370 Bicer et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
the factors underlying bladder I/R damage
are reactive oxygen species (ROSs)
. It has
been reported that I/R procedure-induced
increase in ROSs production in the blad-
der leads to accelerated lipid peroxidation
. In addition, there are also studies
linking bladder I/R damage with an increase
in proinflammatory cytokines
. In particu-
lar, proinflammatory cytokines such as inter-
leukin one beta (IL-1β) and interleukin six
(IL-6) are thought to be the main factors in
the pathogenesis of bladder I/R damage
This information obtained from the litera-
ture suggests that IL-1β and IL-6 cytokine
antagonists with antioxidant effects may be
helpful in the treatment of bladder I/R.
Anakinra, which we will investigate its
effect against bladder I/R damage in our
study, is a recombinant antagonist of the
IL-1β receptor
. Anakinra is known as an
anti-inflammatory agent
. Since it blocks
both IL-1α and IL-1β receptors, it is used
in treating various inflammatory diseases
. Anakinra has been shown to protect tes-
ticular tissue from I/R damage by inhibit-
ing the increased production of IL-1β and
malondialdehyde (MDA), a toxic product of
. In addition, it has been reported that
anakinra protects ovarian tissue from oxida-
tive and inflammatory damage of I/R
Tocilizumab, which we plan to investi-
gate its effect against bladder I/R damage,
is a monoclonal antibody drug that is an
IL-6 receptor antagonist
. Tocilizumab has
been approved for the pediatric treatment of
rheumatoid arthritis and polyarticular and
systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
. Er-
dem KTO et al. reported that tocilizumab
protects kidney tissue from inflammatory
and oxidative damage of I/R by inhibiting
the increase of IL-6 and other cytokines
All this information obtained from the liter-
ature shows that anakinra and tocilizumab
may be effective in treating bladder I/R dam-
age. In particular, it suggests that the com-
bination of anakinra and tocilizumab (ATC)
may be more effective in the treatment of
bladder I/R damage. There was no infor-
mation in the literature investigating the
effects of anakinra, tocilizumab, and ATC
against bladder I/R damage. Therefore, our
study aims to investigate whether anakinra,
tocilizumab, and ATC have a protective effect
against I/R-induced oxidative and inflamma-
tory bladder damage in rats, and evaluate by
comparing both compounds.
A total of 30 albino Wistar-type male rats
weighing between 270-290 g were utilized in
the experiment. Erzincan Binali Yildirim Uni-
versity Experimental Animals Application and
Research Center provided all animals. The an-
imals were fed with animal food in groups at
average room temperature (22°C) and hosted
in 12 hours of light, and 12 hours of darkness
environment, under appropriate conditions
before the experiment. The experiments were
conducted following the Turkey Regulation
of Animal Research Ethics. In addition, this
study was carried out under the principles
of the Declaration of Helsinki. The protocols
and procedures were approved by the local
Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee
of Erzincan Binali Yildirim University (Meet-
ing Date: 26.01.2023; Meeting No: 2023/01;
Decision No: 01).
A Pfizer Turkey representative provid-
ed ketamine used in this experiment while
anakinra was obtained from Sobi-Sweden,
and a Roche Mustahzarları Turkey represen-
tative provided tocilizumab (80 mg/4 mL
concentrated solution for infusion).
Experimental Groups
Animals were divided into five groups:
sham-operation applied group (SG);
bladder only I/R applied group (IRG);
anakinra+bladder I/R applied group (AIR);
tocilizumab+bladder I/R applied group
(TIR); and ATC+bladder I/R applied group