Invest Clin 65(2): 169 - 178, 2024
Autor de Correspondencia Francisco Álvarez-Nava. Carrera de Biología. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Universi-
dad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador. Tel: +593-252-8810. Fax: +593-252-8810. E-mail:
Genetic association study of the rs10774671
variant of the OAS1 gene with the severity
of COVID-19 in an Ecuadorian population.
Kathya Pilataxi
, Thalía Balarezo
, Erik Chávez, Camila Acosta
, Ivonne Z. Peña
Katherin Narváez
and Francisco Álvarez-Nava
Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
Hospital Quito Sur del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social, Quito, Ecuador.
Keywords: complex trait; COVID-19; genetic association study; genetic variant;
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; innate immune processes.
Abstract. COVID-19 exhibits a wide range of phenotypic manifestations,
from asymptomatic to severe phenotypes with fatal complications. The exis-
tence of risk factors cannot entirely explain the variance in the phenotypic vari-
ability of COVID-19. Genome-wide association analyses have identified target
human genes related to virus transmission and the clinical phenotype observed
in COVID-19 patients. Genetic variants on the OAS1 gene have been associ-
ated with innate immune processes (entry phase and viral replication in host
cells). The A or G alleles of rs10774671 in OAS1 encode isoforms with different
antiviral activities. One hundred COVID-19 patients were genotyped for the
rs10774671 using RFLP-PCR (severe form, n = 43; asymptomatic-mild, n =
57). The susceptibility of the two groups to the severe phenotype of COVID-19
was compared. The allele frequency for A was 0.8. The genotypic frequencies
for AA and GG homozygotes were 0.62 and 0.02, respectively. A Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium deviation was found in both groups. No statistically significant as-
sociations were found in genetic models adjusted for sex (for the additive model
OR = 1.18, 95% CI = (0.53-2.61), p = 0.69). A relatively recent mix of different
ethnic groups and sample size may influence these findings.
170 Pilataxi et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
Estudio de asociación genética de la variante rs10774671
del gen OAS1 con la severidad de COVID-19 en una población
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (2): 169 – 178
Palabras clave: estudio de asociación genética; equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg; rasgo
complejo; variante genética; procesos inmunes innatos.
Resumen. La COVID-19 presenta una amplia gama de manifestaciones clí-
nicas, desde asintomáticas hasta formas graves con complicaciones mortales.
La variabilidad fenotípica de la COVID-19 no puede explicarse totalmente por
la existencia de factores de riesgo. Se han identificado genes humanos diana
relacionados con la transmisión del virus y el fenotipo clínico observado en
pacientes con COVID-19 mediante análisis de asociación de genoma completo.
Las variantes genéticas del gen OAS1 se han asociado con procesos inmunita-
rios innatos (fase de entrada y replicación viral en las células hospedadoras).
Los alelos A o G de rs10774671 en OAS1 codifican isoformas con diferentes
actividades antivirales. Cien pacientes con COVID-19 fueron genotipados para
el rs10774671 mediante RFLP-PCR (forma grave, n = 43; asintomática-leve, n
= 57). Se comparó la susceptibilidad de los dos grupos al fenotipo severo de
COVID-19. La frecuencia alélica para A fue de 0,8. Las frecuencias genotípicas
para los homocigotos AA y GG fueron 0,62 y 0,02, respectivamente. Se obser
una desviación del equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg en ambos grupos. No se encon-
traron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas en los modelos genéticos
ajustados por sexo (para el modelo aditivo OR = 1,18, IC 95% = (0,53-2,61),
p = 0,69). La mezcla relativamente reciente de diferentes grupos étnicos y el
tamaño de la muestra pueden influir en estos resultados.
Received: 24-06-2023 Accepted: 13-02-2024
COVID-19 is a human-to-human trans-
missible viral infectious disease
. Until the
beginning of 2023, it had been responsible
for about 7 million deaths worldwide
. Sub-
jects infected with SARS-CoV-2, the etiologi-
cal agent of COVID-19, have a wide range of
phenotypic variability, from asymptomatic
to severe forms of the disease
. This broad
clinical variability is partially explained by
risk factors that include age (> 65 years),
male sex, and the presence of comorbidi-
ties such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes mellitus, and respiratory disorders,
among others
. Therefore, the variance in
the clinical phenotype of COVID-19 may be
caused by additional host-specific factors
Genome-wide association studies have
reported associations between the severe
form of COVID-19 and chromosomal re-
gions, including 12q24.13, which harbors
a gene cluster encoding antiviral restric-
tion enzyme activators (OAS1, OAS2, and
OAS3). These activators are involved in vi-
ral RNA degradation and viral replication
. The OAS1 gene encodes the
enzyme 2-5 oligoadenylate synthetase 1
COVID-19 and OAS1 Gene in Ecuadorian Population 171
Vol. 65(2): 169 - 178, 2024
(2-5A), an activator of the ribonuclease L
(RNaseL), which degrades viral RNA within
the host cell, blocks viral replication and
inhibits viral protein synthesis. The genetic
variant rs10774671 is a GA transition in
the last nucleotide of intron 5 of the OAS1
gene, which affects the nonsense-mediated
decay and the splicing site and controls
the differential expression of isoforms with
lesser enzymatic activity
. Different allele
and genotype frequencies have been report-
ed in studies, including those of European,
African, and Latin American Afro-Caribbe-
an populations, likely due to the influence
of the ancestral factor
. Despite being a
multiethnic society composed of different
communities with South American, West
Eurasian, and Sub-Saharan ancestries, the
Ecuadorian population has a strong Native
South American ancestral influence, which
is considered the second highest for this re-
gion’s population
The percentage of severe cases and
deaths among individuals of Hispanic an-
cestry was higher than that reported for the
general population. For instance, in New York
City, one of the communities hardest hit by
the SARS-CoV-2 virus globally, more Hispan-
ics per capita have died from COVID-19 than
any other ethnic group. Infection rates on
the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation have
also been reported to be particularly high
Native Americans represent more than a
third of the COVID-19 cases in the state of
New Mexico, despite making up only 9% of
the population
. These ethnic differences
do not appear to be caused by socioeconomic
conditions or access to health services since
Latin American non-Sub-Saharan ancestry
was reported as a factor associated with
morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 in a
study that included health professionals with
similar economic and educational status
Latin America is one of the regions
where the impact of COVID-19 has been
most severe. Poor sanitary conditions of in-
frastructure, health personnel, and an im-
munologically vulnerable population are two
factors that influenced this impact. Ecua-
dor was one of the countries that was dra-
matically impacted at the beginning of the
pandemic. However, sustained vaccination
campaigns were able to mitigate this impact
partially. Fifteen million people, or 86% of
the population, have received at least one
, with 14 million (or 79%) receiving
two or more doses
. Few genetic associa-
tion studies between COVID-19 and suscep-
tibility genes have been reported for the
Latin American populations. For this reason,
we examined the association between the
rs10774671 variant of the OAS1 gene and
the severe form of COVID-19 among Ecua-
dorian individuals.
Design and Study Subjects
In this observational, analytical, and
case-control study, a total of 100 Ecuadorian
individuals with COVID-19 were analyzed.
The individuals were divided into two groups:
43 patients with the severe clinical picture
(group A) enrolled from October 2021 to
March 2022 and 57 subjects with the asymp-
tomatic-mild form (group B) enrolled in Jan-
uary 2021 at the Quito Sur Hospital of the
Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, Qui-
to, Ecuador. Group A consisted of individuals
without regard to sex who had a diagnosis of
COVID-19 severe form confirmed by a posi-
tive RT-PCR test specific for SARS-CoV-2; a
chest computed tomography image showing
a pattern of viral pneumonia due to diffuse
infiltration of both lungs greater than 50%
(CORADS 6); and the presence of respirato-
ry failure and the need for mechanical venti-
lation (PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 100mmHg (with PEEP
5cm H2O) and SpO2/FiO2 ratio <315).
This group had received at least two doses of
SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Group B subjects pre-
sented the disease’s asymptomatic or mild
clinical form, validated by a positive RT-PCR
test for SARS-CoV-2. Group B was made up of
health workers from the same hospital who
provided care for patients with the severe
172 Pilataxi et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
form of COVID-19 admitted to the intensive
care unit. When the subjects from Group B
were diagnosed with COVID-19, they had not
received any vaccination against COVID-19.
This method of subject selection was carried
out to identify COVID-19 protective alleles.
The exclusion criteria for both groups in-
cluded consanguineous individuals, minors,
pregnant or nursing women, and refugees or
displaced with little or no knowledge of the
Spanish language.
Molecular Analysis
Ten milliliters of peripheral blood were
drawn from each subject in an EDTA tube. In
order to reduce bias in the laboratory phase,
each tube was assigned a unique code with-
out discriminating to which clinical group
it belonged. The Column-Pure Blood Ge-
nomic DNA (ABM, Vancouver, Canada) kit
was used to extract DNA according to the
manufacturer´s instructions. The Qubit ds-
DNA BR ASSAY Kit (21000 ng 100RX (Invi-
trogen, Massachusetts, USA) was then used
to quantify the DNA using the Qubit fluo-
rometer (Invitrogen, Massachusetts, USA).
The DNA quality was determined by elec-
trophoresis in 1.5% agarose gels at 80V for
an hour, with the bands visualized using the
Microtek Bio-1000F program scanner (Mi-
crotek International Inc., Hsinchu City, Tai-
wan). The forward primer 5’-TCC-AGA-TGG-
CAT-GTC-ACA-GT-3’ and the reverse primer
used to carry out the PCR, based on earlier
. The master mix and thermocy-
cler settings (Applied Biosystems MiniAmp,
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Massachu-
setts, USA) for PCR were performed based
on a previo