La educación a distancia en el sistema de factores
de adaptabilidad de la esfera social de Ucrania
Iryna Verkhovod1
, Karina Oleksenko2
, Oleksandr Chernenko3
Olena Semenova4
, Yanina Mazurenko5
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Odesa National I.I.Mechnikov University, Odesa, Ukraine.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Resumen. Debido a la reducida accesibilidad del proceso educativo bajo las res-
tricciones actuales (que, junto con el COVID y la ley marcial, continúan por cuarto
año), se están produciendo procesos críticos que afectan directamente a la disminu-
ción de la calidad de la educación, lo que, a su vez, no permite la formación de las
competencias necesarias en los escolares modernos. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar
las complejas consecuencias de la difusión de la educación a distancia en las escuelas
secundarias ucranianas en relación con la capacidad de la esfera social ucraniana en ge-
neral y de la esfera educativa en particular para adaptarse a las condiciones y desafíos de
la vida moderna. Utilizamos los métodos de agrupación analítica, análisis factorial de
series temporales, análisis estructural-funcional y otros métodos científicos. El estudio
concluye que las actuales condiciones de compromiso entre la accesibilidad (prevalen-
cia) y la calidad de la educación en Ucrania implican un giro hacia la preservación de
la accesibilidad a costa de una reducción forzosa de la calidad, así como una potencial
distancia. educación como factor de mejora de su calidad no se aprovecha plenamente.
Palabras clave: ámbito social, educación a distancia, adaptabilidad, eficacia, potencial.
Recibido: 28/05/2024 ~ Aceptado: 28/09/2024
Revista de Trabajo Social
ISSN 2244-808X ~ Dep. Legal pp 201002Z43506
Vol. 15 (1): 171 - 181 pp, 2025
172 Verkhovod, Oleksenko, Chernenko, Semenova, MazurenkoInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social Vol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
Distance education in the system of factors of adaptability
of the social sphere of Ukraine
Abstract. Due to the decreasing accessibility of the educational process under the
current restrictions (which, together with COVID and martial law, are continuing for
the fourth year), critical processes are taking place that directly affect the decline in the
quality of education, which, in turn, does not allow to form the necessary competen-
cies in modern schoolchildren. The purpose of the study is to assess the complex conse-
quences of the spread of distance education in Ukrainian secondary schools regarding
the ability of the Ukrainian social sphere in general and the educational sphere in par-
ticular to adapt to the conditions and challenges of modern life. We used the methods
of analytical grouping, factor analysis of time series, structural-functional analysis and
other scientific methods. The study concludes that the current conditions of compro-
mise between accessibility (prevalence) and quality of education in Ukraine imply a
shift towards preserving accessibility at the cost of a forced reduction in quality, as well
as potential distance. education as a factor in improving its quality is not fully utilized.
Key words: social sphere, distance education, adaptability, efficiency, capacity.
The issue of effective management of distance education today should be considered in the
context of the fact that from the beginning of the pandemic to the present day, this form of educa-
tion has been important for the educational environment, while education in general is the basic
guarantor of the development of the capacity of the social sphere to adapt to further challenges.
In 2022, in addition to isolation and sanitary restrictions due to COVID, security conditions in
some regions became another challenge for the effectiveness of the social sector in general and the
educational system of Ukraine in particular. As a result of the large-scale invasion in the Eastern and
Southern regions of Ukraine, the organization of the educational process has been complicated. In
some regions, due to constant threats and challenges, online education through remote channels
remains the only available form of education. In this aspect, it is important to prevent a decline in
the quality of educational services.
In 2024, the issue of quality training and adaptation of the educational process to the
conditions of security threats arises, which will force the periodic use of distance learning. It
is already necessary to determine the organizational and methodological levers for developing
the necessary competencies of students who will be responsible for the restoration of Ukraine.
At the same time, distance education is still seen mainly as a factor in ensuring its accessibility
and continuity in wartime, but a full picture of the impact of the spread of distance education
(in some regions, it has become the dominant form of organizing the educational process)
on the adaptation of the social sphere to the conditions and challenges of the current period
requires much more thorough research, in particular on changes in the quality of education
that accompany the transition to a distance form of its organization. After all, it is important
to take into account both the impact of the spread of distance education on the ability of the
education sector to maintain the desired level of coverage of educational programs and the
La educación a distancia en el sistema de factores de adaptabilidad de la esfera social de Ucrania 173Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 171 - 181
quality of education, its effectiveness, that is, its ability to act as a significant factor in the
growth of labor productivity and income of today’s students in the future.
At present, the conditions of functioning of the social sphere in general and the education sec-
tor in particular are studied mainly in the context of maintaining the availability of basic services
for the population, but the qualitative changes that are taking place in the social efficiency of such
services, the ability of the social sphere to ensure the effectiveness of investments in human capital
do not receive the necessary scientific reflection, due to the lack of both primary information (short-
comings of the statistical base) and shortcomings of the methodological support for processing such
The purpose of the study. The purpose of this study is to assess the complex of consequences
of the spread of distance education in secondary schools in Ukraine in terms of the ability of the
Ukrainian social sphere in general and the education sector in particular to adapt to the conditions
and challenges of the current period. This goal involves the following tasks:
- to identify the challenges of managing distance education;
- analyze the current state of distance education in Ukraine;
- to assess the dynamics of both accessibility and quality of education in Ukrainian schools
against the background of the growing importance of distance education.
The problems of studying the social effect of the functioning of the social sphere in the
context of adaptation to the problems and challenges of the current stage of development of
the national economy have been considered in many publications. In particular, the problems
of the correlation between resource and institutional factors of social efficiency of the social
sphere are considered in the publications of Ukrainian researchers (Verba et al, 2021; Kudi-
nova & Verba, 2014); the problems of adaptation of the social sphere (in its broad interpreta-
tion) to the digitalization of the economy in the work of A. Kolot (Kolot, 2019); prospects
for the development of the social sphere in general and the educational sector in particular in
the context of the economic recovery of Ukraine - in the works of (Lopushnyak et al. (2023);
Simakhova and Tserkovnyi, (2022), Oleksenko et al. (2018)).
Since the launch of distance learning, researchers have been interested in its effectiveness
and the successful use of tools that will not deteriorate the quality of knowledge. Numerous
analyses have focused on the statistical reflection of the number of students who were taught
in distance learning and the quality of their education (M. Bondar (2021) and M. Voloshyn
(2023). The results of such analyzes pointed to problem areas and bottlenecks in distance
learning, which were the focus of subsequent studies (Hnatiuk, 2021; Oleksenko et al. 2023).
Since 2022, research on the problems of organizing distance learning under martial law has
been updated (O. Hnatiuk (2022). Current research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness
of individual distance education tools and organizational measures for its implementation
(Klopov et al. (2023); Nikitenko et al. (2022)).
174 Verkhovod, Oleksenko, Chernenko, Semenova, MazurenkoInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social Vol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
The research methodology involves the identification of the object of study with the formula-
tion of the subject of study and hypothesis, which, in accordance with the established purpose, al-
lows you to choose the appropriate methods for research.
The object of research is the system of general secondary education in Ukraine in the context
of the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law. The subject of the study is the impact of distance
education on the ability of the social sphere of Ukraine to adapt to the conditions and challenges of
the current period.
To formulate the hypothesis, it is worth noting that distance education in Ukraine has been
widely used since 2020 due to the pandemic. At the same time, its introduction did not correspond
to the strategic vision of education development in Ukraine, so the mechanism itself and the means
and channels were not properly prepared. In 2022, as a result of Russian aggression, distance educa-
tion in many regions became the leading and sometimes the only form of education that provided
students with access to education in general. Lack of infrastructure support and insufficient teaching
and learning materials in the field of distance education pose numerous risks and challenges to the
ability to achieve the appropriate quality. Given the above, we formulate the initial hypothesis of the
study as follows: in the context of the forced (caused first by the COVID-19 pandemic and later by
martial law) expansion of the scale and importance of distance education, there are both risks to the
social efficiency of the education sector (in particular, due to the erosion of education quality stan-
dards and obstacles to the acquisition of certain competencies) and opportunities (in particular, due
to increased access to education and the harmonious combination of different educational programs
within the same educational periods).
The materials for the study are statistical data on general secondary education published by
the State Statistics Service for the last 5 years and the results of the PISA survey for 2018 and 2022.
The research methods involve an integrated approach.
The following methods were used to highlight the challenges of managing distance education
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law in Ukraine: analysis of literary sources
and regulations, analysis of reports, recommendations and publications covering distance education
issues, such as NUS reports (2020); analysis of the structure and functioning of distance education
in a pandemic and martial law, primarily studying the implementation and use of digital platforms
such as All-Ukrainian School Online, the system of automation of inclusive and resourceful edu-
cation. The article uses the analysis and structuring of modern challenges for distance education
based on the study of theoretical sources, which became the basis for generalizing the challenges of
distance education management.
The following methods were used to analyze the current state of distance education in Ukraine
and to study its impact on the adaptive capacity of the education sector: analysis of statistical data
(data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2022) were used to determine the number of gen-
eral secondary education institutions, the number of students and teachers, which made it possible
to assess the dynamics of changes in these indicators for the period from 2018/2019 to 2022/2023
academic years); analysis of the number of schools that switched to distance learning and the num-
ber of students covered by distance learning
La educación a distancia en el sistema de factores de adaptabilidad de la esfera social de Ucrania 175Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 171 - 181
Statistical methods were used to analyze statistical information on secondary education institu-
tions based on data from the State Statistics Service, which allowed us to analyze the current state
of distance education in Ukraine.
In particular, two main quantitative characteristics of the adaptive potential of distance edu-
cation are proposed. The first one is the dynamics of the number of students and the share of the
school-age population enrolled in Ukrainian schools as an indicator of the ability of the education
sector to maintain accessibility and wide coverage of the population in a pandemic, and later - a
full-scale invasion. The second is the level of success of students in mastering knowledge within the
basic elements of educational programs, which reflects the ability of the education sector to adapt to
modern conditions while maintaining the quality of educational services.
To evaluate the effectiveness of distance education in Ukraine, a comparative analysis of the
PISA results for 2018 and 2022 was used, and generalizations were made about the impact of dis-
tance education on the level of students’ competence, which is the main performance indicator for
managing distance education. To position the educational sector of Ukraine in relation to the dy-
namics of educational results of schoolchildren in European countries, the method of assessing the
deviation of an individual value from the group average was used. The results of this comparative
analysis allowed us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of distance education.
The method of graphical display was used to visualize the results of the study.
Challenges of managing distance education
Distance education is one of the available forms of education for Ukrainian students in accor-
dance with the Law of Ukraine “On Education” (2017). The choice of distance education is made
by parents or other legal representatives of the child. Martial law expands the coverage of distance
education, and schools can create remote classes/groups for children who have gone abroad or do
not want to study offline for security reasons (Ministry of Education and Science, 2023а).
In 2020, the main problem with the effectiveness of distance education was the lack of sys-
tematic communication at the school level, which negatively affected both teachers and educational
managers, as well as students and their parents (NUSh, 2020).
Thus, O. Hnatiuk (2021) notes a number of main challenges that should be taken into ac-
count when managing distance education to ensure its effectiveness. Thus, the main challenges in
managing distance education can be structured as follows:
1) organization of students’ self-education, including the development of independent learning
skills; insufficient readiness of students to master the educational material independently; the
need to involve parents in their children’s education and control;
2) student motivation. A critical requirement for the effectiveness of distance education is the
need for conscious motivation for distance learning, while proper motivation in distance lear-
ning is becoming a complex problem;
3) communication, including the reduction of social communication and problems in organi-
zing communication during online meetings and asynchronous learning
4) time management;
176 Verkhovod, Oleksenko, Chernenko, Semenova, MazurenkoInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social Vol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
5) difficulties in individualizing learning in a mass school during distance learning;
6) identification of students, including avoidance of falsification of results due to insufficient
methods of control over the actions and results of students in distance learning;
7) the need for teachers to master new means and methods of teaching in the digital environ-
8) lack of a single unified platform (Hnatiuk, 2021).
Regarding the management of distance education during martial law, the Ministry of Educa-
tion and Science of Ukraine has implemented important measures to enhance the effectiveness
of this process, such as the introduction of the All-Ukrainian School Online electronic platform;
launching a system for automating the work of inclusive resource centers; and connecting schools to
the AICOM system, which introduces electronic diaries and journals (Hnatiuk, 2022). At the same
time, the learning process itself can be provided in synchronous and asynchronous modes using
numerous digital platforms and communication services. In recent years, the methodology of dis-
tance learning has been improving (Hnatiuk, 2022). At the same time, the effectiveness of distance
education management has not been sufficiently studied either during quarantine or martial law.
The significance of the issue is due to the formation of a significant gap in research on the impact of
distance education on the quality of learning.
Current state of distance education in Ukraine
Table 1 presents the general dynamics of educational institutions and students of general sec-
ondary education institutions at the beginning of the academic year (AY) according to the State
Statistics Service (2022).
TABLE 1. General secondary education institutions at the beginning
of the academic year, thousand
Years Number
of general
of students
in general
Of these,
in institutions
Graduation of students
from general secondary
education institutions
of teachers
in general
Daytime evening
received a
certificate of
basic general
received a
of complete
2018/19 15,5 4042 4017 25 345 195 441
2019/20 15,2 4138 4116 22 352 198 440
2020/21 14,9 4211 4191 20 345 222 440
2021/22 14,0 4230 4103 17 363 229 6 435
2022/23 13,0 4042 3122 12 366 221 6 402
Source: compiled from (State Statistics Service, 2022).
La educación a distancia en el sistema de factores de adaptabilidad de la esfera social de Ucrania 177Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 171 - 181
In the 2020/2021 academic year, the number of distance education schools amounted to 4,882.
About 30% of students were enrolled in distance education. This situation required adaptation and
changes in the education system, and many teachers, parents, and students began to actively use
distance resources and online courses (Bondar, 2021).
The statistics on the number of distance education institutions for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023
academic years according to the State Statistics Service (2022) are presented in Table 2.
In 2021/2022, 3.3 thousand schools in Ukraine were engaged in distance learning (Ukrin-
form, 2021). In the 2022/2023 academic year, the educational process was implemented in a dis-
tance form in 4,363 institutions, and another 4,608 institutions followed a mixed form. In five
oblasts - Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, Kharkiv, and Kherson - constant threats to the security
situation and rocket attacks do not allow for the educational process to be conducted in person or
in a mixed form, which is why all schools operate remotely (NUSh, 2023).
TABLE 2. Number of students enrolled in distance learning in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023
Indicator Total 2021/2022 AY Total 2022/2023 AY
In urban areas In rural areas In urban areas In rural areas
Number of
institutions, total 13 991 5 545 8 446 12 976 5 278 7 698
Total number of
students, persons 4 230 358 3 034 679 1 195 679 4 041 976 2 907 979 1 133 997
Number of
students enrolled
in distance learning 17 688 17 256 432 747 893 589 358 158 535
Source: compiled from (State Statistics Service, 2022).
According to the Ministry of Education and Science, 12929 secondary education institutions
started the 2023/2024 academic year, with 3.9 million students and 388 thousand teachers (Minis-
try of Education and Science, 2023). 15% of institutions work remotely (Voloshyn, 2023).
So, in Figure 1 shows the dynamics of the share of students studying remotely.
Figure 1. Dynamics of the share of students who studied at a distance, %
Source: compiled by (State Statistics Service, 2022).
178 Verkhovod, Oleksenko, Chernenko, Semenova, MazurenkoInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social Vol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
In 2020-2023, the share of students enrolled in distance education was 30-33.6%.
Accordingly, according to the first criterion for assessing the impact of the spread of distance
education on the adaptive capacity of the education sector, there is a significant positive impact of
distance education. Against the background of a slight decrease in the absolute scale of this form
of educational process (the number of institutions that used this form of educational process de-
creased by 7.3%, and the number of students enrolled in distance education - by 4.5%), there is a
significant increase in the importance of distance education in meeting the needs of the population
in educational services (the share of students studying remotely increased by 10 percentage points).
Assessment of the effectiveness of distance education
A qualitative indicator that allows to assess the effectiveness of distance education management
is the international PISA assessment, the comparison of the results of which for 2018 and 2022 will
allow to compare the level of education of Ukrainian students.
PISA-2018, an international study of the quality of education, showed the following results of
15-year-old Ukrainian students:
1) mathematical competence - the average score in Ukraine is 453 points (the leading country
has 591 points, the average in OECD countries is 489);
2) reading competence - the average score of Ukrainian students in reading is 466 points (the
leading country is 555, the average in OECD countries is 487).
3) competence in science - the average score in Ukraine is 469 points (the leading country is 590,
the average in OECD countries is 489) (PISA, 2018).
According to PISA 2022 results:
1) in mathematics, the main subject of PISA 2022, 15-year-olds scored 441 points compared to
the average of 472 points in OECD countries;
2) on average, 15-year-olds scored 428 points in reading, compared to an average of 476 points
in OECD countries;
3) in Ukraine, the average science score of 15-year-olds is 450 points, while in OECD countries
it is 485 points (PISA, 2022).
Figure 2 compares the results of PISA 2018 and 2022.
Accordingly, with regard to the second criterion for assessing the impact of the spread of
distance education on the adaptive capacity of the education sector, there is a significant negative
impact of distance education. Of course, it is incorrect to attribute the decline in the level of com-
petence of school students in all three areas of study recorded in 2022 to the impact of the spread of
distance education alone, as a number of other factors also contributed to the recorded dynamics.
However, the combination of the two trends (the increase in the share of distance education with a
decrease in average student performance) is quite pronounced. The average score in math decreased
by 2.65%, although the gap between the performance of Ukrainian students and the European aver-
age decreased from 7.4% to 6.6% (by 0.8 percentage points). The average reading score decreased
by 8.2%, and the gap with the European average increased from 4.3% to 10.1% (by 5.8 percentage
points). Finally, in natural sciences, similar indicators are equal to a 4.1% decrease in the average
score and an increase in the gap from 4.1% to 7.2%.
La educación a distancia en el sistema de factores de adaptabilidad de la esfera social de Ucrania 179Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 171 - 181
Thus, based on the analysis, we can conclude that the potential of distance education to ensure
the adaptation of the education sector to the conditions and challenges of today, while maintaining
not only the coverage of the population with educational services, but also the quality of educational
services, is not fully realized. Over the past three years, the growth of distance education coverage
to 23-30% of the total number of students has been accompanied by a significant decline in their
competence in basic subjects.
The study found that over the past three full academic years, about a third of students
have received educational services in a distance format. This is due to the fact that anti-
pandemic restrictions were introduced in 2020/2021 academic year, and in 2021/2022 aca-
demic year and 2022/2023 academic year, students were forced to study under martial law.
The international PISA assessments in 2018 were conducted under the conditions that all
Ukrainian institutions were operating in full-time mode. At the same time, the results of the
PISA assessment in 2022 showed a significant decline in the basic competencies of 15-year-
old students (in math, reading, and science). Comparing the PISA results in 2022 with those
of 2018, it was found that the level of competence has critically decreased, indicating that
the introduction of distance education was not effective and its management is carried out
at an inadequate level, without taking into account the requirements of the times, which has
a direct impact on the lack of educational services and, accordingly, the reduction in the ef-
fectiveness of education in general. This creates a range of threats to the further development
of Ukraine’s educational system and the adaptive capacity of the social sphere. The persistent
negative dynamics of inadequate quality of distance education undermines Ukraine’s long-
term ability to ensure social growth and well-being of the population.
Further research should be aimed at improving the efficiency of distance education in Ukraine,
given the importance of educational potential for the development of the social sphere. In addition,
Figure 2. Changes in student survey results, %.
Source: compiled by (PISA, 2018; PISA, 2022).
180 Verkhovod, Oleksenko, Chernenko, Semenova, MazurenkoInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social Vol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
it is necessary to analyze regional changes in the quality of education, especially focusing on regions
where distance education has been introduced due to the increased danger of students’ physical pres-
ence in educational institutions. This will give impetus to further optimization of distance education
in Ukraine by identifying gaps in management processes and eliminating them.
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