Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 76
Recibido el 20/11/22 Aceptado el 12/01/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
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de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 76 (2023), 207-221
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
The role of digital technologies in the
public administration sphere
Liubov Popova *
Bohdan Seniv **
Volodymyr Korol ***
Oleksandr Galushko ****
Iegor Biriukov *****
The article is devoted to highlighting the role of digital
technologies in the public administration sphere, taking into
account the modern experience of the EU countries. The
methodological basis of the research is the institutional approach,
which provides for ensuring the eectiveness of the interaction
between the components of the institutional system and the
mechanisms of its implementation and control over the use of
digital technologies and makes it possible to create an eective network of
relationships between all levels of the system horizontally and vertically, as
well as to increase the eciency of the entire system public administration
and the quality of public services. The advantages of the implementation
of digital technologies in public administration are highlighted, which
makes it possible to: increase the eciency of public administration, reduce
administrative costs, improve the quality of public services and ensure
their availability, and reduce the level of corruption. The results of the
implementation of digitalization of public services in the EU countries were
analyzed in accordance with the program for the implementation of digital
* PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi
National University, 2 Kotsyubynsky Str., 58012, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
** PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Technologies and Banking Business,
Western Ukrainian National University, 11 Lvivska Str., 46009, Ternopil, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://
*** PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of International Economics, Marketing and
Management, Ivano-Frankivsk Educational and Scientic Institute of Management, Western Ukrainian
National University, 32 Dnistrovska Str., 76000, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
**** PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Kyiv National University of
Construction and Architecture, 31 Povitrootsky Avenue, 03037, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://
***** PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Public
Administration, IHE «Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientic and Technical University»,
3 Magnitogorsky Lane, Kyiv, 02000, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Liubov Popova, Bohdan Seniv, Volodymyr Korol, Oleksandr Galushko y Iegor Biriukov
The role of digital technologies in the public administration sphere
measures within the framework of the Recovery and Sustainability Fund.
The necessary directions for the activation of the implementation of digital
technologies in the public administration system are substantiated.
Keywords: digital technologies, digital public services, public
administration, institutes of public administration.
El papel de las tecnologías digitales en el ámbito de la
administración pública
El artículo está dedicado a resaltar el papel de las tecnologías digitales
en el campo de la administración pública, teniendo en cuenta la experiencia
internacional actual. La base metodológica de la investigación fue el
enfoque institucional, que prevé asegurar la efectividad de la interacción
entre los componentes del sistema institucional y los mecanismos de su
implementación y control sobre el uso de las tecnologías digitales y, al mismo
tiempo, posibilita la creación de una red efectiva de relaciones entre todos
los niveles del sistema en sentido horizontal y vertical, así como incrementar
la eciencia de todo el sistema de la administración pública y la calidad de
los servicios públicos. En las conclusiones se destacan las ventajas de la
implementación de las tecnologías digitales en la administración pública,
que permiten: aumentar la eciencia de la administración pública; reducir
los costos administrativos; mejorar la calidad de los servicios públicos y
asegurar su disponibilidad, y; reducir el nivel de corrupción. Finalmente,
se analizaron los resultados de la implantación de la digitalización de los
servicios públicos en los países de la Union Europea de acuerdo con el
programa de implantación de medidas digitales en el marco del Fondo de
Recuperación y Sostenibilidad.
Palabras clave: tecnologías digitales; servicios públicos digitales;
administración pública; institutos de administración
pública; politicas digitales.
Modern globalization challenges of creating a post-industrial society are
based on the development of an open information space, which serves as the
basis of democracy, socially oriented economic development, productivity
improvement, and quality of life in general. Within the paradigm of post-
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 207-221
industrial development, digitization processes become a necessity and an
unconditional attribute of everyday life, permeating all spheres of social
extended reproduction. The role of introducing digital technologies into
all spheres of public life, including public administration, is becoming
The purpose of the article is to outline the role of digital technologies
in the public administration sphere, taking into account the modern
experience of the EU countries. To achieve the goal, the authors set the
following tasks:
the importance and relevance of this topic is substantiated, taking
into account modern globalization trends of establishing a paradigm
of post-industrial development;
the advantages of the implementation of digital technologies in the
eld of public administration are claried;
e-governance models and digital technologies in public
administration were analyzed;
directions for ensuring the implementation of digital technologies
in public administration are substantiated.
1. Literature Review
Ensuring eective management in the conditions of digitalization
requires the use of electronic government, electronic management,
establishing a system of electronic services, ensuring electronic democracy
and electronic commerce. That is why the issue of introducing digital
technologies in public administration is urgent. Scientic researches on the
above-mentioned issues were carried out by the following scientists: Ap-
Azli et al. (2019); Chyrun et al. (2020); Cosmulese et al. (2019); Derhaliuk
et al. (2021); Gowd (2022); Kholiavko et al. (2021); Khrushch et al. (2022);
Kyeong et al. (2022); Martinez et al. (2020); Melnychenko et al. (2022);
Mustafa et al. (2022); Najimi (2020); Popelo et al. (2022); Pratap et al.
(2020); Saleh (2019); Tyagi and Goyal (2021) and other.
Within the framework of the scientists’ article (Gowd, 2022), network
management is used as a theoretical basis for determining key success factors
by analyzing the role of state and non-state actors in the implementation of
a public distribution system. Scientists note that the e-governance approach
is becoming an important theoretical basis in the eld of management and
public policy for identifying challenges and problems in the eld of politics
and building electronic networks between government entities, markets, civil
society and citizens.
Liubov Popova, Bohdan Seniv, Volodymyr Korol, Oleksandr Galushko y Iegor Biriukov
The role of digital technologies in the public administration sphere
Scientists (Mustafa et al., 2022) are investigating the impact of e-services
management on local self-government. The authors provide empirical evidence
on the factors that inuence citizens’ willingness to use electronic services.
The article analyzes the role of such factors as: awareness of e-services, poor
infrastructure and technical problems (quality of e-services) in the use of
The results show that factors such as availability at any time, reduced
waiting time and quality of information are the most important factors that
increase the importance and willingness to use e-services. The authors note
that the conducted research theoretically and empirically contributes to the
acquisition of knowledge about the management of electronic services of local
The authors of the article (Kyeong et al., 2022) argue that institutional and
political resources aect the selective response of the government, scholars
try to prove this argument through Korea’s e-government system. Scientists
are convinced that the results of the research contain practical lessons for
practitioners who are concerned about the e-government system as a space
for communication between the government and citizens.
The study (Tyagi et al., 2021) examines and presents the gaps in various
e-Governance services developed, implemented in India, an initiative taken
under the concept of achieving the Digital India agenda announced by the
Government of India through information and communication technology.
The authors (Martinez et al., 2020) prove that, despite the fact that
e-governance was institutionalized as a state policy that promotes citizens’
access to information, transparency and control of state institutions, according
to the results of research by scientists, the introduction of e-governance did
not immediately cause a positive impact on reducing corruption, and, as a
result, state government policy needs improvement.
The purpose of the scientists’ article (Najimi, 2020) is to study the role of
e-government in the least developed countries in the context of public nance
management and service provision. The article examines the challenges
and opportunities in the way of modernizing management systems, ghting
corruption, and improving the space for the country’s development.
It has been explored (Pratap et al., 2020) that e-government uses
technology to increase transparency, reduce remoteness, and empower people
to participate in the political processes that shape their lives.
The authors of the article (Chyrun et al., 2020) consider the issue of
optimizing the choice of a cryptographic algorithm for the protection of
information for the management of IT projects of electronic government by
using a non-linear convolution of criteria based on the method of hierarchies,
taking into account the requirements: security, speed, characteristics of the
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 207-221
algorithm. Based on the results of the research, scientists determine the
optimal cryptographic algorithm that ensures the integrity and availability
of information during the management of the IT project of electronic
government, user authentication and the impossibility of denying the fact of
sending/receiving information.
Within the framework of the study (Saleh, 2019), citizens’ satisfaction
with the innovative online passport application service introduced by the
Immigration Service was analyzed. The researchers assessed which types of
innovation (technology, access, process, product, and payment method) had
the strongest and weakest eects on citizen satisfaction.
Based on the results of the analysis, scientists (Ap-Azli et al., 2019) have
clearly dened the mechanism for solving issues of improper management
of electronic document management. The authors outline the problems
of improper management of electronic documents with a constructive
reection of the approach, mechanism and elements of proper management.
Despite the existing publications in the eld of e-government and the use
of other aspects of digitalization, the question of the role and place of digital
technologies in public administration requires further study, analysis and
systematization of existing research.
2. Methodology
The methodological basis of the research is the institutional approach. The
institutional approach makes it possible to consider public administration
as a set of rules, norms, methods of activity, thinking, etc. The institutional
approach involves ensuring the eectiveness of the interaction between
the components of the institutional system and the mechanisms of its
implementation and control over the use of digital technologies, which
makes it possible to create an eective network of relationships between
all levels of the system horizontally and vertically, as well as to increase
the eciency of the entire system of public management and the quality of
provision public services.
3. Results
We would like to note that relations related to the creation, preservation,
accumulation, processing, dissemination and protection of information in
general were of great importance for social development even before, but
modern technologies change the essence and role of information, aecting
all spheres of life. The development of information and communication
technologies has increased the importance of information as a resource,
Liubov Popova, Bohdan Seniv, Volodymyr Korol, Oleksandr Galushko y Iegor Biriukov
The role of digital technologies in the public administration sphere
as well as increased the relevance of ensuring human rights in society in
relation to freedom of expression, the right to information and access to
it, the right to non-distribution of information and the preservation of its
condentiality, etc.
World experience proves that the implementation of digital technologies
in public administration makes it possible (Fig. 1):
to increase the eciency of public management as a result of
simplifying management procedures and reducing time;
to reduce administrative costs due to the introduction of progressive
methods of decision-making and publication;
improve the quality of public services and ensure their availability
for all sections of the population of all territories;
to ensure the transparency of the work of power institutions, to
increase their eectiveness due to the introduction of new methods
of control and diagnosis of their work;
improve the quality of work of state authorities and local self-
government by involving citizens in discussions and making
management decisions;
reduce the level of corruption and achieve a qualitatively new level
of public administration.
Modern globalization challenges cause an urgent need to implement
digital technologies in the eld of public administration. Each country,
taking into account the specics of the public administration system,
implements a certain model of e-government.
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 207-221
Fig. 1. Activation of the digital technologies’ implementation in the public
administration sphere. Source: constructed by the authors.
Liubov Popova, Bohdan Seniv, Volodymyr Korol, Oleksandr Galushko y Iegor Biriukov
The role of digital technologies in the public administration sphere
The implementation of a certain model of e-governance depends
on the denition of the role and place of state institutions in social
development, the system of formation, development and implementation
of social development policies, the level of decentralization of power, public
activity in making management decisions, etc. Taking into account the
outlined features, the most common models of electronic governance are
e-Government 1.0 and e-Government 2.0.
E-Government 1.0 involves the creation of conditions for citizens of the
country with the help of digital technologies thanks to electronic access
to electronic services through the web resource of state authorities and
local governments. In this model, the dominant role is given to public
administration bodies that implement their public functions thanks to
digital technologies through e-government. Citizens in such models play
the role of consumers of public services thanks to digital technologies
implemented on the e-government platform.
The e-Government 2.0 model has other features, in which there is
a more active interaction and density of relationships between public
administration bodies and citizens of the country, since the latter are
not just consumers of public services, but act as an active partner in the
development and adoption of management decisions. Australia, Great
Britain, Canada, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, and the United States
are among the world’s countries with the most successful implementation
of the e-Government 2.0 model.
In these countries, it is considered to be the most successful experience
of implementing partnership relations for establishing relations between
institutions of public administration and citizens. That is, such a system,
it aims not only to implement digital technologies as a tool for the
implementation of public administration, but also provides an opportunity
to transform the state administration system itself towards its consumers,
that is, society, involving it in the justication, making of management
decisions and monitoring their implementation.
Digital technologies expand the possibilities of public administration, the
term «e-Government» becomes synonymous with such words as improving
the quality of public services, eciency, transparency and democracy.
Recently, a powerful impetus for the introduction of digital technologies
into the public administration system was the COVID-19 pandemic, during
which digitization became the norm and forced ordinary citizens to accept
these innovations.
EU member states have set the goal of full digitization of public services
by 2030. It should be noted that there are already countries that have almost
achieved such results, but there are also those that have not yet integrated
digital services in public administration. In general, the general trend of
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 207-221
the introduction of digital technologies shows their widespread distribution
and the business sector, rather than for ordinary citizens.
Incidentally, we note that digitalization is closely related to the plans
of developed countries to achieve recovery and sustainability. Thus,
according to the reform plans within the framework of the program for the
implementation of digital measures within the framework of the Recovery
and Resilience Fund (RRF), it is planned to invest in digitalization 46
billion euros, which will be directed to the digitalization of public services,
including the implementation of electronic health care (13 billion euros),
electronic justice and e-justice (24 billion euros), digitalization of transport
and energy system, etc.
Countries such as Lithuania, Malta, Finland, and Croatia allocate more
than half of the planned funds to the digitalization of public services. The
main principle within the implementation of digital measures within the
framework of the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) is the integration of
eID solutions into all government processes and the implementation of the
«Only Once Principle».
In EU member states, indicators regarding the implementation of digital
services in public administration have signicantly improved. Thus, in 2021,
the number of e-government users in EU countries as a whole increased to
65%, compared to 61% in 2020. The volume of digital public services for
citizens was 75% in 2021, and digital public services for business was 82%.
Estonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, and Finland
are among the countries with the greatest growth and indicators of public
services digitalization.
Liubov Popova, Bohdan Seniv, Volodymyr Korol, Oleksandr Galushko y Iegor Biriukov
The role of digital technologies in the public administration sphere
Figure 2 presents data for 2021 regarding e-government users who had some
interaction with state authorities via the Internet during the year.
Fig. 2. E-Government users interacting online with public authorities over the Internet in
the last 12 months (% of internet users), 2021. Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT
usage in Households and by Individuals (Digital Economy and Society Index, 2022).
Denmark, Ireland, Sweden and the Netherlands are among the countries
where the highest percentage of users of public services is tracked. In these
countries, more than 90% of Internet users between the ages of 16 and 74
have interacted with public administrations to resolve their issues over the
Internet using various digital platforms. The fewest users of public services
were observed in such EU countries as Bulgaria, Romania and Italy. In
these countries, such users were less than 50% of Internet users.
As for the implementation of the «one-time principle» for lling out
various forms for economic entities and citizens, which works through
the establishment of information exchange platforms between public
administration institutions, the best results according to the results of
2021 were demonstrated by such countries as Estonia, Denmark, the
Netherlands, Lithuania, Malta, Denmark, Sweden. However, it should be
noted that there is a signicant dierence between countries according to
this «one-time principle» indicator, since, for example, Romania has 20%
of such interaction, and countries such as Croatia and Cyprus have about
Figure 3 presents the results of the provision of digital public services
for citizens and measures the extent to which public services are spread
through digital technologies using state digital platforms. Public services
can either be provided entirely with the support of digital technologies, or be
provided partially online or completely oine. The indicator was calculated
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 207-221
in relation to how much blood citizens need to spend online or oine to
solve their issues and whether they can be solved completely with the help
of digital technologies on the digital platforms of public administration
Such services may include a wide range of services from property
registration, doctor’s appointment, appeal of court decision, etc. According
to these measurements of the provision of digital services for citizens,
the best results were demonstrated by countries such as Estonia, Malta,
Luxembourg, which had an indicator of 90% in 2021. EU countries such
as Malta, Estonia, Luxembourg, Latvia, Finland, Spain, Sweden, Denmark,
the Netherlands, Ireland, Finland scored within 80% of digitalization of
public services for citizens. The smallest volume of digital public services
was observed in countries such as Poland and Bulgaria.
Fig. 3. Digital public services for citizens (score 0 to 100), 2021. Source:
e-Government Benchmark, Capgemini (Digital Economy and Society Index,
Digital technologies in public administration are implemented in four
directions, namely:
government-to-government (G2G), which involves the establishment
of interaction between public administration institutions through
the implementation of a unied document ow, information
exchange between authorities, and the application of the principle
of unication between electronic registers;
government-to-citizens (G2C) involves interaction between
citizens and the government, which provides for the provision of
high-quality and timely public services for all citizens, ensures the
Liubov Popova, Bohdan Seniv, Volodymyr Korol, Oleksandr Galushko y Iegor Biriukov
The role of digital technologies in the public administration sphere
participation of citizens in making management decisions, forming
state policy. Provides an opportunity to evaluate and control the
activities of public institutions. The implementation of G2C provides
an opportunity to obtain constructive communication between
public authorities and citizens, which in turn not only increases
the quality of public services, but also the quality of facilitating
management decisions;
government-to-business (G2B), provides interaction between
business structures and public administration bodies, which is
aimed at supporting business entities and developing business
initiatives and provides for the provision of high-quality
administrative and other services, provides for the development of
public-private partnerships and participation business structures in
the implementation of state policy;
government-to-employees (G2E), which involves the use of digital
technologies for the government’s interaction with civil servants and
makes it possible to ensure, using digital technologies, their training
and improvement of competences, establishing communications
using electronic document ow and online interaction.
Digital technologies make it possible to quickly take into account the
opinions and views of economic entities, various microsocial groups and
individual citizens. Involve citizens in solving existing problems through
the adoption of management decisions. Digital technologies play a key role
in optimizing the system of communications in order to overcome internal
corporatism and bureaucracy, which gives new impetus to the development
of public administration institutions.
But an important factor is not only the implementation of digital
technologies in the public administration system, but also the necessary
expansion of the circle of consumers of information about the
activities of public administration institutions;
opportunities for participation of citizens in the implementation of
public administration measures;
wide access of citizens to receive e-services via the Internet;
constant exchange of information between state authorities and its
stimulating the creation of digital infrastructure to ensure the
implementation of reforms in the direction of the development of
electronic governance;
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 207-221
development of digital literacy, skills and competences among both
citizens and civil servants;
stimulation of citizens’ digital participation in management
decision-making by public administration institutions (introduction
of participation);
development of the digital economy as a key area of state policy;
creation of broadband Internet access infrastructure throughout the
ensuring the formation of a single information space throughout the
increasing accessibility for citizens to modern services in the eld of
digital and telecommunication technologies;
creation of a system of public access centers for the population.
Therefore, the main role of the introduction of digital technologies into
the public administration system is not only to ensure the functioning of
e-government, which turns the state into a digital service platform, but
also to ensure the creation of equal opportunities, rights and freedoms of
citizens, democratic social development and the involvement of citizens
in decision-making in public management Digital technologies make it
possible, through the involvement of citizens in the Internet, to guarantee
the transparent activity of public administration institutions and their
democracy. Digital technologies are the innovative toolkit that makes it
possible to ensure the state-guaranteed freedoms, legal interests and duties
of citizens.
The scientic novelty of the study is the development of directions for the
activation of the implementation of digital services in public administration
using an institutional approach, which were identied on the basis of the
analysis of electronic governance models and digital technologies in public
Further research is required on the issue of increasing the digital culture
of citizens for the introduction of innovative developments and their
acceptance in society, which will contribute to the activation of government
programs on the digitalization of public administration.
Liubov Popova, Bohdan Seniv, Volodymyr Korol, Oleksandr Galushko y Iegor Biriukov
The role of digital technologies in the public administration sphere
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 76