) systematize and classify its problems;
3) create relevant models of mobile training;
4) improve mobile technologies in training;
5) create and verify mobile training methods, integration approaches;
6) to form a unified mobile training strategy;
7) to investigate the emergence and systemic potential (Kaziev, et al., 2018) of mobile
education in a modern university.
In Russia, mobile training is being introduced intensively. In particular, this is
evidenced by the statistics of the M-Video chain of stores, in which in 2020 smartphones
worth more than 30,000 rubles (they are considered more popular among students) were
bought 40% more than before the pandemic COVID-19.
In Russia, mobile training has become part of continuous and flexible education
according to GEF, which should solve two basic problems:
1) comfortable organization of the educational process (similar to content with
usability) for both the teacher and the student;
2) motivation to increase the competencies of not only teachers, employees and
students, but also corporations, private businesses to participate in mobile education.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
The introduction of mobile technologies into education is vital for expanding the
scope of the educational process beyond the university, students with health restrictions,
and the rapid dissemination of new methods and training programs.
Therefore, the main goal of this article is to develop information and methodological
schemes of mobile education, supported by the independent work of students in teams
conducting situational modeling, creative cooperation "anywhere, at any time, with any
The hypotheses of this study were: providing a comfortable organization of the
teaching process for the teacher and student, as well as motivation of teachers and students,
participation of corporations and private business in mobile training, infrastructure unity of
their key business processes.
1. Materials and methods
Mobile training methodology allows you to use and integrate Internet resources and
mobile technologies into the educational process and effectively form professional
competence with their help. Such technology allows you to organize research activities of
Using Web Quests technology allows educators to solve the following important
problems of m-Learning:
1) increase motivation;
2) improvement of educational achievements;
3) use of graphical visualization methods;
4) the formation of a professional culture - information, communication and media.
Using this technology, creative tasks are solved; the educational activity itself is full
Students and teachers were given unlimited opportunities to develop their
educational space and share it. Despite the huge potential of mobile technologies, which is in
demand in education, it is not used enough. This is due to the lack of digital literacy of
teachers and leads to the emergence of a digital divide. Access to digital technologies is an
urgent task of digital and mobile transformations of education.
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Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
Although the concepts of "mobile learning" and "mobile technology" are intertwined,
these categories are different. "Mobile learning" is multivariable defined. For example, its
often characterized as any training dominated by mobile devices (Traxler, 2005).
UNESCO interprets (UNESCO, 2015) mobile training as the use of mobile technology
in the educational process, its organization. Regardless of the place of training, both
autonomously and jointly with ICT.
UNESCO in South Africa has been implementing (since 2009) the Mobile Phone
Stories project to introduce teenagers to reading using cheap mobile phones. In Cambodia
(since 2013), the Pink Phone project has been implemented for simple exchanges during
training, as part of one online MOOC training course.
In Russia, there is the GOST 52653-2006 standard, according to which mobile training
is electronic training through mobile devices, without taking into account the location of the
trainee (GOST, 2006). Both mobile applications and capabilities, mobile learning
technologies are developing (Doskazanov, et al., 2018).
One of the major mobile education projects was the Nokia Life project (2009) using
SMS. More than 91 million citizens of India, Indonesia, Nigeria and China were able to join
education in the field of agriculture, health, ecology and entrepreneurship, in particular,
raising children, farming, HIV prevention, and women's business startup.
The effectiveness of mobile technologies in teaching languages, for example, English,
has been demonstrated at a language university in Japan (Thornton, Houser, 2005) and a
non-language university in Russia (Titova, Danilina, 2018).
Pilot projects and applications for mobile training have been launched in Russia
(Izhuninov, 2020). The technology of delivery and presentation of educational content,
organization of control and assessment of competencies is being developed, for example,
using the integration of mobile applications and technologies:
1) Kahoot! - a system of training, presentations, video conferences, games, allows the
teacher to create questions, and students to answer using mobile devices, with music, points
and a list of leaders;
2) Poll Everywhere - a system of testing using a simple phone via SMS, polling in a
browser or Twitter;
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
3) Plickers - a system for creating a class on one mobile device, generating questions
with multiple choice of answers recorded on different sections of a sheet of paper (card);
4) Class Responder - a system in which a teacher creates an account, assigns a class
code, students are authorized, answer questions using mobile devices, the teacher sees
answers, controls the absorption of material;
5) Socrative - a real-time testing system, questions are visible on mobile devices,
together with possible explanations, each student adjusts the pace of performance for
himself, and you can compete in response speed;
6) PeLe, Peer Learning Assessment - P2P-system of mutual assistance in teaching,
including the help of students themselves;
7) SurveyMonkey - a service for creating and maintaining online surveys, with its own
database of respondents and operations such as "search," "visualization," "ordering" "upload,"
There are also many mobile blog services, dictionaries, podcasts, storytelling, quests,
etc. For example, the system for creating interactive lectures using SRS surveys (Titova,
Talmo, 2015), visualization, gamification and robotization.
Hybrid methodologies and related training procedures may be used in the near future:
1) Blue-Bot - the simplest robot, in a transparent case, the interaction of its parts is
visible, works with a mobile device on Android, iOS, Mac, Windows platforms, the robot can
activate 200 commands (this is very good for a beginner);
2) Root-Coding - for gamification, training in programming skills (LOGO type) m
interactive coding, Root-robot climbs the wall, senses the environment, reproduces the
melody, etc.;
3) Dash/Dot - a pair of robots (with applications that help program them) that allow
you to create communication (Bluetooth) puzzles, LOGO programs;
4) Arduino is an open-architecture IDE-based designer connected to a mobile device
with sensors, an expansion card, a router, a C++ library and an Arduino IDE, its good for an
advanced student, since there is a VisualStudio environment, and the system itself is easily
integrated into any learning system.
A teacher (tutor) for mobile training is a multilaterally developed teacher. He should
know the basics of the Internet of Things (IoT), SMART training (Sherstobitova, et al.,
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
2020), distance learning and control technologies, the methodology of modern training -
projects, creativity, scenario simulation, teambuilding and other modern technologies.
For example, in a pandemic of COVID-19, students are offered to solve projects that
teach (self-training) the design of robots controlled from a mobile device, in particular:
1) a disinfectant robot (for example, ultraviolet light) that disinfects with "cold steam";
2) a robot recognizer of infected people in the stream, determining whether the
interlocutor is infected (according to breathing, pulse, other symptoms);
3) operation of a saturation meter, smear taking, 3D painting and interactive data
transmission via a wireless terminal.
Existing mobile learning methods and technologies allow (Nemtinov, et al., 2021) to
use multimedia resources (audio-video, graphics, images), network courses, directories and
dictionaries, SMS, Twitter, Skype, etc.
Of great importance is a full-fledged educational portal adapted for mobile devices
(Abdrasheva, et al., 2016). For example, this is the portal of the Russian Open University of
New Information Technologies (INTUIT).
The relevance of mobile learning is manifested, in particular, in the development of
mobile technologies, increased mobility of students, business-processes and educational
structures (Lai, Hong, 2015).
But the data itself can be controlled by gadgets. For example, MDM (Master Data
Management) - systems (technologies, applications) are actively used to manage data using
proven actions and familiar gadgets.
They are all adaptable to mobile learning goals by selecting or blocking other
applications, restoring files, etc.
2. Results and discussion
Our analysis allows us to use the following simple and complete system category:
mobile training - training using the infrastructure of mobile devices and technologies,
independent of spatial and time restrictions of access. The category is evolutionary, which
allows you to explore the self-organization of mobile environments in training.
Mobile gadgets in the field of education have "pros" and "cons."
In our opinion, the following features of mobile devices can be considered "pros":
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
1) arouse interest, attract those who want to resume such interest to the education
2) rationally, inexpensively (in a "paperless way"), fully and comfortably engage in self-
education at any point of access to the Internet, with any gadget, preserving its mobility,
which has already become an "attribute" of students;
3) the ability to independently, with effective feedback, build and implement
individual educational ecosystems, trajectories, plans and even personalized courses and
programs, which is important for students with limited physical capabilities;
4) allows the participants of the educational process to move freely in space-time;
5) increases the potential of formative assessment, diagnosis of emerging educational
and practical problems;
6) it is possible to conduct the lesson outside the computer class;
7) the ability of the teacher (tutor) to concentrate directly on the training process;
8) building a model of the trainee and tracking the course of training, a training profile
with material and technology correction, including using a voice assistant or testing without
the participation of a tutor, as well as training tools to everyone familiar;
9) the possibility of dynamically changing (adapting) the form of classroom work, for
this there are many different practical-oriented technologies - from listening to educational
material to joint design and team activities, solving cases;
10) variety of forms of social interactions based on mobile infrastructure and mobile
learning process;
11) the possibility of situational, scenario training and game mechanics (gamification),
with the placement of the instructor in a virtual environment or in a real (laboratory, game
situational) environment.
Mobile devices also have "cons", these include the following circumstances:
1) difficulties with small screen size, uncomfortable scrolling, unstable adaptability
and cross-browsers;
2) low battery capacity, the need for timely recharging of the device (often
3) in general, lower reliability indicators than personal computers (fault tolerance,
continuous operation time, etc.);
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
4) difficulties in performing tasks for processing large documents, graphic objects,
Excel tables, etc.;
5) the difficulty of focusing the student, his telephone dynamic switches that
interfere with focusing;
6) insufficient recognition of diplomas and even certificates of universities,
educational centers obtained through mobile passage of the program;
7) low connection speed in the network;
8) paid usage mode for many mobile applications;
9) an unworked policy and a single platform for mobile training in many universities,
for example, for the development of competencies, you will still need the help of a group,
tutor, methodologist and administrator;
10) lack of full-format and flexible platforms and applications that allow creating
(supplementing) content using mobile devices.
Multimedia helps increase motivation of trainees and trainees. If you send out web
quests (Scrapkin, Yakubova, 2018), small modules containing, for example, a quantum of
educational material, its control and writing essays, you can effectively use mobile devices in
training, accepting feedback interactive communication. Students are also encouraged to
develop mobile learning applications (for example, student development to work with a
portfolio of students, Magomedova, Rajabov, 2014).
The methodology and organization of mobile training is important. We used different
forms and techniques and integrated them. In particular, for future managers in the field of
tourism, we proposed to solve the problem of modeling the flow of tourists from Russia to
Turkey using mobile technologies.
At first, data was collected on the Internet on tourist flows using phones. The data
were then processed statistically (mean, variance, deviations, dropout of rough data, etc.) in
Excel medium. Next, the command task was to build a flow mathematical model taking into
account the following parameters:
1) t - simulation time;
2) T - horizon (time limit) of simulation;
3) x(t) - number of tourists at the moment t, 0 < t < T;
4) a(t) is the specific influx of tourists, 0 < a < 1;
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
5) b(t) - specific outflow of tourists, 0 < b < 1;
6) x(0) - the initial flow of tourists (at the time of the opening of the direction).
Using these parameters, with the participation of a tutor, students build a
mathematical model of the dynamics of the flow of tourists in the audience. For example,
some students took it in a simple and understandable recurring form:
    ,
Students during their independent work, mobile exchange of opinions, data from
various websites of the tourism business, results and business solutions. They investigate
(predict) tourist flows at various points in time, seasons, form and make a team (Scheinbaum,
2018) business decision.
All work within Excel, and the most advanced team (advanced student) also
implements the program (C++) of simulation prediction. Making a business decision on the
development of the direction, service is based on the results of simulation experiments,
mobile communication. The program simulates the evolution of travel companies.
The following important pedagogical and technological possibilities of mobile
training are being activated:
1) instant assessment of a student's task (action) and feedback in a problem situation;
2) tracking the assimilation of knowledge;
3) the operational transition of the student to the next productive level (not always to
a higher level);
4) visualization, virtualization of situations and results;
5) panel discussions;
6) equalizing the opportunities of students with a lower level of competence, shy and
7) possibility of discussions and lively discussion of errors, etc.
It should be noted that modeling using various virtual mobile environments is popular
in Russian universities. In particular, Virtual PetroLab applications for smartphones and
tablets (Shelyago and Shelyago, 2019).
We conducted a small comparative experiment to study two modules in two groups
of students (24 and 22 people). The student was asked to choose what kind of training
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
(content delivery, control) he wants: mobile or traditional, classroom, in a computer class.
Both versions used the Moodle platform and provided appropriate feedback. At the same
time, 38 students (83%) chose the mobile option.
An important conclusion from the experiment is: students transfer routine actions and
tasks of simple memorization to independent work, and most of the educational and personal
time of self-education they share competencies, cooperate creatively, i.e. master the skills
that they need in professional activities.
The most important quality of mobile training is its interactivity, creativity. However,
it is strengthened or weakened by the level of creativity of course authors, tutors,
methodologists and technologists-administrators, for example, LMS systems, simulators,
virtual laboratories, Serious Games, for example, the game training platform 3D GameLab
(Lam, et al., 2019). Professional podcasts, promotions, interviews, blogs and social networks
support such systems.
Figure 1 shows the information logic diagram of mobile training in an enlarged form.
The general system-methodological scheme of mobile training is similarly presented (Figure
Note that for commercial universities, mobile education is ideal, because it moves
most of the educational processes and technologies (applications) to the student's space,
which is relevant in pandemic conditions.
Mobile training, education in universities passed the first stage of mass and emergency
("quarantine") activation. Practical experience of training in conditions of uncertainty and
multi-criteria has been accumulated. A difficult little experience is still difficult to analyze.
But a similar analysis is already being carried out. Some results of this analysis allow us to
adapt for m-Learning systems of the Zoom class, BBB, MOOC, Inquiry-based Learning,
Flexible Learning, Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, etc.
These systems transform the role of the teacher in the educational process
(Prokhorenkov, 2016), especially during the current transition in Russian universities to new
GEF educational standards, which provide for more than 50% of the independent work of
students, the development of general cultural and professional competencies.
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Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
Figure 1. m-Learning info-logical scheme
Figure 2. m-Learning methodological scheme
Students are prepared for mobile communications, web resources, they can study
independently. But this is often not a consequence of the student's high competence, but a
consequence of the task and the proposed methods, competencies of the teacher. Therefore,
Methodology Technology
Situational Analysis
Mechanisms and Technologies
Mobility Methods, Models and Tools
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
there is the potential for student mobility if you use not only subject-oriented content as a
"buffer", but also a multitasking mobile environment that allows you to make decisions in
effective, productive conditions of psychological, pedagogical and technological
communication of content to the student himself. For example, environmental risk
forecasting and management tasks.
Tutors are needed - mobile process coordinators, application developers, appropriate
infrastructure, interactive methodology, security policy, etc.
Not only mobility is important, but also the intellectuality of technology and tools.
Intelligence in mobile training systems is supported using the following tools, procedures:
1) fuzzy sets, logic;
2) expert and heuristic;
3) analytical (for example, the Learning Analytics class);
4) identification of parameters, scale, profile;
5) situational activity of students;
6) multi-agent, for example, class P2P, etc.
Mobile activity of students and educational resources, interactions, elimination of
unnecessary intermediate links forms the market of mobile educational technologies and
applications for private (self-education) and professional consumption (training, retraining,
upgrading of competencies, obtaining an additional specialty).
Mobile systems in training are innovative solutions based on the above procedures.
The use of mobile technologies and educational means in universities leads to
reengineering, a radical restructuring of the educational infrastructure at the university.
Flexibility, multi-criteria and adaptability of educational processes are needed here.
The most susceptible to mobile learning are distributed, remote access processes
(content, tool), telecommunications (webinars), 3D visualization of model and real-world
situations (educational situational experiment), interface support, etc.
Mobile Learning Infrastructure Support:
1) serves as a source of information, a means of summarizing, systematizing and
controlling knowledge, skills;
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
2) facilitates the assimilation of material, allows developing observability and logic-
combinatorial thinking;
3) leads to the activation of cognition, the emergence of interest in training, increased
visibility, satisfaction of requests of various directions, including interdisciplinary ones;
4) entails the specificity of events, organization and rationalization of the educational
Thanks to mobile training, you can save time, the strength of the teacher and student
by simplifying the educational material and accelerating the training.
The above possibilities are due to didactic features, such as information and emotional
expressiveness, a large number of techniques of in-depth penetration into the essence of
mastered phenomena, their demonstration in dynamics, real reflection of reality, etc.
It's necessary to train tutors, technologists and mobile training methodologists. There
is a lack of trained system administrators and managers - according to the training process
itself, and not education managers; if these competencies coincided with someone, then this
is just wonderful.
Mobile training in universities meets the requirements of the GEF, this is a promising
direction. But it needs to be integrated with research and methodological processes. Support
for adaptive mobile learning technologies is required. It's important to focus on cognitive,
creative, social and special competencies of university graduates.
The evolution of m-Learning (as well as e-Learning) involves the development of
infrastructure capabilities. But it has a feature to lag behind, while the technological
component of the evolution vector can be ahead of the methodological, didactic components.
A complex process needs relevant tools that reduce complexity, free from nonlinearities,
Digital, mobile learning environments affect all aspects and aspects of competency-
based education. But it's important not only their application, but also the readiness of the
university for them, its potential for professional and personal self-development of the future
Vocational education is understood not only as strengthening the orientation towards
the graduation of professionals or the individualization of their training, but also as support,
monitoring, audit (control) of professional activities at a university. The latter can be
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Svetlana E. Germanova et al. /// Introduction of mobile education in the educational process 194-211
implemented by creating and testing various professional mobile systems, for example,
communities in social networks.
The professionalism of the student is enhanced by choosing and tracking individual
mobile self-learning trajectories, as well as free access to mobile educational resources, a
tutor for consultation and virtual process support.
This paper has been supported by the RUDN University Strategic Academic
Leadership Program.
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