Modelo basado en competencias para el desarrollo
de cualidades personales y profesionales de los docentes
Elvir Akhmetshin1
, Ilyos Abdullayev2
, Artemiy Kozachek3
, Olga Savinkova4
Rustem Shichiyakh5
Kazan Federal University, Kazán, Rusia; Moscow Aviation Institute
(National Research University), Moscú, Rusia.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistán.
E-mail:; ORCID:
3 Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Rusia.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Voronezh State Academy of Sports, Voronezh, Rusia.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Rusia.
E-mail:; ORCID:
Resumen. Este estudio presenta los fundamentos teóricos de un modelo basado en
competencias para la formación de docentes universitarios. Partiendo de una revisión de
la literatura científica, el documento analiza los conceptos de competencia y competencia
clave, estableciendo que el proceso educativo innovador está llevando a que las competen-
cias clave se conviertan en la base de este modelo. Desde los aspectos teóricos del problema,
se caracteriza el modelo en el proceso educativo innovador de la educación superior. El
modelo incluye competencias básicas y clave como componentes en la preparación de los
docentes de educación superior para el proceso educativo innovador, siendo la competencia
innovadora la principal. El modelo es una estructura teórica que determina los objetivos,
principios, estructura, contenido y métodos para lograr las condiciones establecidas por las
universidades para el desarrollo personal y profesional de los docentes en el contexto del pro-
ceso educativo innovador. Identifica los requisitos para los docentes universitarios, funda-
menta las competencias básicas y clave, y las dota de contenido como parte de la estructura
del modelo. El modelo presenta un sistema de componentes interconectados: competencias
básicas y clave, cuyo dominio contribuye al desarrollo personal y profesional, aumentando
la competitividad y movilidad profesional de los docentes de educación superior, atendiendo
a los requisitos del proceso educativo innovador.
Palabras clave: modelo basado en competencias, profesor de enseñanza superior, competencias
básicas, competencias clave, proceso educativo innovador.
Recibido: 10/07/2024 ~ Aceptado: 28/09/2024
Revista de Trabajo Social
ISSN 2244-808X ~ Dep. Legal pp 201002Z43506
Vol. 15 (1): 87 - 97 pp, 2025
88 Akhmetshin, Abdullayev, Kozachek, Savinkova, ShichiyakhInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social V ol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
Competency-based model for the development of teachers’
personal and professional qualities
Abstract. This study presents the theoretical foundations of a competency-based
model for the training of university teachers. Based on a review of the scientific litera-
ture, the paper analyzes the concepts of competence and key competence, establishing
that the innovative educational process is leading key competencies to become the
basis of this model. From the theoretical aspects of the problem, the model is charac-
terized in the innovative educational process of higher education. The model includes
basic and key competencies as components in the preparation of higher education
teachers for the innovative educational process, with the innovative competence being
the leading one. The model is a theoretical structure that determines the objectives,
principles, structure, content, and methods to achieve the conditions established by
universities for the personal and professional development of teachers in the context
of the innovative educational process. It identifies the requirements for university tea-
chers, substantiates the basic and key competencies, and fills them with content as part
of the model’s structure. The model presents a system of interconnected components:
basic and key competencies, whose mastery contributes to personal and professional
development, increasing the competitiveness and professional mobility of higher edu-
cation teachers, in line with the requirements of the innovative educational process.
Key words: competency-based model, higher education teacher, basic competencies, key
competencies, innovative educational process.
In modern conditions, the specifics and creative nature of higher education teachers’ work pose
high requirements to the representatives of this profession (Turanin & Posokhova, 2023; Tutkova et
al., 2024). The problem of training higher education teachers to work in an innovative educational
environment and manage innovative educational processes gives rise to the critical issue of defining
and developing the conceptual foundation of the competency-based model for university teachers
(Aziyev et al., 2024; Shestitko et al., 2024). The concept of the model of a teacher is a theoretical
construct that determines the purpose and principles of the model’s development and implemen-
tation, its structure and content, and the methods of achieving the conditions set by universities
for teachers’ personal and professional development in the context of the innovative educational
In developing the model’s components, it is first necessary to identify the requirements for the
specialist – a higher education teacher performing various activities, including innovative activities
(Bochkareva et al., 2020). Second, it is necessary to specify the required theoretical knowledge, prac-
tical skills, and abilities (competencies) (Dulzon & Vasileva, 2009). Readiness for innovative activity
is the driving force behind a teacher’s innovative stance (Ling et al., 2023). In terms of structure, it
is a complex integrated formation covering various qualities, properties, knowledge, and personal
skills, serving as a prerequisite for teachers’ effective work, the maximum realization of their capa-
bilities, and the development of their creative potential.
Modelo basado en competencias para el desarrollo de cualidades personales
y profesionales de los docentes 89Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 87 - 97
The model for university teachers should include professional and personal development be-
cause the harmonization of the profession is the basis of the vocational training system. The creative
direction of pedagogical activity presupposes a scientific view of pedagogical phenomena and the
multiplicity of their solutions, which requires the integration of social and personal educational
strategies (Andrienko & Kalachikova, 2016). Professional competence is increasingly recognized
as an integral characteristic of the teacher’s personality; the issue of the higher education teacher’s
necessary competencies is relevant and timely.
Our analysis of scientific sources shows that an individual’s competence in psychological and
pedagogical science is described in connection with a wide range of theoretical and applied issues,
directed mainly at the professional establishment, development, and self-improvement as a subject
of professional activity in many studies (Frolov & Makhotin, 2004; Akmaeva & Zhukov, 2010;
Ekimova & Voronina, 2020). The phenomenon of professional competence is investigated by many
scholars whose primary focus is higher education teachers’ training (Sharipov, 2010; Lopanova, 2015;
Gazgireeva & Burniasheva, 2019). The fundamental grounds for the renewal of the higher educa-
tion system, the vocational training of higher education teachers, the theoretical and methodologi-
cal foundations of the development of university teachers’ professionalism and professional culture,
mastery, and competence are covered by V.P. Medvedev and Iu.G. Tatur (2007), O.P. Khodenkova
(2016), and M.R. Ziganshina et al. (2018). The components of teachers’ professional competence
that ensure personal and professional self-development and self-improvement and determine its
acmeological culture are covered by O.N. Krylova and O.B. Dautova (2016), I.A. Gazieva and
A.A. Burashnikova (2023), and T.Iu. Poliakova and V.M. Prikhodko (2022). The essence, structure,
and content of innovative competence are considered by O.B. Tomilin et al. (2007), E.B. Nastuev
(2020), and N.E. Kopytova (2013). The attributes of teachers’ innovative competence are presented
by G.I. Boinchanu (2010); the factors contributing to the formation of innovative competence are
investigated by G.R. Khusainova et al. (2022) and A.A. Muraveva and O.N. Oleinikova (2020).
Despite a considerable body of research into the various matters of competence, the issue of
the competency-based model for university teachers in the innovative educational process remains
The study aims to characterize the competency-based model for teachers of the new formation
in the innovative educational process of higher education.
In accordance with the features of the competency-based model for teachers in the innovative
educational process in universities, we employed a qualitative approach. The data were collected
between January 15 and March 15, 2024 using an analysis of scientific literature on the research
The first stage of the study involved selecting the source base represented by research papers
published in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. Relying on the analysis of the source
base, we determined the theoretical foundations of the model.
90 Akhmetshin, Abdullayev, Kozachek, Savinkova, ShichiyakhInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social V ol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
At the second stage, based on the generalization of the analysis of the source base, we identified
the basic and key competencies of a higher education teacher as constituents in the model.
Theoretical foundations of the model
In today’s science, the concepts of competence and competency are the main categories of the
new approach in education and have different interpretations (Table 1).
TABLE 1. Analysis of the concepts of competence and competency
Category Definition Source
Competence The totality of personal qualities (value-meaning
orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities) determined by
the experience of human activity in a specific socially and
personally significant sphere
R.I. Akmaeva and V.M.
Zhukov (2010)
Mastery of the corresponding competency, including
personal attitude to the subject matter
F.V. Sharipov (2010)
A set of features (characteristics) of the person allowing
them to perform certain activities aimed at solving
problems (tasks) in a certain industry with high quality
E.B. Nastuev (2020)
Competency A set of interrelated semantic orientations, knowledge,
skills, abilities, and experience of activity in relation
to a certain range of real-life objects necessary for the
implementation of personally and socially significant
productive activities
N.V. Ekimova and M.M.
Voronina (2020)
The person’s willingness to mobilize their knowledge,
skills, and external resources for effective action in a
particular life situation
O.P. Khodenkova (2016)
A personal characteristic of a specialist connected to
solving a certain type of professional tasks
O.N. Krylova and O.B.
Dautova (2016)
A general ability based on knowledge, experience, values,
and aptitudes gained through learning
T.Iu. Poliakova and
V.M. Prikhodko (2022)
Note: compiled based on (Akmaeva & Zhukov, 2010; Sharipov, 2010; Khodenkova, 2016; Krylova &
Dautova, 2016; Ekimova & Voronina, 2020; Nastuev, 2020; Poliakova & Prikhodko, 2022).
The presented definitions make it clear that most researchers attribute to the structure of
professional competence “a set of objectively necessary knowledge and skills to solve the problems
of professional practice” (Nastuev, 2020:24). A.A. Muraveva and O.N. Oleinikova (2020) pay
attention to the fact that the fashion for competencies without any analysis of the real needs of
universities leads to models created without their further application. It is important to determine
the purpose of designing a competency-based model from its inception. There is also the danger
that the list of competencies considered necessary will grow infinitely long and eventually experi-
ence devaluation.
Modelo basado en competencias para el desarrollo de cualidades personales
y profesionales de los docentes 91Vol. 15(1) enero-marzo 2025/ 87 - 97
A purposeful literature review also suggests that the overwhelming majority of researchers believe
that among the derivatives of the term “competence” (“professional competence”) are the concepts of key
competencies, basic competencies, universal competences, etc. The context of our research requires us to
characterize the concept of key competencies considering the features of teachers’ work in the innova-
tive educational process. Most publications interpret key competencies as competencies common for all
professions (Krylova & Dautova, 2016; Poliakova & Prikhodko, 2022). The mastery of key professional
competencies by university teachers is an important task for the didactics of higher education. Analysis of
the designed key competencies allows determining individual educational strategies, choosing adequate
learning technologies, and establishing mechanisms for the assessment and self-assessment of the teacher’s
readiness for effective scientific and educational work in the framework of the innovative educational pro-
cess. The educational result of such an approach is a set of key competencies reflecting the personal and
professional development of a higher education teacher.
The innovative educational process is leading to the establishment of the model of the new
formation of teachers based on key competencies. In global educational practice, this concept is de-
scribed as a priority. This owes, first, to the fact that key competencies combine the intellectual and
skill-based components of education. Second, the concept of competency embodies the ideology of
interpreting the content of education “from the result”. Third, a key competency is integrative, com-
bining several homogeneous or related knowledge and skills. Key competencies are multifunctional,
and mastering them can solve various problems in the professional or social spheres.
Competency model of a contemporary higher education teacher
We identified, substantiated, and provided content for the basic and key competencies in the
structure of the professional competence of a higher education teacher. They form the foundation of
the competency-based model of a new-age teacher. Under the concept of the model, we understand
the system of interrelated components: basic and key competencies, which contribute to personal
and professional development and increase the competitiveness and professional mobility of higher
education teachers who meet the requirements of the innovative educational process.
This includes the following basic competencies (Table 2).
TABLE 2. Basic competencies of a higher education teacher
No. Competency Content
1 Theoretical and
Mastery of the methodology of cognition and philosophical comprehension
of the world as an integral system, knowledge of the scientific world
Basic knowledge of sociology, ability to use the knowledge of society as a
socioeconomic system and the history of its development in professional
Knowledge of the basics of anthropology, ability to use the knowledge of
man in professional activities
Understanding the goals and objectives of work, ability to see the problem
and set and solve tactical and strategic objectives
General scientific knowledge as a foundation for a profession or group of
92 Akhmetshin, Abdullayev, Kozachek, Savinkova, ShichiyakhInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social V ol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
No. Competency Content
2 Research Ability to observe how phenomena and processes occur and analyze them
in terms of their content, causes, and consequences
Ability to employ various research methods, hypothesize, design and
conduct research, and work with information
Participation in research projects, scientific and methodological seminars,
and conferences with presentation of personal research results
Ability to engage students and colleagues in scientific activities,
performance of dissertation research, management of scientific research,
and participation in the work of scientific councils and expert groups
3 Psycho-pedagogical Knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and the theory and methods of
vocational training
Knowledge of the basics of psychology, mastery of elementary self-
diagnostic and diagnostic methods
Studying psychological and pedagogical literature, application of
personality-oriented pedagogical technologies and psychological methods
in professional teaching practice
4 Methodological Ability to develop and edit educational and thematic plans and programs,
methodological recommendations and didactic materials, syllabuses,
control and assessment materials, and educational and methodological
Mastery of teaching methods for the relevant discipline, the ability to
prepare and conduct training sessions and educational activities
Ability to organize students’ independent work and study methodological
literature and promising pedagogical practices
Generalization of personal pedagogical experience in different forms
5 Subject In-depth knowledge of the content of the academic discipline, constant
monitoring of scientific literature in the subject field, knowledge of the
latest world achievements in teaching
Attendance of advanced training courses, internships, training,
participation in department meetings devoted to reviewing new content
of the academic subject, participation in interdepartmental, university,
and regional seminars, workshops, and conferences on the subject
Ability to apply innovative methods and technologies in teaching the
Note: developed by the authors.
The most important component in the model is key competencies (Table 3).
TABLE 2. Continuación
Modelo basado en competencias para el desarrollo de cualidades personales
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TABLE 3. Key competencies of a higher education teacher
No. Competency Content
1 Innovative Recognition of the social significance of innovations, involvement in social
creativity, and ability to join in one or more stages of the innovation process
Personal aptitude to master new things, readiness for changes in the
methods of professional activity
Innovative perception: perception of one’s innovations and innovations or
discoveries in general, ability to see new elements in the relatively constant
and propose fundamentally new solutions to problems
Creativity in solving professional problems
Possession of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
pedagogical innovations and the theory of innovative pedagogical activity,
ability to effectively apply them in practice
The use of updated, more effective forms, means, and methods of teaching
and the achievement of qualitatively new results on this basis as a result of
implementing innovations
2 Commercial Terminological and normative-legal literacy in the commercial sphere,
knowledge of copyright law and the transfer of intellectual products into
intangible assets for higher education
Understanding of the commercialization process, ability to position
oneself as a subject in the market of innovative scientific and educational
developments and services
Initiative and entrepreneurship, ability to analyze the situation on the
labor market, command of business language, ability to propose business
ideas and find sources of funding for innovative scientific research
3 Information
Full and adequate provision of educational and other types of information
to students to help them achieve their learning and other objectives
Ability to search, analyze, transform, and apply information to solve
professional problems
Skills in working with information on academic subjects, educational
specialties, and industries
Ability to navigate the flow of scientific information and select the main
information for professional activities
Proficiency with modern technical support and information technology
and information search, analysis, selection, transformation, storage, and
transfer methods
Knowledge of traditional and information technologies, mastery of
information and communications methods and technologies for teaching
and developing electronic educational and methodological complexes
4 Project
Mastery of project management, ability to attract students and colleagues to
project activities, readiness to model professional activity and educational
Ability to mobilize intellectual and psychophysiological abilities to
replenish knowledge, ability to design learning, plan the system of work,
and predict the results
Ability to adequately assess professional capabilities and performance and
adjust practice
94 Akhmetshin, Abdullayev, Kozachek, Savinkova, ShichiyakhInteracción y P erspectiva. R evista de Trabajo Social V ol. 1 5 ( 1 ) : 2 0 2 5
No. Competency Content
5 Upbringing
and development
Ability to develop one’s own and students’ research abilities and qualities;
ability to foster the right beliefs, motives, values, and norms of behavior
in oneself and students; general and professional culture, high moral
qualities, corporate culture, and respect for the scientific and educational
6 Communication
and reflection
Awareness of all types of communication in professional practice
Work to improve one’s image (style) as a teacher, lecturing skills, knowledge
of professional thesaurus, skills of working in professional pedagogical
Participation in mass cultural and educational events
Ability to cooperate effectively with other people and build subject-subject
relations in the process of professional activity
Proficiency in foreign languages
Note: developed by the authors.
At the present stage in the development of higher education, against the background of con-
stantly accelerating information accumulation, the issue of the substantive content of the profes-
sional competencies of a higher education teacher has gained features that were previously not
inherent to it. This is connected with the changing socio-professional function of a teacher, whose
task is now not limited only to transferring the accumulated sum of knowledge (Gapsalamov et al.,
2020). Given the increasing requirements for the training of a modern specialist, a teacher in higher
education should focus on creating such organizational conditions of the innovative educational
process that contribute to students’ recognition of the need to independently acquire and modernize
their knowledge and continuously work on self-development and self-improvement (Muraveva &
Oleinikova, 2020; Archugova et al., 2023).
The basic knowledge, professional skills, and competencies of a higher education teacher can-
not suffice for the entire duration of their multicomponent pedagogical career. The content of key
competencies (Kopytova, 2013), which ensure the professional functioning and the professional
development of teachers and their compliance with Russian and global trends and standards, is
fundamentally changing.
There are grounds to speak not only of the competencies inherent to a specialist in a field,
which constitute the basis of their professional skills, but also of the emergence of new competencies
that still need to be mastered and whose content is not yet fully determined, but which are going to
distinguish a person and a professional of the new formation.
The development of a competent higher education teacher is impossible without the support
of the ideas of managing their professionalization. This relies on the principles of systematic, inte-
gral, synergetic, maneuverable, and forward-looking education. Developed based on basic and key
competencies, the competency-based model of a higher education teacher can serve as a foundation
for the theoretical and methodological bases to train higher education teachers to model the educa-
tional environment in the framework of the innovative educational process.
TABLE 3. Continuación
Modelo basado en competencias para el desarrollo de cualidades personales
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The competency-based model of a higher education teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity
in the university educational space is multidimensional, corresponding to a complex of developed
pedagogical abilities, personal abilities, skills, and theoretical and applied knowledge. The totality
of their pedagogical abilities, personal abilities, and professional competencies helps a university
teacher to organize pedagogical communication, carry out pedagogical interaction with students,
achieve a high level of skill, and actively shape their own personality as a teacher.
The university educational space is an important condition and result of the activity of sub-
jects in education. It provides the continuity of educational events and the transmission of social,
moral, and spiritual experience. It reflects the system of real interactions between a teacher in higher
education and the open social environment and interactions aimed at utilizing society’s educational
potential to meet their own educational and self-development needs.
We see further research prospects in the experimental verification of the theoretical model and
the study of the mechanisms, conditions, and factors of organization of the innovative university
educational space to develop and form the basic and key competencies of a higher education teacher.
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