Invest Clin 62(2): 132 - 139, 2021
Corresponding author: Giampiero Rossi-Fedele. Adelaide Dental School. The University of Adelaide. Floor 10. Ad-
elaide Health and Medical Sciences Building. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. E-mail:giampiero.rossi-fedele@
The use of chelating agents with passive
ultrasonic irrigation enhances root canal
filling sealing ability.
Gisele Jung Franciscatto
1, 2, 3
, Giampiero Rossi-Fedele
, Manuela Favarin Santini
Mariana de Carlo Bello
, Minéia Weber Blattes
and Carlos Alexandre Souza Bier
Graduate Program in Dental Science, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria,
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Graduate Program in Dentistry, School of Health and Life Sciences, Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Medical and Dental Centre of the Military Police of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Adelaide Dental School, University of Adelaide, Australia.
School of Dentistry, Franciscan University, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
School of Dentistry, Lutheran University of Brazil. Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
School of Pharmacy, Franciscan University, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Key words: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; citric acid; root canal irrigants; root canal
obturation; ultrasonics.
Abstract. The aim of this study was to compare the influence of a final rinse
with and without passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), using 17% ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic acid (EDTA) or 10% citric acid (CA), with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite
(NaOCl) with PUI, on the sealing ability of root canal fillings. Root canal instru-
mentation was performed in single-rooted premolars using NaOCl as the irrigant.
Subsequently, the roots were randomly allocated into four experimental groups
(n=23): EDTA+PUI, EDTA, CA+PUI, CA and control group: NaOCl+PUI. The spec-
imens were root-filled using gutta-percha with a resin-based sealer and inserted into
a device to measure glucose leakage at 7 and 30 days. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-
Whitney tests were used to evaluate the differences between the solutions and with
or without PUI. Friedman’s ANOVA was used to compare time points (P<0.05).
PUI groups showed lower infiltration values (EDTA+PUI 0.74±0.77 and CA+PUI
5.32±1.45) when compared to the groups on which PUI was not performed (EDTA
7.20±2.18 and CA 20.73±4.70), this difference was significant for EDTA (P<0.01)
and CA (P=0.000). Also, EDTA showed less glucose infiltration than CA, with or
without PUI (P<0.005). NaOCl+PUI showed a higher cumulative glucose infiltra-
tion (22.92±9.71). A final rinse using EDTA or CA with PUI enhances the sealing of
root canal fillings. EDTA showed less infiltration.
Chelators with PUI and root-lling sealing ability 133
Vol. 62(2): 132 - 139, 2021
El uso de agentes quelantes con irrigación ultrasónica pasiva
mejora la capacidad de sellado de la obturación de conducto
Invest Clin 2021; 62 (2): 132-139
Palabras clave: ácido etilendiaminotetraacético; ácido cítrico; irrigantes de canales
radiculares, obturación de canales radiculares; ultrasonido.
Resumen. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la influencia de una
irrigación final con o sin activación ultrasónica pasiva (PUI), utilizando ácido
etilendiaminotetraacético (EDTA) al 17% o ácido cítrico (CA) al 10%, con hipo-
clorito de sodio (NaOCl) al 2,5% con PUI, sobre el sellado de la obturación de
conductos radiculares. Después de la instrumentación utilizando NaOCl como
irrigante, premolares de raíz única se asignaron aleatoriamente a cuatro grupos
experimentales (n = 23): EDTA+PUI, EDTA, CA+PUI, CA y grupo de control:
NaOCl+PUI. Los conductos se obturaron utilizando gutapercha con un sellador
a base de resina y se insertaron en un dispositivo para medir la infiltración de
glucosa a los 7 y 30 días. Se utilizaron las pruebas de Kruskal-Wallis y Mann-Whit-
ney para evaluar las diferencias entre las soluciones y con o sin PUI. Se utilizó el
ANOVA de Friedman para comparar los puntos temporales (P <0,05). Los gru-
pos de PUI mostraron menores valores de infiltración (EDTA+PUI 0,74±0,77
y CA+PUI 5,32±1,45) en comparación con los grupos en los que no se realizó
PUI (EDTA 7,20±2,18 y CA 20,73±4,70), esta diferencia fue significativa para
EDTA (P <0,01) y CA (P = 0,000). Además, EDTA mostró menos infiltración
de glucosa que CA, con o sin PUI (P <0,005). NaOCl+PUI mostró una mayor
infiltración acumulada de glucosa (22,92±9,71). Una irrigación final con EDTA
o CA con PUI mejora el sellado de la obturación de conducto radicular. EDTA
mostró menos infiltración.
Received: 12-11-2020 Accepted: 22-03-2021
The endodontic literature suggests
that different irrigant solutions, with or
without agitation, are used globally, with
the choice influenced by the diagnosis, the
training of the operator and their eagerness
to remove the smear layer (1-4). Despite
the controversy of whether or not to remove
the smear layer during root canal prepara-
tion, its reduction enhances sealing ability
by promoting a closer contact between the
root filling material and dentinal tubules
(5, 6). This contact also reduces the forma-
tion of gaps between the root canal wall and
the filling, which could facilitate the pene-
tration of microorganisms from the coronal
portion (6).
Therefore, one of the aims of root canal
irrigation is the removal of the smear layer.
Studies have shown that a sodium hypochlo-
rite solution (NaOCl) does not promote an
effective final cleansing of the dentine walls
when used alone (7). Therefore, the use of
chelating agent solutions, such as 17% ethyl-
enediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), comple-
ments this process by being active against the
inorganic matter (7). Combining this chela-
tor with NaOCl enhances root canal cleansing
and improves the sealing of the root canal fill-
134 Jung Franciscatto et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(2): 2021
ing (8). Citric acid (CA) is a chelating agent
that also reacts with metals to form a soluble
non-ionic chelate. Moreover, it has antibac-
terial activity and has a root canal cleansing
ability comparable to other chelating solu-
tions, including EDTA (9, 10).
Despite the use of NaOCl in association
with chelating solutions, dentine debris and
smear layer may remain on the canal walls
(5), especially in irregularly shaped canals,
which are difficult to access for cleaning.
Thus, passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) is
a suggested strategy, which involves activat-
ing a file inside a root canal containing an
irrigating solution. When used with NaOCl,
PUI generates acoustic streaming in the so-
lution producing a more effective cleansing
(11). Using EDTA with PUI for one minute
as the final irrigation method is effective in
removing the smear layer and the dentinal
debris in the apical third of root canals (12).
Although the literature demonstrates the
superiority of PUI in removing debris and
cleaning isthmuses between canals (13, 14),
there is scarce evidence regarding the effect
of ultrasonic activation of chelating solu-
tions in regards to the root fillings sealing
ability (14, 15).
Thus, the aim of this study was to assess
the effect of PUI when EDTA or CA are used
as final irrigant solutions on the sealing of
root canals filled with gutta-percha and AH-
Plus sealer. The tested null hypothesis was
that PUI and these chelating solutions do
not influence the sealing ability of root ca-
nal fillings.
The study was approved by the Insti-
tutional Health Sciences Research Ethics
Board (n
0234.0.243.000-11) and was car-
ried out in accordance with the Helsinki
Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000.
Teeth selection and specimen preparation
One hundred and fifteen human premo-
lars with a single canal, having slight or no
curvature <10° for the supplementary angle
(16), were selected from the teeth bank of
the university. Radiographs of each premo-
lar were exposed from two angles to verify
a single canal and an oval shape, character-
ised by a bucco-lingual diameter twice the
mesio-distal diameter (17). Root-filled teeth
or those with calcified canals or other mor-
phologies and curvatures were excluded. The
teeth were kept in distilled water until use.
All procedures were performed by a special-
ist endodontist (GJF).
The coronal portion of the included
teeth was removed with a diamond bur un-
der refrigeration, standardising the root
lengths to 12 mm. The final working length
was determined by inserting a size 15 K-file
(Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland)
until the tip was observed at the apical fora-
men and subtracting 1 mm from this mea-
sure. The canals were instrumented with the
ProTaper system (Dentsply Maillefer), up to
the instrument F3. Each set of ProTaper in-
struments was used for 15 canals consecu-
tively. Final apical instrumentation was per-
formed with a size 35 K-file. Irrigation was
performed with 1 mL of 2.5% NaOCl after
each instrument change by using a dispos-
able syringe and Endo Eze tips (Ultradent
Products Inc., Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil) placed
at 3 mm short of the working length.
Root canal irrigation
The teeth were randomly assigned
( to four experimental
groups (n=23), according to their final ir-
rigation protocols: EDTA; EDTA+PUI; CA;
CA+PUI and one control group NaOCl+PUI.
The irrigant solutions used in the assays
were as follows: 17% EDTA (Novaderme, San-
ta Maria, RS, Brazil); 10% CA (Novaderme);
2.5 % NaOCl (Novaderme).
Irrigant solutions were delivered us-
ing a disposable syringe and Endo Eze tips
with the needled tip positioned at 3 mm
from the working length. PUI was performed
with an ultrasonic adapter and coupled to a
piezoelectric unit (Sonic Laxis – Schuster,
Chelators with PUI and root-lling sealing ability 135
Vol. 62(2): 132 - 139, 2021
Santa Maria, RS, Brazil) by inserting a size
15 K-file, at a frequency of 32.000 Hz, 1 mm
short of the working length. Three cycles of
1-minute agitation each were carried out per
sample for the PUI groups. At each cycle, the
root was irrigated with 1 mL of the solution,
thus all specimens were irrigated, in total,
with 3 mL of the solution.
A rinse with 1 mL of distilled water us-
ing syringe and needle as described above
was carried out, and the canals were dried
using paper points (Dentsply Maillefer).
Root canal obturation
The operator filling the teeth was un-
aware of the irrigation protocol used previ-
ously. An epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus,
Dentsply Maillefer) was mixed according to
the manufacturer’s instructions and a stan-
dardised amount was placed into the root
canal with a size 35 lentulo spiral. A size 35
gutta-percha point and size FF accessory
points (Dentsply Maillefer) were passively
inserted in the root canals without using a
spreader to the depth at which resistance
was met. The excess gutta-percha was sev-
ered at the level of the coronal section, using
a hot condenser.
Preparation and measurement
of the penetration model
The infiltration model used in the pres-
ent study was proposed by Xu et al. (18). All
the roots were covered with sticky wax (Asfer
Indústria Química, São Caetano do Sul, SP,
Brazil) and nail varnish (Risqué, São Paulo,
SP, Brazil), except for the coronal access, ca-
nal entrance, and apical foramen. The cor-
onal third was covered with sticky wax and
cyanoacrylate (Loctite, Itapevi, SP, Brazil) to
enable a leak-free surface between the Ep-
pendorf microtube (Sarstedt AG & Co. KG,
Nümbrecht, NRW, Germany) and the root.
This junction was also covered with nail var-
nish. A hole was created at the cap of the
microtube, and a 14 cm length with a 5 mL
capacity pipette was inserted. This assembly
was positioned into a sterile 5 mL glass bot-
tle. This interface and the interface between
the pipette and the microtube were sealed
with cyanoacrylate, sticky wax, and nail var-
nish. The glass bottle contained 2 mL of a
0.2% NaN
solution in which the apical third
of the roots were immersed.
A 1 mol/L glucose solution (pH = 7.0)
was used as the tracer. Five mL of this so-
lution containing 0.2% NaN
were injected
into the pipette until the top of the solution
was at 14 cm from the filling level in the
root canal, creating a hydrostatic pressure of
1.5 kPa (15 cm H
O). The glucose solution
that infiltrated through the root canal was
collected in the NaN
solution in the glass
bottle. All of the specimens were kept in an
incubator at 37°C.
Using a micropipette, 20 μL of the so-
lution were drawn from the glass bottle at
the 7
and 30
days. The same aliquot of
0.2% NaN
was inserted into the glass bottle
to maintain a constant volume. The sample
was analysed with a Glucose Kit (Glicose PAP
Liquiform, Labstest Diagnóstica S.A, Lagoa
Santa, MG, Brazil). In this test, glucose was
oxidised by glucose oxidase in the presence
of oxygen to yield gluconic acid and hydro-
gen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide that
was formed reacted with 4-amino antipyrine
and phenol, and this reaction was catalysed
by peroxidase to form a red product in which
the intensity of the colour is proportional to
the amount of glucose in the sample. The
concentration of glucose in the samples
was determined via a spectrophotometer
(UV- 1100 Spectrophotometer, Pró-análise
Química e Diagnóstica Ltda, Porto Alegre,
RS, Brazil) at a wavelength of 505 nm, and
recorded by a blinded evaluator.
Statistical analysis
The statistical analysis was performed
using SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version
17.0. (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). Data are
presented as mg/dL. As the data were not
normally distributed, Kruskal-Wallis and
Mann-Whitney tests were used to evaluate
the differences among the solutions and with
136 Jung Franciscatto et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(2): 2021
or without PUI. Friedman’s ANOVA was used
for comparison between the time points (7
and 30
days). The significance level was set
at P<0.05.
Results are presented as mean values
± standard deviations. Glucose infiltration
(mean and SD) for 7 and 30 days are present-
ed in Figures 1 and 2. Kruskal-Wallis results
showed the groups were different at both
evaluated periods (P=0.000). NaOCl+PUI
showed a higher cumulative glucose infil-
tration on 30 days (29.79 ± 9.71). Accord-
ing to the Mann-Whitney test, PUI groups
showed lower infiltration values on both
periods (7 days: EDTA+PUI 0.19±0.44 and
CA+PUI 4.30±1.45; 30 days: EDTA+PUI
1.28±0.77 and CA+PUI 6.35±1.45) when
compared to the groups on which PUI was
not performed (7 days: EDTA 5.66±1.44 and
CA 17.40±3.15; 30 days: EDTA 8.74±2.18
and CA 24.05±4.70), these differences
were significant for EDTA (P<0.01) and CA
(P=0.000). Also, EDTA showed less glucose
infiltration than CA, with or without PUI
Fig. 1. Cumulative mean of glucose infiltration and SD after 7 days. Different superscript letters indicate
significant difference at the Mann-Whitney test (level of significance set at <0.05). EDTA: ethylenedi-
aminetetraacetic acid; PUI: passive ultrasonic irrigation; CA: citric acid; NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite.
Fig. 2. Cumulative mean of glucose infiltration and SD after 30 days. Different superscript letters indicate
significant difference at Mann-Whitney test (level of significance set at <0.05). EDTA: ethylenedia-
minetetraacetic acid; PUI: passive ultrasonic irrigation; CA: citric acid; NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite.
Chelators with PUI and root-lling sealing ability 137
Vol. 62(2): 132 - 139, 2021
According to Friedman’s ANOVA re-
sults, the glucose infiltration increased sig-
nificantly from day 7 to day 30 (P<0.05).
As a final rinse following chemo-me-
chanical instrumentation using NaOCl, PUI
with the chelating solutions tested promot-
ing a better sealing when gutta-percha and a
resin-based sealer were used, when compared
with NaOCl, thus rejecting the null hypoth-
esis. This finding may be related to the syn-
ergistic relationship between the ultrasound
and chelating solutions on the removal of the
inorganic part of the smear layer and the pos-
itive effect of removing this layer on the seal-
ing ability of the root canal filling (6, 11, 12).
The influence of the smear layer on
the sealing ability of the root canal fill-
ing has been studied with various method-
ologies. In the present study, glucose was
used as the tracer due to its low molecular
weight and because it is a bacterial sub-
strate (18). Thus, it is considered of clini-
cal relevance (18). Moreover, the glucose
tracer provides a quantitative analysis
of the process, also allowing the evalua-
tion of the infiltration over time (18-21).
Glucose may react with some endodontic
materials, which can significantly alter
experimental results (22). However, this
is not the case for an epoxy resin-based
sealer and gutta-percha (22), which were
used for the present study. Furthermore,
the glucose solution penetrates solely
through the dentine-filling interface (19).
The removal of the smear layer is recom-
mended to enhance the disinfection of the
root canal system and, subsequently, to en-
hance the sealing of the filling material (5,
6). This layer is composed of necrotic debris,
residual pulp, remaining dentine, and even-
tually, microorganisms. It results from root
canal instrumentation and remains slightly
adhered to the root canal walls (23, 24). The
smear layer may act as a substrate for micro-
organisms, prevent the penetration of irrigant
solutions and medicaments into the dentinal
tubules, and interfere with the penetration
and adhesion of sealers (6, 23, 24).
Sodium hypochlorite is the most used
irrigating solution in root canal treatment
due to its biocidal effect and its ability to
dissolve organic tissues, though it is not
fully effective in smear layer removal (25).
This ineffectiveness can explain the differ-
ences between the control group and the
other groups in the present study and it
is in agreement with a previous one (25).
Chelating agents enhance smear layer re-
moval because they can act on the inor-
ganic particles (24). Chelation involves
the reaction of the solutions with a metal
to form a non-ionic soluble chelate (10).
In other words, the solvent promotes the
sequestration of calcium ions (inorganic
particles) from the smear layer and facili-
tates their removal with the flushing ef-
fect of the root canal irrigants solution.
This is likely enhanced by the irrigation
dynamics associated with PUI.
The most widely used solution for
smear layer removal is EDTA (1-4). Its maxi-
mum cleansing effect is reached after pne
minute (26), which may limit secondary ef-
fects, such as decalcification and erosion
of the dentinal walls (27). Kuah et al. (12)
observed a better smear layer removal when
EDTA was activated ultrasonically for one
minute only. In the present study, to stan-
dardize with the NaOCl control group, this
procedure was repeated twice, and the solu-
tion in question was renewed (11). When
EDTA is used in association with NaOCl
(27), or ultrasonically activated, its erosive
effect is accentuated (28). Though, in our
experimental set-up, this purported dam-
age appears not to interfere with the seal-
ing ability of the root filling.
Citric acid is a weak organic acid that
also acts through chelation. In this study, CA
presented with increased leakage compared
to EDTA, regardless of the use of PUI. When
comparing smear layer removal with 17%
EDTA and MTAD, a mixture of 3% doxycycline,
138 Jung Franciscatto et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(2): 2021
4.25% citric acid, and 0.5% Tween-80, the lat-
ter was more efficient (29). EDTA tends to be
more effective than the CA for smear layer
removal when there is a longer contact time
(11), which may be associated with the ten-
dency of the demineralisation capacity of CA
to saturate after 60 seconds (30).
The use of PUI to potentiate the irri-
gation solution’s effect has been previously
recommended, especially in oval-shaped
root canals or in canals with irregular mor-
phology, such as isthmuses, which are hard-
er to reach (11, 12). PUI agitation of Na-
OCl without the use of chelating solutions
generates cleaner root canal walls, which
reflects in better root canal sealing (11).
In the present study, when used as a final
rinse following chemo-mechanical instru-
mentation with NaOCl, the use of PUI with
chelating solutions was more effective than
NaOCl alone agitated, suggesting a possi-
ble synergism between ultrasonic activation
and chelating solutions. Limitations of the
study included that the root canal morphol-
ogy of the samples was assessed using two-
dimensional rather than three-dimensional
imaging. This is important as the anatomy
of the root canal system is considered a
common confounding factor in leakage
studies (31).
Similarly, the root filling was
carried out using a matching gutta-percha
point and no condensation, and our results
may not be translatable to other obturation
materials and/or techniques.
Based on the findings of this study, it
can be concluded that a final rinse that in-
cludes EDTA or CA, agitated with PUI, is as-
sociated with enhanced sealing ability for
gutta-percha and sealer when compared with
the use of the same chelators in the absence
of agitation or the use of NaOCl with PUI.
EDTA performed better than CA. These re-
sults indicate that during non-surgical root
canal treatment, PUI with chelating solu-
tions helps to promote a better sealing for
root canal fillings.
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