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del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
Esta publicación científica en formato digital
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ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
de la
Año 12 N° 35
Noviembre - 2021
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
Cognitive-behavioral aspects in the effectiveness of foreign
language training of students of a non-linguistic university
Larisa E. Deryagina*
Sergey N. Tikhomirov**
Igor B. Lebedev***
Darya V. Rusetskaya****
Yury V. Chumanov*****
The article analyzes the impact of the cognitive-behavioral characteristics of students from a non-
linguistic university on the level of success in learning a foreign language. The purpose of this article
is to identify the patterns of the cognitive-behavioral parameters of decision-making in the
conditions of choosing between various alternative reactions and their relationship with the
effectiveness of foreign language training of students from a non-linguistic university. To study
behavior patterns, the method of parameterizing was used such as an important component of any
activity, as decision-making by modeling situations under conditions of free, probabilistic and
conditional choice. The study involved freshmen and sophomores from a medical university, who
were studying foreign languages. The simulation of the follow-up of the stimulus presented revealed
a low level of voluntary attention in the students with low performance, especially in a situation of
imposed rhythm. Naturally, there is the hypothesis that in this group, their own cognitive style is
dependent on environmental conditions, so this must be taken into account in the learning process.
The results obtained indicate that the presence of universal differentiated cognitive-behavioral
strategies are important in the case of successful / unsuccessful command of a foreign language.
KEY WORDS: behavior; cognitive activity; attitude; decision making; forecasting; voluntary
*Professor of the Department of Psychology, Educational and Scientific Complex of Psychology of Service
Activities, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot,
Moscow, Russia, ORCID E-mail:
**Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Educational and Scientific
Complex of Psychology of Service Activities, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian
Federation named after V.Y. Kikot, Moscow, Russia. ORCID E-mail:
***Professor of the Department of Psychology, Educational and Scientific Complex of Psychology of Service
Activities, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot,
Moscow, Russia. ORCID: E-mail:
****Research associate of the educational and scientific complex of service psychology, Moscow University of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot, Moscow, Russia. ORCID: E-mail:
*****Candidate of psychological Sciences, senior teacher-Methodist of faculty of training of scientific and
pedagogical staff, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y.
Kikot, Moscow, Russia. ORCID: E-mail:
Recibido: 15/07/2021 Aceptado: 07/09/2021
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
Aspectos cognitivo-conductuales de la eficacia de la formación en
lenguas extranjeras de estudiantes de una universidad no
El artículo analiza el impacto de las características cognitivo-conductuales de los estudiantes
de una universidad no lingüística en el nivel de éxito en el aprendizaje de una lengua
extranjera. El propósito de este artículo es identificar los patrones de los parámetros
cognitivo-conductuales de la toma de decisiones en las condiciones de elegir entre varias
reacciones alternativas y su relación con la efectividad de la formación en lenguas extranjeras
de estudiantes de una universidad no lingüística. Para estudiar los patrones de
comportamiento, utilizamos el método de parametrizar un componente tan importante de
cualquier actividad como la toma de decisiones al modelar situaciones en condiciones de
elección libre, probabilística y condicional. El estudio involucró a estudiantes de primer y
segundo año de una universidad médica, que estudiaban idiomas extranjeros. La simulación
del seguimiento de los estímulos presentados reveló un bajo nivel de atención voluntaria en
los estudiantes con bajo rendimiento, especialmente en una situación de ritmo impuesto.
Naturalmente, existe la hipótesis de que en este grupo, su propio estilo cognitivo es
dependiente de las condiciones ambientales, por lo que esto debe tenerse en cuenta en el
proceso de aprendizaje. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la presencia de estrategias
cognitivo-conductuales diferenciadas universales son importantes en el caso de dominio
exitoso / no exitoso de una lengua extranjera.
PALABRAS CLAVE: comportamiento; actividad cognitiva; actitud; toma de decisiones;
previsión; atención voluntaria.
The question of the success of mastering a foreign language is extremely relevant in
the context of the globalization of the modern world. Today, a modern promising specialist
in a particular field is obliged to know a foreign language (Prokopenko 2014). One of the key
points is to solve a fundamental dilemma: which is more important - the universality of
learning processes or dependence on the characteristics of a particular language (Mizen
2019) Behavioral aspects of educational activity are determined by the motivational
orientation of the subject of learning, in which it is possible to distinguish content (internal)
and dynamic (external) components. Our research has shown (Khokhlova, Deryagina, 2009)
that the harmonious ratio of these components determines the success of educational
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
activities, in particular, the acquisition of a foreign language. The behavioral construct of any
activity is inextricably linked with cognitive processes, in which the attitude has an
important regulatory function (Bakhmat, 2016). According to D.N. Uznadze, the setting is a
dynamic, integral state of a person's readiness to act in a given direction (Uznadze, 2001).
The attitude characterizes the needs of the subject and the ratio of informative features and
all conscious and unconscious stimuli acting on him at the moment. A significant quality of
cognitive activity is the phenomenon of “static - mobility” of the forming attitudes, their
ability to inhibit and activate new ones, more adequate to the changed situation (Kostandov,
For the organization of this study, domestic and foreign scientific literature was
analyzed. In particular, the scientific provisions of behaviorism and the activity approach are
analyzed. The research is also based on the theory of Uznadze's attitude, the main provisions
of neurobiology, the theory of decision-making, the provisions of communicative-pragmatic
and cognitive approaches.
The purpose of this study was to identify patterns of cognitive-behavioral parameters
of decision-making in the context of a choice of several alternative reactions and their
relationship with the effectiveness of foreign language training of students of a non-linguistic
1. Methodology, subject and object of research
An instrumental technique for studying decision making, subject to a choice of several
alternative reactions, developed according to the theory of functional systems by P.K.
Anokhina (Matveev, Nadezhdin, 1996) on the device "Binatest" (Russia) is applied in the
proposed study.
The authors of the methodology proposed three experimental models of activity:
• Free choice of generating reactions is a behavior that does not depend on the
patterns of appearance of stimuli on the panel of the device.
Probabilistic choice of generating responses is a behavior in which the subject is
asked to predict the pattern of emerging stimuli.
Conditional choice is a behavior in which the subject's responses must exactly
match the proposed pattern of emerging stimuli.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
The data obtained in the course of the study were subjected to statistical processing
using the software package Statistic for Windows, version 7.0. Assessment of the
distribution of signs for normality according to the Shapiro-Wilk criteria was carried out for
each of the studied parameters. Also, Student's t-test was used for the normal distribution of
indicators and the equality of variances of the studied trait, the arithmetic mean and standard
deviation were used for descriptive statistics. The critical level of significance (p) when
testing statistical hypotheses in the study was taken as ≤ 0.05.
The subject of the research is the cognitive-behavioral construct of decision-making
in the experimentally created environment of “choice-tracking the pattern of emerging
stimuli. The object of the research was chosen patterns of decision-making depending on the
success of educational activities in the field of learning foreign languages. The study involved
1st and 2nd year students of a medical university (n = 400) aged 17 to 19 of both sexes,
studying English, German and French. The study did not include students who graduated
from schools with in-depth study of a foreign language. All subjects were informed of their
consent to the survey. As a result of oral and written responses during the first month of
study, students with excellent academic performance were divided into groups of high and
low performing.
2. Results
The analysis of the obtained results was carried out on the basis of a patent for an
invention (Deryagina, et al., 2001), in which the author's interpretation of the obtained
results of instrumental testing is given. Of particular interest is the free choice mode, when
the subject is given multiple opportunities to make an arbitrary choice, which depends only
on the subjective decision-making mechanisms. Factor analysis by the method of principal
components revealed two groups of factors that characterize the totality of testing
parameters in conditions of free choice. The first group of factors included structural
indicators (preference for choice, which determines 42.37% of the total variance, the second
group consisted of dynamic (speed) parameters of 13.53%. Thus, the structure of the
behavioral construct turned out to be decisive in the selection process under conditions of
free activity.
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
Evaluation of the test results in the free choice mode showed two groups: 1) students
preferring “single choice” (67% of low-performing students) and 2) students who prefer the
behavior of repeated N times in a row choice (77% well-performing). The preference for
“single choice” may indicate the need to constantly search for solutions in the course of any
activity. The search for solutions, accordingly, assumes a certain time. The mean time
between reactions showed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001) between the
studied groups (Fig. 1), especially at the beginning of the first year of study. The leveling of
differences by the end of the second year indicates adaptive processes in the dynamics of
learning activity.
Fig. 1. Average time between reactions in the free choice mode (sec): HPS - high performing
students, LPS- low-performing students.
The average time between reactions reflects the lability of the psychomotor reactions
of the subject as a whole, while the differential indicators of the decision-making time during
the repeated choice can be considered as the main components of the behavioral construct
(Table 1): the average repeated choice time is the information component, the average
reaction time is the motivational component, in particular search activity (Simonov, 1997).
The level of the subject's awareness of the external environment (information component)
correlates with environmental stimuli and determines the level of search activity
(motivational component). Evaluation of differential indicators of decision-making time
during repeated choice demonstrated a certain dominance (at the level of tendencies) of
indicators of the information component among well-performing students, which, possibly,
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
determined more successful educational activities. Excessive indicators of search activity
(motivational component) were observed in the group of low-performing students, which
we regarded as an indicator of a high degree of uncertainty in the learning environment for
this group of subjects.
Table 1. Free choice testing parameters(M ± SD)
Time (sec)
Р - value
2 year of
1 year of
2 year of
reselection time
Average reaction
According, to Leont'ev, (1975), activity is “the process of interaction of a subject with
an object, provided that its direction as a whole (its subject) always coincides with the
motive (motive), in which the need is concretized and defined”. Also, his further postulates
about activity as internal, and the subject as a subjective characteristic of a person confirms
our concept of cognitive-behavioral activity of students. If we concretize the activity as
educational, it is appropriate to recall the approach of L.S. Vygotsky, who believed that “the
need, task, motives, actions and operations are distinguished in the structure of educational
activity” (Fedorova, 2010). Considering the above, it should be noted that stable scenarios of
human behavior under standard conditions are an ordered sequence of reactions occurring
in time and space. In our study, we observed structural and functional differences in
operational processes in conditions of free activity among students with high and low
academic performance.
Any activity, including educational, contains elements of uncertainty, which requires
the inclusion of mechanisms for predicting future events. A person can “use imagination as a
powerful tool that helps people to reveal themselves as individuals and enter into a deeper,
living and responsible relationship with reality” (Donati, 2019). A study by Potts R. et al.
shows that preliminary guessing of translations of foreign words leads to an intensification
of the learning process (Potts, Davies, Shanks, 2018). Much attention is paid to forecasting
in psycholinguistics, especially to probabilistic forecasting of spoken speech. From a
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
psychological point of view, probabilistic forecasting is a consequence of the body's readiness
to be exposed to one or another auditory stimulus (Matveeva, 2015). However, the perceptual
processes of speech include not only auditory perception, but also visual perception. We
conducted an instrumental analysis of the subjects' ability to anticipate the appearance of a
visual stimulus signal in the form of lighting one of the two windows of the device. The
advantage of this method of testing lies in the indifference of the stimulus material in relation
to gender, age, race and available knowledge.
Activity in the form of prediction (probabilistic choice) was assessed by us on the
basis of the success of the choice of the subject, which determined his ability to perceive the
internal interconnection of the sequence and, on this basis, to predict the next stimulus. The
most significant of the 16 parameters proposed by the developers of the device turned out to
be three: the average reaction time (30), the probability of repeated selection of the left and
right buttons against the background of success (25) and failure (26).
Repetition on the background of success was statistically significantly higher in the
group of well-performing students, both in the first and second year. This result is quite
natural, which is consistent with our data on the prevalence of the motive for achieving
success among more successful students (Khokhlova, Deryagina, 2009). Moreover, the vector
of increasing this parameter upward was identical in both groups. Repetition against the
background of an erroneous decision had no statistically significant intergroup differences,
increasing by the second year also in all surveyed students.
Table 2. Testing parameters in terms of probabilistic choice(M ± SD)
Р - value
1 year of
2 year of
1 year of
2 year of
25 (%)
66,90 ±0,75
74,7 ±7,5
61,43 ±7,1
65,13 ±0,77
(1-2) 0,030
(1-3) 0,020
(2-4) 0,020
26 (%)
25,12 ±0,51
29,84 ±0,54
27,25 ±0,63
32,93 ±0,76
(1-2) 0,030
(3-4) 0,020
30 (сек)
0,81 ±0,18
1,51 ±0,19
0,73 ±0,15
1,06 ±0,18
(1-2) 0,040
(2-4) 0,050
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
The average speed of reactions in the mode of probabilistic choice in the first course
differed almost 2 times. The differences were not so great by the second year. The reaction
rate increased in all students, which, however, led to an increase in repetitions against the
background of failure (r = -0.72; p = 0.05).
It should be noted that correct and erroneous prediction revealed a relationship with
the development of linguistic guesswork, which is necessary for the correct perception of
foreign language information by ear and the functioning of the functional speech system.
When translating 20 words with a phonetic coincidence with the Russian language, low-
performing students gave fewer correct answers (12 words) compared to the group of high -
performing students (19 words, respectively). At the same time, an incorrect translation of
one word entailed a chain of mistakes, which required 2-3 attempts for low- performing
students to correct. Students with a good level of foreign language proficiency made mistakes
less often and were corrected immediately after an unsuccessful answer.
The decision-making mechanism and the probabilistic forecasting that constitutes its
basis are, therefore, necessary conditions for effective and adequate perception of foreign
language speech. Its rate is much higher than the rate of the native language (French speech
- 310 syllables per minute, English - 250, German - 220, Russian - 197 (Bukhvalova, 2012;
Cutler, Mehler, 2002), and, consequently, the load on the neuronal systems that process
dynamic properties of foreign language hearing information.
An obligatory component of the success of educational activities is the level of
attention and the effectiveness of the restructuring of choice strategies. These functions were
tested in the form of tracking the presented spatio-temporal pattern of stimuli (controlled
choice) at the limiting (intrinsic - UV0) and imposed tempo (with an interstimulus interval
of 400 ms - UV400). The response time (RT) and error rate (ERR) were recorded. The
acceptable level was taken as 15%.
The level of attention in one's own response rate (inversely to the number of erroneous
answers) was statistically significantly higher among well-performing students, both in the
first and second years. By the second year, the number of errors was halved for all students,
regardless of their academic performance. At the same time, the reaction time in the group of
high performing students was lower at the tendency level in the first year and statistically
significant in the second. Thus, the necessary components of effective tracking of visual
stimuli in the group of well-performing students were initially present. Accordingly, the
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
number of erroneous responses and reaction times differed statistically significantly among
these students in the mode with the imposed tracking rate (Table 3).
Table 3. Guided Selection Test Parameters (М±SD)
1 year of study
2 year of study
Р - value
HPS (1)
LPS (2)
LPS (4)
ERR (UV0) %
(1-2) 0,02
(3-4) 0,03
ERR(UV400) %
(3-4) 0,03
RT (UV0) с
(3-4) 0,03
RT (UV400) с
(1-2) 0,04
(3-4) 0,04
The cognitive paradigm in the field of linguistic research has been actively developing
and establishing itself since the end of the 20th century. The language system is derived from
the “ecological context” in which the language exists (Solodilova 2010). One of the
components of the ecological context for language is the human cognitive system, which is
interdependent with a complex behavioral construct. The fundamental aspect of behavior
was studied in our work - the problem of choice, both free and determined by the conditions
of the external environment, which was considered through the prism of the successful
acquisition of a foreign language by students of a non-linguistic university. Making a decision
in an uncertain situation, i.e. choice associated with strong involvement of cognitive
processes. The speed with which the subject receives and transmits information in this case
is mediated by his activity, aimed at building activity in the prevailing objective conditions.
The preference for a single choice with a relatively low reaction rate in a free environment by
students with low grades indicates the limitedness of "ready-made" neural programs, which
requires a clear determination of educational activity, the formation of a social attitude as a
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 35, 2021
Larisa E. Deryagina et al. /// Cognitive behavioral aspects of the effectiveness of foreign language148-159
mechanism of communication between the operations of analysis, selection, selection of
information and the environment (Devyatkin, 2009). A direct connection between the speed
of perception of a foreign language and the success of consolidating the acquired knowledge
was revealed in (Zerr et al., 2018), which is indirectly consistent with data on lower speed
characteristics in all testing modes among unsuccessful students.
Almost any behavioral act is impossible without predictive elements, be it a conscious
or unconscious level. Learning activity can be divided into many quanta of behavior, each of
which contains the foresight of the future result. Instrumental testing in a probabilistic
selection mode has shown that successful students are more responsive to positive
reinforcement, choosing repetition against the background of success. No intergroup
differences were found in response to negative reinforcement. This fact confirms the opinion
that it is necessary to maintain a reasonable readiness in students not to be afraid of mistakes
when learning a foreign language (Egorova, 2013). The nervous system has the ability to
assess not only the probability of the appearance of certain stimuli, but also the probability
with which reinforcement will follow, and the prediction of high-probability reinforcement
is associated with the functions of the frontal cortex. It can be assumed that intergroup
differences are associated with morphofunctional features of the brain organization.
Simulation of tracking presented stimuli revealed a low level of voluntary attention in
low - performing students, especially in a situation of imposed pace. A hypothesis arises that
their own cognitive style in this group is dependent on environmental conditions (Nozari,
Siamian, 2014), so this must be taken into account in the learning process.
Thus, the results obtained indicate the presence of universal differentiated cognitive-
behavioral strategies in the case of successful / unsuccessful mastering of a foreign language,
in which the way of making decisions in conditions of free activity, predicting the future
result of activity and the level of voluntary attention are important. The obtained statistically
significant differences in the dynamics of learning between 1 and 2 years of education indicate
the plasticity of the attitudes that are formed in the learning process.
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