Malakova, Bermudes et al / Desarrollar la preparación profesional de los futuros profesores para el trabajo
approaches. This is necessary in order to prepare future teachers to effectively conduct
the educational process in an ever-evolving and technologically saturated world.
As part of this work, the complex structure of professional readiness of future
teachers will be considered, the key components and mechanisms of their
development will be identified. Modern approaches and strategies in education aimed
at improving the quality of teacher training, which is an integral part of the strategy
for the development of the educational system, will also be explored (Sahlberg, P.,
Particular attention in the work will be paid to the issues of integrating theoretical
knowledge with practical skills, as well as developing the ability of future teachers to
self-learn and professional self-development. In the context of these aspects, it will
be considered how educational institutions can contribute to the formation of full-
fledged professional readiness in their students, which will ultimately lead to improved
quality of education and training in general.
In conclusion, it will be emphasized that preparing future teachers for professional
activities is a complex and multifaceted task that requires coordinated efforts from
both educational institutions and students. Only through such a joint approach can
the goal be achieved - training qualified, motivated and ready for new challenges
teachers who are able to contribute to the development of the educational sector.
In modern conditions of rapid development of industries, a special role is assigned
to the teacher who provides high-quality professional training for mid-level
specialists. This problem can be solved provided that the bachelor’s readiness for
professional and pedagogical activities in technical specialties in professional
educational organizations is formed (Meyer, H., 2010).
Modern requirements for the future vocational training teacher are enshrined in the
educational standards of higher education. In this regard, one of the criteria for
determining the quality of a teacher’s readiness for professional pedagogical activities in
technical specialties is the level of development of professional pedagogical knowledge
and skills, professionally significant qualities. Achieving a high level of bachelor's
readiness depends on the coordination of goals, content, methods, organizational forms,
methods, pedagogical and production technologies used in higher education.
2. Methodology
As a result of the analysis of scientific literature and dissertations on the research
topic, the methodological foundations of the formation of teachers’ readiness for
professional activities were studied, namely: the importance of the concepts of a
teacher’s professional readiness for professional and pedagogical activities was revealed
(Korthagen, F. A. J., 2004), (Meyer, H., 2010), (Novoa, A., 2017), (Sahlberg, P., 2011),
(Wenger, E., 1998), (Biesta, G., 2015), (Day, C., 2004), (Niemi, H., & Nevgi, A., 2014),