Invest Clin 64(3): 317 - 328, 2023
Corresponding author: Xueniu Yang. NHC Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Reproductive Health (Chongqing
Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Reproductive Health, Chongqing Population and Family Planning Science and
Technology Research Institute), Chongqing, China. Email:
Clinical value of four-dimensional
hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography
assisted by intrauterine pressure
measurement for tubal patency evaluation.
Chunhong Lin
, Jianyong Chen
, Xianguo Li
, Linlin Wang
, Fengqin Yan
Ye Chang
, and Xueniu Yang
Third Department of Ultrasound, Hengshui People’s Hospital, Hengshui, Hebei
Province, China.
Department of Medical Medicine, Hubei College of Chinese Medicine, Jingzhou,
Hubei Province.
Medical Department, The Fifth People’s Hospital of Hengshui, Hengshui, Hebei
Province, China.
First Department of Ultrasound, Hengshui People’s Hospital, Hengshui, Hebei
Province, China.
NHC Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Reproductive Health. Chongqing Population
and Family Planning Science and Technology Research Institute, Chongqing, China.
Keywords: tubal patency; 4D hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography; intrauterine
Abstract. We aimed to explore the clinical value of four-dimensional hys-
terosalpingo-contrast sonography (4D-HyCoSy) assisted by intrauterine pres-
sure measurement for evaluating tubal patency. One hundred and thirty-two
patients diagnosed with tubal factor infertility from February 2018 to February
2021 were selected as subjects. With hysterosalpingography diagnosis results as
the gold standard, 4D-HyCoSy was conducted for all patients, and the status of
the fallopian tubes was classified into patency, occlusion, and partial occlusion.
Based on the function of fallopian tubes, 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis results revealed
that fallopian tubes showed bilateral patency, incomplete patency (including
bilateral partial occlusion, unilateral patency, and unilateral partial occlusion,
unilateral patency and unilateral occlusion), unilateral partial occlusion and
unilateral occlusion, and bilateral occlusion. The cutoff value of peak intra-
uterine pressure was determined using the receiver operating characteristic
curve (ROC), specificity, and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) between
4D-HyCoSy alone and 4D-HyCoSy assisted by intrauterine pressure measure-
ments. There were significant differences in the peak intrauterine pressure
among patients with bilateral patency, incomplete patency, unilateral partial
318 Lin et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
Valor clínico de la histerosalpingo-sonografía 4D por contraste,
asistida por medición de la presión intrauterina, para evaluar
la permeabilidad tubárica.
Invest Clin 2023; 64 (3): 317 – 328
Palabras clave: permeabilidad tubárica; ecografía con contraste de histerosalpingo
en cuatro dimensiones; presión intrauterina.
Resumen. Nuestro objetivo fue explorar el valor clínico de la histerosalpin-
go-sonografía con contraste en cuatro dimensiones (4D-HyCoSy) asistida por
la medición de la presión intrauterina para evaluar la permeabilidad tubárica.
Se seleccionaron como sujetos un total de 132 pacientes diagnosticadas como
infertilidad por factor tubárico desde febrero de 2018 hasta febrero de 2021.
Con los resultados del diagnóstico de histerosalpingografía como estándar de
oro, se realizó 4D-HyCoSy para todas las pacientes y el estado de las trompas
de Falopio se clasificó como permeable, ocluída y parcialmente ocluída. Según
la función de las trompas de Falopio, los resultados del diagnóstico 4D-HyCoSy
revelaron que las trompas de Falopio mostraban permeabilidad bilateral, per-
meabilidad incompleta (incluida oclusión parcial bilateral, permeabilidad uni-
lateral y oclusión parcial unilateral, permeabilidad unilateral y oclusión uni-
lateral), oclusión parcial unilateral y oclusión unilateral, y oclusión bilateral.
El valor de corte de la presión intrauterina máxima se determinó utilizando
la curva característica operativa del receptor (ROC), la especificidad y el área
bajo la curva ROC (AUC) entre 4D-HyCoSy sola y 4D-HyCoSy asistida por la
medición de la presión intrauterina. Hubo diferencias significativas en la pre-
sión intrauterina máxima entre pacientes con permeabilidad bilateral, permea-
bilidad incompleta, oclusión parcial unilateral y oclusión unilateral y oclusión
bilateral (p<0,05). Los valores de corte correspondientes de la presión intra-
uterina máxima fueron 24,42, 36,34 y 47,68 kPa, y los valores de AUC fueron
0,812, 0,836 y 0,827, respectivamente. El modelo FSM mostró que el AUC
de 4D-HyCoSy asistida por la presión intrauterina máxima fue de 0,85, con
una sensibilidad más alta (88,13%) que la de 4D-HyCoSy (p<0,05). 4D-HyCoSy
asistido por la medición de la presión intrauterina tiene un valor diagnóstico
significativo en la evaluación de la permeabilidad tubárica.
Received: 24-06-2022 Accepted: 14-01-2023
occlusion, and unilateral and bilateral occlusions (p<0.05). The corresponding
cutoff values of peak intrauterine pressure were 24.42, 36.34, and 47.68 kPa;
AUC values were 0.812, 0.836, and 0.827, respectively. The FSM model showed
that the AUC of 4D-HyCoSy alone, assisted by peak intrauterine pressure was
0.85, with a higher sensitivity (88.13%) than that of 4D-HyCoSy (p<0.05). 4D-
HyCoSy, assisted by intrauterine pressure measurement, has an excellent value
for evaluating tubal patency.
Evaluation of tubal patency 319
Vol. 64(3): 317 - 328, 2023
Infertility is a health concern worldwi-
de. Among the total cases of female infertili-
ty, 54.7% of patients suffer from tubal factor
infertility, and the cases show a year-by-year
uptrend due to increased reproductive in-
fections, sexually transmitted diseases, and
. Therefore, effective diag-
nostic measures are essential for accurately
evaluating the tubal patency of patients.
Transvaginal hysterosalpingo-contrast so-
nography (TV HyCoSy) is a primary nonin-
vasive method to assess the tubal patency
of infertile patients. As technologies cons-
tantly progress, four-dimensional HyCoSy
(4D-HyCoSy) has been widely applied in
clinical diagnosis. Patients can still under-
go missed diagnosis by this method despite
of its advantages such as simple operation,
low cost, and low risk
. In recent years, in-
trauterine pressure measurement is a new
auxiliary means to examine fallopian tube
pressure. It can be applied in combination
with 4D-HyCoSy to examine the intrauterine
pressure at a constant speed, improving the
accuracy of the clinical diagnosis and ensu-
ring the safety of patients
. In this study,
the clinical data of 132 patients with tubal
infertility were analyzed, and the diagnostic
value of 4D-HyCoSy assisted by intrauterine
pressure measurement was assessed for tu-
bal patency.
General data
One hundred and thirty-two outpatient
infertile patients treated in our hospital’s De-
partment of Obstetrics and Gynecology from
February 2018 to February 2021 were selec-
ted. They were 23-42 years old (28.69±4.32)
and examined at 3-7 d after menstruation,
including 42 primary and 90 secondary in-
fertile patients. This study was approved by
the Ethics Committee of our hospital and
performed following the Declaration of Hel-
sinki. All the patients included in this study
and their families were informed of this stu-
dy and signed an informed consent.
Inclusion criteria
1) Patients with no pregnancy for more
than one year, 2) those whose husbands had
a normal reproductive function, and those
who had sexual harmony with their husband
and took no contraceptive measures, 3) tho-
se with indications confirmed by HyCoSy, 4)
those suspected of primary or secondary tu-
bal infertility, 5) those with negative hystero-
salpingography (HSG) results, and 6) those
whose family members signed the informed
consent after communication.
Exclusion criteria
1) Patients with serious gynecological
diseases (vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory di-
sease, adnexitis, etc.), 2) those complicated
with malignant tumors, 3) those with ovu-
lation failure caused by congenital malfor-
mations or other genetic factors, 4) those
with heart, liver or kidney dysfunction, 5)
those who were pregnant or suspected of
pregnancy, 6) those who suffered from abor-
tion within six months, 7) those who were
allergic to contrast media, or 8) those with
hysteromyoma >5 cm.
Diagnosis methods
HSG is a safe method with high accu-
racy for checking tubal patency. This study
applied HSG diagnosis results as the gold
standard and compared them to 4D-HyCoSy
diagnosis results, and statistical analysis was
carried out.
Apparatus and reagents
In this study, a Philips EPIQ5 color
Doppler ultrasound diagnostic machine
(Philips, Netherlands) was adopted for 4D-
HyCoSy with a probe frequency of 5-9 MHz
under low image quality; the volume angle
of 100-120°, the volume frame angle of 179°,
direction (Up/Down), the frame frequency
of 0.6 and low threshold (20, adjusted accor-
ding to different images). The contrast agent
320 Lin et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
used was SonoVue (59 mg/tube, NMPN:
J20080052, Bracco, Italy). The antispasmo-
dic and anti-inflammatory agents [gentami-
cin (80,000 units) + dexamethasone (2.5
mg) + atropine (0.25 mg) + lidocaine (50
mg)] were added into 20 mL of 0.9% normal
saline, and mixed evenly to prepare a suspen-
sion. Later, 59 mg SonoVue was added into
5 mL of injectable normal saline and mixed
evenly to form a microbubble suspension,
which was diluted with 5 mL of normal saline
before injection.
4D-HyCoSy diagnosis
1) Thirty min before diagnosis, atro-
pine was injected. 2) Upon bladder filling,
the patients were placed in the bladder
lithotomy position. Then the shape of the
patient’s uterus and ovary, relative cross-
section position, and pelvic cavity effusion
were observed. Next, the injection pressure
for bilateral ovaries was slightly increased,
and the ovarian activity was evaluated. 3)
Perineum and vagina were disinfected using
complex iodine; a double-cavity Foley cathe-
ter was placed into the uterine cavity under
the guidance of the abdominal probe, and
1.5-2 mL of normal saline was injected into
the balloon using a syringe. 4) After the size
and position of the balloon were adjusted,
5 mL of normal saline was slowly injected
through the Foley catheter and then pum-
ped back. After that, the tubal patency was
preliminarily evaluated according to the re-
sistance and the amount of liquid pumped
back. 5) The probe was continuously adjus-
ted to turn on the four-dimensional mode,
and the contrast agent was injected slowly.
Next, the solvent data were recorded in real-
time following the optimization of the sam-
pling frame, and the data of liquid pumped
back were recorded. Afterward, the speed
and pressure of the injection were adjusted
at any time based on patients’ adverse reac-
tions. 6) The Foley catheter was removed,
and the uterine cavity was observed under
the radiography mode.
HSG diagnosis
The patients were placed in the supi-
ne bladder lithotomy position, and the first
slice was taken. A vaginal speculum was put
after disinfection. Then the cervical side wall
was fixed with cervical forceps, the second
slice was taken after contrast agent iohexol
was slowly added, and the shape of the ute-
rus was observed. Subsequently, the angle
was adjusted for photography of the third
slice, after which the development of fallo-
pian tubes and uteri were observed. If the
development effect was unsatisfactory, the
medicine could be increased appropriately.
HSG diagnostic criteria were displa-
yed below: 1) Patency: the fallopian tubes
on both sides were completely developed,
showing a natural shape. The contrast agent
overflew normally at the umbrella end and
diffused in the pelvic cavity. There was al-
most no contrast agent left in the fallopian
tubes. 2) Partial occlusion: fallopian tubes
had poor morphology, and a small amount
of contrast agent was left. 3) Occlusion: the
contrast agent gathered in the occlusion
site and did not enter the pelvic cavity.
Combined diagnosis
The receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) curve was plotted to calculate the
cutoff value of intrauterine pressure measu-
rement, and the sensitivity, specificity, and
area under ROC curve (AUC) of 4D-HyCoSy
and combined diagnosis were determined
based on 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis results, which
coincided with the peak intrauterine pressu-
re interval, with HSG diagnosis results as the
gold standard.
Diagnostic criteria of 4D-HyCoSy
1) Patency: there was no resistance
when the contrast agent was injected, the fa-
llopian tubes ran smoothly and softly, and a
large amount of contrast agent overflew from
the umbrella end and diffused in the pelvic
cavity. 2) Partial occlusion: there was positi-
ve resistance during the injection of contrast
Evaluation of tubal patency 321
Vol. 64(3): 317 - 328, 2023
agent, fallopian tubes were stiff and twisted,
the thickness of the lumen was uneven, and
a small amount of contrast agent overflew
from the umbrella end. 3) Occlusion: during
the injection of the contrast agent, there
was significant resistance, no development
in the whole or distal end of fallopian tubes,
and no diffusion of the contrast agent in the
pelvic cavity.
Observation of adverse reactions
Adverse reactions included adverse
drug reactions, which were determined ac-
cording to SonoVue instructions, and ad-
verse non-drug reactions, such as pain, pale
complexion, dizziness, profuse sweating,
hypotension, arrhythmia, nausea, vomiting,
and fainting.
Statistical analysis
The IBM® SPSS23.0 software was uti-
lized for statistical analysis. Measurement
data were expressed as mean ± standard
deviation (
sx ±
) and compared between
groups using the t-test. Numerical data were
expressed as percentages (%) and compared
between groups via the c
test. Dichotomous
logistic regression analysis was conducted
to analyze diagnostic factors, and the finite
state machine (FSM) diagnostic model was
established and verified using the ROC cur-
ve. p<0.05 represented a statistically signi-
ficant difference.
Detection results of tubal patency by
All 132 patients completed the 4D-
HyCoSy examination, and their images were
clear. Among 264 fallopian tubes, 145 were
open, 42 were occluded entirely, and 77 were
partially occluded. Among them, there were
53 cases of bilateral patency (106 fa-
llopian tubes),
13 cases of bilateral occlusion (26 fa-
llopian tubes),
20 cases of bilateral partial occlusion
(40 fallopian tubes),
Nine cases of unilateral patency and
unilateral occlusion (9/9 fallopian tu-
30 cases of unilateral patency and
unilateral partial occlusion (30/30 fa-
llopian tubes), and
Seven cases of unilateral occlusion
and unilateral partial occlusion (7/7 fa-
llopian tubes).
Besides, there were nine cases of arcua-
te uterus, five incomplete mediastinal ute-
rus cases, three intrauterine adhesions, and
two intrauterine polyps (Fig. 1).
4D-HyCoSy and HSG diagnosis results
Within two weeks after the 4D-HyCoSy
diagnosis, 132 patients underwent HSG diag-
nosis. The results showed that among 264
fallopian tubes, 132 were open, 55 were oc-
cluded entirely, and 77 were partially occlu-
ded. In the 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis, the paten-
cy of 212 fallopian tubes conformed to the
HSG examination results, with a diagnostic
coincidence rate of 86.18% (212/264). With
HSG diagnosis results as the gold standard,
the diagnostic coincidence rate of tubal pa-
tency was the highest [84.83% (123/145)],
and that of tubal occlusion and partial oc-
clusion was 80.95% (34/42) and 76.62%
(59/77), respectively (Table 1).
Bilateral patency was defined as open
fallopian tubes on both sides. Incomplete pa-
tency included partially occluded fallopian
tubes on both sides, an open fallopian tube
on one side, a partially occluded fallopian
tube on the other, an open fallopian tube,
and an occluded fallopian tube on the other.
Unilateral partial occlusion and unilateral
occlusion referred to a partially occluded
fallopian tube on one side and an occluded
fallopian tube on the other side. Bilateral
occlusion was defined as occluded fallopian
tubes on both sides. The diagnostic coinci-
dence rate of the 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis in
322 Lin et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
132 patients was 87.12% (115/132), with
HSG diagnosis results as the gold standard
(Table 2).
Intrauterine pressure measurement
Seventy out of 132 patients underwent
intrauterine pressure measurement
through the connection with a pressure
measurement device before the 4D-HyCoSy
diagnosis, and their intrauterine pressure
results were obtained. Pairwise compari-
sons of the pressure values were carried out
in six groups. The results revealed no signi-
ficant differences in the peak intrauterine
pressure among patients in the unilateral
patency and the unilateral occlusion group,
unilateral patency and unilateral partial
occlusion group, and the bilateral partial
occlusion group (p<0.05). The patients
Fig. 1. Fallopian tube images obtained after 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis. A. Bilateral patency, B. Bilateral occlusion,
C. Bilateral partial occlusion, D. Unilateral partial occlusion, and unilateral occlusion. E. Unilateral
patency and unilateral partial occlusion, and F. Unilateral patency and unilateral occlusion.
Table 1
4D-HyCoSy diagnosis results
Patency Partial occlusion Occlusion Total
Patency 123 (84.83%) 12 (8.28%) 10 (6.90%) 145 (58.94%)
Partial occlusion 7 (9.09%) 59 (76.62%) 11 (14.29%) 77 (31.30%)
Occlusion 2 (4.76%) 6 (1.43%) 34 (80.95%) 42 (17.07%)
Total 132 (53.66%) 77 (31.30%) 55 (22.36%) 264 (100%)
4D-HyCoSy diagnostic
coincidence rate
123/132 (93.18%) 59/77 (76.62%) 34/55 (61.82%) 212/264 (80.30%)
Values n= 132 are expressed in n (%).
Evaluation of tubal patency 323
Vol. 64(3): 317 - 328, 2023
in these three groups were included in the
incomplete patency group (Group A), and
the differences between the bilateral pa-
tency group (Group B), bilateral occlusion
group (Group C), unilateral occlusion, and
unilateral occlusion group (Group D) and
the other groups were significant (p<0.05).
Besides, severer occlusion had higher intra-
uterine pressure (Table 3).
The ROC curve of the peak intrauterine
pressure was plotted. The cutoff value bet-
ween Group B and Group A was 25.42 kPa,
with a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of
85%. AUC was 0.812 (Fig. 2). The cutoff value
between Group A and Group D was 36.34 kPa,
with a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of
89%; AUC was 0.836 (Fig. 3). Moreover, the
cutoff value between Group D and Group C
was 47.68 kPa, with a sensitivity of 79% and
a specificity of 87%; AUC was 0.827 (Fig. 4).
Establishment of the combined diagnosis
Dichotomous logistic regression analy-
sis was conducted for the 4D-HyCoSy diag-
nosis (A) and intrauterine pressure measu-
rement (B), to evaluate the efficacy of the
combined diagnosis. The results demons-
trated t a significant difference between the
two diagnosis methods (p<0.05), so both
could be used as predictive diagnostic indi-
cators. According to the regression coeffi-
cient of the two variables, the mathematical
diagnosis model of FSM was established as
follows: FSM =1.083 ln(A) + 1.275 ln(B) -
8.23 (Table 4).
Model validation results
The diagnostic efficiency of the FSM
diagnostic model was assessed using the
ROC curve. It was discovered that the com-
bined diagnosis model had a high diag-
nostic value, with an AUC of 0.85. When
FSM=11.3, the model had a high sensitivity
(89.36%), which meant that only three of
70 patients undergoing combined diagno-
sis were misdiagnosed due to a FSM<11.3.
When the FSM=13.8, the model had a high
specificity (92.55%). Besides, the model was
still particularly valuable in the diagnosis of
other patients. The diagnostic efficiency was
compared between the 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis
and the combined diagnosis. The ROC curve
illustrated that the diagnostic value of the
4D-HyCoSy diagnosis was lower than that of
the combined diagnosis. With the maximum
value of the Youden index (YI) as a thres-
hold, the AUC of 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis was
Table 2
Diagnostic results of 4D-HyCoSy [n=132, n (%)]
Unilateral partial
occlusion and
unilateral occlusion
Bilateral patency 43 (89.58%) 3 (5.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 46 (34.85%)
Partial occlusion 5 (1.04%) 50 (84.75%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (6.67%) 60 (45.45%)
Unilateral partial occlusion
Unilateral occlusion
0 (0.00%)
7 (11.86%)
3 (33.33%)
3 (20.00%)
13 (9.85%)
Bilateral occlusion
0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 6 (66.67%) 11 (73.33%) 17 (12.88%)
48 (40.15%) 60 (45.45%) 9 (6.82%) 15 (11.36%) 132 (100%)
4D-HyCoSy diagnostic
coincidence rate
48 (90.57%)
50 (84.75%)
6 (66.67%)
11 (73.33%)
115 (87.12%)
324 Lin et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
0.82, with a sensitivity of 78.04%, which was
markedly lower than that of the combined
diagnosis (sensitivity: 70.13%). However,
the specificity displayed no significant diffe-
rence between the two diagnosis methods
(p>0.05) (Fig. 5). Comparative evalua-
tion indicators for diagnostic efficiency are
shown in Table 5.
Adverse reactions
Among the 132 patients, the majority
had pain during the examination, and the
minority suffered from dizziness and nausea
without adverse reactions such as arrhyth-
mia, vomiting, hypotension, and fainting.
Patients’ adverse reactions were all within
the tolerable range, and no allergic reac-
tions or vaginal bleeding occurred. In addi-
tion, 41 cases (31.06%) had grade 0 adver-
se reactions, 65 cases (49.24%) had grade
I adverse reactions, 19 cases (14.39%) had
grade II adverse reactions, and seven ca-
ses (5.30%) had grade III adverse reactions
(Fig. 6).
Table 3
Intrauterine pressure measurement results.
Group Radiography results n (number of
fallopian tubes)
Peak intrauterine
pressure (kPa)
A Unilateral patency and
unilateral occlusion
5 (10) 17.9~42.6 36.42±3.15 B, C, D <0.05
A Unilateral patency and
unilateral partial occlusion
11 (22) 15.2~34.8 25.47±2.51 B, C, D <0.05
Bilateral partial occlusion 6 (12) 17.2~37.6 32.17±2.74 B, C, D <0.05
Bilateral patency 35 (70) 13.2~28.4 19.43±1.68 A, C, D <0.001
Bilateral occlusion 6 (12) 42.0~63.2 54.35±2.30 A, B, D <0.001
D Unilateral partial occlusion
and unilateral occlusion
7 (14) 25.7~52.3 43.42±1.70 A, B, C <0.05
Fig. 2. ROC curves of Group B and Group C. Fig. 3. ROC curves of Group A and Group D.
Evaluation of tubal patency 325
Vol. 64(3): 317 - 328, 2023
Infertility is a common disease in fe-
males, severely damaging patients’ lives and
mental health. It has now become a preva-
lent disease needing treatment in the me-
dical field. Tubal patency makes the propor-
tion of infertile females exceed 50%, so it is a
critical basis for treating infertility to explo-
re efficient methods for diagnosing fallopian
tubes at a general degree, contributing to
early diagnosis and early treatment
Fig. 4. ROC curves of Group D and Group C.
Table 4
Results of dichotomous logistic regression analysis.
Odds ratio
95%CI p
4D-HyCoSy 1.083 0.531 4.16 2.953 1.009~12.937 0.017
Peak intrauterine pressure 1.275 0.414 9.485 3.579 1.105~13.564 0.015
Fig. 5. ROC curves of combined diagnosis and 4D-
HyCoSy diagnosis.
Table 5
Evaluation results of combined diagnosis and 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis efficiency.
Indicator AUC (95% CI) YI
predictive value
predictive value
4D-HyCoSy diagnosis 0.82(0.78-0.88) 0.43 69.57 78.04% 70.13% 78.27% 80.36% 53.14%
Combined diagnosis 0.85(0.81-0.92) 0.56 20.93 88.13% 79.46% 87.97% 94.64% 69.23%
In clinical practice, diagnosis methods
commonly used for tubal patency include hy-
drotubation under the ascites (laparoscopic
chromopertubation (LC)), uterine hydrotu-
bation, HSG, hysterolaparoscopy, contrast-
enhanced ultrasonography of fallopian tubes
and X-ray HSG. Among them, traditional hy-
drotubation is a blind operation with a low
diagnostic accuracy rate. Laparoscopy is an
operation causing trauma, which is harmful
to patients. LC diagnosis requires general
326 Lin et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
anesthesia, after which patients have a risk
of massive hemorrhage. HSG exhibits high
accuracy, but some patients are allergic to
iodine. Moreover, X-ray HSG is radioactive to
some extent, and also it cannot be applied
in patients allergic to iodine
. Hence, a
simple diagnostic method that is easy to
operate with low risk and low cost becomes
a hot spot in the medical field
. HyCoSy
diagnostic technology is increasingly recog-
nized by doctors and patients since it is safe
and non-invasive, with high accuracy, high
operability, and good repeatability. The 4D-
HyCoSy is a new type of contrast-enhanced
ultrasound technology following 2D and
3D, during which the entire fallopian tubes
can be visually displayed through imaging,
and some fallopian tubes with unique posi-
tions or those in twisted and complicated
shapes can also be well displayed. Through
4D-HyCoSy diagnosis, there remain cases of
missed diagnosis though it is simple and effi-
cient, so there is a necessity to find suitable
auxiliary means to improve the accuracy of
In 2016, Kong checked the tubal pa-
tency using 4D-HyCoSy assisted by hydro-
gen peroxide, and its diagnostic coinciden-
ce rate (91.8%) was much higher than that
of 4D-HyCoSy alone. Nevertheless, during
4D-HyCoSy diagnosis, scanning in a large
fan-shaped angle can display the occlusion
position of fallopian tubes and the varia-
tions of shape, and the injection pressure
can be appropriately increased according
to the occlusion of fallopian tubes for dred-
ging the slightly adhesive fallopian tubes.
Therefore, determining pressure using the
traditional hand-pushing method is greatly
affected by subjective factors, so a more
intuitive auxiliary means is needed for eva-
luation. In the present study, 132 patients
with tubal factor infertility were selected,
and the tubal patency was detected by 4D-
HyCoSy. Through comparison, it was found
that the patency of 212 fallopian tubes con-
formed to HSG diagnosis results (gold stan-
dard), with a diagnostic coincidence rate
of 86.18%. Besides, the fractional analysis
based on the function of fallopian tubes re-
vealed that the diagnostic coincidence rate
of 4D-HyCoSy was 87.12%. Besides, the in-
trauterine pressure measurement demons-
trated that the pressure was lower when the
fallopian tubes were open, and the more se-
vere the occlusion, the higher the pressure.
Subsequently, the cutoff value in each
group was determined using the ROC curve.
It was discovered that the cutoff value among
bilateral patency, incomplete patency, unila-
teral partial occlusion, unilateral occlusion,
and bilateral occlusion was 25.42 kPa, 36.34
kPa, and 47.86 kPa, respectively, and the AUC
was 0.812, 0.836 and 0.827 respectively. The-
refore, intrauterine pressure measurement
can be applied as an effective means to assist
the 4D-HyCoSy diagnosis to improve the ac-
curacy of diagnosis. Furthermore, to investi-
gate the clinical value of 4D-HyCoSy assisted
by intrauterine pressure measurement in the
evaluation of tubal patency, dichotomous lo-
gistic regression analysis was conducted for
diagnosis factors, and the FSM diagnostic
Fig. 6. Adverse reactions of patients.
Evaluation of tubal patency 327
Vol. 64(3): 317 - 328, 2023
model was established, which was verified by
the ROC curve. The results showed that the
AUC of combined diagnosis was 0.85, with
a higher sensitivity (88.13%) than that of
4D-HyCoSy alone (p<0.05) and a specificity
(79.46%) showing no significant difference
in comparison with that of 4D-HyCoSy alo-
ne, confirming the extremely high diagnostic
value of 4D-HyCoSy assisted by intrauterine
pressure measurement in the evaluation of
tubal patency.
In summary, 4D-HyCoSy, assisted by in-
trauterine pressure measurement, has high
diagnostic value in evaluating tubal paten-
cy. Regardless, this study had a small sample
size so the results may be biased. In the futu-
re, we will conduct multicenter studies with
larger sample sizes to validate our findings.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no
competing interests.
This study was financially supported by
2019 Medical Science Research Project of
Hebei Province (No. 20191778).
ORCID numbers
Chunhong Lin: 0000-0002-1576-6936
Jianyong Chen: 0000-0001-8207-5433
Xianguo Li: 0000-0002-2116-8692
Linlin Wang: 0000-0002-3098-3226
Fengqin Yan: 0000-0002-3505-5429
Ye Chang: 0000-0003-2062-469X
Xueniu Yang: 0000-0002-4370-2104
Authors contribution
The first two authors contributed equa-
lly to this study.
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