Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 79
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Nila Leal González
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 79 (2023), 642-662
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 16/05/23 Aceptado el 22/07/23
Improving mechanisms of social
partnership in the system of «government-
business-civil society»in the context of
European integration
Oleg Tkach *
Oleg Batrymenko **
Sergii Rudenko ***
Dmytro Tovmash ****
Oleh Tupytsia *****
Liliya Yakovleva ******
The article examines the evolution of political relations
between the state and business in Ukraine in the conditions of state
corporatism. The purpose of the article was to determine the main
political trends of government-business interaction, to reveal the processes
of evolution of relations and to assess the prospects of their inuence on the
modern Ukrainian political process. The concepts of collective action and
the model of universalism-particularism are proposed as a methodological
basis for the analysis of relations between state, business and civil society.
It is substantiated that the mechanisms of political interaction between
the state and business are gradually being replaced by the mechanisms of
political inuence of the state on business. The results obtained emphasize
the role that civil society organizations can play in the representation of
politics. In the conclusions it was established that the forms and principles
* Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Political Science, Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID ID:
** Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Political Science, Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID ID:
*** Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research Department, Vice Dean of the Faculty
of Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID ID: https://orcid.
**** Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor Department of
Philosophy of the Humanities, Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID
***** Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department
of Political Science, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University: Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID ID: https://
****** Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology, National University Odesa
Law Academy, Odesa, Ukraine, ORCID ID:
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 642-662
of state corporatism describe relations; when the government not only
chooses: organizations and groups that should represent the interests of
the enterprise in interaction with it, but also controls them to some extent.
Keywords: business; political relations; social cooperation; consumer
organizations; non-governmental organizations.
Mejora de los mecanismos de colaboracion social
en el sistema «gobierno-empresa-sociedad civil» en el
contexto de la integracion europea
El artículo examina la evolución de las relaciones políticas entre el
Estado y las empresas en Ucrania, en las condiciones del corporativismo
estatal. El propósito del artículo fue determinar las principales tendencias
políticas de la interacción de gobierno y empresa, para revelar los procesos
de evolución de las relaciones y evaluar las perspectivas de su inuencia en
el proceso político ucraniano moderno. Los conceptos de acción colectiva
y el modelo de universalismo-particularismo se proponen como base
metodológica para el análisis de las relaciones entre Estado, empresa y
sociedad civil. Se fundamenta que los mecanismos de interacción política
entre el Estado y las empresas están siendo reemplazados gradualmente por
los mecanismos de inuencia política del Estado sobre las empresas. Los
resultados obtenidos enfatizan el papel que pueden jugar las organizaciones
de la sociedad civil en la representación de la política. En las conclusions se
estableció que las formas y principios del corporativismo estatal describen
relaciones; cuando el gobierno no sólo elige a: organizaciones y grupos que
deberían representar los intereses de la empresa en interacción con ella,
pero también los controla hasta cierto punto.
Palabras clave: empresas; relaciones politicas; cooperacion social;
organizaciones de consumidores; organizaciones no
The study of political aspects of relations between the state and business
in Ukraine is important, both from the point of view of the development
of the state and the progressive development of entrepreneurship in the
country. Economic reforms required the state to carry out deep institutional,
Oleg Tkach, Oleg Batrymenko, Sergii Rudenko, Dmytro Tovmash, Oleh Tupytsia y Liliya Yakovleva
Improving mechanisms of social partnership in the system of «government-business-civil
society»in the context of European integration
legal and social transformations, which added a systemic character to the
political interaction of business and government.
The object of the article is the processes of interaction between the state
and business, the subject of research – forms, mechanisms; and models
of interaction between state institutions of power and business structures.
The purpose is to determine the main political trends of the interaction
of government and business, to reveal the processes of evolution of relations
at the beginning of the XXI century. and evaluate the prospects of their
inuence on the modern Ukrainian political process.
To achieve the goal, the following tasks: to determine the main political
approaches to the system of relations between the state and business that
have developed in modern Ukraine; to analyze the political relations of
business and government in the conditions of state corporatism; consider
mechanisms, forms and models of political interaction between the state
and business; assess the development of business as an independent factor
in the political eld of the country; justify the necessity of conducting
scientic research on issues within the limits of modern political science;
identify the regulatory role of the state in relations with business to ensure
democratic development.
There are three systemic approaches to the relationship between
business and government, based on: a social contract between business
and government, a systemic crisis, and relations under state corporatism.
Currently, the role of political factors is increasing in the relationship
between business and government. The state gradually becomes dominant
in relations with business.
Business arose as a result of the state’s implementation of radical liberal
reforms, turned into an independent subject not only of the economic and
social, but also of the country’s political life, which created an important
political problem of reconciling the interests of business and the state.
Thus, the problems of relations between business and the state occupy
one of the leading places in political processes, and political science is
currently in search of new ways of conceptualization and formation of new
mechanisms and methods of implementation. Creation of a generalized
scientic picture, in which, on the one hand, theoretical methods of
interaction of political, economic, legal, and social science would be applied;
on the other hand, taking into account various mechanisms of interaction, at
hierarchical, structural levels, has another relevant basis. It consists in the
combination within a single research strategy of the following conceptual
components: «politics», «economy», «law», «sociology». However, this can
be a conrmation that in political science there are not only dierentiation
tendencies, but also integration processes and phenomens.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 642-662
1. Methods and materials
We use an integrated approach with mixed methods to evaluate the
ways of inuence of non-governmental organizations on the interaction
of citizens with the authorities. Qualitative interviews are used to assess
the validity of quantitative ndings. A qualitative approach also allows
us to analyze the mechanisms that can explain whether and how contact
with non-governmental organizations can inuence interaction with local
An eective approach to the study of political mechanisms turned out
to be a systemic approach, within which the level of control of political
processes is the key basis of relations between business and the state.
Since the level of inuence is provided by resources, it is possible to draw
conclusions about patterns of interaction: actors interact equally or one
acts as a dominant inuencing another actor.
Since the “cost” of the administrative and power resource has increased
signicantly, the nancial resource is losing its inuence on the state.
The policy of “property” expansion allows the state to compensate for
the reduction of nancial support for corporate business. Applying the
method of qualitative expert assessments as a method of analysis, it can
be concluded that the state controls and inuences a signicantly larger
number of political processes compared to the business community.
Let’s determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of
the research. Modern political science has the potential to explore the
interaction of various spheres of the political process in the country.
Important theoretical and methodological orientations of the research are
located in key areas, the main of which are the theory and methodological
principles of political analysis, including methods of interaction of state
policy and management.
The polyaspect nature of the research object determined the plurality
of approaches: to its study, and the organizational: functional” complexity
of the studied phenomenon determined the plurality of used research
strategies and methods. Prognostic, statistical, genetic and evolutionary
analysis, the method of expert evaluations, media content analysis and
other methods based on political science approaches to the problems were
used. Elements of systemic, structural-functional, normative, institutional
analysis, comparative research method were used.
Let’s consider the degree of development of the topic in scientic
research. In domestic special literature, issues related to theoretical and
practical aspects of the relationship between government and business
were reected in the works of M. Mykhalchenko, V. Pugach. According to
the conclusion, an oligarchic form of government with some features of a
Oleg Tkach, Oleg Batrymenko, Sergii Rudenko, Dmytro Tovmash, Oleh Tupytsia y Liliya Yakovleva
Improving mechanisms of social partnership in the system of «government-business-civil
society»in the context of European integration
half-dissolved democracy has developed in Ukraine, which provides the
oligarchic power with a civilized image. The researcher considers the stage
of oligarchic rule with some optimism, considering it to be temporary, since
it was passed in various forms by many modern democratic countries, until
clans, nancial and industrial groups, corporations learned to entrust the
management of states to their political agents, and such a situation was
not legally enshrined in laws that separated politics from business. M.
Mykhalchenko determined that under the conditions of the dominance of
oligarchic industrial and nancial political groups, management groups are
structured around individual oligarchs who become economic and political
winners (Social values, 2013: 29).
T. Syritsa carried out a comparative study of the convergence of business
and politics as spheres of activity, which causes the non-competitiveness of
both politics and the economy (Syrytsia, 2006: 205).
V. Pugach determined that «the convergence of politics, business, and
bureaucracy in Ukraine not only signicantly aected the peculiarities of
functioning and quality indicators of the Ukrainian bureaucracy, but also
contributed to the establishment of the corporate-clan foundation of the
Ukrainian government» (Pugach, 2006: 4).
According to NISD scientists, the following areas should be prioritized
in relations between the government and civil society: establishment of a
fruitful dialogue between the government, non-governmental organizations
and citizens; creation of favorable legislative conditions aimed at the
development of civil society institutions, ensuring their nancial capacity;
promoting the development of philanthropy and philanthropy, creating
economic (tax) incentives for businesses and citizens in order to support
civil society institutions; development of the state order to civil society
organizations in the sphere of providing social services to the population
(On the state of development, 2022: 49).
This led to the politicization of judicial and executive bodies, increased
interests of business, political parties, law enforcement agencies and
criminal groups, aggravation of the political situation in Ukraine and, as a
result, a crisis of state power» (Dmytrenko, 2011: 453).
According to formal normative features (presidential decrees,
government resolutions), as noted in the analytical report «The State and
Civil Society in Ukraine: Searching for a Concept of Cooperation», Ukraine
has created conditions for the development, national legislation on this
topic is conceptually as a whole corresponds to the provisions of modern
political and legal theories. At the same time, the nature of the struggle for
power signicantly inhibited state eorts to promote the development of
civil society, and also aected the direction of these eorts depending on
the ideology of the ruling political forces.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 642-662
Changing the format in the relationship between the government and
civil society requires the state to take successive steps, in particular, to
overcome the formal attitude of the authorities and state administration to
consultations with the public, which are still the main form of interaction
between them, and the spread of the concept of electronic government, but
with a caveat. that personal communication of citizens with the authorities
should not replace their activity in public associations. Truly real steps
to promote civil society on the part of the state would be the provision of
permanent and systematic nancial, material and methodical assistance to
non-governmental organizations, as well as the introduction of benets for
their sponsors.
N. Hrychyna determined that almost the entire spectrum of Ukrainian
business is represented in the Verkhovna Rada, with minor exceptions.
(Hrychyna, 2009:119).
R. Pavlenko claimed that deputies are elected to parliament exclusively
to lobby for their own business interests or those of the leaders of nancial
and industrial groups (Pavlenko, 2004: 86).
D. Korotkov identied the diusion of large capital and politics, which
inhibits the democratic consolidation of society in Ukraine. After all, the
main actors in politics will continue to be nancial and political groups that
have completely monopolized the economic, political and administrative
levers of action. Large nancial and industrial clans began to ght among
themselves, constantly replacing each other in power. This aected the
quality of politics, social and state progress, because the interests of the
business elite turned out to be focused only on the increase of personal
wealth, and not on the development of the economy (Korotkov, 2012: 186).
A. Loy emphasizes that the domestic political elite is in a risky state of
minimal contact with civil society. In society, there was a demand to renew
the political class so that it would be separated from oligarchic business. This
requires an atmosphere of constant civil society pressure on the authorities.
Only by displacing the modern primitive business and political elite, society
will have the opportunity and perspective of development (Loy, 2016: 6).
A. Bakurova dened the methodological bases of modeling self-
organization processes, the concept of their mathematical modeling
based on a soft system methodology; modern methods of modeling socio-
economic processes, interactive and game-theoretic models for various
types of socio-economic interactions, model of intersectoral interaction of
civil society «government-business-community» are described; non-linear
processes of territorial self-organization, geospatial processes of territorial
cluster formation, inuence of inter-rm network formation on territorial
development are analyzed (Bakurova, 2008: 97).
Oleg Tkach, Oleg Batrymenko, Sergii Rudenko, Dmytro Tovmash, Oleh Tupytsia y Liliya Yakovleva
Improving mechanisms of social partnership in the system of «government-business-civil
society»in the context of European integration
N.I. Krickaluk analyzed the institutionalization of civil society as the
main criterion of democratic development (Krickaluk, 2016).
In the system of state-public administration, leading elements
perform the function of integration of state power and the power of
public organizations. We will dene typical models of advisory bodies:
the public council as a model is xed at the legislative level, outlined in
the analysis of the participation of public organizations in the adoption of
state-management decisions; public expert council, expert commission; the
center of public expertise as an independent analytical center, a Ukrainian
non-governmental, non-prot organization whose activities are aimed
at informational, analytical and expert support for the implementation
of systemic changes in the public and private sectors of Ukraine; non-
governmental research (analytical) centers, which are a component of
the political process, inuence the decision-making of the authorities,
participate in the work of public councils and boards created by the central
The source base consists of legislative acts, resolutions, state program
documents; as well as information in ocial documents, scientic,
reference and periodical literature on the researched topic, in materials of
local authorities.
In foreign scientic literature quite a lot of attention paid to the
problems of relations between business and the state. Among the authors
investigating the issues of political and economic relations and business as
a socio-political actor in the modern political process, we can mention such
researchers as Alexander G., Ananiadis V.R. Andrews R. Berman, Sheri
Claibourn M.P., Martin P.S. Cohen J.E., Bernhagen P., Marshall D. Gilens
M., Page B.I. Regini M. Snyder R. Weeden, Curt.
Scientists paid attention to the study of social capital and interest groups:
A. Rasmussen, S. Reher, P. Paxton, M. Olson, W. Maloney, G. Smith, G.
Stoker, S. Knack, T. Kuzio, H. Klüver.
Despite the abundance and variety of works on the issues under
consideration, they do not provide comprehensive answers to many
questions, which requires further search for ways to improve the
eectiveness of the state’s interaction with business and involve business in
the democratization process.
2. Results
Civil society is dened as a political association that regulates social
conicts through rules that keep citizens from harming one another. The
authors proceed from the assumption that the importance of solving these
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 642-662
problems for ensuring the eective development of the country puts forward
new research tasks for political science. There are four conceptual directions
in the scientic literature devoted to the topic of research: the rst: social
direction. The founders of this direction dene some constructive models in
the social sphere: charity and social partnership (Tkach, 2019: 51).
Second: economic direction. The authors of this direction studied
the mechanisms of interaction between the state and business from the
standpoint of the real economy (Tkach, 2017: 35).
The third: legal direction. Within the framework of this direction, the
relationship between the state and business is considered through a conict
of interests, expressed in legal form.
Fourth: political direction. The authors of the direction This direction
allowed to assess the interaction of the state and business, from the point of
view of the development of the political system.
A large volume of ocial documents, state program documents: laws,
Government resolutions, other normative legal acts dedicated to the
problem under study.
New formats of interaction between public authorities and civil society
organizations have been dened in Ukraine. For example, humanitarian
hubs, networks of coordinators, systems of advisory assistance to displaced
persons, systems of information and reference resources (On the state of
development, 2022: 39).
In Ukraine, the development of civil society is supported by the policy,
which is provided by laws: «On unication of citizens», «On social dialogue
in Ukraine», «On local self-government in Ukraine», «On information»,
«On trade unions, their rights and guarantees activities», «About youth and
children’s public organizations», «About the organization of employers»,
«About self-organization bodies of the population», «About charity and
charitable organizations», «About volunteering», «About social services»,
«About the principles of regulatory policy in the eld of economic activity».
In 2007, the «Concept of promoting the development of civil society by
executive authorities» was approved. In 2012, the resolution «On ensuring
public participation in the formation and implementation of state policy»
was issued, which approved the procedure for holding consultations with
the public on issues of state policy implementation.
The current issue is the «National Strategy for Promoting the
Development of Civil Society in Ukraine for 2021-2026», adopted in 2021
with the aim of establishing the obligation of local councils to adopt statutes,
legal regulation of peaceful assemblies, amending the Law of Ukraine «On
Bodies of Self-Organization of the Population».
Oleg Tkach, Oleg Batrymenko, Sergii Rudenko, Dmytro Tovmash, Oleh Tupytsia y Liliya Yakovleva
Improving mechanisms of social partnership in the system of «government-business-civil
society»in the context of European integration
In 2021, the Decree of the President of Ukraine «On the National Strategy
for Promoting the Development of Civil Society in Ukraine for 2021-2026»
was adopted. In 2021, the government approved the National Strategy for
the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine for the period until 2030 to
ensure equal opportunities for participation and associations in the life of
communities and the state (On the approval, 2021).
In 2021, the law «On the basic principles of youth policy» was adopted,
which creates institutional foundations and mechanisms for involving
youth the order of organization has been submitted to the Parliament of
Ukraine for consideration.
Thus, in states with developed democracy, civil society is an equal
partner of the state in solving socio-economic, humanitarian and political-
legal tasks.
The organization of civil society is ensured by: providing cost-eective
social services that the state and commercial organizations cannot provide
on their own, by developing innovative approaches to providing services;
spreading philanthropy and providing targeted and operational charitable
assistance; non-political, without the goal; consideration of the interests
of various social groups; implementation of public control over power and
eective ght against corruption (Tkach, 2019).
According to the analysts of the National Institute of Strategic Studies,
civil society institutions neutralize the paternalistic expectations of citizens,
support and reproduce a democratic political culture, and also play a
political role in ensuring social stability.
In Europe, civil society was not created by entrepreneurs. Y. Habermas
in the work « The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere», in
which he determined that the public is a prototype of civil society through
media spheres, horizontal informational connections between subjects,
that is, through the exchange of information. The sources of civil society
were not business associations, but intellectual connections. And only after
entering this existing organized space, the bourgeoisie was able to reorient
itself from powerful bureaucratic verticals to horizontal connections, which
contributed to the formation of a free market space (Habermas, 1991).
In Ukraine, a specic understanding of «politics» was formed as a tool
for the development, adoption and implementation of decisions by certain
interest groups in the interests of these same groups (Teleshun, 2017).
The interaction of civil society associations with state authorities is
complicated due to: use in the political process, articial activation during
the election period, not in defending the interests, rights, and requests of
citizens, but the interests of party-political forces, private and corporate
interests of nancial and industrial groups, ocials state bodies and local
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 642-662
self-government bodies. In negotiation processes, the trade union side
yields to the levers of inuence of state authorities and the side of employers.
The role of those trade union organizations and employers’ organizations
that are not included in the social dialogue format according to the legally
established qualication is minimal (Gosewinkel and Dieter, 2011).
The model of interaction with state authorities requires: ensuring
information openness on the part of state authorities, timely informing
about the preparation of political decisions; achieving the distance of trade
union organizations from the inuence of state institutions, employers’
organizations; improvement of the normative legal eld, elimination of its
miscalculations and gaps (Tkach, 2017).
Thus, the evolution of political relations between the state and business
indicates the need for a contract that ensures interaction between business
and the state. The contract between business and the state at the initial stage
built relations between the government and business, and was observed
by business and the government. The period created a favorable political
climate for business structures. But the favorable terms of the contract
did not extend to companies separated from the decision-making center.
Despite this, big business could eectively inuence political processes,
medium and small businesses were outside the system of state interaction.
This testied to the inecient functioning of the representation system.
The contract at the second stage was characterized by the establishment
of a consultation regime, leveled the situation, removed corporate business
from decision-making centers, increased the legitimacy and eectiveness
of business associations as instruments of the interests of the business
Let’s dene the limits of partnership between the state and civil society.
Сivil society has a responsibility to fulll certain social problems. The state,
as a subject of social policy, must solve tasks that cannot be solved by
institutions of civil society, which require centralized management. That
is why, taking into account the presence of common goals (problems), a
transition from confrontation to cooperation is possible (On the approval
of the National Strategy, 2021).
3. Discussion
Consider the discussion on the interaction between civil society
(government, business) and democracy. The political element of political
organizations contributes to raising the level of awareness among citizens,
as it is a forum for people with common goals and interests for the
development of a democratic regime. This helps to make better choices
Oleg Tkach, Oleg Batrymenko, Sergii Rudenko, Dmytro Tovmash, Oleh Tupytsia y Liliya Yakovleva
Improving mechanisms of social partnership in the system of «government-business-civil
society»in the context of European integration
when voting, participate in politics, and ensure government accountability.
Associations are a source of information that lowers barriers to collective
action, as groups inuence politics by exerting pressure on governments,
balancing state power, and giving participants skills in democratic decision-
making (statutes of these political organizations are considered micro-
Robert D. Putnam determined that non-political organizations are
important for democracy because they create trust, value social capital, and
contribute to democratic transitions (Putnam; Leonardi, 1994: 27). Social
capital can help societies resolve collective action dilemmas through social
networks. Social networks will trust other members of society, use social
capital to create public goods. Civil society is a factor in the formation of
social capital. Social capital is a condition for the formation of civil society.
However, the research methodology of social capital and its measurement
(for example, values, trust, membership in associations, trade unions,
volunteerism, development of non-prot organizations) has not yet been
However, Thomas Carothers identied that civil societies do not
necessarily promote democratic values. Sheri Berman identied that civil
society organizations can be used to mobilize people against democracy.
This was evident in the fall of the Weimar Republic in Germany, the network
of civil society harmed democracy (Carothers; Barndt, 1999: 21).
Kenneth Newton determined that there is insucient evidence that
social and political trust intersect (Newton, 2001: 203). Larry Raymond has
identied: to understand the mechanisms of democracy, it is necessary to
analyze the tensions that civil society creates for democracy by obstructing
the functioning of representative institutions, distorting the eects of
politics in favor of the rich with connections to the organization (Diamond,
Yuval Levin determined that civil society is a gate between the government
and citizens, limits undemocratic consolidation of power (Levin, 2008).
Theda Skocpol shows that while civil society has brought more
democracy, the shift from large unions is less likely to reject participation
in democracy.
Civil society in the state is understood as the “third sector” which diers
from the state, business, includes the family, the private sphere; a set of
non-governmental organizations and institutions promoting the interests
and will of citizens; a set of organizations and individuals in society that
are independent of the government, a set of elements: freedom of speech,
an independent judicial system, which form a democratic society, as a
normative concept of values.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 642-662
In the process of implementation, during the formation of annual plans,
civil society to develop and make appropriate changes to the legislation,
which will provide for ensuring the responsibility of state authorities
and ocials who violate the requirements of the mentioned Resolutions,
obstruct the work of representatives of CSOs in joint bodies (public councils),
conducting public examinations. Initiate the development and approval of
the procedure for CSOs to submit their proposals to draft regulatory acts.
Interaction with business as an activity of civil society interest groups
is related to economic and social development. If in agrarian or traditional
societies the number of “interests” on which groups are formed is
insignicant, then in developed industrial societies there are many of them.
That is why interest groups become important links between the state and
a dierentiated society. Due to the spread of education, the level of political
activity of citizens is increasing.
There are positive and negative eects of groups on the political system.
The positive is manifested in the strengthening of mechanisms of political
representation, support of public debate, formation of public opinion,
expansion of public participation in political life, control of the government.
The negative side is: the activity can increase the level of political and social
inequality in society, change the mechanisms of democratic control, and
contribute to the closure of the political process.
Interest groups have advantages: they expand representation,
contributing to a more accurate articulation of the interests and views of
dierent social strata, they do this better than political parties, and they
are an additional lever of inuence on governments in the period between
elections. contribute to the public debate, raising the level of public
awareness of various aspects of politics; strengthen the mechanisms of
political participation, acting as an alternative to political parties, promoting
participation in politics at a lower level; is a counterweight to the state: the
more of them, the stronger the civil society; contribute to political stability,
acting as a kind of channel of communication between the government and
Interest groups have disadvantages: their activity contributes to the
deepening of social inequality: they act from the privileged classes who
have access to nancial, educational, and organizational resources of
society; divide the society, because they always have private interests than
the general interests, the interests of minorities.
In Ukraine, the relationship between the executive power and the
oligarchs has developed dierently from other post-communist regimes.
The nation’s wealthiest men functioned politically as predators by nature-
balancing each other and rallying against their greatest rival, the president,
when they felt threatened. Since the early 1990s, Ukrainian tycoons freely
Oleg Tkach, Oleg Batrymenko, Sergii Rudenko, Dmytro Tovmash, Oleh Tupytsia y Liliya Yakovleva
Improving mechanisms of social partnership in the system of «government-business-civil
society»in the context of European integration
used their media assets in political battles. Partly as a result of this, no
Ukrainian president has been re-elected in the past 30 years, with the
exception of Leonid Kuchma, who served from 1994 to 2004.
For the most part, the elections in Ukraine were relatively clear and
peaceful. But when the president tried to falsify the vote count or resorted
to violence, the oligarchs stepped in to stoke popular discontent. The
democratic uprisings of 2004 and 2013-2014 would not have received mass
support so quickly and decisively if Ukrainian television was in the hands
of the state.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi launched a campaign of
“de-oligarchization” shortly before the Russian invasion, and the war only
intensied it. At the end of 2021, Zelenskyi signed a law that prohibits
nancing of political parties by individuals with millions of dollars in
income and “inuence” on the mass media. In January 2022, the fth
president, Poroshenko, was charged with treason in the case of the sale of
coal by pro-Russian separatists of Donetsk and Luhansk for $50 million
(but no ocial charges were ever brought).
In March of last year, after the start of the war, Zelenskyi issued a decree
that all TV channels should broadcast only “Edyny novyny”, developed
by the Oce of the President. Ukraine’s richest man, Renat Akhmetov,
immediately surrendered his media licenses to the government, and
security services searched the home of Kolomoiskyi, whose money and TV
channel played a key role in Zelenskyi’s election.
Ukraine will move away from corruption and interference in national
politics. Ukrainian civil society will be mature enough to replace them. It is
highly unlikely that in three decades Ukraine will follow authoritarianism.
However, wars threaten civil and political liberties even in mature republics,
and Zelensky’s status as a war hero amplies the usual temptations of
unlimited power.
In fact, there are no oligarchs in Ukraine, but there are risks of the
emergence of new ones. Ukrainian oligarchs lost their assets and political
inuence and thus eectively ceased to be oligarchs. However, there are
still risks of the emergence of new oligarchs in Ukraine.
The International Monetary Fund identied the restoration of
“oligarchic interests” in Ukraine as one of the risks for reforms and future
donor support.
Businesses (business entities) help the army and citizens at various
levels. Many companies provide nancial assistance for the purchase of
military equipment, ammunition and other equipment for the military;
support their own employees, provide humanitarian assistance to displaced
persons, provide hospitals with medicines and medical equipment.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 642-662
Many companies are collecting funds for the repair and construction of
infrastructure in the war zone.
However, even the impressive numbers do not allow one to fully
appreciate the total amount of aid from business since the beginning of the
full-scale invasion and the importance of such aid to the belligerent state.
These and other areas of aid are a component of Ukraine’s victory in the
Business representatives in Ukraine provided assistance programs, the
amount of funds spent on charity and priority directions. For example,
SCM (System Capital Management): self-made bulletproof vests and an aid
program for Azovstal defenders. The group has one main program - “Steel
Front”, which combines all the military assistance of all Rinat Akhmetov’s
At the same time, businesses made purchases of equipment, cars, and
protective equipment. The priorities of the “Steel Front” are formed thanks
to close cooperation with the military command and border guards. Drones,
cars, communication systems are constantly needed.
DTEK’s energy enterprises provide free electricity to hospitals, bread
producers, as well as to all military and security structures.
As for humanitarian initiatives, the need is to help defenders who are
not currently ghting. This includes treatment, prosthetics, adaptation,
comprehensive support for them and their families.
New Post Oce: Assistance is not limited to these units only - all those who
make one-o requests also receive nancial, logistical and other necessary
support. The company is also concerned with demining the Ukrainian
territory. That’s why they bought robotic sappers for underwater demining.
For the rehabilitation of wounded military personnel, Nova Poshta equips
specialized medical facilities with simulators adapted for patients with
damaged or lost limbs. There are programs aimed at supporting the civilian
population as well. Thus, within the scope of the Humanitarian Post of
Ukraine project, charitable foundations and volunteer organizations send
goods to defenders or the civilian population, and the delivery is organized
and paid for by Nova Poshta.
OKKO company: aid to the army, fuel funds and volunteers, restoration
of de-occupied cities. Thus, from the rst days of the invasion to the present
day, as part of the project “We keep defenders warm”, the company feeds
defenders near hot spots for free at its gas stations.
For more than a year, the company has been helping fuel charities and
public organizations involved in the evacuation of the population and the
delivery of humanitarian goods for the Come Back Alive Foundation.
Oleg Tkach, Oleg Batrymenko, Sergii Rudenko, Dmytro Tovmash, Oleh Tupytsia y Liliya Yakovleva
Improving mechanisms of social partnership in the system of «government-business-civil
society»in the context of European integration
EPAM Systems company: humanitarian aid and digital solutions for
the benet of the state. To systematize the work, a single EPAM Response
program was created. It works with three main directions: helping people,
the state and educational partners, and has secured the support of charitable
foundations and organizations. EPAM University’s free educational
programs are open to Ukrainians who are interested in technology or
connect their future with IT, regardless of their location. The company’s
volunteers implemented many projects for various state institutions. As
a patriotic and responsible business, the company is actively involved in
solving urgent problems and challenges of wartime.
Foxtrot supported the Defense Forces and attracted global brands to
help. cooperates with state authorities, volunteers, public and charitable
organizations, encourages corporate volunteering, joined forces with
the Charitable Association of Nations Foundation. The company’s social
initiative is to support projects aimed at helping animals rescued by military
personnel and volunteers from the war zone.
Also, during the war, Privatbank signicantly facilitated the collection
of funds for many volunteers, public organizations, and charitable
The business uses the direction of infrastructure restoration in de-
occupied territories, as well as in cities and towns aected by hostilities.
In addition to repairing gas networks, gas distribution companies helped
restore schools, bridges and other structures, and glass houses. Together
with charitable foundations, they hand over food kits, personal hygiene
products, clothes and warm things to people.
Eective interaction between government, business and civil society is
based on the formation of relations that could solve the main problems of
society, align the interests of all parties. The growth of the regulatory role
of the state in the system of relations between the government and business
should be considered as a necessary condition for solving the problems of
the state system.
It is shown that the evolution of the political relations of the state,
civil society and business is based on the need for a contract that ensures
interaction between business and the state through the diversity of
interrelationships of the “state-business-society” system as components of
political development through the enhancement of the status of business
associations as leaders of interest’s business community. The practice
of interaction between business and government has developed various
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 642-662
principles, forms, models, coordination mechanisms, coordination of
interests, mutual information, creation of business associations, unions,
implementation of joint development programs.
It is substantiated that the mechanisms of political interaction of the
state, civil society and business are gradually being replaced by mechanisms
of political inuence of the state on business. Analyzing the conclusion from
the standpoint of a systemic approach, one can make another assumption
that the political system does not respond to the “requirements” of business,
accepting only signals of “support” from it. The formation of a system of
interaction between the state and business requires taking into account the
existing social, economic, legal and political conditions.
It has been established that the forms and principles of state corporatism
determine relations when the government not only chooses those
organizations and groups that should represent the interests of business
in interaction with it, but also controls them. Interaction between the
government, business and society is carried partnerships, societies, self-
organization bodies of the population, public hearings, councils, expertise,
and control. Business should intensify the process of translating the state
and business relations into a plane where the basis of interaction is law.
The problem in implementing an eective concept of tripartite
interaction is mistrust of ocial sources of information, insucient amount
of information. This is due to, rstly, the lack of desire on the part of the
government, of interaction; due to the lack of structures that could perform
such tasks; thirdly, due to the lack of an operational information system to
ensure relations between the government, business and society. Thus, it is
proposed to improve information solutions that allow authorities to collect,
sort requests, develop solutions based on the analysis of results. Such
platforms should operate on a transparent basis, subject to public control.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 79