Invest Clin 63(3): 235 - 242, 2022
Corresponding author: Jie Li. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ningbo Women & Children’s Hospital,
Ningbo, China. E-mail:
Analysis of high risk factors for
complications in the trial of vaginal delivery
due to uterine scarring in a subsequent
pregnancy to a cesarean section.
Ren Ye1, Weixia Wang2 and Jie Li1*
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ningbo Women & Children’s Hospital,
Ningbo, China.
2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Leling People’s Hospital, Dezhou, China.
Key words: scarred uterus; pregnancy; vaginal trial delivery; complications; high-risk
Abstract. The purpose of this work was to analyze the high-risk factors of com-
plications in the trial of vaginal delivery of a subsequent pregnancy for scar uterus
after a previous cesarean. 136 pregnant women with scar uterus with a history of
cesarean who were admitted to our obstetrics department from February 2016 to
March 2019 were selected and were divided into a successful group and a failed
group according to the results of pregnancy and trial of labor vaginal delivery. Gen-
eral data of before, during, and after delivery were collected and the high-risk fac-
tors for failed vaginal delivery of scar uterine were analyzed by the logistic regression
analysis. Among the 136 patients, 108 cases (79.41%) of vaginal trials were success-
ful, and 28 cases (20.59%) of vaginal trials faired. The univariate analysis showed
that the differences in gravidity, parity and the previous cesarean interval, vaginal
birth history, prenatal BMI, uterine contraction, gestational age, infant weight, dila-
tation of the cervix, cervical Bishop score, the height of the fetal head, the thickness
of the lower uterus, and whether the membranes were prematurely ruptured were
statistically significant (P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed vaginal birth
history, prenatal BMI 30 kg/m2, parity 2 times, cesarean interval <2 times,
dilatation of cervix 1 cm, the height of the fetal head -3, premature rupture
of the membrane and the thickness of the lower uterus of 3.0 to 3.9 cm were the
high-risk factors of complications in the vaginal trial delivery of pregnancy again for
scar uterus (P<0.05). It is feasible for pregnant women with scar uterus to undergo
vaginal delivery, but many related factors can affect the failure of trial of labor. It is
necessary to pay attention to all aspects of clinical examination and choose applica-
tions strictly according to the indications.
236 Ye et al.
Investigación Clínica 63(3): 2022
Análisis de factores de alto riesgo para complicaciones
en el trabajo de parto vaginal debidas a cicatrización uterina
en un embarazo posterior a una operación cesárea.
Invest Clin 2022; 63 (3): 235 – 242
Palabras clave: cicatriz uterina; embarazo; prueba de parto vaginal; complicaciones;
factores de alto riesgo.
Resumen. El propósito del presente trabajo fue analizar los factores de
alto riesgo de complicaciones por cicatriz uterina en la prueba de parto vagi-
nal del siguiente embarazo después de una cesárea previa. 136 gestantes con
cicatriz uterina fueron seleccionadas con antecedente de cesárea anterior que
ingresaron a nuestro servicio de obstetricia de febrero 2016 a marzo 2019, y
se dividieron en un grupo exitoso y un grupo fallido según los resultados de las
pruebas de embarazo y parto vaginal. Los datos generales anteriores fueron
recolectados, durante y después del parto y se analizaron los factores de alto
riesgo para el parto vaginal fallido de la cicatriz uterina mediante el análisis de
regresión logística. Entre las 136 pacientes, 108 casos (79,41%) de las pruebas
vaginales fueron exitosas y 28 casos (20,59%) de las pruebas vaginales fracasa-
ron. El análisis univariado mostró que las diferencias en la gravidez, la paridad
y el intervalo de cesárea previa, la historia de parto vaginal, el IMC prenatal,
la contracción uterina, la edad gestacional, el peso del lactante, la dilatación
del cuello uterino, la puntuación cervical de Bishop, la altura de la cabeza fe-
tal, el grosor del segmento uterino inferior, y si las membranas se habían roto
prematuramente fueron estadísticamente significativas (P<0,05). El análisis
de regresión logística mostró antecedente del parto vaginal, el IMC prenatal
30 kg/m2, la paridad 2 veces, el intervalo entre cesáreas < 2 veces, la dila-
tación del cuello uterino 1 cm, la altura de la cabeza fetal -3, la ruptura
prematura de la membrana y el grosor del segmento uterino inferior de 3,0 a
3,9 cm fueron los factores de alto riesgo de complicaciones por cicatriz uterina
en la prueba de parto vaginal de un siguiente embarazo (P<0,05). Sería posi-
ble que las gestantes con cicatriz uterina vuelvan a someterse a parto vaginal,
pero existen muchos factores relacionados que inciden en el fracaso del trabajo
de parto. Es necesario prestar atención a todos los aspectos de la exploración
física y elegir las aplicaciones estrictamente de acuerdo con las indicaciones.
Received: 15-05-2022 Accepted: 16-07-2022
A Cesarean section is an operation to
open the abdominal wall and uterus to re-
move the fetus that is an important opera-
tion in the field of obstetrics. It plays an im-
portant role in solving dystocia and severe
pregnancy complications; and reduces the
morbidity and mortality of mothers and in-
fants 1. At present, as the indications for ce-
sarean section surgery and the technology
of cesarean section become more and more
sophisticated, China’s cesarean section rate
has been above the global cesarean section
Complications in vaginal delivery due to uterine scarring after previous cesarean 237
Vol. 63(3): 235 - 242, 2022
warning line. Although cesarean section can
significantly reduce the incidence of dysto-
cia and postnatal adverse reactions, it can
significantly increase the number of preg-
nant women with scar uterus after cesarean
section, increase the risk of patients with
scar pregnancy, placental implantation, pla-
centa previa, and other events, which pose a
certain threat to the health of mothers and
infants 2-3. In recent years, with the full pop-
ularization of the national “second child”
policy, the number of women who have had
a vaginal delivery again after the cesarean
section has significantly increased. Related
data shows that 4, the risk of uterine rupture
during the vaginal delivery of pregnant wom-
en with scar uterus is obviously increased,
which easily leads to maternal and perinatal
death. Reviewing relevant research findings
at home and abroad 5, most of the referenc-
es mainly discuss the factors related to the
success of vaginal delivery in scar uterus re-
pregnancy. There are fewer factors related to
the complications of vaginal delivery in scar
uterus re-pregnancy, this study aims to ana-
lyze risk factors of complications in vaginal
trial delivery of a subsequent pregnancy for
scar uterus after cesarean section.
Research subjects
136 pregnant women with scarred
uteri with a history of cesarean section
who were admitted to the obstetrics de-
partment of our hospital from February
2016 to March 2019 were selected as the
research subjects. This study was approved
by the ethics committee of our hospital.
Inclusion criteria: 1) those aged 22 to 40
years with 37 to 41 weeks gestation; 2) the
time between the last cesarean operation
and this pregnancy of all pregnant women
was more than 2 years; 3)the uterine scar
of the pregnant woman was located at the
lower section of the uterus; 4) the fetal po-
sition was normal and without absolute pel-
vic pelvis; 5) the pelvic bones of pregnant
women were normal; 6) the indication for
the last cesarean section operation did not
exist; 7) The patient and family members
were informed and signed a consent form.
Exclusion criteria: 1) those who had a his-
tory of two or more cesarean sections; 2)
patients with intrauterine multiple births
and non-term pregnancies; 3) patients with
previous history of uterine rupture; 4) preg-
nant women with uterine tumor disease; 5)
those who occur new cesarean section indi-
cations in this pregnancy; 6) those that had
placenta attachment or poor continuity of
muscle layer in the scar of the lower uterus.
7) products with estimated weights great-
er than 4000 grams were not considered.
136 pregnant women aged 22 to 40 years
old, with an average age of (27.82 ± 3.84)
years, 37 to 41 weeks of gestational age, an
average of (39.15 ± 1.07) weeks, with two
to five pregnancies, an average of (2.10 ±
1.03) times, and one to four times of parity,
with an average of (1.18 ± 0.47) times, and
the interval between cesarean sections was
24-168 months, with an average of (62.38
± 25.47) months. According to the results
of vaginal trial delivery, they were divided
into the successful group and failed groups.
Delivery methods
After admission, pregnant women un-
derwent detailed obstetric examinations
and fetal ultrasound examinations to evalu-
ate comprehensively their physical and preg-
nancy status. Pregnant women and their
families chose the delivery method based on
the actual situation. Continuous electronic
ECG monitoring was given, and the midwife
accompany the trial of pregnant women by
the way of one-on-one monitoring the prog-
ress of the labor process closely. After the
successful trial, it was checked whether the
uterus was complete and whether the uter-
ine scar had cracked. If the pregnant woman
does not give birth within 12 hours after
contraction, or if there are suspicious signs
of uterine rupture and fetal distress, a cesar-
ean section should be given immediately.
238 Ye et al.
Investigación Clínica 63(3): 2022
Data collection
The general information on prenatal,
perinatal, and postpartum for all pregnant
women was collected, including age, educa-
tion, pregnancy, parity, previous cesarean
sections interval, vaginal birth history, pre-
natal BMI, use of uterine contractions, gesta-
tional age, infant weight, admission uterine
dilation of the cervix, cervical Bishop score,
the height of the fetal head, lower uterine
segment thickness, premature rupture of
membranes, regular birth checkup, etc., and
the record content was checked.
Statistical methods
All the count data in this study are ex-
pressed in [n (%)]. The comparison between
the two groups was performed using the χ²
test. Logistic regression analysis was used
to analyze the high-risk factors for failed
vaginal delivery of scar uterine pregnancy.
P<0.05 was considered statistically signifi-
cant. The research data were analyzed using
the SPSS21.0 software package.
Analysis of maternal delivery results
Among the 136 patients, 108 cases
(79.41%) of successful vaginal trials were in
the successful group, 28 cases (20.59%) of
failed vaginal trials were in the failed group,
and the reasons for 28 cases of pregnant
women who failed vaginal trials and were
changed to cesarean section, are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1
Reasons for pregnant women who have failed
vaginal trials were changed to cesarean section.
Reasons Cases
Fetal distress 12 (42.86)
Secondary tocolytic weakness 1 (3.57)
Abnormal labor 7 (25.00)
Intrauterine infection 1 (3.57)
Other factors 7 (25.00)
Univariate analysis of factors related to
failed vaginal trial delivery of scar uterine
The univariate analysis showed that
there were statistically significant differences
in gravidity, parity, previous cesarean sections
interval, vaginal birth history, prenatal BMI,
use of uterine contraction, gestational age,
infant weight, admission dilation of the cer-
vix, cervical Bishop score, the height of the
fetal head, the thickness of the lower uterus,
and whether the membranes were premature-
ly ruptured (P <0.05). See Table 2.
Influencing factors and assignments
The high-risk factors and assignments
of failed vaginal trial delivery in scar uterine
pregnancy, are expressed in Table 3.
Logistic regression analysis of high-risk
factors for failed vaginal trial delivery
in scar uterus pregnancy
Taking the failed vaginal trial delivery
as the dependent variable, the statistically
significant indicators in Table 2 were used
as the dependent variables for evaluation
(see Table 3) and were included in the lo-
gistic regression analysis model. The results
showed that there was no history of vaginal
delivery, BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2, parity ≥ 2 times,
cesarean section interval < 2 times, admis-
sion dilation of cervix 1 cm, the height
of fetal head -3, premature rupture of
membranes, and 3.0-3.9cm of the thickness
of the lower uterus are high-risk factors for
complications in vaginal trial delivery in scar
uterus pregnancy (P <0.05) (see Table 4).
With the continuous increase in cesarean
section rate in the world and the widespread
application of laparoscopic myomectomy in
women of childbearing age, the problem of
subsequent pregnancies for scarred uterus is
inevitable 6. With the gradual increase in cesar-
ean section rate, the scarred uterus appears in
large numbers. There are two methods of deliv-
Complications in vaginal delivery due to uterine scarring after previous cesarean 239
Vol. 63(3): 235 - 242, 2022
Table 2
Univariate analysis of factors related to failed vaginal delivery of scar uterine pregnancy.
Relative factors Successful group
(n=108) (%)*
Failed group
(n=28) (%)* F p-value**
Age <35 years 99(91.67) 27(96.43) 0.740 0.390
≥35 years 9(8.33) 1(3.57)
Education Under the high school 85(78.70) 21(75.00) 0.177 0.674
High school or above 23(21.30) 7(25.00)
Gravidity <3 times 33(30.56) 12(42.56) 1.520 0.218
≥3 times 75(69.44) 16(57.14)
Parity <2 times 83(76.85) 27(96.43) 5.511 0.019
≥2 times 25(23.15) 1(3.57)
Previous cesarean
sections interval
24~36 months 55(50.93) 21(75.00) 5.227 0.022
>36 months 53(49.07) 7(25.00)
Vaginal birth history Yes 67(62.04) 3(10.71) 11.825 0.001
No 41(37.96) 25(89.29)
Prenatal BMI <30 kg/m2 78(72.22) 14(50.00) 5.017 0.025
≥30 kg/m2 30(27.78) 14(50.00)
Use of uterine contraction Yes 55(50.93) 8(28.57) 7.281 0.007
No 53(49.07) 20(71.43)
Gestational age <40 weeks 82(75.93) 16(57.14) 3.896 0.048
≥40 weeks 26(24.07) 12(42.56)
Infant weight <3.5kg 72(66.67) 12(42.56) 5.338 0.021
≥3.5kg 36(33.33) 16(57.14)
Dilation of cervix <1cm 44(40.74) 22(78.57) 12.740 <0.001
≥1cm 64(59.26) 6(21.43)
Cervical Bishop score <3 scores 4(3.70) 4(14.29) 4.497 0.034
≥3 scores 104(96.30) 24(85.71)
Height of the fetal head <-3 4(3.70) 4(14.29) 4.497 0.034
≥-3 104(96.30) 24(85.71)
The thickness of the lower
3.0~3.9cm 32(29.63) 16(57.14) 7.370 0.007
≥4.0cm 76(70.37) 12(42.56)
Whether the membranes
were prematurely ruptured
Yes 16(14.81) 10(35.71) 6.281 0.012
No 92(85.19) 18(64.29)
Regular birth checkup Yes 75(69.44) 16(57.14) 1.520 0.218
No 33(30.56) 12(42.86)
* n= number, % (percent).
**P-value based on univariate analysis (linear regression).
240 Ye et al.
Investigación Clínica 63(3): 2022
Table 3
High-risk factors and assignments of failed vaginal trial delivery in scar uterine pregnancy.
Code Variate Assignments
X1 Gender 1=male, 2=female
X2 Education 1= under the high school, 2= high school or above
X3 Gravidity 1=<3 times, 2=≥3 times
X4 Parity 1=<2 times, 2=≥2 times
X5 Previous cesarean sections interval 1=24~36 months, 2>36 months
X6 Vaginal birth history 1=yes, 2=no
X7 Prenatal BMI 1=<30 kg/m2, 2=≥30 kg/m2
X8* Use of uterine contraction 1=yes, 2=no
X9 Gestational age 1=<40 weeks, 2=≥40 weeks
X10** Infant weight 1=<3.5kg, 2=≥3.5kg
X11 Dilation of cervix 1=<1cm, 2=≥1cm
X12 Cervical Bishop score 1=<3 scores, 2=≥3 scores
X13 Height of the fetal head 1=<-3, 2=≥-3
X14 The thickness of the lower uterus 1=3.0~3.9cm, 2=≥4.0cm
X15 Whether the membranes were
prematurely ruptured
1=yes, 2=no
X16 Regular birth checkup 1=yes, 2=no
Y Vaginal trial delivery results 1=successful, 2=failed
* Oxytocic medications were used.
** The cut-off point of 3500 grams was taken intentionally.
Table 4
Logistic regression analysis of high-risk factors for failed vaginal delivery of scar uterine pregnancy.
Influencing factors βSE Wald p OR 95%CI
No history of vaginal delivery 0.839 0.175 20.135 0.001 2.319 1.614~3.253
Prenatal BMI≥30 kg/m2 0.078 0.021 19.561 0.001 1.120 1.041~1.132
Parity≥2 times 0.737 0.245 8.426 0.002 2.142 1.031~4.173
Cesarean section interval
<2 times
dilation of cervix≥1cm 0.026 0.017 4.865 0.014 1.038 1.004~1.071
height of fetal head≥-3 0.802 0.232 11.028 0.001 2.146 1.210~4.281
premature rupture
of membranes
3.0-3.9cm of the thickness
of the lower uterus
Complications in vaginal delivery due to uterine scarring after previous cesarean 241
Vol. 63(3): 235 - 242, 2022
eries for scarred uterus in subsequent pregnan-
cies, including cesarean section and vaginal
delivery. A second cesarean section can reduce
certain maternal and infant complications and
newborn death rates, but it can increase the
incidence of pain, pelvic adhesions, and surgi-
cal injuries in patients. The guided delivery in
a subsequent pregnancy for scarred uterus is
more economical than a second cesarean deliv-
ery, with less postpartum pain, and can reduce
placental implantation and risk of placenta
placement 7-8. In recent years, the concept of
vaginal trial delivery of a subsequent pregnan-
cy for scarred uterus after the cesarean sec-
tion has been accepted by obstetricians. Some
scholars have found that the success rate of
vaginal delivery after scar uterus for a previous
cesarean section can reach 82.61%. However,
there is currently no clear assessment of risk
factors for vaginal trials in China, and most
pregnant women have a certain degree of re-
jection of vaginal trials 9-10. The results of this
study showed that in 136 patients, 108 cases
of vaginal trials were successful (79.41%), and
28 cases of vaginal trials failed (20.59%), which
suggested that the scarred uterus has certain
feasibility. The associated risk factors for preg-
nant women who have failed delivery were ana-
lyzed in this study.
Logistic regression analysis showed no
history of vaginal birth, prenatal BMI 30
kg/m2, parity 2 times, cesarean delivery
interval <2 times, admission dilation of
cervix≥ 1 cm, the height of fetal head ≥-
3, premature rupture of membranes and a
thickness of 3.0 - 3.9cm at the lower uterus
are the high-risk factors for complications in
the vaginal trial of scar uterine pregnancy (P
<0.05). Increased prenatal BMI can increase
the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes such
as hypertension and diabetes during preg-
nancy. Some scholars have found that preg-
nant women with high prenatal BMI values
have a relatively slow expansion of the cer-
vix during vaginal delivery, increasing the
risk of vaginal trial failure 11. Relevant data
show that the shorter the interval from the
last cesarean section, the higher the risk of
uterine rupture in pregnant women 12. First
fetal head exposure refers to the part of the
fetus that first enters the pelvic entrance.
Pregnant women with high first fetal head
exposure have a higher incidence of dysto-
cia 13. Premature rupture of membranes is
a common perinatal complication, which
refers to the natural rupture of membranes
before labor, which can lead to an increase
in perinatal mortality. Relevant data 14 show
that the incidence of neonatal asphyxia after
cesarean delivery in pregnant women with
fetal head height and premature rupture of
membranes has significantly increased. The
thickness of the lower part of the uterus is
a predictive indicator of uterine threatened
rupture. When the thickness of the lower
part of the uterus is low, it can increase the
scar tension during labor and prone to com-
plications such as uterine rupture 15.
In summary, no history of vaginal birth,
prenatal BMI 30 kg/m2, parity ≥ 2 times,
cesarean section interval <2 times, admis-
sion dilation of cervix≥ 1 cm, the height
of fetal head ≥- 3, premature rupture of
membranes and a thickness of 3.0 - 3.9 cm
at the lower uterus are the high-risk factors
for complications in the vaginal trial of scar
uterine pregnancy. Therefore, a vaginal trial
for pregnant women with a scarred uterus
is feasible. However, there are many relevant
factors affecting the failure of trial of labor,
and more attention should be paid to all as-
pects of inspection, and choose the applica-
tion strictly according to the indication.
Authors’ Contribution
Ren Ye and Weixia Wang collected the
Ren Ye and Weixia Wang analyzed the
Ren Ye and Jie Li conducted the ex-
periments and analyzed the results.
All authors discussed the results and
wrote the manuscript.
242 Ye et al.
Investigación Clínica 63(3): 2022
The research was supported by: Ning-
bo key discipline women’s health care (No.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare no conflict of in-
Author’s ORCID numbers
Ren Ye: 0000-0002-8366-8596
Weixia Wang: 0000-0002-5658-8961
Jie Li: 0000-0001-6629-7319
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