Invest Clin 65(2): 230 - 252, 2024
Corresponding Author: Diego Fernández-Lázaro. Department of Cellular Biology, Genetics, Histology
and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Valladolid, Campus of Soria, Soria, Spain.
Mechanisms of programmed cell death:
structural and functional pathways.
A narrative review.
Diego Fernández-Lázaro
Begoña Sanz
and Jesús Seco-Calvo
Department of Cellular Biology, Genetics, Histology and Pharmacology, Faculty
of Health Sciences, University of Valladolid, Campus of Soria, Soria, Spain.
Neurobiology Research Group, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valladolid, Valladolid,
SARCELLOMICS® Research Group, León, Spain.
Department of Physiology, University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain.
Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute, Barakaldo Spain.
Institute of Biomedicine, University of León, León, Spain.
Keywords: apoptosis; caspases; mitochondrial/intrinsic pathway; extrinsic pathway;
necroptosis; autophagy.
Abstract. Apoptosis, necroptosis, and autophagy are cellular mechanisms
by which cells are programmed to die under various physiological and devel-
opmental stimuli. A multitude of protein mediators of programmed cell death
have been identified, and apoptosis, necroptosis, and autophagy signals have
been found to utilize common pathways that elucidate the proteins involved.
This narrative review focuses on caspase-dependent and caspase-independent
programmed cell death systems. Including studies of caspase-dependent pro-
grammed cell death, extrinsic pathway apoptotic mechanisms, phosphatidyl-
serine (PS), FAS (APO-1/CD95), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor type
1 (TNF-R1) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), and intrinsic
or mitochondrial pathway such as cytochrome C, the Bcl-2 family of proteins
and Smac/Diablo. The Bcl-2 family has apoptotic mediators Bcl-2-associated X
protein (Bax) and Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer (Bak), Bcl-2-interacting
protein BIM (Bim), Bcl-2 agonist of cell death (Bad), Bid, Bcl-2 adenovirus E1B
19kDa-interacting protein 1 NIP3 (Bnip3), BMF, HRK, Noxa and PUMA and an-
tiapoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2 itself, Mcl-1, Bcl-w, A1, and Bcl-XL. Moreover,
caspase-independent programmed cell death pathways include the mitochon-
drial pathway with the protein mediators apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) and
endonuclease G, and the pathways necroptosis, and autophagy. Understanding
programmed cell death from those reported in this review could shed substan-
Mechanisms of programmed cell death. A narrative review 231
Vol. 65(2): 230 - 252, 2024
Mecanismos de muerte celular programada: vías estructurales
y funcionales. Una revisión narrativa.
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (2): 230 – 252
Palabras clave: apoptosis; caspasas; vía mitocondrial/intrínseca; vía extrínseca;
necroptosis; autofagia.
Resumen. La apoptosis, la necroptosis y la autofagia son mecanismos celu-
lares mediante los cuales las células se programan para morir bajo una amplia
gama de estímulos fisiológicos. Esta revisión describe en los sistemas de muerte
celular programada dependientes e independientes de la caspasa. Los estudios
incluidos sobre la muerte celular programada dependiente de la caspasa inclu-
yen mecanismos apoptóticos de la vía extrínseca que incluyen fosfatidilserina
(PS), FAS (APO-1/CD95), receptor del factor de necrosis tumoral (FNT) tipo
1 (FNT-R1) e inductor de la apoptosis relacionada con ligando FNT (TRAIL)
y vía intrínseca o mitocondrial como el citocromo C, la familia de proteínas
Bcl-2 y Smac/Diablo. La familia Bcl-2 tiene mediadores apoptóticos, proteína
X asociada a Bcl-2 (Bax) y antagonista/asesino homólogo de Bcl-2 (Bak), pro-
teína BIM que interactúa con Bcl-2 (Bim), agonista de la muerte celular de
Bcl-2 (Bad), Bid, proteína 1 que interactúa con el adenovirus E1B 19kDa de
Bcl-2, NIP3 (Bnip3), BMF, HRK, Noxa y PUMA y proteínas antiapoptóticas como
la propia Bcl-2, Mcl-1, Bcl-w, A1 y Bcl-XL. Además, las vías de muerte celular
programada independientes de la caspasa incluyen la vía mitocondrial con los
mediadores proteicos factor inductor de apoptosis (FIA) y endonucleasa G, las
vías necroptosis y autofagia. Comprender la muerte celular programada a partir
de los contenidos descritos en esta revisión podría arrojar luz sustancial sobre
los procesos de la homeostasis biológica y podría proporcionar la capacidad de
modular la respuesta de muerte celular programada y conducir a nuevas inter-
venciones terapéuticas en una amplia gama de enfermedades.
Received: 19-10-2023 Accepted: 18-11-2023
Every hour, billions of cells die in us,
and our tissues do not shrink because of a
natural regulation whereby cell death is
balanced by cell division. It is necessary to
control both death and cell division in dif-
ferentiated cells to balance the different cell
populations, avoiding affecting the adjacent
The process in which cells eliminate
themselves in a controlled manner is called
tial light on the processes of biological homeostasis. In addition, identifying
specific proteins involved in these processes is mandatory to identify molecular
biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Furthermore, it could provide the ability to
modulate the programmed cell death response and could lead to new therapeu-
tic interventions in a disease.
232 Fernández-Lázaro et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
programmed cell death. Programmed cell
death plays an important role during em-
bryonic development, maintaining tissue
homeostasis in the body and eliminating
damaged cells
. In contrast, excessive or
defective cell death contributes to a broad
spectrum of human pathologies. Low-rate
cell death can result in the formation of
cancer and autoimmune diseases
, whereas
high-rate cell death can result in neurode-
generative disease, immunodeficiency, or
muscle atrophy
Knowledge of specific/differential pro-
teomic expression in each cell death is es-
sential for the early detection, diagnosis, and
prognosis of cell-death-related diseases. This
knowledge is also crucial for the use of more
precise and personalized pharmacological
. Cell death can be divided into
three groups: programmed, regulated, and
. Programmed cell death is pres-
ent in embryonic development and tissue
homeostasis, such as apoptosis and necrop-
tosis. Regulated cell death is that which, pro-
grammed or not, can be induced or inhibited
by a specific molecular mechanism through
pharmacology or genetic interventions, for
example, the release of neutrophil extracel-
lular traps (NETs), a regulated form of neu-
trophil cell death known as NETosis, modu-
lates neutrophil toxic effects. Accidental cell
death is triggered by external physical condi-
tions, such as ischemia, freeze-thaw cycles,
or high concentrations of pro-oxidants, an
example of this type of death are oncosis and
. Two mechanisms of programmed
cell death are distinguished: apoptotic cell
death, dependent on caspases such as extrin-
sic and intrinsic apoptosis, and non-apoptot-
ic cell death, independent of caspases, such
as autophagy and necroptosis
Search strategy
The present study is a narrative lit-
erature review comprising scientific stud-
ies conducted between May and July 2023
that sought to group and describe caspase-
dependent and caspase-independent pro-
grammed cell death, describing the molecu-
lar mechanisms of apoptosis, necroptosis,
and autophagy. The bibliographic search was
carried out in the following electronic data-
bases: Medline (PubMed), Sci-ELO, Scopus,
Science Direct, Cinahl, EMBASE - Excerpta
Medica Data Base, LILACS, Google Scholar,
Dialnet, and Cochrane Library Plus. The key-
words used for the search were: programmed
cell death, apoptosis, caspases, caspase in-
hibitory proteins, mitochondrial / intrinsic
pathway, extrinsic pathway, necroptosis, au-
tophagy, phosphatidylserine, FAS (APO-1/
CD95), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) recep-
tor type 1 (TNF-R1) and TNF-related apopto-
sis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and cytochrome
C, linked by the Boolean operators “AND”
and “OR”. Additional records were gleaned
by conducting a ‘snowball’ search, checking
the reference lists of publications eligible
for full-text review, and using ResearchGate
to identify potential articles not included in
the databases used in the study.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
The following inclusion criteria were
applied to select the articles: (1) Access to
the full text; (2) be a review, clinical trial,
observational study, or case report/study;
(3) identify caspase-dependent and cas-
pase-independent programmed cell death;
(4) describe the molecular mechanisms of
apoptosis, necroptosis, and autophagy; (6)
studies whose publication date is from the
beginning of the databases until July 2023;
(6) languages were restricted to English,
German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Por-
tuguese. The exclusion criteria applied were:
(2) Publications not related to programmed
cell death and/or describe its molecular
mechanisms; (2) duplicate documents.
Data extraction
After searching the databases for stud-
ies, the search titles were checked to iden-
tify duplicates and possible publications to