Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 75
Recibido el 08/10/2022 Aceptado el 26/11/2022
ISSN 0798-1406 ~ Depósito legal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 75 (2022), 550-568
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
State Regulation of the Higher
Education System in the Context of
Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov *
Svitlana Filyppova **
Volodymyr Lagodiienko ***
Vitaliy Goletc ****
Denys Krylov *****
Hanna Svinarova ******
The purpose of the article was to study the processes of state
regulation of the higher education system in Ukraine in the
context of ensuring the autonomy of universities. General and
special scientic methods were used in the research process. It was
determined that the target priorities of the regulation of higher education
system development are: a) regulatory inuences on higher education
institutions; b) promotion of the level of investment attractiveness of the
higher education system; c) optimization of the use of limited nancial
resourcesn and; d) improvement of approaches to distribution of state
orders for personnel training for the national economy, which further
includes: state nancing of research works carried out by higher education
institutions. In conclusion, it has been proved that in order to ensure
modernization changes in the higher education system, it is necessary
* D.Sc. in Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Research and
Certication of Scientic Personnel Department, State Scientic Institution «Institute of Education
Content Modernization», 36 Metropolitan Vasil Lypkivsky Str., 03035, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** D.Sc. in Economics, Professor, Director of Institute of Business, Economics and Information
Technology of Odesa Polytechnic National University, 1 Shevchenko Avenue, 65044, Odesa, Ukraine.
*** D.Sc. in Economics, Professor, Department os Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Odesa
National University of Technology, 112 Kanatna Str., 65039, Odesa, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
**** PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of Law, Philosophy and Political Science, T. H.
Shevchenko National Unviversity «Chernihiv Colehium», 53 Hetman Polubotka Avenue, 14013,
Chernihiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** D.Sc. in Economics, Associate Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine, Department of Finance,
Baking and Insurance, Zaporizhzhia National University, 66 Zhukovsky Str., 69061, Zaporizhzhia,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
****** D.Sc. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing, Institute
of Business, Economics and Information Technology of Odesa Polytechnic National University, 1
Shevchenko Avenue, 65044, Odesa, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 550-568
to stimulate enterprises to cooperate with universities in the spheres of
education and scientic research; to stimulate the inow of investment
resources from the business sector into the higher education system and
to improve specic nancial support tools for higher education institutions
and enterprises developing cooperation with universities.
Keywords: higher education; globalization; state regulation; educational
policy; university autonomy.
Regulación Estatal del Sistema de Educación
Superior en el Contexto de Asegurar la Autonomía de las
El propósito del artículo fue estudiar los procesos de regulación estatal
del sistema de educación superior en Ucrania en el contexto de garantizar la
autonomía de las universidades. En el proceso de investigación se utilizaron
métodos cientícos generales y especiales. Se determinó que las prioridades
objetivo de la regulación del desarrollo del sistema de educación superior
son: a) inuencias regulatorias en las instituciones de educación superior;
b) promoción del nivel de atractivo de inversión del sistema de educación
superior; c) optimización del uso de recursos nancieros limitadosn y;
d) mejora de enfoques para distribución de pedidos estatales para la
formación de personal para la economía nacional, lo que incluye ademas:
nanciación estatal de trabajos de investigación realizados por instituciones
de educación superior. A modo de conclusión, se ha comprobado que para
garantizar cambios de modernización en el sistema de educación superior,
es necesario estimular a las empresas a cooperar con las universidades en
las esferas de la educación y la investigación cientíca; estimular la entrada
de recursos de inversión del sector empresarial al sistema de educación
superior y mejora de las herramientas de apoyo nanciero especícas
para instituciones de educación superior y empresas que desarrollan la
cooperación con las universidades.
Palabras clave: educación superior; globalización; regulación estatal;
política educativa; autonomía de las universidades.
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov, Svitlana Filyppova, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Vitaliy Goletc, Denys
Krylov y Hanna Svinarova
State Regulation of the Higher Education System in the Context of Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
At the current stage of development, higher education is undergoing
signicant transformations, as a result of which new characteristics and
features are being formed. There is an imbalance between the eectiveness
of the functioning of higher education and the needs of the labor market
due to certain factors, such as the lack of funds for its nancing, etc., as a
result of which this aspect must be given special attention.
At the same time, in permanent crisis conditions or their intensication,
innovative shifts in both the economy in general and the higher education
system in particular are needed, which are aimed at its ability to take a
leading position in positive transformations of the socio-economic and
innovation systems.
In the conditions of the market and capitalist economy, the management
of the educational process becomes more complicated, the role of civil
society and self-governance of educational institutions in regulating the
process of higher education management is increasing. But, as before,
the performance of all elements of the educational system depends on the
eciency of higher education management bodies.
Today, education is the same sphere of market relations as industry,
construction, nancial and credit and other systems and needs greater
autonomy to be able to quickly respond to new challenges caused by
globalization, European integration processes and too low, compared to
other EU countries, population welfare.
The purpose of the article is to study the processes of state regulation
of the higher education system in Ukraine in the context of ensuring the
universities’ autonomy.
1. Literature Review
At the stage of signicant transformations of the national economic
system and its integration into the world environment, the system of higher
education becomes extremely important. In the conditions of permanent
instability and crisis phenomena and the strengthening of migration
processes, the sphere of education becomes one of the main components of
acquiring strategic competitive advantages of the country and an activator
of its further development.
The education sector as an element of the economic system is the leading
direction of development of any country, as it is responsible for the quality
characteristics and competitiveness of human resources, which are one of
its main resources in the conditions of the modern economy.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 550-568
The category «higher education» is interpreted as a certain process of
mastering by a certain person general experience, values, etc.; a special
component of social life; as a way of self-development and development;
a specic sociocultural phenomenon aimed at mastering knowledge, skills,
and developing intellectual potential (Bazhenkov et al., 2020; Cosmulese et
al., 2019; Djakona et al., 2021; Obushna et al., 2021).
The study of many scientic sources on the subject of education and higher
education (Djakona et al., 2020; Kholiavko et al., 2022; Shaposhnykova et
al., 2022; Zhavoronok et al., 2021) made it possible to draw the following
conclusions: rstly, it is observed lack of a unied understanding of the
category “education”; secondly, the study of scientic sources testies to
the complexity, multifacetedness and multifacetedness of this term, which
includes a system of a type of activity, and an organized specic process,
and practical activity in social and cultural spheres, and the consequence
of functioning. On the basis of the studied variety of interpretations of the
above-mentioned category, the following approaches to its understanding
can be singled out (Fig. 1).
At the same time, it should be noted that higher education is an essential
component in the context of ensuring sustainable development in the
conditions of the spread of the knowledge economy, which inuences the
development of both education in general and higher education in particular
(Popelo, 2017; Tulchynska et al., 2022).
In the conditions of rapid improvement of modern society, the degree
of importance of education, which contributes to the eective functioning
of the state system, active growth and development of the economy, the
eld of science and technology, is dicult to overestimate. A high level of
development of the education system is the basis of the socio-economic and
socio-cultural well-being of society.
Fig. 1. Approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of «education»
Source: systematized by the authors.
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov, Svitlana Filyppova, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Vitaliy Goletc, Denys
Krylov y Hanna Svinarova
State Regulation of the Higher Education System in the Context of Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
Studying the process of transformation regarding the understanding of
the concept of «higher education», it should be noted that certain shifts in
its interpretation are noticeable. Thus, there was a gradual understanding
of this concept as a set of knowledge, abilities, skills and competences
that students of higher education receive. The further development of the
educational sphere makes it possible to interpret this denition not only as a
social institution aimed at the transfer of knowledge, skills, a certain system
of views and values, but also the creation of such competencies that become
relevant in the conditions of innovative and technological development, in
particular: the formation of creative skills and skills, permanent learning,
development and self-development, production of new ideas, etc.
This approach makes it possible to integrate elements of higher
education into the labor market at the stage of the educational process,
which guarantees their need in certain areas of employment, increases the
level of competitiveness, and ensures sustainable development. Also, higher
education becomes a center for the formation of a favorable environment
for the implementation of scientic activities aimed at the creation of
scientic developments.
State regulation of the sphere of education is a system of economic,
social, legal, political and organizational forms and methods of directing
inuence on the subjects of educational processes, which creates conditions
for their realization of those goals and tasks that would simultaneously
correspond to the strategic interests of the state and direct interests the
subjects themselves (Grosu et al., 2021; Derhaliuk et al., 2021). In this, the
state inuence should be felt both on the side of the demand for education
and on the side of the supply of educational services.
In scientic publications (Arkorful et al., 2015; Habib et al., 2021;
Johnston et al., 2018; Jones et al., 2012; Kholiavko et al., 2021; Zhavoronok
et al., 2022) investigated the regulatory policy and the role of e-learning,
advantages and disadvantages of its implementation in higher education,
and also in the works of scientists (Milos et al., 2021; Popelo et al., 2022)
the issues of development of the higher education system in the context of
sustainable development of the country are analyzed.
Despite the large number of publications on education and higher
education, currently important issues of state regulation of the higher
education system in particular remain insuciently researched, as
evidenced by the global statistics of bibliographic analysis of published
articles in the Web of Science database (150 articles in total).
Research on regulation of the higher education system according to Web
of Science was rst published in 6 articles in 1970. The world centers for
the activation of research by scientists in the eld of state regulation of the
higher education system based on the analysis of publications in the Web
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 550-568
of Science database today are: USA (32 articles), Spain (15 articles), Brasil
(8 articles), Australia (7 articles), Belgium ( 6 articles) and others. The key
directions of these studies are presented in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Graphic map of keywords in publications, in which titles the word “state
regulation of the higher education system” is met. Source: compiled by the
author based on the analysis of the Web of Science database and using the tools
of the VOSviewer program. These arguments determined the choice of the topic
of scientic research, denition of its purpose, tasks and structure.
2. Methodology
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was both special
and general methods of scientic research. When determining the topicality
of the topic, bibliometric and dialectical methods of scientic knowledge
were taken as a basis, which were used to rank scientic research in the
eld of state regulation of the higher education system using the VOSviewer
The methods of information collection, analysis, processing and
systematization were also used in determining the levers and target priorities
of the application of economic methods in regulating the modernization
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov, Svitlana Filyppova, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Vitaliy Goletc, Denys
Krylov y Hanna Svinarova
State Regulation of the Higher Education System in the Context of Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
processes of the higher education system. Abstract-logical method - for
forming conclusions and proposals regarding the state regulation of the
higher education system in Ukraine. The graphic method is intended for
visual representation of the results of this study.
3. Results
At the current stage of the development of the education system, the
unication of the eorts of the state and society in solving the problems
of higher education, the provision of professorial teaching is relevant.
members and representatives of the public, in the form of parents or ocial
representatives, the possibility of choosing the content, forms and methods
of education, creating conditions for the comprehensive development of
the student within the framework of the implementation of the concept of
state-public management of the higher education system.
Eective reform of higher education in Ukraine can bring additional
nancial income to the state budget, lay the groundwork for a favorable
investment climate for foreign investors. Therefore, the decentralization of
the eld of education, which began with the implementation of the Law «On
Higher Education», expands the autonomy of universities, giving them the
opportunity to independently carry out educational, scientic, educational
activities and bear responsibility for the level of training of specialists.
It is possible to implement the provisions of the above-mentioned
law in practice, provided that the state creates appropriate conditions for
providers of educational services, and not due to the implementation of
direct management of this sphere by the state. The main problem in the
conditions of the growing autonomy of higher education institutions is the
establishment of rational limits of state regulation, improvement of existing
and development of its new mechanisms, adequate to modern challenges
and trends in the development of the educational market.
To date, despite the foundations of university autonomy laid down by
law, in fact higher education institutions have not acquired it. According to
the EAU methodology, the level of autonomy of universities is measured by
four components: academic, nancial, organizational, personnel. Although
Ukraine is not included in the list of EUA autonomy rating countries, within
the framework of the ATHENA project, supported by the European Union
TEMPUS program, a study of the state of autonomy of Ukrainian universities
was conducted based on the existing experience of rating countries.
The results showed that changes in the legislation of Ukraine made it
possible to achieve certain shifts in the direction of increasing the level
of organizational (from 44% to 68%) and academic autonomy (from
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 550-568
51% to 57%). The level of organizational autonomy remains low in terms
of the components of organizational autonomy related to the selection
of the manager, criteria for his candidacy, the removal procedure, the
establishment of the term of oce, as well as the right of the institution
to invite persons who are not its employees to its management bodies.
Regarding academic autonomy, the lack of rights in the institution to
independently determine admission rules remains a weak point.
Limiting factors in the processes of modernization of the higher
education system can be dened as (Table 1):
1. nancial disincentives: reduction of budget funding; lack of
private investment; slow pace of attracting foreign investments;
underdevelopment of university endowment funds; low rates
of commercialization of university research results; insucient
nancial autonomy of higher education institutions; shortcomings
in the organization of nancial management both at the national
and local levels;
2. normative and legal factors: instability of the legislative framework
in the spheres of higher education, regulation of entrepreneurial
activity, foreign investment, taxation; insucient level of
harmonization of current national legislation with European norms;
incomplete coherence of the provisions of normative legal acts in
the eld of higher education;
3. material and technical factors: outdated equipment of educational
and scientic laboratories of the vast majority of institutions of
higher education; slow pace of introduction of modern information
and communication technologies in educational and research
processes; slow updating of prole, professional software; low level
of development of innovative infrastructure at universities;
4. socio-economic barriers: political, economic, geopolitical, social
instability in the country, which is accompanied by a frequent
change in the priorities of foreign economic, scientic and technical,
innovative, educational activities; decit of the state budget, which
in the analyzed context means the formation of a tendency to reduce
state funding of higher education; demographic and migration
problems of the country;
5. endogenous disincentives: low adaptability of individual institutions
of higher education; unpreparedness and resistance to innovative
changes on the part of employees of universities and institutes;
outdated methods of university management; the low level of
exibility of individual educational institutions and, as a result,
their inability to adequately and promptly respond to the demands
of the exogenous environment.
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov, Svitlana Filyppova, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Vitaliy Goletc, Denys
Krylov y Hanna Svinarova
State Regulation of the Higher Education System in the Context of Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
Table No. 01. Targeted priorities for the application of economic methods in
regulating the processes of modernization of the higher education system
The target priority
of regulating the
development of the
higher education system
The target priority of
ensuring modernization
changes in the higher
education system
regulation Regulatory inuences
on institutions of higher
Encouraging enterprises to
cooperate with universities in
education and research
regulation Helping to increase the level
of investment attractiveness
of the higher education
Stimulation of the inow of
investment resources from the
entrepreneurial sector into the
higher education system
and credit
Optimizing the use of limited
nancial resources Improvement of targeted nancial
support tools for higher education
institutions and enterprises
developing cooperation with
universities and institutes
regulation Improvement of approaches
to: distribution of state orders
for personnel training for
the national economy; state
funding of research works
carried out by institutions of
higher education
Implementation of tools for
targeted support of projects,
which involves the development
of cooperation between higher
education institutions and the
business and public sectors
Source: systematized by the authors.
The choice of institutional levers for ensuring the adaptability of higher
education is based on taking into account the following aspects:
1. complexity in regulation, which is explained by the complex
structure of relationships between stakeholders;
2. the dynamism of the institutional environment, which is manifested
in changes in the development trends of individual institutions and
the nature of relations between subjects of the higher education
3. the destructiveness of the inuence of exogenous environmental
factors on the processes of ensuring the adaptability of the higher
education system;
4. the diculty of synchronizing the activities of institutional subjects,
caused by diculties in harmonizing their interests and goals.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 550-568
Table No. 02. Levers of ensuring the adaptability of the national system of
higher education
Class Characteristics of
constituent elements
Justication of the use
of levers in ensuring
the adaptability of the
higher education system
levers Implementation of strategic
planning; promotion of the
development of external
contacts, research and
innovation activities,
personnel support of
the national economy,
control over the quality of
educational services
Ensuring purposeful
development of the
higher education system
in accordance with state
strategic priorities and
current trends in the global
educational environment.
Formation of prerequisites
for increasing the
competitiveness of domestic
institutions of higher
education and increasing
the quality of educational
and legal
Current legislation, its
harmonization with
international legal norms;
strategies, concepts, etc.
Creation of a favorable legal
eld for the interaction of
institutional subjects
Financial and
credit levers Development of the practice
of educational lending;
preferential lending
Creation of a favorable
nancial and credit
environment for economic
entities developing
cooperation with higher
education institutions
Tax levers Preferential taxation,
optimization of the tax
Promoting the formation
of a favorable investment
climate in the eld of higher
education; stimulating
business sector entities to
invest in the educational
and research activities of
Social and
psychological Informational and
promotional activity in
Ukrainian society and abroad
Formation of a positive
image of the domestic
system of higher education
and the reputation of its
subjects at the national and
international level
Source: systematized by the authors.
Table 2 systematizes the institutional levers that, in our opinion, can
be eectively used by state institutions in the process of ensuring the
adaptability of the higher education system to the current turbulent
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov, Svitlana Filyppova, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Vitaliy Goletc, Denys
Krylov y Hanna Svinarova
State Regulation of the Higher Education System in the Context of Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
conditions of the development of the national economy and its gradual
transition to information-based functioning.
The levers presented in the table should be implemented under the
conditions of their optimized combination with a predominance of
elements that have an indirect inuence (nancial and credit, tax, social
and psychological levers). With regard to administrative and regulatory
levers, it is necessary to emphasize the problem of low legal culture of the
country’s population, which is often manifested in incomplete or selective
compliance with current legislation.
The improvement of the institutional environment for ensuring the
adaptability of the higher education system to the conditions of the
information economy is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of
universities and reducing the risks of the destructive inuence of exogenous
environmental factors. At the same time, emphasis should be placed on
creating a favorable climate for investing in the elds of education and
science by introducing relevant norms and rules with the help of state
mechanisms of economic and legal regulation. The imperfection of the
institutional environment in Ukraine is explained by:
1. the obsolescence of formal institutions, their inconsistency with
the modern realities of the formation of the information economy
- incomplete observance of property and intellectual property
rights, in particular, problems of the development of the nancial
market (including in terms of educational lending), unsatisfactory
technical and technological equipment of universities, low rates of
implementation of information and communication technologies,
mediocre quality of educational services, etc.;
2. the underdevelopment of informal institutions - the low level of
activity of the public sector in the development of higher education,
innovative culture and trust in society;
3. the existence of institutional traps.
We have grouped the main subjects of the higher education system by
1. global (elements of the management subsystem) - international
organizations in the eld of education (UNESCO - the United Nations
International Commission for the Development of Education,
Science and Culture; Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development; International Monetary Fund; World Bank;
Council of Europe; International Association universities; the
European Center of Higher Education; the European Association
of Higher Education Institutions; the Association of Specialists in
International Education; the Union of National Student Unions of
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 550-568
Europe, etc.), the separation of which is justied by the growing
globalization of the educational environment, the intensication of
the processes of integration of national systems of higher education
into the global space and the active inuence of these organizations
on the policy of countries in the eld of education and science and
competition in the domestic markets of educational services;
2. national (mainly elements of the governing subsystem) - state
organizations and institutions in the eld of education and science
(the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; the Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine; the National Agency for Quality
Assurance of Higher Education; the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine,
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine,
the Institute for Modernization of the Content of Education, the
Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions, the Ukrainian
Association of Students, etc.), which exert a direct inuence on the
reformation and modernization processes in the country’s higher
education system;
3. local (elements of the managed subsystem) - institutions of higher
education (including administrative, scientic and pedagogical
and student sta) that are present in the domestic market of
educational services of the country (including foreign universities,
the functioning of which exacerbates competition in the market).
Table No. 03. Powers of state authorities in the eld of higher education,
according to the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education»
BodyAuthority, according to the Law of Ukraine
Сabinet of
Ministers of
1) ensures the implementation of state policy in the eld of higher
2) organizes the development, approves and ensures the implementation
of national programs for the development of the sphere of higher
3) ensures the development and implementation of measures to create
a material and technical base and other conditions necessary for the
development of higher education;
4) issues normative legal acts on higher education issues within the
limits of its authority;
5) directly or through a body authorized by him, exercises the rights of
the founder, provided for by this and other laws of Ukraine, in relation
to state-owned institutions of higher education;
6) creates eective mechanisms for the realization of the rights of
higher education institutions, scientic, scientic-pedagogical and
pedagogical workers and persons studying in higher education
institutions provided for by the Law;
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov, Svitlana Filyppova, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Vitaliy Goletc, Denys
Krylov y Hanna Svinarova
State Regulation of the Higher Education System in the Context of Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
7) ensures broad participation of independent experts and
representatives of the public, employers and persons studying in
higher education institutions in the preparation and adoption of
draft regulations and other decisions related to the regulation of the
interaction of the components of the higher education system and its
functioning as a whole;
8) establishes special conditions for the training of specialists in
priority high-tech areas in accordance with state target programs;
9) ensures monitoring of compliance with the legislation on higher
10) ensures the implementation of control over compliance with the
restrictions established by the Law when approving the composition of
the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education;
11) approves the composition of the National Agency for Quality
Assurance of Higher Education and, in the cases established by the
Law, terminates the powers of members of the National Agency for
Quality Assurance of Higher Education
The central
body of
power in
the eld of
education and
1) develops a strategy and programs for the development of higher
education and submits them for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine;
2) participates in the formation and implementation of state policy in
the eld of higher education, science, training of specialists with higher
3) systematically monitors and analyzes the needs of the domestic
labor market, makes proposals regarding the scope and directions of
state support for the training of specialists with higher education;
4) conducts analytical and prognostic activities in the eld of higher
education, determines the trends of its development, the inuence of
the demographic, ethnic, socio-economic situation, the infrastructure
of the production and non-production spheres, forms strategic
directions for the development of higher education taking into account
scientic and technical progress and other factors, summarizes world
and domestic experience of higher education development;
5) carries out international cooperation on issues within its competence;
6) ensures the functioning of the Unied State Electronic Database on
7) forms a list of elds of knowledge and a list of specialties for which
higher education applicants are trained, in particular at the request of
the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education, and
submits them for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
8) approves forms of documents on higher education (scientic
degrees) of the state model;
9) carries out licensing of educational activities in the eld of higher
education and control over compliance with the requirements of
licensing conditions in accordance with legislation;
10) forms proposals and places a state order for the training of specialists
with higher education in the manner established by legislation;
11) promotes employment of graduates of higher education institutions;
12) approves the list of specialties for which admission to study is
carried out taking into account the level of creative and/or physical
abilities of entrants;
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 550-568
13) on behalf of and within the limits established by the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine, implements the rights and duties of the authorized
body in relation to state-founded institutions of higher education;
14) establishes the procedure for certication of teaching sta of higher
education institutions for assigning them qualication categories
and teaching titles in accordance with the procedure established by
15) forms an attestation board, which, based on the principles of
transparency and openness, approves decisions of the academic
councils of higher education institutions (scientic institutions) on
awarding scientic and scientic-pedagogical employees the academic
titles of senior researcher, associate professor and professor, organizes
its work, considers the issue of depriving these titles , draws up and
issues relevant certicates, as well as considers appeals against the
decisions of the certication board;
16) develops and approves standards of higher education and standards
of educational activity in agreement with the National Agency for
Quality Assurance of Higher Education, publishes them on its ocial
17) approves, in agreement with the National Agency for Quality
Assurance of Higher Education, the procedure for recognition of
higher education degrees and scientic degrees obtained in foreign
institutions of higher education and carries out the procedure for their
recognition, except for the cases provided for by the Law;
18) at the request of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of
Higher Education, approves the procedure for awarding academic
degrees by specialized academic councils of institutions of higher
education (scientic institutions) and submits it for approval to the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
19) establishes the procedure for awarding academic titles to scientic
and scientic-pedagogical workers by institutions of higher education
and scientic institutions, as well as the procedure for depriving them
of academic titles;
20) issues normative legal acts on higher education issues in the cases
stipulated by the Law;
21) at the request of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of
Higher Education, approves regulations on accreditation of educational
programs and the procedure for institutional accreditation;
22) develops licensing conditions for carrying out educational activities
in the eld of higher education and submits them for approval to the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
22-) develops the procedure for training applicants for the degree
of doctor of philosophy and doctor of science in higher education
institutions (scientic institutions) and submits them for approval to
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
23) develops provisions on the procedure for implementing the right
to academic mobility and submits it for approval to the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine;
24) determines the standards of material, technical and nancial
support of institutions of higher education in accordance with the
procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
25) exercises other powers in accordance with legislation
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov, Svitlana Filyppova, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Vitaliy Goletc, Denys
Krylov y Hanna Svinarova
State Regulation of the Higher Education System in the Context of Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
State bodies
sphere of
of higher
1) participate in the implementation of state policy in the eld of higher
education, science, professional training of specialists, in licensing of
educational activities carried out by institutions of higher education;
2) form proposals and place a state order for the training of specialists
with higher education in the manner established by legislation;
3) participate in determining the standards of material, technical and
nancial support of institutions of higher education;
4) promote the employment of graduates of higher education
institutions belonging to the sphere of their management, carry out
the distribution of graduates of higher military educational institutions
(higher education institutions with specic training conditions) for
further service and provide graduates of other higher education
institutions with information about the availability of vacancies in legal
persons regardless of the form of ownership and subordination for
possible employment;
5) analyze the quality of educational activities of institutions of higher
education that belong to the sphere of their management;
6) directly or through a body authorized by them, exercise the rights
and obligations of the founder, provided for by this and other laws of
Ukraine, in relation to institutions of higher education that belong to
the sphere of their management;
7) exercise other powers in accordance with legislation
Source: systematized by the authors.
In Ukraine, in accordance with the Law «On Higher Education» (2014),
higher education institutions have been granted autonomy in drawing up
curricula, and each educational institution can, at its own discretion, set
mandatory disciplines for studying in one or another specialty. This makes
it possible to respond more promptly to modern challenges.
Purposeful inuence on the processes of ensuring the adaptability
of the higher education system in order to bring it into line with the key
challenges of the information economy and the global educational space
requires coordination of activities, coordination of interests and analysis of
the systemic properties of key subjects.
The scientic problem is that ensuring the adaptability of the higher
education system requires synchronizing and organizing the interaction of
systems that are characterized by fundamentally dierent characteristics,
which have dierent natures and patterns of development, corresponding
to the laws of systems theory or theoretical provisions of synergy. Based
on this, we consider it expedient to justify the system-synergistic research
paradigm of the outlined problem.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 550-568
Thus, the study of the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the state
regulation of the higher education system on the example of Ukraine made
it possible to conclude that the improvement of the state regulation of the
higher education system involves the optimization of the administrative and
legal mechanism, the expansion of society’s participation in management,
the further development of academic freedoms and the autonomy of
educational organizations with the necessary preservation of state inuence,
as well as state support in various forms.
Changes in the legislation of Ukraine made it possible to achieve certain
shifts in the direction of increasing the level of organizational and academic
autonomy of universities. However, today the level of the components of
organizational autonomy related to the selection of the manager, the criteria
for his candidacy, the removal procedure, the establishment of the term of
oce, as well as the right of the institution to invite persons who are not
its employees to its management bodies, remains low. Regarding academic
autonomy, the lack of rights in the institution to independently determine
admission rules remains a weak point.
It was determined that the target priorities of the regulation of the
development of the higher education system are: regulatory inuences
on higher education institutions, promotion of increasing the level of
investment attractiveness of the higher education system, which needs
greater autonomy for the ability to quickly respond to new challenges caused
by globalization processes, optimization of the use of limited nancial
resources resources, improvement of approaches to: distribution of the
state order for the training of personnel for the national economy; state
funding of research works carried out by institutions of higher education.
It was determined that the target priorities of the regulation of the
development of the higher education system are: regulatory inuences
on higher education institutions, promotion of the level of investment
attractiveness of the higher education system, optimization of the use of
limited nancial resources, improvement of approaches to: distribution of
state orders for the training of personnel for the national economy; state
funding of research works carried out by institutions of higher education.
It has also been proven that in order to ensure modernization changes
in the higher education system, it is necessary to: encourage enterprises to
cooperate with universities in education and scientic research; stimulating
the inow of investment resources from the business sector into the higher
education system; improvement of targeted nancial support tools for
higher education institutions and enterprises developing cooperation with
universities and institutes; implementation of targeted project support
tools, which involves the development of cooperation between higher
education institutions and the business and public sectors.
Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov, Svitlana Filyppova, Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Vitaliy Goletc, Denys
Krylov y Hanna Svinarova
State Regulation of the Higher Education System in the Context of Ensuring the Universities’ Autonomy
This research is carried out with in the frame work of the scientic project
“Introduction of university autonomy in the context of decentralization of
free economic management, democratization of the educational process”
with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (state
registration number 0122U002357).
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 75