Invest Clin 65(4): 445 - 453, 2024
Correspondence author: Laboratorio de Virología Molecular, Centro de Microbiología y Biología Celular, Ins-
tituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Miranda, Venezuela. E-mail:;
Epidemiological and virological
characterization of mpox cases in Venezuela
during the multinational 2022-2023
Pierina D´Angelo
*, Carmen Loureiro
*, Rossana Jaspe
, Yoneira Sulbarán
Lieska Rodríguez
, Víctor Alarcón
, Iraima Monsalve
, José Manuel García
José Luis Zambrano
, Héctor Rangel
, and Flor H Pujol
Dirección General de Diagnóstico, Instituto Nacional de Higiene “Rafael Rangel”,
Caracas, Miranda, Venezuela.
Laboratorio de Virología Molecular, Centro de Microbiología y Biología Celular,
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Miranda, Venezuela.
Dirección General de Epidemiología, Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud,
Caracas, Miranda, Venezuela.
Laboratorio de Virología Celular, Centro de Microbiología y Biología Celular, Instituto
Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Miranda, Venezuela.
*Contributed equally.
Keywords: mpox; poxvirus; monkeypox; outbreak; Venezuela.
Abstract. Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) is an infectious disease
caused by MPXV, a member of the family Poxviridae. On July 23, 2022, the WHO
declared the first Public Health Emergency of International Concern of Mpox due
to an escalating global outbreak with low intensity. Two clades of MPXV and sev-
eral lineages within each of these clades have been described. Clade I, also known
as the Central African clade, causes a more severe and lethal disease than clade
II, which circulates in West Africa. MPXV clade IIb caused the first international
outbreak (2022), while clade Ib caused a more recent one (2023-2024). Venezue-
la reported 12 cases during the 2022-2023 outbreak. This study aims to describe
the epidemiological and virological characteristics of these cases. The first three
cases were from men infected outside Venezuela, while most of the subsequent
ones were from men who acquired the disease in the country. All the cases were
from men who have sex with men, and frequently also people living with HIV-1/
AIDS. No critical outcome was observed in any of the patients. Sequence analysis
showed that most of the MPXV belonged to clade IIb lineage B.1. The recurrent
emergence of mpox epidemics warrants the further implementation of molecular
epidemiology surveillance and vaccination programs.
446 D´Angelo et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
Caracterización epidemiológica y virológica de los casos de
mpox en Venezuela durante el brote multinacional 2022-2023.
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (4): 445 – 453
Palabras clave: mpox; poxvirus; viruela símica; brote; Venezuela.
Resumen. La mpox (antes conocida como viruela símica) es una enferme-
dad infecciosa causada por el virus MPXV, miembro de la familia Poxviridae. El
23 de julio de 2022, la OMS declaró la primera Emergencia de Salud Pública de
Importancia Internacional de mpox, debido a un brote mundial en escalada, ac-
tualmente de baja intensidad. Se han descrito dos clados de MPXV y varios linajes
dentro de cada uno de estos clados. El clado I, también conocido como clado
centroafricano, causa una enfermedad más grave y letal que el clado II, el que
circula en África occidental. El primer brote internacional (2022) fue causado
por el clado IIb de MPXV, mientras que uno más reciente (2023-2024) es causado
por el clado Ib. Venezuela notificó 12 casos durante el brote de 2022-2023. El
objetivo de este estudio es describir las características epidemiológicas y virológi-
cas de estos casos. Los primeros tres casos fueron de hombres que se infectaron
fuera de Venezuela, mientras que la mayoría de los siguientes fueron de hombres
que adquirieron la enfermedad en el país. Todos los casos fueron de hombres que
tuvieron sexo con hombres y que viven con VIH-1/SIDA. No se observó ningún
desenlace crítico en ninguno de los pacientes. El análisis de secuencias mostró
que la mayoría de los MPXV pertenecían al linaje B.1 del clado IIb. La aparición
recurrente de epidemias de mpox justifica una mayor implementación de progra-
mas de vacunación y vigilancia epidemiológica molecular.
Received: 17-10-2024 Accepted: 31-10-2024
Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox)
is an infectious disease caused by MPXV, a
member of the Poxviridae family. MPXV be-
longs to the genus Orthopoxvirus. MPXV is
an enveloped 200-250 nm virus with linear
double-stranded DNA of approximately 200
kb. MPXV interacts with glycosaminoglycans
at the surface of the susceptible cells to en-
ter and replicate in the cytoplasm of the in-
fected cell
This infection causes a variety of clini-
cal manifestations, particularly skin lesions
and lymphadenopathy, but also can present
with musculoskeletal pain, ocular manifesta-
tions, and malaise
. The infection spreads
mainly through contact with infected hu-
mans or animals or contaminated materi-
als. However, frequent cases and deaths have
been observed in children, suggesting that
routes of transmission other than sexual
contact may also be effective in this new out-
. The likelihood of aerosol transmis-
sion seems to be low
The disease has been known to infect
humans since 1970. Several cases have been
reported in Africa since then, with a few
documented cases until 2022 in other coun-
tries outside the continent, primarily due
to zoonotic transmission. On July 23, 2022,
the WHO declared the first public health
emergency of international concern of mpox
due to an escalating global outbreak, which
Mpox cases in Venezuela 447
Vol. 65(4): 445 - 453, 2024
is still ongoing at present, with low intensi-
. By August 2024, nearly 100,000 cases
have been reported in 122 countries, with
a relatively low mortality rate (207 deaths)
. This outbreak has been characterized by
human-to-human transmission, frequently
among men who have sex with men (MSM).
HIV co-infection is also frequent
On August 14, 2024, the WHO declared
a second public health emergency of interna-
tional concern for mpox due to an ongoing
global outbreak, this time developing in Af-
rica, with the majority of cases in the Demo-
cratic Republic of Congo
. By the end of
August 2024, the only cases described out
of Africa were in Sweden and Thailand, with
a history of travel from Africa. Both viral
sequences were already available in the GI-
SAID database on August 28, 2024
Two clades of MPXV and several lineag-
es within each of these clades have been de-
scribed. Clade I, also known as the Central
African clade, is associated with higher se-
verity and lethality (up to 10%) compared to
clade II, which circulates in West Africa
MPXV clade IIb caused the first internation-
al outbreak (2022), while the more recent
one is caused by clade Ib.
The USA exhibited the highest number
of mpox cases of the first outbreak world-
wide: more than 33,000 by August 2024. In
Latin America, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico,
and Peru, there was also a high number of
cases: more than 11,000 cases in Brazil,
more than 4000 cases in Colombia and Mex-
ico, and more than 3,500 cases in Peru until
August 2024
Venezuela reported 12 cases during the
2022 outbreak
. This study aims to de-
scribe the epidemiological and virological
characteristics of these cases.
This is a descriptive study of the cases
of mpox detected in Venezuela. The Instituto
Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel (INHRR)
is responsible for the molecular diagnosis of
MPXV in Venezuela. It implemented an algo-
rithm for the molecular detection of MPXV
cases, previously discarding other confusing
exanthema-inducing infections, Varicella-
Zoster and Herpesvirus, by detecting IgM/
IgG antibodies in the sera of suspected pa-
. The presence of MPXV DNA was de-
tected by qPCR, as previously described
Based on the WHO/PAHO recommendations
on strengthening surveillance, the country
has decentralized molecular diagnosis since
January 2023 into four states, and surveil-
lance was intensified through the use of the
Vesicular Eruptive Febrile Syndrome surveil-
lance protocol.
Once qRT-PCR identified the cases,
MPXV genomic DNA was amplified using
ARTIC primers
for complete genome se-
quencing. Multiple libraries were prepared
from the same sample to increase sequence
coverage, using the DNA Prep library prepa-
ration kit with the Nextera DNA CD Indexes
(Illumina, Inc. San Diego, CA, USA) for next-
generation sequencing (NGS). The librar-
ies were pooled and quantified (Qubit DNA
HS, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA).
Their quality was checked (Bio-Fragment An-
alyzer, Qsep1-Lite, BiOptic, New Taipei City,
Taiwan) before sequencing, and sequencing
was carried out using an iSeq 100 platform
and a 300-cycle V2 kit with paired-end se-
The viral genome sequence assembly
was performed using the Genome Detective
Virus tool (https://www.genomedetective.
com/). Nucleotide sequences of three par-
tial complete genomes with more than 60%
coverage have been deposited into the GI-
SAID database with the accession IDs EPI_
ISL_15014548 and EPI_ISL_19370098. The
other two sequences (MPXV6 and MPXV10),
with lower coverage and are not acceptable
for GISAID, are available upon request.
FASTA file obtained from Genome De-
tective was analyzed using the Nextclade
web tool Nextclade Web 1.14.1 (https:// MPXV genomes were
aligned using MAFFT v.7 (https://mafft.cbrc.
448 D´Angelo et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
jp/alignment/server/). Mega
was used for
sequence identity determination.
Twelve cases of mpox were reported in
Venezuela between June 2022 and March
2023 (Table 1). Five corresponded to im-
ported cases, and seven were community-
acquired. All patients were male, acquired
through sexual contact (MSM), and 7/10
(70%) corresponded to people living with
HIV-1/AIDS (PLWHA). The mean age was 30
years (range 24-37). Most of the cases corre-
sponded to the capital region, 42% (5/12) of
the Bolivarian State of Miranda, 25% (3/12)
of the Capital District, and the remaining 8%
one each from Barinas, Carabobo, Guarico
and Zulia states (Table 1).
A complete genome sequence could be
obtained for only one isolate (MPXV7, with
92.7% coverage), while partial sequences
were obtained for three more isolates (Table
2). Even with the low coverage, it could be
confirmed that all isolates were from MPXV
clade IIb. A discrepancy was found for the
isolate MPXV1 for lineage assignment be-
tween the different web algorithms available
online (Table 2).
Most MPXV isolates detected in Vene-
zuela belonged to the B.1 lineage. Ten thou-
sand three hundred fifty-four total sequences
were available in the GISAID database until Au-
gust 29, 2024
. From these, 8868 sequences
belong to the B.1 lineage and its sublineages
(3848 to the B.1 lineage and 5020 to the B.1.1
to the B.1.22 sublineages), being the B.1 lin-
eage prevalent globally during the first interna-
tional outbreak of mpox.
The MPXV1 isolate was classified as lin-
eage B.1 by Nextclade, as were most isolates
from this study, but B.1.6 by GISAID
. The
B.1.6 assignment by GISAID is somehow
unexpected since this lineage is strongly
associated with mpox cases in Peru
, and
the country of infection for patient C1 was
Five hundred thirty-three B.1.6 MPXV
sequences were available at GISAID on Au-
gust 29, 2024
(5.1% of the total sequenc-
es). Of the 439 B.1.6 sequences (82%) were
from Peru (Fig. 1). Some B.1.6 isolates were
also found in Colombia and Chile, while this
isolate was utterly absent from Brazil (0/353
sequences), Bolivia (No MPXV sequence
available), Argentina (0/11 sequences) and
only 1/102 B.1.6 isolates in Ecuador. How-
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of patients infected with MPXV reported in Venezuela in 2022.
Patient ID Sex and age Date of diagnosis Travel from MSM HIV-1 Outcome
C1 Male, 32 12/6/22 Spain Yes Negative Good
C2 Male, 28 25/8/22 Brazil Yes Positive Good
C3 Male, 31 23/8/22 Peru Yes Negative Good
C4 Male, 24 10/9/22 None Yes Positive Good
C5 Male, 30 6/9/22 None Yes Positive Good
C6 Male, 36 19/9/22 None Yes Positive Good
C7 Male, 31 20/9/22 None Yes Positive Good
C8* Male, 37 23/9/22 None Yes N/A** Good
C9* Male, 25 26/9/22 None Yes N/A Good
C10 Male, 30 13/10/22 Colombia Yes N/A Good
C11 Male, 26 9/12/22 None Yes Positive Good
C12 Male, 33 3/3/23 Panamá Yes Positive Good
*Reported contact with patient C7. **N/A: not available. Did not reported HIV status nor accepted an HIV test.
Mpox cases in Venezuela 449
Vol. 65(4): 445 - 453, 2024
ever, the earliest sequences for this lineage
(earliest collection date June 5, 2022) were
from the Netherlands, where 24/182 se-
quences (13%) were classified as B.1.6 by
the GISAID database: the earliest collection
date of B.1.6 isolates from Peru was June 25
of this year (from the first reported case in
the country). Then, it cannot be discarded
that the B.1.6 lineage was also circulating
in Spain in June 2022 and not detected
because of the relatively low number of se-
quences available from this country (n=78).
Another Venezuelan isolate was clas-
sified as B.1.19 by Nextclade (from patient
C6). No information on lineage classification
can be obtained from the GISAID database
since this sequence could not be submitted
due to low coverage (Table 2). A total of 58
sequences of the B.1.19 lineage were avail-
able on the GISAID database
, making it a
lineage with a low detection frequency. Most
of the sequences are from Europe (n=39),
18 from North America, and none have been
reported in South America. However, the
Table 2
Sequence analysis of MPXV Venezuelan isolates.
Isolate ID* Patient ID Accession ID Genome coverage** Clade Lineage***
MPXV1 C1 EPI_ISL_15014548 64.2 % IIb B.1 or B.1.6
MPXV6 C6 NA**** 37.3 % IIb B.1.19
MPXV7 C7 EPI_ISL_19370098 92.7 % IIb B.1
MPXV8 C8 NA**** 56.8 % IIb B.1
MPXV10 C10 NA**** 39.0 % IIb B.1
*For the other MPXV isolates, sequence information could not be obtained. **Percent nucleotides effectively
sequenced along the whole genome. ***Lineage assignment according to the Nextclade algorithm. In the case
of MPXV1, GISAID assigned this isolate to the B.1.6 lineage. ****NA: not available. Not submitted to GISAID
because of low coverage.
Fig. 1. Distribution of the MPXV lineage B.1.6 in the world. (GISAID, 2024).
450 D´Angelo et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
classification of this Venezuelan isolate as
B.1.19 may be misleading because of the low
coverage of this sequence.
The partial sequence of MPXV8 dis-
played more than 99.99% identity with the
MPXV7 sequence, which agrees with the his-
tory of contact between patients C7 and C8
(Table 1).
Relatively few cases of mpox were re-
ported in Venezuela. Comegna et al., 2023
suggested several factors to explain the low
number of reported cases, including limited
diagnostic capacity, particularly outside the
capital city. However, as stated before, 4/12
cases were from states outside the capital
region, and four diagnostic centers were per-
forming molecular diagnosis of mpox in other
states. The fact that many of the community-
acquired cases in Venezuela were also PLWHA
suggests that the fear of discrimination may
have played a role in the low number of cases
detected in the country. In addition, the lack
of knowledge about this disease (both among
patients and among health workers who are
not trained to detect cases) may have ham-
pered the identification of cases. Finally, as
this outbreak often presented with a mild dis-
ease with low severity and cryptic manifesta-
tions, often in the genital area, many cases
may have gone undetected
. Since PLWHA
are more likely to seek medical care, with
physicians aware of this disease, this increases
the likelihood of detecting mpox cases. Most
of the MPXV reported in Venezuela belonged
to clade IIb lineage B.1.
The high number of mpox cases asso-
ciated with the first international outbreak
led to the evolution of this virus, with the
subsequent emergence of lineages inside the
clade IIb
. An example of this is the emer-
gence of lineage B.1.6, which seems to have
emerged in Peru
. The importance of ge-
nomic surveillance has been stressed with
the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the con-
tribution of MPXV genomic sequences to
the GISAID database was not proportional
to each country’s mpox cases
. The genome
length of this DNA virus (almost 200.000
base pairs) does not contribute to facilitat-
ing this task. Only one complete genome
with satisfactory coverage could be obtained
in our case. The analysis of these complete
or partial genomic sequences allowed us to
determine the circulation of the lineage B.1
of the clade IIb in the country.
As of the end of October 2024, only three
cases of the second mpox outbreak (clade Ib)
have been reported outside Africa (with a
previous history of being in that continent)
. This second outbreak did not threaten
public health in Latin America by the end of
2024. However, the recurrent outbreaks of
this disease have shown the emergence of vi-
ral lineages with increased ability of human-
to-human transmission
. This warrants the
need for enhancing response interventions
and surveillance systems, targeted vaccina-
tion, such as vaccination of high-risk individu-
als, persons in contact with mpox cases, ring
vaccination in endemic areas
, and edu-
cational campaigns on mpox
To the Health Personnel who treated
mpox cases effectively and accurately in the
This project was funded by the Minis-
terio del Poder Popular para Ciencia y Tec-
nología de Venezuela (MINCYT).
Conflict of competence
The authors declare that they have no
conflict of competence.
ORCID numbers of authors
Pierina D´Angelo (PA):
Carmen L. Loureiro (CL):
Mpox cases in Venezuela 451
Vol. 65(4): 445 - 453, 2024
Rossana C Jaspe (RCJ):
Yoneira Sulbaran (YS):
Lieska Rodríguez (LR):
Víctor Alarcón (VA):
Iraima Monsalve (IM):
José Manuel García (JMG):
José Luis Zambrano (JLZ):
Héctor R Rangel (HRR):
Flor H. Pujol (FHJ):
Contributions of authors
Substantial contribution to the concep-
tion and design of the study; Critical review
of the article; Approval of the final version
to be published (all authors). PA: Data col-
lection and molecular diagnosis of cases.
CL: Amplification of the viral genome for
sequencing. RCJ y YS: Next-generation se-
quencing. LR,VA,IM, JMG: Data collection
and epidemiological analysis of cases. JLZ:
Critical review of the manuscript and de-
sign of the figure. HRR: Critical review of
the study and manuscript. FHJ: Supervision
of the study; Writing the first version of the
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