Invest Clin 64(3): 296 - 307, 2023
Corresponding author: Elba Guerrero. Laboratorio de Genética Molecular, Centro de Microbiología y Biología
Celular, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Caracas, Venezuela. E-mail: elbaguerrero@
Phenotypic and genotypic study of
antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolates
from a wastewater treatment plant in Zulia
state, Venezuela.
Elba Guerrero
, Lizeth Caraballo
, Howard Takiff
, Dana García
and Marynes Montiel
Laboratorio de Genética Molecular, Centro de Microbiología y Biología Celular,
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Caracas, Venezuela.
Centro de Investigación del Agua, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Facultad Experimental de Ciencias. Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, Guayaquil,
Keywords: antibiotic re sistance; E. coli; wastewater; phylogroups.
Abstract. Antibiotic-resistance in bacteria is a global health problem, and
wastewater treatment plants can play a role in their dissemination. In this work,
we used PCR and plasmid transformation to characterize antibiotic-resistance
and the phylogenetic groups of Escherichia coli isolated from a treatment plant
in Zulia, a state in western Venezuela. Thirty-six bacteria isolates were analyzed,
of which 27 resulted resistant by disc diffusion primarily to tetracycline and
sulfisoxazole but also to trimethoprim, chloramphenicol, ampicillin, and cip-
rofloxacin. The tetA, sul2, floR, and blaTEM resistance genes were frequently
present and, in most cases, transferable. dfrA12, tetB, sul3, sul1, and aadA2
genes also were detected. The integrase gene intI1 was common in multidrug-
resistant isolates. These results suggest that E. coli from the treatment plant
is a reservoir of antibiotic-resistance genes, which signify a potential health
threat. Additionally, the phylogroup C was predominant, which is unusual and
may represent an adaptation of this group to environmental conditions or per-
haps the most frequent phylogroup entering from the influent.
Study of antibiotic-resistant E. coli from a wastewater plant 297
Vol. 64(3): 296 - 307, 2023
Estudio fenotípico y genotípico de aislados de Escherichia coli
resistentes a antibióticos de una planta de tratamiento
de aguas residuales del estado Zulia, Venezuela.
Invest Clin 2023; 64 (3): 296 – 307
Palabras clave: genes de resistencia; E. coli; aguas residuales; filogrupos.
Resumen. La resistencia bacteriana a antibióticos es un problema de salud
global y las plantas de tratamiento pueden jugar un papel en su diseminación.
En este trabajo caracterizamos, mediante PCR y transformación de plásmidos,
la resistencia a antibióticos y los grupos filogenéticos de Escherichia coli ais-
lada de una planta de tratamiento en el estado Zulia, Venezuela. Se analizaron
36 aislados bacterianos, de los cuales 27 resultaron resistentes por difusión en
disco principalmente a tetraciclina y sulfisoxazol, pero también a trimetoprim,
cloranfenicol y ampicilina. Los genes tetA, sul2, floR y blaTEM se encontraron
comúnmente en los aislados resistentes y fueron en la mayoría de los casos
transferibles; adicionalmente se detectaron los genes dfrA12, tetB, sul3, sul1 y
aadA2. El gen de integrasa intI1 se detectó en la mayoría de los aislados multi-
resistentes. Estos resultados sugieren que E. coli en la planta de tratamiento es
un reservorio de genes de resistencia a antibióticos, lo que significa una amena-
za potencial para la salud. Adicionalmente predominó el filogrupo C, lo que es
inusual y podría deberse a una adaptación de este a las condiciones ambientales
o podría ser el mayoritario en el influente.
Received: 28-09-2022 Accepted: 23-03-2023
The indiscriminate use of antibiotics
in human and animal medicine, as well as
for prophylaxis and growth promotion in
animal husbandry, threatens to reduce the
effectiveness of these fundamental drugs.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, although oc-
curring naturally, are also released into the
environment, where they may outcompete
sensitive bacteria due to the presence of an-
tibiotics and other chemical contaminants
that are also released into the environment.
The resistance genes in these bacteria can
then be transferred to other pathogenic and
non-pathogenic bacteria, thereby increasing
the environmental reservoir of resistant bac-
teria and genetic resistance determinants.
Escherichia coli is a commensal bacte-
rium that inhabits the intestines of humans
and other animals and is often used to in-
dicate environmental fecal contamination.
Some E. coli are pathogens that can cause
urinary tract, gastrointestinal or nosocomial
infections. Antibiotic-resistance in environ-
mental E. coli has also been proposed as an
indicator to monitor the extent of antibiotic
resistance in the environment
The bacterial load of wastewater dis-
charged into natural water bodies is signifi-
cantly reduced by treatment plants. However,
these plants may also promote the spread of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria and resistance
genes by providing favorable conditions for
increasing the relative abundance of resis-
tant bacteria and the horizontal transfer of
298 Guerrero et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
the genes conferring this resistance
. Al-
though there are few treatment plants in
Venezuela and much of the wastewater is
discharged directly into the environment,
there is a wastewater treatment plant in the
state capital Maracaibo, located in the “El
Tablazo” Petrochemical Complex of the Mi-
randa municipality of Zulia state. The plant
was designed so that the petrochemical in-
dustry could reuse some of its effluent water
while the rest would be discharged into the
giant Lake Maracaibo.There have been very
few studies on antibiotic-resistance in bac-
teria isolated from raw or treated wastewa-
ter in Venezuela, but such studies represent
essential surveillance measures to assess
the extent of antibiotic-resistance in the
environment and plan corrective strategies.
Accordingly, we set out to perform a pheno-
typic and molecular study of antibiotic resis-
tance in E. coli isolates from the wastewater
treatment plant mentioned above.
E. coli was isolated from water samples
of the “El Tablazo” treatment plant (Miran-
da Municipality, Zulia State) collected from
May to October 2012 for a microbiological
quality evaluation. The system includes a
pre-treatment to remove solids followed by
absorption, biological oxidation, and a first
chlorine injection. The water is then trans-
ported to the plant at “El Tablazo” and sub-
jected to physical and biological treatment
based on reactors where dissolved organic
matter is removed, followed by a secondary
settling. Then a first effluent is discharged
into Lake Maracaibo. Another portion of the
water to be used by the petrochemical com-
plex is treated with a flocculant and chlorine.
Sampling sites were four different sec-
tions of the treatment plant: pre-treated
influent (Site1); after physical processing
(Site 2); after biological processing (efflu-
ent to the Maracaibo lake, Site 3); and the
chlorine disinfection point (Site 4). There
were six water samples from Site 1 and Site
4, four from Site 2, and five from Site 3.
The water samples were collected in
sterile bottles and processed according
to the procedures described in the Stan-
dard Methods for examination of Water and
Wastewater to determine coliform by the
fermentation technique
. Samples showing
growth in EC broth were streaked onto EMB
agar to select typical E. coli colonies, which
were sub-cultured in nutrient agar tubes for
transport. Re-isolation was performed on
McConkey agar, and colonies were cultured
in LB broth and then stored in 20% glycerol
at -80°C. All assays were performed on the
bacteria regrown from the frozen stocks.
Biochemical identification and antibiotic
susceptibility testing
Bacterial isolates were first identified
with the following biochemical tests: TSI,
indole-motility, methyl red, Voges Proskauer,
citrate, and urea.
Resistance was assessed with the Kirby
Bauer disc diffusion method, using commer-
cial discs with the following antibiotics: tet-
racycline 30 µg (TE), ampicillin 10 µg (AMP),
ampicillin-sulbactam 10/10 µg (SAM), sulfi-
soxazole 250 µg (SF), chloramphenicol 30 µg
(C), trimethoprim 5 µg (W), trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole 1.25 µg /23.75 µg (SXT),
ciprofloxacin 5 µg (CIP), aztreonam 30 µg
(ATM) and imipenem 10 µg. E. coli ATCC
25922 was used as an antibiotic-susceptible
control strain. The results were interpreted
according to CLSI guidelines
PCR amplification
PCR was used to confirm the bacteria
as E. coli, determine phylogroups, and de-
tect the presence of resistance genes and
the integrase gene intI1. All PCR reactions
were performed on boiled bacterial lysates,
using Taq DNA polymerase with ThermoPol
buffer (NEB), following the manufacturer’s
instructions, using previously reported spe-
cific primers, some of which were modified
Study of antibiotic-resistant E. coli from a wastewater plant 299
Vol. 64(3): 296 - 307, 2023
as indicated below. PCR was performed to
amplify genes conferring resistance to tet-
racycline (tetA and tetB)
, sulfisoxazole
(sul1, sul2, and sul3)
, chloramphenicol
(floR and cat)
, ampicillin (blaTEM)
trimethoprim (dfrA12 and dfrA7&17)
. The detection of the intI1 integrase was
with primers described by Moura
. In con-
trast while the phylogroup identification was
performed using the quadruplex plus group
C specific PCR described by Clermont et al.
Negative controls without template DNA
were included in each PCR assay. A subset
of the PCR products were confirmed by DNA
sequencing (Macrogen, Korea) and used as
positive controls for the detection of resis-
tance genes and intI1, as well as the deter-
mination of phylogroups.
The reactions were performed with
previously reported primers and conditions
or with the following variations: Sul1-R.
perature of annealing (Ta) 56°C, blaTEM-F
Ta 56°C, dfr7&17-F 5’-CATTTGACTCTC-
To avoid analyzing duplicate resistant
isolates, REP-PCR was performed on isolates
showing the same phenotype and genotype,
using the REP1 and REP2 primers as previ-
ously described
. E. coli-specific PCR was
performed using primers to amplify rrs (75F
and 619R) or gad
15, 16
, with E. coli XL1-blue
as a positive control.
Transformation and conjugation assays
Transferability of the detected antibi-
otic resistance genes was assessed by heat
shock transformation using transformation
competent E. coli DH5α as the recipient
strain and plasmid DNA obtained by alkaline
lysis from all isolates resistant to tetracy-
cline, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, or trim-
ethoprim in which PCR had detected a re-
sistance gene. Transformants were selected
on LB agar plates containing either carbeni-
cillin (50 µg/mL), ampicillin (32 µg/mL),
tetracycline (30 µg/mL), chloramphenicol
(30 µg/mL), or trimethoprim (20 µg/mL)
as appropriate. Phenotypic resistance was
confirmed for each transformant, and the
presence of plasmid DNA and the relevant
resistance genes were verified.
In some cases, the capacity for conjuga-
tion was assessed in liquid medium using E.
coli J62-2 as the recipient strain. Selection
was performed on LB agar plates supple-
mented with tetracycline (30 µg/mL) and ri-
fampicin (50 µg/mL). Transconjugants were
confirmed by phenotypic resistance, amplifi-
cation of the same resistance gene detected
in the donor, and ERIC-PCR with primers de-
scribed by Versalovic et al.
Here, we characterized thirty-six iso-
lates identified as E. coli with biochemical
tests and identified as E. coli with biochemi-
cal tests and PCR amplification of rrs or
gad. These isolates originated from the four
sampling sites: 13 from Site 1, four from Site
2, nine from Site 3, and ten from Site 4.
Resistance phenotypes
As shown in Fig. 1, the highest fre-
quency of resistance was to tetracycline and
the lowest to ciprofloxacin and ampicillin-
sulbactam, with intermediate prevalences
of resistance to the other antibiotics tested,
including ampicillin.
Twenty-four isolates (66.6%) were fully
resistant to at least one antibiotic, corre-
sponding to 7/13, 2/4, 7/9, and 8/10 iso-
lates from sampling points 1 to 4, respective-
ly (Table 1). Five of these 24 isolates (20.8%)
also showed intermediate resistance to one
or two additional antibiotics (two AMP-CIP,
one CIP, and two SAM). Among the 12 re-
maining isolates, three had only intermediate
resistance (two AMP and one TE), and nine
(9/36, 25%) were fully sensitive to all an-
tibiotics tested. There were also seven iso-
lates (7/24, 29.1%) fully resistant to three
or more antibiotics of different classes and
300 Guerrero et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
Table 1
Phenotypic and genotypic profiles of the bacterial isolates.
Sampling site Resistance phenotype (FR/IR) Resistance genotype Phylogroup
1 TE tetB B1
1 TE-SF-W-TS tetA-sul2 C
1 TE-SF-W-TS tetA-sul2 C
1 TE-SF-W-TS/amp-cip tetA-sul2 C
1 TE-SF- TS-C/amp-cip tetA-sul2-floR A
1 TE-SF-C/ cip tetA-sul2-floR A
1 TE-C tetA-floR A
1 amp nd B1
1 S na C
1 S na C
1 S na C
1 S na C
1 S na B2
2 TE tetA C
2 TE-SF-W-TS-AMP-C/sam tetA-sul1-blaTEM-floR-dfrA12-intI1 C
2 S na A
2 S na A
3 TE tetA B1
3 TE-W tetA C
3 TE-SF-W- TS-AMP-C-CIP/sam tetA-sul3-blaTEM-intI1 C
3 TE-SF-W-TS- AMP-SAM tetA-sul3-blaTEM-dfrA12-intI1 C
3 TE-AMP tetB-blaTEM C
3 AMP-C blaTEM- floR B1
3 AMP-W blaTEM C
3 te nd C
3 S na A
4 TE tetA C
4 TE tetA A
4 TE-SF tetA B1
4 TE-SF tetA-sul2 A
4 TE-SF tetA-sul2 C
4 TE-SF tetA-sul2 B1
4 TE-SF-W-TS-C tetA-sul3-intI1 C
4 TE- W-C tetA- tetB- flor-intI1 A
4 amp nd C
4 S na C
FR: Fully resistant, IR: intermediate resistance (lowercase), S: sensitive, nd: not determined, na: not apply. The
abbreviations for the antibiotics are the same as in Fig. 1.
Study of antibiotic-resistant E. coli from a wastewater plant 301
Vol. 64(3): 296 - 307, 2023
thus multi-drug resistant or MDR. Two of
these originated from each of sampling Sites
1, 3, and 4, and one isolate was from Site 2
(see Table 1). All isolates were sensitive to
aztreonam and imipenem.
Resistance genes
The genotypic resistance profiles and
genes detected are described in Table 1. The
most frequently detected genes were tetA
(20/22) and sul2 (8/12), while all isolates
fully resistant to ampicillin contained bla-
TEM (Fig. 1). The floR gene was detected in
most (6/8) of the chloramphenicol-resistant
isolates, none of which contained the cat
gene. The only amplified determinant as-
sociated with trimethoprim resistance was
dfrA12, which was detected in just two of the
ten trimethoprim-resistant isolates.
Of the seven MDR-resistant isolates, the
intIl gene was amplified from 5, representing
21% of the resistant isolates and 13.9% of
total isolates (Table 1). In one of the isolates
in which the intIl gene was detected, amplifi-
cation and sequencing with primers specific
for conserved segments of class 1 integrons
detected dfrA12 and aadA2, which encodes
an aminoglycoside adenyl transferase con-
ferring streptomycin resistance.
Transfer of resistance determinants
Transformants were obtained from
the isolated plasmid DNA of 20/24 resis-
tant isolates. Most of the transformants
(18/20) were recovered on media with tet-
racycline, while only 1/20 were recovered
on media with chloramphenicol and 1/20
on media with trimethoprim. However, the
major part of the genes conferring resis-
tance to sulfisoxazole and chlorampheni-
col were co-transferred with the tetA gene
(Table 2). Despite repeated attempts, no
transformants were obtained from plasmid
DNA isolated from the remaining four re-
sistant isolates.
The tetA gene was transferred from al-
most all isolates in which it was detected
(19/20). The blaTEM gene was transferred
Fig. 1. Phenotypic and genotypic resistance per antibiotic. The numbers of phenotypically resistant isolates
with corresponding genotypes (for full resistance) are indicated. Resistance genotypes are numbered
from 1 to 4 according to the detection frequency from highest to lowest. 1: tetA (TE); sul2 (SF and
TS); dfrA12 (W); floR (C); or blaTEM (AMP and SAM). 2: tetB (TE); or sul3 (SF and TS). 3: tetA-tetB
(TE); sul1 (SF); sul1-dfrA12(TS). 4: sul3-dfrA12 (TS). nd: Resistance genotype not determined, IR:
intermediate resistance. TE, tetracycline; SF, Sulfisoxazole; W, trimethoprim; C, Chloramphenicol;
TS, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; AMP, ampicillin; SAM, ampicillin-sulbactam; CIP, ciprofloxacin.
302 Guerrero et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
from 1/6 of the isolates in which it was de-
tected, the sul genes were transferred from
10/12 isolates (8 sul2 and 2 sul3), floR from
4/6 and dfrA12 from 1/2 isolates contain-
ing this gene. The tetB gene was not trans-
ferred under the conditions employed. The
resistance genes most frequently detected in
our isolates, tetA and sul2, hybridized with
plasmid DNA isolated from most (18/20), or
all isolates (8/8), respectively, in which the
genes had been detected by PCR, confirm-
ing that they were carried on plasmids (not
The transfer capability of the tetA gene
was tested by conjugation experiments with
five isolates in which the tetA gene was
detected. Transconjugants were obtained
from two isolates at the high frequencies of
7.5 x 10
y 1.95 x 10
, demonstrating that
the tetA gene was carried on conjugative
plasmids at least in these two isolates. One
of these five isolates with the tetA gene gen-
erated neither transformants nor transcon-
jugants; nevertheless, only scant plasmid
DNA could be obtained from this isolate,
perhaps because its plasmid was either very
large or present at a very low copy numbers.
E. coli phylogroup analysis
Of the 36 bacterial isolates studied, 20
belonged to group phylogenetic C, nine to
group A, six to group B1, and one to group
B2 (Table 1).
In the present work, we analyzed phe-
notypic antibiotic-resistance, detected cor-
responding antibiotic-resistance genes,
evaluated their transferability, and deter-
mined the phylogroups of 36 E. coli isolates
obtained from a wastewater treatment plant.
Similar to other studies of resistant E. coli
isolates from wastewater and treatment
the most frequent resistance en-
countered was to tetracycline, sulfonamide,
trimethoprim, and ampicillin. In contrast,
resistance to the carbapenems and cipro-
floxacin was infrequent or not detected. Our
results differ from a previous phenotypic
study of E. coli isolates from stabilization
ponds in Maracaibo, Venezuela, that found
a higher proportion of resistance for ampi-
cillin (81.25%) followed by tetracycline and
. In comparison, a study of
E. coli isolates from a treatment plant in Cu-
maná (Venezuela)
found 73.3% and 23.3% of
ampicillin and tetracycline resistance, re-
spectively. These discrepancies may be due
to differences in the treatment systems.
Although tetracycline and sulfonamide,
to which we found medium to high frequen-
cies of resistance (22% to 64%), have been,
for the most part, replaced by newer agents
in human medicine, they are still classified
as highly important by the World Health Or-
Ampicillin (28% resistance) is
Table 2
Antibiotic resistance profiles of transformants and transconjugants.
Genotype Phenotype Number of
transformants (N=20)
Number of
transconjugants (N=2)
tetA-sul2 TE-SF 8 -
tetA-sul3 TE-SF 1 -
tetA TE 6 2
tetA-floR TE-C 3 -
tetA- sul3- dfrA12 TE-SF-W 1 -
flor- blaTEM C-AMP 1 -
Study of antibiotic-resistant E. coli from a wastewater plant 303
Vol. 64(3): 296 - 307, 2023
still frequently used and considered critical-
ly important in human medicine, as are the
antibiotics for which we found less frequent
resistance (8% to 11%).
The antibiotic resistance we observed is
common in E. coli isolated from healthy hu-
mans in low and middle-income countries
and the antibiotic-resistance in human iso-
lates of E. coli has been correlated with the
resistance in E. coli isolated from the local
. The resistance patterns may
also be affected by selection or adaptation
to the specific characteristics of the treat-
ment plant
.A high prevalence of the tetA,
sul2, and blaTEM genes has been previously
observed in E. coli isolated from other treat-
ment plants.
17, 27
However, previous studies
have predominantly found the cat gene in
chloramphenicol-resistant isolates
17, 25
, but
most of our chloramphenicol resistant iso-
lates carried the floR gene. In contrast, the
cat gene was not detected.
We found the intI1 gene in 13.9% of
total isolates, similar to a study by Figueira
et al. that found the gene in 22.3 % of E.
coli isolates from treated wastewater
. In-
tegrons contribute to the spread of multi-
drug resistance, and class I integrons are the
most important in clinical isolates
Horizontal transmission of plasmids car-
rying resistance genes is a crucial route for
disseminating resistance. Similar to our re-
sults, a previous study of E. coli and other fe-
cal coliforms isolated from treatment plants
found that most plasmid transformants were
resistant to tetracycline, followed by chlor-
amphenicol and trimethoprim
. The resis-
tance genes tetA, blaTEM, tetB, sul, floR, and
dfrA12 can be found on chromosomes, but
as we observed, they are frequently carried
on plasmids
E. coli isolates can be classified into
seven main phylogenetic groups: A, B1, B2,
C, D, E, and F. Intestinal pathogenic E. coli
strains have been associated with groups
A, B1, and E, while extra-intestinal strains
mainly belong to groups B2 and D
er, Group C can also include human patho-
genic strains, as shown in a study of human
isolates from the USA and Europe, in which
phylogroup C was associated with uropatho-
genic E. coli, although B2 and D predomi-
. Jafari et al. found that group C was
the most common (21.3%) among Shiga
toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) patient iso-
. It has been suggested that some E.
coli phylogroups, particularly groups A and
B1 (or non-B2), are more prone to develop
antibiotic resistance to traditional antibiot-
ics and fluoroquinolones
39, 40
.Most previous
studies assigning E. coli phylogroups have
used the triple PCR method
that identifies
only four groups: A, B1, B2, and D. Several
studies have found group A to predominate
in wastewater, followed by D or B1
. Group
A is also the phylogroup most frequently
observed in human commensal isolates, fol-
lowed by B2 group
. Researchers employ-
ing the quadruplex method plus the group C
specific PCR, or in silico typing, have found
that phylogroup C is less frequent than other
phylogroups in samples from birds, humans,
non-human mammals, domestic animals,
wild animals, river and lake water
. Two
studies on strains from wastewater found
that group A or B2 predominated, while
none or only 1% belonged to group C
17, 46
Therefore, the presence of group C in
most of our isolates differs from the findings
in similar studies and could be due to geo-
graphical location or climate differences, as
these factors may influence the distribution of
. It is also possible that previous
studies that used only the triple PCR method
classified C group isolates as group A.
In conclusion, we observed E. coli iso-
lates resistant to diverse antibiotics, includ-
ing some clinically essential agents and found
that many were associated with transferable
genetic determinants and class 1 integrons.
Also, in contrast to other studies, many of
our isolates belonged to the phylogroup C.
The characteristics of the isolates we stud-
ied may have been determined by the influ-
ent water, the nature of the treatment plant,
and environmental conditions, but an evalu-
304 Guerrero et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(3): 2023
ation of the contribution of each of these as-
pects would require a much larger study with
many more isolates. Similar studies should
be repeated in the same treatment plant
and undertaken in other treatment plants in
Venezuela, and these studies should be ex-
tended to include untreated wastewater and
focus on resistance to the newer, currently
more commonly used antibiotics.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interest.
The Instituto Venezolano de Investiga-
ciones Científicas supported this research.
ORCID numbers
Elba Guerrero (EG):
Lizeth Caraballo (LC):
Howard Takiff (HT):
Dana García (DG):
Marynes Montiel (MM):
Author contributions
Methodology: EG, LC, DG, and MM.
Data analysis and original draft preparation:
EG. Supervision, writing – review, and edit-
ing: HT. All authors contributed to the study
conception, commented on previous versions,
and read and approved the final manuscript.
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