Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
© 2022. Universidad del Zulia
ISSN 1012-1587/ ISSNe: 2477-9385
Depósito legal pp. 198402ZU45
Portada: S/T. De la serie “RETORNO”
*La obra que se publica es un fragmento del original, y se le ha dado
un giro de 180° por motivos editoriales. Su original va en horizontal
Artista: Rodrigo Pirela
Medidas: 40 x 70 cm
Técnica: Mixta sobre tela
Año: 2009
Año 38, Especial No.30 (2022): 14-19
ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385
Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. FEC-LUZ
As a tenacious worm that corrodes the fruit of democracy.
On the value and usefulness of ethics and philosophy in times of
political change and
emotionality of the action
That we are going through difficult times is one of the most
shockingly evident truths of the current era of political uncertainty, as the
French philosopher Marc Crépon would say. These times we are
experiencing seem to be wandering through our social interstices as if
they were the air that bathes our corporeality, thus internalizing
themselves in each of our thoughts as if they were pores of our vital
organ of thought and action.
Certainly, the brain produces in us a great provocation about the
signs of time by making us "transpire" and, consequently, accelerate our
pace on our way to the coexistence we see as lost, to the point that it is
also revealed that these "cerebral pores" transpire anguish, fears and
anxieties, due to the exhausting rhythm caused by the accelerated changes
of existence. Stumbling blocks are found along the way like stones that we
bump into, bringing with them the risk of disconcerting falls in convivial
environments. Hence, "going through life" has also become a survival
This metaphorical walk through the ruts of life in society,
produces the illusion that living is in a world in which our freedom is
strengthened because it is both self-care and heterocuous, as CRÉPON
(2021) would say, to ensure it at all costs; however, this illusion
paradoxically raises the signs of political decadence, despite our
experience of being free: freedom, the product of dazzling illusions
otherwise passionate and rational of good life, fades at the same speed
that we idealize it, beyond our own circumstances. In this way, freedom
becomes the main victim of our own desires and wishes in the transit of
wanting to live a shared life. And I say "wanting to live", because life is
precisely the intention of perpetuating oneself as a living being, individual
and singular, beyond the rationality that characterizes us, and beyond the
plurality characteristic of the social sphere.
And it is this last feature that makes us sociable and existing
beings around the meaning of life itself, because with the evanescence of
Opción, Año 38, Especial No.30 (2022): 14-19
Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. FEC-LUZ
the sense of freedom, the sense of coexistence also fades away. All this is
a consequence, logically, of the signs of the "difficult times" we are living,
not only because of the post-pandemic effects, but also because of the
effects of the same urgencies and needs that are arising as we try to
perpetuate life on the face of this very deteriorated planet. It is not a
whim to generalize the analysis of these circumstances, since the locality
of life is no longer a common characteristic of all beings; of none. In the
case of humans, we are "planetary citizens", as passionately expressed by
MORIN (2005), that other French thinker who has bequeathed us so
much for the understanding of our times of complexity. Therefore, by
possessing the instrument of reason, it makes us responsible for the rest
of beings, who only possess the spirit of survival, to think in the
Aristotelian sense.
By virtue of this planetary generalization of our existence, it is
increasingly vulnerable to the signs of decadence of political institutions,
due to the ever-emerging intentions of power that characterizes any
model of social coexistence that has been chosen, precisely. It seems that
the political model par excellence that we have chosen in the West is
failing precisely as a result of the emergence of passions that have been
gaining ground in this world of shared life, which, as can be seen, is less
rational than emotional. The emotionality of life has been replacing the
way of life of being rational, as another philosopher of our time would
say, who has devoted memorable pages to think democracy as a principle,
in terms of discourse theory.
Indeed, Habermas is bequeathing us a valuable framework of
reflections on this political coexistence that we have tried to perfect in
the West; however, that same intentionality of action and rationality that
is supposed to characterize it, has been diluted by the designs of our time:
emotions have gone viral to the point of becoming the fifth pillar of
democracy. They are what Crépon himself describes as harmful to
political coexistence, since they transform institutions in such a way that
when the emotionality of action permeates them, the democratic turn is
blurred from the political map by means of "urgent" attention to the
requests of citizens in need of assistance, thereby creating a welfare State,
to such an extent that it is redefined as "procurer of existence", according
to Habermas' contemporary thinker, Enrst Forsthoff (SPECTER, 2013);
according to this conception, the value is not for the State directly or in
itself, but for the one who comes timidly and crestfallen to extend his
Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. FEC-LUZ
hand to receive benefits: this conception elevates emotionality to the level
of political theory.
In the sense indicated, the emotionality of action is prolific in
reproducing itself at the rhythm of urgent needs, which the political
actors themselves, the agents of the emotionality of action, are capable
of reconstructing it and making it regenerate at the speed that these
agents need it, and so it is detected by the strategic sector of political-
emotional action. Emotions, when they enter the political plane,
transform the whole geostrategic structure of politics, since it is easier to
govern by hearing and heart than to govern by reason. Passions are then
a breeding ground for government based on the emotionality of action, an
issue that is increasingly spreading throughout the globe.
The above arguments give rise to the foundation of the so-called
"populism", which becomes a predator of democratic institutions to the
point of undermining them and endangering the very political regime that
sustains it; or to put it in the words of the Frenchman paraphrased in the
title of this commentary: political emotions and the populism that
underlies them, are a worm that devours the fruit that houses it, that is,
democracy is transformed into sweet and juicy ripe fruit ready to be
gobbled up by the small caterpillar before being transformed into a
beautiful butterfly. In other words, politics permeated by emotions is
what makes the democratic regime, which is supposed to be the most
viable for peaceful political coexistence (HABERMAS, 2010; DAHL,
2021)), given the intentions of protection that it contemplates, become a
boomerang that then hits the very foundations that support democracy,
until it collapses and lies motionless before the fierce predators of the
inhospitable forest in which the worst of wild life is found. Emotionality
in politics inaugurates a style of society that is harmful to itself.
In any case, the emotionality of action has been justified in the
field of politics, which, in the context of the procuratorial theory of
existence, has been advancing to such an extent that the most stable
regimes from the democratic point of view have been shaken to their
foundations, beyond the political interests supposedly held by the
democratic leadership, with the well-known determined aims of attaining
power at any cost, and most seriously, reconfiguring the legal foundations
of democracy in order to leave the doors open to the procurer-of-
existence interests; these always lurk behind the processes of
Opción, Año 38, Especial No.30 (2022): 14-19
Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. FEC-LUZ
manipulation of emotions for political purposes. For all these reasons,
the theory of the emotionality of action seen from the perspective of the
justification of power encompasses ethical and philosophical aspects of
the exercise of politics.
With reference to the ethical aspects, the theory of the
emotionality of action that derives from the theory of the State as
procurer of existence is nothing more than a discursive framework that
attempts to capture the emotions of the citizen, who demands
precisely what is contemplated in the political offers for the solution of
problems. The theory of action from the emotions reconstitutes and
gives life to a psychic structure conceived for the political domain, thus
founding a political psychology based precisely on the urgent needs,
which are used as support for the package of offers that is designed for
the purpose of controlling emotions. Foucault has already given answers
to this, especially with regard to the control of corporeality, but extended
to the extremes of domination from all angles of the political system.
The core ethical issue is, then, the management of emotions for
the control of power, taking advantage of the offer to find the offerer
with a clientelism eager for promises and thirst for illusions, always
welcome in order to feed hopes, which are the last to be lost; but they are
lost. Poverty and ignorance are two essential elements for a good design
of promises of political change "destined" to attack poverty and
transform the citizen's discomfort into individual and social well-being
and wealth, not only material but also spiritual: this is the dream of every
citizen subjected to the punctilious exercise of power. The emotionality
of action, from Crépon's perspective, is a destructive weapon of ethical
values by slipping surreptitiously and assuming commitments that cannot
be carried out, with the consequent disillusionment and loss of tranquility
and social peace. However, it does not fulfill the objective of power
With respect to the political issue derived from this emotionality
of action, the emotional agent knows perfectly well that his offers must
be made in accordance with what the offered party wants to hear, and
therefore, the mechanisms of design and control of the discourse are
articulated in a coherent manner in order to capture the political favor of
those who most need the support of a third party to get out of poverty
and exclusion. The agent of the emotionality of action knows perfectly
Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. FEC-LUZ
well the meaning to be given to the discourse, to sustain it, and if
possible, to "risk his life" in favor of the poor and excluded. The
representative of the procuring agency of existence specializes in
designing speeches to be heard in the same terms as the needs of those to
whom he addresses himself. The offered will then be in tune with
whoever sounds the music to his ears.
There is no reason to think that from this political perspective, the
agent of the emotionality of action will always keep open the political
acoustic shell where he plays the music that keeps him in power. Hence
the dangers involved in this sense of politics, because his job is not to use
democracy to solve the problems of society as a whole, but to stay in
power, logically at any cost. For this reason, where the rules of
democracy are weak, a democratic sense of little strength is imposed. And
this is the moment when the agents take advantage of the emotionality of
the action. For this reason, the latter will always depend on the histrionic
qualities of those who exercise politics, as actors who are tele-guided
towards paths of domination, which, for the same reason, are always
winding, steep and unreliable.
These are the reasons why ethics and philosophy will always be
preordained in terms of providing tools of analysis that allow to clarify to
the actors of politics, especially to the targets of the theory of the
emotionality of action, the core issues from which it is intended to
control their emotions for political purposes. Ethics and philosophy
serve the purpose of establishing certain lines of demarcation of political
action in terms of passions, especially when these are unbridled. The
worm that is the emotionality of action gradually engulfs the fleshiness of
democracy like ripe fruit until it devours and destroys it. Transformed
into a State procurer of existence, populism is a weapon of democratic
destruction. These are the signs of our times for which we must be
Dr. José Vicente Villalobos-Antúnez / Editor-in-Chief
Opción, Año 38, Especial No.30 (2022): 14-19
Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. FEC-LUZ
CRÉPON, Marc. (2021). Tiempos difíciles, Ediciones Universidad
Católica del Maule, Santiago de Chile.
DAHL, Robert A. (2021). La democracia, Editorial Ariel, Barcelona
HABERMAS, Jürgen. (2010). Facticidad y validez. Sobre el
derecho y el estado democrático de derecho en rminos
de teoría del discurso. Editorial Trotta, Madrid (España).
SPECTER, Matthew G. (2013). Habermas: Una biografía
intellectual, Avarigani Editores, Madrid (España).
MORIN, Edgar (2005). Introducción al pensamiento complejo.
Editorial Gedisa, Barcelona (España)
Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
Año 38, Especial N° 30 (2022)
Esta revista fue editada en formato digital por el personal de la Oficina de
Publicaciones Científicas de la Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Universidad del
Zulia. Maracaibo - Venezuela