Revista de Ciencias Sociales (RCS)
Vol. XXXI, No. 1, enero-marzo 2025. pp. 44-54
FCES - LUZ ● ISSN: 1315-9518 ● ISSN-E: 2477-9431
Como citar: Almidón, C. A., Coronado, E. M., Ormachea, M. J., y Almidón, E. A. (2025). Instructional design: Integration of the Q10 platform into the ADDIE model. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, XXXI(1), 44-54.
Instructional design: Integration of the Q10 platform into the ADDIE model
Almidón Ortiz, Carlos Alcides*
Coronado Pérez de Almidón, Edith Miriam**
Ormachea Mejía, Mario Jesús***
Almidón, Elescano Angel****
Instructional design is intended to create effective and efficient experiences within education, adapting to the growing demands of the digital society and accelerated virtualization, a product of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this order of ideas, the article analyzes how the integration of the Q10 platform in the ADDIE model can optimize the instructional design, providing a flexible and efficient structure for the management and creation of educational materials. Methodologically, this is a qualitative type of research, with application of the documentary exploration method. Among the main findings, it is highlighted that the ADDIE model, based on analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation, is a proven alternative for the design of educational programs, while the Q10 platform provides a series of advanced tools for educational management, which, when integrated to the ADDIE model, improves virtual education programs. It is concluded that the integration of the Q10 platform with the ADDIE model offers a series of holistic solutions to improve the instructional design, making the learning experience more autonomous and focused on student needs.
Keywords: Instructional design; ADDIE model; Q10 platform; learning; teaching.
* Doctor en Sistemas de Ingeniería. Docente – Investigador de la Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería de Sistemas en la Universidad Nacional de Cañete, Lima, Perú. E-mail: ORCID:
** Magister en Ciencias de Ingeniería mención en Gestión de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación. Docente – Investigador de la Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería de Sistemas en la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, Pampas - Tayacaja, Perú. E-mail: ORCID:
*** Magister en Ciencias de Ingeniería mención en Gestión de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación. Docente – Investigador de la Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería de Sistemas en la Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, Perú. E-mail: ORCID:
**** Doctor en Sistemas de Ingeniería. Docente – Investigador de la Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Electrónica en la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, Pampas – Tayacaja, Perú. E-mail: ORCID:
Recibido: 2024-09-16 • Aceptado: 2024-12-04
Diseño instruccional: Integración de la plataforma Q10 al modelo ADDIE
El diseño instruccional está pensado para crear experiencias efectivas y eficientes dentro de la educación, adecuándose a las demandas crecientes de la sociedad digital y la virtualización acelerada, producto de la pandemia del COVID-19. En este orden de ideas, el artículo analiza cómo la integración de la plataforma Q10 en el modelo ADDIE puede optimizar el diseño instruccional, proporcionando una estructura flexible y eficiente para la gestión y creación de materiales educativos. Metodológicamente, se trata de una investigación de tipo cualitativa, con aplicación del método de exploración documental. Entre los principales hallazgos se destaca que el modelo ADDIE, basado en el análisis, diseño, desarrollo, implementación y evaluación, es una alternativa probada para el diseño de programas educativos, mientras que la plataforma Q10 facilita una serie de herramientas avanzadas para la gestión educativa, que al integrarse al modelo ADDIE, mejora los programas de educación virtual. Se concluye que la integración de la plataforma Q10 con el modelo ADDIE, ofrece una serie de soluciones holística para mejorar el diseño instruccional, haciendo que la experiencia de aprendizaje sea más autónoma y centrada en las necesidades estudiantiles.
Palabras clave: Diseño instruccional; modelo ADDIE; plataforma Q10; aprendizaje; enseñanza.
Instructional design encompasses a series of experiences and learning that revitalize the act of educating, providing a range of resources for students, teachers, and academic institutions. Its purpose lies in making teaching more flexible and aligning it with the demands of the digital society, offering a variety of didactic, technological, recreational, and educational resources that facilitate learning.
It thus considers education as a complex, transversal, interdisciplinary, and inclusive act (Díaz-León, Palacios-Serna & Borrego-Rosas, 2024), aimed at addressing knowledge gaps and the asymmetries of the social context. However, to achieve these ideals, it is necessary to go deeper into ways of confronting disruptive scenarios (Alvarado, 2023) and the unforeseen changes they bring, while taking responsibility for the challenges of the future.
By virtue of the above, the article analyzes the integration of the Q10 platform in the ADDIE model, an acronym in English that uses the terms analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate, as part of a whole within the instructional design (Morales, 2022; Losada & Peña, 2022), providing a flexible and efficient structure for the management and creation of educational materials, without leaving aside the possibility existing to create theoretical frameworks to drive improvements within education. This involves valuing virtual education and recognizing its benefits in the presence of unusual scenarios, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. Methodology
This research is developed according to the guidelines of the qualitative paradigm. The qualitative review facilitates the understanding of the social and educational reality, in addition to offering a reflective perspective that strengthens the methodology used, consolidating analysis proposals, according to the specific needs and contexts, which are determined by a series of social conditioning (Balcázar et al., 2013; Nieto-Bravo, Pérez-Vargas & Moncada-Guzmán, 2023). It is a process that is articulated to precise contexts, extracting from them its essence and most distinctive aspects.
It is a type of research that has acquired relevance within the social sciences, being a response to those problems that are not quantifiable, but that contribute significantly to human knowledge. For this reason, it offers a reconstruction of reality, responding to what and why of things, relying on various methodological approaches (Guzmán, 2021). Methodologically, a documentary review was carried out, which offers a critical position on the topic addressed. To obtain the documents used, important international repositories were used, such as Scopus, Dialnet, Scielo, Google Academic, among others, prioritizing the search for the following key aspects: instructional design, ADDIE model and Q10 platform.
2. Results and discussion
2.1. The instructional design
According to what was stated by Góngora & Martínez (2012), instructional design is used for the development of courses, programs and learning materials, following the guidelines of constructivist approaches to education. In this context, the educator is recognized as a designer of learning, who is able to promote the adaptation of study materials for the student body.
As such, it focuses on not limiting academic content but rather stands out for the autonomy of the student, guiding educational processes towards the subjectivity of individuals. It is not carried away by the rigidity of summative evaluation, but opts for self-assessment, summative criteria and a holistic approach that identifies the shortcomings and needs of education. From the perspective of Templos (2020), instructional design is seen as:
A process that serves as support for anyone who wants to instruct someone, it is generally used by teachers to design and create a product, the result must be understandable material, focused on those who it is directed to (students), in addition to ensuring which will be an instrument that allows them to obtain efficient and effective results. (p. 20)
In contrast to these approaches, España (2024) affirms that instructional design is the most attractive option to update teaching methodologies in higher education, since it is committed to change processes and to provide significant improvements within education, mainly, in higher education. Consequently, it has been insisted that instructional models redesign the ways of educating, creating pleasant, interactive and efficient experiences.
Indeed, instructional design is an integral part of the learning process, due to the ease of management of planning and its detailed ways of carrying it out. It does not depend on an exclusive teaching model to be developed, but rather serves as a format, strategy or guide so that students, according to their needs and interests, can plan their academic path.
These insights are integrated into the postulates of Robert M. Gagné (1916-2002), American psychologist and pedagogue, who proposes the necessary conditions for learning to be meaningful, which includes the association of encouragement, identification of knowledge, feedback, creation of necessary conditions for learning, so that it can lead to the resolution of complex problems (Gagné, 1985).
In the perspective of Noroña, Flores & Flores (2016), for this learning to become truly meaningful and in accordance with the interests of Gagné (1985), teachers must be its promoters, guiding their students towards the correct instruction, understanding this as a set of events that are planned and develop from within the classes. In this way, learning is integrated into the processes of the group or section, which can be modified by the behaviors, characteristics, peculiarities and environmental conditions that arise. This approach is considered extremely useful and linked to the evolution of virtual learning environments, as well as for the consolidation of autonomous learning.
In essence, instructional design becomes part of the evolution of educational methodologies, adapting to the changing and volatile environments of the 21st century. It seeks to be flexible, adaptive and meaningful, supporting evaluative and self-evaluative processes, not from traditional rigidity and conventions, but from the search for the transformation of education, which is connected with individual demands and social contexts.
2.2. The ADDIE instructional model during the COVID-19 health emergency
At the beginning of 2020, the health emergency resulted from the pandemic generated by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), whose clinical picture varies from mild and self-limiting symptoms of the respiratory tract to bilateral pneumonia, multiple organ failure and death. This virus originated in Wuhan - China and spread around the world, with important negative effects on all social areas, particularly in education (Jiménez-Puig & Fernández-Fleites, 2021).
In Peru, upon the arrival of the first case of the virus, several measures were established to preserve the health of its citizens, including through Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM and the extensions granted by Supreme Decrees No. 051-2020-PCM; and, No. 064-2020-PCM, the strict quarantine is declared which, as in other latitudes, had detrimental effects on economic activity, in the cessation of the production of goods and services, bankruptcy of companies, among other aspects (Contreras & Molina, 2023). Likewise, under Vice-Ministerial Resolution No. 00095-2020-MINEDU and Legislative Decree No. 1495, in-person academic activities are suspended, and virtual education is opted for.
The Peruvian State arranged the development of learning sessions in remote manner for all educational levels, without prior adaptation and conditioning processes, which brought into discussion the teaching performance and educational quality at all levels (Lora-Loza et al., 2022). With the intention of safeguarding the right to education, formal teaching and learning took a turn towards virtuality, towards the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as an educational modality that, despite not being fully prepared, had continuous improvement, for the benefit of teachers and students (Espina-Romero, 2022).
In the perspective of Barrientos et al. (2022), virtual education arising from the demands of the pandemic is integrated into the changing dynamics of society, where the application of technologies is fundamental for its evolution. In this type of modality, the ability to link and transmit knowledge prevails, improving activities through trial and error, applying various techniques and procedures.
Although virtual education is not new, the massive impact of COVID-19 made it an essential part of everyday life, with negative impacts on productivity and social development, determined by the capacity for connection and the promotion of novel learning. developed autonomously and responsibly.
For Chavarría, Pérez & Muñoz (2023), the above led to the reformulation of the instructional learning design, where the ADDIE Instructional Model was integrated into virtual and distance education, as one of the essential resources to strengthen learning processes, where Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) offered flexibility and accessibility inside and outside the virtual classroom.
According to Jaramillo & Castellón (2012), VLEs are understood as spaces or environments that favor student learning, supported by technology, through which an interaction is generated between the students and the teacher. For this reason, they seek to mediate the learning process through the network, adapting to the needs of the 21st century and the emergence of educational software and specialized platforms to carry out educational processes.
For this reason, VLEs are not limited to school space or formal education, nor to a particular educational modality. It’s about those spaces where the conditions are created for the individual to appropriate new knowledge, experiences and elements that generate processes of analysis, reflection and appropriation. As a result of the pandemic, familiarization with virtual spaces and digital education has been essential, so that educational resources and learning opportunities can be carried out in the best possible way, taking into account individualized needs and preferences of each student.
Instructional design can be used through different models that express its concepts, as is done with the ADDIE Instructional Model. This focuses on following the phases of a process, so that the training needs are revealed, enabling the design of content and practical activities that improve educational experiences, offering a clear structure to plan and program education (Román & Perezchica, 2024).
This design has had a significant impact, by coherently addressing student needs, interconnecting them with skills training, pedagogical development, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the curriculum, learning theories, among others. For Chavarría et al. (2023), the implementation of the ADDIE instructional model is extremely beneficial, thanks to its complex structuring, which is synthesized in five key phases, as illustrated in Figure I.
Source: Own elaboration, 2024 with support from Ideogram.
Figure I: Phases of the ADDIE Instructional Model
a. Analysis phase: The factors that can influence the student are identified, whether external or internal elements, such as technological gaps, the objectives of instructional design, the availability and accessibility of resources, among others. In this regard, Morales (2022) emphasizes that in the analysis phase of the ADDIE instructional model, the resources must be attractive, while at the same time leading to perfecting online education, adapting to different learning platforms, such as Q10.
b. Design phase: The desired performance in the instruction is confirmed, which involves designing a complete structure of the course, with the appropriate evaluation methods, so that they are integrated into the tasks to be performed. In this order of ideas, it is essential, as proposed by Templos (2020), that what is designed and planned for classes is detailed, coherent and easily implemented, so that virtualization is interactive and favors autonomous learning and critical thinking-creative of the students.
c. Development phase: The course contents are generated, learning resources are created, which can be of different types, such as readings, videos, evaluations, practices and various activities. For Huamán-Romaní et al. (2023), the requirements of the COVID-19 pandemic forced the virtualization of all the components of this phase in the ADDIE model and in others of lesser use, so each material had to be evaluated and selected in light of this reality.
d. Implementation phase: Learning is prepared, ways to develop it and for the student to be linked to it are proposed. In virtual education, this phase is favored with the support of educational management and administration platforms, such as Q10, whose purpose lies in the constant monitoring of student progress, while providing the corresponding feedback to their synchronous and asynchronous interventions.
e. Evaluation phase: The quality and level achieved by students are evaluated through the instructional design. For Morales (2022), in this phase it is essential to measure qualitative and quantitative data in order to improve future academic learning experiences. Therefore, it is understood that the formative evaluation, developed during the course and the summative evaluation provided, determine the learning achievements, representing not only an evaluation of the students, but also of the teaching and institutional performance.
Regarding the phases of the ADDIE instructional model, Morales (2022) points out that it focuses on the interconnections and development of instruction, so that, implicitly, it resorts to analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation; that is, to those elements that make up its acronym, which together constitute a complex educational model, which can be used for different purposes, generating infinite varieties of instructions, which provide advantages and favor student participation, collaborative work, exercising practical knowledge , among other aspects. For their part, Saza, Mora & Agudelo (2019) assume the ADDIE Instructional Model as “a rigorous planning exercise that requires pedagogical, technological, organizational and evaluative elements” (p. 131).
For Otero, Méndez & Suárez (2024), it is a methodical approach, widely recognized within the perspectives of instructional design, mainly in the creation of AVA. Therefore, it is considered innovative as it offers a flexible yet solid methodology that promotes learner-centered education, effectively integrating technological and pedagogical aspects. This contributes to improving educational quality and preparing students to face the challenges of the digital society.
In this context, Peruvian universities adapted to various instructional models, but privileged the ADDIE model, since it allows teachers to have a defined organizational structure, where precise guides can be developed for the definition and execution of virtual evaluations, taking into consideration the theoretical contents and practical needs of each curricular unit.
In this way, the content was on the platforms, providing technological solutions to the health crisis. Despite not covering all academic needs, the ADDIE model allowed the development of learning sessions, avoiding a decline in educational level, as well as a greater increase in student dropout. However, it must not be overlooked that this new educational scenario, mediated by ICT, led to the emergence of new ways of understanding teaching. These were conditioned by technological limitations, infrastructure challenges, the displacement of vulnerable populations, and the widening of social gaps, which deepened inequalities within Peru.
In Tacca, Tirado & Cuarez (2022) perspective, the crisis caused by the pandemic exacerbated previously existing educational uncertainties. Although the efforts of the State and educational institutions were oriented towards safeguarding the right to education, Peru evidenced significant gaps between the rural and urban context, especially in the provision of services and technological support within education. This without adding poverty rates, social precarities, conditions of scarcity, among other related factors.
Despite this, the ADDIE instructional model provides a structured reference for the creation and implementation of educational programs. When combined with other software and digital platforms, it facilitates the management of learning and teaching, contributing to the ways in which teachers can monitor student progress within an integrated virtual environment. Therefore, efforts have been made to ensure that, beyond the technological renewal, the quality of the service increases significantly, as students and teachers adapt to the virtual education modalities, until all their demands and needs are covered (Huamán-Romaní et al., 2023).
In essence, the application of the ADDIE instructional model during the pandemic represents a challenge to traditional education models. In this regard, the Peruvian educational system was forced to virtualize education, so the ADDIE model provided a series of advantages, becoming a wide-ranging tool, but also an approach to the future of education.
2.3. Q10 virtual platform
According to what was proposed by Coronado (2022), the name Q10 results from the union of the letter q, initial of the English word quality, which can be translated as quality, and the number 10, the highest grade obtained. It is an administrative software developed by the company Q10 established in the city of Medellín, Colombia. It is aimed at the administration and improvement of processes related to academic institutions, allowing the integration of other operating systems, strengthening the activities and uses that can be given to this platform (Villanueva, 2022).
This platform had its origins on September 21, 2008, and conceives virtual education as a process that adapts to the time and needs of the student, facilitating the management of information, the thematic contents addressed, interconnecting with ICT. In this way, it becomes a stimulating and motivating instrument, connected to the growing demands of the digital society (Coronado, 2022).
It offers a range of academic and administrative resources, where integrated virtual courses can be carried out in a simple and functional way. The software is based on the Saas-type design, a model that offers services in a centralized manner. In other words, the company that provides the platform hosts the system and the clients, in this case, educational institutions have access to it through the Internet, which is why it is considered a type of flexible, relatively economical, versatile and easy-to-use software. application (Villanueva, 2022).
The above allows to carry out organizational, measurable, and innovative processes in teaching and learning, guiding decisions towards productive levels (Coronado, 2022). that include compatibility with multimedia content, the creation of forums, announcements, work schedules, note-taking blogs, formative and summative assessments, payment management, among other features. In the Peruvian context, the proposal for the Design and Implementation of an Instructional Model using the Q10 Academic Platform includes permanent monitoring by the teacher of the students, as well as an increase in asynchronous academic activities during the development of the course.
This requires the formulation of questionnaires, assignments, forums, and content review (virtual classroom lessons and recordings), all of which were continuously evaluated and considered for the grading criteria for attitudinal, procedural, and conceptual components, as required to ensure academic quality. This gave students greater autonomy in asynchronous activities, contributing to permanently evaluate the appropriation of knowledge, collaborative work and interaction with group members.
The platform includes the possibility of creating for the presentation of students, allowing the establishment of connections that go beyond the classroom and align with the specific dynamics and goals of the educational institution. Q10 enables the design of new activities to encourage students, transforming group work dynamics, demanding participation in the different available spaces, focusing on the development of elementary skills, without leaving aside advanced theoretical support, tailored to the levels of the sections and courses offered.
In this way, the instructional design based on the Q10 platform leads to personalizing activities based on the characteristics and similar interests of the students, it also raises the possibility of innovating and making use of other platforms, highlighting the advantage of expanding the development of technological skills.
The integration of the Q10 platform with the ADDIE model represents an advance in the instructional model and virtual education, which is strengthened due to the growth of the digital society and the accelerated virtualization of educational spaces, a product of the COVID-19 pandemic. This integration not only favors the design and development of educational materials, but also seeks autonomous learning experiences, linked to student needs.
The versatility of the Q10 platform is ideal for adapting and making use of interactive educational tools, which are fully aligned with the ADDIE model and its analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation phases, facilitating a diverse educational perspective, where the end of Evaluation is not quantitative, but summative, formative and continuous growth of students, educators and educational institutions. Together, the integration of all educational actors can diversify learning, making it more adaptive and optimal, benefiting everyone equally.
However, the costs, although low, of the Q10 platform and the technological gaps present in the Peruvian context are recognized, which reveal the social gaps and their deepening post-pandemic. The above limits accessibility, tipping the balance in favor of urban populations to the detriment of rural communities.
On the other hand, it is highlighted that the research addresses a novel problem, which integrates the ADDIE model with the benefits of the Q10 platform, tracing a path to improve instructional design, betting on the personalization of learning and the autonomy of the students. Through the research, a holistic, documentary and interdisciplinary approach was offered, which can serve as a theoretical reference for future research.
However, the limitations of the research are also acknowledged, such as its entirely theoretical nature, along with the recognition that continuous technological improvements can quickly leave behind the scenarios presented in this research, which is why future lines of research are highlighted, such as the integration of the ADDIE model and the Q10 platform to the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, to the different generative tools that can facilitate learning processes. Likewise, it is urged to continue researching technological gaps and how to overcome these in social scenarios, particularly in the Peruvian context.
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