Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 79
Recibido el 18/07/23 Aceptado el 09/06/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 79 (2023), 498-508
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Martial law and the digital labor market:
The case of Ukraine
Nataliia Lesko *
Taras Zhyravetskyy **
Iryna Lasko ***
Dmytro Shvets ****
Maryana Biletska *****
The article is devoted to topical issues of the functioning of
the labor market of Ukraine in the conditions of the war. The
authors identify threats of digitalization of the market, as well
as positive features of digital technologies. The main trends in
the eld of labor, which are characteristic of modern democratic
countries, have been studied. Moreover, the optimal directions
for the development of digital labor relations in the conditions
of martial law are described and, at the same time, the possibilities of
using digital technologies in the specied eld are claried. Finally, the
expediency of developing mechanisms and tools for the implementation
of an eective labor market management system that takes into account
the issues of education, soft skills development and increasing the level of
social protection and social security is emphasized. It is concluded that, in
the experiences of formation of the global digital market of labor relations,
the spread of new forms of work, organizational and legal methods and
conditions for the use of intellectual labor is observed.
Keywords: digitalization of labor; labor market in the 21st century; labor
force; atypical employment; unemployment.
* Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Administrative and Information Law of Lviv
Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
** Candidate of legal science, Assistant of the Department of Social Law of Ivan Franko National
University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: Email: Taras.
*** Candidate of legal science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Law
of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
8303-7161. Email:
**** Candidate of legal science, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Law of Ivan Franko National
University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: Email dmytro.
***** Graduate student of the Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education of Lviv Polytechnic
National University, Lviv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: Email:
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 498-508
Ley marcial y mercado laboral digital: Caso Ucrania
El artículo está dedicado a temas de actualidad del funcionamiento
del mercado laboral de Ucrania en las condiciones propias de la guerra.
Los autores identican amenazas de digitalización del mercado, así como
características positivas de las tecnologías digitales. Se han estudiado las
principales tendencias en el campo del trabajo, que son características de
los países democráticos modernos. Ademas, se describen las direcciones
óptimas para el desarrollo de relaciones laborales digitales en las
condiciones de la ley marcial y, al mismo tiempo, se aclaran las posibilidades
de utilizar tecnologías digitales en el campo especicado. Finalmente, se
enfatiza la conveniencia de desarrollar mecanismos y herramientas para la
implementación de un sistema efectivo de gestión del mercado laboral que
tenga en cuenta los temas de educación, desarrollo de habilidades blandas
y aumento del nivel de protección y seguridad social. Se concluye que, en
las experiencias de formación del mercado digital global de las relaciones
laborales, se observa la propagación de nuevas formas de trabajo, métodos
organizativos y jurídicos y condiciones para el uso del trabajo intelectual.
Palabras clave: digitalización del trabajo; mercado laboral en el siglo
XXI; mano de obra; empleo atípico; paro.
The labor market is the most important and complex institution of
the market economy. Here, not only do the interests of employees and
employers intersect, but also all socio-economic, political, demographic and
other processes taking place in society are reected. That is why the study
of the regularities of the formation, development and functioning of this
institution, the development of measures aimed at improving the system
of its regulation, is an extremely important and urgent task of science and
The transition to the digital economy will transform the social and
labor sphere, the labor market and employment, the labor process and the
nature of labor, the value of labor, the organization and management of
labor, etc. Under the inuence of the development of digital technologies,
there is a spread of new forms of work, organizational and legal methods
and conditions for the use of intellectual work, which are characterized by
the transformation of the idea of the workplace in the usual understanding
of this element of work organization; the absence or modication of one
or more signs of classic labor relations; the possibility of using such a
Nataliia Lesko, Taras Zhyravetskyy, Iryna Lasko, Dmytro Shvets y Maryana Biletska
Martial law and the digital labor market: The case of Ukraine
work schedule that makes it possible to optimize the working time of the
employee. These processes undoubtedly inuence and determine the
quality of working life of the employed population.
In recent years, the Ukrainian labor market has undergone signicant
changes. The COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale war on the territory
of Ukraine negatively aected the development of the labor market,
which caused: an increase in the level of unemployment, hidden
unemployment (leaves without salary), impoverishment of the population
and the deterioration of the quality of human resources due to the loss of
qualications of a part of the workforce, a decrease in the economic the
activity of self-employed persons, the growth of the digital divide between
remote workers, the drop in the level of social protection, and others. At the
same time, the specied global changes in society became a catalyst for the
acceleration of the digital transformation of the labor sphere and the spread
of digital forms of employment.
Let’s note that the labor market has come to belong to employers, and
due to the drop in company revenues, many of them resorted to layos and
salary cuts. In order to remain on the market, enterprises must signicantly
revise their expenses - in particular, on sta maintenance. Ways to optimize
such costs are to transfer employees to part-time positions, reduce the
length of working hours, or take vacations at one’s own expense. Therefore,
the primary task for every Ukrainian is to adapt to the new, dicult realities
of today and to try as much as possible to make their profession their own
business with an orientation to the global market (Mantur-Chubata &
Vaganova, 2022, p. 81).
The formation of digital competences in the professions of the future
under the conditions of digital transformation is an extremely urgent
issue. That is why, in order to ensure the sustainable development of
working conditions, it is important to nd out the trends of the state of the
workforce in Ukraine, scientic analysis of existing forms of employment
and mechanisms for ensuring the quality of legal relations in the eld of
working life in order to develop directions for the regulation of these labor
1. Methodology of the study
The research used general scientic methods, including methods of
analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, with the aim of clarifying
the demand for modern professions and general characteristics of types of
work. The method of scientic description made it possible to outline the
main characteristic features of labor market models depending on the ratio
of factors. The methods of scientic generalization used in the course of the
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 498-508
study contributed to the determination of the features of the use of articial
intelligence in labor relations.
In addition, when revealing the economic essence and conceptual
concepts of the labor market in the conditions of digital transformation,
a structural-systemic approach, as well as an approach of methodical-
consequential connections, were used. When researching the ways of
development of the labor market in Ukraine in the conditions of global
digitization and martial law, the main scientic methods were causal, logical
and functional connections and dependencies, as well as statistical. Also, in
the part of the work where the socio-economic consequences of the digital
transformation of the global labor market were studied and analyzed, the
methods of statistical, logical and historical, quantitative-qualitative and
comparative analysis were used.
2. Analysis of recent research
Despite signicant creative progress in the study of labor market issues
and ensuring the labor potential of organizations, the issues of qualitative
transformational changes in the social and labor sphere in the conditions
of a military conict due to their specicity have not received adequate
coverage in the works of modern scientists. Currently, the issue of choosing
the optimal directions for the development of digital labor relations in the
conditions of martial law remains unsolved, additional analysis is needed
to nd out the possibility of using digital technologies in the specied eld.
Thus, the question of the transformation of the quality of working life in
the conditions of martial law actualizes the need to conduct a study of the
socio-economic consequences caused by the digital transformation of the
global labor market, taking into account modern trends in the eld of labor
relations and employment.
3. Results and discussion
First of all, let’s clarify what is meant by «digitalization», since it
is based on this that we can analyze the economic and managerial legal
relations between digital technologies themselves, as well as within and
through them. Digitization is a qualitatively new type of information
and telecommunication technologies that cover and change all spheres
of modern industrial and social life, a method of bringing any kind of
information into digital form (Kupryna & Khazanova, 2016, p. 259), certain
transformational processes, the use of digital technologies for optimizing
and automating business, increasing the level of productivity and increasing
the quality of communication with consumers (Hrybinenko, 2018, p. 35).
Nataliia Lesko, Taras Zhyravetskyy, Iryna Lasko, Dmytro Shvets y Maryana Biletska
Martial law and the digital labor market: The case of Ukraine
Another important issue is the process of «transformation». One of the
areas aected by digitization, technology and transformation is «work».
Labor can no longer be regarded only as a factor in industrial relations or
as a subject of interest peculiar only to political economists; it should also
be understood as a larger category for analyzing many dierent aspects of
everyday life. With the impact of digitization on work, a new concept of
«digital work» has appeared.
Innovation and agile development require a completely dierent
approach than traditional application development. New digital labor
markets are proving to be exible, cost-eective and cost-eective for
independent contractors and their clients. At the same time, the modern
labor market oers an attractive alternative to regular employment.
However, such exibility is often accompanied by unstable working
conditions and undermines hard-won legal and social standards of quality
Labor market dynamics is an extremely complex eld that depends on
many factors that inuence outcomes, making it dicult to pinpoint cause
and eect and predict outcomes. The task of assisting employees in using
the opportunities of automation should be implemented both at the state
level and in the private sector. The government should provide policies,
incentives and programs to increase and reskill the workforce. At the same
time, the private sector should invest more in training.
It should be emphasized that, as of today, work has a more intellectual
character and is less and less associated with the performance of labor
functions according to various processes in various industries. Articial
intelligence is the basis of the digital transformation of the economy and
the driving force behind important developments in the eld of technology
and business. A positive consequence of its application in management
is the improvement of the quality of management decisions, the speed of
Among the negative consequences, it is worth mentioning the
unemployment of intellectual workers, psychological problems of people
due to the fact that machines make decisions, the possibility of man-
machine conicts. The digital economy, creating new business models, sets
the direction for the transformation of traditional sectors of the economy,
which occurs in two ways: optimization and digitization of existing
business processes and the creation of new business models (Yershova &
Bazan, 2021, p. 49) using articial intelligence. It is articial intelligence
that makes it possible to use computers to simulate the intelligent human
process in order to solve tasks and make management decisions.
Modern industrial enterprises of any level and prole of economic
activity are faced with the task of ensuring continuous training and
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 498-508
intellectual adaptation of their personnel, which is initiated by dierences
in the functioning of social environments of developers of technical
means and their users based on articial intelligence models (Oliinyk &
Krupska, 2022, p. 2). Digitalization of the economy ensures fundamental
transformations in all spheres of human activity. The technologies used
in the transformation process are the engine of the development of new
industries and contribute to the solution of society’s problems. Under the
inuence of digitalization, the labor market, the spheres of health care
and education, and social society are also changing. New business models
are client-oriented, that is, their structure is based on the client’s needs
(Yershova & Bazan, 2021, p. 48).
In today’s conditions of martial law, the remote work of employees
is more relevant than ever, which in turn lays the foundations for the
emergence of freelancing and the development of gigonomics. The essence
of these phenomena is a radical change in the labor market, its transition
from the presence of jobs with permanent employment at one employer to
temporary projects from dierent companies at one independent employee.
As stated in the work «Ukraine 2030E – a country with a developed digital
economy» (Ukraine 2030E, 2019), depending on the age of Ukrainians, the
level of penetration of digital skills and competencies in 2030 is expected
to be from 80% to 99%. It is planned to increase the number of students
(by 15 times) and graduates of higher education (by 10 times) in Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) specialties. We believe
that such dynamics will accelerate the development of Work 4.0.
The eects of the recession and the rise of automation due to the corona
crisis have increased inequality in the labor market. Low-wage workers,
women and young employees were the most aected by it. As a result of
the double whammy of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Covid-19 and
martial law, digitization has taken a big step forward, making the transition
to remote work and e-commerce.
Therefore, in the future, the employer and the employee will be
increasingly interested in remote work. The possibility of not being tied to
a specic place will come to the fore. It is necessary to take into account the
inuence of the environment on the formation of the personality of young
people, as well as to use the advantages of «digital people».
This is necessary in order to help them cope with emerging problems
and acquire new competencies, actively participate in their lives. Therefore,
the labor market will take on new forms and will be lled with new
requests from the employer. The success of organizations and companies
in the future will largely depend on how quickly and eectively employers
establish contact with new employees.
Nataliia Lesko, Taras Zhyravetskyy, Iryna Lasko, Dmytro Shvets y Maryana Biletska
Martial law and the digital labor market: The case of Ukraine
In conclusion, it is worth noting that under the conditions of rapid,
multi-vector changes in the markets of goods and services, the growth
of competition between subjects of economic activity, the urgent need to
perform urgent work, atypical in terms of its content, which goes beyond
the usual algorithms, template operations, etc., there is an urgent need to
change the personnel policy of organizations and the formation of Work
4.0. (Kraus et al., 2022, p. 28).
New forms of work are organizational and legal methods and conditions
for the use of intellectual work, which are characterized by the absence or
modication of one or more features of classic labor relations, namely:
the appearance of special labor contracts, according to which the method
of performance of labor relations established in labor legal relations,
is unfullled; changes in the employment of employees, exible legal
regulation of digitized relations in the labor sphere; transformation of the
idea of the workplace in the usual understanding of this element of work
organization; the possibility of using such a work schedule that makes it
possible to optimize working time.
Coworking centers organize work in a common workspace and provide a
exible work schedule. At the same time, such centers take into account that
employees have dierent opportunities to use their time for work. The rising
cost of real estate in big cities has made individual rentals economically
unfeasible for start-up entrepreneurs and freelancers. Unlike telecenters,
coworking centers have become a sustainable form of self-organization based
on mutual assistance and exchange of experience between representatives
of various professions. Coworking spaces are generally attractive to mobile
professionals, independent contractors, or frequent travelers. Coworking is
considered as a product of the digitalization of the economy and the global
labor market. It promotes the growing role of the creative class and the
technical intelligentsia, reinforcing the trend towards outsourcing.
Outsourcing is a form of borrowed labor, which involves the transfer
of certain types and functions of production business activity from one
company to another on the basis of a contract. Companies that provide
personnel outsourcing services are approached when it is necessary to
select personnel for a short-term or one-time project, for seasonal work,
or when there is no possibility to expand the sta of the client company.
There are manufacturing outsourcing (production of products or their
components), IT outsourcing (development, implementation and support
of information systems), outsourcing of knowledge management (analytical
processing of data, formation and management of knowledge bases) (Novak
& Overkovsky, 2022, p. 3).
Crowdsourcing is a form of borrowed labor, which involves the
involvement of intellectual e-workers external to the company through
the mediation of information technologies for the eective and ecient
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 498-508
solution of tasks faced by business, the state, and society in general. In
order to obtain the required number of talented employees, companies are
increasingly attracting employees in such a way as the «smart» crowd of the
Millennium generation (Millennials), which is characterized by a high level
of intellectual development, possessing skills in the eld of information and
communication technologies. Such employees are especially valuable for
corporations, because they are the ones who are able to generate new ideas,
create innovations, and improve existing types of products.
In the conditions of digitalization of the economy, crowdsourcing is
gradually and signicantly changing, namely, it becomes a larger-scale,
complex process and is used as an alternative to the traditional stang
of business processes of primary economic entities. The main reason for
business use of crowdsourcing is the ability to provide quick access to
intellectual labor resources regardless of the company’s geographic location.
In our opinion, the successful adaptation of the labor market to
digitalization processes involves a change in all components: employees,
the state, companies, employees. At the state level, rst of all, the education
system should be developed, new teaching methods and tools, principles of
continuous educational process should be introduced.
Signicant decisions in this direction should include expanding the
cooperation of employers with educational and research institutions,
stimulating private sector investments in human resources. Companies
should actively implement the principles of internal marketing to build
employee loyalty and search for promising employees. At the same time,
employees need to constantly acquire new knowledge, continue the learning
process, acquire new experience and skills.
It is worth emphasizing that the current situation in Ukraine, provoked
by the escalation of the war with the Russian Federation, has created
uncertainty regarding the situation on the labor market. In particular,
according to the National Bank of Ukraine, the unemployment rate due to
the full-scale military invasion reached a maximum of 35% (Ocial website
of the State Employment Center of Ukraine, 2023). However, due to the
high level of migration of Ukrainians abroad and rapid mobilization, the
level of unemployment was somewhat contained and evened out. The
National Bank notes that without these two factors the situation would be
much worse (Ocial website of the State Employment Center of Ukraine,
The National Bank of Ukraine predicts that «even after the end of active
hostilities, unemployment will decrease slowly and remain at higher levels
than before due to the long-term consequences of the war» (Ocial website
of the State Employment Center of Ukraine, 2023). According to the State
Employment Service of Ukraine, the number of vacancies in Ukraine
Nataliia Lesko, Taras Zhyravetskyy, Iryna Lasko, Dmytro Shvets y Maryana Biletska
Martial law and the digital labor market: The case of Ukraine
decreased 20 times compared to pre-war times (Ocial website of the State
Employment Center of Ukraine, 2023).
In general, today the domestic labor market cooperates with sectors of the
economy that provide the basic needs of the population in those territories
where hostilities are not taking place – energy, logistics, medicine, and the
food industry sector (Pyshchulina & Markevich, 2022).
According to the general context, as well as taking into account the local
one, it is possible to make assumptions about which professions will be
popular in the near future in Ukraine (Filatov, 2022): professional military,
psychologists, in particular military, specialists in the eld of medicine,
construction and architecture, defense industry, energy , education, micro-
enterprises of services for export.
Demand for some professions will appear for the rst time, including
those that will require conceptually new skills. Employers, when describing
the oered vacancies, began to pay much more attention to the desired soft
skills, compared to the pre-war period. Soft skills, which are not inherent
in specic professions, are personal qualities that help to perform work
eciently and successfully build a future career (Berezovska, 2022). Many
of the standard skills have changed their priority in connection with the
events taking place in the country, it is not surprising, attentiveness, tact,
stress resistance – all this acquires primary importance for employees.
Among the new wishes in vacancies, employers began to note: exibility,
mobility, discipline, fairness, optimism, adaptability, friendliness,
politeness and decency. The new realities of nding a job in wartime make
adjustments to the desired skills and abilities.
Therefore, in the conditions of the formation of the global digital market
of labor relations, the spread of new forms of work, organizational and legal
methods and conditions for the use of intellectual work is observed. They
are characterized by: the absence or modication of one or more features
of classic labor relations, namely the appearance of special labor contracts,
according to which the method of hiring employees changes and exible
legal regulation of digitized labor relations is implemented; transformation
of the idea of the workplace in the usual understanding of this element of
work organization; the possibility of using such a work schedule that makes
it possible to optimize the working time of the employee.
Digital technologies are an important source of increasing labor
productivity, they free people from repetitive tasks, provide round-the-clock
availability, are convenient and useful, lead to the elimination of risky work
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 498-508
in dangerous situations, and eliminate the ineciency of the work process.
Among the threats of digitalization of the labor market should be attributed:
the growth of unemployment among low-skilled workers; increase in the
cost of skilled labor; blurring the boundaries between working time and
rest; the risk of impact on the level of ination; violation of the life balance
of workers; increased labor migration; reduction of social protection, etc.
The importance of obtaining information about the transformational
changes of the labor market in Ukraine in the war and post-war period
is currently a dicult and extremely dicult task. Considering the high
level of unemployment and the mobilization of a large part of the working
population, the stabilization of the labor market is extremely important. It
is necessary to develop mechanisms and tools for the implementation of an
eective system of labor market management, which takes into account the
issues of education, development of soft skills, and increasing the level of
social protection and security.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 79