Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
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ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 77
Recibido el 02/02/23 Aceptado el: 12/03/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 77 (2023), 172-183
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
The Impact of the War on the Economic
and Legal Environment of the Regions in
terms of Ensuring National Security
Myroslav Kryshtanovych *
Oleg Koval **
Sergii Chernov ***
Mariya Bardadym ****
Lilia Kovalenko *****
The main objective of the article was to study the impact of
the war on the economic and legal environment of the Ukrainian
regions in terms of ensuring national security. The research
methodology involves the use of modern methods of graphical
modeling. The scope of study was the system of economic and
legal relations that emerged in the course of hostilities. With the outbreak
of hostilities, there are certain legal consequences for the belligerents:
diplomatic and consular relations are terminated; economic, commercial,
monetary and other business and agreements with legal and natural
persons of Russia are terminated and prohibited, as a special regime can be
applied to citizens of a hostile state; the declaration of a state of war leads
to a change in the legal regime of the territories. However, most armed
conicts are not accompanied by a legal declaration of a state of war, which,
nevertheless, introduces signicant changes in the legal relations of the
parties. Accordingly, the key aspects of the impact of war on the economic
and legal environment in terms of security guarantees were characterized.
Keywords: legal support; legal environment; security policy; impact of
war; economic and legal relations.
* Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://
**** Dnipro State Agricultural and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
***** National University "Odesa Polytechnic", Odesa, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 172-183
El impacto de la guerra en el entorno económico y
jurídico de las regiones en términos de garantía de la
seguridad nacional
El objetivo principal del artículo fue estudiar el impacto de la guerra en
el entorno económico y jurídico de las regiones de Ucrania, en términos de
garantía de la seguridad nacional. La metodología de investigación implica
el uso de métodos modernos de modelización gráca. El ámbito de estudio
fue el sistema de relaciones económicas y jurídicas surgido en el curso de las
hostilidades. Con el estallido de las hostilidades, se producen determinadas
consecuencias jurídicas para los beligerantes: se ponen n a las relaciones
diplomáticas y consulares; se ponen n y se prohíben los negocios y
acuerdos económicos, comerciales, monetarios y de otro tipo con personas
jurídicas y físicas de Rusia, ya que se puede aplicar un régimen especial a los
ciudadanos de un Estado hostil; la declaración del estado de guerra conlleva
un cambio en el régimen jurídico de los territorios. Sin embargo, la mayoría
de los conictos armados no van acompañados de una declaración legal de
estado de guerra, lo que, no obstante, introduce cambios signicativos en
las relaciones jurídicas de las partes. En consecuencia, se caracterizaron los
aspectos clave del impacto de la guerra en el entorno económico y jurídico
en términos de garantías de la seguridad.
Palabras clave: apoyo jurídico; entorno jurídico; política de seguridad;
impacto de la guerra; relaciones económicas y jurídicas.
The process of formation and development of international law began
with the emergence of countries and the emergence of relations between
them. Slavery as the socio-economic base of the countries to a large extent
inuenced the relations between the old states. From the end of the III -
beginning of the II millennium BC, one can speak of rmly established
international relations of the slave-owning states.
A feature of these relations was their indirect nature, that is, the
international norms originally regulated by them and the corresponding
relations were created and developed in those regions of the world where
the centers of the international life of countries arose. These are, rst of all,
the regions of China, India, the coasts of the Mediterranean and Aegean
seas, the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, the Nile.
Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Oleg Koval, Sergii Chernov, Mariya Bardadym y Lilia Kovalenko
The Impact of the War on the Economic and Legal Environment of the Regions in terms of Ensuring
National Security
Peaceful means of resolving emerging international disputes began
to be enriched in connection with the fairly widespread introduction of
arbitration courts and arbitration. The Treaty of Westphalia of October 24,
1648 had a signicant inuence on the development of international law.
This agreement established a common system of European states, their
borders, and the principle of political balance.
The contract provided for all participants “the right to locality and
supremacy” and the equality of European countries. This proceeded from
the idea of concerted action by European countries, designed to solve
common problems not on a religious, but on a secular basis (Bida, 2021;
Chervyakova, 2020; Henderson, 2018).
The Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1906–1907 made a signicant
contribution to the law of armed conict. The rst of these adopted, in
particular, the Declaration against the use of projectiles, the sole purpose
of which is to emit asphyxiating and noxious gases, and the Declaration
against the prohibition of rockets and explosives from balloons or other
similar new means, as well as the Convention for the Peaceful Settlement
of International Disputes. The Second Hague Conference adopted ten new
conventions and reviewed three acts of the 1899 conference (Kononenko et
al., 2022.).
At the same time, during this period, the right of countries to resort
to war under certain conditions, the right to annex conquered areas and
indemnities was still recognized. International relations have changed
in the modern world. All this caused the need to formulate the ethics of
law and the system of international relations in accordance with modern
Of course, one needs to know how this happens: what generally
accepted principles govern the consent of a state to be bound by the
provisions contained in the relevant international legal instrument; what
are the conditions for recognition of the obligation of such consent by other
contracting parties; that there is a procedure for establishing contractual
relations with certain participants; what legal rights and obligations are
granted to the new participant of such entry.
The problem that attracts the attention of society is the resolution of
conicts between states. Despite the rapid pace of the spread of globalization
and the established systemic and democratic relations between countries,
disputes and conicts continue to arise between states and other subjects
of international law.
The resolution of such situations by force is an inhumane and unprotable
way to resolve conicts, this has been proven by the human community
on the example of two world wars and numerous riots. Therefore, now is
the fundamentally complete and nal introduction of peaceful methods for
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 172-183
resolving international disputes, which are the basis for the existence and
stable functioning of an international society.
All of the above in the text forms the basis for the relevance of the chosen
research problem. The main purpose of the article is to study the impact of
the war on the economic and legal environment of the regions in terms of
ensuring national security.
1. Materials and methods
Achieving the goal of the study required the solution of certain tasks
that led to the use of theoretical ones: induction and deduction - in order
to collect primary legal information; analysis and synthesis for information
processing, selection of factual material and data based on the processing
of the regulatory framework; descriptive and statistical - in order to
characterize the system’s economic and legal environment in terms of
security; logical method - to understand the patterns of the impact of war
on the economic and legal environment from the point of view of security;
retrospective - in order to clarify the specics of the impact of war on
the economic and legal environment from the point of view of security;
predictive method - to highlight the possibilities of using progressive ideas
and experience; graphic modeling technique - to present the main models
on the research problem.
2. Literature review
Coverage of the subject of ensuring human rights in a state of martial
law involves the establishment of a number of methodological provisions.
Firstly, human rights are the means that limit public power, preventing
its arbitrariness. That is why human rights are a hallmark of a democratic
state-legal regime. Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes do not recognize
the natural nature of human rights and associate them with their own will:
rights exist only when the authorities have “consecrated” them, xing them
in the text of a legal act (in this case, we are mainly talking about socio-
economic rights).
Consequently, under a non-democratic regime, human rights are fully
dependent on the will of state bodies. In the context of the subject of our
study, the above provision allows us to establish that the introduction of
martial law in a state with a non-democratic state-legal regime does not
signicantly aect the state of ensuring human rights, since the latter are
not recognized as belonging to a person from birth; the recognition of
individual rights does not signicantly aect the state, which at any time can
Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Oleg Koval, Sergii Chernov, Mariya Bardadym y Lilia Kovalenko
The Impact of the War on the Economic and Legal Environment of the Regions in terms of Ensuring
National Security
refuse to accept them, based on “revolutionary expediency” (Kozachenko et
As noted by most modern scientists and practitioners, martial law should
be considered as a means of restoring the conditions under which a person
can eectively exercise his rights and freedoms. Accordingly, human rights
dene the boundaries of the activities of public authorities to introduce
martial law and the means used by it. At the same time, a number of rights
cannot be limited, and the restriction of other rights cannot destroy their
essence (Kryshtanovych et al., 2022).
An important place in the economic and legal environment under the
inuence of war, a well-known system of international law. Some group
of scientists notes that international law and international morality are
two parallels, complementary, mutually inuencing, mutually supporting,
mutually restraining and mutually encouraging each other. Law allows a
decent existence of people in the state system, morality - a decent existence
in a private, family and family environment, and international morality is a
synthesis of these positions.
Law and morality are the valuable life basis of any society (Kryshtanovych
et al., 2022). They are the regulators of interstate, interethnic, interpersonal
relations. Law and morality create the closest contact in the regulation of
social relations through the manifestation of universal goodwill, which can
become a sign of international relations.
Therefore, lling the norms of international law with valuable moral
content will have an impact on national systems of law through the process
of ratication of international acts by the legislative institution of the state.
Imperative norms of international law, enriched with moral content, at
the same time enrich the state-legal systems of countries. The moral value
of international law is to become a guarantor of the fair provision of the
interests of the state and the realization of fundamental human rights and
freedoms in every sovereign country (Liebrenz et al., 2022).
The value of law does not lie in its declarative nature (although it is also
an achievement, a conscious idea set out on paper and sanctioned by the
state), but in the possibility of its implementation through the process of law
enforcement, that is, ensuring the implementation of agreed international
norms by the power of state and public institutions in a democratic sovereign
state (Longobardo, 2019; Matvieieva et al., 2021; Solis, 2021; Sylkin et al.,
2021; Sylkin et al., 2021; Tataryn et al., 2021; Yukhno, 2012).
However, due to signicant scientic developments, it should be
noted that the impact of war is chaotic and constantly changing. In such
conditions, it is impossible to nd a balance between law and economics,
which always actualizes this issue in a new way.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 172-183
3. Research Results and Discussions
The emergence and spread of digital technologies immediately led to
the transformation of society and the legal system. The digitalization of
modern social legal relations is forming a new legal reality, in particular in
the eld of constitutional law. Modern legislation does not provide a legal
denition of the concept of «digitalization». Digitalization is a phenomenon
characterized by a change in life processes through the active introduction
of various types of digital technologies in the social, economic, legal and
other spheres of human life.
The purpose of this process is to change the approach to the disposal,
dissemination and storage of information. More than half of the world’s
population use various gadgets: smartphones, laptops, tablets and other
devices that have greatly facilitated the process of searching and storing
information. In practice, lawyers use electronic sources and databases
instead of storing hundreds of legal acts necessary for work.
The key changes under the inuence of the war in the economic and
legal environment are shown in Figure 1.
Fig.1. Source: Formed by the authors.
Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Oleg Koval, Sergii Chernov, Mariya Bardadym y Lilia Kovalenko
The Impact of the War on the Economic and Legal Environment of the Regions in terms of Ensuring
National Security
The constitutional branch of law has become an exception. The fact of
replacing the paper Constitution with its electronic version makes it possible
to look at the problematics of the issue from the side of appearance, the form
of the basic law in the context of the concept of «Electronic Constitution».
This wording does not have a legal denition enshrined in the law, in the
scientic community it is unambiguous and generally accepted.
Speaking about the relevance of distance education, which has arisen
in connection with the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of
COVID-19, the barcode system should be noted. In this case, the use of
digital technologies allows the society, to a certain extent, through the use
of the Action portal, to exercise constitutional rights, with the provision of
information about vaccination, to freely visit public places.
International legal jurisdictional mechanisms are an auxiliary means of
protecting the national interests of the state, which should be applied when
using all national legal remedies and in case of failure of the state to defend
its national interests on its own.
Today, the activity of international jurisdictional bodies is one of the
main guarantees of the eectiveness of international law and an important
factor in further improvement. The development of international relations
has a clear tendency towards the desire of states to adhere to the peaceful
resolution of international conicts by applying to international judicial
Fixing the list of rights that cannot be limited even during martial law is a
constitutional guarantee of human and civil rights. So, in the event of a state
of war or a state of emergency, this cannot be a basis for the use of torture,
cruel or degrading treatment or punishment, for any restrictions on the
right to life, freedom of thought, conscience, religion in the understanding
of these rights and freedoms adopted in International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights and in the laws of Ukraine. And any attempt to use the
imposition of martial law or a state of emergency to seize power or abuse it
entails legal liability.
Civil rights and freedoms are an integral element of human freedom
and provide a person not only with vital conditions for existence, but also
provide an actual opportunity to freely dispose of himself, to guarantee
non-interference in the sphere of his individual life. That is why, these
rights apply not only to citizens of a particular state, but also to all other
people legally located on its territory.
The main model for ensuring the security of the economic and legal
environment under the inuence of war is shown in Figure 2.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 172-183
Information on the
progress of solving
task 2
Information on the
progress of solving task
Ensuring the security of the
main components of legal and
economic security
Change of legal system
The transition of the
economy to military
Task 1
Task 2
Task 2
Assistance to the region
at the state level
Modern technical support for
solving the task
Directives to ensure
task 2
Directives to ensure
task 3
Directives to
ensure task 1
The impact of war and hostilities
Information on the
progress of solving task
Protection of the
legal and economic
Fig.2. The main model for ensuring the security of the economic and legal
environment under the inuence of war. Source: Formed by the authors.
Civil rights and freedoms have their own special features, which, by
their specic qualities, are: rstly, priority in relation to other rights
and freedoms, which is emphasized by their location in Section II of the
Constitution of Ukraine, that is, immediately after the principles of the legal
status of an individual in Ukraine and before political and other rights and
freedoms; secondly, these rights are natural and inalienable, since they
belong to every person from birth, they are not acquired or alienated at will,
they cannot be donated, sold, inherited or waived, and they do not depend
on the recognition of them the state and are determined by the very fact
of human existence; thirdly, these are well-established subjective human
Under martial law, the military command is granted the right, together
with executive authorities, military administrations and local governments,
to introduce and implement measures of the legal regime of martial law.
To this end, the military command is vested with the right to issue binding
orders and directives on issues of ensuring defense, public security and
order, and the implementation of measures of the legal regime of martial
law (Kryshtanovych et al., 2022).
During the legal regime of martial law, the authorized bodies have the
right to prohibit the holding of peaceful meetings, rallies, campaigns and
demonstrations, other public events, as well as the right to regulate the
work of providers of electronic communication networks and / or services,
printing companies, publishing houses, television and radio organizations,
Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Oleg Koval, Sergii Chernov, Mariya Bardadym y Lilia Kovalenko
The Impact of the War on the Economic and Legal Environment of the Regions in terms of Ensuring
National Security
television and radio centers and other enterprises, institutions, organizations
and institutions of culture and the media and prohibit the transfer of
information through computer networks. In areas where hostilities are
taking place, the introduction and implementation of such measures of the
legal regime of martial law rests directly with the military command and
military administrations.
Summing up, it should be noted that under the inuence of war, the
right to freedom is important. The right to liberty and security of person
is one of the most signicant and important human rights. The prevention
of arbitrary deprivation of liberty is regarded as one of the main principles
of the protection of human rights. Human rights, despite their undoubted
highest value in a democratic state governed by the rule of law, cannot be
reduced to an absolute and be always and in all cases inviolable, because
in the modern conditions of the development of any state, the practical
activities of persons and bodies ghting war are impossible without
limitation. constitutional human rights.
There must be a system of eective guarantees of these rights, where
even if it is necessary to restrict them, it would be justied and legal. That is
why the main international human rights instruments enshrine appropriate
guarantees, including the right of every person to freedom and personal
integrity. International Covenants duly contribute to the development of
the domestic legislation of the countries of the world community in the
direction of both ensuring human rights and freedoms and establishing
legal grounds for their restriction.
War is an integral part of human history. For a long time, the war remained
outside the legal regulation. Most of the international legal norms aimed at
alleviating the fate of war victims dealt only with international conicts.
The parties to the conict are not limited either in the choice of means and
methods of waging war, or in the choice of targets for attack. They also have
a duty to protect victims from the inuences and consequences of war.
These fundamental ideas are reected in the norms and principles of
international law, which everyone must adhere to and, taking into account
humanitarian considerations, limit the use of force. victims of such internal
conicts. Moreover, states have recognized that individual situations
cannot be regarded as purely internal, but, on the contrary, they concern
the international community as a whole.
For the security of the individual, it is also important to guarantee respect
for private and family life, for housing and the secrecy of correspondence.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 172-183
Until these rights are actually protected, there can be no question of personal
security. In particular, Article 5 of the Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, while arming the right of
everyone to liberty and security of person, prohibits arbitrary arrest or
detention. It is worth noting that, especially during the conduct of war,
many end up in the colonies of states that directly begin hostilities.
Issues of constitutional and legal consolidation of the foundations of
the relationship between the individual and the state, recognition of the
priority development of civil society, as well as a clear legislative denition
and proper practical guarantee of human rights and freedoms play a
particularly important role in the functioning of any democratic state,
especially in conditions of internal armed conict.
Modern international law in the eld of human rights and freedoms
requires states to constantly monitor the implementation and improvement
of their own legislation in this area. At the same time, the issues of
ensuring, protecting and protecting human rights are not considered by the
international community as a purely internal matter of the state.
It is fundamentally important to realize the need to ensure human rights
under any circumstances. It is a general principle of the international law
of armed conicts that humane treatment must be ensured for the civilian
population and persons who have withdrawn from the armed forces of both
sides or have ceased to participate in hostilities. Guarantees are part of the
national legislation and act as preventive levers for regulating the proper
application of measures of state coercion to persons.
As a result, we tried to model key recommendations according to the
research problem. However, the study has a number of limitations in
the form of a theoretical and scientic nature. Further research requires
practical aspects.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en abril de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 77