Camilo Andrés Vargas Machado, Andrés Felipe Roncancio Bedoya, Diego Armando Lindao
Ruiz y Julie Armenta Calderón
Legal intervention of problems from the dialogue with youth and adolescents in the District of
Santa Marta Colombia
where close collaboration with local authorities and educational programs
focused on prevention is proposed, or drug addiction requires improving
awareness and services. of support, therefore, the ght against drug
tracking involves collaboration between authorities and the community.
Whether cyberbullying requires awareness programs and safe online
environments, lack of respect for human rights highlights the importance
of educational initiatives and inclusive policies, or discrimination and
stigmatization requires anti-discriminatory policies and awareness
programs. Violence and corruption need community service projects and
public awareness.
But the relationship between unemployment and lack of access to
formal jobs can still be addressed through career guidance programs and
collaboration with local businesses, with inter-institutional collaboration,
including authorities, educational institutions and community organizations,
being essential to successfully implement these recommendations. This
dynamism of social problems and their roots in contemporary reality is a
phenomenon that awakens intellectual curiosity and the need to understand
their origins and manifestations.
From Garrafa, V (2005), the emerging problem is dened as an unforeseen
ash that challenges established structures, triggering repercussions that
reverberate in all areas of society, and this dynamic phenomenon, in its
unpredictable essence, reveals ssures in the societal fabric, demanding
agile and adaptive responses to challenges that transcend disciplines and
borders, being the emergency, impregnated with latent vitality, inscribed
in the narrative of the unforeseeable, interweaving converging factors in
a complex network of interactions. For its part, the persistent problem, as
outlined by Garrafa, V and Porto, D (2005), shows the need to glimpse the
social fabric, challenging attempts at solutions due to its roots in structures
and resistance inherent to change.
From everything expressed, the conclusion is that the study carried out
among adolescent students in Colombia sheds light on the diversity and
complexity of the problems faced by contemporary society, starting with
juvenile delinquency and discrimination to corruption and drug addiction,
young people identify concerns that range from the local to the national,
underscoring the need for holistic and specic approaches to each challenge.
Based on the students’ perception, it reveals a deep understanding of
the social realities that surround them, highlighting the intersection of
social, cultural, and economic factors in the conguration of emerging
and persistent problems. Opposition that, at the regional level, such as
drug consumption and the violation of human rights occupy prominent
places, evidencing the complexity of the challenges faced by the Caribbean
Region and the city of “Santa Marta”, with social problems, such as
Discriminatory treatment and poverty transcend physical dimensions to