Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 75
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
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de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 75 (2022), 792-807
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 15/08/22 Aceptado el 26/11/22
Modern globalization transformations:
methodological approaches
Buryk Myroslav *
Natalia Horbova **
Andriy Krap ***
Dmytro Pylypenko ****
Valeriia Novoshytska *****
The modern state of legal relations is characterized by the
growing inuence of globalization factors. These lead to global
transformations of the international legal system, in which
the methodology of understanding the principles of law is of
signicant importance. The aim of the article was to explore the
methodological framework for identifying the key approaches
to understanding the principles of law in modern globalization
transformations. The methodological basis consists of methods such as:
systematic analysis, generalization, systematization, graphical analysis and
cluster tabulator. The results of the studies have established that global
transformations have a destructive impact on the principles of law. They
deepen the processes of unclear distinction at the international and national
levels. It has been found that in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
approaches to the understanding of the principles of law dier from each
other. It has been found that Germany and Slovenia set higher standards
for the application of the principles of law and are more globalized than
* Candidate of science in public administration (PhD) Docent Department of Public Administration
interregional academy of personnel management. ORCID ID:
** Senior lecturer, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (PhD), Faculty of Economics and Business, Department
of Management and Public Administration, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological
University. ORCID ID:
*** Associate Professor, Candidate of Political Science, Departments of social, humanitarian and
fundamental disciplines, The Precarpathian Mykhailo Hrushevsky Institute of the Private Joint Stock
Company "Higher education institution "The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management".
**** Dean of faculty №2, Kryvyi Rih Educational and Scientic Institute, Donetsk State University of
Internal Aairs, Candidate of law sciences, associate professor, Faculty №2, Kryvyi Rih Educational
and Scientic Institute, Donetsk State University of Internal Aairs. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
***** Senior Lecturer of the department of Information, Economic and Administrative Law, Candidate of
Juridical Sciences, comparable to the Academic Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) N a t i o n a l
Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 792-807
Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia. It has been suggested that
special measures should be designed in which the principles of law act as
an instrument of globalization.
Keywords: structural transformations; globalization; methodological
approaches; principles of law; legal system.
Transformaciones modernas de la globalización:
enfoques metodológicos
El estado moderno de las relaciones jurídicas se caracteriza por la
creciente inuencia que ejercen sobre ellas los factores de la globalización.
Éstos provocan transformaciones globales del sistema jurídico internacional,
en las que la metodología de comprensión de los principios del Derecho
reviste una importancia signicativa. El objetivo del artículo fue explorar el
marco metodológico para identicar los enfoques clave de la comprensión
de los principios del derecho en las transformaciones modernas de la
globalización. La base metodológica consta de métodos como: análisis
sistemático, generalización, sistematización, análisis gráco y tabulador
de conglomerados. Los resultados de los estudios han establecido que las
transformaciones globales tienen un impacto destructivo en los principios
del derecho. Profundizan los procesos de poca claridad en su distinción
a nivel internacional y nacional. Se ha comprobado que en los países de
Europa Central y Oriental los enfoques de la comprensión de los principios
del derecho dieren entre sí. Se ha comprobado que Alemania y Eslovenia
plantean estándares más altos para la aplicación de los principios del
derecho y están más globalizados, que Hungría, Rumanía, Bulgaria y
Croacia. Se ha sugerido que se diseñen medidas especiales en las que los
principios del derecho actúen como instrumento de globalización.
Palabras clave: transformaciones estructurales; globalización; enfoques
metodológicos; principios del derecho; sistema jurídico.
The global transformations observed in today’s world are a consequence
of globalization as a process of world socio-economic, socio-political
and cultural unication and integration into a single space. Under such
conditions, the problem of ensuring civilized relations between people
794 Buryk Myroslav, Natalia Horbova, Andriy Krap, Dmytro Pylypenko y Valeriia Novoshytska
Modern globalization transformations: methodological approaches
and standardizing the basis for regulating changes and transformations of
the phenomena occurring in the system of legal relations is exacerbated.
Evidently, the development of the principles of law in the context of
globalization transformations is subject to various destructive factors.
However, bringing them into a unied form will make it possible to
solve a number of global problems and ensure successful integration into
the unied world legal system. This requires understanding the essence
of the principles of law, the peculiarities of their enforcement depending
on the level of development of the national legal system and the inuence
of modern globalization transformations thereon. This topic is extremely
pressing, little researched and requires in-depth study.
1. Literature review
The dynamics of the modern world make it necessary to align the
phenomena and processes of legal development of states. The strengthening
of globalization factors and the formation of regional groupings have a
signicant impact on international and national legal systems as well,
resulting in signicant disruptive changes. O. Sydorenko (Sydorenko, 2016)
argues that in today’s context, the need to study law under the inuence
of globalization transformations is particularly relevant. The view prevails
that globalization processes apply only to economics, nance, public
administration and society.
In fact, it has a great impact on the legal system at both the international
and national level and, through the principles of law, provides a solid basis
for the formation of a set of tools to anchor and manage globalization
processes. At the same time, the scholar focuses on the interpenetration
of legal principles and posits this process as convergence, assimilation and
integration. They contribute to the legal autonomy of state legal systems
and the denition of cultural identity.
G. Huk (Huk, 2017) notes the threats of globalization transformations
aecting states’ sovereignty and the ‘transparency’ of borders. This brings
to the fore the consideration of legal principles such as non-interference in
the internal aairs of states and the protection of sovereignty and territorial
integrity, which is particularly acute in the present context. At the same
time, Baimuratov et al., (2019) supplement this list with a principle such
as the rule of law and argue that basic fundamental and generally dened
principles of law should be enshrined in legal instruments. Meanwhile,
Ja. Varuhas (Varuhas, 2020) insists that the principle of legality is equally
important, which requires clarity and must be taken into account when
examining the principles of law and identifying the impact of contemporary
globalization transformations on them.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 792-807
Yet A. Atilgan (Atilgan, 2017) sees globalization as a catalyst for
the challenges and transformations of legal principles that, despite the
boundaries of national borders, are in the process of transformation, in
which the challenges and dangers of modernity play a decisive role. T.
Halliday & P. Osinsky (Halliday & Osinsky, 2006) highlight the notion
of the globalization of law, which refers to the worldwide progress of
transnational legal structures.
In today’s context, quite often the focus of scholars is on empirical
research and the evaluation of law, policy and the performance of public
authorities. T. Tyler (Tyler, 2017) positions this as evidence-based law
and emphasizes the particular value of applying empirical methods and
theories of social science in this context. This, according to the scholar,
enables dierent models of legal system development to be tested. A similar
view is held by S. Taekema (Taekema, 2021), who also develops a theory
of empirical evaluations of the principles of law in order to determine the
eectiveness of the legal system and to identify factors inuencing legal
At the same time, O. Minchenko (Minchenko, 2021) has identied that
the principles of law as its form are not distinguished in the context of
globalization transformations, despite the denition of the rule of law as
the basis of national legal systems and the understanding of law as a form
of right corresponding to the principle of rule of law.
S. Skryl (Skryl, 2014) has researched that the convergence of the legal
systems of Central and Eastern European countries is taking place within
the framework of cohabitation in the Western civilisation. It is characterized
by the recognition of human beings, their rights and freedoms as the main
state and social value, and the formation of a common political and legal
space contributes to the unication of legal principles. V. Machuskyy
(Machuskyy, 2020) argues that the development of legal principles within
the legal system depends on the progress of economic development. He
distinguishes between the legal systems of developed countries and the
legal systems of developing countries, which are more sensitive to global
The standardization of approaches to the understanding of principles
of law at the international and national level remains a matter of debate.
Some scholars argue that from the perspective of an international legal
system, principles of law generally apply to all legal systems, while from
the perspective of national law, they apply within the legal system of a
particular country. In this context, O. Pomson (Pomson, 2022) proposes a
solution to this dilemma by harmonizing the principles of national law with
international law, while C. Eggett (Eggett, 2019) considers their frequent
overlap and identity to be acceptable.
796 Buryk Myroslav, Natalia Horbova, Andriy Krap, Dmytro Pylypenko y Valeriia Novoshytska
Modern globalization transformations: methodological approaches
Consequently, theoretical and methodological approaches to
understanding the essence of the principles of law and the impact on them
of global transformations observed in the modern world allow stating
certain inconsistencies. These are driven by dierent types of development
of national legal systems and with their implementation in accordance with
international and European standards, regulations and norms.
2. Research aims.
The aim of this article is to explore the theoretical and methodological
foundations for identifying the main approaches to understanding the
principles of law in contemporary globalization transformations.
3. Materials and methods
The methodological basis of the study consists of methods of
fundamental and economic analysis. Analysis, synthesis and system
analysis have been used to clarify the essence of the principles of law and
determine the place of globalization transformations in the legal system.
The historical-logical method served to explore scientic approaches to
understanding the place and role of the principles of law in contemporary
globalization transformations. Comparison and statistical analysis were
aimed at identifying the main trends in the impact of globalization on the
implementation of the principles of law in modern conditions.
Functional analysis supported the search for ways to improve the
principles of law. Generalization and systematization helped in formulating
hypotheses and drawing conclusions on the results of the study. Graphical
and tabular methods were used to illustrate the outcome indicators. Finally,
cluster analysis allowed for the grouping of Central and Eastern European
countries according to the Globalization Index and the State Instability
The Central and Eastern European countries chosen for the study are
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary,
Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Croatia.
The information base for the study is the 2018-2021 Fragile States Index
Annual Report and Fragility in the World on the Fragile States Index; KOF
Globalization Index and Top 50 Countries in the Globalization Index on the
Globalization Index.
4. Results
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 792-807
The globalization of state and social processes has intensied the
integration aspirations of the subjects of world relations. As a result, there is a
need to unify the basic rules of implementation of the rights and obligations
of the subjects of legal relations. In view of the indicated tendencies the
problem of legal principles has become more acute and has gone beyond
national borders and has spread at the international level. Obviously, this
issue is methodologically complex and contradictory at the international
level, while at the national level it is not so clear-cut. Nevertheless, most
scholars interpret the principles of law as the basic rules and ideas that are
legislated in laws and regulations.
Signicant transformations of a globalizing nature are having a
signicant impact on the entire legal system and the shaping of the
principles of law in particular. While recently globalization was seen as
the innovative mainstream of the world community, today it is undergoing
a systemic crisis. This crisis manifests itself in a radical change of basic
attitudes, and the vector of development is shifting towards regionalisation,
if not localisation. As a consequence, the bifurcation processes which are
observed in the realities of the present provide for constructive and forward-
looking changes to which the legal system, like the principles of law, is all
too sensitive.
Certainly, the basic values of law remain the rule of law, respect for
human dignity, ensuring human rights and freedoms, and the development
of democracy. Nevertheless, the principles of law cannot be reduced only to
externally expressed certain iconic forms. Their institutionalization allows
for the unity, integrity and clear denition of the legal system. Moreover,
some scholars have noted that the classication attributes of the principles
of law dier signicantly when they are examined at the national and
international level.
In particular, a study of the European framework of understanding the
principles of law makes it possible to establish their prevalence in all legal
systems. Moreover, if the principles of law are analyzed in terms of national
jurisprudence, the principles of law are positioned within the legal system
of a particular country according to the criterion of prevalence. With such
features in mind, in Fig. 1 the principles of law are reected according to the
classication features.
798 Buryk Myroslav, Natalia Horbova, Andriy Krap, Dmytro Pylypenko y Valeriia Novoshytska
Modern globalization transformations: methodological approaches
Figure No. 01. Fundamental principles of law according to classication
criteria. Compiled according to: (Koziubra, 2017).
A peculiarity of the classication of legal principles is that there is a
certain overlap in their aliation. In particular, regional and continental
principles of law actually coincide with universal principles, while the
European legal system does not deny such a coincidence, positioning their
conformity and systematicity on the contrary. It is customary to distinguish
civilizational, family law, and national principles of law. Obviously, each of
these groups has its own characteristics as well as common and distinctive
features. Nevertheless, all of them, without exception, are aimed at
protecting human and civil rights and freedoms and are equally aected by
global transformations.
With this in mind, it is suggested to investigate the main trends in the
level of globalization of the main social processes in the countries of Central
and Eastern Europe and to identify destructive factors in the development
of the principles of law in them. It is advisable to conduct the study on the
basis of the analysis of the Globalization Index, which makes it possible
to determine the degree of globalization of a country and involves the
assessment of state parameters according to such criteria as: (1) economy;
(2) politics; (3) society.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 792-807
The empirical calculations shown in Figure 2 reveal a mixed picture
of globalization in the countries of the group in question. In particular,
Germany’s economy, politics, and society are most deeply aected by
globalization (GI: 86,89–88,83), Czech Republic (GI: 83,41–85,60) and
Hungary (GI: 83,83–84,98), and the lowest rates are observed in Latvia
(GI: 75,42–80,57), Romania (GI: 77,88–79,74) and in Bulgaria (GI: 79,52–
Figure No. 02. State and dynamics of the Globalization Index in Central and
Eastern Europe in 2018-2021. Calculated according to: (KOF Globalization
Index, 2018–2020; Top 50 Countries in the Globalization Index, 2021).
At the same time, it should be noted that the development of the principles
of law in contemporary globalization transformations is characterized by
a regional dimension and conrms the systemic crisis of globalization. At
the same time, there have been some positive shifts in this direction. In
particular, the countries chosen for analysis belong to a regional alliance,
the European Union, and position themselves to comply with the norms of
European law. Accordingly, national legal systems are harmonized as much
as possible with European law and are systematically codied.
The principles of law implemented in Germany, Poland and Croatia
form the basis of their legal systems belonging to the Romano-Germanic
family of law. They reect the tradition of Roman law, are of high quality
and are structured in a way that allows for an understanding of the aims
and purposes.
In the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia, the principles of law
reect the basic functioning of their national legal systems, which belong
800 Buryk Myroslav, Natalia Horbova, Andriy Krap, Dmytro Pylypenko y Valeriia Novoshytska
Modern globalization transformations: methodological approaches
to the German branch of the continental legal family. They are oriented
towards ensuring the rule of law, declaring the protection of human and
civil rights and the development of democracy.
Hungary belongs to the Romano-Germanic family of law, and its legal
system has developed on a European basis. The peculiarity of the principles
of law in Hungary is that they can be dened by the Constitutional Court,
whose competence includes the cancellation of legal regulations. The legal
principles of Bulgaria and Romania are modelled on the German and
French legal systems, but contain many elements of Soviet legal thinking.
Such trends need increased attention from the international community
and constant monitoring of the state of implementation of human and civil
rights and freedoms in these countries.
The implementation of the principles of law in the Baltic States (Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania) takes place in close cooperation between the national law
subjects and is aimed at ensuring the rule of law in society.
Meanwhile, an assessment of the validity and eectiveness of the
principles of law in Central and Eastern Europe should include a study of
the stability of the processes and phenomena taking place on their territory.
It is proposed that this be undertaken using the State Instability Index,
which aims to provide an assessment of a country’s vulnerability to conict
and the potential loss of sovereignty and territorial integrity. In addition, it
aims to identify vulnerabilities, threats and extraneous interference in state
The results of the research conducted on the state and dynamics of the
Fragile States Index in Central and Eastern Europe in 2018-2021 (Figure
3) reveal the following trends: Germany is considered the most stable over
the whole period under review (FSI: 23,2–25,8) and Slovenia (FSI: 25,8–
30,3), which showed the lowest values of the indicator in question. At the
same time, Bulgaria (FSI: 49,2–51,7), Hungary (FSI: 47,6–51,1), Romania
(FSI: 46,7–51,0) and Croatia (FSI: 46,1–49,8) were found to be the most
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 792-807
Figure No. 03. State and Dynamics of the Fragile States Index in Central and
Eastern Europe in 2018-202. 1Calculated according to: (Fund for Peace. Fragile
States Index Annual Report, 2019–2021; Fragility in the World. Fragile States
Index, 2022).
Note that there is a trend where the state stability of countries does
not depend on their level of globalization. In particular, Germany has the
highest values of globalization and the lowest in relation to state instability.
As for the Czech Republic and Hungary, the hypothesis is conrmed: with
suciently high values of the Globalization Index, state instability is at a
high level.
It is reasonable to deepen our research towards identifying common and
distinctive features among Central and Eastern European countries with
respect to globalization and state instability in 2018-2021. Therefore, it is
proposed to make calculations using the Statistical 7.0 software package,
based on k-means cluster analysis technology, and to systematize the
results in Table 1.
Table 1. Grouping of Central and Eastern European countries according to the
Globalization Index and the Fragile States Index in 2018-2021.
2018 2019 2020 2021
Country Cluster
number Country Cluster
number Country Cluster
number Country Cluster
802 Buryk Myroslav, Natalia Horbova, Andriy Krap, Dmytro Pylypenko y Valeriia Novoshytska
Modern globalization transformations: methodological approaches
Germany 1 Germany 1 Germany 1 Germany 1
Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia
Estonia 2 Estonia 2 Estonia 2 Estonia 2
Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia
Lithuania Lithuania Lithuania Lithuania
Republic Czech
Republic Czech
Republic Czech
Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia
Poland Poland Poland Poland
Hungary 3 Hungary 3 Hungary 3 Hungary 3
Romania Romania Romania Romania
Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria
Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia
Calculated according to: (KOF Globalization Index, 2018–2020; Top 50 Countries in the
Globalization Index, 2021; Fund for Peace. Fragile States Index Annual Report, 2019–2021;
Fragility in the World. Fragile States Index, 2022).
As the results of this study indicate, three stable groups of countries
in Central and Eastern Europe stand out throughout the period under
analysis, sharing common features of globalization and state stability.
The rst group includes Germany and Slovenia, which have positioned
themselves as highly globalized countries with fairly high indicators of
state stability. In such countries, the legal system is built on democratic
principles and is sensitive to the interests of the individual and the citizen.
It protects their rights and freedoms, whereas the principles of law regulate
the organizational and legal mechanisms of state and society.
The second group consists of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and
Lithuania) and the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. They are
characterized as countries with an average level of legal development. The
implementation of the principles of law in them occurs with occasional
irregularities. The level of state instability is also assessed as mediocre,
requiring appropriate measures to improve the organizational and legal
mechanisms for the development of the state and society.
The third group includes Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia,
which have not completed the processes of transformational change, have
rather low globalization rates and high levels of state instability. Moreover,
individual countries have been too slow in transitioning from the Soviet
model of development to the European one and still show a pro-Russian
stance, in particular Hungary. Accordingly, the implementation of legal
principles is heavily inuenced by power structures. The enforcement and
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 792-807
protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is questioned and not
fully implemented.
Consequently, the results of the research conducted prove dierent
levels of understanding of the principles of law in individual countries. The
highest level of implementation is common for countries with a higher level
of development.
5. Discussion
The research of theoretical and methodological foundations to identify
the main approaches to understanding the principles of law in modern
globalization transformations indicates a signicant impact on the principles
of law of globalization processes, which are in a state of systemic crisis at the
present stage. A weighty factor of the crisis period is regionalization, which
is exacerbated in conditions of instability and non-standard challenges, and
also forms regional peculiarities of the development of the legal system.
The study has shown that the countries of Central and Eastern Europe,
being part of a regional association such as the European Union, share
common features of national legal systems. Therefore, the principles of law
comply with European norms and standards. Nevertheless, some of the
countries in the group under review have retained elements of the Soviet
legal system, which results in violations of legal principles and calls into
question the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms.
The countries of Central and Eastern Europe have been grouped into
three clusters, indicating dierent levels of development of the legal system
and legal principles under the inuence of global transformations. The
rst cluster combines high achievements in the development of the legal
system as a whole and of legal principles. In particular, it is positioned on a
high level of globalisation and state stability, achieved through quality and
ecient legislation and regulation (Germany and Slovenia). The second
group of countries shows an average performance and has isolated problems
with the eciency of the legal system and the protection of human and civil
rights and freedoms. However, considerable eorts have been made to
neutralize and minimize destabilizing factors (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland).
The third group consists of transitional countries, which have
been indirectly aected by globalization processes. However, they are
characterized by a high level of state instability. As a consequence, the legal
system is characterized by a signicant number of negative trends, and the
principles of law are not fully implemented.
804 Buryk Myroslav, Natalia Horbova, Andriy Krap, Dmytro Pylypenko y Valeriia Novoshytska
Modern globalization transformations: methodological approaches
It is therefore advisable to introduce reforms in the third group of
countries and to develop a set of measures for the sustainable development
of the legal systems in these countries.
Thus, the conducted research of theoretical and methodological
foundations on identifying the main approaches to the understanding of
the principles of law in modern globalization transformations allowed to
obtain the results conrming that globalization has a signicant impact
on the indicators of development of legal systems in Central and Eastern
Europe. It has been established that the principles of law are positioned as
basic rules and ideas that are enshrined at the state level in legislative and
regulatory acts and are generally binding for all subjects of legal relations.
A lack of clarity in the distinction between the principles of law at the
international and national level has been identied.
It consists in extending the principles of law to all legal systems in
accordance with the international concept and limiting them within one
country in terms of the national concept. It has been shown that Central
and Eastern European countries enforce the principles of law equally,
which depends on the functioning of their national legal systems, their level
of development, globalization, and their ability to ensure state stability.
Germany and Slovenia have been found to have higher standards of legal
regulation of relations and the principles of law have been implemented
to a greater extent there compared to developing countries. In particular,
Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia are more exposed to destabilizing
factors, which calls for the development and implementation of appropriate
measures in which the principles of law will act as an instrument of
globalization and a means of managing it.
Thus, the conducted studies of the theoretical and methodological
fundamentals on identifying the main approaches in order to understand
the principles of law in modern globalization transformations have made
it possible to obtain certain results. They testify that globalization has a
signicant impact on the indicators of the developing the legal systems
of the Central and Eastern European states. It has been established that
the principles of law are positioned as the basic rules and ideas. They are
enshrined at the state level in legislative and regulatory legal acts, and they
are universally binding on all subjects of legal relations.
The lack of clarity in distinguishing the principles of law at the
international and national level has been revealed, which lies in spreading
the principles of law to all legal systems in accordance with the international
concept, and in limiting their eect within one country in terms of the
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 792-807
national concept. It has been identied that the main principles of law,
depending on the classication features, are divided into universal,
regional-continental, civilizational, right-of-family and national ones.
Their development in the conditions of modern globalization
transformations takes place under the inuence of regionalization, which
conrms the systemic crisis of globalization. It has been proven that the
countries of Central and Eastern Europe do not ensure the implementation
of the principles of law to the same extent, which depends on the features
of functioning of their national legal systems, the development level,
globalization and the ability to ensure state stability.
It has been established that the standards of legal regulation of
relations are higher in Germany and Slovenia, and the principles of law
are implemented to a greater extent. Along with this, developing countries,
in particular, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia, are exposed to
greater inuence of destabilizing factors, which requires the development
and implementation of appropriate measures, according to which the
principles of law will act as an instrument of globalization and a means of
its management.
It has been found that Germany and Slovenia are more globalized (GI:
86,89–88,83) and (GI: 79,76–81,21) than developing countries (Hungary
(GI: 83,83–84,98), Romania (GI: 77,88–79,74), Bulgaria (GI: 79,52–80,78)
and Croatia (GI: 79,04–81,49). At the same time, it has been revealed that
higher indicators of state stability are observed in the countries of the rst
group, while these indicators are signicantly lower in developing countries.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 75