Invest Clin 65(4): 406 - 417, 2024
Corresponding author: Huamei Yang. Department of Cardiovascular, Lujiang County Hospital of Traditional Chine-
se Medicine, Hefei, China. E-mail:
Rehabilitation training effect guided
by cardiopulmonary fitness assessment
on NT-proBNP levels in patients with
chronic heart failure.
Huamei Yang
Department of Cardiovascular, Lujiang County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Hefei, China.
Keywords: cardiopulmonary fitness assessment; cardiopulmonary function; chronic
heart failure; plasma N-terminal B-type pronatriuretic peptide; rehabilitation
Abstract. This study explored the impact of rehabilitation training guided by
cardiopulmonary fitness assessment on NT-proBNP levels in patients with chronic
heart failure (CHF). It was conducted on 220 chronic heart failure (CHF) patients
from March 2020 to February 2022. They were divided into a control and observa-
tion group. The control group received routine nursing, while the an observation
group underwent rehabilitation guided by a cardiopulmonary fitness assessment.
Changes in NT-proBNP levels, vascular endothelial function, and cardiopulmo-
nary function were compared between the groups at admission, eight, and 12
weeks later. Upon admission, the two groups had no statistically significant dif-
ference in NT-proBNP levels (p>0.05). However, after eight and 12 weeks of inter-
vention, both groups showed decreased NT-proBNP levels, with the observation
group exhibiting significantly lower levels than the control group (p<0.05). Simi-
larly, there was no significant difference between the groups initially (p>0.05)
in endothelial function comparison. However, after eight and 12 weeks, ET-1 and
Ang-II levels decreased in both groups, with the observation group showing sig-
nificantly lower levels than the control group (p<0.05). In terms of cardiopulmo-
nary function, there was no significant difference initially. However, after eight
and 12 weeks, Peak VO2, VO2 AT, and maximum exercise power increased in both
groups compared to before the intervention, with the observation group showing
significantly higher values than the control group (p<0.05). Additionally, the
VE/VCO2 slope decreased in both groups post-intervention, with the observation
group having a lower slope than the control group (p<0.05). Cardiopulmonary
fitness-guided rehabilitation objectively evaluates patients, formulates precise
plans, reduces NT-proBNP levels and inflammation, improves vascular endothelial
function, and is vital in secondary chronic heart failure prevention.
Cardiopulmonary tness on patients with chronic heart failure 407
Vol. 65(4): 406 - 417, 2024
Efecto del entrenamiento de rehabilitación guiado por la
evaluación de la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria en los niveles
de NT-proBNP en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica.
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (4): 406 – 417
Palabras clave: evaluación de la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria; función cardiorrespiratoria;
insuficiencia cardíaca crónica; péptido natriurético tipo B terminal
plasmático; entrenamiento de rehabilitación.
Resumen. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar el impacto del entrena-
miento de rehabilitación guiado por la evaluación de la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria
en los niveles de NT-proBNP en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica (ICC).
El estudio se llevó a cabo con 220 pacientes de ICC desde marzo de 2020 hasta
febrero de 2022. Estos se dividieron en un grupo de control y un grupo de obser-
vación. El grupo de control recibió cuidados rutinarios, mientras que el grupo de
observación se sometió a rehabilitación guiada por una evaluación de la aptitud car-
diorrespiratoria. Se compararon los cambios en los niveles de NT-proBNP, la función
endotelial vascular y la función cardiorrespiratoria entre los grupos al ingreso, a las
8 y a las 12 semanas. Al ingreso, no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas
en el nivel de NT-proBNP entre los dos grupos (p>0,05). Sin embargo, después de 8
y 12 semanas de intervención, ambos grupos mostraron niveles disminuidos de NT-
proBNP en comparación con antes de la intervención, con el grupo de observación
exhibiendo niveles significativamente más bajos que el grupo de control (p<0,05).
De manera similar, en la comparación de la función endotelial, no hubo diferencias
significativas entre los grupos inicialmente (p>0,05), pero después de 8 y 12 sema-
nas, los niveles tanto de ET-1 como de Ang-II disminuyeron en ambos grupos, con el
grupo de observación mostrando niveles significativamente menores que el grupo
de control (p<0,05). En términos de función cardiorrespiratoria, no hubo diferen-
cia significativa inicialmente, pero después de 8 y 12 semanas, el pico de VO2, VO2
AT y la potencia máxima de ejercicio aumentaron en ambos grupos en comparación
con antes de la intervención, con el grupo de observación mostrando valores signi-
ficativamente más altos que el grupo de control (p<0,05). Además, la pendiente
VE/VCO2 disminuyó en ambos grupos después de la intervención, con el grupo de
observación teniendo una pendiente más baja que el grupo de control (p<0,05). La
rehabilitación guiada por la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria evalúa objetivamente a los
pacientes, formula planes precisos, reduce los niveles de NT-proBNP y la inflama-
ción, mejora la función endotelial vascular y es vital en la prevención secundaria de
la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica.
Received: 10-12-2023 Accepted: 15-04-2024
Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a series
of compensatory reactive diseases caused by
weakened myocardial contraction caused by
myocardial disease and the inability of car-
diac output to meet the metabolic needs of
the body 1, 2. The prevalence of CHF varies
globally, with an estimated 64 million people
affected worldwide 3. The condition is more
408 Yang
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
common in older adults, with a higher preva-
lence in men than women 4.
Patients with CHF typically present
with signs and symptoms such as dyspnea,
fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance, and flu-
id retention, manifesting as pulmonary con-
gestion and peripheral edema. As the condi-
tion progresses, it can lead to a decline in
quality of life and functional capacity 1.
The diagnosis of CHF relies on a com-
bination of clinical assessment, biomarkers,
and imaging techniques 5. N-terminal pro-b-
type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is an
essential biomarker in the diagnosis and
management of CHF, reflecting the degree of
ventricular stress and providing prognostic
information 6, 7. Echocardiography remains
the primary imaging modality for assessing
cardiac function and structure 8.
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
(CPET) is valuable in evaluating cardiopul-
monary fitness and functional capacity in
CHF patients. It assists in the precise assess-
ment of the severity of CHF, prognosis pre-
diction, and tailoring individualized treat-
ment strategies, including rehabilitation
programs 9. CPET measures various param-
eters, including oxygen consumption (VO2),
carbon dioxide production, and ventilatory
efficiency, providing a comprehensive evalu-
ation of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and
muscular systems during exercises 10, 11.
Rehabilitation training in the context
of CHF has emerged as a necessary adjunc-
tive therapy to improve functional capacity
and quality of life, and potentially reduce
hospital readmission rates. Rehabilitation
programs are tailored to the individual and
often involve aerobic exercise, resistance
training, and respiratory exercises guided
by cardiopulmonary fitness assessments 12.
These assessments, which include cardio-
pulmonary exercise testing (CPET), provide
valuable information on the patient’s func-
tional limitations and responses to physical
stress 13.
A study by Bozkurt et al. showed that
cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is beneficial in
patients with HF and is recommended as a
Class 1A indication in HF practice guide-
lines 12 Another study conducted by Wang et
al. showed that CPET for patients with CHF
increases heart and lung function, improves
exercise endurance, decreases NT-proBNP
and hscTnT levels, and improves patients’
quality of life 14.
The necessity of conducting the pres-
ent study stems from the need to under-
stand better the relationship between reha-
bilitation training and NT-proBNP levels in
patients with CHF. Since few studies have
been conducted in this field, it is necessary
to conduct the present study to investigate
the effect of rehabilitation exercise guided
by assessment of cardiopulmonary fitness on
NT-proBNP levels in patients with CHF.
General information
Two hundred twenty patients with CHF
treated in our hospital from March 2020
to February 2022 were chosen as samples.
The sample size calculation formula is
n1=n2=2[(μαβ) σ/δ]2, of which σ denotes
the overall standard deviation, δ is the mean
difference between the two samples, and
n1=n2 represents the sample size of the
control group (C) and the observation group
(O), respectively, α= 0.05, β= 0.10. Accord-
ing to the t-limit table, μα=1.96, μβ=1.28,
the sample size n1=n2=92 was calculated,
taking into account the 20% loss of follow-up
rate, and the required sample size was at least
(92+92)/(1+20%)≈220. Finally, the sample
size n1=n2=110 was determined. There
were no statistically significant differences
between the data in both groups of patients,
as shown in Table 1. This study obtained the
consent of patients and their families and was
approved by the Ethics Committee.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: Patients meeting
the relevant diagnostic criteria in the 2018
NICE Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Man-
Cardiopulmonary tness on patients with chronic heart failure 409
Vol. 65(4): 406 - 417, 2024
agement of Adult Chronic Heart Failure15;
Patients showing fatigue dyspnea, up-
right breathing, anorexia, epigastrium pain,
pleural effusion or ascites in severe cases16;
New York Heart Association Cardiac
Function Classification I-II; Patients with
stable condition for ≥ 1 month; First on-
set; Age from 30 to 85 years old.
Exclusion criteria: Patients having
myocardial infarction, hypertrophic obstruc-
tive cardiomyopathy, aortic valve stenosis and
acute myocarditis in recent three months;
Patients with substantial lesions of essen-
tial organs, such as heart, lungs, and kidneys;
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease or pulmonary heart disease;
Patients with intermittent claudication,
limb dysfunction, or inability to take care of
themselves; Patients with malignant ar-
rhythmia and unstable angina pectoris;
Patients with electrolyte disorders; Pa-
tients with a high degree of atrioventricular
block. The two groups of general data were
balanced with no statistically significant dif-
ference (p>0.05), as shown below.
Research method
Group C implemented routine nursing
measures: (1) Exercise: The amount of exer-
cise was determined based on the patient’s
heart function grading. It was generally rec-
ommended that patients with heart function
level II should appropriately limit physical ac-
tivity, not affect physical labor and household
chores, and increase nap time. Strict physi-
cal activity restrictions were required for pa-
tients with heart function level III. Patients
can get out of bed and move around, but gen-
eral physical labor was limited. (2) Diet: Low
salt and low-fat diet, with a sodium intake of
less than 2.5 g/d, and strict restrictions on
foods, such as sausages, canned goods, and
seafood. Patients with severe heart failure
had a daily fluid volume of 1.5-2.0 liters. (3)
Medication care: When patients take diuret-
ics, their blood potassium content should be
monitored to avoid hypokalemia. For digitalis
preparations, attention should be paid to ob-
serving the patient’s appetite, palpitations,
and vision. If the patient’s pulse was less than
60 beats per minute, administration was dis-
continued and reported to the doctor. Group
O implemented rehabilitation training under
the guidance of cardiopulmonary fitness as-
sessment with the following steps.
Cardiopulmonary fitness assessment
Cardiopulmonary function testing was
performed using the MasterScreen CPX pul-
monary function testing system (CEPT). The
first choice was to complete a full set of static
pulmonary function tests in the sitting posi-
tion, guide the patient to sit on the power
bike and record non-invasive blood, 12 lead
ECG, oxygen saturation, gas exchange, and
other indicators. Patients should rest for 3
Table 1
General information comparison.
Project Gender Age
Fraction (%)
Complications New York Heart
Function Classification
M F Hyperlipidemia Diabetes Hypertension III
Group C
Group O
χ2/t0.297 0.641 1.181 0.653 0.472
p#0.586 0.522 0.239 0.721 0.492
C: control group, O: observation group. Data are expressed as *frequency (%), ** mean ± SD: # p t-test (Indepen-
dent Samples t-test) and chi-square χ2.
410 Yang
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
minutes first, then warm up without load at a
cycling rate of 60 r/min for 3 minutes. Based
on the patient’s gender, age, and functional
status, the bicycle power increase rate was set
to 20-30 W/min, so the patient could reach
the symptom-limiting maximum exercise tar-
get within 10 minutes. The patient’s maxi-
mum motor power and Peak VO2, VO2 AT,
maximum exercise time, and VE/VCO2 sleep
were recorded during the recovery period.
A high-load intensity exercise pre-
scription was accurately formulated based
on CEPT results: 50% power=[(anaerobic
threshold measurement power - power in-
crease rate) × 0.75)/2], and medical-grade
precision power waste trucks were selected
for training tools. (1) Stretching exercise:
The patient performed muscle stretching ex-
ercises before using the bike trainer. Neck
extension: Hands were placed on hips, waist
and back were straightened, and the head
was slightly extended upwards. Neck stretch-
ing left and right: Seated in a sitting posi-
tion, the patient’s head was tilted left and
right to the left, repeated 3 times. Baby
position: Assume a kneeling and standing
position with legs spread wider than shoul-
der-width apart, then sit the hips towards
the heels, lean the body forward, and touch
the ground with their upper limbs from the
front to the forehead. Maintain this stance
for five seconds and repeat the exercise five
times. Baby hugging posture: Patient sitting
position: Keep the waist and back straight,
stretch one thigh to the chest, keep the
knee level with the same elbow socket, and
the foot level with the opposite elbow sock-
et. Maintain this position for 10 seconds and
complete two sides into a group of 5 groups.
(2) Car riding exercise: Warm up without
power for 2 minutes, exercise for 30 minutes
at 50% power intensity, with a speed of 60
revolutions per minute. If the speed cannot
be maintained during the exercise, it is nec-
essary to reverse without power and rest for
1 minute before continuing the exercise. Af-
ter completing 30 minutes of exercise, enter
the recovery period and run the car without
power for 5 minutes. The exercise frequency
is 5d/week for 8 weeks (2 months).
Exercise precautions: During exercise,
relevant vital indicator monitoring instru-
ments were equipped, such as blood pressure,
heart rate, and pulse oxygen saturation.
Indication of exercise termination:
The target heart rate was achieved; Patients
having difficulty breathing, noticeable short-
ness of breath, pale complexion, as well as
damp and cold skin; Patients having central
nervous system symptoms, such as dizziness,
sensory abnormalities, ataxia, and visual im-
pairments occur; As the power increased,
blood pressure decreased by>10mmHg or
continuous baseline blood pressure or sys-
tolic blood pressure>220mmHg, diastolic
blood pressure>115mmHg; Patients hav-
ing severe arrhythmia, persistent ventricular
tachycardia, and rapid atrial fibrillation;
Patients requested to stop exercising.
Outcome measures
NT-proBNP: 5mL of patients’ venous
blood was collected upon admission, and af-
ter 8 weeks and 12 weeks. After centrifuga-
tion, serum was stored at -80°C, and the NT-
proBNP level was determined by automatic
electrochemiluminescence immunoassay.
The reagent kits were all purchased from
Shanghai Zhenma Industrial Co., Ltd., and
the operation process was strictly carried
out following the instructions.
Vascular endothelial function: 10mL
of fasting venous blood was collected from
patients upon admission, 8 weeks later, and
12 weeks later. After centrifugation, the se-
rum was stored in a refrigerator at -80°C.
The serum levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1) and
angiopoietin-II (Ang-II) were measured us-
ing ELISA. The reagent kits were all pur-
chased from Shanghai Hengyuan Biotech-
nology Co., Ltd, and the operation process
followed the instructions.
Cardiopulmonary function: CPET was
conducted using the MasterScreen CPX pul-
monary function testing system produced by
company Yeger (German) upon admission, 8
Cardiopulmonary tness on patients with chronic heart failure 411
Vol. 65(4): 406 - 417, 2024
weeks later, and 12 weeks later. Basic patient
information was collected, and the patient
was asked to wear a mask after 5 minutes of
rest. The electrocardiogram lead wire and
electrode were connected, and the cuff was
tied. Then, the patient started the measure-
ment and the results were recorded. This in-
cluded 50% peak oxygen consumption (Peak
VO2), anaerobic threshold oxygen consump-
tion (VO2 AT), maximum exercise power, and
carbon dioxide ventilation equivalent slope
(VE/VCO2 slope) 17.
Statistical methods
EpiData software was applied to estab-
lish a database, and two people ensured the
accuracy of data input through parallel in-
put. The research collected data was statis-
tically analyzed using the IBM® SPSS soft-
ware (version 26.0), ±SD represents data,
and inter-group comparisons were conduct-
ed using sample t-tests. The counting data is
expressed as frequency or percentage, using
c2. Multiple data sets were analyzed using re-
peated variance measures, with p<0.05 indi-
cating statistical differences.
Ethical considerations
Ethical approval was obtained before
the commencement of the study. Informed
consent was obtained from all participants
before their inclusion in the study. The study
protocol ensured the privacy and confidenti-
ality of patient information. The study com-
plied with relevant data protection regula-
tions and the Declaration of Helsinki.
NT-proBNP comparison of two groups
Upon admission, there was no statisti-
cally significant difference in the levels of NT-
proBNP between the two groups (p>0.05).
After 8 and 12 weeks of intervention, the
levels of NT-proBNP in the two groups were
lower than those before the intervention,
and those of the observation group were low-
er than those of the control group (p<0.05)
(Table 2). The two groups’ change curves of
NT-proBNP levels showed a downward trend.
Endothelial function levels comparison
between the two groups of blood vessels
Upon admission, there was no statistically
significant difference in endothelial function lev-
els between the two groups (p>0.05). After 8 and
12 weeks of intervention, the levels of ET-1 and
Ang-II in both groups were lower than those be-
fore the intervention, and those of the observation
group were lower than those of the control group
(p<0.05) (Table 3). The levels of ET-1 and Ang-II
in the two groups showed a downward trend.
Cardiopulmonary function comparison
of the two groups
Upon admission, there was no statistically
significant difference in cardiopulmonary func-
tion between the two groups (p>0.05). After 8
and 12 weeks of intervention, peak VO2, VO2 AT,
and maximum exercise power in both groups
were higher than those before the intervention,
and those of the observation group were higher
than those of the control group (p<0.05) (Table
4). The VE/VCO2 slope in both groups was low-
Table 2
NT-proBNP Comparison of two groups.
Group NT-proBNP(ng/mL)
Upon admission 8 Weeks 12 Weeks
C* (n=110) 380.41±39.56** 357.31±41.74 316.15±38.63
O* (n=110) 383.49±42.07 322.65±38.96 292.51±35.34
t 0.559 6.389 4.736
p#0.577 <0.001 <0.001
N-terminal pro-b-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) *C: control group, O: observational group. **Mean±SD,
# p t-test (Independent Samples t Test).
412 Yang
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
er than that before the intervention, and that of
the observation group was lower than that of the
control group (p<0.05) (Table 5). The peak VO2,
VO2 AT, and maximum exercise power of the two
groups showed an upward trend, while the VE/
VCO2 slope showed a downward trend.
NT-proBNP, as an important biochemi-
cal CHF marker, predicts CFH development
and progression and can accurately deter-
mine its severity 18. Results showed no sta-
Table 3
Endothelial function levels comparison
ET-1 (ng/L)
Upon admission 8 Weeks 12 Weeks
C* (n=110) 23.82±4.07** 22.18±3.44 19.77±4.23
O* (n=110) 23.92±3.99 20.28±4.05 18.03±3.49
t0.184 3.750 3.328
pP#0.854 <0.001 0.001
Group Ang -II (ng/L)
Upon admission 8 Weeks 12 Weeks
C* (n=110) 109.70±12.24** 104.29±12.37 99.12±11.55
O* (n=110) 107.09±11.50 98.61±12.49 91.30±12.79
t1.630 3.389 4.759
p#0.105 0.001 <0.001
ET-1: endothelin-1 , Ang-II: angiotensin II *C: control group, O: observational group. **Mean±SD, # p t-test (Inde-
pendent Samples t Test).
Table 4
Cardiopulmonary function comparison of the two groups.
Peak VO2[mL/(min·kg)]
Upon admission 8 Weeks 12 Weeks
C* (n=110) 17.24±1.34** 17.72±1.57 18.35±1.43
O* (n=110) 17.15±1.39 18.69±1.72 19.09±1.54
t0.489 4.369 3.691
p#0.625 0.001 <0.001
Group VO2 AT[mL/(min·kg)]
Upon admission 8 Weeks 12 Weeks
C* (n=110) 9.25±1.15** 9.90±1.37 10.47±1.49
O* (n=110) 9.45±1.47 10.47±1.25 11.09±1.68
t1.124 3.224 2.896
p#0.262 0.002 0.004
*C: control group, O: observational group. **Mean±SD, # p t-test (Independent Samples t Test).
Cardiopulmonary tness on patients with chronic heart failure 413
Vol. 65(4): 406 - 417, 2024
tistically significant difference in NT-proBNP
level upon admission (p>0.05). After 8 and
12 weeks of intervention, NT-proBNP levels
were lower than before and much lower in
Group O (p<0.05). The repeated analysis
of variance results showed group, time, and
interaction effects between the two groups
(p<0.05). Rehabilitation training guided by
cardiopulmonary fitness assessment reduces
NT-proBNP levels in CHF patients. The rea-
son is that as an essential part of secondary
prevention of heart failure, exercise rehabili-
tation is recommended as Class 1 in the man-
agement guidelines of the American Heart
Association and is valued by patients and cli-
nicians 19. High-intensity exercise is the core
of rehabilitation training, and exercise inten-
sity is related to patient safety and treatment
effects. The conventional exercise intensity
system is determined based on the patient’s
heart rate; however, currently, the commonly
used drugs in clinical practice for heart fail-
ure patients are β Receptor blockers. There-
fore, determining exercise intensity based on
heart rate poses significant safety risks, so it
is imperative to develop reasonable intensity
exercise rehabilitation training based on the
patient’s exercise endurance 20,21. After the
stimulation of the synthesis of brain natri-
uretic peptide precursor by myocardial cells,
the brain natriuretic peptide precursor pro-
tease decomposes into NT-proBNP and the
bioactive hormone brain natriuretic peptide,
which then enters the bloodstream, leading
to an increase in the content of NT-proBNP in
the blood. Rehabilitation training guided by
cardiopulmonary fitness assessment can in-
crease glucose oxidation, improve substrate
utilization and mitochondrial respiratory
oxidation ability, reduce oxidative stress, de-
lay myocardial fibrosis, stabilize myocardial
cell contraction rhythm, reduce myocardial
cell stimulation, and lower blood NT-proBNP
Results showed no statistically signifi-
cant difference in endothelial function level
upon admission (p>0.05). After 8 and 12
weeks of intervention, the ET-1 and Ang II
levels in both groups were lower than before
the intervention and much lower in Group
O (p<0.05). Repeated analysis of variance
results showed group, time, and interaction
effects between the two groups (p<0.05).
This is similar to the research results of Pa-
pathanasiou et al. 22,23. CHF may cause an in-
crease in the excitability of renin-angioten-
sin-aldosterone and the sympathetic nervous
system, stimulate inflammation and oxida-
Table 5
Cardiopulmonary function comparison of the two groups.
Group Maximum Motion Power
Upon admission 8 Weeks 12 Weeks
C* (n=110) 104.87±13.73** 108.84±13.49 112.64±12.92
O* (n=110) 103.83±13.26 113.94±12.19 120.34±12.28
t0.572 2.942 4.531
p#0.568 0.004 <0.001
Group VE/VCO2 slop (%)
Upon admission 8 Weeks 12 Weeks
C (n=110) 33.70±3.64** 31.23±3.53 30.32±3.37
O (n=110) 33.28±3.45 29.91±3.37 28.50±3.15
t0.878 2.837 4.138
p#0.381 0.005 <0.001
*C: control group, O: observational group. **Mean±SD, # p-value t test (Independent Samples t Test).
414 Yang
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
tive stress reactions, and subsequently cause
dysfunction of vascular endothelial function.
Meanwhile, vascular endothelial dysfunction
can lead to increased cardiac load, myocar-
dial ischemia exacerbation, and vicious cycle
formation 24,25. ET-1 is mainly synthesized and
secreted by endothelial cells. When myocardi-
al cells are damaged, endothelial cells accel-
erate the synthesis of a large amount of ET-1.
This may be related to the fact that rehabili-
tation training guided by cardiopulmonary
fitness assessment can reduce the concentra-
tion of catecholamines in the blood, reduce
the stimulation of inflammatory and oxidative
stress reactions on vascular endothelium, and
protect vascular endothelial function 26,27.
The research results also showed no sta-
tistically significant difference in cardiopul-
monary function upon admission (p>0.05).
After 8 and 12 weeks of intervention, Peak VO2,
VO2 AT, and maximum exercise power in both
groups were higher than before and much high-
er in Group O (p<0.05). The VE/VCO2 slope
was lower than before the intervention and
much lower in Group O (p<0.05). Repeated
analysis of variance results showed group, time,
and interaction effects between the two groups
(p<0.05). This is similar to the research re-
sults of Turri Silva and others 28. Rehabilitation
training guided by cardiopulmonary fitness as-
sessment can help improve the cardiovascular
function of CHF patients. CPET can accurately
evaluate the exercise ability of subjects, objec-
tively evaluate their exercise endurance and
cardiac reserve function, and provide a reliable
basis for developing rehabilitation training
for heart failure patients. CPET evaluated this
study, and a 50% anaerobic threshold exercise
intensity was selected to avoid lactic acid ac-
cumulation caused by prolonged aerobic me-
tabolism and systemic muscle soreness. Mod-
erate and mild exercise can inhibit excessive
vasoconstriction, improve the elastic reserve
capacity of blood vessels, regulate myocardial
metabolism, improve cardiac contractile func-
tion, and improve cardiopulmonary function.
In conclusion, the findings of this study
demonstrate significant improvements in
NT-proBNP levels, endothelial function, and
cardiopulmonary function. The results re-
vealed a notable decrease in NT-proBNP lev-
els after 8 and 12 weeks of intervention, par-
ticularly in the observation group, indicating
the effectiveness of rehabilitation training in
reducing NT-proBNP levels in CHF patients.
Furthermore, improvements in endothelial
function, as evidenced by lower levels of ET-1
and Ang II after the intervention period,
suggest that rehabilitation training guided
by cardiopulmonary fitness assessment can
mitigate vascular endothelial dysfunction
associated with CHF. Additionally, enhance-
ments in cardiopulmonary function, includ-
ing increased Peak VO2, VO2 AT, maximum
exercise power, and decreased VE/VCO2
slope, highlight the positive impact of this
intervention on cardiovascular function.
These results underscore the importance
of tailored rehabilitation programs based
on cardiopulmonary fitness assessment for
improving outcomes in CHF patients by en-
hancing NT-proBNP levels, endothelial func-
tion, and cardiopulmonary performance.
The study encountered several limita-
tions. Firstly, the sample size of 220 patients
may not adequately represent the general
population, potentially limiting the robust-
ness of the results. Secondly, including pa-
tients with chronic heart failure could in-
troduce selection bias, thus challenging the
study’s applicability to the broader popula-
tion. Additionally, 8 to 12 weeks might not
have been sufficiently long to observe sig-
nificant changes in specific outcomes. Fi-
nally, the study focused on NT-proBNP levels,
endothelial function, and cardiopulmonary
function, but other relevant outcomes could
have been included to provide a more com-
prehensive understanding of the effects of
the intervention.
Cardiopulmonary tness on patients with chronic heart failure 415
Vol. 65(4): 406 - 417, 2024
Authors’ ORCID number
Huamei Yang: 0009-0000-3737-8419
Contributions of authors
The author was involved in data collec-
tion, article design, interpretation of results,
review, and manuscript preparation.
Conflict of competence
The author declares no conflict of interest.
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