Invest Clin 62(2): 112 - 118, 2021
Corresponding author: Ayşe Tuğba Kartal. Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Neuro-
logy, Ankara, Turkey. Phone: +90 0531 791 7064. E-mail:
Relationship between serum iron level
and febrile convulsion in children.
Ayşe Tuğba Kartal
and Zeynep Çağla Mutlu
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Ankara, Turkey.
Kütahya Parkhayat Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Kütahya, Turkey.
Key words: febrile convulsion; ferritin; fever; hemoglobin; iron.
Abstract. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship
between febrile convulsion, serum iron levels and whole blood parameters. This
cross-sectional case-control study included patients aged 6 months-6 years-old
brought to the department of pediatrics of Kütahya ParkHayat Hospital with
febrile convulsions between January 2015 and December 2019. The patients
were divided into two groups as: febrile with convulsions (study group; n= 47)
and febrile without convulsions (control group; n= 35). Both groups were age
and sex-matched. Some blood parameters such as mean serum iron, ferritin,
Hb and MCV levels were used to compare the groups. Mean serum iron levels
of the study and control groups were 33.7 ± 2.1 μg/dL and 56.3 ± 7.4 μg/dL
(p<0.05), and serum ferritin levels were 27.3 ± 6.2 ng/mL and 31.1 ± 2.1 ng/
mL (p>0.05), respectively. Mean hemoglobin levels of the study and control
groups were 10.6 ± 1.7 g/dL and 11.1 ± 1.4 g/dL (p <0.05), and mean MCV
levels were 71.1 ± 1.2 fL and 73.2 ± 1.1 fL (p>0.05), respectively. In the light
of the findings of this study, the low serum iron and ferritin levels may be rein-
forcing factors for developing febrile convulsion. However, multicentre studies
with more patients are needed to reach a precise conclusion.
Iron level and febrile convulsion in children 113
Vol. 62(2): 112 - 118, 2021
Relación entre el nivel de hierro sérico y convulsiones febriles
en niños.
Invest Clin 2021; 62 (2): 112-118
Palabras clave: convulsión febril; ferritina; fiebre; hemoglobina; hierro.
Resumen. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la relación entre la
convulsión febril, el nivel de hierro en suero y los parámetros de sangre total.
Este estudio transversal de casos y controles incluyó pacientes de 6 meses a
6 años llevados a consulta al departamento de pediatría del Hospital Kütahya
ParkHayat con convulsiones febriles entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2019.
Los pacientes se dividieron en dos grupos: pacientes con convulsiones febriles
(grupo estudio; n= 47) y pacientes febriles sin convulsiones (grupo control; n=
35). Ambos grupos se emparejaron por edad y sexo. Para comparar los grupos
se utilizaron algunos parámetros sanguíneos, como los niveles medios de hierro
sérico, ferritina, Hb y MCV. Los niveles medios de hierro en suero de los grupos
de estudio y control se encontraron como 33,7 ± 2,1 μg / dL; 56,3 ± 7,4 μg /
dL (p <0,05), respectivamente. Los niveles de ferritina en suero fueron 27,3
± 6,2 ng / mL; 31,1 ± 2,1 ng / mL (p> 0,05), respectivamente. Los niveles
medios de hemoglobina del estudio y del grupo control fueron 10,6 ± 1.7 g/
dL; 11,1 ± 1,4 g/dLl (p <0,05), respectivamente, y los niveles medios de MCV
fueron 71,1 ± 1,2 fL; 73,2 ± 1,1 fL (p> 0,05), respectivamente. A la luz de
los resultados de este estudio, los bajos niveles de hierro y ferritina en suero
pueden ser factores de refuerzo para desarrollar convulsiones febriles. Sin em-
bargo, se necesitan estudios multicéntricos con más pacientes para tomar una
decisión precisa.
Received: 26-07-2020 Accepted: 17-01-2021
The most common type of seizure in
children is febrile convulsion, which is gen-
erally characterized by a temperature of 38
°C or higher that occurs in children aged
6 months to 6 years and who do not have
evidence of intracranial infection, head trau-
ma, electrolyte imbalance, hypoglycemia
and drug use. Febrile convulsion peaks at
around 18 months, and its annual incidence
is 2%–5% (1). Febrile convulsion is classi-
fied into simple and complex types. Simple
febrile convulsion lasts for <15 min within
a 24-hour period, whereas the complex type
lasts for >15 min and occurs more than
once within a 24-hour period (2-4).
Iron deficiency is the most common nu-
tritional disorder worldwide, and it is most
frequently observed in children aged 6–24
months and in adolescents (5). Clinical find-
ings depend on the severity of anemia, age,
and presence of comorbidities. Iron is in-
volved in the synthesis of many proteins and
enzymes, and it also participates in the elec-
tron transport system (6). Unexplained fa-
tigue and pallor of the conjunctivae and skin
are the most common symptoms of iron de-
114 TuğbaKartalandÇağlaMutlu
Investigación Clínica 62(2): 2021
ficiency anemia (7). In some cases, diagnosis
is based only on serum iron and hemoglo-
bin (Hb) levels (8). In severe cases, cardiac
systolic murmur, hemodynamic instability,
breath-holding attacks, dyspnea at rest, and
syncope can be observed (8). In prolonged
cases, changes in epithelial cells, such as
atrophic glossitis, cheilitis, dry mouth and
hair loss, can be seen (9). Additionally, some
neurological problems (e.g., impaired psy-
chomotor and mental development) and
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder may
be found (10).
In recent studies, the relationship be-
tween iron deficiency and febrile convul-
sion draws attention (11, 12). It has been
shown that iron affects energy metabolism,
the neurotransmitter system and myelin
development in the brain. These effects of
iron deficiency may negatively affect brain
development (13). Additionally, according
to some authors, excessive amounts of pro-
inflammatory cytokines are released during
fever, and this phenomenon may aggravate
the negative effects of iron deficiency toward
the brain (6,13,14). However, there are not
enough studies to support this relationship
The aim of the present study was to
evaluate the relationship between febrile
convulsion and serum iron level, and some
blood parameters.
This cross-sectional case–control study
included patients aged 6 months to 6 years
that were taken to the department of pedi-
atrics of ParkHayat Hospital with febrile con-
vulsions between January 2015 and Decem-
ber 2019. The electronic medical recording
system and patients’ files were used to get
information about the patients, and the cas-
es were selected according to the inclusion
and exclusion criteria
. The patients were di-
vided into two groups as: with febrile convul-
sion (study group; n= 47) and fever without
convulsion (control group; n= 35).
Febrile convulsion was diagnosed ac-
cording to the American Academy of Pedi-
atrics guidelines. Febrile convulsions are
defined as a type of seizure that occurs in
children between 6 months - 6 years olds, as-
sociated with fever (greater than 38°C), but
without acute intracranial infection, meta-
bolic disturbance or long-term neurological
conditions (15).
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the
febrile convulsion group: patients aged 6
months to 6 years, and patients with a first
simple convulsion episode were included to
the study. Children under 6 months and over
6 years of age, patients with two or more
complex febrile convulsions, pchildren that
received iron treatment in the last three
months, with chronic inflammatory disease,
neurodevelopmental retardation, hemato-
logical disease, intestinal malabsorption syn-
drome and with missing data, were excluded
from the study.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for con-
trol group: patients with the same age and
gender who were brought to the department
of pediatrics due to any febrile illness (with-
out any seizure) were included to the study.
The patients with central nervous system in-
fection or who had any seizure were exclud-
ed from the study.
Whole blood parameters (hemoglobin
(Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), red
cell distribution width (RDW)) were mea-
sured with an automatic blood count device
LH 750 (Beckman Coulter, Miami, USA).
Iron and ferritin were determined with a Co-
bas C501 (ROCHE Berlin, Germany) analyz-
er. Anemia was defined by Hb levels of <10.5
g/dL in patients aged 6 months to 2 years
and by Hb levels of <11.5 g/dL in patients
aged 2–5 years (16). The normal ferritin lev-
el was set at >12 ng/mL, and the normal se-
rum iron level was considered to be >40 μg/
dL for children aged <1 year and >50 μg/dL
for those aged >1 year (17).
The study protocol was approved by the
local ethics committee and conducted ac-
cording to the Helsinki declaration. Given
Iron level and febrile convulsion in children 115
Vol. 62(2): 112 - 118, 2021
by Ethics Committee of Kütahya University
of Health Sciences (2020/07-03).
Statistic analysis
Data analysis was performed by using
the IBM SPSS 21.0 package program. Con-
tinuous variables were expressed as means ±
standard deviations and the qualitative vari-
ables in absolute frequiencies and percent-
ages. The independent samples t-Test and
chi-square tests were used to compare the
groups. A p-value less than 0.05 was consid-
ered statistically significant.
The demographic and laboratory char-
acteristics of the participants in the study
are presented in Table I. There were no dif-
ferences (p ≤0.05) in the mean age and the
male/female ratio of the study and control
groups. Mean serum iron level of the study
and control groups was found as 33.7 ± 2.1
μg/dL and 56.3 ± 7.4 μg/dL (p<0.05), re-
spectively, and serum ferritin level was found
as 27.3 ± 6.2 ng/mL and 31.1 ± 2.1 ng/
mL (p >0.05), respectively. Mean hemoglo-
bin level of the study and control groups was
found as 10.6 ± 1.7 g/dL and 11.1 ± 1.4
g/dL (p<0.05), respectively, and mean MCV
level was found as 71.1 ± 1.2 fL and 73.2 ±
1.1 fL (p >0.05), respectively.
Fever etiologies of febrile convulsion and
control groups were compared in Table II.
Iron has many biological effects, and
it is involved in important neurological pro-
cesses, such as neurotransmitter metabo-
lism, myelin formation, and brain energy
metabolism (18). According to some experi-
mental studies, in the case of iron deficien-
cy, along with that of gamma-aminobutyric
acid, iron concentration decreases in some
brain regions (hypothalamus, mesencepha-
lon, thalamus, hippocampus, and corpus
striatum) (19,20).
In the present study, serum ferritin and
iron levels were lower in the febrile convul-
sion group than in the control group; al-
though a significant difference was observed
only for iron. Similar results were found by
Hameed et al. and Fallah et al. Their results
Variable Febrile Convulsion Group (47)
Control Group (35)
Age (months) 24.3±1.1 25.4± 2.1 0.411
Gender % (n)
59.6 (28)
40.4 (19)
57.1 (20)
42.9 (15)
Hb (g/dL) 10.4±1.7 11.1±1.4 0.031
MCV (fL) 71.1±1.2 73.2± 1.1 0.401
RDW (%) 15.4±1.3 14.8±1.1 0.356
Ferritin (ng/mL) 27.3±6.2 31.1±2.1 0.053
Iron (μg/dL) 33.7±2.1 56.3±7.4 0.002
( ): Number of cases.
±SD: mean ± standard deviation.
Hb: hemoglobin; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; RDW: red cell distribution width.
116 TuğbaKartalandÇağlaMutlu
Investigación Clínica 62(2): 2021
showed that serum ferritin and iron levels
were significantly lower in the febrile con-
vulsion group than in the control group (15,
21). By contrast, Kobrinsky et al. found that
serum ferritin level was lower in the control
group consisting of febrile patients without
convulsion, and they suggested that iron
deficiency is a protective factor for febrile
convulsion in acute febrile infection (22).
We speculate that the number of partici-
pants, the case selection, and the regional
nutritional habits of patients (the patients
included in our study has a diet unique to
the Mediterranean cuisine) may have caused
the differences in the results obtained in the
above studies.
In terms of Hb and MCV values, con-
flicting results were reported by different au-
thors who compared patients who had febrile
convulsion with those who had fever without
convulsion (1, 23). In a Turkey-based study,
Nalbantoglu et al. compared 94 patients with
febrile convulsion and 70 individuals with fe-
ver without convulsion, and they found that
the groups significantly differed in terms of
Hb levels. Mean corpuscular volume value
was lower in the febrile convulsion group,
but this difference was not significant (24).
In another study carried out by Aziz et al.
from Pakistan, Hb and MCV values were sig-
nificantly lower in patients with febrile con-
vulsion (25). Compared with these studies,
the India-based study conducted by Mehta et
al. did not find any significant difference be-
tween the groups, although the Hb and MCV
values were lower in febrile convulsion group
(26). In our study, Hb value was significantly
lower in the patients with febrile convulsion,
a finding that is similar to that of the first
two studies. Mean corpuscular volume value
was also found to be lower in the febrile con-
vulsion group, but this difference was not
significant. The differences in the results of
the abovementioned studies were possibly
due to the number of patients included.
According to the literature, febrile con-
vulsion usually develops due to an upper re-
spiratory infection (27, 28). Consistent with
this information, upper respiratory tract
infections were the most common etiolog-
ic factor causing febrile convulsion in the
study of Chung et al. (33%) and Delpisheh et
al. (42,3%) (29, 30). Our results are also in
agreement with the findings of these studies.
Our study has limitations, including its
retrospective nature, its relatively few and
heterogeneous participants, its inclusion of
ferritin, which is an acute phase reactant,
and its failure to account for the patients’
nutritional habits.
On the basis of the present findings,
low serum iron and ferritin levels may be
considered as reinforcing factors for the de-
velopment of febrile convulsion. Therefore,
Fever etiology Febrile Convulsion Group (47)
% (n)
Control Group (35)
% (n)
Upper respiratory tract infection 44,6 (21) 42,8 (15) 0.413
Acute otitis media 19,1 (9) 20 (7) 0.447
Lower respiratory tract infection 8,5 (4) 11,4 (4) 0.323
Gastroenteritis 17 (8) 17,1 (6) 0.319
Urinary tract infection 4,2 (2) 2,8 (1) 0.367
Influenza 6,3 (3) 5,7 (2) 0.403
(n ): Number of cases.
Iron level and febrile convulsion in children 117
Vol. 62(2): 112 - 118, 2021
the evaluation of the iron status should be
encouraged in children with febrile convul-
sion, and iron supplementation is possibly
beneficial in the treatment and prevention
of febrile convulsion in children.
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