Invest Clin 64(4): 482 - 494, 2023
Corresponding author: Lihong Chen. No. 20, Chazhong Road, Fuzhou, Fujian 350005, China. Phone: +86-
13506986776. E-mail: Lie Zheng. No. 20, Chazhong Road, Fuzhou, Fujian 350005, China. Pho-
ne: +86–13905918829. E-mail:
Effects of SU5416 on angiogenesis
and the ERK-VEGF/MMP-9 pathway
in rat endometriosis.
Danyang Zhao1, Qiufang Bao1, Lihong Chen1,2,3 and Lie Zheng1,2
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Fujian Medical
University, China.
2Department of Gynecology, National Regional Medical Center, Binhai Campus
of the First Affiliated Hospital, Fujian Medical University, China.
3Fujian Key Laboratory of Precision Medicine for Cancer, the First Affiliated Hospital,
Fujian Medical University, China.
Keywords: angiogenesis; endometriosis; ERK-VEGF/MMP-9 pathway; SU5416.
Abstract. SU5416 is a small molecule vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) receptor signal transduction inhibitor, which can block the VEGF re-
ceptor autophosphorylation and inhibit receptor tyrosine kinase signal trans-
duction, thereby reducing VEGF activity. However, there are few reports about
the correlation of SU5416 to the occurrence and angiogenesis in endometrio-
sis. In this study, we observed the effects of VEGF receptor inhibitor SU5416
on angiogenesis in endometriosis in rats. Thirty female specific-pathogen-free
Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into sham operation group (SOG),
model group (MG), and SU5416 group (n=10 for each group). In the SOG, only
the uterus was cut and sutured, and endometriosis models were established in
the MG and SU5416 group by autologous transplantation. The SU5416 group
was injected with 15 mg/kg SU5416 intraperitoneally, and the SOG and MG
were intraperitoneally injected with an equal volume of normal saline for 6
weeks. The volume of ectopic lesions was lower in the SU5416 group at 42
d postoperatively than in the MG (p<0.05). The proportion of CD31-positive
cells in the endometrial tissue of the SU5416 group was lower than that of
the MG (p<0.05); angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2), laminin-5γ2
(LN-5γ2) and phosphorylation of ERK (P-ERK), VEGF, matrix metalloproteinase
(MMP)-2, and MMP-9 protein expressions were lower in the SU5416 group than
in the MG (p<0.05). VEGF receptor inhibitor SU5416 can inhibit endometrio-
sis angiogenesis and reduce inflammatory response in rats, and its mechanism
of action may be related to the down-regulation of the ERK-VEGF/MMP-9 path-
way expression.
Role of SU5416 in angiogenesis in rat endometriosis 483
Vol. 64(4): 482 - 494, 2023
Efecto del SU5416 sobre la angiogenesis y la via ERK-VEGF/
MMP-9 en la endometriosis de ratas.
Invest Clin 2023; 64 (4): 482 – 494
Palabras clave: angiogénesis; endometriosis; vía ERK-VEGF/MMP-9; SU5416.
Resumen. SU5416 es un inhibidor de la transducción de señales del re-
ceptor del factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular (VEGF), una molécula pe-
queña, capaz de bloquear la autofosforilación del receptor VEGF e inhibir la
transducción de señales de la tirosina quinasa del receptor, reduciendo así la
actividad del VEGF. Sin embargo, existen escasos informes acerca de la co-
rrelación entre SU5416 y la aparición y angiogénesis de la endometriosis. En
este estudio, hemos observado los efectos del inhibidor del receptor del VEGF,
SU5416, sobre la angiogénesis en la endometriosis en ratas. Treinta ratas Spra-
gue-Dawley hembra, libres de patógenos específicos, fueron divididas aleatoria-
mente en un grupo de operación simulada (SOG), un grupo de modelo (MG)
y un grupo de SU5416 (n=10 en cada grupo). En el SOG, solo se realizó una
incisión en el útero y se suturó, mientras que en los grupos MG y SU5416 se es-
tablecieron modelos de endometriosis mediante trasplante autólogo. Al grupo
SU5416 se le inyectaron 15 mg/kg de SU5416 por vía intraperitoneal, y tanto
el SOG como el MG recibieron una inyección intraperitoneal de un volumen
igual de solución salina normal durante 6 semanas. El volumen de lesiones ec-
tópicas fue menor en el grupo SU5416 a los 42 días después de la operación en
comparación con el MG (p<0,05); la proporción de células CD31 positivas en
el tejido endometrial del grupo SU5416 fue inferior a la del MG (p<0,05); las
expresiones de las proteínas angiopoyetina-1 (Ang-1), angiopoyetina-2 (Ang-2),
laminina-5γ2 (LN-5γ2) y la fosforilación de ERK (P-ERK), VEGF, metaloprotei-
nasa de matriz (MMP)-2 y MMP-9 fueron menores en el grupo SU5416 que en
el MG (p<0,05). El inhibidor del receptor del VEGF, SU5416, puede inhibir la
angiogénesis de la endometriosis y reducir la respuesta inflamatoria en ratas, y
su mecanismo de acción puede estar relacionado con la regulación a la baja de
la expresión de la vía ERK-VEGF/MMP-9.
Received: 22-02-2023 Accepted: 08-09-2023
Endometriosis (EMs) is a benign mor-
phological manifestation, but the biological
behaviors such as implantation invasion, ag-
gressive growth and distant metastasis are
similar to those of malignant tumors, which
can induce painful intercourse, dysmenor-
rhea, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility up
to 25%-35% 1,2. The specific etiology of this
disease has not been elucidated, and it is
mostly thought to be related to genetic fac-
tors, endometrial implantation, retrograde
menstruation, implantation, and immune
regulation 3,4. However, both endometrial
implantation and menstrual reflux implanta-
tion depend on adequate blood supply, so an-
giogenesis plays a key role in the occurrence
and development of EMs.
484 Zhao et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(4): 2023
Vascular endothelial growth fac-
tor (VEGF) is an autocrine and paracrine
growth factor that can improve vascular
permeability, damage the tight junctions of
vascular endothelial cells, induce endothe-
lial cell proliferation, and promote extracel-
lular fluid accumulation, vascular leakage,
and neovascularization 5,6. Matrix metallo-
proteinase-9 (MMP-9), one of the important
protein hydrolases in the family of MMPs,
disrupts basement membrane integrity and
promotes neovascularization and vascular
endothelial cell outgrowth, thus playing an
important role in the ectopic implantation,
adhesion, and growth of endometrial cells
7. Therefore, downregulation of VEGF and
MMP-9 expression is particularly critical in
inhibiting angiogenesis and blocking sig-
naling in vascular endothelial cells. SU5416
is a small molecule VEGF receptor signal-
ing inhibitor, which can block VEGF recep-
tor autophosphorylation, inhibit receptor
tyrosine kinase signaling, and reduce VEGF
activity 8. It was found that SU5416 in a rat
pulmonary hypertension model reduced
pulmonary inflammatory response, inhibit-
ed intimal proliferation of small pulmonary
arteries, and promoted pulmonary vascular
remodeling 9. However, there are few reports
on the relevance of SU5416 on the develop-
ment of EMs and angiogenesis worldwide.
The objective of this study was to analyze
the effects of SU5416, a VEGF receptor
inhibitor, on angiogenesis and ERK-VEGF/
MMP-9 signaling pathway in EMs in rats.
Experimental animals
The experiment procedures conformed
to the relevant requirements of the Regula-
tions of the People’s Republic of China on the
Administration of Laboratory Animals; 30 fe-
male specific-pathogen-free (SPF) Sprague-
Dawley (SD) rats weighting 180-200 g were
purchased from (purchased from Beijing
Viton Lihua Laboratory Animal Technology
Co., Ltd; animal Use License), Animal Use Li-
cense No.: SYXK (Beijing) 2018-0015, Labo-
ratory Animal Production License No.: SCXK
(Beijing) 2018-0022. Rats were housed at a
temperature of (24±1) °C, relative humid-
ity of 50%, and noise<80 db. The researcher
changed the bedding, and cleaned and disin-
fected the rat cages regularly.
Drugs, reagents and instruments
VEGF receptor inhibitor SU5416
(Shanghai Hengfei Biotechnology Co., Ltd.,
China), Two-steps IHC detection kits for rat
tissues (Shanghai Qi Ming Biotechnology
Co., Ltd., China), Western blot electropho-
resis instrument (Bio-Rad Inc., USA), BCA
protein concentration assay kit (Beijing
Solaibao Technology Co. Ltd., China), He-
matoxylin Eosin Staining Kit (Wuhan PhD
Bioengineering Co., Ltd., China), angiopoi-
etin (Ang)-1, Ang-2, laminin-5γ2 (LN-5γ2),
phosphorylation of ERK (P-ERK), VEGF,
MMP-2, MMP-9, GAPDH antibodies (CST
Biotechnology Co., Ltd., USA), Horserad-
ish Peroxidase (HRP)-Labeled Goat Anti-
Rabbit Immunoglobulin (Ig) G (Solepow
Technology Co., Ltd., China), VEGF, MMP-
9, and GAPDH primers (synthesized by
Sangon Biotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.),
fluorescent quantitative PCR kit (Lot. No.
639519, Takara Bio Inc., Japan), Trizol kit
(Thermo Fisher Science, USA), RNA extrac-
tion kit (Nanjing Novozymes Biotechnology
Co., Ltd., China), reverse transcription kit
(Genecopoeia, Inc., USA), 5415D high-
speed centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany),
and CX21 optical microscope (Olympus,
Japan), Light Cycler 2.0 Real-time PCR in-
strument (Roche Equipment Ltd., Switzer-
land), -80 ultra-low temperature refriger-
ator (SANYO, Japan), enzyme immunoassay
analyzer (Shanghai Kunke Instruments Co.,
Ltd., China), surgical instruments (Beijing
Youcheng Jiaye Biotechnology Ltd., China),
VEGF, MMP-9, GAPDH primers (Shanghai
Bioengineering Co., Ltd., China), vernier
calipers (Shanghai YuYan Scientific Instru-
ments Co., Ltd., China), etc.
Role of SU5416 in angiogenesis in rat endometriosis 485
Vol. 64(4): 482 - 494, 2023
Model establishment and grouping
Thirty female SPF SD rats were random-
ly divided into sham operation group (SOG),
model group (MG), and SU5416 group
(n=10 for each group). In the SOG, only the
uterus was cut and sutured. The EMs mod-
els were established in the MG and SU5416
group by autologous transplantation, that
is, the rats were anesthetized by intraperi-
toneal injection of 10% chloral hydrate at a
dose of 300 mg/kg, and the rats were placed
in the supine position and fixed on the oper-
ating table, disinfected. A 2 cm incision was
made in the middle of the lower abdomen,
the uterus and endometrium were separat-
ed, and two 5mm × 5mm fragments were
taken from the left uterine horn, which were
quickly transplanted into the rat mesenteric
artery with abundant blood vessels. The ab-
dominal cavity was washed and sutured layer
by layer, and the postoperative anti-infec-
tion was performed for 3 days. The success
criteria for model establishment: the graft
was opened 14 d postoperatively, and the
volume of the graft was observed visually to
be increased, with a light red, round or oval
vesicle with internal fluid accumulation, and
the surface was covered with a large number
of blood vessels and closely adhered to the
surrounding tissues. The SU5416 group was
injected intraperitoneally with 15 mg/kg
SU5416 twice a week, and the sham opera-
tion and MGs were injected intraperitoneally
with equal volume of saline for 6 weeks. Ev-
ery procedure was approved by the Animal
Care and Use Committee of the First Affili-
ated Hospital of Fujian Medical University.
Morphology of normal and ectopic
endometrial tissue and volume of ectopic
lesions in rats
At 42 d after surgery, morphological
changes of endometrial tissue in rats were
observed under optical microscope; at 14 d
and 42 d after surgery, the width and length
of ectopic lesions were measured using ver-
nier calipers, and the volume of lesions was
calculated = length×width2×0.5.
Specimen collection
After 24h after the last administration,
3mL of tail vein blood was collected from
rats, left for 15min, centrifuged at 2000×g
for 15min, and the supernatant was stored
in an ultra-low temperature refrigerator at
-80. After anesthesia, the rats were exe-
cuted and dissected. In the MG and SU5416
group, ectopic endometrium was removed,
and in the SOG, normal endometrium was
removed. Each specimen was immediately
cut into three parts and rinsed with saline,
and 1g of tissue was cut off and stored in an
ultra-low temperature refrigerator at -80,
which were used for real-time quantitative
PCR and western blot assay. The remaining
endometrium tissue was fixed with 4% para-
formaldehyde, dehydrated in gradient alco-
hol, transparent in xylene, embedded in par-
affin, and routinely pathologically sectioned.
Immunohistochemical staining method
CD31 is a platelet endothelial cell ad-
hesion molecule expressed at the tight
junctions between endothelial cells, which
regulates the process of angiogenesis and
reflects the microvessel density (MVD), and
can therefore be used as a marker for the
measurement of microangiogenesis. In this
study, the number of CD31 positive cells in
endometrial tissues was mainly detected by
immunohistochemical detection. Paraffin
sections were dewaxed, soaked in alcohol
from high to low gradient, rinsed with dis-
tilled water, incubated with 0.3% H2O2 for 30
min, blocked with 5% serum for 2 h, incubat-
ed with CD31 primary antibody at 4 over-
night, rinsed with TBST, immunohistochem-
ical staining, rinsed with distilled water,
dehydrated in gradient alcohol, transparent
in xylene, and sealed. The staining was ob-
served using light microscopy, and any five
fields of view of each section were photo-
graphed. The number of CD31 positive cells
and the total number of cells were counted,
486 Zhao et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(4): 2023
and the proportion of CD31 positive cells
was calculated. Proportion of CD31 positive
cells = number of CD31 positive cells/total
number of cells × 100%.
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
The spare serum was taken, and the
levels of serum VEGF, MMP-9, interleukin
(IL)-1, IL-2, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor
(TNF)-α were determined according to the
instructions of the ELISA kit. Blank wells
(no sample and enzyme reagents were added
to the blank control wells, the rest of the
procedure was the same), standard wells and
test sample wells were set respectively. Stan-
dard (50 μL) was accurately added on the
ELISA coated plate. Sample diluent (40 μL)
was added to the test sample wells, and then
10 μL of test sample was added (the final
sample dilution was five times). The sample
was added to the bottom of the well of ELISA
plate without touching the wall of the well,
and was gently shaken and mixed. After seal-
ing the plate with sealing film, the sample
was incubated at 37 °C for 30 min. The 30
times concentrated washing solution was di-
luted with 30 times distilled water for fur-
ther use. After carefully removing the seal-
ing film, the solution was discarded, and the
sample was shaken dry. Each well was filled
with washing solution, and after leaving for
30 s, the solution was discarded, repeating
this for 5 times and patting dry. Enzyme re-
agent (50 μL) was added to each well, except
blank wells. The plate was the sealed with
sealing film, and the sample was incubated
at 37°C for 30 min. After washing the plate
as the above method, Chromogen solution
A (50 μL) was added to each well first, and
then Chromogen solution B (50 μL) was add-
ed to each well, and the mixture was gently
shaken and mixed for chromogenic reaction
at 37 °C for 15 min. The stop solution (50
μL) was added to each well to stop the re-
action (at this time, the blue immediately
turned to the yellow). The blank well was set
to zero, and the optical density (OD) of each
well at 450 nm wavelength was measured.
Quantitative real-time fluorescence
Spare uterine tissue was taken and to-
tal RNA from uterine tisuue extracted ac-
cording to the instructions of Trizol kit and
total RNA extraction kit, and use reverse
transcription kit to reverse-transcribe the
total RNA into cDNA. Using the reverse tran-
scribed cDNA as a template, the expression
of VEGF and MMP-9 was detected by Real-
time PCR instrument. The total reaction vol-
ume was 20 μL, GAPDH was used as the in-
ternal reference, and the relative expression
of genes in each group was calculated by the
2-ΔΔCt method.
Western blot
The spare remaining uterine tissue was
taken, followed by the BCA method for pro-
tein quantification, 12% SDS-polypropylene gel
electrophoresis, wet transfer to PVDF mem-
brane, treatment with a closure solution for
two h at room temperature in a shaker, pri-
mary antibody (1:500 dilution) (Ang-1, Ang-2,
was added, incubated overnight at 4 °C, and the
membrane was washed three times with TBST
for 15 minutes each time. HRP-labeled Goat
Anti-Rabbit IgG secondary antibody (1:2000
dilution) was added, incubated for two hours
at room temperature, and the membrane was
washed three times with TBST for 15 minutes
each time. Enhanced chemiluminescence
(ECL) reagents were used to develope the
color and quantitative analysis was performed
using Image J software. GAPDH (1:1000 dilu-
tion) was used as the internal reference, and
the ratio result indicated the relative concen-
tration of the target protein.
Statistical analysis
Statistical Package for the Social Sci-
ences (SPSS) 24.0 statistical analysis soft-
ware was used, and the measurement data
conforming to normal distribution were ex-
Role of SU5416 in angiogenesis in rat endometriosis 487
Vol. 64(4): 482 - 494, 2023
pressed as
sx ±
and compared using one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) while least
significant difference (LSD)-t test was used
for two-way comparison, p<0.05 was consid-
ered statistically significant difference.
Volume of ectopic lesions
The volume of ectopic lesions in the MG
and SU5416 group at 42 days after operation
was higher than that at 14 days after opera-
tion (p<0.05), but there was no significant
difference in the volume of ectopic lesions
between the MG and SU5416 group at 14
days after operation (p>0.05); the volume
of ectopic lesions in the SU5416 group was
lower than that in the MG at 42 days after
operation (p<0.05), indicating that SU5416
could effectively inhibit the increase in the
volume of ectopic lesions in rats (Fig. 1).
Morphological changes of normal and
ectopic endothelial tissues in rats under
light microscopy
Since the rats in the sham-operation
group did not develop EMs and there was no
presence of ectopic endometrial tissue, the
comparison was made between normal endo-
metrial tissue and ectopic endometrial tissue
from the other groups. At 42 days after opera-
tion, the normal endometrial epithelial cells
and glandular epithelium of the rats in the
sham-operation group were arranged in a co-
lumnar shape with a complete structure, and
the glands, blood vessels and interstitial cells
of the lamina propria were neatly arranged
and structurally complete. The ectopic en-
dometrial epithelial cells and the glandular
epithelium of the rats in the MG were high
columnar; the endometrial structure was cir-
cular sawtooth closed, the numbers of lamina
propria glands, stromal cells and blood vessels
were large, and the nucleus oval was deeply
stained. The ectopic endometrial epithelial
cells of the SU5416 group showed atrophic
changes, the structure of some epithelial
cells is incomplete, the lamina propria gland
epithelial cells are incomplete, the mesen-
chymal cells become smaller, the number of
blood vessels is reduced and the arrangement
is disordered (Fig. 2).
CD31-positive cell expression
in endometrial tissue
Since the rats in the sham-operation
group did not develop EMs and there was no
presence of ectopic endometrial tissue, the
comparison was made between normal endo-
metrial tissue and ectopic endometrial tissue
from the other groups. The staining of CD31
positive cells and the proportion of positive
cells were detected by immunohistochemi-
cal method, which could show the changes
of MVD of endometrium. The proportion of
MVD of ectopic endometrial tissue (that is,
CD31-positive cell expression) in the MG
and SU5416 group was higher than that of
normal endometrial tissues in the SOG (p <
0.05); The proportion of CD31-positive cell
Fig. 1. Comparison of ectopic lesion volume in
each group.
Shows that there was no significant difference
in the volume of ectopic lesions between the model
group and SU5416 group at 14 days after operation,
while the volume of ectopic lesions in the SU5416
group was lower than that in the model group at
42 days after operation. Note: MG: model group;
SG: SU5416 group. Compared within the group at
14 days after operation, &&&p<0.001; compared
with the model group at 42 days after operation,
488 Zhao et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(4): 2023
expression of ectopic endometrial tissues
was lower in the SU5416 group than in the
MG (p<0.05), which showed that SU5416
could effectively reduce the MVD of endome-
trial tissue in rats (Fig. 3).
Endometrial angiogenesis-related protein
Ang-1, Ang-2, and LN-5γ2 protein ex-
pression of ectopic endometrial tissues in
the MG and SU5416 group were higher than
those of normal endometrial tissues in the
SOG (p<0.05); Ang-1, Ang-2, and LN-5γ2
protein expression in ectopic endometrial
tissues of the SU5416 group were lower than
that of the MG (p<0.05), indicating that
SU5416 could effectively inhibit endometri-
al angiogenesis-related protein expression in
rats (Fig. 4).
The serum VEGF and MMP-9 levels
and the expression of VEGF messenger RNA
(mRNA) and MMP-9 mRNA in ectopic endo-
metrial tissues of the MG and SU5416 group
were higher than those of normal endome-
trial tissues in SOG (p<0.05); The serum
VEGF and MMP-9 levels and the expression of
VEGF mRNA and MMP-9 mRNA in ectopic en-
dometrial tissues of the SU5416 group were
lower than those of the MG (p<0.05), which
showed that SU5416 could effectively inhibit
the serum expression of VEGF and MMP-9
and endometrial tissues of rats (Fig. 5).
ERK-VEGF/MMP-9 pathway-related
protein expression
The protein expression of P-ERK, VEGF,
MMP-2 and MMP-9 of ectopic endometrial
tissues in the MG and SU5416 group were
higher than those of normal endometrial tis-
sues in the SOG (p<0.05); The protein ex-
pression of P-ERK, VEGF, MMP-2 and MMP-9
in ectopic endometrial tissues of the SU5416
group were lower than that of the MG (p<
0.05). It is evident that SU5416 can effec-
tively inhibit the activation of ERK-VEGF/
MMP-9 pathway in rats (Fig. 6).
Inflammatory factors
The levels of serum IL-1, IL-2, IL-6 and
TNF-α were higher in the MG and SU5416
group than in the SOG (p<0.05); The lev-
els of serum IL-1, IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α were
Fig. 2. Morphological changes of normal and ectopic endometrial tissues of rats under light microscopy (200×).
Shows that there was no endometriosis lesion in the sham-operation group, so the comparison was
made between normal endometrial tissue and ectopic endometrial tissue from the other groups. At 42
days after operation, the normal endometrial epithelial cells and glandular epithelium of the rats in the
sham-operation group were arranged in a columnar shape with a complete structure. The ectopic endo-
metrial epithelial cells and the glandular epithelium of the rats in the model group were high columnar;
the endometrial structure was circular sawtooth closed, the numbers of lamina propria glands, stromal
cells and blood vessels were large, and the nucleus oval was deeply stained. The ectopic endometrial
epithelial cells of the SU5416 group showed atrophic changes.
Role of SU5416 in angiogenesis in rat endometriosis 489
Vol. 64(4): 482 - 494, 2023
Fig. 3. Comparison of CD31-positive cell expression in endometrial tissues of rats in each group.
Shows that there was no endometriosis lesion in the sham-operation group, so the comparison was
made between normal endometrial tissue and ectopic endometrial tissue from the other groups. (A)
Staining of CD31-positive cells detected by immunohistochemistry (200×); (B) proportion of CD31-
positive cell expression. Note: Compared with the sham operation group, ***p<0.001; Compared with
the model group, ###p<0.001. Proportion of CD31-positive cell expression = number of CD31 positive
cells/total number of cells × 100%.
Fig. 4. Comparison of endometrial an-
giogenesis-related protein ex-
Shows that (B) Ang-1, (C) Ang-
2, and (D) LN-5γ2 protein expressions
in endometrial tissues of the SU5416
group were lower than those of the
model group. Note: Ang-1: angiopoi-
etin-1; Ang-2: angiopoietin-2; LN-
5γ2: laminin-5γ2. Compared with the
sham operation group, ***p<0.001;
Compared with the model group,
490 Zhao et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(4): 2023
Fig. 5. Comparison of VEGF and
MMP-9 expression in rats in
each group.
Shows that the protein ex-
pression levels of serum (A) VEGF
and (B) MMP-9 and the mRNA ex-
pression levels of (C) VEGF and
(D) MMP-9 in endometrial tissue
of the SU5416 group were lower
than those of the model group.
Note: VEGF: vascular endothe-
lial growth factor; MMP-9: matrix
metalloproteinase-9. Compared
with the sham operation group,
***p<0.001; Compared with the
model group, ###p<0.001.
Fig. 6. Comparison of ERK-VE-
GF/MMP-9 pathway-rela-
ted protein expression.
Shows that the expres-
sion levels of (B) P-ERK, (C)
VEGF, (D) MMP-2, and (E)
MMP-9 proteins in the endo-
metrial tissue of the SU5416
group were lower than those of
the model group. Note: P-ERK:
phosphorylation of ERK; VEGF:
vascular endothelial growth
factor; MMP-2: matrix meta-
lloproteinase-2; MMP-9: matrix
metalloproteinase-9. Compa-
red with the sham operation
group, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001;
Compared with the model
group, ###p<0.001.
Role of SU5416 in angiogenesis in rat endometriosis 491
Vol. 64(4): 482 - 494, 2023
lower in the SU5416 group than in the MG
(p<0.05), which showed that SU5416 could
effectively reduce the inflammatory response
in rats (Fig. 7).
The etiology and mechanism of EMs
are complex and diverse. The implantation
theory of reverse flow of menstrual blood
proposed by Sampson in 1921 is the most
supported, that is, the exfoliated endome-
trial fragments flow back into the pelvic and
abdominal cavity with the menstrual blood,
and are implanted in the ovary and adjacent
pelvic and abdominal cavity, causing a local
inflammatory response in the peritoneum,
leading to the establishment of a local mi-
croenvironment and angiogenesis, thereby
providing a continuous angiogenesis stimu-
lus for vascular remodeling 10-13. However,
either theory involves neovascularization
and degradation and reconstruction of the
extracellular matrix. The reason for the ini-
tiation of pathological angiogenesis lies in
the unbalanced regulation of vascular inhib-
itory factors and promoting factors, among
which the increase of pro-angiogenic factors
such as VEGF and matrix metalloproteinase
(MMP) is the main cause 14. Therefore, anti-
angiogenesis is of great importance in the
prevention and treatment of EMs. SU5416
is a lipid-soluble small molecule VEGF re-
ceptor signal transduction inhibitor, which
can block the interaction between VEGF
and its receptor and inhibit angiogenesis 15.
However, there are no reports on the effect
of SU5416 in EMs. In this experiment, an
EMs model was established by autologous
transplantation. The results showed that
compared with the MG, the volume of ecto-
pic lesions, the proportion of CD31 positive
cells and the level of serum inflammatory
factors in the SU5416 group were reduced
Fig. 7. Comparison of serum inflam-
matory factor levels in rats
of each group.
Shows that the expression
levels of (A) IL-1, (B) IL-2, (C)
IL-6 and (D) TNF-α in endometrial
tissue of the SU5416 group were
lower than those of the model
group. Note: IL-1: interleukin-1;
IL-2: interleukin-2; IL-6: inter-
leukin-6; TNF-α: tumor necrosis
factor-α. Compared with the sham
operation group, ***p<0.001;
Compared with the model group,
492 Zhao et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(4): 2023
at 42 days after operation. Membrane epi-
thelial cells showed atrophic changes, mes-
enchymal cells became smaller, and the
number of blood vessels decreased. It can
be seen that SU5416 can reduce the volume
of ectopic lesions and prevent the inflam-
matory response by inhibiting cell prolifera-
tion and angiogenesis.
The ERK signaling pathway is one of the
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)
pathways. Activated ERK can activate down-
stream targets such as the 90kD ribosomal
S6 protein kinase family (RSKs), and promote
the translocation of RSK1/2 and pERK1/
pERK2 into the nucleus, activate early and
immediate gene transcription, thereby regu-
lating cell survival, apoptosis, proliferation,
metabolism, transcription and other biologi-
cal behaviors 16,17. VEGF is one of the endo-
thelial cell-specific vascular-derived proteins,
which can promote fibrinogen exudation,
increase trophoblast, endometrial and meco-
nium permeability, promote endothelial cell
proliferation and subperitoneal vascular net-
work formation, thus inducing lesion growth
and endothelial implantation; Moreover,
VEGF can bind to relevant receptors on en-
dothelial cells and initiate paracrine mecha-
nisms via signaling pathways, which play an
important role in endothelial implantation
and placenta formation 18,19. MMP-9 can de-
grade the main components of extracellular
matrix such as collagen type IV, collagen V,
and gelatin, destroy the integrity of the base-
ment membrane, and promote the formation
of new blood vessels and the sprouting of
vascular endothelial cells 20. Meanwhile, the
degraded extracellular matrix protein frag-
ments could regulate apoptosis, migration,
and invasion of epithelial cells, leading to
invasion into other parts of the eutopic en-
dometrium 21. Chen 22 et al. found that the
ERK-VEGF/MMP-9 signaling pathway is close-
ly related to angiogenesis, and down-regulat-
ing the expression of this signaling pathway
can inhibit cell proliferation, invasion and
angiogenesis. Guo 23 et al. found that inhibi-
tion of extracellular ERK activation down-
regulated MMP-9 and VEGF expression and
signaling, thereby slowing down the rate of
vascular invasion and growth. Yilmaz 24 et al.
found increased expression of P-ERK, VEGF,
and MMP-9 proteins in rats with EMs, while
blocking cytokine binding to surface recep-
tors and intercellular signaling pathways
could control abnormal endometrial prolif-
eration and angiogenesis. The results of this
study revealed that the expression of P-ERK,
VEGF, MMP-2, and MMP-9 proteins in the en-
dometrial tissues of the MG was higher than
that of the SOG, which was consistent with
the above findings and again confirmed that
the activation of ERK-VEGF/MMP-9 signaling
pathway might be related to the development
of EMs. The expression of P-ERK, VEGF, MMP-
2, MMP-9 and Ang-1, Ang-2, LN-5γ2 proteins
were reduced in the endometrial tissues of
rats after SU5416 treatment, which showed
that the VEGF receptor inhibitor SU5416
could reduce the synthesis and secretion of
extracellular signal-regulated kinases and
inhibit the activation of ERK-VEGF/MMP-9
signaling pathway in ectopic endometrial tis-
sues, thus preventing angiogenesis and the
growth, implantation and adhesion of abnor-
mal proliferating cells in the pelvic and ab-
dominal peritoneum.
In summary, the VEGF receptor in-
hibitor SU5416 inhibited angiogenesis
and reduced inflammatory response in
rat EMs, and its mechanism of action may
be related to the downregulation of ERK-
VEGF/MMP-9 pathway expression. This ex-
periment confirmed the effects of SU5416
on angiogenesis, signaling pathway and
inflammatory response in rats with EMs,
providing new ideas for the clinical treat-
ment and the development of new drugs.
However, further in vivo experiments are
needed to verify the therapeutic effects
and specific mechanism of action of the
VEGF receptor inhibitor.
Role of SU5416 in angiogenesis in rat endometriosis 493
Vol. 64(4): 482 - 494, 2023
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts to declare.
Authors ORCID’number
Danyang Zhao: 0000-0002-0668-9000
Qiufang Bao: 0009-0008-1944-7431
Lihong Chen: 0000-0003-2514-2913
Lie Zheng: 0000-0002-9457-9003
Authors Contribution
Each author has made an important
scientific contribution to the study and has
assisted with the drafting or revising of the
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