Invest Clin 65(4): 470 - 475, 2024
Corresponding author: Trino
Baptista. Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Los An-
des, Mérida, Venezuela. E-mail:
Severe necrotic colitis in an adolescent
with polypharmacy and high clozapine
doses according to his ancestry.
Trino Baptista
, José de Leon
, Antonio Guizar
and Laura Evia
Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida,
Clínica NeuroORIGEN, Queretaro, México.
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Anahuac Queretaro, Queretaro, México.
Mental Health Research Center at Eastern State Hospital, Lexington, KY, USA.
Biomedical Research Centre in Mental Health Net (CIBERSAM), Santiago Apostol
Hospital, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria, Spain.
Universidad Americana de Europa (UNADE), Spain.
Keywords: clozapine; constipation; colitis; ethnicity; polypharmacy.
Abstract. The antipsychotic drug Clozapine (CLZ) is approved for treat-
ment-resistant schizophrenia and reduction in the risk of recurrent suicidal
behavior in schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. However, it is increasingly
used in psychiatry and neurology worldwide in numerous off-label conditions.
Clozapine is associated with diverse side effects which require careful monitor-
ing in its use for prevention and treatment. The quality of CLZ use and pharma-
covigilance varies considerably among Latin American countries. CLZ-induced
gastrointestinal hypomotility (CIGH) is a relevant clinical problem, ranging
from innocuous constipation to lethal necrotic colitis. Thus, optimal preven-
tion, early detection, and treatment of CIGH deserves considerable attention.
We describe here the case of a 15-year-old Mexican boy diagnosed with Opposi-
tional Defiant- and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder who developed se-
vere necrotic colitis after nine months of CLZ treatment, leading to permanent
ileostomy. We ascribed this unfortunate outcome to careless polypharmacy that
did not consider drug-related antimuscarinic activity, deficient clinical moni-
toring, and lack of attention to ethnicity concerning drug dosing. This case is
of educational value for the mental health team in order to promote the proper
use of CLZ, which may be life-saving in patients with severe mental disorders.
Clozapine and necrotic colitis 471
Vol. 65(4): 470 - 475, 2024
Severa colitis necrotizante en un adolescente con polifarmacia
y dosis elevada de clozapina con relación a su origen étnico.
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (4): 470 – 475
Palabras clave: clozapina; colitis; constipación; etnicidad; polifarmacia.
Resumen. El antipsicótico Clozapina (CLZ) está aprobado en el tratamien-
to de la esquizofrenia resistente y para reducir el riesgo suicida en esta condi-
ción y en el trastorno esquizoafectivo. Sin embargo, su uso no aprobado en psi-
quiatría y neurología ha aumentado recientemente en todo el mundo. La CLZ
se asocia a diversos efectos indeseables, los cuales ameritan monitorización
cuidadosa para su prevención y tratamiento. La hipomotilidad gastrointestinal
(HMGI) asociada al uso de Clozapina (CLZ), es un problema clínico relevante
que se manifiesta desde un nivel de constipación inocua hasta colitis necroti-
zante letal. En consecuencia, la prevención óptima, detección temprana y el
tratamiento de la HMGI amerita atención considerable. Presentamos el caso de
un adolescente mexicano de 15 años con los diagnósticos de Trastornos Opo-
sicionista-Desafiante y Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad, que desarrolló
colitis necrotizante severa que condujo a ileostomía permanente luego de 9 me-
ses de tratamiento con CLZ. Atribuimos este cuadro clínico al uso inadecuado
de polifarmacia en donde no se valoró adecuadamente al efecto antimuscaríni-
co de los medicamentos, y al desconocimiento del impacto de grupo étnico en
la dosificación de la CLZ. Este caso clínico es de valor educativo para el equipo
de salud mental, con el fin de promover el uso adecuado de la CLZ, que puede
ser una medida vital en pacientes con enfermedades mentales severas.
Received: 02-09-2024 Accepted: 07-11-2024
The atypical antipsychotic drug Clozap-
ine (CLZ) was synthesized in 1958. Howev-
er, it was not until the years 1990-92 that
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
approved its use in the United States (US)
for treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS)
and the extension of the label for the reduc-
tion in the risk of recurrent suicidal behavior
in schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.
These are the only label indications for CLZ
use in the whole field of psychiatry
However, CLZ use in psychiatry and neu-
rology has significantly increased in the last
twenty years for off-label indications such
as dementia-related behavioral disorders, bi-
polar disorders, anxiety, autism spectrum,
suicidality, drug use in psychosis, borderline
personality, and neurological patients with
movement disorders and/or psychosis
. While
there are now available treatments more spe-
cific for these neurological disorders, they
are not readily accessible in Latin American
countries, and numerous neurologists still
use off-label CLZ at low doses as adjunctive
therapy, in general benefiting from CLZ-alle-
viating effects on anxiety and insomnia.
This trend is also due to the increas-
ing understanding of CLZ pharmacokinet-
ics, drug interactions, the role of ethnicity,
genes, and adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
CLZ has numerous ADRs, such as pneu-
monia, agranulocytosis, metabolic syndrome,
472 Baptista et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, synco-
pe, seizures, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy,
mitral valve incompetence, hepatotoxicity,
pancreatitis, sialorrhea, cancer, and gastro-
intestinal hypomotility (CIGH)
. The proper
use of CLZ, thus, request for an ad hoc men-
tal health team training, ideally including
drug-serum monitoring, since many of those
ADRs correlate with the drug blood levels.
Latin American countries considerably differ
in CLZ-ADR monitoring, pharmacovigilance,
and related research quality. In Venezuela,
there was even a recent CLZ shortage, and
it is now provided without any mandatory
regular blood monitoring, as suggested by
The CIGH disorders range from mild
constipation to severe and often lethal gut
obstruction and necrosis, such as we de-
scribe in the following case.
The mother’s patient signed an in-
formed consent for publishing this case. On
Day 1, T.B., examined a 15-year-old Mexican
non-smoking boy with severe restlessness,
insomnia, and verbal and physical violence
towards his mother and pets. He was of In-
digenous American ethnicity with limited
economic resources. At 12 years of age, he
was diagnosed with severe Oppositional De-
fiant Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyper-
activity Disorder and required a one-month
hospitalization in a public institution. He
was prescribed lithium carbonate (900 mg/
day), methylphenidate (18 mg/day) and ris-
peridone (up to 8 mg/day), this last agent
being the only antipsychotic drug recom-
mended for those disorders
. His irregular
outcome led to poor school adaptation.
In the first interview, he exhibited an
intelligence in the lower limit of normality,
irritability, extreme restlessness (running in
and out of the office) and a quarrelsome at-
titude toward his mother, who had Type II
Bipolar Disorder with good insight.
Clozapine, 6.25 mg at bedtime, was
started off-label (day 1). Therapeutic drug
monitoring was unavailable. The slow titra-
tion was based on standard clinical tolerance
and weekly serum C-reactive protein (CRP).
The dose was slowly increased to 100 mg in
three weeks, resulting in only a minimal im-
provement in sleep.
After no significant improvement, the
family placed the patient in a short-term psy-
chiatric inpatient unit for three weeks, with
no participation of the previous treating psy-
chiatrists (days 31 to days 52). He was pre-
scribed six psychiatric drugs: CLZ 300 mg/
day (100 mg three times a day), olanzapine
20 mg/day (10 mg twice a day), quetiapine
200 mg/day (100 mg twice a day), sodium
valproate 1500 mg/day (500 mg three times
a day), lamotrigine 50 mg/day (25 mg twice
a day), and diazepam 20 mg/day (10 mg
twice a day). Propranolol was added for sus-
pected akathisia 40 mg/day (20 mg twice
a day). The white blood cell (WBC) count
remained normal, but no other laboratory
tests were completed. Worried by the combi-
nation of three antipsychotics with antimus-
carinic activity, TB constantly insisted, by
phone, on monitoring for constipation but
was told that disrupting behavior interfered
with that. He prescribed preventive daily
lactulose at bedtime.
After three weeks of minimal improve-
ment (day 53), the patient was transferred
to an outpatient facility without continu-
ous medical or nursing monitoring. Ap-
proximately six months on CLZ (day 180),
the patient started to complain of abdomi-
nal discomfort, and after two weeks, he was
transferred to a hospital (day 194), where
he was diagnosed with sepsis, renal failure,
and severe gastrointestinal obstruction. The
emergency surgery revealed massive dry fe-
cal content and necrotic colon and led to
a colon removal except for a small sigmoid
portion with permanent ileostomy. After sur-
gery, zuclopentixol, 20 mg every 3 weeks,
levetiracetam 1000 mg/day (500 mg twice
Clozapine and necrotic colitis 473
Vol. 65(4): 470 - 475, 2024
a day), and oral clonazepam 2 mg/day at
bedtime were prescribed. On the phone, the
family informed TB they wanted to restart
CLZ administration, but contact was lost af-
The term CLZ-associated CIGH has
been used to describe an extensive set of
possible complications in the digestive
. The World Health Organization
(WHO) pharmacovigilance database receives
reports on adverse drug reactions (ADRs).
On July 19, 2019, CIGH was the fifth cause
of fatal outcomes in CLZ patients, with 326
fatal outcomes associated with 2814 cases
of constipation, toxic megacolon, and/or
paralytic ileus
. CIGH develops
during CLZ treatment, but up to 50% of pa-
tients may be unaware while gastrointestinal
motility is objectively decreased
Preventive laxatives and careful use of
agents with antimuscarinic properties are rec-
ommended at the start of CLZ treatment
This is a case of severe, almost lethal
colonic necrosis in a young man. CLZ and its
metabolite norclozapine have high antimus-
carinic activity, which reduces gastrointesti-
nal motility
During the first month of treatment
under T.B. control, a carefully slow CLZ ti-
tration, including CRP monitoring, was
conducted since he had Indigenous Ameri-
can ethnicity following a recent guideline
Later, the complications probably happened
by a combination of at least three significant
1. Lack of proper bowel monitoring. First,
at home, it happened due to the cons-
tant hostility between the patient and
his relatives. In the unsupervised outpa-
tient facility, medical assessment hap-
pened only after two weeks of severe
constipation and abdominal pain.
2. High doses of CLZ and polypharma-
cy. After one month on CLZ with poor
response, another consultant psychia-
trist tried to manage the challenging
behavior in the hospital by increasing
CLZ to 300 mg/day, and adding val-
proate (1.500 mg/day), quetiapine
(200 mg/day) and olanzapine (20 mg/
day). In retrospect, this was an unwise
decision due to a lack of drug serum
levels and clinical monitoring. The
CLZ dose (300 mg/day) was higher
than the 225 mg/day recommended
for male non-smokers among patients
of Indigenous American ancestry
In this regard, our research group has
defined six personalized schedules for
inpatients: 1) ancestry from Asia or
the original people from the Americas
with lower metabolism (obesity or val-
proate) needing minimum therapeutic
dosages of 75–150 mg/day, 2) ancestry
from Asia or the original people from
the Americas with average metabo-
lism needing 175–300 mg/day, 3) Eu-
ropean/Western Asian ancestry with
lower metabolism (obesity or valpro-
ate) needing 100–200 mg/day, 4) Euro-
pean/Western Asian ancestry with aver-
age metabolism needing 250–400 mg/
day, 5) in the U.S. with ancestries other
than from Asia or the original people
from the Americas with lower clozap-
ine metabolism (obesity or valproate)
needing 150–300 mg/day, and 6) in the
U.S. with ancestries other than from
Asia or the original people from the
Americas with average clozapine me-
tabolism needing 300–600 mg/day.2.
Moreover, olanzapine is also mainly me-
tabolized by the cytochrome P450 1A2
(CYP1A2) like CLZ
, and due to the
patient’s ancestry, he was expected also
to have higher plasma olanzapine con-
centration. As CIGH is a dose-depen-
dent adverse reaction, which is more
appropriately defined as concentration-
dependent, the patient probably dis-
474 Baptista et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
played very high serum antimuscarinic
activity by high plasma concentrations
of CLZ and norclozapine and from the
additions from the plasma concentra-
tions of olanzapine and quetiapine
Valproate can inhibit CLZ and olanza-
pine, particularly in early treatment
CIGH complications such as ileum and
necrosis result from a complex set of an-
timuscarinic-induced hypomotility and
inflammation. The associated inflam-
mation probably inhibited CYP1A2 and
caused significant increases in CLZ and
olanzapine concentrations and possi-
bly milder quetiapine concentrations
These pharmacokinetic issues request
for blood level CLZ and norclozapine
monitoring. Unfortunately, Chile is the
only Latin American country where pu-
blic mental health facilities provide such
monitoring in sections of Psychiatric
Institutions designed as ‘CLZ clinics’
3. Whereas the indication of CLZ in chil-
dren and adolescents with schizophre-
nia is well established
, that is not
the case for CLZ off-label indications,
such as the present case. Among other
potential factors, CLZ might display a
heterogeneous and unexpected side
effect profile, which are not necessarily
explained by ancestry or its pharmaco-
logical properties
The use of CLZ in psychiatry and neu-
rology is rapidly increasing, mostly as off-la-
bel indications. Thus, the proper monitoring
and treatment of diverse, potentially lethal
CLZ-related ADRs, besides neutropenia, is
mandatory. This case shows how CIGH may
lead to almost lethal consequences, and it
could have been prevented by taking into
account the complex pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic properties of CLZ and
the other drugs used in this case, ethnicity,
monitoring constipation’s severity and prop-
er use of laxatives
Psychiatric educators play a crucial role in
training all mental health members on these
issues in a CLZ-treated patient. This is particu-
larly important in Venezuela, where there are
no current mandatory guidelines for CLZ use
in psychiatry and neurology. Hence, we rec-
ommend improving the knowledge about CLZ
pharmacokinetics and drug interactions and
using it as monotherapy when possible.
The authors thank the patient’s family
for authorizing this publication.
Conflict of interest
Authors’ ORCID number
Trino Baptista (TB):
Jose de Leon (JDL):
Antonio Guizar (AG):
Laura Evia (LE):
Author contribution
TB and JDL wrote the manuscript. TB
was the former treating physician. AG and
LE assisted TB in treating the patient and
revised the manuscript.
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