Invest Clin 65(2): 155 - 168, 2024
Corresponding author: Yansong Xu, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Beihua University,
Jilin, 132012, Jilin, China. E-mail:
Benefits of a modified local precision liver
resection using intraoperative laparoscopic
ultrasound in the treatment and prognosis
of patients with liver cancer.
Yansong Xu
and Lin Shen
Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Beihua University, Jilin,
Department of Anesthesiology, Affiliated Hospital of Beihua University, Jilin, China.
Keywords: precision hepatectomy; liver function; hepatic venous injury; immune
factors; immune response; cytokines; Karnofsky performance scale.
Abstract. The incidence and mortality rate of liver cancer has increased
significantly. Recently, intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasound (LUS) has been
used in hepatectomy, in addition to open liver resection, as the most common
treatment method. The current research aims to address this issue. Seventy-six
patients with liver cancer who were admitted to the Hospital of Beihua Univer-
sity from February 2018 to September 2021 were randomly divided into two
groups of 38 patients, one group undergoing conventional laparoscopic sur-
gery (control group) and the other group undergoing a precise laparoscopic
liver resection after placing an intraoperative LUS instrument (study group).
Blood loss and hepatic vein damage during surgery were less in the study group
(p<0.05). Seven days after surgery, liver function indices (albumin, total bil-
irubin, and alanine and aspartate aminotransferases) and indices related to
immune function interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor α, CD3+ and CD4+ T
lymphocytes and NK cells level in the study group improved compared to the
control group. The postoperative complications were less in the study group,
and the nine-month follow-up showed that the recurrence rate was lower and
the survival rate was higher in this group. This study shows that precise laparo-
scopic hepatectomy modified with the use of intraoperative laparoscopic ultra-
sound results in better intraoperative and postoperative outcomes for the prog-
nosis and survival rate of patients with liver cancer, which makes this surgical
technique worth generalizing in clinical practice.
156 Xu and Shen
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
Beneficios de la resección hepática de precisión local
modificada, utilizando ecografía intraoperatoria
laparoscópica en el tratamiento y pronóstico de pacientes
con cáncer de hígado.
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (2): 155 – 168
Palabras clave: hepatectomía de precisión; función hepática; lesión venosa hepática;
factores inmunológicos; respuesta inmune; citocinas; escala de
desempeño de Karnofsky.
Resumen. La tasa de incidencia y mortalidad del cáncer de hígado ha au-
mentado drásticamente. Además de la resección hepática abierta como método
de tratamiento más común, la ecografía laparoscópica intraoperatoria (LUS) se
ha utilizado recientemente en la hepatectomía. El objetivo de la investigación
actual es responder a esta pregunta. 76 pacientes con cáncer de hígado ingresa-
dos en el Hospital de la Universidad de Beihua entre febrero de 2018 y septiem-
bre de 2021 fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos grupos de 38 pacientes, un
grupo sometido a cirugía laparoscópica convencional (grupo control) y el otro
grupo sometido a resección hepática laparoscópica precisa, después de colocar
un instrumento LUS intraoperatorio (grupo de estudio). La pérdida de sangre
y el daño a las venas hepáticas durante la cirugía fueron menores en el grupo
de estudio (p < 0,05). Siete días después de la cirugía, los índices de función
hepática (albúmina, bilirrubina total y alanina y aspartato aminotransferasas) e
índices relacionados con la función inmune, interleucina 6, factor de necrosis
tumoral α, linfocitos T CD3+ y CD4+ y nivel de células NK en el grupo de estu-
dio mejoraron en comparación con el grupo control. Las complicaciones posto-
peratorias fueron menores en el grupo de estudio, y el seguimiento a los 9 me-
ses mostró que la tasa de recurrencia fue menor y la tasa de supervivencia fue
mayor en este grupo. Este estudio demuestra que la hepatectomía laparoscópi-
ca precisa modificada con el uso de la ecografía laparoscópica intraoperatoria
da como resultado mejores resultados intraoperatorios y postoperatorios para
el pronóstico y la tasa de supervivencia de los pacientes con cáncer de hígado, y
hace que valga la pena generalizar esta técnica quirúrgica en la práctica clínica.
Received: 20-07-2023 Accepted: 11-11-2023
Liver cancer is a malignant tumor that
seriously affects Chinese residents’ health,
and its incidence is relatively high
. The
early stage of hepatocellular carcinoma
courses with insidious characteristics and
rapid growth, but it is often diagnosed in
the middle and late stages. At the same
time, liver cancer has high recurrence and
mortality rates
. At present, liver cancer
is mainly treated through surgery. In clini-
cal practice, different treatment measures
are adopted according to the different liver
function reserve abilities, the physical condi-
tions of people with liver cancer, and the dif-
Benefits of a modified precision hepatectomy with laparoscopic ultrasound 157
Vol. 65(2): 155 - 168, 2024
ferent stages of cancer the patients present.
Liver resection is preferred for patients with
localized liver cancer without accompanying
. Hepatectomy is the most com-
mon surgical method for radical liver cancer
treatment, which can notoriously reduce the
recurrence and spread of liver tumors and ef-
fectively prolong the survival time of suffer-
. Conventional open liver resection is a
standard clinical method. However, the pa-
tient’s postoperative recovery and prognosis
are unsatisfactory due to the extensive surgi-
cal trauma and the risk of acquiring a post-
operative infection
. With the development
of science and technology and the enhance-
ment of medical standards, the application
value of laparoscopy in various surgical oper-
ations has become increasingly apparent. In
the 1990s, Reich performed the world’s first
laparoscopic liver resection. Since then, the
door has been opened to minimally invasive
surgery through laparoscopy
In contrast with conventional open liver
resection, laparoscopic liver resection has the
advantages of less trauma and quick postop-
erative recovery, which surgeons and patients
favor. However, laparoscopic surgery also has
limitations since the laparoscopic surgeon
operates only through a few holes and cannot
directly contact and manipulate the related
visceral structure, and because of the reduced
abdomen’s display, the surgeon may not fully
understand the abdominal situation, leading
to a limited surgical field. At the same time,
the lack of palpation increases the risk in lapa-
roscopic surgery
. In addition, because the
field is not comprehensive, it is easy to ignore
some small lesions, and it can easily result in
the presence of tumor residues, leading to a
high recurrence rate in patients. Enhanced lo-
cal precision resection was developed based on
a conventional laparoscopic resection. Using
laparoscopic ultrasound (laparoscopic ultraso-
nography, LUS) can help the operator detect
complex lesions. It can synchronously guide the
surgeon to operate, reduce damage to related
organs and tissues, and make up for the defi-
ciencies of conventional laparoscopic surgery.
Relevant studies have shown that laparoscopic
surgery with LUS is more effective
. In re-
cent years, ultrasound examination has been
gradually applied to laparoscopic surgery. The
period of clinical use has not been very long,
and since the related studies are few, the thera-
peutic effect of laparoscopic surgery on liver
cancer still needs further analysis
. Therefore,
this study aimed to evaluate the clinical ben-
efits of modified precision hepatectomy using
intraoperative LUS in patients with liver cancer
so that this new treatment technique can be
tested to find a better way to treat liver cancer.
General Information
In this study, all eighty-seven patients
with liver cancer admitted to the Hospital
of Beihua University, China, from February
2018 to September 2021 were selected for
this study. The inclusion criteria were as fol-
lows: met the diagnosis and implications of
liver cancer, according to the Guidelines
on the diagnosis and treatment of prima-
ry liver cancer (2011 edition)
. Relevant
criteria in TNM stages I, II, and III; Child-
Pugh grades A or B; no associated surgery
or radiofrequency ablation for six months;
and nine months of telephone follow-up af-
ter laparoscopic surgery. Exclusion criteria
were tumor involvement of adjacent organs
or metastases; severe abdominal adhesion;
patients with cardiac or renal failure; abnor-
mal mental status; diabetes; women during
pregnancy or lactation; and patients with an
allergic condition. All patients signed the in-
formed consent form, and the medical eth-
ics committee of our hospital approved this
study. Of the eighty-seven patients who were
accepted at the beginning of the study, af-
ter checking the study conditions and the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, seventy-six
patients were finally included. Seventy-six
patients were randomly selected as control
variables according to the random number
table method and randomly divided into two
groups of 38 patients.
158 Xu and Shen
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
Surgical method: Our institution’s
chief surgeon has been the same physician
for over eight years. We used a conventional
laparoscopic liver resection for the control
group: a preoperative-related imaging (MRI
or CT) examination in the supine position
was performed to determine the lesion site,
size, and number. This examination was fol-
lowed by the conventional implementation
of an artificial pneumoperitoneum (pres-
sure 12-14 mmHg), the construction of the
conventional “five-port technique” accord-
ing to the location and size of the tumor,
abdominal exploration, to free the perihe-
patic ligament and to fully reveal the tumor
focus, the first portal vascular implication,
the left hepatic artery and portal branch,
according to the liver ischemia line or the
anatomy Cantilie-line mark as a resection
For the Study group, we used a modi-
fied laparoscopic precision liver resection.
After a preoperative imaging (MRI or CT) ex-
amination to determine the lesion location,
size, and number in the supine position, we
established an arc incision approximately
10 mm below the umbilicus. This incision
was followed by the conventional implemen-
tation of an artificial pneumoperitoneum
(pressure 12-14 mmHg) and placed the LUS
(HITACHI ALOKA Noblus; with an L44LA
soft probe, probe frequency of 7.5 MHz). Dif-
ferent liver parts were scanned successively,
and the tumor location, size, number, and
the relationship between the tumor body
and the peripheral vasculature and tissues
were determined again. The proper liver
blood flow blocking method and liver paren-
chyma disconnection method were selected.
For severe liver parenchyma lesions, it was
not appropriate to block the blood flow into
the liver and use an ultrasonic knife to stop
the liver parenchyma and the bipolar elec-
trocoagulation wound. Selective blood flow
into the liver was blocked for patients with
mild liver parenchymal lesions, and the liver
parenchyma was severed along the ischemic
line with an ultrasound knife. The vascular
structure was fully exposed for the liver re-
section, then treated accordingly to the vas-
cular diameter
Blood tests: In the early morning, 5 mL
of cubital venous blood was extracted and
centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 10 min, with a
centrifugation radius of 10 cm, and the se-
rum was collected for indicator determina-
Observation Indicators and Evaluation
(1) Perioperative-related indicators:
data and blood samples were collected by the
same nurse working in our hospital for over
three years. The operation time, intraopera-
tive blood loss, hepatic vein injury rate, le-
sion resection edge distance, drainage tube
extubation time, and anal exhaust time were
(2) Fasting venous blood was collected
before and seven days after the intervention,
and an analysis was performed using a fully
automatic biochemical analyzer (Beckman
Coulter AU5800). Liver function-related
indicators were measured in both groups
of patients: albumin (ALB), alanine amino-
transferase (ALT), aspartate aminotrans-
ferase, AST), and total bilirubin (TBIL), as
well as the immune factor-related indicators
interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor
α (TNF). T lymphocyte subsets were ana-
lyzed by flow cytometry (Beckman Coulter
EPICS XL) to detect T lymphocytes (CD3
inducible T cells (CD4
), and human natural
killer (NK) cells (NK cell standard). The same
physician performed the specific operations
according to the instructions.
(3) The incidence of related complica-
tions (infection, abdominal hemorrhage,
bile leakage, pleural effusion, etc.) in the
two groups of patients was reported by the
same nurses working for over three years.
(4) We used the Karnofsky scoring
method (KarnofskyPerformance Status,
KPS) 22 to assess the recovery of quality of
Benefits of a modified precision hepatectomy with laparoscopic ultrasound 159
Vol. 65(2): 155 - 168, 2024
life in the two groups of patients. If the score
increased by more than ten points after the
procedure, the activities of daily living (ADL)
were better; if it lessened by more than ten,
it was worse; if it increased or lessened by
ten, it was stable.
(5) The survival and recurrence rates
of both groups were recorded by telephone
follow-ups at three months (T1), six months
(T2), and nine months (T3) after surgery by
the same nurse.
Statistical analysis
The required data of this study were
sorted and entered into a Microsoft
table. We used the SPSS26.0 software to ana-
lyze the data. If the data (±SD) were nor-
mally distributed, we compared the groups
with the independent sample t-test for the
group’s data and paired sample t-test; count
data was analyzed by percentages and Chi-
square test (χ
test). The Kaplan-Meier sur-
vival curves were employed to determine
sufferers’ survival and recurrence rates in
the two groups. When p
0.05, the data’s
differences were considered statistically sig-
This study was conducted to investigate
the benefits of modified precise hepatecto-
my using intraoperative LUS in patients with
liver cancer.
The clinical and demographic charac-
teristics of the two groups of patients under
investigation are presented in Table 1. The
sex distribution among the study group pa-
tients showed that 21 (55.3%) were male and
17 (44.7%) were female; whereas, in the con-
trol group, there were 20 (52.6%) male and
18 (47.4%) female patients. The mean age
of the study group was 51.52±6.95 years,
while the mean age of the control group was
52.36±8.32 years. The mean body mass in-
dex (BMI) in the study group patients was
22.36±2.68 kg/m
; whereas, in the control
group, it was 22.63±3.01 kg/m
. The two
groups had no significant differences regard-
ing sex distribution, mean age, and mean
The staging of patients based on TNM
revealed that in the study group, 14 (36.8%)
patients were in stage I, 13 (34.2%) patients
were in stage II, and 11 (29%) patients were
in stage III. Similarly, in the control group,
there were 14 (36.8%) patients in stage I, 15
(39.5%) patients in stage II, and 9 (23.7%)
patients in stage III. There were no signifi-
cant differences between the two groups re-
garding cancer staging based on TNM. The
tumor diameter in the study group patients
was 5.16±1.49 cm, while in the control
group, it was 5.09±1.53 cm, and there was
no significant difference in tumor diameter
between the two groups. The results of the
Child Grade in the two groups of examined
patients showed that 29 (76.3%) patients in
the study group and 27 (71%) patients in the
control group were classified as Group A. Ad-
ditionally, 9 (23.7%) patients in the study
group and 11 (29%) patients in the control
group were classified as Group B, with no
significant difference observed between the
two groups.
Comparison of perioperative indicators
between the two groups of patients
The mean duration of surgery in
the study group was 103.59±19.12 min-
utes, while in the control group, it was
98.59±20.16 minutes. There was no signifi-
cant difference in the duration of surgery
between the two groups. Hepatic venous
injury was observed in two (5.26%) patients
in the study group and ten (14.28%) pa-
tients in the control group, showing there
was a significant difference (p=0.013). The
blood loss volume in the study group was
183.38±29.71 mL; whereas in the control
group, it was 233.56±24.28 ml, and the two
groups did not differ significantly in blood
loss volume. Other preoperative indicators
are presented in Table 2.
160 Xu and Shen
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
Table 1
Comparison of the clinical and demographic characteristics between the two groups of liver cancer patients.
Group Sex*
TNM& by stages (n) Tumor
Child Grade (n)
Men Women
Study group
17 (44.7%) 51.52±6.95 22.36±2.68 14 (36.8%) 13 (34.2%) 11 (29%) 5.16±1.49 29 (76.3%) 9 (23.7%)
Control group
18 (47.4%) 52.36±8.32 22.63±3.01 14 (36.8%) 15 (39.5%) 9 (23.7%) 5.09±1.53 27 (71%) 11 (29%)
0.818 0.769 0.185 0.267 0.486 1.32
p 0.500 0.436 0.498 0.782 0.512 0.329
*Frequency :n (%) , ** Mean± (SD).
TNM [classifies cancers by the size and extent of the primary tumor (T), involvement of regional lymph nodes (N), and
the presence or absence of distant metastases (M)].
Table 2
Perioperative indicators of the two groups of liver cancer patients.
Group Sample
Time of surgery
The rate of hepatic
venous injury
Intraoperative blood
loss volume (mL)**
Drainage tube
extubation time
Anal exhaust
time (d)**
Study group 38 103.59±19.12 2(5.26) 183.38±29.71 2.97±1.15 5.93±1.28 3.74±1.03
Control group 38 98.59±20.16 10 (14.28) 233.56±24.28 3.21±0.84 6.13±1.65 4.06±1.38
1.425 8.725 13.125 0.541 1.683 1.532
p* 0.163 0.013 <0.01 0.423 0.113 0.136
*p t-test, ** Mean± (SD),
Frequency: n(%).
Benefits of a modified precision hepatectomy with laparoscopic ultrasound 161
Vol. 65(2): 155 - 168, 2024
Indexes of liver function
The examination of liver function indi-
cators before and after surgery in the two
groups of liver cancer patients revealed that
the mean blood albumin level in the study
group before surgery was 39.38±2.19 g/L,
while in the control group was 39.44±2.17
g/L, showing no significant difference. How-
ever, the mean blood albumin level in the
study group after surgery was 64.41±2.91
g/L, compared to 52.91±2.69 g/L in the
control group, indicating a significant dif-
ference in albumin levels between the two
groups after surgery (p=0.032). The mean
alanine transaminase level in the study
group before surgery was 39.61±5.42 U/L,
and in the control group, it was 39.64±5.49
U/L, with no significant difference observed.
However, the mean alanine transaminase
level in the study group after surgery was
10.85±2.36 U/L, while in the control group,
it was 15.16±2.42 U/L, demonstrating a
significant difference in the mean alanine
transaminase levels after surgery between
the two groups (p=0.037).
The mean preoperative aspartate ami-
notransferase (AST) levels in the study group
of patients were 42.95±3.51 U/L, while in
the control group, it was 43.13±3.57 U/L,
showing there was no statistically signifi-
cant difference observed in the preopera-
tive AST levels between the two groups. On
the other hand, the postoperative mean AST
levels in the study group were 28.47±2.92
U/L, whereas, in the control group, it was
34.94±2.35 U/L. These results indicated a
significant difference in the postoperative
AST levels between the study and control
groups (p=0.041). No significant differ-
ence was observed in the preoperative total
bilirubin levels between the control group
(20.44±2.66 μmol/L) and the study group
(20.43±2.64 μmol/L). However, the mean
total bilirubin level in the study group after
surgery was 4.38±1.43 μmol/L, while in the
control group, it was 7.34±2.17 μmol/L.
These findings demonstrated a significant
difference in the postoperative total bilirubin
levels between the two groups (p=0.031).
The relevant data are presented in Table 3.
Comparison of immune factor indicators
The investigation of immune factor
indices before and after surgery in the two
groups of patients with liver cancer revealed
that the mean concentration of interleukin-6
(IL-6) in the study group prior to surgery was
92.83±12.59 pg/mL, while in the control
group, it was 92.89±12.68 pg/mL, showing
no statistically significant difference. How-
ever, the mean IL-6 concentration in the
study group after surgery was 101.28±15.28
pg/mL, whereas, in the control group, it was
124.49±14.68 pg/mL, demonstrating a sig-
nificant difference in IL-6 levels between the
two groups after surgery (p=0.023).
Regarding tumor necrosis factor-alpha
(TNFα), the mean concentration in the
study group before surgery was 12.06±1.29
ng/mL, while in the control group was
15.68±2.41 ng/mL, with no significant dif-
ference observed. However, the mean TNFα
concentration in the study group after sur-
gery was 12.09±1.32 ng/mL, whereas, in
the control group, it was 19.82±2.39 ng/
mL, indicating a significant difference in the
mean TNFα levels between the two groups af-
ter surgery (p=0.037).
The preoperative levels of CD3
ter of differentiation 3), CD4
(cluster of di-
fferentiation 4), and NK (Natural killer cells)
did not show a significant difference between
the study group and the control group. Howe-
ver, the postoperative percentage of CD3
the study group was 56.28±7.79%, whereas,
in the control group, it was 50.22±4.63%.
The postoperative percentage of CD4
in the
study group was 27.13±5.38%, while in the
control group was 20.51±4.29%. Additiona-
lly, the postoperative level of NK in the study
group was 10.33±1.19 pg/mL, and in the
control group was 8.29±1.12 pg/mL. These
differences in CD3
, CD4
, and NK levels af-
ter surgery were statistically significant bet-
ween the two groups (p<0.05). The relevant
data are presented in Table 4.
162 Xu and Shen
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
Table 3
The preoperative and postoperative liver function indicators in the two groups of liver cancer patients.
ALB (g/L)** ALT (U/L)** AST (U/L)** TBIL (μmol/L)**
Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative
Study Group 39.38±2.19 64.41±2.91 39.61±5.42 10.85±2.36 42.95±3.51 28.47±2.92 20.43±2.64 4.38±1.43
39.44±2.17 52.91±2.69 39.64±5.49 15.16±2.42 43.13±3.57 34.94±2.35 20.44±2.66 7.34±2.17
t 0.956 2.239 0.853 2.204 0.933 2.228 0.821 2.245
p* 0.425 0.032 0.328 0.037 0.379 0.041 0.455 0.031
*P-Value t-test, ** Mean±SD.
ALB: albumin, ALT: alanine amino transferase, AST: aspartate amino transferase, TBIL: total bilirrubin.
Table 4
Preoperative and postoperative immune factor indicators in the two groups of liver cancer patients.
IL-6 ( pg/mL)** TNF-α ( ng/mL)** CD3+ (%)** CD4+ (%)** NK (pg/mL)**
Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative
92.83±12.59 101.28±15.28 12.06±1.29 12.09±1.32 61.19±5.81 56.28±7.79 35.19±3.32 27.13±5.38 13.31±1.49 10.33±1.19
92.89±12.68 124.49±14.68 15.68±2.41 19.82±2.39 62.39±4.91 50.22±4.63 34.25±3.17 20.51±4.29 13.29±1.61 8.29±1.12
t 0.826 9.265 0.756 7.531 0.930 4.283 1.242 5.58 0.813 4.361
p* 0.425 0.023 0.328 0.046 0.375 <0.01 0.219 <0.01 0.465 0.019
*p-value t-test, ** Mean±SD.
Benefits of a modified precision hepatectomy with laparoscopic ultrasound 163
Vol. 65(2): 155 - 168, 2024
Postoperative complications in both sets
The analysis of surgical complications
among the two groups of patients revealed
notable findings (Table 5). Only one patient
(2.63%) experienced infection in the study
group, while another patient (2.63%) devel-
oped pleural effusion following the opera-
tion. Conversely, within the control group,
complications were comparatively higher.
Specifically, three patients (7.89%) encoun-
tered postoperative infection, two patients
(5.26%) suffered from postoperative hemor-
rhage, three patients (7.89%) experienced
bile leak, and one patient (2.63%) developed
pleural effusion. These contrasting com-
plication rates indicate a statistically sig-
nificant difference between the two groups
Quality of life score
There were no significant differences
when comparing the postoperative KPS
standard scores between the two groups, p>
0.05 (Table 6).
Postoperative survival and recurrence
The comparison of survival and recur-
rence rates in the two groups of patients is
shown in Table 7. The analysis of survival
rates among the two patient groups yielded
significant statistical differences (p=0.033).
In the study group, the survival rate was re-
markably high, with 37 patients (97.4%) sur-
viving during the first and second follow-up
periods. Only one patient died in the period.
As the study progressed to the third follow-
up, 35 patients (92.1%) remained alive,
while three patients succumbed to their con-
dition. In comparison, the control group ex-
hibited slightly lower survival rates, with 36
patients (94.7%) surviving the initial follow-
up and 35 patients (92.1%) in the second
follow-up. However, by the third follow-up,
the number of surviving patients decreased
to 28 (73.68%).
The study group showcased favorable
outcomes regarding disease recurrence, as
no recurrences were observed during the
Table 5
Contrast of the incidence of postoperative complications in the two groups.
Bile leak Pleural effusion
Study Group 38 1 (2.63%) 0 0 1 (2.63%)
Control Group 38 3 (7.89%) 2 (5.26%) 3(7.89%) 1(2.63%)
p* 0.022
*p-value Chi-square (χ² tests).
Table 6
Comparison of the quality of life in the two groups.
Group Sample number
KPS grade
Preoperative** Postoperative**
Study Group 38 60.52 ± 12.88 69.03 ± 14.02
Control Group 38 60.46 ± 12.78 68.92 ± 12.43
t 2.366 1.563
p* 0.652 0.312
*p-value t-test, ** Mean±SD.
164 Xu and Shen
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
first follow-up. However, during the sec-
ond follow-up, a marginal recurrence rate
of one patient (2.6%) was identified, which
increased slightly to two patients (5.3%)
during the third follow-up. In contrast, the
control group exhibited higher recurrence
rates, with one patient (2.6%) experienc-
ing a recurrence during the first follow-up,
followed by two patients (5.3%) during the
second follow-up, and a more significant
number of seven patients (8.16%) during the
third follow-up. These contrasting patterns
in recurrence rates between the study and
control groups were statistically significant
(p=0.025). Over time, the control group ex-
hibited lower survival rates than the study
group. Conversely, the disease recurrence
rate in the control group was higher than
in the study group. These disparities in sur-
vival rates and disease recurrence between
the two groups were statistically significant
Liver cancer is one of the most common
malignant tumors in China. One of the main
options for liver cancer treatment is sur-
. With the development of technology,
laparoscopic hepatectomy has become wide-
ly used in clinical practice, and many stud-
ies have proved that this surgical technique
proceeds with less significant trauma, short-
er recovery time, and a better prognosis
However, the limited field of laparoscopy and
the complex vascular and bile duct systems
in the liver have brought many difficulties to
laparoscopic liver resection, such as how to
reduce liver vascular damage, avoid tumor
residues, and reduce the postoperative re-
currence rate and mortality, which have al-
ways been significant in liver surgery
. In or-
der to preserve more normal liver tissue, the
pursuit of the concept of an accurate liver
resection has gradually become an objective
to accomplish
. In surgery, the LUS probe
can reach deeper lesions, allowing more
comprehensive liver information to be pre-
sented to the operator. Because of the physi-
cal characteristics of ultrasound, it can ef-
fectively avoid the interference of irrelevant
factors. Furthermore, it can show the tumor
size and depth in the liver, reduce the num-
ber of tumor contacts and extrusion, allow
for complete tumor removal, avoid residual
tumors, and reduce the postoperative recur-
rence rate
Fu et al.
found that under the guid-
ance of LUS, the hepatic vein can be located
accurately, which could avoid damage and
reduce the risk of postoperative bleeding.
Following the results of that study, it was found
that intraoperative blood loss and hepatic vein in-
jury rates during peri-surgery were lower than
those in the conventional surgery group.
However, other perioperative indicators (op-
erative time, drainage tube extubation time,
anal exhaust time, etc.) were not significa-
tively different, indicating that the addition
of ultrasound assistance during the opera-
Table 7
Comparison of survival and recurrence rates in the two groups of patients.
Survival rate n (%) Recurrence rate n (%)
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
Study Group 38 37 (97.4) 37 (97.4) 35 (92.1) 0 (0.0) 1 (2.6) 2 (5.3)
Control Group 38 36 (94.7%) 35 (92.1) 28 (73.68) 1 (2.6) 2 (5.3) 7 (8.16)
4.57 5.029
p* 0.033 0.025
*p-value Chi-square (χ² tests).
Benefits of a modified precision hepatectomy with laparoscopic ultrasound 165
Vol. 65(2): 155 - 168, 2024
tion would not prolong the operation time,
which was in contrast with Lubner et al.
The Allaire et al.
study found that the
resection of liver tumors retained sufficient
residual liver volume to ensure the suffi-
cient compensatory capacity of postopera-
tive liver function, which is also the key to
enhancing the clinical prognosis. However,
in this study, the liver function standard in
the study group was notoriously higher than
in the control group. The reasons may be at-
tributable to the guidance of ultrasound. The
tumor and tumor liver vein branches were
cut down, achieving the purpose of accurate
resection, effective partition lesions of blood
flow, and reducing the remaining liver affect-
ed by blood flow reperfusion, thus reducing
the damage to liver function and retaining
more liver tissue with normal function.
In evaluating immune function indica-
tors in this study, the immune indicators of
the study group were higher than that of the
control group after seven days, indicating
that the precise resection resulted in less
loss of immune function for sufferers, and
the postoperative recovery was faster. Joliat
et al.
and Tayar et al.
confirmed in their
study that laparoscopic hepatectomy under
LUS caused less tissue damage than conven-
tional laparoscopic hepatectomy, produc-
ing less intraoperative bleeding, less post-
operative stress response and a relatively
mild degree of immunosuppression in post-
operative patients. The mechanism may be
that after the damage to the body, immune
cells will synthesize and secrete IL-6 and
TNF-α factors to regulate the related stress
conditions. Increasing IL-6 and TNF- α lev-
els will aggravate the body’s inflammatory
response and reduce the human body’s im-
mune capacity. CD3+ and CD4+ are indica-
tors of the reactive T cell levels; the lower
the levels, the more severely compromised
immune capacity. NK cells are also essential
cells involved in the immune response, to-
gether with CD3
and CD4
and similarly, the lower the levels, the worse
the decline in the immune function. By com-
paring the study and the control groups, the
study group’s IL-6 and TNF α concentrations
were lower than in the control. CD3
, CD4
and NK cells were higher than those in the
control group, indicating that laparoscopic
precision liver resection results in less im-
mune damage
Some studies have shown that the im-
mune function has a particular relation-
ship with postoperative complications, and
the less the postoperative immune function
damage, the lower the incidence of postop-
erative complications
. In this study, the
rate of postoperative complications in the
study group was lower than that in the con-
trol, and this result also reflects this rela-
tionship, which is consistent with the results
of Shazly’s et al.
studies. Comparing the
postoperative morbidity and survival rate of
both groups, they were higher in the control
group, possibly because the precise liver re-
section accomplished a complete resection
of liver tumors and avoided the occurrence
of tumor residues
. The higher indicators
of postoperative liver function show that the
study group can retain more normal liver tis-
sue, which is more beneficial for the patient’s
postoperative rehabilitation
, consistent
with the above scholars’ research results.
In conclusion, the modified laparo-
scopic precision liver resection can effec-
tively reduce the amount of intraoperative
bleeding, reduce the impairment of liver and
immune functions, reduce the incidence of
complications, and reduce the postopera-
tive recurrence rate of liver cancer, which
shows that it is worth generalizing the use of
this technique in clinical practice. Although
this study has obtained relatively important
results, it still needs to be improved to use
these research conclusions as the gold stan-
dard. For example, only 76 patients with
liver cancer were included in this study, and
the research results will inevitably be biased,
so the sample size should be expanded for
further demonstration.
166 Xu and Shen
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
We appreciate Dr Humberto Martínez’s
editing of this research paper.
Conflict of competence
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
ORCID of the authors
Yansong Xu: 0000-0002-1915-8014
Lin Shen: 0000-0003-4192-2493
Contribution of authors
In the present study, both authors made
equal contributions and collaborated closely
throughout the research process.
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