REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021
if the younger generation does not fulfill their responsibilities for the maintenance and ma-
terial support of their parents, then violators of this instruction may face imprisonment for
up to five years or criminal liability”" From this, we can conclude, that in the case of China ,
it would be more reasonable, and culturally and historically logical to solve the problems,
caused by changes in the age structure, not only by the state, but also by society as a whole-
this is already an attitude, that needs state assistance.
In Russia, older people have historically also been a source of wisdom, informal power,
and special social status. However, this was not fixed in legal or ideological documents, and
the main manifestation of honoring a person for his age can be considered events, related to
the Great Patriotic War. Most of the people, who now make up the category of the elderly,
somehow faced the war directly or through overcoming its consequences, so the special sta-
tus of an elderly person in Russia today is associated with the degree of their proximity to
the events of those years. Beyond that, an elderly person in Russia is basically a legal status.
It should be noted, here that in the research literature there is a position, according to
which older people are not an economic or purely-age group, but a subculture, that is, the
research emphasis is placed on the primacy of the social nature of the division of people into
the elderly and those, who have not yet reached the elderly status. According to the ap-
proaches of this category, older people-use their free time differently, and show different lev-
els of activity. Experts of the World Health Organization also analyze the social activity of
older generations along with the demographic and economic characteristics of this popula-
tion group. Social activity is the conditions and opportunities (health, safety) for maintaining
the quality of life through continued participation in society not only in the labor market,
but also in the social, cultural, spiritual, and civil life of society.
This approach indicates a possible definition of the elderly population as a group,
united not only by age indicators, but also by behavioral characteristics. It is the aspect of
common culture that creates relations between older citizens, while simultaneously separat-
ing them from others and connecting them with them, but still forming their own, special
culture (Rose, 1962). Special norms and values are formed, as well as their own way of life.
With age, a person loses the usual professional, official, often economic, and power statuses,
and there is a need for a newone, which is based precisely on age, since public communication
with other groups is limited. The analysis of older people as a subculture allows us to analyze