de la
del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
Ciencias del
y Tecnología
Año 12 N° 32
Enero - Abril 2021
Tercera Época
Danil Alekseevich Zyukin et al. // Directions and prospects for expanding the export 87-101
Directions and prospects for expanding the export of russian
Danil Alekseevich Zyukin *
Olga Nikolaevna Pronskaya **
Olga Viktorovna Svyatova ***
Artem Alekseevich Golovin ****
Olga Viktorovna Pshenichnikova *****
Olga Vyacheslavovna Petrushina ******
The grain economy of Russia has now reached a new high level of development, providing ample
opportunities for the expansion of Russian grain to the world market. The research reveals the
following main threats to further strengthening the position of Russian wheat in the world market:
instability of yields and inappropriate production and logistics infrastructure, which determines
overestimated transaction costs and low flexibility of supply. The article analyzes the structure of
importers of Russian wheat to characterize the instability of the world wheat market and high
competition on it. The aim of the research is to form key directions for ensuring the sustainability
and efficiency of wheat exports. The development of the grain product subcomplex of the Russian
agro-industrial complex is presented by the authors from the position of priority in ensuring the food
security of the population by fully meeting the needs of the domestic market, while exports are
assigned the role of an instrument for regulating the grain market. Increasing wheat exports is not a
priority for the development of grain farming; however, under the current conditions, this is the main
incentive for increasing grain production and a way of obtaining foreign exchange income for
agrarians. In this regard, it seems necessary to increase the regulatory role of the state in managing
the country's grain balance and intensify investment processes in the industry through improving
the country's fiscal and monetary policy in relation to the agricultural sector.
KEY WORDS: grain farming, wheat, export, government regulation, production and logistics
infrastructure, efficiency
*Candidate of sciences of Economic, Senior researcher Kursk state agricultural academy named after
I.I. Ivanov
**Doctor of sciences of Economic, Professor, head of the department of management, marketing and
personnel management Kursk State University
***Doctor of sciences of Economic, Professor of the department of Economics and accounting Kursk
State University
****Candidate of sciences of Economic, Associate professor of the department of customs and world
economy Southwestern State University
*****Candidate of sciences of Economic, Associate professor of the department of Economics and
accounting Kursk State University
******Head of international Department Kursk state agricultural Academy named after I.I. Ivanov
Recibido: 30/10/2020 Aceptado: 03/12/2020
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época.o 12 N° 32, 2021
Danil Alekseevich Zyukin et al. // Directions and prospects for expanding the export 87-101
Directrices y perspectivas para expandir la exportación de trigo
La economía de cereales de Rusia ha alcanzado ahora un nuevo alto nivel de desarrollo,
proporcionando amplias oportunidades para la expansión del grano ruso en el mercado
mundial. La investigación revela las siguientes amenazas principales para fortalecer aún más
la posición del trigo ruso en el mercado mundial: inestabilidad de los rendimientos e
infraestructura de producción y logística inadecuada, lo que determina costos de transacción
sobreestimados y baja flexibilidad de suministro. El artículo analiza la estructura de los
importadores de trigo ruso para caracterizar la inestabilidad del mercado mundial de trigo y
la alta competencia en él. El objetivo de la investigación es aportar orientaciones para
asegurar la sostenibilidad y eficiencia de las exportaciones de trigo. El desarrollo del
subcomplejo de productos de cereales del complejo agroindustrial ruso es presentado por los
autores desde la posición de prioridad para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de la
población al satisfacer plenamente las necesidades del mercado interno, mientras que a las
exportaciones se les asigna el papel de un instrumento de regulación del mercado de cereales.
El aumento de las exportaciones de trigo no es una prioridad para el desarrollo del cultivo de
cereales; sin embargo, en las condiciones actuales, este es el principal incentivo para
incrementar la producción de granos y una forma de obtener ingresos en divisas para los
agrarios. En este sentido, parece necesario incrementar el rol regulador del Estado en la
gestión del balance de granos del país e intensificar los procesos de inversión en la industria
mediante la mejora de la política fiscal y monetaria del país en relación con el sector agrícola.
PALABRAS CLAVE: cultivo de granos, trigo, exportación, regulación gubernamental,
infraestructura de producción y logística, eficiencia
The Russian economy did not fully recover from the 2008 global economic crisis.
Therefore, the sanctions imposed by a number of leading economies, against the background
of political and economic contradictions in 2014, had a negative impact on the Russian
economy. An additional blow to the current and long-term economic prospects of Russia was
inflicted by the unstable price environment in the energy market, the industries of which are
the main sources of budget revenues and at the same time the most competitive in the
country's economy. It is very important to support areas that have a high export potential in
this situation.
In the recent past, Russia was a large net importer of the world agri-food market. The
development of domestic agriculture made it possible to partially solve the problems in a
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Danil Alekseevich Zyukin et al. // Directions and prospects for expanding the export 87-101
number of groups of food products, creating export potential in some areas. Nevertheless, the
threat to food and agricultural security for the Russian population and agricultural producers
remains very real (Zavriev and Ignatov, 2020). Conditions have been created for the
production of products in a number of areas of agricultural production, which significantly
exceed domestic needs. In recent years, a significant surplus has formed between the
production and consumption of wheat, which predetermines the stimulation of exports as a
condition for the reorganization of the domestic agri-food market (Svetlov, 2016). This
problem is becoming more and more urgent for the sugar beet subcomplex of the agro-
industrial complex, which has already reached the limit of the domestic market, but there are
still few opportunities to enter other markets, which hinders its further development
(Zyukin et al., 2016).
The state of Russian agriculture until relatively recently for the country caused an
outflow of financial resources, and today it allows the formation of foreign exchange earnings
at a level comparable to the income from the sale of weapons. Belova T.N. notes that rural
commodity producers have received several preferences for production growth since August
2014: an embargo on food imports, government support and a weakening of the national
currency (Belova, 2019). It was planned to reach the volume of exports of agricultural
products in the amount of 25 billion dollars in 2020, but the figure was 26.5 billion dollars
by December. The most important role in the development of all agriculture in Russia and
increasing its export potential is played by grain farming, which is a multiplicative industry
that determines the competitiveness of products in related industries.
The expansion of Russia's opportunities for exporting grain is based on its
underconsumption in the domestic market for feed purposes in animal husbandry due to a
decrease in the number of livestock in comparison with the Soviet period (Altukhov, 2017).
This predetermined the current structure of production, where export-oriented wheat
occupies the main place. This is especially true for the southwestern regions of the country,
which have the highest agro-climatic potential and are located close to sea transport routes,
which predetermines the formation of their production and economic policy in favor of
exports (Krylatykh and Belova, 2018). It also determines their price competitiveness in
export: the return on the invested resources under the best natural and climatic conditions
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is higher, and logistics to port transshipment are significantly cheaper than in the regions of
the central part of Russia (Generalov, 2018).
1. Methodology
It is proposed to develop export prospects for Russian wheat based on the principle
of priority of the needs of the domestic agri-food market in Russia. Wheat is an export-
oriented agricultural crop, therefore, a further bias towards its production, especially of a low
class, can lead to a shortage of other crops that are used to provide a fodder base for livestock.
The concentration on wheat of 4 and 5 classes in export-oriented regions of Russia also
determines the shortage of durum wheat used for the production of high-class flour, since
there are no necessary natural and climatic conditions for cultivation in other regions of
A set of regulatory state measures is proposed as the main direction for managing the
balance of grain in the country. The key element in the development of the grain-product
sub-complex of the agro-industrial complex is the improvement of the production and
logistics infrastructure, which ensures a decrease in transport costs and an increase in the
flexibility and speed of grain deliveries both in the country and on the world market.
The improvement of Russia's competitive position in the world market for grain crops
and wheat separately is assessed through an increase in the physical volume of exports and
foreign exchange income. The study analyzes the structure of the main importers of Russian
wheat to prove the instability of the market situation and the need for constant development
of foreign trade partnerships and increasing the competitiveness of wheat, primarily in terms
of price by reducing transaction costs.
2. Theoretical basis
Grain farming is a backbone element of the agro-industrial complex of Russia,
influencing the formation of a competitive fodder base for animal husbandry and being the
main element of the crop rotation system. To date, significant progress has been made in grain
production in ensuring food security of the country's population and a significant export
potential has been formed. This predetermined the growing role of agriculture in the
structure of Russian exports. If the share of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs in the
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Danil Alekseevich Zyukin et al. // Directions and prospects for expanding the export 87-101
total value of Russian exports accounted for 1.8% in 2000, the figure was at the level of 3.2-
3.4% in 2009-2013 and reached 6% by 2016, which is maintained in subsequent years. The
increase in the indicator is due to the increase in the export potential of grain and oilseed
processing products with a decrease in energy prices. In the future, the role of agriculture
and the grain industry as the main export direction will continue to grow, while the
instability in the oil and gas market remains.
The share of wheat in the physical volume of exports of cereals and legumes reaches
80% in different years. Only barley and corn can be distinguished as relatively significant
crops in the structure of grain exports, which account for 9.6% and 7.7% as of 2019. In
addition to these crops, Russia exports 10 more types of grain and leguminous crops, but
their export is fragmented. This determines the role of wheat as the “queen of the fields” in
the structure of crop production in most of the agrarian regions of Russia.
Due to a significant surplus in the domestic market, exports have become an effective
instrument of reorganization, allowing Russian farmers to receive significant foreign
exchange income. There are significant disadvantages of the formation of the task of
increasing the export of grain as a priority, which forms the structure of domestic export-
oriented production. This structure can lead to a technological gap between the development
of grain farming and animal husbandry in the context of the need to ensure food security of
the population and to carry out import substitution of food products. The consequence of
this may be disruptions in the interaction between natural-biological, technical-
technological and socio-economic factors that determine the stability of the Russian agri-
food market. Therefore, it is important to approach further increasing the export potential of
grain farming, taking into account the strategic interests of the development of agriculture
in Russia and the food security of its citizens.
The fundamental measure to increase the efficiency of exports should be the
development of production and logistics infrastructure, which would ensure the safety of the
harvested crop to its buyers in the Russian and world markets. Increasing price
competitiveness by lowering transaction costs will further expand the expansion of Russian
grain to remote markets in Atlantic Africa and Southeast Asia. In the context of the structural
crisis in the Russian economy and the limited access of Russian companies to the financial
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markets of developed countries, the state's position in the field of investment regulation of
projects in this area is key.
3. Results
Grain is the main export product of Russian agriculture. After abnormal weather
conditions in 2010 and the announcement of an embargo on grain exports by 2020, Russia
has managed to become one of the main players in the global grain market. A qualitative
transition took place in 2014-2016, when export volumes increased from 20 million tons to
30-35 million tons of grain. The climax of success was 56.2 million tons of grain exported
abroad in 2018. The conditions for grain production in 2019 were not so good, however, the
level remained above 40 million tons (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The value of Russian grain exports in 2011-2019, million tons.
Compiled by the authors based on the source agribusiness expert and analytical
(Statistics of agricultural raw materials and food markets, n/d)
At the beginning of 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture considered the option of
introducing restrictive quotas on grain exports in the second half of the year, depending on
the harvest, at the level of 25 million tons. However, the harvested crop was higher than the
planned indicators, surpassing all the results of previous years. As of December 1, more than
138 million tons of grain have been threshed, which is a new record. This made it possible to
continue the active expansion of Russian grain to the world market. From July 1 to October
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Danil Alekseevich Zyukin et al. // Directions and prospects for expanding the export 87-101
31, Russia exported more than 18 million tons of grain (which is 7.1% higher than last year's
figure), including 15.7 million tons of wheat.
The importance of success in increasing grain exports for agrarians is determined by
the receipt of foreign exchange earnings, the amount of which almost doubled, if we consider
the average value in 2018 - 2019 relative to the level of 2011 (Figure 2). Revenues in 2020 have
already surpassed the prior period and are expected to reach the landmark 10 billion dollars
by the end of the year.
Figure 2. Revenues from the export of Russian grain in 2011-2019, billions dollars.
Compiled by the authors based on the source agribusiness expert and analytical
(Statistics of agricultural raw materials and food markets, n/d)
Due to the export of wheat, the main foreign exchange inflow for agribusiness is
formed, allowing to strengthen the level of international competitiveness of domestic
agricultural production, forming close international cooperation with countries of different
geographic zones. For example, according to the 2019/2020 agricultural year, the main buyers
of barley and corn are the countries of the Middle East - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Jordan.
These countries export 1,779 thousand tons of barley, i.e. 77.6% of total exports; Turkey and
Iran import 759 thousand tons of corn, or 59% of its total exports. Wheat has a significantly
larger geography, primarily due to the volume of Russian exports. In addition to the
traditional partners for the purchase of Russian grain from Turkey and Egypt, wheat is
bought by the countries of both the Atlantic coast of Africa and Southeast Asia.
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The most important factor in promoting Russian wheat on the world market is the
wide geography of imports of this agricultural crop, due to the peculiarities of the conditions
of its production, which are absent in many countries of the world, while the demand for it
is ubiquitous. In the context of analyzing the structure of world wheat imports, we will rely
on the data of 2017, as the most successful for Russia in view of the record harvest of 2020.
The main buyers of wheat are the countries of Asia and Africa. Due to the socio-ethnic
change in the composition of the population of Europe, the value of imports of its countries
is also growing. Countries in the Americas such as Oceania are not major importers, mostly
meeting their own needs. In addition, Russian interest here is minimal, due to the
geographical remoteness and the presence of large players in grain export - Canada, USA,
Australia (Zyukin et al., 2020a). Proceeding from this, the Asian market, as the largest in
terms of wheat imports and the fastest growing due to the countries of Southeast Asia, is the
most attractive for Russia, for which a traditional pool of importers in the Middle East has
already formed. Also promising for Russian wheat should be considered the African market,
which is logistically not so convenient for other major world grain exporters, despite the
reduction in purchases by North African countries.
According to the results of the last agricultural season, Russia took a confident first
place in wheat export; every fifth exported ton of wheat in the world falls on the share of
domestic farmers, which brought in revenues of 8.4 billion dollars. The main competitors are
North American grain producers in the United States and Canada, but they are focused more
on other markets. The EU countries (mainly France) and Ukraine impose more competition
due to geography. The rest of the exporters account for less than 30% of the wheat market
(Figure 3).
In this regard, it is fundamentally important for Russia to maintain its
competitiveness in the markets of its stable partners, which remain the countries of the
Middle East and Egypt. The geography of Russian wheat supplies is growing: if 761 million
dollars was accounted for by insignificant importers in 2017, it is 83% in 2019. Relative to the
record level of 2018, most importers have reduced their niche, with the exception of 2
partners from the TOP-3: Turkey and Bangladesh, as well as the UAE. At the same time, the
import of Russian wheat presented in Table 1 in 2019 decreased slightly - by 48 million
dollars. Among the major partners in the top 10 in imports, significantly reduced supplies to
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most countries: Saudi Arabia stopped importing wheat from Russia; Egypt, Vietnam and
Lebanon reduced imports by more than 160 million dollars; Sudan, Yemen and Nigeria
reduced by 60 million dollars to 80 million dollars (Table 1).
Figure 3. The share of exporting countries in the world wheat market in the season
Compiled by the authors based on the source agribusiness expert and analytical
(Statistics of agricultural raw materials and food markets, n/d)
It turns out that only Turkey and Bangladesh among the main importers of wheat have
increased the volume of cooperation. This proves the instability of the situation in the global
wheat market and highlights the great competition in this market. Russia needs to look for
new partners on the world map, which incurs corresponding additional marketing and
logistics costs. It is important to improve conditions to maintain not only export
opportunities through high yields of wheat, but also to ensure the implementation of projects
that reduce transport and logistics costs. Given the role in the mechanism of functioning of
the Russian agro-industrial complex and significant export prospects at the level of over 10
billion dollars, the state can and should play a more active role in creating favorable
conditions for exporters while maintaining the interests of the domestic market (Zyukin,
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Table 1. Dynamics of export volumes of wheat from Russia by country and their
position in Russian export
Saudi Arabia
The rest of the world
* Compiled by the authors based on the source (Export and import of Russia by
goods and countries, n/d)
Refusal of an active regulatory role can lead, with different options for grain yields, to
unfavorable current and strategic prospects for the development of grain farming. Exports
should remain an effective instrument of reorganization, creating conditions for increasing
production within the country while fully meeting the needs for high-quality wheat and
other types of cereals. The key point is the inaccessibility of “long-term investment money”,
which predetermines the small number of infrastructure and logistics projects implemented
by businesses. Easing monetary policy or creating favorable conditions for business to attract
credit resources is extremely necessary in the current situation in the country's economy. The
second mechanism for supporting such projects is the formation of a mechanism of
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preferences for investments in projects for the development of production and logistics
infrastructure. Direct participation of the state is advisable in the form of development of the
existing road transport network. The existing mechanism of subsidizing the interest rate on
loans, in our opinion, is not effective and bears a compensatory nature, eventually flowing in
favor of the financial sector.
4. Discussions
Despite the significant success in increasing the volume of grain supplies to the world
market, the industry still has a number of difficulties and problems that stand out especially
in times of crisis. In the context of increasing export potential, the state of the logistics
infrastructure remains a key problem that still requires an acute solution (Zyukin, 2018). For
Russia and Ukraine, there is a common problem of not the most successful geographical
location of the main zone for shipping grain for export during sea transportation through the
ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin. This narrows the list of major grain importers to certain
regions, for example, the countries of Mediterranean Africa and the Middle East, and it is
necessary to form new logistics routes for other geographic zones (Nekrasenko et al., 2019;
Zyukin and Soloshenko, 2019).
The experience of the main exporters in the world grain market shows the importance
of having an effective logistics network in the country as an integral element of ensuring the
competitiveness of products (Fuller et al., 2003). Svanidze M. and Götz L. note in the context
of a decrease in world prices for grain, the importance of trade costs becomes decisive
(Svanidze and tz, 2019). Another drawback is the low level of involvement of domestic
agribusiness in the digital economy. Research by Andreeva E.L., Glukhikh P.L., Krasnykh S.S.
shows the relationship between the volume of exports of technological products and the
expected parameters of influence, including the integrated index of digitalization (Andreeva
et al., 2020).
The demand for grain will persist even amid a slowdown in many economic processes
due to the global pandemic, as it is one of the most important products. The main market for
Russian wheat is precisely the countries of Africa and Southeast Asia, where a trend of
population growth is observed with an increasing demand for cheap food (Zyukin et al.,
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2020b). At the same time, Russian wheat has a relatively high protein content, forming a
predominant market niche for a number of importers (Panteleeva and Panteleeva, 2018).
However, there are also threats in the current trend. Given the structure of wheat
produced in Russia with an extremely small share of high-quality varieties, such a situation
can trap domestic production, which will be concentrated in other markets, creating a
shortage of high-quality wheat in the domestic market (Altukhov, 2020). It is important to
develop exports, but not to the detriment of food supply for the country's citizens, therefore,
it is necessary to maintain a balance between the interests of the domestic market and
obtaining foreign exchange earnings, predetermining the increase in the state's importance
in managing the country's grain balance (Tyupakov et al., 2019).
The role of the state in the development of exports varies considerably. G.V.
Kuznetsova, L.I. Tsedilin see opportunities for export development through increasing the
role of export promotion agencies, which provide support to exporters through information
support and training, provide marketing services, including organizing exhibitions and
business missions, conducting market research for exporters (Kuznetsova and Tsedilin,
2018). In modern realities, Russia may well use political instruments promoting domestic
products and vice versa - through the export of strategically important products to improve
partnerships in the field of politics. At this stage, the weak ruble is a contributing factor,
which is beneficial for exporters.
Wheat is the main product in the export of grain, which accounts for up to 80% of all
foreign exchange earnings. This predetermines the interest on the part of business in
increasing its yields, the bulk of which is exported. On the one hand, this is an opportunity
to ensure an increase in the volume of grain production in physical weight and to receive
additional income, but at the same time there is another side - the export-oriented structure
of crops. The grain-product subcomplex is a backbone element of the agro-industrial
complex, and therefore it is very important to manage the structure of grain production,
which should take into account the needs of the domestic market. Export, first of all, is a
reorganization tool that allows you to effectively regulate the situation in the domestic
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market, so its increase should not become a strategic goal for the development of the
Russia has become a leader in wheat production and has enough resources to remain
the main player, however, the peculiarity of the world grain market is its instability,
therefore, the grain industry in Russia must have a number of characteristics. An urgent
problem is the unstable nature of the harvest, which makes it difficult to maintain its position
in some markets, and even expand the geography of supplies. It is not economically feasible
to actively promote products to a new market if there is a serious risk next year that there
will not be enough products to supply.
Also, a global economic task for Russia is to improve the production and logistics
infrastructure of the grain-product sub-complex of the agro-industrial complex, which also
contributes to increasing the competitiveness of Russian grain in the world market and
expanding the possibility of its movement along the country's transport routes. Now the
main point of shipment of Russian wheat is the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin. New
opportunities are opening up for supplies to the markets of Southeast Asia, as well as tense
relations with Turkey, first in the context of the Syrian issue, now the conflict between
Armenia and Azerbaijan. Therefore, in order to enter the markets of the countries of Atlantic
Africa and Pacific Asia, it is important to diversify the development of port infrastructure in
the Baltic Sea and the Far East.
Both strategic tasks for a sustainable increase in grain production and the
development of production and logistics infrastructure cannot be comprehensively and
quickly solved by private capital in the current difficult economic, social and political
conditions without the influence of the state. Cloud technologies are underdeveloped in
Russia, and there is still a low level of digitalization and the use of information systems in
production management and export logistics. The key problem is the inaccessibility and high
cost of long-term money with the already existing high debt load of agribusiness, as well as
the absence of an adequate mechanism of tax preferences. In the context of the structural
crisis and the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, an increase in direct subsidies for
projects in the agricultural sector is not expected. However, the state has instruments of
fiscal and monetary policy, the effective application of which can be traced to the example of
Russia's main competitors in the world grain market.
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