Invest Clin 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
Corresponding author: José Núñez-Troconis. Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Facultad of Medicina,
Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. E-mail:
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology.
José Núñez-Troconis1, Daniel Carvallo2 and Elizabeth Martínez-Núñez2
1Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Facultad of Medicina, Universidad
del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
2Escuela de Medicina “José María Vargas”, Facultad of Medicina, Universidad Central
de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.
Key words: menstruation; menstrual cycle; dysmenorrhea; primary dysmenorrhea;
pathophysiology; inflammation.
Abstract. The present study was conducted to investigate and analyze the
recent and relevant studies about primary dysmenorrhea and its pathophysiol-
ogy. Literature searches were performed electronically in PubMed, Medline, ISI,
DOAJ, Springer, Embase. Web of Knowledge, DOAJ, Google Scholar and the
Cochrane Library for original articles written in English and in Scielo, Lanti-
dex, Imbiomed-L, Redalyc and Google Scholar for original articles written in
Spanish. The searches included the key words (Mesh): menstruation, menstrual
period, menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea, primary dysmenorrhea, inflammatory
substance and inflammatory markers. Publications from January 1980 to Feb-
ruary 2021 were reviewed. Dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecologic con-
dition experienced by menstruating women. It is characterized by crampy lower
abdominal pain that can range widely in severity, and associated to others symp-
toms. Its overall impact often has significant medical and psychosocial implica-
tions. The hallmark of primary dysmenorrhea is painful menses in the absence
of any associated macroscopic pathologic process, and it occurs in up to 50%
of menstruating females and causes significant disruption in quality of life and
absenteeism. An excessive or imbalanced amount of prostanoids and possibly
eicosanoids released from the endometrium during menstruation have been
mentioned as the main cause of primary dysmenorrhea. The uterus is induced
to contract frequently and dysrhythmically, with increased basal tone and in-
creased active pressure. Uterine hypercontractility, reduced uterine blood flow
and increased peripheral nerve hypersensitivity induce pain. Diagnosis rests on
a good history with negative pelvic evaluation findings. This narrative review
investigated and analyzed the pathophysiology of primary dysmenorrhea and
the implications of other chemical substances.
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 379
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
Dismenorrea Primaria: fisiopatología.
Invest Clin 2021; 62 (4): 378-406
Palabras clave: menstruación; ciclo menstrual; dismenorrea; dismenorrea primaria;
patofisiología; inflamación.
Resumen. La presente revisión fue realizada con el objeto de investigar y
analizar los estudios más recientes y relevantes sobre la dismenorrea primaria y
su fisiopatología. La literatura revisada fue realizada electrónicamente en Pub-
Med, Medline, ISI, DOAJ, Springer, Embase. Web of Knowledge, DOAJ, Google
Scholar y la Librería Cochrane para los artículos escritos en inglés. Scielo, Lan-
tidex, Imbiomed-L, Redalyc y Google Scholar fueron revisados en búsqueda de
artículos escritos en español. La búsqueda incluyó las palabras claves (Mesh):
menstruación, periodo menstrual, ciclo menstrual, dismenorrea, dismenorrea
primaria, substancias inflamatorias y marcadores inflamatorios. Se revisaron
publicaciones desde enero 1980 a febrero 2021. La dismenorrea es la condi-
ción ginecológica más común presente en la mujer menstruante. Se caracte-
riza por dolor en el abdomen bajo tipo cólico, su severidad es variable y está
asociada con otros síntomas. Su impacto general tiene implicaciones médicas y
psicosociales significativas. La característica de la dismenorrea primaria son las
menstruaciones dolorosas en ausencia de un proceso patológico macroscópico,
ocurre hasta en un 50% de las mujeres menstruantes y causa alteración de la
calidad de vida y ausentismo. Un exceso o desbalance de la cantidad de prosta-
noides y posiblemente liberación de eicosanoides por el endometrio durante la
menstruación han sido mencionados como la principal causa de la dismenorrea
primaria. El útero es inducido a contraerse frecuente y disritmicamente con au-
mento del tono basal e incremento de presión activa. La hipercontractibilidad
del útero reduce el flujo sanguíneo e incrementa la hipersensibilidad periférica
lo cual induce dolor. Esta revisión narrativa investigó y analizó la patofisiología
de la dismenorrea primaria y las implicaciones de otras sustancias químicas.
Received: 26-03-2021 Accepted: 14-06-2021
The uterus is a dynamic organ. It not
only responds and changes in a sensitive way
to action of the classic hormonal signals (the
endocrine events of the menstrual cycle), but
it is also composed of complex tissues, with
important autocrine and paracrine func-
tions. The most dynamic tissue of the uterus
is the endometrium. Every endometrial cycle
has, as its only goal, the support of an early
embryo (1). If the pregnancy does not oc-
cur, menstruation follows by the end of the
menstrual cycle. As we know, menstruation,
also known as menses, menstrual period or
period, is the regular discharge of blood and
mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the
uterus through the vagina. Approximately
50% of the menstrual detritus is expelled
in the first 24 hours of menstrual flow. The
menstrual fluid is composed of the autolyzed
endometrial tissue, inflammatory exudate,
380 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
red blood cells and proteolytic enzymes. The
autolyzed endometrial tissue is composed of
a variety of functional states including disar-
ray and breakage of glands, fragmentation of
vessels and stroma with persisting evidence
of necrosis. The high fibrinolytic activity al-
lows the emptying of the uterus by liquefac-
tion of tissue and fibrin (1,2).
It is becoming increasingly accepted
that many normal reproductive processes ex-
hibit signs of inflammation. Such processes,
include ovulation, menstruation, implanta-
tion and parturition (3). These events are
associated with up-regulation in the expres-
sion of a host of inflammatory mediators,
which include cytokines, growth factors and
lipid mediators that influence the growth
and function of the immune and vascular
compartments (3-5). In addition, the female
reproductive tract has the remarkable char-
acteristic, which is the capacity to resolve
these inflammatory events rapidly in order
to re-establish the normal reproductive func-
tions (5). The resolution of these inflamma-
tion events is the clearance of leukocytes
and tissue debris as well as restoration of
mucosal and vascular function in the affect-
ed tissue. Inflammation is an active process
that involves the release of inflammatory cy-
tokines, chemokines and peptide growth fac-
tors. This establishes a gradient for the re-
cruitment of neutrophils and macrophages
to the site of injury. Injury also promotes
the activation of the coagulation and fibri-
nolysis system, which operates in tandem to
control clotting and remodelling of the vas-
culature. This facilitates tissue regeneration
and extravasation of neutrophils at the site
of injury via dilatation and edema. Tissue
remodeling also involves production of local
inflammatory mediators such as kinins, his-
tamine and eicosanoids such as prostanoids
(prostaglandins, prostacyclins and throm-
boxanes) and leukotrienes (5).
The endometrium secretes many sub-
stances and regulating molecules. Besides,
to produce a supportive and nutritive envi-
ronment for the early embryo, the endome-
trium plays an important role in suppressing
the immune response within the pregnant
uterus. The endometrium secretes or pro-
duces different substances or regulating
molecules involved in inflammation and im-
mune responses such as prostaglandins, leu-
kotrienes, tromboxanes, different cytokines:
interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, Interferon-γ,
colony stimulating factor-1, tumor necrosis
factor-α, leukemia inhibiting factor (1).
There are three disorders related to the
menstruation or menstrual period: premen-
strual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric
disorder, premenstrual migraine and dys-
menorrhea (6),
The objective of this narrative review ar-
ticle is to review and analyze the pathophysi-
ology and the role of the different inflamma-
tory markers have in the pathogenesis of the
primary dysmenorrhea (PD).
Study design
The present study was conducted to
investigate and analyze recent and relevant
studies about PD and inflammatory mark-
ers. Studies published in English and Span-
ish were included in the review.
In accordance with the PRISMA guide-
lines, we identified published studies through a
systematic and electronical review of the litera-
ture searches of PubMed, Medline, ISI, DOAJ,
Springer, Embase. Web of Knowledge, DOAJ,
Google Scholar and the Cochrane Library for
original articles written in English and in Scie-
lo, Latindex, Imbiomed-L, Redalyc and Google
Scholar for original articles written in Spanish.
The searches included the key words (MESH):
menstruation, menstrual period, menstrual
cycle, dysmenorrhea, primary dysmenorrhea,
inflammatory substance, inflammatory mark-
ers, and the following search terms: Dysmen-
orrhea” AND “menstrual cycle OR menstrual
period OR inflammatory markers OR inflam-
matory substances OR pathophysiology”. In
addition, reference lists and citation histories
were checked during the search.
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 381
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
Inclusion Criteria
Selection criteria included randomized
clinical trials, observational trials, open-la-
bel non-randomized trials and case reports.
The Cochrane Library was searched for re-
views. Publications from January 1980 to
February 2021 were reviewed.
Information Extraction
The electronic search and eligibility of
the studies were evaluated by the author. The
author reviewed, analyzed and discussed the
PD and inflammatory markers (see Fig. 1).
Dysmenorrhea is one of the most com-
mon gynecologic problems in reproductive
age women and is the most common gy-
necological symptom reported by women,
irrespective of nationality and age (6-8).
Dysmenorrhea is the pain that occurs with
menstruation, usually cramping in nature
and centered in the lower abdomen (6).
The term dysmenorrhea is derived from the
Greek words dys (difficult, painful, or ab-
normal), meno (month), and rrhea (flow).
Dysmenorrhea has significant medical and
Fig. 1. Flow chart of study selection.
382 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
psychosocial implications. Dysmenorrhea
is potentially the most underdiagnosed
gynecologic condition because of common
societal beliefs regarding a lack of effec-
tive treatments and expectations about
the burden of menstruation (9). Accord-
ing to World Health Organization, the
prevalence of dysmenorrhea ranges be-
tween 1.7% to 97% (10). Ninety percent of
women experience some severity of men-
strual pain, which is variable by geographi-
cal location and population. One third to
one half of these women report moderate
or severe symptoms (6-8,11-20). Symp-
toms are frequently associated with time
lost from school, work or other activities
(21). In spite of the frequency and severity
of dysmenorrhea, most women do not seek
medical treatment for this condition (22).
Dysmenorrhea is classified as primary and
secondary (6). Table I shows the differences be-
tween primary and secondary dysmenorrhea.
The age is an important and determinant fac-
tor of menstrual pain, being more pronounced
in adolescents than in older women (22,23).
Associated factors for more severe episodes
of dysmenorrhea may include early menarche,
heavy and increased duration of menstrual flow
and family history (7,12, 24). There is some
evidence that parous women have less severe
dysmenorrhea (23-25). The studies have shown
that smoking and alcohol consumption wors-
ens primary menstrual pain (7,19, 23, 25, 26).
There is some suggestion that frequent life
changes, fewer social supports, and stressful
close relationships may be associated with in-
crease of dysmenorrhea (27). Different authors
(28,29) mentioned that mood disorders are
associated with primary dysmenorrhea (PD).
There may be an increased prevalence of dys-
menorrhea in lower socioeconomic groups
(11). Also, there is controversy about the as-
sociation of obesity (12,24), physical activity
(24,26) and alcohol (12,24-26) with PD.
Primary Dysmenorrhea
Primary dysmenorrhea usually begins
during adolescence, only after ovulatory cy-
cles are established; usually, the symptoms
start after the first 6-months and 24 months
after the onset of menarche (6,30-32); 20–
45% of teenage girls are ovulatory by 2 years
and 80% by 4–5 years after menarche (6).
The prevalence of primary dysmenor-
rhea is highly underestimated, and is dif-
ficult to establish, because few affected
women seek medical treatment, despite
the substantial distress experienced, as
many consider the pain to be a normal
part of the menstrual cycle rather than a
disorder (28). Many cases thus remain un-
documented (33). Due to the lack of stan-
dard methods for assessing the severity of
dysmenorrhea, the prevalence has been
estimateted between 45 and 95% of men-
struating women (34,35), with very severe
primary dysmenorrhea estimated to affect
10–25% of women of reproductive age and
this is not affected by height, weight, or
regularity of the menstrual cycle (12,36).
The overall prevalence of primary dysmen-
orrhea among adolescent girls is between
60 to 90% (6,7,20, 30, 37- 40), and an ap-
proximately 15% of adolescent girls seek
medical attention (6). Between 2 and 29%
will suffer from severe pain (6).
Risk factors
PD is positively associated with
stress, family history of dysmenorrhea, a
body mass index less than 20 or over 30
kg/m2, depression, early menarche (be-
fore age 11), longer intermenstrual inter-
vals (≥ 35 days) and duration of bleeding
(≥7 days), heavy bleeding, premenstrual
molimina, nulliparity, history of sexual
assault, frequent consumption alcohol,
smoking (Table II) (6, 7, 25, 32). About
50% of students reported a family history
of dysmenorrhea (30). PD decreases with:
age increases (prevalence of PD decreases
to 67% by age 24), parit (but not in those
who had a miscarriage or abortion), exer-
cises, stable relationships, and the use of
oral contraceptives (6, 30, 32, 41). Ado-
lescents ranging from 7.7% to 57.8% miss
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 383
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
school or work, 21.5% of them miss social
activities and 15% have to limit their daily
activities despite the use of medication
(6, 30). As it was mentioned before, the
prevalence of PD decreased to 67% by age
24, with 10% still reporting some limita-
PD is characterized or described as a
sharp ache or dull pain, intermittent spams
or cramps usually located in the midline
suprapubic area that begins between a few
hours before and a few hours after the on-
set of the menstrual bleeding (9, 22, 31,).
The pain can irradiate to the back or inner
of the legs or/and the lower back. Nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, fever, fatigue, malaise,
and lightheadedness are systemic symptoms
very common. Symptoms or pain peak with
the maximum blood flow and may persist up
to 2 to 3 days (6, 9, 31).
Dysmenorrhea Primary Secondary
Onset Within 3 years after menarche More after 5 years after menarche
Age 12-25 years old Over 30 years old
Aging Gradually improve Become worse
Pathophysiology No underlaying gynecological
pathology Underlying pathology
Time Menstruation Menstruation and/or other time
Duration 4-72 hours > 1 day
Nature Spasmodic Variable-achy, spasmodic
Heavy menses, nauseas, vomit,
headache, backache, syncope,
Dyspareunia, dyschezia, sinusorraghia,
infertility, heavy menses, vaginal
discharge, intermenstrual bleeding,
chronic pelvic pain, bowel and urinary
Location Central Variable, often eccentric
Marriage Improve No change
Post-partum Improve No change
Finding Normal Different gynecological pathologies:
endometriosis, adenomyosis, PID, etc.
Normal Fixed retroverted uterus, thickened
uterosacral ligaments, endometriotic
nodules, on vaginal exam myomas,
enlarged tender uterus, adnexal
Special investigation Ultrasound: normal pelvic Ultrasound: myomas, adenomyosis,
Relieving factors NSAIDs, OCs, heat, childbirth,
cervical dilation, others. NSAIDs, heat, menstrual suppression
Response to NSAID/
Ye s Yes, but may require further
NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; OCs: oral contraceptives.
384 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
Zhou et al. (30) mentioned four pos-
sible etiological aspects of PD:
1.- Brain abnormality: in recent years,
there have been several scientific reports on
brain abnormal structure changes and con-
nectivity in dysmenorrheic females using
fMRI. Tu et al. (42) in 2010 among women
with PD found that they had smaller gray
matter volume in brain regions in pain
transmission and higher levels sensory pro-
cessing, and larger gray matter volume in
regions in pain modulation and endocrine
function regulation compared with healthy
controls. In 2016, Liu et al. (43) reported
that PD women had significantly increased
cortical thickness in the orbitofrontal cortex
(OFC), insula (INS), primary/secondary sen-
sory area (SI/SII), superior temporal cortex
(STC), precuneus, and posterior cingulate
cortex (PCC) but PD women also have de-
creased subcortical volumes of the caudate,
thalamus, and amygdala. Dun et al. (44)
found lower gray matter density in the left
anterior insula (aINS) in PD patients. In ad-
dition, it has been observed changed in neu-
ro-connectivity in patients with PD. Different
reports have revealed abnormal white mat-
ter integrity involved in pain transmission
and modulation systems at periovulation in
these patients. Dun et al. (45) and Liu et al.
(46) have mentioned that these white matter
microstructure alterations could be closely
related with the intensity of menstrual pain.
In addition, an abnormal anterior cingulate
cortex (ACC) connectivity has been related
to the PD pain sensation and regulation
(47). PD patients have a dynamic regional
spontaneous activity which changes during
the whole period cycle and the altered brain
regions are involved in decreasing pain mod-
ulations, the default mode network (DMN),
and the sensory modulation (48). Wu et al.
(49) reported that in PD women had a re-
gional reduction in homogeneity in the ven-
tromedial prefrontal cortex part of the DMN,
during the periovulatory phase; hypocon-
nectivity of the DMNsalience network and
hyperconnectivity of DMNexecutive control
network across the menstrual cycle. Also,
young women with PD have increased theta
oscillations in different brain regions: in the
right side parahippocampal gyrus, right pos-
terior insula, and left anterior/middle cin-
gulate gyrus during the menstrual phase. In
the left side: the bilateral anterior insula and
the left middle/ inferior temporal gyrus dur-
ing the periovulatory phase.
2.- Gene variation: Zhou et al. (30) sug-
gest that there are several genotype and
allele frequencies in PD women compared
with the healthy controls, including TNF
α308, macrophage migration inhibitory fac-
tor gene 173, estrogen receptor-1 gene brain
derived neurotrophic factor gene Val66Met,
cytochrome P450 2D6 gene, glutathione S
transferase Mu gene, Familial Mediterranean
fever (MEFV) gene, and others. The geno-
type and allele frequencies of TNF α308 ge-
netic polymorphisms differ significantly be-
tween dysmenorrhea patients and controls.
Dogru et al. (51) proved that TNF α308 GG
genotype might be a useful tool to predict
the susceptibility to the dysmenorrhea. Mac-
Anxiety or stress
Body mass index<20 or >30 kg/m2
Disrupted social networks
Family history, especially in a first-degree
Early Menarche (before 12 years old)
Longer intermenstrual periods
Heavy and longer bleeding
Pre-menstrual molimina
History of sexual assault
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 385
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
rophage migration inhibitory factor gene
173G>C polymorphism is also significantly
associated with age at menarche and a his-
tory of back pain among dysmenorrhea pa-
tients (51). Lee et al. (52) mentioned that
the brain derived neurotrophic factor gene
Met/Met homozygosity, may be associated
with an increased risk of PD and a possible
regulator of menstrual pain and pain related
emotions in PD. Erten et al. (53) reported
that patients with dysmenorrhea showed a
significant increase in the frequency of the
Familial Mediterranean fever (MEFV) gene
mutations compared with the control group.
Also, Liedman et al. (54) reported that the
gene expression for the oxytocin receptor
was significantly lower in women with dys-
menorrhea than in healthy women.
3.- Metabolism: some studies have
shown that serum nitric acid (NO) levels
are higher and serum homocysteine levels
are lower among PD patients, than in the
healthy controls. Lee et al. (52) hypoth-
esized that NO affects the homocysteine
metabolic pathway, and contribute to dys-
menorrheal symptoms. Yeh et al. (55) and
Turhan et al. (56) reported higher plasma
Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, an oxida-
tive stress marker in patients with dysmen-
orrhea compared to those in the healthy
controls. MDA is generated during lipid
peroxidation, and serves as a marker of tis-
sue injury (57). Dikensoy et al. (58) fur-
ther revealed that the serum levels of MDA,
NO, and adrenomedullin were significantly
higher in PD patients compared to that of
the control group on the first and the 21st
day of the menstrual cycles, suggesting that
the possibility that lipid peroxidation and
oxidative stress might play a significant role
in the etiopathogenesis of PD. The plasmat-
ic concentration of oxytocin is significantly
higher during the menstrual period and va-
sopressin plasmatic concentrations are low-
er during the ovulation in PD patients com-
pared with healthy women (30). Liedman
et al. (54) found that the gene expression
for the oxytocin receptor was significantly
lower in women with dysmenorrhea than in
healthy women. AbdulRazzak et al. (59, 60)
reported a relationship among low levels of
Vitamin D, low calcium intake and dysmen-
orrhea in adolescents and young women.
The same authors mentioned that women,
who have dysmenorrhea, have a high prev-
alence of Vitamin D-deficient, secondary
hyperparathyroidism and low dietary cal-
cium intake. Different authors (61-63) have
shown that the Vitamin D supplementation
intake among PD patients had a significant
reduction of pain compared with the pla-
cebo group. Orimadegun et al. (64) found
the level of alpha tocopherol (vitamin E)
was considerably lower in women who expe-
rience PD than controls suggesting relative
deficiency of this antioxidant.
4.- Pain threshold difference: recent
studies indicated that women with PD are hy-
persensitive to experimental pain compared
with controls. Iacovides et al. (28) published
a detailed review about the hyperalgesia in
PD patients. They pointed out that two fea-
tures of this hyperalgesia in women with PD:
1) an increased sensitivity to experimental
pain during the menstruation as well as
during painfree follicular phase of the men-
strual cycle; 2) the hyperalgesia occurred in
muscles within and outside the area of men-
strual pain.
Endometrial Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle and its physiology,
is characterized by the addition of a series of
anatomic, functional and hormonal changes
within the glandular component of the en-
dometrium, as well as its vascular and stro-
mal constituents, which are mediated by
feedback mechanisms that respond to endo-
crine, autocrine and paracrine factors. It is
defined as the interval from the first day of
menstruation to the beginning of the next
one (65,66). The changes can be divided
into five phases: 1) the preparation of the
menstrual endometrium, 2) the proliferative
phase, 3) secretory phase, 4) the endome-
trial preparation for the implantation, and
386 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
5) the endometrial breakdown phase. The
entire process is an integrated evolutionary
cycle of endometrial growth and regression,
which is repeated some 400 times during
the adult life of the human female (1).
The endometrium is divided into two
distinctive layers. Its upper 2/3 constitutes
the functionalis layer, which has the func-
tion of preparing the uterus for implanta-
tion of the blastocyst; thus, it has a pivotal
importance in the processes of proliferation,
secretion and, particularly, endometrial
degeneration during menstruation. Its re-
generation is provided by the basalis layer,
which is located on the lower 1/3 of the en-
dometrium (1).
The first episode of menstrual bleeding
is known as menarche, which occurs approxi-
mately two years after telarche, between the
ages of 8.5 to 13 years old, marking the be-
ginning of women’s reproductive life, which
ceases when they achieve menopause. Men-
arche is followed by approximately 5–7 years
of increasing regularity as cycles shorten to
reach the usual reproductive-age pattern. In
the 40s, cycles begin to lengthen again. The
usual duration of menstrual flow is 4–6 days,
but many women have flow for as little as 2
days and as much as 8 days. The normal vol-
ume of menstrual blood loss is 30 mL; great-
er than 80 mL is abnormal. Approximately
50% of the menstrual detritus is expelled
in the first 24 hours of menstrual flow. The
menstrual fluid is composed of the autolyzed
functionalis layer, inflammatory exudate, red
blood cells, and proteolytic enzymes, espe-
cially, plasmin which lyses fibrin clots as they
form. The high fibrinolytic activity advances
emptying of the uterus by liquefaction of tis-
sue and fibrin. If the rate of flow is great,
clotting can and does occur. Most women
(90%) have menstrual cycles with an interval
of 24–35 days (1,6).
The normal menstrual cycle, constitut-
ed by follicular and luteal phases, has a dura-
tion of 28 ± 7 days, lasting around 2-7 days.
Nonetheless, this length is completely vari-
able between women, changing from men-
arche to menopause, and constantly show-
ing high variability during each particular
phase of the cycle. The follicular phase lasts
around 10 to 23 days, a 14.6-days mean du-
ration; while the luteal phase has a duration
of 7 to 19 days (mean:13.6 days). Menstrua-
tion is the external sign of women’s cyclicity
and it takes place at the beginning of the
follicular phase and at the end of the luteal
phase (66,67). Thus, the follicular phase is
constituted by menstruation and the prolif-
erative phase, and the luteal phase includes
the secretory phase (1). The uterus blood is
supplied by the two uterine arteries, which
are branches of the internal iliac arteries; at
the lower part of the uterus, the uterine ar-
tery separates into the vaginal artery and an
ascending branch that divides into the arcu-
ate arteries. The arcuate arteries go parallel
to the uterine cavity and anastomose with
each other, forming a vascular ring around
the cavity. Small centrifugal branches (the
radial arteries) leave the arcuate vessels,
perpendicular to the endometrial cavity, to
supply the myometrium. Once these arteries
enter to the endometrium, small branches
(the basal arteries) extend laterally to supply
the basalis layer. These basal arteries do not
demonstrate a response to hormonal chang-
es. The radial arteries continue in the direc-
tion of the endometrial surface, now assum-
ing a corkscrew appearance and change the
name for spiral arteries so that they supply
blood to the functionalis layer of the endo-
metrium. This spiral artery segment is very
sensitive to hormonal changes. One reason
that the functionalis layer is more vulner-
able to vascular ischemia is that there are no
anastomoses among the spiral arteries. The
endometrial glands and the stromal tissue
are supplied by capillaries that emerge from
the spiral arteries, at all levels of the endo-
metrium. The capillaries drain into a venous
plexus and eventually, into the myometrial
arcuate veins and into the uterine veins. This
unique vascular architecture is important to
allow the repeated sequence of endometrial
growth and desquamation (1) (see Fig. 2).
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 387
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
The menstrual endometrium is a rela-
tively thin but dense tissue. As we mentioned
before, the endometrium is composed by a
stable, basalis component and a variable,
but small, amount of residual stratum spon-
giosum. During the menstruation, this latter
tissue displays a variety of functional states
including disarray and breakage of glands,
fragmentation of vessels and stroma with
persisting evidence of necrosis, white cell in-
filtration, and red cell interstitial diapedesis.
When the remnants of menstrual shedding
dominate the overall appearance of this tis-
sue, evidence of repair in all tissue compo-
nents can be detected. Endometrial regener-
ation begins and originates in epithelial and
stromal stem cells. Endometrial epithelial
stem cells have been found in glands within
the basalis layer and are thought to be re-
sponsible for the re-epithelialization of the
exposed surface of the endometrium and
subsequent glandular proliferation to regen-
erate the functionalis layer under the influ-
ence of increasing estrogen levels following
menses. Endometrial mesenchymal stem/
progenitor cells are found around blood ves-
sels in the basalis layer. These progenitor
cells are thought to contribute to regenera-
tion and growth of the endometrial functio-
nalis stroma (68).
Once menstruation starts, during the
follicular phase, estradiol (E2) level starts
progressively rising, as well, leading to the
endometrial proliferation by the mid-follic-
ular phase. The hypothalamus-pituitary-go-
nadal (HPG) axis is activated, inducing the
secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH), via gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH), through a positive feedback of the
axis. During the follicular phase, the domi-
nant ovarian follicle secretes most of E2 and
growths at a rate 1-4 mm/day (65,67,69).
The follicle growth and increased E2 secre-
tion, as well as the increase in E2 receptors
Fig. 2. The Uterine Vasculature.
Adapted from Uterine blood flow during pregnancy. Apaza-Valencia J, Guerrero MH. Rev Peru Gine-
col Obstet. 61(2); abr./jun. 2015. Available from:
ttext&pid=S2304-51322015000200006. Reviewed on March 29, 2021.
388 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
throughout the endometrium, are charac-
teristics of the proliferative phase, with pro-
liferation of the endometrial glands, stromal
and endothelial cells, and the restoration
of the endometrium provided by the basa-
lis layer (1). Considering that ovarian hor-
mones constitute the main mediators of the
HPG axis in females (65), the high concen-
tration of E2 decreases FSH levels via a nega-
tive feedback of the HPG axis, but a release
of luteinizing hormone (LH) takes place,
marking the beginning of the luteal phase.
Thirty-six hours later, the oocyte is released
from the ovarian follicle, a process known as
ovulation, ceasing epithelial proliferation.
The high LH levels induce the transforma-
tion of the dominant follicle into the corpus
luteum, which secretes progesterone (P);
however, P production also takes place dur-
ing the follicular phase, although it is quan-
titatively lower (1,65,67). The expression of
P receptors throughout the endometrium
is induced by the high levels of E2, during
the follicular phase, via E2 receptor-α (ER-
α), which are then inhibited by P. Progester-
one prepares the endometrium for the em-
bryo implantation, during the days 21 or 22
of the cycle, and also, for decidualization,
which plays a pivotal role in menstruation,
implantation and placentation, defined as
endometrial hemostasis. If fertilization and
implantation do not take place, the corpus
luteum will regress and the secretion of P
ceases, with vasoconstriction of spiral ar-
terioles that produces an epithelial lesion,
induced by hypoxia, characterized by vaso-
motor reactions, apoptosis and tissue loss,
causing the consequent degeneration and
desquamation of the functionalis layer of the
endometrium and, thus, marking the begin-
ning of the next follicular phase (1,67).
Inflammatory responses during
As it has been mentioned before, the
endometrium is constituted by a simple co-
lumnar epithelium lying over a multicellu-
lar stroma, comprised by connective tissue
components, fibroblast-like stromal cells,
tubular glands, spiral arteries and recruited
innate immune cells. Endometrial stromal
cells are originated form the differentiation
of endometrial progenitor stem cells, locat-
ed in its basal layer, and, through a process
known as decidualization, are transformed
into decidual cells, which induce a propi-
tious environment for the embryo implanta-
tion and consequent placental development.
This process begins with the intracellular
production of cAMP in the perivascular en-
dometrial stromal cells, which eventually
spread through the entire stroma, and in-
duces the expression of progesterone-depen-
dent proteins (70).
The female reproductive system pres-
ents molecular and cellular mediators as-
sociated to inflammation, which are ex-
pressed fundamentally during ovulation and
menstruation, particularly, during the early
follicular phase (71,72). P withdrawal pro-
duces endometrial tissue edema, increased
vascularization, and vessel permeability and
fragility (71). Changes in the endometrium
are examples of cyclic inflammatory activity,
not only characterized by cellular inflamma-
tion, but by an outer tissular destruction as
well, and whose repair mechanisms prepare
the endometrium for the onset of the next
menstrual cycle (71,72). Concerning ste-
roid hormones (estrogens, androgens and
glucocorticoids), the androgen receptor is
downregulated in the endometrial function-
al layer’s stromal cells during the secretory
phase and upregulated in the endometrial
epithelial cells during the last stages of the
proliferative phase. In addition, once locally
generated cortisol binds to the nuclear glu-
cocorticoid receptor in the endometrium,
it limits inflammation at other tissue sites,
mainly inhibiting angiogenesis. On the other
hand, the concentrations of the estrogen re-
ceptor, located in the nuclei of both, epithe-
lial and stromal cells of the endometrium,
decline in the luteal phase, while the proges-
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 389
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
terone receptor’s concentrations tend to de-
cline only in the glandular epithelium, aug-
menting during the proliferative phase (71).
The decidualized stroma, in response
to the reduction of steroid hormones, stim-
ulates the release of cytokines (interleu-
kin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-α), chemokines and their ligands
(CCL11, CCL2, CXCL10 and CXCL8), ad-
hesion molecules, and granulocyte-macro-
phage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF),
followed by the release of leukocyte’s matrix
metalloproteinase causing the endometrial
glandular layer’s disruption, as a product of
P withdrawal, processes that are regulated
by cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2) and NF-kappa
B (NF-kB) (70,72). The intercellular adhe-
sion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell
adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), whose ex-
pression elevates during the early and mid-
follicular phases, including ovulation, are
also involved in the inflammatory process of
leukocyte trafficking (71). The tissue’s dis-
ruption is exacerbated by the entrance of en-
dometrial neutrophils that also contain high
levels of metalloproteinases (70,72).
Quantitatively, the endometrial leuko-
cyte population varies between 8.2% to 15%
of the endometrial stromal cell compart-
ment, during the proliferative phase of the
menstrual cycle, while immune cells vary
between 20-25% to 40-45% of the cell com-
partment, during the same phase. The reso-
lution of menstrual-related inflammation
also depends on the phagocytosis of apop-
totic cells by macrophages, which can either
proliferate in the endometrium or be derived
from monocytes that were recruited into the
endometrial tissue, under the action of IL-4
in Th2 inflammatory responses, as well as
other chemotactic stimuli, such as CCL2 or
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-
1), highly expressed in the endometrium
during the late secretory phase (71).
During the onset of menstruation,
prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and endothe-
lin-1 induce the vasoconstriction of the spi-
ral arteries of the uterus; while excessive
PGE2 production, at the expense of PGF2α,
allows their vasorelaxation, causing the pro-
liferation of the vascular smooth muscle
cells in endometrial blood vessels, allowing
an increase in blood flow, due to a regula-
tion of the vascular tone and contractility, by
smoothelin and calponin, and thus inducing
arteriogenesis (70,72). However, decreased
vasoconstriction during menstruation does
not only depend on the decreased produc-
tion of the former vasoactive substances,
but also on the aberrant maturation of the
spiral arterioles of the uterus, throughout
the preceding menstrual cycle. Vasocon-
striction may also induce hypoxia in the
menstrual endometrium, which studies have
shown that is necessary for the initiation of
menstruation. The cellular response to hy-
poxia is regulated by hypoxia inducible fac-
tor (HIF), which has been detected in the
endometrium, but only during the perimen-
strual phase, and has proven to have roles
in inflammation, metabolism, angiogenesis,
mitogenesis and apoptosis. HIF-1 also pro-
motes the increase of the vascular endothe-
lial growth factor (VEGF) in the endometrial
tissue during menstruation, characterized
by its angiogenic effects, contributing to an
efficient endometrial repair (70, 73).
The levels of C-reactive protein (CRP),
as a hepatic pro-inflammatory marker, reach
their peak during the early follicular phase,
considering that their increase is associat-
ed with endogenous progesterone’s levels.
Cathepsins B, L, and S are also endometrial
proteinases that allow its normal develop-
ment and functionality during the entire
menstrual cycle, in relation to proteolytic
processes. Regarding the peak for both se-
lectins, -P and E-selectins-, it tends to vary.
Chiareti et al. (71) observed a slight in-
crease of P-selectin during the luteal phase,
while E-selectin remained unaltered during
both phases of the cycle. IL-6 also elevates
during the follicular phase of the menstrual
cycle, inducing the synthesis of, both, CRP
and pentraxin-3 (PTX-3), which is upregu-
lated during ovulation; it also constitutes
390 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
an early marker for endothelial dysfunction,
and has proven to play a role in innate im-
munity, female fertility and pro-coagulation
activity, being largely responsible for the
inflammatory activity during the early fol-
licular phase (71).
Due to an increase in erythrocytes’
catabolism, reticulocyte counts, and nitric
oxide (NO) and progesterone expression
and activation of heme oxygenase 1 (HO-
1), particularly in the myometrial, vascular
endothelial and smooth muscle cells, the
production of endogenous carbon monoxide
(CO) is elevated during the luteal phase of
the menstrual cycle, providing protection
against the endothelial oxidative stress. NO
levels augment in the midcycle (74).
Pathophysiology of dysmenorrhea
It is becoming increasingly accepted
that many normal reproductive processes
display signs of inflammation. Such process-
es include ovulation, menstruation, implan-
tation and parturition (3, 5). All of these
events are associated with up-regulation in
the expression of a host of inflammatory me-
diators, which include cytokines, growth fac-
tors and lipid mediators that influence the
growth and function of the immune and vas-
cular compartments (3,75,76).
Another remarkable feature of the fe-
male reproductive tract is its capacity to re-
solve these inflammatory events rapidly to
re-establish normal reproductive function.
The resolution of inflammation involves the
clearance of leukocytes and tissue debris as
well as restoration of mucosal and vascular
function in the affected tissue. Until recent-
ly, resolution of inflammation was consid-
ered a passive process that came about as
a result of dissipation in the expression of
local inflammatory mediators. In response
to the tissue injury there are specific anti-
inflammatory and pro-resolution biochemi-
cal pathways that are activated, which fa-
cilitate the reestablishment of homeostasis
in the affected tissues (5,76). Furthermore,
it is well recognized that inflammation me-
diated alterations in immune cell and vas-
cular function are important components
of many pathologies which include cancer,
chronic inflammatory diseases, allergy,
asthma, atherosclerosis, autoimmunity,
transplant rejection and metabolic and de-
generative diseases. Moreover, alterations
or disruption in the onset of the pro-reso-
lution pathways may lead to uncontrolled
inflammation and the onset of disease and
there is evidence in animal models that the
administration of pro-resolution mediators
can help control and resolve inflammation
The female reproductive system pres-
ents molecular and cellular mediators as-
sociated to inflammation, which are ex-
pressed fundamentally during ovulation and
menstruation, particularly during the early
follicular phase (71,72). Progesterone with-
drawal produces endometrial tissue edema,
increased vascularization, and vessel per-
meability and fragility (70). Changes in the
endometrium are examples of cyclic inflam-
matory activity (71), not only characterized
by cellular inflammation, but by an outer
tissular destruction, as well, whose repair
mechanisms prepare the endometrium for
the onset of the next menstrual cycle (72).
Concerning steroid hormones (estrogens,
androgens and glucocorticoids), the andro-
gen receptor is downregulated in the endo-
metrial functional layer’s stromal cells dur-
ing the secretory phase and upregulated in
the endometrial epithelial cells during the
last stages of the proliferative phase. In ad-
dition, once locally generated cortisol binds
to the nuclear glucocorticoid receptor in
the endometrium, it limits inflammation at
other tissue sites, mainly inhibiting angio-
genesis. On the other hand, the concentra-
tions of the estrogen receptor, located in the
nuclei of both, epithelial and stromal cells
of the endometrium, decline in the luteal
phase, while the progesterone receptor’s
concentrations tend to decline only in the
glandular epithelium, augmenting during
the proliferative phase (70).
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 391
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
In spite of the huge amounts of stud-
ies, the mechanism of PD is not fully un-
derstood. Previous studies have shown that
dysmenorrhea is a complex process that may
depend on many factors (77-79). It is well
known that the menstrual cycle is depen-
dent on cyclic changes in ovarian hormone
concentrations secretions and therefore also
on cyclic changes in prostaglandin level and
uterine contractile activity (89-82). In 1965,
Pickles et al. (82) noted that one of the fac-
tors contributing to dysmenorrhea might
be an increase in prostaglandin concentra-
tions before menstruation. This suggestion
was confirmed years later by other authors
who showed that prostaglandins production
increases in dysmenorrhea (83). Although
the specific contributions of these various
mechanisms and substances are not yet per-
fectly understood, the pathophysiology of
dysmenorrhea has solidly moved beyond a
psychosomatic cause (9,30).
In normal eumenorrheic women, the uter-
us has well defined contraction patterns that
are influenced by sex steroids, prostaglandins,
and other uterotonic substances throughout
the menstrual cycle and menstrual period (84).
During the menstruation, the uterine basal tone
is minimal, less than 10 mm Hg, there are 3-4
contractions in 10 minutes period with active
pressures at the peak of a contraction reach-
ing up to 120 mm Hg and the contractions are
synchronous and rhythmical (84). Women with
primary dysmenorrhea, uterine contractions
during menses begin from an elevated level
of basal tone (>10 mm Hg), generate higher
intrauterine pressures that frequently reach
150–180 mm Hg and can exceed 400 mm Hg,
occur more frequently (>4–5/10 minutes),
and are not rhythmic or coordinated. When
intrauterine pressure exceeds arterial pressure
for a sustained period of time, ischemia results
in the production of anaerobic metabolites that
stimulate small type C pain neurons, which
contributes to the pain of PD. When more than
one abnormal contraction occurs, they syner-
gize with each other so that the pain threshold
is exceeded with smaller changes than if only
one abnormal contraction is present. Classical-
ly, as it has been mentioned before, PD begins
just before or coincident with the onset of is
exceeded with menses and declines gradually
over the subsequent 72 hours. The menstrual
cramps are intermittent, vary in intensity, and
usually are centered in the suprapubic region,
although some women also experience pain in
their thighs and lower back (6, 84).
During the menstrual period, when ex-
foliation of the endometrium occurs, metal-
loproteinases (MMPs) play an important role.
They are enzymes produced by endometrial
cells and leukocytes. The secretion of MMPs
is probably inhibited by the P, so when the
P decreases, increase the MMPs secretion
(80). Before menstruation, endometrium
tissue gets the characteristics of inflamma-
tion process, it becomes red and edematous.
Endometrial edema is consequence of the
local increased production of chemokines
including interleukin-8 (IL-8), proinflam-
matory cytokines such as IL-1, Il-6 and tu-
mor necrosis factor (TNF) and leukocytes
inflow: uterine NK cells, neutrophils, eosino-
phils, macrophages and activated mast cells
(5,79). After the ovulation both hormones: P
and E2 affect the endometrium. During the
secretory phase, P level increases and has
anti-inflammatory action, inhibiting the re-
lease and activation of MMPs. Three days be-
fore the onset of the menstrual period, P and
E2 levels decrease which initiate the endo-
metrial transformation or change: vasomo-
tor reactions, apoptosis, tissue atrophy and
bleeding or menstruation (85). After ovula-
tion, fatty acids are accumulated in phos-
pholipids in the cell membrane. Omega-6
fatty acid and arachidonic acid are released
only when the level of progesterone begins
to fall (86).
Prostaglandins and prostanoids
An excess or imbalance of prostaglan-
dins (PGs), vasopressin and other chemical
substances derived from phospholipids has
been proposed to cause dysmenorrhea and is
no longer heavily disputed (9). Evidence for
392 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
this theory includes measurements of the
prostaglandins PGF2α, PGE2, and vasopres-
sin in menstrual fluid that correlate with
adverse symptoms of dysmenorrhea. In ad-
dition, these chemicals are known to cause
symptoms of increased uterine contractility
and cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diar-
rhea in other clinical situations (9). PGs pro-
duce vasoconstriction of the blood vessels,
decreasing the blood supply to the uterus,
and produce abnormal contractile activity of
the uterus, which leads to ischemia, hypoxia
of the uterus and increased sensitivity of the
nerve endings (31, 79, 81). Evidences indi-
cate that PD is caused by myometrial isch-
emia due to frequent and prolonged uterine
contractions. Studies of uterine blood flow
using Doppler ultrasonography have revealed
that uterine and arcuate artery resistance
on the first day of menses is significantly
higher in women with PD than in women
without dysmenorrhea, suggesting that
constriction of uterine vessels is one of the
causes of pain, which induces abnormal and
intense uterine contractions. The uterine
contractions decrease or reduce the uterine
blood flow, leading to uterine hypoxia and
ischemia and more painful uterine contrac-
tions (6, 9, 84). The association of PD with
ovulation makes sense on a physiologic level
because of the normal sequence of cyclical
endometrial growth. The increase in serum
P following ovulation in the secretory endo-
metrium causes and increases substantial
stores or reserves of arachidonic acid, which
is a precursor to PGs: PGF2α and PGE2,
prostacyclin, and leukotrienes: thromboxane
A2 (Tx A2); all promote uterine contractions
and act as potent vasoconstrictors during
the menses (3, 9). Higher concentrations of
PGF2-α and PGE2 have been proved to be
present in the endometrium and menstrual
fluid of women who have primary dysmenor-
rhea (9). PGF2α always stimulates uterine
contractions and is the primary mediator of
PD. Endometrial concentrations of PGF2-α
and PGE2 correlate with the severity of dys-
menorrhea. Uterine smooth muscle contrac-
tions are the cause of the crampy, spasmodic
lower abdominal and low back pain typical of
PD (see Fig. 3).
The increased secretion of vasoactive
prostanoids is considered as one of the most
important cause responsible for the etiology
of PD and it is supported by: 1) the similarity
between the clinical symptoms of PD and the
uterine contractions and side and adverse ef-
fects that can be observed in prostaglandin
induced abortion or labor; 2) it has been
demonstrated an increase in prostanoids
concentrations during the menstrual period
in women with PD compared with eumen-
orrheic women; 3) numerous clinical trials
have demonstrated the efficacy of cyclooxy-
genase inhibitors in relieving the pain of PD
and in decreasing or suppressing the amount
prostanoids in the menstrual fluid (32, 84).
The role of other protanoids such as
Tx-A2, prostacyclin and leukotrienes in the
pathogenesis of PD is neither fully under-
stood, nor adequately studied. Prostacyclin,
a potent vasodilator and uterine relaxant,
appears to be reduced in primary dysmenor-
rhea (32). The increase of leukotriene pro-
duction, by the 5-lipoxygenase pathway, may
contribute to some forms of PD that are not
responsive to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAID) (87). Human endometrium
and myometrium can synthesize leukotrienes
(87); this confirms that the functional activi-
ty of the 5-lipoxygenase pathway and leukotri-
enes are involved in myometrial contractions
(88). In women with PD there are significant-
ly higher concentrations of menstrual leu-
kotrienes (89, 90), especially leukotriene C4
and leukotriene D4, than in women without
dysmenorrhea (91). Because specific binding
sites for leukotriene C4 are demonstrable in
myometrial cells (92), it is likely that leukot-
rienes contribute to the uterine hypercon-
tractility seen in PD (see Fig. 4).
PGs and prostanoids are biosynthesized
from arachidonic acid through the COX path-
way after production of arachidonic acid from
hydrolysis of phospholipids by the lysosomal
enzyme phospholipase A2. The stability of
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 393
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
lysosomal activity is regulated by several fac-
tors such as P levels. High levels of P produce
the stability of lysosome activity (32, 36).
When pregnancy does not occur, P levels de-
cline during the late luteal phase. This sta-
bilizing effect on endometrial lysosomes dis-
appear and the phospholipase A2 is released
causing the lability of lysosomes and release
of their phospholipase enzyme, which then,
hydrolyzes the cell membrane phospholipids
to generate arachidonic acid as well as ico-
satetraenoic acid. These compounds serve as
the precursors for the COX and lipoxygenase
pathways (28). This is regulated by cyclic ade-
nosine phosphate (cAMP). Via cAMP, PGs pro-
duction can be stimulated by substances such
as adrenaline, peptide hormones and steroid
hormones, but also by mechanical stimuli
and tissue trauma (28, 93,94).
Others chemical substances, cytokines
and others pro-inflammatory factors
in primary dysmenorrhea
It has also been shown that vasopres-
sin plays a role in the pathophysiology of
dysmenorrhea (95), although, the role of
vasopressin in the pathogenesis of PD is
controversial (32, 96, 97). Vasopressin is a
hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, its
secretion is stimulated by cyclic changes in
estradiol levels. This hormone may contrib-
ute to uterine contraction activity (86). Its
concentration is lower during the follicular
phase and increases during the ovulation.
Also, the increased levels of circulating va-
sopressin during the menstrual period that
have been reported in women with PD, can
Fig. 3. Possible mechanism of primary dysmenorrhea.
Adapted from Dawood MY: Hormones, prostaglandins and dysmenorrhea. In Dawood MY [ed]: Dys-
menorrhea. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1981).
Available from Reviewed on March 28, 2021.
394 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
produce dysrhythmic uterine contractions
that reduce uterine blood flow and cause
uterine hipoxia (98). Vasopressin exerts
its uterine effects mainly via the vasopres-
sin V1a receptor (99,100). The etiological
importance of vasopressin in dysmenorrhea
has been postulated by the therapeutic ef-
fect of the peptide analogue 1-deamino-
2-DTyr (Oet)-4-Thr-8-Orn-oxytocin, which
competitively blocks the vasopressin V1a
and oxytocin receptors of the uterus (101).
An orally active vasopressin V1a and the
oxytocin receptor blocking agent, SR
49059, was also shown to inhibit vasopres-
sin effects on uterine contractility and to
be therapeutically active in dysmenorrhea
when given prophylactically before the on-
set of symptoms (102,103). However, other
investigators could not confirm elevated
plasma vasopressin in women with PD and
have found that the vasopressin antagonist
atosiban had no effect on menstrual pain,
intrauterine pressure, or uterine artery pul-
satility index in PD women (97).
Fig. 4. Role of prostaglandins and prostanoids in primary dysmenorrhea.
Adapted and modified from Barcikowska Z, Rajkowska-Labon E, Grzybowska ME, Hansdorfer-Korzon
R, Zorena K. Inflammatory Markers in Dysmenorrhea and Therapeutic Options. Int J Environ Res
Public Health. 2020 Feb 13;17(4):1191. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17041191.
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 395
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
Tumor necrosis factors alpha
Activated macrophages produce proin-
flammatory cytokines: TNF-α, interleukin-1
(IL-1), IL-6, etc. responsible for upregulat-
ing inflammatory responses (104,105). It
has also been reported that these mediators
stimulate the synthesis or release of pros-
taglandins (105,106), producing excessive
contraction of the uterine muscle, which
leads to ischemic pain of primary dysmenor-
rhea. Plasma IL-6 and TNF-α levels has been
found higher in women with dysmenorrhea
compared to women without menstrual dis-
orders (104). Also, TNF-α is a cytokine that
is responsible for inhibiting endometrial
proliferation and induces apoptosis. Previ-
ous studies have shown that endometrial
cells produce increased concentration of
TNF-α during menstruation (105). More-
over, Dogru et al. (107) showed that the TN
-308G > A gene polymorphismis strongly
associated with susceptibility to dysmenor-
rhea in the Turkish female population. The
authors (107) demonstrated that the pres-
ence of the -308A TNF-α allele can protect
against dysmenorrhea and suggested that
the TNF-α-308, GG genotype may be a use-
ful tool for predicting susceptibility to dys-
menorrhea. Recent studies have shown that
intensive aerobic exercises not only cause a
reduction in the levels of the metabolite of
taglandin F2 αlfa (KDPGF2α), but also re-
duce the level of TNF-α, as well as reduce the
intensity of pain associated with dysmenor-
rhea (105).
Interleukin 6
IL-6 is a pleiotropic cytokine with
multi-directional effects on the cells of the
innate and acquired immunity system. The
main role of IL-6 is to initiate and regu-
late the acute inflammatory response and
to facilitate the development and targeting
of the acquired response. IL-6 exhibits pro
and anti-inflammatory properties and is now
considered an important target for clinical
intervention (108). In a study of women with
a normal menstrual cycle, significant vari-
ability in plasma cytokine levels, including
IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 were observed
(109). Levels of several factors increased dur-
ing ovulation and then achieved their peak
during menstruation, which is considered
by some scientists to be a proinflammatory
event (85). Levels of IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8
were inversely correlated with estradiol and
progesterone levels. However, Angstwurm et
al. (110) demonstrated an increase in IL6
concentration in the follicular phase when
the level of E2 increased. After ovulation, in
the luteal phase, when there was a 10-fold
increase in P, the level of IL-6 in plasma de-
creased 1.5–4.4 times. Others authors have
shown (104, 111, 112) an increased IL-6
concentration in women with dysmenorrhea
compared to women without dismenorrhea.
Konecna et al. (112) have demonstrated that
the level of IL6 was statistically significantly
higher during the luteal phase compared to
the follicular phase.
C-Reactive Protein
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a clinically
recognized as an acute phase protein. It is
assumed that normal CRP concentrations in
healthy people should not exceed 3 mg/L.
During the acute phase reaction, which is
a defense response to inflammation, infec-
tion or injury, the concentration of serum
CRP can increase up to 1000-fold, reaching
its maximum concentration after 24–48 h
(113,114). CRP is an important marker of
the ongoing inflammatory response, with
a relatively short half-life (~48 h), its con-
centration returns to its baseline in 7 to 12
days (114). CRP also supports the process
of phagocytosis, affecting monocytes, mac-
rophages, and neutrophils, as well as acting
in a chemotactic and opsonizing way (115).
In addition, it induces monocytes/macro-
phages to synthesize pro-inflammatory cy-
tokines and inhibits the synthesis of anti-
inflammatory cytokines. Studies conducted
in adult women have shown that increased
levels of CRP varied significantly across
396 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
the menstrual cycle. CRP was highest dur-
ing menses, decreased during the follicular
phase, was lowest on the expected day of
ovulation, and increased in the luteal phase
(116). Another study, showed that a ten-fold
increase in progesterone was associated with
a 23% increase in CRP (P = 0.01), a ten-fold
increase in estrogen was associated with a
29% decrease in CRP (P = 0.05) (1`17). In
a study, with the participation of healthy
women, CRP levels were positively correlat-
ed with the severity of menstrual symptoms,
the strongest being mood and pain symp-
toms (118).
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
Few studies indicate the involvement of
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
in the process of dysmenorrhea among
women with endometriosis (119, 120). It is
known that VEGF is the strongest factor in-
volved in the embryonic development, men-
strual cycle, and in ovarian endometriomas
(121). Although VEGF is produced by cells
and tissues of the reproductive tract, such
as the endometrium, ovary and placenta;
VEGF receptors are found only in the en-
dothelial cells. VEGF has been shown to
stimulate endothelial cell proliferation, mi-
gration and increase vascular permeability
(122). Recent reports have shown a rela-
tionship between the production of VEGF,
macrophage migration inhibitory factor
(MMIF), hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-
1α) and the stage of endometriosis, as well
as the severity of dysmenorrhea (119). The
expression of all three proteins in endome-
trial tissues and in serum increased signifi-
cantly with the severity of pain (P <0.05).
Thus, the authors conclude that MMIF,
HIF-1α and VEGF expression in serum can
be used to assess the stage of endometrio-
sis, as well as the severity of dysmenorrhea
Asymmetric dimethylarginine
Increase in the concentrations of
asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is ac-
cepted as a marker of endothelial dysfunc-
tion (123). By inhibiting nitric oxide (NO),
ADMA level increases, and has been shown
to be a risk factor for endothelial dysfunc-
tion and cardiovascular disease in end-stage
renal disease (124). It is responsible for in-
creased cardiovascular morbidity and mor-
tality in patients with renal disease (125),
cause worse outcome in idiopathic pulmo-
nary hypertension patients (126), and prob-
ably, play a role in the pathogenesis of cere-
brovascular disorders by increasing vascular
stiffness and decreasing cerebral perfusion
(127). ADMA is an endogenous inhibitor of
NO synthase, and its accumulation has been
associated with reducing NO bioavailabil-
ity and increasing superoxide generation
(128). NO is a potent inhibitor of platelet
aggregation and a powerful vasodilator; it
is responsible for uterine quiescence dur-
ing pregnancy and also appears to relax the
nonpregnant myometrium (129, 130). Inhi-
bition of NO synthesis cause vasoconstric-
tion and increase in oxidative stress, both
of which would be reflected in increased
ADMA concentrations, as it has been dem-
onstrated by Alkdemir et al. (131). Unfor-
tunately, the results of use of NO donors
to treat PD have been controversial. Some
authors (132, 133) have reported an effec-
tive relief of pain in 90% of the patients and
statistically superior results, compared to
placebo. However, Facchinetti et al. (134)
reported a reduced efficacy compared to di-
clofenac. Alkdemir et al. (131) mentioned
that it should be kept in mind in a patient
with PD, since she could have a endothe-
lial dysfunction because of elevated ADMA
levels. Knowing that dysmenorrhea affects
only a part of the female population, the
imbalance between vasodilatation and va-
soconstriction is present only in some
women. Alkdemir et al. (131) have showed
that ADMA concentrations are increased in
women with PD compared to healthy con-
trols. This might provide further insight
into the pathophysiology of this common
and devastating disorder.
Primary Dysmenorrhea: pathophysiology 397
Vol. 62(4): 378 - 406, 2021
Nitric oxide
NO is a vasodilatory substance produced
by endothelial or other cells that play a role
in the physiological control of blood pressure
(135). It is involved in many different physi-
ological processes, including blood pressure
regulation, platelet aggregation, and cyto-
toxicity (136). NO is an important source
of free radical production in tissue damage
and NO levels decrease in the case of endo-
thelial dysfunction (137). There are results
showing that serum NO levels are higher and
serum homocysteine levels are lower among
PD patients than in the healthy controls. It
is hypothesized that NO affects the homo-
cysteine metabolic pathway, and contribute
to dysmenorrheal symptom (138).
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is generated
during lipid peroxidation, serving as a mark-
er or indicator of lipid peroxidation, an oxi-
dative stress marker, and tissue injury (64,
139). Turhan et al. (56), Orimadegun et al.
(64), and Yeh et al. (140), have reported
higher plasma MDA levels in patients with
dysmenorrhea compared to those in the
healthy controls. Also, Dikensoy et al. (141)
found that the serum levels of MDA, NO, and
adrenomedullin were significantly higher in
PD patients compared to that of the control
group on the first and the 21st day of the
menstrual cycles, suggesting that the pos-
sibility that lipid peroxidation and oxidative
stress might play a significant role in the
etiopathogenesis of PD.
Heme oxygenase 1
Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a ratelim-
iting enzyme which has an important role in
the oxidative catabolism of heme to generate
carbon monoxide, iron, and biliverdin. HO-1
has been reported to have cytoprotective ef-
fects in oxidative stress conditions (142).
Different authors (143-147) have shown
that HO-1 has extensive tissue protection via
anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-apop-
totic and immunoregulatory activities. Akoy
et al. (143) found in fasting blood samples
taken from 28 nulliparous women with PD,
that they had higher HO-1, MDA, and NO
levels compared with controls. HO-1 levels
are increased by compensatory mechanisms
to protect the balance between oxidant and
antioxidant system in patients with dysmen-
orrhea (143).
3-Nitrotyrosine(3-NT) is a product of
tyrosine nitration mediated by reactive ni-
trogen species such as peroxynitrite anion
and nitrogen dioxide. Nitrotyrosine is identi-
fied as an indicator or marker of cell dam-
age, inflammation as well as NO production.
3-NT is formed in the presence of the active
metabolite NO. Generally, in many disease
states, oxidative stress increases the produc-
tion of superoxide (O2−) and NO forming
peroxynitrite (ONOO−) a destructive free
radical oxidant. The production of ONOO−
is capable of oxidizing several lipoproteins
and of nitrating tyrosine residues in many
proteins. It is difficult to determine the pro-
duction of ONOO−, usually nitrotyrosine in
proteins are the detectable marker for indi-
rectly detecting ONOO−. It is detected in
large number of pathological conditions and
is considered a marker of NO-dependent,
reactive nitrogen species-induced nitrative
stress. Orimadegun et al. (64) found higher
levels of 3-HT in patients with PD compared
to control patients, however, Turhan et al.
(56) and Yeo et al. (148) have reported no
significant difference in the plasma level
of 3-NT of women with dysmenorrhea and
healthy control.
Today, it is well accepted that repro-
ductive processes in women are regulated
by inflammatory events. The control of the
onset and resolution of these inflammatory
events ensures a normal reproductive func-
tion. Exacerbated or premature activation of
inflammation can contribute to disease. Un-
398 Núñez-Troconis et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
derstanding the molecular control of inflam-
mation and its resolution in the reproduc-
tive tract may give us insight into how these
may be corrected therapeutically in disease
PD is commonly a simple diagnosis that
can be made accurately with an attentive
history and, in young women who have clas-
sic symptoms and no specific indication, a
pelvic examination is often unnecessary in
the initial evaluation. The opportunity for
primary care practitioners to support wom-
en is the best approach to this chronic recur-
rent discomfort and to minimize an adverse
life impact is significant and valuable. Iden-
tification of patients who are incapacitated
by their symptoms, or have symptoms that
represent underlying pathology, is a criti-
cal component of a careful history. The wide
range of treatments available for PD ensures
that all females who have the symptoms can
find relief with relatively safe and inexpen-
sive treatments with limiting negative side
effects. The opportunity to counsel and sup-
port healthy lifestyle choices contribute
positively to the general health and provide
symptom relief of this condition. As so many
disorders encountered in primary care medi-
cine, dysmenorrhea give to clinicians the
opportunity to teach, counsel, and support
patients toward not only the relief of symp-
toms, but also, to get an optimal health.
As it has been mentioned before, the
pathophysiology of PD is primarily linked to
elevated levels of PGs. Low P levels in the
late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is re-
ported to increase the synthesis of PGs, pro-
inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF-α)
and other, possible, pro-inflammatory fac-
tors are also implicated in the pathogenesis
of primary dysmenorrhea, but a better un-
derstanding of the pathophysiology of PD
may lead to better treatments.
The author thanks the graphic designer
Melissa Núñez for her help in the adaptation
and modification of graphics.
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