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Julio-Diciembre 2015
Vol. 5 No. 2
Octubre-diciembre 2024
Vol. 14 No. 3
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
Interacción y Perspectiva Dep. Legal pp 201002Z43506
Revista de Trabajo Social ISSN 2244-808X
Vol. 14 No3 758-773 pp. Copyright © 2024
Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11156174
Veronika Odarchenko *, Svitlana Pukhno **, Ihor Bondar ***,
Iryna, Skomorovska ****, Victoria Ulyanova *****
En el artículo se determina el grado de desarrollo del problema de la formación de
docentes orientada a la innovación en la educación profesional adicional en la teoría y la
práctica, una visión sistemática del objeto y tema de investigación en el contexto de las
principales tendencias en el desarrollo de se forma la educación. A partir de un análisis
comparativo de las innovaciones científicas presentadas, se aclaró la esencia del
concepto de "innovación pedagógica", se identificaron y fundamentaron las
particularidades de la educación orientada a la innovación. Se han desarrollado las bases
conceptuales de una gestión pedagógica orientada a la innovación. Se han desarrollado
enfoques metodológicos y fundamentos organizativos-pedagógicos de la formación en
la formación profesional del profesorado para la gestión pedagógica.
Palabras clave: innovación pedagógica, fundamentos pedagógicos, necesidades de
formación profesional, gestión pedagógica.
Research and management of innovative initiatives in education:
methodological aspect
In the article, the degree of development of the problem of innovation-oriented training
of teachers in additional professional education in theory and practice is determined, a
systematic view of the object and subject of research in the context of the leading trends
in the development of education is formed. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the
Odarchenko, Pukhno et all / Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
scientific innovations presented, the essence of the concept of "pedagogical innovation"
has been clarified, the specifics of innovation-oriented education have been identified
and substantiated. The conceptual foundations of innovatively oriented pedagogical
management have been developed. Methodological approaches and organizational-
pedagogical foundations of training in the professional education of teaching staff for
pedagogical management have been developed.
Keywords: pedagogical innovation, pedagogical foundations, professional education
needs, pedagogical management.
Recibido: 29/02/2024 Aceptado: 22/04/2024
* Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv,
Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1268-0309 . E-mail: Odarchenko@gmail.com
** Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9862-5145 . E-mail: Pukhno@gmail.com
*** Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8972-
0941 . E-mail: Bondar@gmail.com
**** Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7617-9877 . E-mail: Skomorovska@gmail.com
***** Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council,
Kharkiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1619-3735 . E-mail: Ulyanova@gmail.com
1. Introduction
The modern education system, subject to the requirements of the time, is
experiencing a period of rapid development of innovative activity. During this process
arose the contradiction between the rapidly changing content of education and the
improvement of educational management that lags behind it.
Solving this problem should lead to a change in the system of intra-school
management and the creation of a set of management innovations that contribute to
the development of the school.
The development of even the most advanced and promising pedagogical
innovations, given the low quality of management activities, cannot be widely and
effectively introduced into educational practice. The more complex the innovation, the
more complex the tasks of managing its dissemination and adoption, the less likely it is
to be accepted by practice. Without professionalization of education management in
modern the scientific base has to overcome the difficulties that arise by the subjects of
innovation activity themselves.
In this situation, the importance of targeted training of teaching staff for the
development and implementation of innovations, for managing innovation processes,
increases sharply, primarily at the most important level of education - at the level of an
educational institution. Traditionally, training on certain problems of professional activity
is carried out in the system of additional professional education, primarily in various
forms of advanced training.
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
However, at present this system is in the stage of active transformation, the need
for which is due to objective changes in the conditions of its functioning.
In a market economy, the system of financing advanced training for teachers is
undergoing significant transformation, as a result of which the usual forms of periodic
course training at universities and advanced training institutes are gradually becoming
a thing of the past. In addition, course preparation, as a rule, divorced from the practical
problems of students, ceases to meet the needs of their real professional development.
This necessitates the search for new forms and methods of teaching in the system of
additional education, new approaches to organizing the educational process that fully
meet modern trends in the development of society, educational sphere, as well as the
needs of the individual.
From this point of view, the training of teaching staff in the system of continuous
professional education, primarily heads of educational institutions, purposefully focused
on innovation activities, on managing innovation processes, acquires special
significance, since not only level of professionalism of education workers, but also
efficiency innovative pedagogical activity, and, therefore, the prospects for the
development of education, the possibility of its qualitative renewal.
This determines the social and pedagogical relevance of the problem of organizing
innovation-oriented training of teaching staff for intra-school management in continuing
professional education, built on the basis of new methodological approaches that are
adequate to modern trends in the development of society and the needs of the individual.
2. Methodology
At the same time, the analysis of these works shows that the problems of targeted
systematic training of educators for innovation activities and management of innovation
processes, primarily at the secondary school level, have not yet become the subject of
special research.
The solution to this problem, in turn, cannot be considered in isolation from the
problems of improving intra-school management, which are of utmost importance from
the point of view of school renewal in accordance with the defining trends of social
development and are comprehensively studied in pedagogy. A significant contribution to
the study of this issue was made by (Korthagen, F. A. J., 2004), (Meyer, H., 2010),
(Novoa, A., 2017), (Sahlberg, P., 2011), (Wenger, E., 1998), (Biesta, G., 2015), (Day,
C., 2004), (Niemi, H., & Nevgi, A., 2014) et al., whose research led to the formation of
new approaches to management, conceptualized as pedagogical management. However,
in the studied works, questions related to innovation management as a specific
component of management activities in education are, at best, only posed, but not
deeply and comprehensively studied. This determines the third aspect problems of
innovation-oriented training of teaching staff in the system of continuous professional
education, important from the point of view of its goals and content.
Odarchenko, Pukhno et all / Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
In general, today we can only say that objectively various studies have laid the
foundation for its solution.
Many problems have only been identified, possible approaches to them have been
outlined solution, but scientific research devoted to a comprehensive, systematic
consideration of the methodological, theoretical, organizational, pedagogical and
technological foundations of teacher training personnel for innovation activities and
innovation management in the system of continuous professional education are missing,
although this problem is recognized as one of the most pressing in pedagogy. This
determines the scientific relevance of the problem we are studying.
Thus, a contradiction has arisen between the need for targeted training of teaching
staff to manage innovative processes in the system of continuous professional training
education and insufficient development of its theoretical, methodological, organizational
and pedagogical foundations.
Resolving this contradiction requires research into the following main aspects of the
problem field:
- consideration of innovative processes in education in the context of modern trends
in social development and educational development, identification of the socio-
pedagogical significance of educational innovations, their essential characteristics that
ensure the stability and productivity of innovative processes;
- identifying the specifics and conceptual foundations of pedagogical management,
purposefully focused on managing innovation and innovation processes;
- consideration of the methodological, organizational and pedagogical foundations
of training teaching staff in vocational education to manage innovation processes.
In accordance with this, the purpose of the article is determined - to develop and
scientifically substantiate the methodological, conceptual-theoretical and organizational-
pedagogical foundations of innovation-oriented preparation for pedagogical
management in vocational education.
The object of the article is continuous professional education.
The subject of the article is the process of innovation-oriented training of teachers
for pedagogical management.
Hypothesis of the article. Training of teaching staff for pedagogical management in
vocational education will have an innovative focus if:
innovative processes in education are considered as objectively determined by
global trends in social development at the present stage and have strategic importance
for the formation of post-industrial society;
management of innovation processes is conceptualized as a specific component of
management activities, causing qualitative changes in all the main components of the
management system of an educational institution;
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
the basis for constructing a teacher training model in continuing professional
education is based on principles that ensure the permanence and activity-based practical
orientation of training, and the inclusion of students in an innovative environment;
methodologically, the organization of teacher training is built on the basis of
approaches that make it possible to flexibly and quickly identify the needs of students
and satisfy them in adequate organizational forms;
the pedagogical training process structurally not only ensures the formation of the
personal and professional readiness of each teacher for innovative activities, but also
acts as a factor in innovative transformations in educational institutions and the regional
(municipal) educational system as a whole;
an indicator of the effectiveness of training is real innovative changes in the
management system of educational institutions, systematically covering all its main
To solve assigned problems and check hypotheses, the study used a complex of
theoretical and experimental methods and techniques that are adequate to the nature
of the object being studied:
- methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization, which
were used in a comprehensive study of various scientific views on the research problem,
reflected in scientific sources, as well as when comprehending practical experience;
- a system-structural method, which made it possible to consider the phenomena
being studied in all the diversity, interconnectedness and integral unity of their
- modeling method used for a visual description of system objects;
- complex empirical methods (pedagogical monitoring, pedagogical experiment);
- private empirical methods (observation, questioning, testing, expert assessment)
used to diagnose and analyze the state of the phenomenon being studied;
- methods of statistical processing of experimental research results.
3. Results
The scientific novelty of the article lies in the formulation and solution of the problem
of organizing innovation-oriented preparation for pedagogical management in vocational
education, which became the subject of a special scientific study, during which:
- the essence of innovation-oriented education is revealed, representing a content-
specific area of specialist training, ensuring their professional readiness to develop and
implement innovations, manage innovation processes in their field of activity, which
Odarchenko, Pukhno et all / Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
must be considered as a transitional stage in the movement towards an innovative
education system, towards an innovative society;
- the specifics of innovation-oriented pedagogical management as an intra-school
management system that ensures the transition of an educational institution to a
development mode on the basis of a coordinated restructuring of all its main components
(conceptual, organizational-structural, functional-managerial, technological, personal-
professional) in accordance with the strategic goals of establishing an innovative
education and innovative society;
- the principles of constructing an innovative model for training teaching staff to
manage innovations in education are highlighted and justified: ensuring systemic
integration of knowledge, ensuring the activity-based and practical orientation of
knowledge, focus on formation of an innovative culture, group training, development of
pedagogical potential;
- a structural model of innovation-oriented personnel training for pedagogical
management in continuing professional education has been developed, including target,
content, organizational, structural, technological and effective components, ensuring not
only a personal result, but also a social effect, since the result of training is actually
become: the individual’s readiness to manage innovation processes; readiness of the
educational institution for innovative activities; readiness of the educational system for
innovative development;
- the optimality of implementing a model of innovation-oriented personnel training
for pedagogical management is substantiated on the basis of a project-coordination
approach as a method of organizational activity aimed at transforming reality through
the coordinated development and implementation of a number of projects united by a
common goal.
The theoretical significance of the article lies in the fact that the results obtained
represent the theoretical and methodological foundations systemic innovation-oriented
training of teaching staff for pedagogical management and thereby contribute to the
development of pedagogical science, namely:
- the essence and content of the concepts are clarified: innovation-oriented
education, pedagogical innovation, pedagogical innovation, innovation-oriented
pedagogical management, which contributes to the development of the conceptual and
terminological apparatus of pedagogy and education;
- the developed conceptual foundations of innovative pedagogical management make
it possible to design the goals, content and technologies for managing innovations in
education, ensuring a qualitative change in education in accordance with modern
sociocultural guidelines for the development of society and the individual;
- the essential characteristics of the project-coordination approach to organizing the
training of teaching staff for innovative management in the system of vocational
education, which meets the strategic goals and trends in the formation of an innovative
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
society and innovative education, are highlighted, which is a contribution to the
development of pedagogical methodology;
- the identified general conceptual and theoretical foundations of innovation-oriented
training of teaching staff make a certain contribution to the theory of general and
vocational education,
since they provide the opportunity for further comprehensive research in the field of
innovation-oriented education;
- the developed technological support for innovation-oriented training in vocational
education contributes to the development of educational technologies.
The practical significance of the article is determined by the development in the
course of an experimental study of technological support, which can be used as a
scientifically based means of innovation-oriented preparation for pedagogical
management in vocational education and includes technologies:
- preparation and conduct of pedagogical readings, innovation forum and other major
scientific and methodological events;
- conducting year-long scientific and methodological seminars for educational
- analysis of problems and planning on this basis for the management of scientific
and methodological work in an educational institution;
- development of a self-management program for teachers and managers in an
educational institution;
- development of a target program for the development of the municipal education
system, educational institution;
- development of a municipal innovative educational system.
This technological support, with the necessary substantive adjustments, can also be
used when organizing professional training for specialists in other profiles and areas.
4. Discussion
An analysis of numerous scientific sources allows us to state that over the past twenty
years, innovative activity in the educational sphere, which arose largely spontaneously,
has acquired a large-scale character, which allows us to speak not just about the spread
of innovations in education, but about the formation of an innovation movement (Niemi,
H., & Nevgi, A., 2014). At the same time, researchers note that this movement is
currently experiencing a crisis, which indicates primarily the need to manage innovative
processes in education.
The management strategy has also been quite clearly defined, due to the fact that
in modern society innovations, which have become widespread in almost all spheres of
Odarchenko, Pukhno et all / Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
activity, are becoming the most important, universal factor in managed social
That is why the innovative path of development is proclaimed by the governments
of the most developed countries of the world as one of the defining strategies of public
administration (Korthagen, F. A. J., 2004). Moreover, this process has a clear tendency
to move to the global stage - an innovative path of development of the entire civilization,
the formation of an innovative society.
The formation of an innovative society inevitably places certain demands on
education, which in the modern world not only requires improvement - it must become
innovative in its essence. The renewal of the world and society sets innovative processes
in education are characterized by the nature of permanence, continuity, focus on
constant essential and holistic renewal of the educational process (Meyer, H., 2010).
And although it is still too early to talk about the formation of an innovative education
system in our country, it is obvious that at the present stage of development of domestic
education within the framework innovation movement, an innovation-oriented education
is being formed - a transitional stage in the movement towards an innovative education
Today, innovation-oriented education is a content-specific area of training specialists,
ensuring their professional readiness to develop and implement innovations, manage
innovation processes in their field of activity. Of particular relevance from this point of
view is the innovation-oriented training of teaching staff, which will overcome the
spontaneity of the innovation movement in education and transfer the processes of
development and implementation of pedagogical innovations into a controlled,
professional direction (Novoa, A., 2017). And innovation-oriented continuous
professional education is of paramount importance, i.e. the training of educators who
are already directly involved in innovative transformations in the pedagogical sphere.
At the initial stage of its development, one of the most important areas of research
into innovation processes that covered the field of education was the problem of
systematization of innovations. By different researchers various classifications of
innovations in education have been proposed (Sahlberg, P., 2011). Today, this problem,
taking into account the essence of innovation as a social phenomenon generated by the
global trend of social development at the stage of transition to a post-industrial
innovative society, acquires a relevant and important aspect of differentiation, the
essential distinction between pedagogical innovations and pedagogical innovations
From this point of view, by pedagogical innovations we understand innovations in
educational activities that are caused by evolutionary changes in social needs and,
accordingly, educational goals, the continuous development of educational means and
technologies. Such innovations are inevitable in the process of permanent modernization
of education, since they express its continuous development.
In contrast, pedagogical innovations are innovations that express paradigmatic
changes in the development of education, caused by significant sociocultural
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
transformations that change the very social function of education. The current stage in
the development of domestic education is precisely such a stage, characterized by radical
and radical searches.
Another relevant aspect of research in pedagogical innovation is related to the
development of scientific foundations for managing innovation processes, which are of
key importance for the practice of educational activities today (Tatto, M. T. (Ed.), 2015).
The interdisciplinary nature of innovation, innovative activity and management of
innovative processes necessitates the use of an integrative methodological approach,
combining the methodology of different sciences, in the process of their research in
pedagogy. From this point of view, of decisive importance are general scientific methods
(systemic, synergetic approaches), sociological methods (resource approach), methods
of innovation management theory (factorial, functional, situational approaches),
psychological methods (personal-activity approach), pedagogical methods (person-
oriented, competence-based, cultural, axiological). Only such a holistic, integrated
approach will avoid one-sidedness in understanding the essence of pedagogical
innovations and the process of managing them.
In the process of reforming and modernizing domestic education, management
issues have become extremely relevant at all levels of the educational system - from
managing the country’s education system as a whole to managing the specific process
of training and education of an individual. This is dictated, on the one hand, by the need
to bring the content and forms of management activities in the field of education into
line with the needs of a changing society and trends in social development (social
aspect), and on the other hand, by the need to enrich the theory and practice of
education management with the achievements of scientific management, which has
been developed at the end of the 20th century (theoretical and methodological aspect).
In general, the development of ideas about the nature of intra-school management
can be rightfully considered as a transition from administrative-authoritarian
management to pedagogical management. In this context, in contrast to the traditional
organizational and management system of the school, which provided for the presence
of certain structural units (in accordance with the type and type of institution, number
of students, number of classes), corresponding functional responsibilities, strict
administrative methods of management, the subjects of which were director and his
deputies, today the school is viewed as a complex developing and evolving dynamic
system with an expanded subject of management.
From the standpoint of pedagogical management in the system of intra-school
management, it is advisable and necessary to highlight the following blocks, the
interaction of which ensures the effectiveness of the functioning of the management
system: conceptual (the concept of intra-school management); organizational-structural
(organizational management structure); functional-managerial (functional composition
of management); technological (control mechanism); personal and professional
(requirements of pedagogical management for the personal and professional qualities of
modern heads of educational institutions).
Odarchenko, Pukhno et all / Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
One of the mandatory components of an effective intra-school management system
is self-management - a system of ways of human activity that allows you to make the
most of your own capabilities, consciously and rationally manage your life, actively and
effectively influence external circumstances at work and in your personal life for your
own purposes.
The relevance for the pedagogical sphere of this special scientific direction in
management, designed to increase the efficiency of human activity to achieve his
personal and professional goals, is due to the fact that research indicates the presence
of serious problems in the area of teachers’ organization of their work. Self-management
technology, which takes into account the specific features of the educational system,
including the presence of managers at different levels within one educational institution,
makes it possible to optimize labor and time costs, obtain time reserves for the
development and self-development of teachers and managers, which directly contributes
to increased quality of educational services (Wenger, E., 1998).
The need to ensure the stability of the process of creating and implementing
innovations, developing criteria for determining their prospects and effectiveness,
identifying the most optimal conditions for their implementation, organizing this process
and managing it led to the emergence of innovation management - one of the relatively
young, but actively developing applied sciences, accumulating concepts and
technological developments on problems of managing innovation processes, creation
and implementation of innovations. Innovative management involves a clear distinction
between different management functions, different organizational structures and
different organizational mechanisms, depending on the object of management, which
can be either the functioning or development of the organization (Biesta, G., 2015).
These two “vectors” in the organization’s activities are in many ways alternative, since
one (functioning) is aimed at stabilizing organizational processes, and the other
(development) is aimed at changing them, and therefore destruction, destabilization.
Innovative activity in a modern school is one of the aspects of its work in the
development mode, which is understood as the sequence of certain stages of the process
leading to positive qualitative changes in results determined by goal setting.
Actions aimed at ensuring the organization and purposefulness of innovative
processes in school are precisely development management, as a result of the
implementation of the functions of which decisions are developed aimed at qualitative
changes in the content, technology, organization of the educational process and its
support. Based on this criterion, it is possible to determine what is being done in
management for development from what is being done to maintain stable functioning
(Menter, I., et al., 2010).
From these positions, the ability and readiness of the management system to carry
out innovative processes in an educational institution determine the following qualitative
changes in its main components - blocks of the intra-school management system:
conceptual - its innovative focus is expressed by the concept of intra-school
management, which is based on a certain idea of school development;
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
organizational and structural - involves the creation of an organizational
management structure that ensures the prompt implementation of management
innovations and pedagogical innovations in the school’s activities, the flexible response
of all structural units and personnel to the changes introduced;
functional-managerial - organization of management activities at all levels based
on methods of situational management and results-based management;
technological - the use of innovative educational technologies adequate to the goals
of school development;
personal-professional - ensured by the professional-personal readiness of
educational institution leaders and teachers to manage innovative processes on the basis
of self-management.
The last block is largely decisive, since it is the personal and professional readiness
of school leaders and teachers for innovative activities that becomes the key, the main
a condition for the readiness of the intra-school management system to ensure the
continuity and reproducibility of innovative processes in an educational institution.
The need for continuous innovation-oriented professional development and training
of teaching staff working in the field of education today poses the problem of organizing
their targeted regular training for innovative activities. Systematic, conceptually
structured training of personnel on certain current problems of professional activity is
traditionally carried out within the framework of the system of additional professional
education, which is currently in the stage of active development, the search for new
forms and technologies of training that are most adequate to the modern needs of
society as a whole and each individual , strategically oriented towards the transition from
a discrete to a self-adjusting state-social system of continuous education, which has an
extensive network of educational structures, various flexible forms and methods of
Research shows that today the main goal of the system of advanced training for
teachers is a qualitative change in pedagogical activity in the field of the educational
process, and it also acts as the main indicator of the effectiveness of their training in the
system of additional professional education (Zeichner, K., & Liston, D., 2013). This, in
turn, requires further search and application of fundamentally new, innovative
approaches to the problem of advanced training of teaching staff, including in the aspect
of their preparation for innovative activities and management of innovative processes in
Summarizing the innovative searches of researchers in this direction, we can
highlight the principles of constructing an innovative training model teaching staff, which
must be met by their training in continuous professional education, focused on training
to innovation activities:
ensuring systemic integration of knowledge, including the entire spectrum of
diverse types of knowledge in their interdependence: theoretical, empirical, personal,
interpersonal, intuitive, special, current, etc.;
Odarchenko, Pukhno et all / Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
ensuring the activity-practical orientation of knowledge by maximizing the use of
the entire activity potential of knowledge to ensure its practical application in educational
activities in the interests of every teacher, every educational institution, as well as the
development of the educational system as a whole;
• focus on the formation of an innovative culture as the assimilation of professional
norms and values that orient all educators towards the development of the educational
system, its innovative transformation and uniting them into a single pedagogical
group learning, providing extraordinary opportunities for coordinated action, as
well as individual development through dialogue and “shared thinking.” Within the
framework of additional professional education, forms of group training can include
conferences, seminars, master classes, pedagogical workshops, round tables, etc.;
development of pedagogical potential. In accordance with this principle, training
should not just provide advanced training for individual educators in some areas
professional activities, but to promote the development of the professional pedagogical
potential of students as a condition for the development of the pedagogical potential of
the educational system (city, municipal, regional, etc.) as a whole (Day, C., 2004). Only
in this case does the personal development of each individual become focused on
achieving common, collective, corporate goals of the entire pedagogical community
within the educational system.
The innovative nature of the educational model for training teachers for innovation
activities and management of innovative processes, built on the basis of the identified
principles, necessitates the use of adequate methodological approaches to its
development and implementation in educational practice. Modeling itself is one of the
most productive methods for studying and transforming systems, an important
component of the systems approach.
In our study, modeling is of a design nature, which determines the expediency of
using the design method.
The structural model of innovation-oriented personnel training for pedagogical
management in continuing professional education determines the specifics of its
components, which include:
Target component: expresses the purpose of training - the formation of practical
readiness of heads of educational institutions and teachers to manage innovative
Subjective component: in the traditional system of advanced training, teaching
subjects and trained subjects are clearly separated by their positions in the pedagogical
process; in an innovation model, built on the mutual exchange of innovative experience,
the position of the subject can change - in one case he acts as a student, in another, as
someone who has experience in innovative activities, he can become a teacher himself
(Darling-Hammond, L., & Lieberman, A. (Eds.), 2012).
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
Content component: the specificity of the training content is that it covers almost
all the problems of modern education, since they are related in one way or another to
innovation, and the thematic sequence of continuous training is determined the needs
of students identified during the learning process.
Organizational and structural component: reflects the forms of training, which in
the innovative model, along with traditional course forms, include:
- scientific and practical conferences and seminars that provide conditions for
scientific analysis of one’s own innovative activities, generalization of its results in the
form of a report, public presentation
them in the form of a speech, mutual exchange of scientifically meaningful innovative
experience and its collective discussion, publication of results;
- forms of group learning (master classes, pedagogical workshops, etc.), ensuring
the active involvement of all participants in the learning process, exchange of knowledge
and experience;
- consultations with specialists as a form of individual training.
Technological component: ensures the use of educational means, methods and
technologies of training that meet the specific goals and content of the innovation model.
Effective component: an innovative model aimed at obtaining a personal result also
provides a social effect, since the result of training actually becomes:
- readiness of the individual to manage innovation processes;
- readiness of the educational institution for innovative activities;
- readiness of the educational system for innovative development.
This fully meets the strategic development goals of the country, which orient social
development towards the formation of a national innovation system.
5. Conclusions
Thus, innovation-oriented education is a content-specific direction in the training of
specialists, ensuring their professional readiness to develop and implement innovations,
manage innovation processes in their field of activity, which must be considered as a
transitional stage in the movement towards an innovative education system, towards an
innovative society. Pedagogical innovations are innovations expressing paradigmatic
changes in the development of education, caused by significant sociocultural
transformations that change the very social function of education, in contrast to
pedagogical innovations, which are caused by evolutionary changes in social needs and,
accordingly, educational goals, and the continuous development of educational means
and technologies. The purposeful systematic orientation of the management system
towards innovation activities is ensured by innovation-oriented pedagogical
management, representing is a system of intra-school management that ensures the
Odarchenko, Pukhno et all / Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
transition of an educational institution to a development mode based on the coordinated
restructuring of all its main components in accordance with strategic goals for the
development of innovative education and innovative society. The ability and readiness
of the management system to carry out innovative processes in an educational
institution determine the following qualitative changes to its main components blocks.
Intra-school management systems:
a) conceptual - its innovative focus is expressed by the concept of intra-school
management, which is based on a certain idea of school development;
b) organizational and structural - involves the creation of an organizational
management structure that ensures the prompt implementation of management
innovations and pedagogical innovations in activities schools, flexible response of all
structural units and personnel to introduced changes;
c) functional-managerial - organization of management activities at all levels based
on methods of situational management and results-based management;
d) technological - the use of innovative educational technologies that are adequate
to the goals;
e) personal-professional - ensured by the professional-personal readiness of
educational institution leaders and teachers to manage innovative processes on the basis
of self-management. This block is decisive, since it is the personal and professional
readiness of school leaders and teachers for innovative activities that becomes the key,
the main condition for the readiness of the intra-school management system to ensure
continuity and reproducibility of innovative processes in an educational institution. The
conceptual and organizing principles in developing a model for training teaching staff in
continuous professional education for innovative activities are the following principles:
- ensuring systemic integration of knowledge, including the entire spectrum of
diverse types of knowledge in their interdependence: theoretical, empirical, personal,
interpersonal, intuitive, special, current, etc.;
Ensuring the activity-practical orientation of knowledge by maximizing the use of the
entire activity potential of knowledge to ensure its practical application in educational
activities in the interests of every teacher, every educational institution, as well as the
development of the educational system as a whole;
Focus on the formation of an innovative culture as the assimilation of professional
norms and values that orient all educators towards the development of the educational
system, its innovative transformation and uniting them into a single pedagogical
- group learning, providing extraordinary opportunities for coordinated action, as well
as individual development based on dialogue and “shared thinking” and taking the form
of conferences, seminars, master classes, pedagogical workshops, round tables, etc.;
Interacción y Perspectiva. Revista de Trabajo Social Vol. 14 No3 / octubre-diciembre, 2024
- development of the pedagogical potential of students as a condition for the
development of the pedagogical potential of the educational system (city, municipal,
regional, etc.) as a whole.
The structural model of innovation-oriented personnel training for pedagogical
management in continuing professional education determines the specifics of its
components, which include:
a) target component: expresses the goal of training - the formation of practical
readiness of heads of educational institutions and teachers to manage innovative
b) subject component: in the traditional system of advanced training, teaching
subjects and trained subjects are clearly separated by their positions in the pedagogical
process; in an innovation model, built on the mutual exchange of innovative experience,
the position of the subject can change - in one case he acts as a student, in another, as
someone who has experience in innovative activities, he can become a teacher himself;
c) content component: the specificity of the training content is that it covers almost
all the problems of modern education, since they are somehow related to innovation,
and the thematic sequence of continuous training is determined the needs of students
identified during the learning process;
d) organizational and structural component: reflects the forms of training, which in
the innovation model, along with traditional course forms, include: scientific and practical
conferences and seminars that provide conditions for scientific analysis of one’s own
innovative activities, generalization of its results in the form of a report, public
presentation of them in the form speeches, mutual exchange of scientifically meaningful
innovative experience and its collective discussion, publication of results; forms of group
learning (master classes, pedagogical workshops, etc.) that ensure active involvement
all participants in the learning process, exchange of knowledge and experience;
consultations with specialists as a form of individual training;
e) technological component: ensures the use of educational means, methods and
technologies of training that meet the specific goals and content of the innovation model;
f) effective component: an innovation model aimed at obtaining a personal result
also provides a social effect, since the result of training actually becomes: the individual’s
readiness to manage innovative processes; readiness of the educational institution for
innovative activities; readiness of the educational system for innovative development.
The most optimal methodological tools for constructing an innovative model for
training teaching staff for management of innovative processes in education is a project-
coordination approach, which is a method of organizational activity aimed at
transforming reality through the coordinated development and implementation of a
number of projects united by a common goal.
Odarchenko, Pukhno et all / Investigación y gestión de iniciativas innovadoras en educación: aspecto
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