Invest Clin 62(4): 371 - 377, 2021
Corresponding author: Flor H Pujol. Laboratorio de Virología Molecular, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones
Científicas, CMBC, Caracas ,Venezuela .Tel/Fax: +58-2125041623. E-mail:
A simple method for detection of mutations
in amino acid 452 of the Spike protein
of SARS-CoV-2 using restriction enzyme
Rossana C. Jaspe1, Yoneira Sulbaran1, Mariana Hidalgo2, Carmen L. Loureiro1,
Zoila C. Moros3, Domingo J. Garzaro1, Héctor R. Rangel1 and Flor H. Pujol1
1Laboratorio de Virología Molecular, Centro de Microbiología y Biología Celular,
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Venezuela.
2Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología, Centro de Microbiología y Biología Celular,
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Venezuela.
3Laboratorio de Biología de Virus, Centro de Microbiología y Biología Celular,
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Venezuela.
Key words: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Delta Variant of Concern; RFLP; rapid screening;
mutation L452R.
Abstract. Variants of Concern or Interest of SARS-CoV-2 (VOC or VOI),
the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, have emerged in several countries.
Mutations in the amino acid 452 of the Spike protein are particularly important
and associated with some of these variants: L452R, present in Delta VOC, and
L452Q, present in Lambda VOI. These mutations have been associated with
both increased infectivity and evasion of protective immune response. A search
on GISAID to detect the number of sequences harboring the L452R mutation
and the frequency of Delta VOC among them, showed that since August 2021,
most of these sequences belong to the Delta VOC. Restriction enzyme analysis
is proposed as a rapid method to detect L452R. A small amplicon from the
Spike gene was digested with MspI. A 100% concordance was observed between
digestion and sequencing results. The mutation L452Q can also be detected by
restriction analysis, allowing the identification of putative Lambda VOIs. The
proposed methodology, which allows screening of a great number of samples,
could provide a faster information on the prevalence of Delta VOC cases.
372 Jaspe et al..
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
Un método simple para la detección de mutaciones en el
aminoácido 452 de la proteína de la Espiga del SARS-CoV-2,
usando análisis de enzimas de restricción.
Invest Clin 2021; 62 (4): 371-377
Palabras clave: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Delta Variant of Concern; RFLP; detección
rápida; mutación L452R.
Resumen. Las variantes de preocupación o interés del SARS-CoV-2 (VOC
o VOI, por sus siglas en inglés), el coronavirus responsable de la COVID-19,
han surgido en varios países. Las mutaciones en el aminoácido 452 de la pro-
teína de la Espiga son particularmente importantes y están asociadas con al-
gunas de estas variantes: L452R, presente en la VOC Delta, y L452Q, presente
en la VOI Lambda. Estas mutaciones se han asociado con un aumento de la
infectividad y la evasión de respuesta inmunitaria protectora. Una búsqueda
en GISAID para detectar el número de secuencias que albergan la mutación
L452R y la frecuencia de la VOC Delta entre ellas, mostró que desde agosto de
2021, la mayoría de estas secuencias pertenecen a la VOC Delta. Se propone
el análisis de enzimas de restricción como un método rápido para detectar
L452R. Se digirió un pequeño amplicón de un fragmento del gen de la espiga
con MspI. Se observó una concordancia del 100% entre la identificación de
la mutación a través de la digestión y los resultados de la secuenciación. La
mutación L452Q también se puede detectar mediante análisis de restricción,
lo que permite la identificación de posibles VOI Lambda. La metodología
propuesta, que permite el cribado de un gran número de muestras, podría
contribuir a proporcionar más información sobre la prevalencia y a detectar
rápidamente los casos de la VOC Delta.
Received: 05-09-2021 Accepted: 26-10-2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is caused by
an emerging coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and
has caused more than 200 million cases
and more than 4 million deaths worldwide.
This virus belongs to the family Coronaviri-
dae. The tremendous number of replication
events that this virus has experienced, in
addition to an elevated frequency of recom-
bination, and the probable action of host
deaminases on the viral genome (1), has al-
lowed the emergence of many mutations in
the viral genome (2).
Different variants (lineages of viruses
sharing particular types of mutations) have
emerged since the end of 2020. Some of
these variants have been defined as of Inter-
est (VOI) or Concern (VOC) by WHO, asso-
ciated with more transmissibility, or partial
resistance to protective immunity, among
other characteristics. The variants with con-
firmed increased capacities are named VOC
(3-7). There are at present four VOCs: vari-
ant Alpha which emerged in the UK, vari-
ant Beta in South Africa, variant Gamma in
Brazil and variant Delta in India. Genomic
surveillance is recommended for monitoring
Rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 mutations in amino acid 452 373
Vol. 62(4): 371 - 377, 2021
the introduction of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of
Concern (VOCs) in each country (6,7).
Multiple mutations have emerged at
amino acid 452 of the Spike protein, par-
ticularly L452R and L452Q. L452R was first
described in variants from California US at
the end of 2020 (Epsilon Variant), and has
now been found in several lineages (8), no-
tably including Delta VOC (3). In the Fall of
2021, Delta VOC is predominating in many
countries, despite high vaccination cover-
ages (9-11). The Delta variant has been as-
sociated with higher viral load compared to
previous SARS-CoV-2 isolates (12), being
at least two-times more transmissible than
the original isolate first detected in Wu-
han (13), and possibly associated with an
increased severity (14). Delta VOC is now
predominating in many countries and is
thought to predominate in more countries
with time.
Thus, rapid detection of Delta VOC cas-
es can be particularly useful in a clinical set-
ting or for epidemiological purposes. L452R,
a characteristic mutation of Delta VOC, can
be detected by partial or complete genome
sequencing and also by real-time PCR with
commercial probes. Here we propose an al-
ternative method for rapid detection of this
mutation by restriction enzyme analysis,
which can also be applied to the L452Q al-
lele, present in other variants like Lambda
VOI (15).
Sequences available at GISAID on Sep-
tember 25, 2021, were analyzed for the
presence of L452R, at https://www.gisaid.
org/phylodynamics/global/nextstrain/ and The number of se-
quences belonging to the Delta VOC among
the ones harboring this mutation was also
A restriction enzyme analysis was devel-
oped to detect the presence of L452R mu-
tation. RNA from clinical samples positive
by qRT-PCR (classified upon sequencing as
wild-type, WT, or harboring L452R muta-
tion) was amplified with primers 76.1L and
76.8R as previously described (16). Five µL
of the amplicon were digested with 1 unit
of MspI for 1 hour at 37°C and then load-
ed in a 3% agarose gel electrophoresis for
band visualization with Ethidium bromide.
Restriction results were compared with the
sequence obtained by sending PCR purified
fragments to Macrogen Sequencing Service
(Macrogen, Korea). This study was approved
by the Bioethical Committee of IVIC.
All sequences available at GISAID on
September 25, 2021 were analyzed for the
presence of L452R. At GISAID a total of
1,269,918 sequences of SARS-CoV-2 har-
boring the mutation L452R were avail-
able in samples collected between January
1 2021 and August 31 2021. Fig. 1 shows
the frequency of Delta VOC sequences for
each month. Since June 2021, 98% of the
sequences harboring the L452R mutation
correspond to Delta VOC. Before this date,
Delta VOC accounted only for 44% of the
sequences harboring the mutation L452R,
while 36% of them were grouped in lineages
B.1.427 or B.1.429, known as Epsilon vari-
ant (8).
Fig. 2 shows the expected restriction
pattern of Wild Type (WT) samples and iso-
lates harboring mutations L452R or L452Q,
by using two restriction enzymes: MspI for
L452R and BsrI for L452Q: each enzyme
yields an additional restriction site in the
respective mutated sample. Fig. 2C shows
the digestion of the PCR-amplified product
with the MspI enzyme of two samples with
the L452R mutation and two WT samples. A
total of 56 samples were analyzed for their
restriction pattern with MspI enzyme, and
compared to the presence or not of the mu-
tation L452R in their sequence. A 100% con-
cordance was observed in the detection of
the L452R mutation between the two meth-
ods (Table I).
374 Jaspe et al..
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
Delta VOC is becoming the predomi-
nant lineage of SARS-CoV-2 in many coun-
tries (8,17). The presence of one of its most
important mutation, L452R, does not nec-
essarily mean the presence of a Delta VOC
isolate, but, as shown in Fig. 1, this associa-
tion is at present very high, because of the
predominance of the Delta VOC in many
countries. This mutation is not the only one
responsible for the particularly high fitness
phenotype of Delta VOC: P681R, for exam-
ple, has been associated with a more fuso-
genic phenotype, conferring more pathoge-
nicity to virus harboring this mutation in
experimental animals (9, 18).
On the other hand, the presence of L452Q
does not mean either the identification of the
Lambda VOI, but in regions where this variant
circulates, it could be strongly correlated. Thus
a rapid method for identifying those mutations
should be very useful, particularly in settings
where massive whole genome sequencing is
not available. Rapid methodologies might be
used for the rapid screening of several samples.
The whole protocol can be run in a day.
The proposed methodology allows ana-
lyzing a great number of samples to select
samples that may harbor mutations of con-
cern, before proceeding to whole genome
sequencing. It also allows analyzing samples
with suspicion of Delta VOC in a short time,
without the need for commercial kits, be-
fore getting sequencing results. On the oth-
Fig. 1. Number of sequences with L452R mutation available at GISAID from January to August, according to
the month of collection. The total number of sequences harboring the mutation L452R is shown for
each month (bars). The number of these sequences belonging to lineages B.1.617.2 is shown in dark
blue: the percent number is shown for each bar.
Sequence analysis
Restriction analysis
L452 R452
L452 33 0
R452 0 23
A total of 56 samples were analyzed: 23 Delta, with
L452R, and 33 non-Delta, Variants Alpha, Gamma, and
Mu, and other lineages.
Rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 mutations in amino acid 452 375
Vol. 62(4): 371 - 377, 2021
Fig. 2. Restriction analysis of amplicons with L452R or L452Q mutations. A. Sequence of the amplified
product showing the restriction sites which discriminate Wild-type (WT) or mutant (L452R or
L452Q) viruses. The use of these two enzymes generates a restriction pattern characteristic for each
situation (WT, L452R and L452Q). The restriction sites are underlined. The numbers in the align-
ment indicate the bp position in the PCR-amplified product. Nucleotides 79-81 code for the amino
acid L452 (CTG), R452 (CGG), or Q452 (CAG). B. Expected digestion pattern with MspI enzyme
and similar enzymes (restriction site CCGG) and with BsrI and similar enzymes (restriction site
ACTGG). With MspI digestion, WT amplicon generates a product with two close bands of 140-155,
while L452R mutated amplicon generates 3 bands: two close bands of 71-78 and one of 144 bp. With
BsrI digestion, WT amplicon generates an undigested product of 293 bp, while L452Q mutated am-
plicon generates two bands of 78 and 215 bp. C. Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified pro-
ducts digested with MspI. The PCR-amplified products digested with the MspI enzyme were run with
molecular weight markers (1Kb plus DNA ladder): smaller bands are signaled (100, 200, and 300 bp).
376 Jaspe et al..
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
er hand, once the presence of the variants
is confirmed by whole genome sequencing,
this method can be used for the rapid esti-
mation of their prevalence in different geo-
graphical regions. We previously reported a
restriction analysis to detect another impor-
tant mutations: E484K or E484Q in the RBD
of the Spike protein (16). This method was
particularly useful during the dissemination
of Gamma VOC in Venezuela (Jaspe, RC,
personal communication). We have already
experienced in our laboratory the usefulness
of these restriction analysis, which can be
also combined for detecting several VOCs.
This study was supported by Ministerio
del Poder Popular de Ciencia, Tecnología e
Innovación of Venezuela. We wish to thank
Dr. Ferdinando Liprandi for his suggestion
to performing this study and for critical
reading of the manuscript.
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