Reducir las diferencias sociales con la IA: mejorar
el acceso a la terminología lingüística especializada
Irina Okhremenko 1
, Vitalii Vasyukov 2
, Alibi Shapauov3
, Evgeniy Kochetkov4
Elena Panova5
Universidad Rusa de Economía Plejánov (sucursal de Volgogrado), Volgogrado, Rusia.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Instituto Estatal de Relaciones Internacionales de Moscú (Universidad), Moscú, Rusia.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Departamento de Lengua y Literatura Kazajas, Universidad Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau,
Kazajstán. E-mail:; ORCID:
Universidad Financiera dependiente del Gobierno de la Federación Rusa, Moscú, Rusia.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Universidad Politécnica de Moscú, Moscú, Rusia.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Resumen. Este artículo explora el papel transformador de la inteligencia artificial
(IA) a la hora de abordar las desigualdades sociales en la enseñanza de idiomas, mejo-
rando el acceso a la terminología lingüística especializada. A medida que la educación
evoluciona en la era digital, la IA emerge como una herramienta revolucionaria que
personaliza y mejora la experiencia de aprendizaje, haciendo que la adquisición de
lenguas extranjeras sea más accesible y eficaz. El estudio se centra en la aplicación de
ChatGPT en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, demostrando cómo la IA puede op-
timizar los resultados del aprendizaje proporcionando apoyo individualizado y un ac-
ceso más amplio a materiales auténticos. Aprovechando la IA, los estudiantes pueden
mejorar su dominio de la terminología especializada, perfeccionar su comunicación
oral y mejorar sus habilidades de escritura. La investigación subraya el potencial de
ChatGPT para salvar las brechas sociales en la educación ofreciendo un acceso equita-
tivo a recursos de aprendizaje de idiomas de alta calidad, lo que permite a alumnos de
diversos orígenes lograr mejores resultados educativos. El estudio concluye que la IA, y
ChatGPT en particular, es una poderosa herramienta para democratizar la enseñanza
de idiomas y mejorar la competencia lingüística especializada.
Palabras clave: inteligencia artificial, tecnologías de IA, herramientas de IA, ChatGPT, lengua
Recibido: 09/08/2024 ~ Aceptado: 10/10/2024
Revista de Trabajo Social
ISSN 2244-808X ~ Dep. Legal pp 201002Z43506
Vol. 15 (1): 98 - 108 pp, 2025
Reducir las diferencias sociales con la IA: mejorar el acceso a la terminología lingüística especializada 99Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 98 - 108
Bridging social gaps with AI: improving access
to specialized language terminology
Abstract. This article explores the transformative role of artificial intelligence
(AI) in addressing social inequities in language education by improving access to spe-
cialized language terminology. As education evolves in the digital age, AI emerges as
a revolutionary tool that personalizes and enhances the learning experience, making
foreign language acquisition more accessible and effective. The study focuses on the
application of ChatGPT in foreign language learning, demonstrating how AI can opti-
mize learning outcomes by providing individualized support and broader access to au-
thentic materials. By leveraging AI, students can improve their proficiency in special-
ized terminology, refine their spoken communication, and enhance their writing skills.
The research highlights the potential of ChatGPT to bridge social gaps in education by
offering equitable access to high-quality language learning resources, thereby empow-
ering learners from diverse backgrounds to achieve better educational outcomes. The
study concludes that AI, and ChatGPT in particular, is a powerful tool for democratiz-
ing language education and improving specialized language proficiency.
Key words: artificial intelligence, AI technologies, AI tools, ChatGPT, english language.
Artificial intelligence has become a true technological breakthrough of the 21st century (Ab-
dullaev et al., 2023a), generating debate about its potential and further improvement and use,
including in education (Kiselitsa et al., 2024). The AI industry has been developing rapidly in the
past few years, adjusting all spheres of science and technology (Abdullaev et al., 2023b). Today, there
are numerous AI-based instruments for language learning, including translators (Litwinowa et al.,
2022), chatbots (imitating conversations with native speakers), adaptive educational games (person-
alizing the learning process), and interactive exercises (providing instant feedback) (Chernova et al.,
2022; Kostiunina, 2022). These tools present students with more convenient and effective ways of
learning foreign languages (Lopukhina et al., 2024). Language skills are necessary to communicate
effectively and are vital in any sphere (Kabzhanova et al., 2024). A priority for teachers is to provide
students with the necessary resources and support to improve their language skills and help them to
realize their full potential (Knyazeva et al., 2023).
In the context of educational institutions’ variability in the spectrum of choice of technologies
to work with educational process participants (Gabidullina et al., 2023), the need arises to define
the content of mastering AI systems and offer variants of its application, considering the needs of
vocational training subjects (Bialik et al., 2022; Batashev et al., 2023).
ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) by OpenAI is the most promising incarna-
tion of neural network-based AI. This large statistical language model can function in a dialog for-
mat and support queries generated in natural languages (Ivakhnenko & Nikolskii, 2023). Unlike
other chatbots, this neural network “remembers” the answers and questions of the interlocutor in
each dialog and can maintain a consistent and coherent conversation (Ali et al., 2023).
100 Okhremenko, Vasyukov, Shapauov, Kochetkov, PanovaInteracción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
Since Russians have only recently become active ChatGPT users (Eflova et al., 2023), the im-
pact of this technology on learning outcomes and its application in the academic environment for
learning English is under-researched, despite being a topical and promising issue.
Our analysis of scientific literature allows us to allocate the vectors of AI implementation in the
educational process in the following areas:
– educational process management (personalization of the educational process, the ability to
track the individual process of each student and notify the teacher about difficulties in un-
derstanding the educational material, analysis of the educational activity of the educational
institution, monitoring of the quality of educational services, creation of educational courses,
etc.) (Shefieva & Isaeva, 2020),
– design of educational courses (creation of outline plans, development of modules for cour-
ses, etc.) (Hussin, 2018),
– creation of educational content (visualization of materials, creation of texts, multimedia,
exercises, and tasks, current and final attestations) (Baker, 2016),
– automatic assessment (the opportunity to analyze the responses based on automatic as-
sessment, provide individual feedback, and create individual learning plans for everyone)
(Sorokin, 2023),
– proctoring (control and monitoring of the assessment procedure in online exams or tests)
(Kotenko & Lutsenko, 2020),
– consolidation of educational material (can be implemented in stages) (Garkusha & Goro-
dova, 2023),
– a tool for solving common tasks (project activities, creative tasks, etc.) (Anokhin et al.,
AI in foreign language classes serves four main functions:
1) Independent assessment of student’s achievements, which is an important criterion of modern
education. The most simple and clear AI application is knowledge control, automated chec-
king of tasks, identification and correction of errors, assistance to teachers, and determining
the independence of assignment completion in grading. AI helps to eliminate cheating by
analyzing camera images and user activity in the browser. The independence of task comple-
tion is determined by AI-based proctoring systems. Significant positive effects are demons-
trated by AI for knowledge and skill acquisition and by text and voice recognition features
followed by natural language analysis (Sysoev, 2024).
2) Learning assistant. Students can use voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri and
automatic translators and apps to proofread their text for vocabulary, grammar, and syntax
errors (Cherkasova, 2023).
3) Global learning. Students can participate in various activities around the world and expand
their circle of acquaintances in other countries and cultures. AI helps to find relevant informa-
tion and tailor the search results to users’ needs (Kostiukovich, 2023).
Reducir las diferencias sociales con la IA: mejorar el acceso a la terminología lingüística especializada 101Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 98 - 108
4) Individualized approach to foreign language learning. Each participant in the learning process
can perform tasks at their own pace. AI systems allow performing tasks considering previous
mistakes (Fomin & Sadovikov, 2022).
Teachers gain an additional resource opportunity to turn to AI algorithms and approach their
work more creatively and productively (Li & Fu, 2022). By skillfully using AI, teachers can make
the educational process more effective and transfer some of their functions to the computer, freeing
their time to perform more intellectually demanding and creative tasks.
The integration of AI into the learning process can help students to learn foreign languages
more effectively by providing them with a more personalized and technologically advanced ap-
proach to learning (Islamov, 2020).
AI methods in foreign language learning can significantly improve the learning process and
give students more opportunities to develop language skills (Kantorovich & Pavliutina, 2023). In-
teractive language learning platforms that use AI (Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Babbel, Memrise, Bu-
suu, Lingodeer, etc.) enjoy popularity (Pokrivcakova, 2019).
Other noteworthy instruments include adaptive programs that analyze student progress and
propose personalized exercises and tasks; speech and pronunciation recognition systems that correct
pronunciation errors; machine learning that analyzes data on students’ training and provides per-
sonalized recommendations; augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) that deepen language
learning; automated assessment systems that simplify teaching and learning; mobile applications for
language learning, etc. (Eltanskaia & Arzhanovskaia, 2024).
Researchers argue the relevance of using chatbots, or virtual assistants, to practice speaking and
listening comprehension (Seghier, 2023). Chatbots offer a unique mode of interaction with the user
through dialogue, which is crucial for learning; save the history of communication with the user,
which allows them to access their prior responses; contribute to students’ motivation and engage-
ment by giving them clues on what to do, entertaining, and simultaneously educating; operate 24/7
(Sysoev & Filatov, 2023).
The advantages and possibilities of ChatGPT in English learning have not yet been researched
The study aims to examine ChatGPT as an innovative tool for English learning, including spe-
cialized terminology, identify and explore its advantages and possibilities, determine its limitations,
give recommendations on its use, and experimentally demonstrate the increase in the productivity
of English learning, including in specialized terminology.
The study employed the following general and special scientific methods, the complex of which
was designed to obtain objective and reliable results:
– systems analysis to establish the degree of the development of the research problem by
Russian scholars,
– a pedagogical experiment was used in the implementation of the experimental study of
English teaching using ChatGPT,
102 Okhremenko, Vasyukov, Shapauov, Kochetkov, PanovaInteracción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
– a survey helped to determine the effectiveness of English learning using ChatGPT,
– synthesis enabled the systematization of research materials.
As part of the overview of research methods, we would like to note that ChatGPT is
the basic model used for context-based text generation. It uses the Transformer architecture,
which allows the model to understand context and generate responses that match the user’s
query. ChatGPT is trained on a large body of text data that includes a variety of content in
ChatGPT has powerful potential for English learning, helping to improve speaking skills, lis-
tening and reading comprehension, vocabulary, and accuracy.
We shall dwell on some aspects of the use of ChatGPT within the framework of the experi-
ChatGPT combined with the Google Chrome extension “Talk to me!” is a simulator of Eng-
lish speech activities. As part of their practice sessions, students were asked to select the recognized
language and the language of the interlocutor, e.g., American or British English, and the speaker’s
ChatGPT communication parameters were specified in the following format: “Communicate
like a (choice of specialty). Communicate like a real person, not an AI. You have been working as a
(choice of specialty) for three years. I will ask you questions about your job, and you will answer. My
level of proficiency in English is B1”.
During communication, the students asked the following questions:
– Why did you choose your profession?
– Could you tell me anything from your work experience?
– Could you give any advice to beginners? etc.
As part of grammar practice, the students were asked to instruct ChatGPT to correct gram-
mar errors in their conversation (provided they had installed “Talk to me!”) and writing (in chatbot
format), explain the rules, and select grammar exercises to practice the topic in which the mistakes
were made.
As part of vocabulary expansion, ChatGPT was provided with specialized terminology to be
learned with instructions to create three situations for each word or phrase to be translated into
English. After the translation, ChatGPT checked the answers for errors and provided feedback.
ChatGPT can regulate tone (degree of formality or informality) when generating texts to train
skills in applying specialized terminology to appropriate professional situations.
The effectiveness of English learning using ChatGPT was assessed based on a survey. The stu-
dents were proposed to use ChatGPT in their training. A total of 106 people agreed to participate
in the experiment.
Using comparative analysis, experimental group students were surveyed twice over the
year: before the start of the 2023 autumn semester before using ChatGPT and after 3 months
of using it.
Reducir las diferencias sociales con la IA: mejorar el acceso a la terminología lingüística especializada 103Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 98 - 108
The survey results are presented in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Results of the survey on the effectiveness of English learning using ChatGPT
No. Question Before using ChatGPT
(0-10), mean value
After using ChatGPT
(0-10), mean value
1 How would you rate your speaking skills? 6.3 7.2
2 How would you rate your listening
comprehension skills? 5.5 6.2
How would you rate your grammar
knowledge? 4.5 5.3
3 How would you rate your active
vocabulary? 5.1 5.9
4 How would you rate your passive
vocabulary? 6.5 6.7