138 Mu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(2): 2024
IgAV is a common small-blood-vessel al-
lergic disease occurring during childhood; it
is most common in children aged three to
eight years
, with a predominance in males.
Skin purpura is most commonly accompanied
by digestive tract, joint, or kidney lesions. Ab-
dominal symptoms are reported in 50% to
75% of IgAV children, including gastrointesti-
nal bleeding, gastric ulcers, pancreatitis, cys-
tic effusion, and protein-losing enteropathy.
Some rare surgical complications include in-
tussusception, intestinal obstruction, intesti-
nal fistula, and intestinal perforation
Intussusception is the most common
condition for surgery in IgAV children, with
an incidence of 3% to 4%
. Intestinal per-
foration is the second-leading condition for
surgery, with an incidence of approximately
. In the past three years, we have
treated 7,374 patients with IgAV; surgical
complications were reported in 28 patients.
The incidence of intussusception was 0.28%,
and the incidence of intestinal perforations
was 0.09%. Due to our Hospital’s late use of
electronic medical records, no more than
three years of case data have been counted.
If the statistical years were longer, the data
may be more meaningful. The pathogenesis
of intussusception may be due to the aseptic
inflammation of small blood vessels in the
intestinal wall, which increases the perme-
ability of the intestinal wall blood vessels
to result in extravasation of blood com-
ponents and segmental bleeding under the
serosa and mucosa. These lead to uneven
peristaltic movement, local slow peristalsis,
spasms of the intestinal loop, or even intus-
.As the disease progresses, tis-
sue hypoxia and hypoperfusion may occur.
Intestinal wall edema, ischemia, and hypoxia
lead to intestinal necrosis and even intesti-
nal perforation
. In the acute phase of IgAV,
increased blood viscosity results in slow lo-
cal blood flow and exacerbates intestinal
ischemia and hypoxia.The circulating D-di-
mer level in children with IgAV is significant-
ly increased
. This reflects the presence of
hypercoagulable states and the formation of
thrombi. Another study
found that IgAV
caused a significant increase in serum CRP
in children with abdominal surgical compli-
cations, suggesting that the occurrence of
this complication may be closely related to
infectious factors. Furthermore, serum CRP
level has been positively correlated with the
occurrence of these complications. This fur-
ther indicates that infectious factors play
an essential role in the occurrence of surgi-
cal complications.We summarized the clini-
cal data of all 28 children in this study and
found that the average time from the onset
of abdominal pain to the first surgical com-
plication was 9.8 days, and the longest time
was 40 days. Increased peripheral leukocyte
count was observed in 60.7% of children. Se-
rum CRP and D-dimer levels were elevated
in 53.3% and 75% of children, respectively.
Gastrointestinal bleeding was identified in
39%. Increased inflammation index, elevat-
ed D-dimer, and persistent abdominal pain
without relief may be risk factors for surgical
complications in children with IgAV. For this
child population, we should carefully watch
for surgical complications. Early and precise
diagnosis and timely, appropriate treatment
can reduce the harm to these children.
Intussusception in IgAV patients usu-
ally originates from the ileum (90%) or jeju-
num (7%)
. The common sites of intussus-
ception are ileo-ileal (51.4%), ileo-colonic
(38.6%), and jejunal-jejunal (7.0%). In IgAV,
colo-colonic intussusception is extremely
rare, with only a few cases reported
. The
most common site of intestinal perforation
is the small intestine, especially the ileum,
followed by the jejunum. This may be due
to the intestinal wall swelling in the small
intestine in IgAV patients. Children with
IgAV also often have infection, which can
enlarge the aggregated lymphoid nodules
in the ileum. Therefore, the local intestinal
wall thickens and even protrudes into the
intestinal lumen to form a starting point of
. Among the children with