Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 76
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 76 (2023), 16-25
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Subjects of the Crime in the light
of international treaties in wartime
(comparative analysis)
Valery Kostyantynovych Matviychuk *
Tamara Mykhaylivna Rad **
Oksana Olegivna Cherniak ***
Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Brovchenko ****
Vasyl Vasylovich Chudnov *****
The issue of optimizing the mechanism of prosecution of the
subjects of the crime in connection with Russia’s war against
Ukraine launched in February 2022, as a result of which impunity
of war criminals is gaining momentum and leads to violation of
legislation, both in Ukraine and in the world, in particular in such
countries as: Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, etc. In this
regard, the purpose of this editorial is twofold: on the one hand, it seeks to
present volume 41, number 76 of “Cuestiones Políticas” and, on the other
hand, is to highlight the issue of the subject of the crime, its signs and main
features, enshrined in international legal acts. It was concluded that the
analysis of international treaties gives grounds to arm that the subject of
the subject of the crime is quite widely disclosed and attention is paid to the
separation of the concepts of subjects of international crimes and subjects
of crimes of international character; the dierence between these concepts
is fundamental and very important. Taking into account the attitude of the
international community to the concept of the subject of crime, possible
areas for improvement of the current legislation are outlined.
* Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and Forensics, Kyiv University
of Intellectual Property and Law, Odessa Law Academy. Ukraine. ОRCID ID:
** Graduate student of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and criminology of Kyiv University
intellectual property and law of the National University "Odessa Law Academy", Ukraine. Email:
*** Graduate student of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and criminology of Kyiv University
intellectual property and law of the National University "Odessa Law Academy", Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** Graduate student of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and criminology of Kyiv University
intellectual property and law of the National University "Odessa Law Academy", Ukraine. ОRCID ID:
***** Postgraduate of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and Forensics, Kyiv University of
Intellectual Property and Law, Odesa Law Academy, Ukraine. ОRCID ID:
Recibido el 15/10/22 Aceptado el 22/12/22
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 16-25
Keywords: subject of the crime; legal person; crime of an international
character; juvenile person; combating crime.
Sujetos del Delito a la luz de los tratados
internacionales en tiempo de guerra (análisis
La cuestión de optimizar el mecanismo de enjuiciamiento de los sujetos
del delito en relación con la guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania iniciada en
febrero de 2022, como resultado de lo cual la impunidad de los criminales
de guerra está ganando impulso y conduce a la violación de la legislación,
tanto en Ucrania como en el mundo, en particular en países como: Polonia,
Alemania, Bulgaria, Rumanía, Moldavia, etc. En este sentido, el propósito
de este editorial es doble: por un lado, busca presentar el volumen 41, el
número 76 de “Cuestiones Políticas” y, por el otro, consiste en resaltar
el tema del sujeto del delito, sus signos y principales características,
consagrado en los actos jurídicos internacionales. Se concluyó que el análisis
de los tratados internacionales da fundamento para armar que el tema
del sujeto del delito se divulga con bastante amplitud y se presta atención
a la separación de los conceptos de sujetos de los delitos internacionales
y sujetos de los delitos de carácter internacional; la diferencia entre estos
conceptos es fundamental y muy importante. Teniendo en cuenta la actitud
de la comunidad internacional ante el concepto de sujeto delictivo, se
esbozan posibles áreas de mejora de la legislación vigente.
Palabras clave: sujeto del delito; persona jurídica; delito de carácter
internacional; persona juvenil; lucha contra el delito.
International criminal law is dened as a set of principles and norms
that regulate public relations in the protection of international law
against international crimes and crimes of international nature. Analysis
and comparison of international normative-legal acts gives answers to a
number of questions: (a) which states of the international community
take into account international criminal norms in national legislation;
(b) how eective in prevention and combating crimes in a particular state
implementation of international legislation is; (c) the main trends in
development and improvement of the national law of dierent states on the
basis of international criminal law.
Valery Kostyantynovych Matviychuk, Tamara Mykhaylivna Rad, Oksana Olegivna Cherniak,
Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Brovchenko y Vasyl Vasylovich Chudnov
It is clear that such terms as “crime”, “subject” and “punishment” have
an intrastate origin. They dene legal categories in the sphere of criminal
law which are the most important for the society. In view of the current
trends in international criminal law, the concept of “crime” and therefore
the concept of the “subject of crime” are gaining some other international
legal dimension. But, in our opinion, absence of a single international
determination of these concepts gives an opportunity for a unique
interpretation of international legal documents.
Therefore, the purpose of the presentation is to separate provisions of
international normative-legal acts, which regulate the issue of the subject of
crime and its main features in order to further outline the main directions
for improvement of this concept in Ukrainian legislation.
International standards regarding characteristics
of the subject of crime
Like any socially dangerous act provided for by the criminal law, a crime
in the international law has its constituent parts; among these parts, as
noted above, we are most interested in the subject of crime. Actually, the
wording “the subject of crime” is extremely rare in international treaties.
For example, the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on Cooperation in the
struggle against crimes (came into force on 24 November, 2012) does not
use the term “subject of crime”; the wording “persons who have committed
a crime or involved in its commission” is used instead.
Directly in the text of Art. 4 “Exchange of information” it is stated that
the Parties shall exchange personal data and information with respect
to persons who have committed a crime or are involved in an oense,
namely, information on: surname, former surname, rst name, other
names (ctitious names, nicknames) , gender, date and place of birth, place
of residence, citizenship or previous citizenship, etc.; information on the
data of an identity document, that is, a passport or other travel document
(number, date of issue, issuing authority, place of issue, validity period,
territory of validity); information on data related to ngerprints or palm
prints of a person involved in the commission of a crime, a DNA prole or
sample, person’s description, a photo card; information on other personal
data collected and sent by competent state authorities, etc. (Law of Ukraine,
Agreement between the Ministry of Internal Aairs of Ukraine and the
Ministry of Internal Aairs of Georgia on cooperation in the struggle against
crime, came into force on 20 October, 2011, does not mention the wording
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 16-25
“subject of crime” directly, but indirectly article 4 of the abovementioned
Agreement establishes the provision that states, in accordance with the
national legislation, shall take all necessary measures to reveal, detain,
arrest or provide information about persons who are sought, that is, a
subject of crime is a physical convicted person (Law of Ukraine, 2012).
In accordance with the Memorandum of understanding between the
Ministry of Internal Aairs, the Prosecutor General’s Oce, the Security
Service, the State Customs Service, the State Tax Administration of Ukraine
and the Association of Police Chiefs, the Royal Prosecutor’s Oce of
England and Wales, the Customs and Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise, the
National Criminal Intelligence Service on cooperation in combating serious
crimes, subject of crime is dened as “a person who violates the law” or
“identication of the location and identity of such person” (Law of Ukraine,
2018). The term “suspect” is found below in the text of the document. Also,
provision concerning the appearance of persons to competent authorities is
dened clearly: “a person who fails to come after receiving an invitation or
refuses to come shall not be subject to punishment and shall not be subject
to any preventive measures in the territory of the Party requested.”
The memorandum between the Ministry of Internal Aairs of Ukraine
and the Ministry of Internal Aairs of Montenegro on cooperation in the
sphere of combating crime (Law of Ukraine, 2018), which came into force
on 13 June, 2013, denes the range of crimes (by generic object), which are
related to cooperation, respectively, the notion of the subject of crime can
be seen from the list of crimes. Also, in the Memorandum mentions the
following concepts: persons involved in organized crime; typical behavior
of criminals and criminal groups; persons suspected of committing crimes;
persons who evade criminal responsibility or punishment.
We support the opinion that the state is the subject of international
crimes. Criminal responsibility for commission of such crimes is borne
by the so-called agents of the state (otherwise such persons are called
representatives of the state) - persons acting on behalf of the state, or
actual agents without legal authority. In its turn, the subject of crimes of
international nature is presented as physical convicted persons who at the
moment of the committed crime have reached a specic age.
Position of the international community regarding responsibility of legal
entities is clearly dened. To illustrate an example, it is worth referring to
the judgment of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal, which recognized the
SS, SD, and the leadership of Nazi Germany as criminal organizations.
However, the lawmaker in the Criminal Code (hereinafter referred to as
the CC) of Ukraine does not recognize a legal entity as the subject of crime,
and submits in Art. 18 a comprehensive list of features of this element of
body of a crime. In our opinion this position requires optimization and
Valery Kostyantynovych Matviychuk, Tamara Mykhaylivna Rad, Oksana Olegivna Cherniak,
Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Brovchenko y Vasyl Vasylovich Chudnov
As with general criminal oenses, when crimes of an international
nature are committed, the question of a special subject of crime may arise,
which is presented as persons separately identied in certain international
legal acts: hired ocers, ocials, etc.
The issue of criminal sanity as one of the features of the subject of crime
is also quite controversial. There is no single international instrument that
would regulate all the complexities of the above-mentioned feature. If there
are doubts about mental integrity of a person or recognition of a person as
partially sane, necessary is opinion of specialist physicians about the mental
state of persons who have committed a crime of international nature. The
issue of a person’s sanity or its legal insanity is decided by the court, taking
into account the respective opinion of experts.
The subject of crime as a juvenile person
in international legal standards
The greatest attention in the international legal space is paid to minors
as subjects of crime. It is quite clear because children are the future not only
of nations, but also of the whole world. There are a large number of legal
acts in the sphere of protection of children’s rights (in our case, persons
who have reached the age of criminal responsibility but have not reached
the age of majority).
Minor persons have some additional privileges along with a wide range
of rights and freedoms, which are granted to any adult person - the subject of
crime. Such privileges are specically provided for in the Declaration of the
Rights of the Child. The program provisions of this Declaration recognized
that minors, due to their physiological and psychological immaturity, need
additional social care. However, the specied Declaration had an exclusively
advisory nature.
Over time, the described situation worsened (including a decrease
in the standard of living of the population, an increase in “child” crime,
lack of proper preventive measures) and required an immediate solution.
That is why the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted on 20
November 1989, which is also called the “World constitution of the Rights
of the Child”. Ukraine joined the mentioned Convention adopted by the
UN General Assembly on 27 September 1997. Along with other rights, the
Convention provides a number of provisions that apply to minors as the
subject of crime:
1. immediate access to legal and other necessary assistance for the
2. the right to challenge the legality of the child’s deprivation of liberty
before the competent institutions;
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 16-25
3. the right to maintain communication with his/her family through
correspondence, telephone calls, dates, etc.;
4. arrest, detention or imprisonment shall be applied to the child
only in exceptional cases, if other ways for preventive and curative
measures have been exhausted and have not yielded the expected
positive result;
5. minor subjects of crimes shall not be punished in the form of death
penalty (from which our state and most countries in the international
arena refused) and life imprisonment without the possibility of such
6. on par with adults (majors), a child cannot be subjected to torture
and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
(Convention on the rights of the child, 1989).
According to the provisions of the Convention, the participating states
(192 countries) including Ukraine is obliged to assist in creation of laws,
bodies and institutions directly related to children who are considered to
have violated criminal legislation, are accused or found guilty of committing
a crime: establishing the minimum age of criminal responsibility, providing
for the application of educational measures to such children without the
involvement of court proceedings, strict observance of the rights of the
child and provision of legal guarantees.
Moreover, along with other international legal treaties, the Convention
has the highest legal force, because by ratifying it, the participating states
have committed themselves to bring their national legislation regarding
the child as the subject of crime (criminal oense) into compliance with
the provisions of this document. As for the international documents listed
above, they dene the general provisions on minors as subjects of crime and
emphasize the need to strictly observe their rights, in connection with the
fact that the latter have not reached the age of majority, taking into account
the unstable psychological and psychophysiological processes (Leheza et
al., 2022).
The UN Standard Minimum Rules (also known as the Beijing Rules)
establish mainly the principles of justice in relation to minors, and measures
to ensure that they serve a fair punishment. The purpose of the UN Standard
Minimum Rules is to ensure the consistency of any measures of inuence on
minors with the peculiarities of the oense and peculiarities of the oender.
The document also contains a list of guarantees for observance of the rights
of minors, including the right to a fair and impartial court, the right to a
fair court decision, the right to use alternative measures of inuence on
minors, etc. In fact, these guarantees are reected in the national legislation
of Ukraine (CC of Ukraine, CPC of Ukraine) and national legislations of
other countries, but in the Beijing Rules the international community re-
Valery Kostyantynovych Matviychuk, Tamara Mykhaylivna Rad, Oksana Olegivna Cherniak,
Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Brovchenko y Vasyl Vasylovich Chudnov
emphasizes the necessity of their observance and obligatory provision
Khavroniuk, 2006).
The provisions of the Council of Europe Recommendation on New Ways
of Dealing with Juvenile Delinquency and the Role of Juvenile Justice
(2003) had a signicant impact on the criminal legislation of many European
states (CM/REC recommendation, 2008). According to the mentioned
provisions the principle of guilt should better take into account the age and
maturity of the oender and correspond to his/her level of development.
Subsequently, in the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of
the Council of Europe a number of signicant and important provisions
for the development of the concept of the subject of crime were dened for
member states regarding European rules regarding juvenile oenders who
are subject to sanctions or restrictions (2008) (CM/REC recommendation,
2008). In particular, regarding public sanctions and restrictions applied to
a wide range of public sanctions and restrictions selected for
dierent stages of a minor’s development must be applied at all
stages of the process;
priority is given to sanctions and restrictions that can have an
educational impact and provide a restorative response to oenses
committed by minors;
cases in which imposing a sanction or a restriction requires the
minor’s consent;
which bodies are responsible for appointment, modication and
implementation of the respective sanction and restriction, as well as
their respective duties and obligations;
conditions and procedures used to modify the respective imposed
sanction and restriction;
procedures for regular external supervision of the work of bodies
such sanctions or restrictions are imposed by;
the decision to impose or cancel a public sanction or restriction shall
be taken by a judicial body, and in the case when the decision is
taken by an administrative body appointed by the law, it shall be
subject to judicial review;
depending on the progress made by the respective minor, the
competent authorities shall (if provided for by national law) have
the right to reduce the duration of the sanction or restriction, to
mitigate the imposed conditions or obligations provided for by this
sanction or restriction, or to terminate them;
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 16-25
the rights of minors to personal benets, such as education,
professional training, protection of physical and mental health,
personal safety and social protection, should not be limited by
imposition and application of sanctions and restriction;
if minors do not comply with the conditions and obligations of
public sanctions and restrictions applied to them, this should not
automatically lead to deprivation of their liberty. Where possible,
previous restrictions or public sanctions should be replaced by new
or modied ones (CM/REC recommendation, 2008).
Summing up the above on the subject of crime, we can make the following
conclusions: the legal responsibility of legal entities is not new for most
countries of the world. Such norms are found in international normative
legal acts signed by Ukraine. Therefore, it is worth taking these facts into
account and improving the norms of Ukrainian legislation regarding the
responsibility of legal entities.
The analysis of international treaties gives grounds for asserting that
the issue of the subject of crime is disclosed quite widely, special attention
is paid to the separation of the concepts of subjects of international crimes
and subjects of crimes of an international nature; the dierence between
these concepts is fundamental and extremely important.
In view of the increase in the number of crimes committed by minors,
the international community provides a wide range of measures, in addition
to criminal punishment, which shall be applied to them, as well as lowering
the age of criminal responsibility for some types of crimes.
It has been established that as early as 1954, according to the decision of
the UN General Assembly, the Commission on International Law developed
a draft code of international crimes. In 1991 at the regular session, the
commission approved the draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and
Security of the Mankind (in the rst reading). Here it was only about
a certain type of oenses that make up only a part of socially dangerous
phenomena, which are the subject of regulation of international criminal
Therefore, the need to create a document that would solve one of the
biggest problems of international law enforcement, namely unication
of criminal legislation, appears quite urgent. It is obvious that the norms
established in the Code will not be binding for a sovereign state, but the
signing of an international document will be a kind of expression of each
country’s attitude to those crimes that go beyond the state borders.
Valery Kostyantynovych Matviychuk, Tamara Mykhaylivna Rad, Oksana Olegivna Cherniak,
Kostiantyn Mykhailovych Brovchenko y Vasyl Vasylovich Chudnov
Thus, international legal principles and norms establish the special
status of a minor who has violated the criminal law and, as a result, require
special attitude to such persons in all states, without exception, that
have ratied the relevant documents. According to the criminal norms
enshrined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998)
(Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 1998), a person is not
subject to criminal liability if at the time of committing an act or inaction
he/she was deprived of an opportunity to realize the illegality of his/her
behavior or its nature in general, or to coordinate his/her actions with the
requirements the law due to: a) mental illness or disorder; b) being in a
state of intoxication, with the exception of cases when a person was exposed
to intoxication voluntarily under such circumstances in which he/she knew
that as a result of intoxication he/she could commit an act that constitutes a
crime, or when he/she ignored the danger of committing such an act.
Bibliographic References
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at the 1040 meeting of Deputy Ministers). Available online. In:
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KHAVRONIUK, Mykola. 2006. Criminal legislation of Ukraine and other states
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Kyiv, Ukraine.
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LAW OF UKRAINE. 2012. Agreement between the Ministry of Internal Aairs
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Aairs of Georgia on cooperation
in the ght against crime. Ocial Gazette of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine.
LAW OF UKRAINE. 2018. Memorandum between the Ministry of Internal
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cooperation in the ght against crime. Ocial Gazette of Ukraine. Kyiv,
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 16-25
LEHEZA, Yevhen; PISOTSKA, Karina; DUBENKO, Oleksandr; DAKHNO,
Oleksandr; SOTSKYI, Artur. 2022. “The Essence of the Principles of
Ukrainian Law in Modern Jurisprudence” Revista Jurídica Portucalense.
Available online. In:
Consultation date: Consultation date: 10/12/2022.
Available online. In:les/RS-Eng.
pdf Consultation date: 10/12/2022.
Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 76