Technological development as a driver of economic growth in a macro-region

  • Gumar Kh. Batov 1Institute for Computer Science and Problems of Regional Management – the filial branch of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Establishment Federal Scientific Center Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Saida K. Shardan, Zarema U. Temirova Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education North Caucasus State Humanitarian-Technological Academy
Palabras clave: Demand, Limitations, Innovation, North, Caucasian Federal.


The research objective is to show the state of technology and technological development of the North Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) and to identify the factors impeding it. The study is based on the systemic approach and the methods of economic and statistical analysis, scientific abstraction, analogies and scientific generalizations. As a result, the economic efficiency of a macro-region can be increased by using new technologies. In conclusion, it is necessary to intensify research activities in the entities and to establish closer cooperation between scientific institutions, educational organizations and manufacturing enterprises
Cómo citar
Batov, G. K., & Zarema U. Temirova, S. K. S. (2019). Technological development as a driver of economic growth in a macro-region. Opción, 35, 136-153. Recuperado a partir de