REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021
intellectual property right, the SPFU organizes training of appraisers, in particular, approves
requirements to heads of entities of appraisal activity and appraisers, approves the
composition and procedure of the examination committee for the training of appraisers in
the direction «Estimation of integral property complexes of shares, securities, property rights
and non-property assets, including assessment of rights to intellectual property objects),
organizes their work, approves training programs and examinations.
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, acting as the subject of public
administration in the field of intellectual property of a special competence, is the main body
in the system of central executive authorities in the formation and implementation of state
policy in the field of environmental protection, environmental and, within its competence,
biological, genetic, and radiation safety, waste management, including radioactive,
pesticides, and agrochemicals (Leheza etc, 2021).
The Concept of the High Intellectual Property Court, however, contains a number of
problematic issues. The first is the territorial remoteness of the High Intellectual Property
Court since it will be located exclusively in the city of Kyiv, which naturally will cause the
problem of access to this court by the majority of ordinary citizens of Ukraine. Secondly,
there is a lack of ex parte proceedings in the CPC of Ukraine. In particular, the issue of the
procedural mechanism of recognition of a trademark as well-known, which in any
circumstances cannot be actionable, is not solved. The third problem is the problem of the
professionalism of future judges - the Specialized Intellectual Property Court should unite
people with both experience in this area and the corresponding special education (special
knowledge). However, the legislator has for some reason decided that persons who may not
have either the first one or the other can work in the High Specialized Court. This applies,
first of all, to judges who have only a requirement for three years’ service as a judge. In this
case, such experience in the field of intellectual property or consideration of other disputes
does not matter. And finally, fourthly, the negative aspect seems to be the lack of a specialist
advisor) in the court process, who has special knowledge of the practice of applying
intellectual property law, as the new version of the CPC of Ukraine makes participation of a
specialist in the process limited only by court assistance in the use of technical means. In this
regard, according to a part of the scientists, it is expedient to introduce such a specialist, who
could be involved in court in order to assist in establishing the actual circumstances of the