Invest Clin 65(3): 279 - 293, 2024
Corresponding author: Dawei Wang, Department of Joint Surgery, Liaocheng People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shan-
dong University, Liaocheng, China. E-mail:
A comparative study on the clinical
effectiveness of core decompression with
bone grafting for treating alcohol-induced
and traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral
head: a population-specific investigation
in alcoholism.
Zhensong Wu
Da Song
, Qi Xu
and Dawei Wang
School of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan, China.
Zaozhuang Municipal Hospital, Zaozhuang, China.
Department of Joint Surgery, Liaocheng People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shandong
University, Liaocheng, China.
Keywords: core decompression; bone grafting; traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral
head; alcoholic-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
Abstract. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is a debilitating ortho-
pedic condition with two primary categories: traumatic osteonecrosis (TONFH)
and non-traumatic ONFH, including alcoholic-induced osteonecrosis (AIONFH).
Core decompression combined with bone grafting is a common treatment ap-
proach, but its efficacy and influencing factors in these two categories remain
unclear. We conducted a study involving 50 patients (25 TONFH, 25 AIONFH)
who underwent this procedure. Demographic data and clinical assessments were
collected. The average age was 47.2 years, with 72% males. AIONFH patients had
a higher BMI and more comorbidities like diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hyperten-
sion, and immune-related diseases. TONFH had a higher prevalence of osteopo-
rosis and fracture history. Bilateral hip necrosis was more frequent in TONFH,
while left hip necrosis dominated in AIONFH. Both groups mainly had JIC classi-
fications C1 and C2. Preoperatively, most cases were ARCO grade III and IV, with
lower Harris, PCS, and MCS scores. Both groups improved at the six-month post-
operative assessment, with better results in AIONFH. The last follow-up was 16.62
months after treatment. In the final follow-up, AIONFH cases were mainly ARCO
type I, and HHS, PCS, and MCS scores were significantly better than TONFH.
Core decompression combined with bone grafting effectively treats AIONFH and
TONFH, with superior outcomes in AIONFH. Factors influencing postoperative
efficacy include BMI, JIC classification, and PCS score. These findings provide
valuable insights for tailoring treatment strategies to specific ONFH categories.
280 Wu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
Análisis comparativo de la eficacia clínica de la descompresión
central combinada con injerto óseo en el tratamiento de la
osteonecrosis traumática o inducida por alcohol de la cabeza
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (3): 279 – 293
Palabras clave: descompresión central; injerto óseo; osteonecrosis traumática de la
cabeza femoral; osteonecrosis inducida por alcohol de la cabeza femoral.
Resumen. La osteonecrosis de la cabeza femoral (ONFH) es una afección or-
topédica clasificada en dos categorías principales: osteonecrosis traumática (TON-
FH) y osteonecrosis no traumática, incluida la osteonecrosis inducida por alcohol
(AIONFH). Un estudio con 50 pacientes (25 AIONFH, 25 TONFH) sometidos a des-
compresión central con injerto óseo evaluó su eficacia y factores influyentes. La
edad promedio fue de 47,2 años, con un 72% de hombres y el seguimiento promedio
fue de 16,62 meses. Los pacientes con AIONFH tenían un IMC más alto y más co-
morbilidades como diabetes, hiperlipidemia, hipertensión y enfermedades inmuno-
lógicas. La TONFH tenía una mayor prevalencia de osteoporosis y antecedentes de
fracturas. La necrosis bilateral de cadera fue más frecuente en la TONFH, mientras
que la necrosis de cadera izquierda dominaba en la AIONFH. Ambos grupos tenían
principalmente clasificaciones JIC C1 y C2. Preoperatoriamente, la mayoría de los
casos eran de grado ARCO III y IV, con puntajes de Harris, PCS y MCS más bajos. A
los 6 meses de la evaluación posoperatoria, ambos grupos mejoraron, con resultados
superiores en la AIONFH. El seguimiento promedio fue de 16,62 meses. En la última
evaluación de seguimiento, la mayoría de los casos de AIONFH eran del tipo ARCO
I, y los puntajes de HHS, PCS y MCS fueron significativamente mejores que en la
TONFH. La descompresión central con injerto óseo trata eficazmente ambas cate-
gorías de ONFH, con resultados superiores en la AIONFH. Los factores que influyen
en la eficacia posoperatoria incluyen el IMC, la clasificación JIC y el puntaje PCS.
Estos hallazgos informan sobre la adaptación de las estrategias de tratamiento a las
categorías de ONFH.
Received: 22-09-2023 Accepted: 21-04-2024
Osteonecrosis of the femoral head
(ONFH), or aseptic or avascular necrosis
of the femoral head, is a progressive and
painful orthopedic disease
. It can be cat-
egorized into traumatic and non-traumatic
osteonecrosis based on its etiology. Non-
traumatic ONFH is associated with various
factors, including alcohol consumption,
glucocorticoid use, infection, bone marrow
infiltrative diseases, blood coagulation disor-
ders, and certain autoimmune diseases
. Ac-
cording to a cross-sectional epidemiological
study on ONFH in China, alcohol, steroids,
and trauma are the three most common
causes, with alcohol-induced non-traumatic
osteonecrosis accounting for 37.15% and
trauma-induced osteonecrosis accounting
for 15.73%
. Regardless of the cause, with-
Comparing treatment for alcohol and trauma-induced femoral head necrosis 281
Vol. 65(3): 279 - 293, 2024
out timely and effective treatment, the dis-
ease can lead to excruciating pain, the col-
lapse of the femoral head, and impaired hip
joint movement, significantly affecting the
patient’s quality of life
Currently, clinical treatments for ONFH
primarily focus on preserving hip joint func-
tion and halting disease progression. Various
treatment modalities exist, including total
hip arthroplasty, core decompression, vas-
cularized and non-vascularized bone trans-
plantation, and different osteotomy proce-
. Each treatment approach presents
its advantages and drawbacks. Among these
options, core decompression stands out as
an ideal method, particularly for patients
with early-stage ONFH
. This technique en-
tails the removal of necrotic tissue from the
femoral head, thereby reducing intraosseous
pressure, promoting vascular reconstruc-
tion, facilitating bone regeneration within
the necrotic region, relieving bone edema,
and improving blood supply to the femoral
head to foster lesion repair
However, it should be noted that both
thick channel core decompression and fine
needle multi-hole drilling decompression
procedures may inadvertently compromise
the mechanical properties of the already
fragile subchondral bone during the opera-
tion. Consequently, this may accelerate the
collapse of the load-bearing surface of the
femoral head or lead to subchondral bone
. Combining core decompres-
sion with bone grafting has emerged as a vi-
able solution to address this issue. Incorpo-
rating bone grafts into the necrotic segment
after decompression provides structural sup-
port, facilitating subchondral bone recon-
struction in the femoral head and mitigating
the risk of cartilage collapse
. It is essen-
tial to recognize that the etiology of ONFH
may vary, potentially impacting the clinical
efficacy of core decompression combined
with bone grafting. Thus, this study aims to
analyze patients with alcohol-related ONFH
(AIONFH) and traumatic ONFH (TONFH) to
compare the clinical outcomes of core de-
compression combined with bone grafting in
both types of patients and identify relevant
factors. This research offers valuable insights
to enhance the accuracy of the clinical ap-
plication of core decompression and bone
grafting for patients with ONFH.
Subject Recruitment and Surgical Proce-
For this study, 50 patients were recruit-
ed based on strict inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Twenty-five patients (35 hips) with
TONFH were randomly selected to form the
TONFH group, while another 25 patients (34
hips) diagnosed with AIONFH were chosen
to constitute the AIONFH group.
All recruited patients underwent sur-
gery under general anesthesia, assuming
a supine position. The iliac crest served as
the designated operation site. Prior to sur-
gery, routine disinfection and towel laying
were performed. The surgical procedure
commenced with a layered tissue incision
to expose the iliac crest. Subsequently, the
iliac bone was removed using a bone knife,
crushed with rongeurs, and rinsed with nor-
mal saline. Following this, a guide needle
was used to puncture the necrotic site along
the vertex of the greater trochanter of the
femur, approximately 2 cm in length. Ne-
crotic tissue was carefully scraped off from
the site. Bone grafting material, composed
of a mixture of the just removed bone tis-
sue and artificial bone, was then crushed and
implanted into the necrotic area, ensuring
complete filling. Attention was given to con-
firm adequate filling of the bone graft, and
any remaining bone tissue was placed into
the channel. The wound was finally rinsed
and sutured. Postoperatively, all patients
were required to remain in bed for one
month, after which they resumed limited ac-
tivity combined with appropriate functional
exercise. From three months post-surgery
to six months post-surgery, patients utilized
walking aids to increase weight-bearing ex-
282 Wu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
ercise gradually. Whole weight-bearing exer-
cise was used after six months post-surgery.
Inclusion criteria
1. Patients with a confirmed diagnosis
of ONFH through imaging and clinical ex-
aminations. 2. Patients with ONFH caused
either by alcohol consumption or traumatic
incidents. 3. Patients who underwent core
decompression combined with bone grafting
as a treatment modality. 4. Patients who pro-
vided informed consent after being informed
about the study.
Exclusion criteria
1. Patients with ONFH caused by hor-
monal imbalances or inflammation. 2. Pa-
tients who underwent treatment methods
unrelated to core decompression combined
with bone grafting. 3. Patients with an insuf-
ficient matching degree or lacking relevant
case data. 4. Patients with severe conditions
such as malignant tumors or hemorrhagic
Main observation index
This study utilized the hospital medical
record system to gather crucial patient in-
formation, medical records during hospital-
ization, preoperative and postoperative im-
aging data, postoperative adverse reactions,
and follow-up records. The primary data of
patients, including sex, age, height, weight,
body mass index (BMI), and complications,
were collected. All patients underwent an
impact examination upon admission, and
regular follow-ups were conducted after the
operation to assess the presence of necrosis
and collapse of the femoral head. The classi-
fication system used for ONFH was based on
the Japanese Investigation Committee, JIC
The clinical efficacy was evaluated
through the Association Research Circula-
tion Osseous (ARCO) classification, Harris
Hips score (HHS), and SF-36 scale before the
operation and the follow-up at six months af-
ter and at the last follow-up.
The ARCO classification served as a
means to categorize ONFH, providing in-
sight into the surgical effect and enabling
targeted adjustments to the treatment
plan. In this study, the ARCO 2019 staging
method was employed
, dividing patients
into four stages (I, II, III and IV) based on
imaging examination results and patho-
logical changes in the femoral head. Stage
I showed abnormalities in X-ray examina-
tion, while MRI indicated a banded low sig-
nal surrounding the necrotic area. Stage IV
was characterized by evident osteoarthritis,
with an X-ray examination revealing bone-
joint space narrowing, acetabular changes,
and joint destruction.
HHS was utilized to evaluate the hip
joint function, encompassing four aspects:
pain degree (44 points), joint function (47
points), deformity (4 points), and range of
motion (5 points). A higher score indicated
better hip joint function, with scores less
than 70 points indicating poor function,
scores between 70 and 79 indicating medi-
um-level function, scores between 80 and 89
indicating good function, and scores of 90-
100 indicating excellent function.
The SF-36 scale was employed to as-
sess patients’ quality of life, covering eight
aspects: physiological function, emotional
function, physical pain, general health sta-
tus, experience, social function, and mental
health. The SF-36 conversion equation of
the Chinese population published by Lam
et al. was used to convert the questionnaire
responses into physical health score (PCS)
and mental health score (MCS), with higher
scores indicating a better quality of life.
Additionally, the therapeutic effect
was evaluated based on the results of the
last follow-up, with patients without data at
the last follow-up being analyzed using data
from 6 months after the operation. The ef-
fectiveness of treatment was categorized as
follows: “Extremely effective”, indicating
increased bone mineral density in the fo-
cus, with the cystic light transmission area
and fissure sign returning to normal, and
Comparing treatment for alcohol and trauma-induced femoral head necrosis 283
Vol. 65(3): 279 - 293, 2024
no collapse of the femoral head; “Effective”,
indicating increased bone mineral density
in the focus, with the cystic light transmis-
sion area and fissure sign decreased, and
femoral head collapse < 2mm; and “Inef-
fective,” indicating femoral head collapse
2mm. The effective rate of treatment
was calculated by summing the number of
patients classified as “Extremely effective”
and “Effective”.
Statistical analysis
Data entry and collation of the ques-
tionnaire were performed using Excel soft-
ware, while statistical data analysis was con-
ducted using Statistic Package for Social
Science (SPSS) 25.0 ® (IBM, Armonk, NY,
USA). Continuous variables and classified
variables in the study were described and
analyzed in the form of “average ± standard
deviation” and “cases (proportion),” respec-
tively. For continuous variables conforming
to the normal distribution, the independent
sample T-test was employed to analyze differ-
ences between groups, while those not con-
forming to the normal distribution were an-
alyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test. The
classified variables were subjected to sta-
tistical analysis using the chi-square test or
Fisher exact test. Univariate Logistic regres-
sion analysis was used to identify risk factors
affecting treatment efficacy, while multivari-
ate logistic regression analysis was employed
to analyze significant indicators. Statistical
results with p<0.05 were considered to have
a significant difference in the data.
Study Characteristics
This study presents the patients’ basic
information and clinical characteristics, as
outlined in Table 1. The average age of the
patients included in the study was 47.2 ±
7.4 years, with a majority of male patients
(72.0%). The BMI of the patients in the
AIONFH group was significantly higher than
that of the patients in the TONFH group
(p<0.05). The prevalence of diabetes, hy-
perlipidemia, hypertension, and immune-
related diseases was higher in the AIONFH
group compared to the TONFH group, while
the history of osteoporosis and fracture was
more frequent in the TONFH group. Regard-
ing postoperative adverse reactions, both
groups experienced a higher occurrence of
severe pain and deep venous thrombosis at
the last follow-up, and there was no signifi-
cant difference between the two groups (p
Imaging Features
The imaging results for both groups are
detailed in Table 1. Among the patients in
the TONFH group, 40.00% exhibited necro-
sis in both hip joints, while in the AIONFH
group, 40.00% displayed necrosis in the
left hip joint. According to the JIC classifi-
cation, many patients in both groups were
categorized as C1 and C2 types. Specifically,
the TONFH group had a higher proportion
of C2 type (45.71%) compared to C1 type
(34.29%), whereas both C1 and C2 types
were equally distributed in the AIONFH
group (38.24%). No significant difference
between the two groups was observed in hip
joint pathological changes and JIC classifi-
Comparison of ARCO classification, HHS
and SF-36 score between the two groups
before operation
Results of ARCO classification, HHS,
and SF-36 score for both groups before the
operation are presented in Table 2. No sig-
nificant difference was found in the above in-
dexes between the two groups before the op-
eration (p>0.05). The most common ARCO
classification in both groups was Grade IV.
In terms of Harris score, the scores for both
groups were significantly lower than 70, in-
dicating poor hip joint function.
284 Wu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
Table 1
Basic information and clinical characteristics of patients.
Variables Total TONFH Group AIONFH Group t/Z/χ
/F p
Patients/hips 50/69 25/35 25/34
(year, mean ± SD)
n (%)
Male 36 (72) 16 (64) 20(80) 1.587 0.208
Female 14 (28) 9 (36) 5(20)
, mean ± SD)
2.949 0.005
Smoking n (%) 27(54) 13(52) 14(56) 0.081 0.777
n (%)
n (%)
Alcohol 25(50) - 25(100) - -
Trauma 21(42) 21(84) -
Others 4(8) 4(16) -
Complications /
existing medical
n (%)
Diabetes 23(46) 9(36) 14(56) 22.543 <0.001
Hyperlipidemia 27(54) 9(36) 18(72)
Hypertension 28(56) 10(40) 16(64)
Osteoporosis 26(52) 14(56) 12(48)
Fracture 23(46) 21(84) 2(8)
Necrotic hip joint
n (%)
Left 18(26.09) 8(32) 10(40) 0.352 0.839
Right 13(18.84) 7(28) 6(24)
Both 19(27.54) 10(40) 9(36)
JIC classification
n (%)
A 7(10.14) 4(11.43) 3(8.82) 0.985 0.805
B 8(11.59) 3(8.57) 5(14.71)
C1 25(36.23) 12(34.29) 13(38.24)
C2 29(42.03) 16(45.71) 13(38.24)
adverse reactions
n (%)
Severe pain 8(16) 4(16) 4(16) 0.287 0.963
Infected 2(4) 1(4) 1(4)
Deep venous
6(12) 3(12) 3(12)
Hematoma 3(6) 1(4) 2(8)
Follow-up time
(month, mean ± SD)
p<0.05 indicates statistical significance.
For continuous variables conforming to the normal distribution, the independent sample T-test was employed to
analyze differences between groups, while those not conforming to the normal distribution were analyzed using the
Mann-Whitney U test. The classified variables were subjected to statistical analysis using the chi-square test or Fis-
her exact test; Traumatic osteonecrosis (TONFH); non-traumatic- alcoholic-induced osteonecrosis (AIONFH). BMI:
body mass index; JIC: Japanese Investigation Committee Classification.
Comparing treatment for alcohol and trauma-induced femoral head necrosis 285
Vol. 65(3): 279 - 293, 2024
Comparison of ARCO classification,
HHS and SF-36 score between the two
groups of the follow-up at 6 months after
Six months after the operation, the re-
sults of ARCO classification, HHS, and SF-36
score for both groups are shown in Table 3.
However, it is worth noting that one patient
in the TONFH group could not be reached
for follow-up, reducing the number of pa-
tients/hips to 24/34 in this group.
In terms of ARCO typing, a majority
of patients in the AIONFH group were clas-
sified as type III (61.76%), while those in
the TONFH group still belonged to grade
IV (38.24%). This difference between the
two groups was statistically significant (p <
0.05). The total HHS for the AIONFH group
was (73.24 ± 8.45), indicating a significant
improvement in hip joint function for these
patients. On the other hand, the Harris score
for the TONFH group remained lower than
70 (p<0.05), indicating persistent poor hip
joint function. Moreover, the scores of PCS
and MCS in the AIONFH group were higher
compared to those in the TONFH group, and
the difference in MCS scores was found to be
significant. This suggests that patients with
AIONFH experienced better physical and
mental health outcomes compared to those
with TONFH.
Comparison of ARCO classification, HHS
and SF-36 score between the two groups
at the last follow-up
At the last follow-up, the results of ARCO
classification, Harris score, and SF-36 score
for both groups are presented in Table 4. It
should be noted that during the last follow-
up, two patients in the TONFH group and
four patients in the AIONFH group could not
be contacted normally, reducing the number
of patients/hip joints to 22/31 and 21/29.
At the last follow-up, significant differ-
ences were observed in the results of all three
indexes between the AIONFH and TONFH
Table 2
Comparison of ARCO classification, HHS and SF-36 score between the two groups before operation.
Variables TONFH Group AIONFH Group t/Z/χ
Patients/hips 25/35 25/34
ARCO n (%)
3 (8.57) 3 (8.82) 0.825 0.662
III 8 (22.86) 11(32.35)
IV 24 (68.57) 20 (58.82)
HHS (score, mean ± SD) Pain 21.4±2.72 21.09±3.18 0.691 0.490
Function 23.31±3.34 23.65±2.59 0.461 0.646
Deformity 4±0 4±0 - -
Range of motion 0.6±0.65 0.59±0.5 0.190 0.849
Total scores 49.31±5.11 49.32±5.76 0.007 0.994
SF-36 (score, mean ± SD) PCS 32.64±2.89 32.04±2.73 0.755 0.454
MCS 43.48±1.85 43.04±3.52 0.553 0.583
p<0.05 indicates statistical significance.
For continuous variables conforming to the normal distribution, the independent sample T-test was employed to
analyze differences between groups, while those not conforming to the normal distribution were analyzed using
the Mann-Whitney U test. The classified variables were subjected to statistical analysis using the chi-square test or
Fisher exact test.
Traumatic osteonecrosis (TONFH) ; non-traumatic-alcoholic-induced osteonecrosis (AIONFH). ARCO: Association
Research Circulation Osseous; HHS: Harris Hip Score; SF-36: 36-Item Short Form Health Survey.
286 Wu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
groups (p<0.05). In the AIONFH group, most
patients were classified as type I according
to the ARCO classification (43.33%), while
most patients in the TONFH group were clas-
sified as type II (38.71%). This difference in
ARCO classification between the two groups
was statistically significant. The HHS of pa-
tients in both groups were higher than 70,
indicating improved hip joint function. How-
ever, the Harris scores in the AIONFH group
were notably higher than 80. Furthermore,
the scores of PCS and MCS in the AIONFH
group were significantly higher than those in
the TONFH group.
Therapeutic effect of two groups
of patients
The therapeutic effects of the two
groups are shown in Table 5. The total effec-
tive rate of the AIONFH group was 76.47%,
which was higher than that of TONFH group
Analysis of the related factors affecting
the prognosis of patients
Table 6 presents the results of the Lo-
gistic regression analysis conducted to iden-
tify possible factors related to the prognosis
of patients. The univariate Logistic analysis
examined several factors, including BMI,
immune-related diseases, history of osteo-
porosis, JIC classification, HHS, PCS, and
MCS. The analysis revealed that these fac-
tors showed statistical significance concern-
ing the prognosis of patients.
Upon further analysis using multivari-
ate Logistic regression, three factors were
statistically significant predictors of progno-
sis. These factors were BMI, JIC classifica-
tion, and PCS.
Table 3
Comparison of ARCO classification, HHS and SF-36 score between
the two groups 6 months after operation.
Variables TONFH Group AIONFH Group t/Z /χ2 p
Patients/Hips 24/34 25/34
ARCO n (%) I 1(2.94) 5(14.71) 15.156 0.002
II 11(32.35) 5(14.71)
III 9(26.47) 21(61.76)
IV 13(38.24) 4(11.76)
(score, mean ± SD)
Pain 25.59±2.73 32.85±3.81 5.881 <0.001
Function 27.76±3.96 34.76±4.63 6.701 <0.001
Deformity 4±0 4±0 - -
Range of motion 1.26±0.45 1.62±0.92 1.416 0.157
Total scores 61.62±5.83 73.24±8.45 6.600 <0.001
(score, mean ± SD)
PCS 36.21±4.49 38.08±4.73 1.529 0.126
MCS 45.25±2.77 47.52±4.82 2.030 0.049
p<0.05 indicates statistical significance.
For continuous variables conforming to the normal distribution, the independent sample T-test was employed to
analyze differences between groups, while those not conforming to the normal distribution were analyzed using
the Mann-Whitney U test. The classified variables were subjected to statistical analysis using the chi-square test or
Fisher exact test.
Traumatic osteonecrosis (TONFH); non-traumatic- alcoholic-induced osteonecrosis (AIONFH). ARCO: Association
Research Circulation Osseous; HHS: Harris Hip Score; SF-36: 36-Item Short Form Health Survey.
Comparing treatment for alcohol and trauma-induced femoral head necrosis 287
Vol. 65(3): 279 - 293, 2024
Core decompression combined with bone
grafting is ideal for treating AIONFH
ONFH is a challenging orthopedic con-
dition with a high disability rate, necessitat-
ing timely and effective treatment to pre-
serve patients’ health and quality of life
Among various treatment approaches, core
decompression and bone grafting are con-
sidered favorable surgical methods
. The
combination of these techniques not only re-
duces internal pressure in the femoral head,
alleviates bone marrow edema, and enhanc-
es intraosseous microcirculation through
Table 4
Comparison of ARCO/ classification, HHS and SF-36 score between the two groups
at six months after the last follow-up.
Variables TONFH Group AIONFH Group Z /χ
Patients/Hips 22/31 21/29
ARCO n (%) I 3(9.68) 13(43.33) 10.806 0.013
II 12(38.71) 10(33.33)
III 5(16.13) 3(10)
IV 11(35.48) 4 (13.33)
(score, mean ± SD)
Pain 32.58±5.1 36.83±6.29 3.225 0.001
Function 35.39±7.28 40.00±6.26 3.100 0.002
Deformity 3.77±0.43 3.86±0.35 0.872 0.383
Range of motion 3.13±1.71 3.59±1.4 0.713 0.476
Total scores 74.87±14.17 84.28±13.99 2.791 0.005
(score, mean ± SD)
41.86±8.35 45.86±7.32 2.296 0.022
MCS 47.26±3.78 50.27±5.48 2.088 0.037
The results were compared with the corresponding indexes of this group before operation, p< 0.05; p<0.05.
For continuous variables conforming to the normal distribution, the independent sample T-test was employed to
analyze differences between groups, while those not conforming to the normal distribution were analyzed using
the Mann-Whitney U test. The classified variables were subjected to statistical analysis using the chi-square test or
Fisher exact test.
Traumatic osteonecrosis (TONFH); non-traumatic- alcoholic-induced osteonecrosis (AIONFH). ARCO: Association
Research Circulation Osseous; HHS: Harris Hip Score; SF-36: 36-Item Short Form Health Survey.
Table 5
Clinical treatment of patients in two groups.
Groups Extremely effective Effective Ineffective Total efficiency
TONFH Group (34 hips) 15(44.12)* 4(11.76) 15 (44.12) 19 (55.88)
AIONFH Group (34 hips) 23(67.65) 3(8.82) 8 (23.53) 26 (76.47)
value 3.219
p value 0.073
* n (%).
p<0.05 indicates statistical significance.
Traumatic osteonecrosis (TONFH); non-traumatic- alcoholic-induced osteonecrosis (AIONFH).
The classified variables were subjected to statistical analysis using the chi-square test or Fisher exact test.
288 Wu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
improved muscle and pulse reflux but also
facilitates osteogenesis, bone repair, and
provides structural support to the femoral
head, thereby reducing the risk of postop-
erative femoral head collapse
Prior research by Larson et al. indicated
that using core decompression alone to treat
ONFH yields variable clinical success rates,
with the lowest rate being only 20%, leading
to uncertain therapeutic outcomes
. How-
ever, our study demonstrates that combin-
ing core decompression with bone grafting
yields better therapeutic results for patients
with AIONFH and TONFH, achieving 55.88%
and 76.47% success rates. By comparing
various indices before surgery, at six months
after the operation, and at the last follow-up,
we observed an improvement in the ARCO
classification from grade III/IV to grade I/
II in both groups. The HHS and SF-36 scores
were also significantly enhanced, indicating
notable improvements in hip joint function
and overall quality of life. The ARCO classifi-
cation system is widely used to assess ONFH
and reflects the occurrence of femoral head
. The HHS provides a comprehen-
sive evaluation of post-surgery hip joint func-
tion. The combination of these assessments
effectively captures the hip joint’s recovery
and the overall well-being of the patients
The SF-36 scale is a reliable tool for measur-
ing health-related quality of life
, and when
combined with the other measures, it high-
lights the substantial positive impact of the
surgical intervention on the patient’s func-
tional recovery and psychological well-being.
Table 6
Logistic regression analysis of factors related to prognosis of patients.
Predictor Univariables OR (95% CI) p Multivariables OR (95% CI) p
Pathogeny 2.566(0.905-7.275) 0.076
Gender 0.653(0.21-2.027) 0.461
Age 0.979(0.906-1.059) 0.602
BMI 0.723(0.571-0.915) 0.007 0.692(0.507-0.944) 0.020*
Smoking 2.141(0.771-5.945) 0.144
Alcohol 0.389(0.128-1.181) 0.096
Diabetes 2.612(0.902-7.569) 0.077
Hyperlipidemia 1.146(0.418-3.138) 0.791
Hypertension 1.95(0.705-5.394) 0.198
Immune-related diseases 0.28(0.097-0.805) 0.018 0.133(0.007-2.47) 0.176
Osteoporosis 0.222(0.07-0.703) 0.011 3.365(0.536-21.125) 0.195
Fracture 0.429(0.153-1.198) 0.106
JIC 5.526(1.726-17.692) 0.004 14.275(1.117-182.387) 0.041*
HHS 0.811(0.707-0.93) 0.003 0.779(0.594-1.023) 0.072
PCS 0.581(0.432-0.78) <0.001 0.419(0.192-0.913) 0.029*
MCS 0.674(0.52-0.875) 0.003 0.781(0.475-1.284) 0.330
Univariate Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors affecting treatment efficacy, while multiva-
riate Logistic regression analysis was employed to analyze significant indicators.
Body mass index (BMI); JIC: Japanese Investigation Committee; HHS: Harris Hip Score; Physical Health Score
(PCS); Mental Health Score (MCS).
Comparing treatment for alcohol and trauma-induced femoral head necrosis 289
Vol. 65(3): 279 - 293, 2024
Core decompression combined with bone
grafting has a better therapeutic effect
Upon further analysis, we observed that
the therapeutic efficacy of core decompres-
sion combined with bone grafting was su-
perior in patients with AIONFH compared
to those with TONFH. TONFH is gener-
ally caused by direct trauma to the femoral
head, leading to the disruption of blood sup-
ply, ischemia, and hypoxia of osteocytes, ul-
timately resulting in necrosis
. The blood
supply to the femoral head is primarily from
the medial and lateral circumflex femoral
arteries, which supply blood to the lateral
anterior superior region and the area below
the femoral head. Fractures, particularly in
the femoral neck region, can damage these
arteries, increasing the likelihood of ONFH.
On the other hand, AIONFH arises
mainly from an imbalance in osteogenesis/
osteoclast activity and abnormal lipid me-
tabolism, causing ischemia, hypoxia, venous
stasis, and elevated intraosseous pressure
in the femoral head
. Considering the
unique characteristics of core decompres-
sion combined with bone grafting and the
distinct pathological nature of the two dis-
eases, this treatment approach holds greater
promise for managing AIONFH. Our study
supports this notion, as the total effective
rate in the AIONFH group was higher than
that in the TONFH group. Moreover, starting
from six months after the operation, many
indices in the AIONFH group showed better
outcomes than those in the TONFH group.
At the last follow-up, except for “deformity”
and “range of motion” in the Harris score,
all other indices demonstrated significant
improvement in the AIONFH group com-
pared to the TONFH group. These findings
suggest that core decompression combined
with bone grafting yields superior clinical ef-
ficacy in treating AIONFH, leading to more
pronounced improvements in the patients’
quality of life.
Overall, the results indicate that the
chosen treatment approach is more advanta-
geous for AIONFH patients due to its ability
to address the disease’s specific pathological
mechanisms. This study highlights the im-
portance of selecting appropriate treatment
strategies tailored to the unique character-
istics of different types of femoral head ne-
crosis, ultimately leading to better clinical
outcomes and improved patient well-being.
BMI, JIC classification and PCS score are
the risk factors affecting the prognosis
of patients
Our results also indicated that BMI, JIC
classification, and PCS score could be poten-
tial risk factors influencing the prognosis of
patients with AIONFH and TONFH. BMI is
a commonly used indicator to assess body
weight and is employed to evaluate various
health conditions
, including obesity and
the risk of fractures
, hypertension
, and
kidney disease
. Prior studies have high-
lighted the crucial role of lipid metabolism
in the development of femoral head osteone-
crosis. Lowering body fat content has been
shown to enhance osteogenesis, while lipid
metabolism disorders may lead to fat enter-
ing the bloodstream and spreading through-
out the body, potentially affecting bone mar-
row and increasing intramedullary pressure.
This process could obstruct venous reflux
and impede blood circulation within bone
tissue, ultimately influencing the clinical ef-
fectiveness of intramedullary decompression
combined with bone grafting. Hence, higher
BMI levels may impact the treatment out-
comes of this surgical approach.
Additionally, the location of the ne-
crotic area within the femoral head is closely
associated with femoral head collapse and
. When the osteonecrosis area is lo-
cated inside the weight-bearing region, the
subchondral bone remains more intact, en-
hancing femoral head stability and reduc-
ing pain and collapse rates during weight-
. On the contrary, when the JIC
classification of the patient indicates type C,
where the necrotic area is situated outside
the weight-bearing region, patients tend to
290 Wu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
experience more severe pain, and the proba-
bility of postoperative femoral head collapse
is higher. Therefore, the JIC classification
serves as an effective index for predicting
the prognosis of patients.
Furthermore, the PCS score reflects
patients’ physical health and indirectly indi-
cates the impact of femoral head osteone-
crosis on their life. Patients’ quality of life is
often closely related to the severity and du-
ration of the disease and the stress caused by
. As a result, the PCS score can provide
insights into the patient’s overall condition
and prognosis, helping to gauge the severity
of the disease and its impact on the patient’s
Considering BMI, JIC classification,
and PCS score as potential risk factors in
the prognosis of AIONFH and TONFH pa-
tients can aid in understanding their clini-
cal outcomes and developing appropriate
treatment strategies tailored to their spe-
cific conditions. The findings of this study
underscore the efficacy of core decompres-
sion combined with bone grafting in treat-
ing avascular necrosis of the femoral head
(ONFH), particularly in the context of al-
cohol-induced ONFH. While the results of
this study support the positive outcomes of
this surgical technique, it is essential to ac-
knowledge that the focus on alcohol-induced
ONFH necessitates specific consideration
of the population studied. Given the epide-
miological significance of alcohol-induced
ONFH in specific populations, it is crucial to
emphasize the specificity of this study’s find-
ings to the alcoholism-related etiology in
the title of the manuscript. By recognizing
the unique epidemiological aspects of the
study population, the results and implica-
tions can be more accurately contextualized
and better aligned with the specific medical-
metabolic origins of alcohol-induced ONFH.
While the current study included as-
sessments at preoperative, six months
postoperative, and a final follow-up, we ac-
knowledge the need for more frequent and
intermediate medical controls during the
postoperative period. Therefore, it is recom-
mended to incorporate interim assessments
at specific intervals, such as three months
and 12 months postoperatively, to provide
a more comprehensive understanding of
the progression and outcomes of the surgi-
cal treatment. These additional checkpoints
will allow for a more nuanced evaluation
of the patient’s recovery and the effective-
ness of the intervention, particularly in the
context of the described surgical treatment
approach for osteonecrosis of the femoral
head. Further, it is imperative to acknowl-
edge the significance of utilizing additional
assessment scales, including imaging-based
evaluations, alongside standard clinical rat-
ing scales for a comprehensive evaluation
of treatment outcomes in osteonecrosis of
the femoral head. While the study incorpo-
rated reliable and internationally recognized
clinical rating scales such as the Associa-
tion Research Circulation Osseous (ARCO)
classification, Harris Hip Score (HHS), and
SF-36 scale, the inclusion of imaging-based
assessments, such as MRI and X-ray evalua-
tions, would provide valuable insights into
the structural changes and healing progres-
sion within the femoral head post-surgery.
The integration of imaging assessments
will offer a more holistic understanding of
the treatment response and aid in deter-
mining the success of the surgical interven-
tion from both functional and anatomical
perspectives. Therefore, it is recommended
to consider including imaging-based evalu-
ation tools as supplementary measures to
augment the comprehensive assessment of
treatment outcomes in future research en-
deavors. Besides, this study included its fo-
cus on a specific population and etiological
factors, which may restrict the generalizabil-
ity of the findings to other populations and
ONFH etiologies.
In conclusion, core decompression
combined with bone grafting has demon-
strated promising therapeutic outcomes for
AIONFH and TONFH, with particularly sig-
nificant results observed in AIONFH cases.
Comparing treatment for alcohol and trauma-induced femoral head necrosis 291
Vol. 65(3): 279 - 293, 2024
This treatment approach improves hip joint
function and effectively enhances patients’
overall quality of life while mitigating the
risk of postoperative femoral head collapse.
Consequently, it is a recommended surgical
method for managing these conditions.
Moreover, our findings suggest that
BMI, JIC classification, and PCS score may
serve as potential risk factors influencing
the prognosis of patients with AIONFH and
TONFH. Patients who present with specific
indicators related to these factors should
receive heightened attention and suitable
treatment measures to improve the sur-
gery’s clinical effectiveness and prognostic
outcomes. Furthermore, as medical advance-
ments continue to progress, the availability
of various bone grafting options has expand-
ed. Building upon the established efficacy
of core decompression combined with bone
grafting in treating AIONFH, further explo-
ration into different types of bone grafts may
offer additional opportunities for treatment
Conflict of interests
The authors declared no conflict of in-
Author’s ORCID numbers
Zhensong Wu (ZW):
Da Song (DA):
Qi Xu (QX):
Dawei Wang (DW):
Participation in development
and writing of the paper
Concept and design: ZW and DW. Ac-
quisition of data, literature review, and re-
finement of manuscript: All authors. Analy-
sis and interpretation of data: DS and QX.
Manuscript writing: ZW. Review of final man-
uscript: DW.
No funds, grants, or other support was
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