REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021
communicative and speech students development in the process of professional and
pedagogical activity (structure covers motivational and value, cognitive, activity and
technological and productive components) (Shalivska, 2018); complex personal formation in
the structure of which the motivational, cognitive, communicative and active, reflexive
components are distinguished (Sheremet, 2015); the persistent integrative personal-
professional ability of a future teacher, characterized by the presence of motivation to
develop the creative potential of younger students, personal-professional qualities, acquired
knowledge, abilities and skills, including creative self-development and reflex (structure
covers motivational-valuable, content, procedural, personal-reflexive components)
Kovinko, 2018), and others.
Researchers have considered the processes of modeling and designing a certain type
of environment in the primary education applicants' training, which are components of
future teachers' professional competence. M. Nesterenko clarifies the essence of the concept
design-modeling competence of future elementary school teachers", which acts as a
reference result their professional training, is the awareness of pedagogical modeling
personally important for their own professional activity, ability to model the lesson in a
variable elementary education conditions (to plan, select resources, design a model), to
reflect on the implementation of the pedagogical concept, the desire for self-development and
self-improvement (Nesterenko, 2019). Т. Osadchenko introduces the concept of "health
preserving competence of a future elementary school teacher", is interpreted as a component
formation in the structure of his professional competence, unites in one motives of
professional and health preserving activity, the system of knowledge and skills of organizing
the interaction of "teacher - student - parents" on the basis of health saving, the optimal
combination of which on the basis of personal qualities, acquired experience and aspiration
for professional self-development provides readiness and ability of a future teacher to create
a health-saving elementary school environment (Osadchenko, 2016) and others.
Based on the analysis of scientific research, psychological and pedagogical literature
and legal documents, the definition of the essence of readiness to design a learning
environment is formulated. A content analysis was conducted to clarify and specify the
conceptual and categorical apparatus for understanding the constructs of readiness of future
primary school teachers to design the learning environment.